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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 17, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 17, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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dern forest is, America's. wood produc 'many, Italy 7" 4| I i l l g. 21 top flight Bomber, st. :ooster R V" Events SICAL CHAIR i (tax included) BR EWE R, 13 Director ' Lay, August 17, 1944. r ,1 11 Birthday I) Hoflors “Li Lu Cleveland and (laugh- ' ' r Nita Barickman, visited Cleveland's first great grand- tel‘. Judy " last week. Carol Haley, Visited Mrs. RlLK 25¢ I NS 825 Franklin Aul'mrn Golden Flake in While there Cleveland's Mrs. Izett. Mrs. Cleve- e home Saturday. Mrs. i Mrs. ‘ ust 16th. I Miss Laura Edwardson of Bel- fair is staying with Gertrude Sul— l >——: WSHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Page 3 Barickman stayed Cleveland’s birthday, livan this week. until the 14th' : when she came home to celebrate , Aug' :Mid-Skokomish Reception At l I by Mary Valley I Mrs. John Eager gave a recep- ThO A111?“ Birthday CIUb hon'ltion Saturday afternoon at her cred Mrs. Ial’ry DOVE 311d MFS- ;home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sholgren TUGSGaY With a Jomt l Jay Needham who were recently birthday Party Many 10V€1y gifts ‘married. A delicious lunch was Were received, inCIUding a COffee'served, also the traditional wed- table for Mrs. Dove, and a lovely 1, ding cake, The happy couple re- bedspread for Mrs. Shelgren. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meyers and small son were guests at the George Collier home Thursday ‘ evening. Eceived many-beautiful gifts. They lwill make their home in Kirk- land, Wash. Mrs. Ted Ferris, of Olympia, spent several days visiting at the Mr. and Mrs. S. E- HESS andinome of her sisters, Mrs. Alvin family 0f Tahuyay recently ViSit' ‘Hulbert and Mrs. Chester Valley. ed Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Clark. Journal Want Ads get Results! ABOUT YOUR mu HEATING PROBLEMS WE OFFER A COMPLETE STOCK OF Wood Heaters Coal Heaters Oil Heaters Kitchen Incinerators Wood Ranges Electric Ranges Automatic Hot Water Tanks *All of above items are sold with certain government restrictions. For complete in- formation see— ‘ ash 123 2nd Street rothers Phone 334 I can Sunday a/ g %. Z, 7/] Mrs. J. F. Hancock of Lewis- ton, Idaho, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Everett ,Fourre. l Mrs. Bill Sallee received word 'that her brother, Lt. Dan Mc- rCaughan was wounded in action IT’S IO THINK I {near France and is in a. hospital in England recuperating. Carol and Bobby Hunter at- tended the Covenant Beach Bible Conference last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lybarger, of Cali- lfornia, parents of Mrs. Ted Rich- :‘ert, are visiting at her home for a couple of weeks. ; Mrs. Irving Larsen and children lJoan and Shirley of Olympia are jvisitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sallee. Mr. Chas. Wilkinson had the misfortune to have his arm brok- en while at work for the Simp- son Logging Co. last Thursday. Douglas Lozier of Tumwater, is visiting his aunts, Mrs. Alvin Hul- bert and Mrs. Chester Valley this . V ‘ week. The community extends its sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Davis and family who recently ,lost their home and furnishings by fire. Several of the Sunday School :pupils are attending the Ameri- , School Union Bible , Conference at Lake Wauna, near ' Gig Harbor, this week. EARLY NEWS BY LOWELL THOMAS 7215 PJM. DON LEE-MUTUAL Standard of California Bring it to the nearest Chevrolet dealer War Service Headquarters for makes of cars and trucks- - His skill, his experience, his leadership in service are your assurance of expert work. , All America knows this—and you can be sure of it, too—{01' your Own judg- ment tells you—MORE PEOPLE GO TO CHEVROLET DEALERS FOR SERVICE THAN TO ANY OTHER DEALER ORGANIZA. BUY MORE BOND SPEED THE VICTORY 1: . n Grove f] e] Choet TION. Get Our "Six-Star Service Special” * "DE-SLUDGE" CAR ENGINE ‘A' TUNE MOTOR ROTATE TIRES * lUBRICATE THROUGHOUT 'A' CHECK STEERING AND WHEEL ALIGNMENT * SERVICE BRAKES, CLUTCH, TRANSMISSION, REAR AXLE Coman Phone 14 Hoodsport Girl Married Aug. 12 Audri Strandwold plighted her troth to Leonard R. Parrott, Sea- man second class of the Shelton Naval Auxiliary Air Station Sat- urday evening at eight o’clock in the Hoodsport Community Church which was beautifully decorated with gladioli occasion. Each pew was marked with a small bouquet of flowers. l Shelton Valley Grange Meeting Shelton Valley, Aug. 15 —- The regular meeting of the Grange W111 be held this Thursday night, August 17. Our Grange was well represented, at the Pomona picnic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutledge re- and ferns for thelturned last week to their home I at Kennewick, Wash., after a visit lhere with his parents, Mr. and Rev. C. A. Pickering performed Mrs‘ E. A_Rut1edge. the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Strandwold of Hoodsport and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Irene M. Par- rott of Flint, Mich. V The charming bride wore a pale yellow crepe suit dress with brown accessories. She carried an orchid corsage with stephon- otis streamers on a white bible. Mrs. Willard Stucki, matron of honor, wore an aqua dress with white gardenia and pink rosebud corsage. The bride’s mother chose a blue and white flowered chiffon dress with talisman rosebud cor- sage. Willard Stucki, seaman second class, was the best man. Mrs. Bur- guss played the wedding marches. flowers decorated the rooms and the reception table was centered with the lovely three-tiered wed- ding cake, topped with the tra- ditional and miniature bride groom. Mrs. Stucki was in charge of the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Parrott are spend- ing their honeymoon on Hood Canal. They plan to make their home in Shelton. The bride grad- uated from the Shelton high school last year. Guests included Mrs. Mabel Nelson, Mr. Richard I and Mrs. Gardner, Mavis Ross, Ray Whe- lan, Dorothea Rucker, Carl Her— kert, Dana Thrasher,‘Donna Jean Castagno, Charles Kimbel, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Mathews, Art Han- sen, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Stucki, Mrs. Helen Mathews, Mrs. Mar- garet Ogden, Miss Jane Bleecker, Gerald Burger, Mrs. A. L. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Millo, Mrs. Josie Lassoie and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith. On Thursday night a miscellan- eous bridal shower was given in honor of Andre Strandwold at the Hoodsport Cafe. Games were played with prizes going to Rule Dickinson, Betty Goodpaster and Molly Morris. Next came the main event, opening of the many beau- tiful and useful gifts, over 40 in all. A lovely supper consisting of Isalad, sandwiches, pickles, tea and coffe was served by the hostesses, Laura Asleson, Rosie Smith and Josie Lassoie. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clark Beall were in Seattle from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dayton and son and daughter Marceliene were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Pagel on Saturday even ning. The dinner was in honor of ,x'Mrs. Dayton’s birthday. i Mr. and Mrs. Blair Barkley spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dickinson. On their return to Seattle, Carol and Rob- .ert Soule returned with them, af— I 'ter spending three weeks with their grandparents. I Mr. and Mrs. H. McClanahan {Were in Seattle last week for a couple of days. Mrs. Herman Ayers and son Dick of Hanford, Wash, were lguests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ayers, Sr., for several days last! week. Mrs. Fred Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. George Alden were Seattle visitors from Tuesday until Thurs- day. _ Something new has been added in the way of entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. 01 K. Linscott gave a potluck picnic pinochle party Fri- day evening. Those attending were Messrs. and Mesdames Howard; Lockwood. Herb Dickinson, George Jacobson, Nick Sceva,I John Neudorfer, _Dave Collins, Mark Ryan, Edward Radtke, Mr. Earl Riebow and the «host and hostess. A large evening was en- joyed 'by those present consist- ing of a picnic supper, cards, music and dancing. Mrs. Glen Lockwood, Joyce and Nancy have returned home after two weeks visiting with Mrs. . Lockwood's mother in Orting and .her sister in Tacoma. Arthur Hill of Bremerton spent the week end with his brother Ralph Hill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lunt of Centralia and Jean Lunt of Vir- ginia Mason Hospital in Seattle were week end guests of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Will Lunt. I Mr. Tom Rule is in the Shelton hospital after undergoing a, hernia operation. Dr. and Mrs. Richter were Mon- day visitors of Mr. and "Mrs. J. H. Nance. Dick and Jack Siegel, who had been visiting them re- turned to Nance’s with theni. Mr. and Mrs. Tiddeman and family of Shelton are visiting with the Rev. and Mrs. McDonald. They are aSSiSting Rev. McDon- ald with his Bible School meet- ings each afternoon and services for everyone each evening at 7:30 o’clock. H H ’William i igoss an friend and also d a boy _ Mrs. T. B. Smith were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilligoss, Sr. The dinner was in celebration of Wil- liam’s birthday on the 15th_ Mrs. Edward Radtke and Jim- my left Sunday morning for Seat- tle where she plans to spend a week. They Will be joined amt] by Mr. Radtke. Barney Kelly is home for a visit after spending two years overseas. He is well known here ’ in Hoodsport. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manley were at Anderson Buttes and Schneider for a week. While they were away Mrs' Helen Swart stayed with Mrs- Manleys mother Mrs. Mary Phillips. l Mrs. R011and Hill has returned to Hoodsport to stay with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ay- ers, Sr. Her husband, Sgt. Ralph R. Hill 15_n9W With a mobile ltraining unlt “1 Tonapah, Nev. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dickinson and daughter Marsha of Olympia were guests of Mrs. M. J. Kilby. A reception followed at‘ thel Strandwold home. Mixed ummer/ Mrs. Dewey Bennett and Mrs. J. A. Cunningham and little daughter Willeen, visited in Shel— ton Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Rice and daughter, Mrs. Dick McGee. Mrs. Frank Gordon of Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Lavender were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nance. Peggy Hagen returned home on Sunday after visiting with Mrs. George Nickels and Mrs. Clyde Woodman of Elma. for several days. Glen Lockwood, Sr., and son Glen, Jr., Marion Robbins and sons Leroy and Leslie left on Sunday for a week's camping trip at Flapjack Lake. Mrs. Ralph Hill was in Che- halis from Tuesday until Thurs- day visiting friends and rleatives. Orpha, who had been visiting there a few days pervious, re- turned home with her mother. Jack Siegel celebrated his 10th birthday on Saturday with a par- ty for 10 of his friends. Jack re- ceived quite a few nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O‘Neill and children spent the week end.with Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert. Mr. O’Neill was called back to Seattle due to the sudden serious illness of his brother. Pfc. Mat Van Laanen is back on furlough after spending two years in Africa and Italy. He is the husband of the former Gloria McKeil Pfc. and Mrs. Van Laan- en and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKeil went to Vaughn on Sunday to see Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Laanen. l was a visitor at Echo Farm one . Saturday evening. evening last week. Mrs. Tom Seljestat of Shelton, :panied her son and daughter-in- was an overnight guest of Mrs“, law, Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland, ,bigne Kneeland at the Highlands‘ Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Bob Evans and daughter. Mary Annette, Mrs. H. M. Wivell, l Mrs. Mell Saeger and Mrs. Don; Saeger from Isabella Valley, Mrs. Chas. Wivell, Mrs. H. A. Winsomg l Mrs. Ned Wivell, Mrs. Dewey Bennett, Mrs. J. A. Cunningham; and Ava and Una Wmsor were] those present at the August meet- I ing of the Home Sewing Club on] Thursday. Mrs. Ned Wivell was1I the recipient of a. miscellaneous shower from the members after refreshments were served. Mrs. Dewey Bennett was a visi- tor in Shelton Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carlson. Annie Healey of Yakima, spent last week here with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rut- ledge. She went to Tacoma Sun- day evening with her aunt, Mrs. Ina Fort, who was up for the week end and went on to Yaki- ma Monday. Mrs. J. A. Cunningham was a. dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westfall at their home in Shelton Sunday. Feryl and Chris Shafer were out from Shelton and spent the week end with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Shafer, drove out for dinner Ugh! Truck Passenger Car l/ Light Tractor Ir IT’S CANNING. YOU’RE PLANNING No-Point, Low-Point Values! 0 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Town House . . 18-oz. Can 13c . . . 24 to Case VPower Plcnl if; Case $3_'|2 VEGETABLE COCKTAIL Case $3.72 Here's Health—L46-oz. Can 310 (5 Pts.) 12 to Case TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn . CHOPPED BEETS or CARROIS Lord Mott . GREEN PEAS Gatdensiae . Donnison’s . Armour": . . GRAPE JAM Amita Brand . . . 2-11). 340 Piece Bacon ............... .. lb. 33¢ Sugar cured . . any size piece (No Pts.) Sliced Bacon .......... .. lb. 42¢ ‘ Hormels, etc. (No Pts.) ; Beef Roast .............. .. lb. 27¢ Acme, “Grain—fed” arm or blade cuts . . 18-oz. Can loo (6 Pts.) 24 to Cale 20-02. Can 2 for 150 . . . 24 to Case . 20-02. Can no (5 Pts.) 24 to Case CHILI CON CARNE . 15 3/4-02. Can 210 . . . 24,170 Case CORNED BEEF HASH mgr LUNCH. LMEAT Case 12-02. Can 310 . . . 24 to Case . . . 12 to Case Safeway Meals! Case $2.40 Case $1.80 $2.64 $5.04 Case Case Case $528 $7.44 Case $4.08 , s SPECIAL SALE PRICE!!! . . . Points per Can Miracle Whip ,, SPECIAL SALE PRICE!!! . Fisher’s Biskit Mix SPECIAL SALE PRICE!!! . Mavis Cola Syrup SPECIAL SALE PRICE!!! . . . Makes 12 Large Glasses!!! Ritz Crackers SPECIAL SALE PRICE!!! . . . America's Favorite Cracker!!! EDLLIIIRD ACUUM-PACKED'IN GLASS Sold on o money-book quorum... Regular or drip grind, lb. NOB HILL COFFEE I-lb. to Eglon, near Point-No-Point, where they spent the week end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and ers. Holmgren. Mrs. Signe Kneeland accom- _..____r. o o 0‘ During these gas-coupon day: your brief rest from war’s activities can be enjoyed at home with a book, your favorite radio program and a glass of refreshing Olympia . . . It’s tbe Water. OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY. OLYMPIA.WASH-.U.S.A. OLYM P] E E R ‘ “It? the Wa ter” On the Air "Gardening For Food” with Cecil Solly ’ 27¢ 39 33,27 Tall . . A Zeslful Flavor!!! . . Shortcut lo Good Baking!!! ¢ ¢ ¢ 12 Oz. EUFFEE CANTALOUPE Ripe ...................................... .. LB. 19¢ Fancy Yakima . . . sweet Tomatoes .... .. 16-lb. crt. 1.49 s Safeway Produce! Tasty Cantaloupe . . . . Fancy ripe, Yakima tomatoes 28c , 4c? i . Beef Short Ribs ...... .. lb. 19¢ No. 1 Potatoes ...... .. lb. 3%¢ i or anket Boiling Beef, Acme Quality Ground rush when you buyl...2-1b.47o Yakima, White Rose, clean, uniform f Sirloin Steak __________ __ 1b, 40¢ I AIRWAY COFFEE I-lb. 20c Peaches ...... -. 29-lb. box 2.89 3 Acme “Grain_fed” . , _ “Good” (13 pm) Brazilian . . . Gonna rresh . . . 3-11». 590 Ripe and firm Hale-Haven peaches Lamb Rib Chops ...... .. lb. 45¢ Sweet 001’“ ----------- -- 6 ears 23¢ . “Good” . (7 Pts_) lam. Yakima Golden Bantam Corn, early crop , Watermelon .......... .. lb. .4 ; Lamb Steak --------- --‘-‘-- lb"- 37¢ Julia. Loo Wright's . . . 1%4‘!» loaf whole California Klondikes, cut 41/2¢¢ Blade or Arm (5 PtS.) Good B P e BPBI‘S .............. .. . I Lamb Roast ........... .. lb. 34¢ F Yakima fancy Bell Peppers, flavorful ! Chuck or Shoulder, square Ollt (4 PICS.) Acme, yreshdqh 53° I Avocados Lamb Stew .............. .. lb. 21¢ ' ¢ Fancy AvocadosTor-tastysalads. Breast . . . . “Good” 5 Veal Roast ______________ __ lb. 35¢ mm. «mm are-tea" lb- Honey Dew Melons Leg or rump cuts “Good” (No Pts.) 0 F 0 Fame . . y, sweet California Wieners .................... .. lb. 37¢ 251 Honey Dews for breakfast Type 2, (No pts.) no“, “name Perfected" "I. I or dinner dessert .............. .. LB. U. 8: I.' SUGAR rlne Granulated . . . Use Stamp: 30, 31, 32, 40 (5-1105. ea.) TOO-lbs. $6.12 Iii-lbs. 620 3.5 1.55 MATOIINAISE QUART Quality Ingredients ¢ and Guaranteed Freshness! ~ NU MADE—Highest NO SALES 1'0 DEALERS! Prices start Friday, August 18, to market changes and stocks on hand. «SAP SALAD DR ESSIIIO DUGHESS—Puro QUART Old-fashioned 1944, subject PISHER’ S BLEND “Elena's Mah friend" “Enriched” White Flour 3.? 1.13 Dressing Combination!