August 17, 1944 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 13; I
' ! August 17. 1944. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Page 7
.___.__1 1.__ __.._1_ ,Mfl‘77 ._ M..- .
Vllidby Island in
I e l‘ii‘s’iii‘iéii‘u .. l r
(‘E OF SF E '.
I . For Rent
I Olympia ' I,
V Want Ads get Results! l I
and the place, of the proposed use is
[cord at the law Office of Chas. R.
011 file in the office of the. State
Lewis. Suite 1. Lulllherilleil's Build- Other orders 01' Payment
3‘13 W
FOR SALE: four Angus cowsr fore the first of the month to
before [ LEGAL PUBLICATIONS : ' r i ‘
i: (Gray S v —
l) CLOSED s .
ERKELEY l ' ' "
, NOTICE TO t‘REDITORS T0 - . . -,
forshm‘ted hm: tofifélabée . v i . —
gisedigi‘f'tow '“BRIEFSbci’ERlzi’i‘sfiiiE’RiloQF in}?
uNE“““l “""‘i3""i
g""“é‘.‘3‘at-Cv‘i’r'di" gal yb eeRog $1924
w'yaif' '
I ., . t - A . . t‘ 'C. i' Vt) J . l'lL“ 'soli of .e
fair, I a e. 01 831* S 91' erg. 0 0X
., i e. TERPUMPS , A . i. .. . ,, , Cl I (IS lEtt F S 1
can“; I ii-i‘ltfi‘"imi‘.“i‘l.é é‘f‘éi. dotte
Av... 8-10-2.3. assl 1e ervwe ea. s a e or a e mew». new“
1“ muSkrat m ' SAIIIIIAIIIhf‘E ligfitgavfil' Dilio osdlale of
; dlI-IliuliIes. ('lljvliipia. WaISlliIligIOIF' flIn TRAILFR FOR
RENT by, th ' “7' I w
qul . . I . . l .I eceaseI. lpii'almli lul‘ a permit o (iver,II ie I
e I I 20 words or less (minimum
wig? 3:11:31 the For Every purpose IIIqunI£§§IIIEPIIIEgg§§
gIIVlidNLthgt i [IlllllJlIlt‘ waters i310 lullnamgdfflstpigag: hour of
dayI Also Stove with IEXPERT IPIIANO TUNING and FOR. SALE. seven room
house, FOR SALE. three. smooth FOX charge) 3 weeks $1IooI 1 week 5“.
lake Washing 33' has 13cm nfipoin'tcd‘axld has qulilil'ilui
To 3.1:?Etli‘n'g5' ,.i,I,'m:IP‘f-),%,,, Ap'ri‘l 15
cons for sa1e, Inquire 884 Fair- recondltlonlng. IPhone 231-W. fireplace,
good condition, gar- Terrier puppies. Females, three
ggweeringaétxfiontsor larger ads and
gafigglégé‘fvesafl {as AdiiIiinisll-ator of the estate of lo
OctobeIrIlI ol‘Ieac-h year Ifor the mont or phone 184.} before 3 p, DaVId
E11150", Plano Tuner- den Space. frmt trees. IOtS 0f months Old- Phone
385M» Render noticés 30 per word.
I4 to January Sarah la. Brown. deceased: aInd that purpose ol Iirrlgation
and continuously mI H_8_10_24-3t 8-17-~1t. flowers. A real buy. $3,000.00.
P8-17—1t. 75‘: minimum charge on each not“);
elusive H Ialldpelr'euns gavmguclamwdagagnst the.10r domestiIc
suppIIIy: that the alppl‘?Xi FRANK NOSWORTHY, Union,
—————————‘——-——- ‘Card of Thanks. $1.00.
I " i , sal recenseI or le sai es ale are ' iiilate poin ol'
ivel'siun IS oca e( I WANT CARP TE _ I . v I’ >
;S;“it¥abee;€isv’{iltle ' Illereby required to serve the salile,
{ within Lot 1 Of Section 17. TOWI)‘ FOR RENT; Partly furnished 4-
IFco’igE’t C L Collins Busing: VVaSh' T919‘ 221 8 17tfn' FOR
SALE' .22 rabblts andl gggglzy Sagesng :ggfiest.dassmed
= .t t fight ram duly verified Willi the necessaryIvou— i Ship 22 N..
Range 2 in room modern home on H0001 ' ' . _ _ 1 hutches. Inquire
Pines Auto Advertisements accepted oyst-
TIm b0 15 1944 i, (hers attached. upon the linderSignedJ/Iason County. A
map showmg the . ’ . . Agent, 1612 D1ViSlon, phone _ Camp storeI
MCC8_17,.__1tI the taephone from phone subscrib_
V962”? da'tes “'1; . Administrator or his Attorney or re- ,
location and plan of said diversion Canal, 3 mlleS from Lilllwaup. 240WI
3_30tnt 020-ACRE THURSTON COUNTY ersI Cash should accompany an
t shall be unl
) shoot fur-be
Apply box W, Journal. around streams. Exceptionally
ing. Shelton. Mason County, Wash-[Supervisor Of Hydraulics. Olympia.
Will lease for a year at low rent stock ranch, 300 cleared. 5 year-
I three years old, $85 each. One save expense of billing. An extra
raccoon ’With :- ' l lington the same being designated as ‘ Washin
ton to ' ' ' 8-10-17‘214- f' h F 't t k i -
_ , . .. . . i . g , gethei With such other 1116 ome. urnl ure S or: , I .
VET, 4nd It shall Ithe place for the transaction of the ! information as is
required by law. , hi S I U. d, phone leglsteTEd Angus bun, $200- ,
ghfirge ‘1): ice e311; PB ade When
00'; or pursue ibusineSs of the said estate and file! Any person firm
or corporation f mac nery' ome a 8' Gunnarson Hatchery Lakebay 1
mg Pefio?Eymo
.i - . . . , . , , , . . _ I . _ I ,
m fbetweenfisseI such claims together Willi proof of! whose right will be
injui'iously Iaifi- FOR RENT'. 2 r°,°m moaem .ur ~ n y thtle
ROCk 3107' T8 171t‘ WaShI 8_17_~_‘1tI
k§001§msi€n A I SPYEI'IiICed witht the IClerk of fly; above i
feIcItIed 1Iby Said aiéplieation In:in LlIlle 11131:th Ngltll Cgeek
Cabéns. . -———_—__—_—_—_—_—-——
.,. | en 1 e cour . wit in six inch lS 21f er W) .2 ie Ila e iipervisor
0' y- one 3, er . m. ne ,
IIAligfithoSEfii the dateIIol' the Il‘Iii-st pliblicalionI oi"
draulics,I IaIt OlyIlllpia,I Washington. mile south on Olympia hny FOR
SALE: 21):; acres, three FOR SALE: 24; foot launch at
i ,I PROI this notlre. tO—Wit. August 10, 1344, such objections Ol
lepiesentatimis. in 10“. mlles south of Shelton on \Vest Mlnerva Park
Hood Canal $325 an
E§n'g““l:fs“r%’arten U or allI sIucIlIi Iclaims nolb so
IfIiled and , WIrtiItIiIng,thas he 353mg dPSlliIFt‘ todntiakef A n. ,
side of Lake Isabella room cash Red seal Continental} mo-
, r scrvet s a )e ’Orever arre . W1 in il‘ty ( ays :1 er a e 0
————————-——-————————— -. . . i . - I
.I . I
168.5%? 823:; Egan , DANIIE‘L W. Mt'LEOD. llast publication, which
date is Aug- TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT in house, large porches, back tor,
marme convergion. Write r ~ “‘ ‘ Mm.
ailic 5following 1 Admm‘mmm' 01' “‘9 “Stat? “St 24'
19% connection. with Goldsborough porch enclosed. Lots of builtins . Roy
Ritter, Selleck, Wash. WANTED to buy: Drag Saw in
Sponsored by Sun. 1I Lunmermenvs Bui1d-;u,is 9th day of AugustI AD. 19%
Apartments. See Herbert G. 1615 oiympic Highway and cooler in kitchen. One
bed- . I8-17—1t. fair Condition. Harry Florck,
1 be unlawful6
c more than ,
seven (7) days
lawful open
(SEAL) Angle, 8-17tf. room down, two up. Fruit cel- _ ., 704 Turner Ave.
HILLCREST lar. New paint. One 2-room cot- FOR SALE: uprlght Plano. $60.
"""vv" ' ' ' "v' ' '
"7" tage, wood house, shed, garage, . J E. Smith. Arcadia and
ing. Shelton, Mason County.
| of- Sarah E. Brown. Dec‘d. “fitness my hand and official seal
Ilelton Eagles
State Supervisor of Hydraulics.
., Attorney for said estate 8-17-24—2t. ' .- '
trapper snail .. e i - ‘ .. ' _,____ _. W d Range Servme, Appliance r
I N I. - n dar , 8-1,-31_3t, I I
Iging and "1.5" "8 orcheStra “‘ii‘éggfiingmm VOTICF
T0 mm)an Repairs aild House Wiring 32$ pug; ,ffiélmfufigephoge
————y——-———————— WANTED: Girl Who WISheS ‘50
‘9 PIOEfIC‘ItB’" g? V . 8-10-17-24-31~4t City Log Sheik,“
desires 10‘ receive . . mus: Partly fenced with woven wire' FOR
SALE: first of June pigs. work for board and room in Se-
;zépsbrotectbr .. Aug. bids on the following item: I , , , Dan mail a er
and milk de: $6 each. Joe Carstairs, Route 1, attle while attending
{OVIDEDI That 3 9 No. 1679 I new heavy-duty dump truck With WILL EXCHANGE
rent for ——————————————-—— I . p p Box 155
ElmaI 8_17_9_7_4tI or couegeI Home convenient to
0 sell any mart . NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO three—yard body and hoist and
dual board to Christian Science cou- liver . School bus to Shelton t d n.v
r .t .t
' d th t on 31°11 60¢ per person PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS rear wheels.
. U - GET YOUR schools. Lovely view of lake and . - 0w“ an u 1 e 51
y' n e
942nth shill be Tax included . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE,- Height of
body from ground to be 1313- Wmte Mrs- W- NObIeS' n t . F t. 1 all FOR
SALE- JerseY'HOIStem COW Mrs. T. 01135. Rowe, c/o Journal
,er'to possess STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR'appI‘OXimalEIY
fifty—six inches. Bidder 1011. WaSh-. 01“ phone 251. Un- WOOD d COAL ,
mom ams'_ 01' Par 1c“ “S and cabinet model battery ra- ‘
Office Shelton 8-10-24-3t
so tagged, . - MASON COUNTY to furnish full description and general ion,
8.17-31_3t, an . on, or write Mrs. George N. am AI MI Carpenter Star RteI
No Limit I to IN PROBATE specifications of truck proposed to be x I
' Stoner, Rt. No. 1, Box 210, 2I 12 miles out Maubck Road ’ I
T FURTHEfgl 1: WliLiRlVI NiféCKNNf Igggeagasdtate or qugalgddproposals for
the, f rnishing WANTED TO RENT: 2‘bedr00m l! Shelton. WaSh-
8-17—31—3t" . '8-17-31—3t. WANTED: Riders t0 Bremertony
Le above .res r l E I HEREBY GI EN lof such a truck will be I'eceiv d b
the house. Permanent tenants. Em- - Leave Shelton 6:10 a-m- Leave
an be plomul I NOT C S V thatI , , .
3 same for (£116 IIhe gndersigiledIIFléViIIlIiIajnihfq. Mgllannd
tcfigyogglclgu‘élf ogghgncyltyélgfksgiltffinéI38 ployee of local oil
company. Joe , . , FOR SALE; fresh vegetameIs, Bremerton 4:45 p.m. Park in
‘ ‘ HIS can {I 01 . . 1143, 3 v - _ _. ‘ I — .. .
313 Irgi’fliac‘ilai as Executoxl'p of the Last Vein and. RM,
’August 174944. at which time, 0311529W' L7 17 24 2t- phone 101.112
FOR SALE: country estate of Pole beans, chard, Cucumbers. I Phone 599.]. S
8 10 24 3t
me Commission: es amen an o 6 es ae o l- ey WI I e I i . . aI , I I acresI
acres ceare I sev_ I II
' T t t a r ti. t t f W‘l lth 11 b publ cly opened nd read I d “I
Shelton Wash 15 5 1 d others coming Dave Getty 1601 ——~—-—-—-—
Journal Times. liam McCannI. deceased: andIthat all .’ aloud. Rl ht is
reserved to I'EJGCt any WANT TO RENT. mo em Iv i 7-27—8_27_1M en room
modern house with West Franklin Shelton WANTED To TRADEI Four-lid
Prosser Recordr‘ , persons having claims Iagalnst the . and all bids.
room cottage With bath Write. I d b] l b_ I d m 8_17_31_3tI .
ally World, Pgr ieIaid deceased or the said fIsItate are Dated 131s I3th
1vEIaCyA fifpfigflft. 1944. Allen MI strineI Camp-Iain,“ , 011 e Phum
mg. Ogshed gal-rd cookstove to eXchange for east
fiewséhyoi’i‘gf’gv I. dglgbyvgfglgdedwtfih will: nicessasgl-ey
City Clerk. or-lphone. State. price 61‘ Write S 2335111 6 b23121 FOR
SALE: 3’year 01d horse and Iron WOOd beaten “7' N- Lee.
1%; News' Nt VpuméerE attatched’ “11:9” fillem‘gffigi
8'10'17’2t Granger. Wash. BOX. 133- S‘, DISH MASSAGE . pum‘p
house (504,; Well wit}; 11-year old mare. Will work Rome 2. BOX 223-
e , Signe xecu or or is 0 ‘. —-—'——"- .. - ' ‘ . .
' '
l, egggleioy IE : record atd the addrgzssfas lleret’inbetlfiiwi N0 N0.
1604 INAL . 83 17 3t" 3_hIpI motor; an acre 1n F11_ gggbégt gag: I
irant Couny gum. an ie sup calms. oge eri TICE OF HEARING ON F - . , .
hrubber flo - ‘ ' '
untesano VideIItI and Wlth proof oi serince. Wlth tlle ClerkI REPORT AND
PETITION FOR BUSINESS WOMAN des‘res mOd Monday—Kate Cruson’s place on
Egt‘s’aégts 5;; treesy’ lawv; 2, Box 55. 8-17-31—3t- SAWMILL
seatig‘ak $132536. ’1 Slit}:
trilgntllzolleftefintthtéegatgogltfthglggl IN THE OF THE Arcadia
Road‘ large gold fish p001. Sp’rinkling’ 18 N SPEED BOAT and’
‘ally News' 5 gubhcingnd gg44this nl‘ft‘ce', tofg‘i’g‘i
fiil‘éTE OF WASHINGTON FOR " 262I V8_17_31_3tI Tuesday and
Friday—320 N. 5th. system; partial basement and for saleI 70 hIpI motorI
lllelill' Rglific’ate a ' nOltg served and Oflieli sisigillbfa
forS ON 01on ITTIEIOBATF Thursday 9 p m—320 N 5th W0°d furnace’
hlghway front‘ painted Tip top shape Best
eIis ye - H d I ' , i ' ' ' ' . ~’ . ' ‘ .
' We need 30 men and
Tribune, Mano!1 Just Insta e a e\ er barred. In the Matter 01 the Estate of
JOHN CARD. 0F THANKS age. flve mlles 5'0ch 0f Shel' '~ cash
offer, H, E, Miles care Da- .
Mon), Qkanog I_ Di” Vulcanize, for WILLIAM F. McCANN. ,B. JOHNSON.
Deceased. We Wish to express our heart. ‘WedneSday and Sunday jig”;
ton. Must be seen to be appre- ‘ viscourt Bakery Shelt'onI Women at
once in essen-
url‘. Bend ' H k w‘fiqutor ling the (finite 3f GNOTICéE SIS
thfiEBY EIYEN fti‘fi‘t felt gratitude for the sympathy noon and
every. evenmg S 0 ciated To be sold below actual ’ 10 17 2t tlal
1ndustr¥~ Apply at
l . uai , l lam 0 arm. ecease , eorge . mi , minis ra o e .-’ . l '
' , ' ; - . - ,
taillcgirgfint VEST,“ q . y wor gth 21361 IMayt Streets. Shel- Estatflog
Jotlhn IE. giihiIiIsonf. IglIgceabsed.,kindness and assistance, also the
kom‘Sh reservatlon \57alue,ssomeMterIElS, 2%ianIII‘ffEat
__________.________, glans Iéligll‘ogz-
nia Coun , on. as ing on. v, as ie wi e er 0 e a ove " ' v. . . t
' ‘ 1 1 r '
girélington Timesr °n Battery Serv1ce CHAS. R. LEWIS, {entitled court.
his final report and l beagtlflu fggrall offelgmgsr 2:33:23 A. F. OPPELT
RZ‘altoreephone 157 or 183v? Fol-i SALE Palévbrown flhtgaficoel‘ I
(Spokane), The a«Shing and Polishing Attorney for said estate. ipetition
for distribution asking the us “ring e 055 0 0“ 8-17—9-7—1M SImg
Pumps~ 0m ony W1 , ,
(Colviue), , Silite 1. Lumbermen’s Building, court to settle and approve
said final one. ‘ Shelton. Wash- Size 7%. $5.00, cost $6.95. In- Slmpson
Logglng Co,
walla Waua Shelton. Mason County, Washington. report, distribute the
property to the Mrs_ Effie Burnett, Mn and . quire JournaL Pg_10-tfr . . .
keenly i “IO-“Ht- iimlsuaeaii nitride t° d‘S' Mrs M Burnett. Mr
and mu. 1. a... y... - — —‘ —~——‘ Reed. M111 DWISIOH
e a i . ar 1 . ' . WW“
ssue. . s No, 1631 NOgTICE IS FURTHERIGIVEN that Mrs. Ray Moore, Mr. and
pains of stomach Ulcers, Indi- FOR SALE, farm home wier FOR SALE.
Cookstove. burns ~
,eattle, Washln NOTICE TO CREDITORS To said final report and petition
fol" dls- MrSI Willis BurnettI Cpl. and gestion HeartburnI BelchingI
90 acres 'dail mail or; creani either WOOd or coal. $15.00.I L.
Ingust, 1944. MM pRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS tributlon Will be heard on
Saturday, Mrs John Burnett Arnold BI III I Nausea Gas Pains .. , y , I WI
Bonner, Phone 254I UnlonI
,, GAME go I , 629 Ame,- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE the 9th day of
September, 1944, at the B ‘ tt i 0a 1118‘. r ,v route, trout stream.
Three cows, 8.10.24-31; WANTED. ta d k I
i‘fié”.§§.%°.§o§.°i‘£ billiards i: get free sample, Udga:
at Fir 2 hogs. loo chickens, 1 _..___————._-— B' iy ei
'a- “‘
i'i 1'3. iscnningt MASON Cm pROBATE Shelton, Washington. Drug
Store~ 5'18—8‘24"‘15t- plow and cultivator. Three FOR SALE:
9 hp heavy duty gums 0" ’c'o °g§§_197__‘§i-
l. nggsgn , In thaw LgflmteBy-AGiAhfiDIEEtRate Dof Dated tgisAEfiSé
t§§Gtngglé§IUSt 1944- .I ,
“‘“——”—“"—"‘“"— glilesh West 03
Mitlock. Trade Johnson Outboard, excellent '
t- I I, WILLIA . , e- v ‘v k or ouse an o in or near condition. 3 blade
ro ellor, _ .
Rgofl‘fig’ngak (SEAL) Shelton. Fred Ferris, Sr., Rt. $150. New
price was $2301.) Will WgIETEhgawoga£;rh%fletofi:r€
it Game. i I, I the undersignedI Elizabetthd Bauggafim
Sgggegsgatéhfldmg Computed for Oakland Bay 1, Box 147, Elma, Vgalsghs t.
I take smaller motor as part pay- time only aphone 465W.“ I;
e , i been appoin e an as a A -. - ~— . . . . . '. ‘
Hugiméfis as Administratrix of the es— 5118110“. Mason Counth
WaShmgmn- (3°? ggnt‘gigldtg aergrfigffom C __W______,_.__.:__3_
Iggfigo snelg'g Agmairc c‘évfildfgj quire evenings at 619
l Ortioned COT- ‘tate 0t William F" figaumgardmfi" de‘
——————-——-—-———8-10-17-24-31_4t' a FOR
SALE' six room modern ivofin'd Elan: pardenleW $10 8-347—4”;
. 1 gfgi‘lflgigggiirisléhglhea sfifierfd‘é‘éiaselffig! No
1626 I Low 12:51 aImI 6I0 ftI house, fireplace, oil heat, elec- See or:
write B_ selliott" Bell W—ANT'_ED' "I 12 x 12 wool m
. I y and proper” lgesesrzl'le tfi: ifmgreduigrivel’iffiguéfih
NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL $Thurs_ High 5:53 a.m. 12.2 It. - , trlc hot
water heater, electric fair, Wash. 8-10-24-3t dining m'wm Sét and
I’ . the necessary vouchers attached, upon REPORT AND PETITION FOR I 17
Low 12:48 .111, -O.7 ft. Sthei arteSIan well. walker 5'—
—"_— . u
l I TION Aug P t W t B A -0 Journal
lxed ives ou the undersigned Administratrix or her IN THE §PE§¥5BUCOURT
0F, THF h 8.00 m 138 ft , ‘ Park, Phone 332R_ FOR SALE: 100 geese, 125
lay- e i 1‘1 8 0X 0 I
' g y fit‘el‘ngy, 0‘ 123-0001}? agnghe gimp/555,5, ‘STATES OF
WASHINGTON FOR g ‘ p' ' ' ‘ Phone 499 ss-17-31~3t. ing
hens, 250 31/2-m0nth oldi Shelton 7433“-
‘ ’ EI'C'lYl OW 1V . —'
'1‘ ._ claims in ether with proof of service! MASON COUNTY Low 1:30
am. 5.6 ft. ———————'— Punetsz 25° fryersi 150
9"”981.‘ n kitchen hel
‘ER 7: 1 *r ' I with the Igclerk‘ Of the above entitled m the
Matt]: Eg‘g’gA'fjfmte of EVI FriI High 7 6-I'37-aII'nI 122
ftI ‘ - 5-300M HOUSE and lots on old chickens, year-old breedmI g A1321;
Hotel Shem):
I court, Within,I5ix months after the BRETT FREDSONI DeceasedI 18 L 124
ImI _0I5 ftI MtI View for saleI See Eva M, roosters, all New Hampshire
Coff- ‘Sh 5II4tfn
. date of the first publication of this Aug. 0W p ee op. .
N mace, mum, August 3, 1944, 0.. an NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN,that High 8.28
pm 139 ft L . Hall at Getty‘s Restaurant or Red stock. All or any
part._R.t- __.____.___._______
'WASHINGTO .,' such claims not so served and
filecl’Jlfianlliette F2110ttegmgtt't Exectmrl’a 01f, awnmowers
Harry Hall, 838 6th Street, 1. box 220- F- E~ Grlfflths! WANT TO BUY: old
horses for
SECRETARY OF shall be forever barred. t 6. ast W1 an es an’len an 0 d
Bremerton Wash 8-10-24—3t Phone 8-10-242'3t f d Phone 391J or
ELIZABETH BAUMGARDNER, I259 “figtfiifidefigfitttfiregegfk $093: Low
2:06 am. 5.2 ft. an nlves . Andy figxisw P O Box 223
8th and Cota Streets, Shelton. ' . . sat Hj h 7:17 am, 122 ft,
—’—“‘_’—"'_"—‘_— . ' _' ! - - -
. , - - - above entitled court her final report g . . . FOR SALE, Full e ul
ed foun _.
he .ITOInt Resot1 . ggsgé?§?n6f a and petition for distribution, asking
Aug. 19 LOW 1:59 p.m. -0.2 ft. FOR dSAblg- 5.120223 onhfkllfsgm tam lunch
Wm}: egcerfiint 100a- l'ltfn'
Ire is hIeretb); I gardnerEvIagtéeased. %?:alcollfer$0;€
Sdeigttlfibirtlg riggnggl, I ngh 8555 P'm- 13-9 ft" rs Sho
magi“ hogs“; lginisfit tion. For particulars see Her-
£23”: ‘iol’loi DUCTS CO. fifiéfiieyl‘gfgaia .ld.
3,3,gage:riggssgegrgtgegfiged and to Low 2.41 am 47 f. eys- er p ed
upstairs. Large' chicken Used Cars
‘ enth St. Brid e Sulte 1' “m “me” “1 1955' NOTICE IS
FURTHER GIVEN that - I ' ' ' . ~ house. brooder house With
yards. '
Iate Shall cause thg I g Shelton, Mason County,8_¥1363-111I171:12g4t33_t
said final report and petition for dis- Sun. 0 a.m. Frgniigfm.
garage and woodshed. About mpfiood
amendment to ,. “tribution will be heard on Saturday. Aug- 2 PW - p-m- .
Mrs. Martha Jaco s n. leared Berries a es c n i l . . one
ree (3) months” the 9th day of September. 1944, at High 9,:20 p,m. 13.8
ft. acres IC Ir gr P 209. M8-3-17—3t. FOR SALE: 1983 11/2 ton Chev-
n,hin a weeklsgp: WMMONQ 1:83 4%,138LICAT10N IthetIiIiour oftlo o’clock
the fotreIIIloon. ._ ~ and. Hum trees- EleCtl‘lC water
v—m—————— — rolet truck. See Hal Olstead.
ew . i l . e l , - 1
:llteltIleastgte. , I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 3‘, may $33,330“?
“0‘” 0”“ Low 3:15 a.m. 4.2 ft. _ system- TirmSSI-I {i F.
gig-38:1,} ZRII F051 Sele- brood Sgw. 3%: 8-10-24-3t
{we January 28. . STATE OF WASHINGTON FORl Dated this 5th day of August,
1944. Mon. High 8:37 a.m. 12.1 ft. FLOOR SANDER 3. Box 14 . e on- -I 0 eW
Hamps Ire P11 e s. I
EDWARD J. . MASON COUNTY . CLARE ENGELSEN, Aug 21 Low 3-06 pm 08 ft ‘
Reasonable. O. J. Archambault, FOR SALE: 1 /2 ton Chevrolet
Speaker of ti" ' 0 M E JACK D. FRY, Plaintiff, County Clerk (SEAL)
‘ . ‘ ' ' EDGER FOR SALE' 8-room house 1 acre Route 3 Box
166. truck with good stake body, all
,I M ‘18 19“ VS- CHAS- R- LEWIS. High 9'44 p‘m' 13'7
ft' ' d f. ’t trees berr‘ Ca- ’ 8-3-17—3t in ood condition
Ted Raush-
enae arc H.) a I t- NANCY JEAN FRY, Defendant. Attorney for said estate,
—-—— H groun .I ml 165- g '
vicron AW . STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE Suite 1, Lumbermen's Biulding,
Low 3.51 am 37 ft By Day 01‘ 0111‘ l pitol Hill, 311 Cookson street.
—~——————————,—— ert, Grapev1ew. 8-17-31—3t.
male"; 0fwe" O S iii}? NANCY JEAN FRY' DEFEND-i Shem"
Mam 0°“nt‘z’4‘1ovlisil’iitfli’i Tues High 9121 am 119 ft. J L
C A 0 Call '436R. B8-10-24-3t. FOR SALE: 1939 HarleydDavxdr
>fiice oft e 50 3 ~ ~ '. ' ' ' ’I"Il son
motorcycle and si e car : ev. coupe.
Y h ab d to ap- _________ - o . . i .
3' ‘ D6511?“villiinelsixliymlgglmntfays after Aug. 22 IIIJIO‘K
133(2) Pg“ HARDWARE ,FOR SALE: 10 acres With good outfit. Also parts.
Cash, $700. Phone 292. First and Cota.
——"’ date of thetfirsItt puinfiaItloIrIIngIf NOTICIi] OAF
CIXIIIIios‘IERvICE . g p' ' ‘ ‘ v * ‘ garden spot, 4 room
modern M. L. Kolmorgan, Route 3, Box D8-17—1t.
i ‘v . lS summons, O-Wl. W1 x MIN ——— I . . . . . _.
[NT RESOLUTI , Venlent Terms (60) days after the 17th day of Aug- THE CITY
OF SHELTON to all Low 4:29 a.m. 3.2 ft. wwwva cabm' flreplace’ Mani;
dehmken 183A' 3'17 '3'“ Wvavvm
d by the Senaw’gg ‘ ust. 1944, and defend the aboveI-en- persons to
whom these presents may W d Hi h 10.09 am 116 ft house, garage,IW00 S e .
$1250 fi—fl d ,
We, of the state , titled action in the above—entitled come: GREETINGS; e
. g I . . . . d Terms. 71/2 miles out Matlock R IALDER and Maple slab an
in! Session A5592, a; court, and answer the complaint of! YOU WILL PLEASE
TAKE N0. .Aug. 23 LOW -4.19 p.m. 2.6 ft. I I p I Road Phone 14F34 James
Han_ edgmgs. 16" length. $10 dump ~. .
general election . .. nable Rates the plaintiff, and serve a CORY 0f TICE
that an examination for eligibil- High 10:37 p.m..13.2 ft. W I . I cord
load 8-ft slab $500 cord
eTuesday nexti‘v ‘* your answer uponI the underSIgned ity for the
position of police patrol- '* ’ ' " ' " ’r 2
Ion. 8'3‘17-313 ' ' ' .
nNovembeIr. 19 2 attorney at his Officerelow stated; man of the City of
Shelton will be N INDING 11 chain. on Ithe ground. Write F. M.
fggzp‘ltllgll‘figgd 23mg in ctase ygur $213122: dso agoaingt' ESP
EgghetCoulIlqcéilwghamberI: of we No ‘1630 Aon 01:? fa ,
cpppigla'mckbok ‘ Nagle’ R- 1. BOX 116. Shelton-
! ' . ' Ju gmen WI 9 l y e‘ o’c 0c ' e ' , C . ,, . . .
“name” “KIWI?! ,' You according to the demand (pf the i evening
ofaTuéEday the 22nd (:2), of NOTICE ogvggTTLEMENT 01' key please
fiive at Journal anal. 7 3—9'6f‘2M F.
“he Statets’nww: complaint, which has been file With August, 1944 A. D,
and that all per- FINAL ACC Dlsmnggg PETITION b ded H8434? at
———————N , . .
Iadnewfself 3’s: . the clerk of said court. th d f d sons desiring to
take said examination FOB UPERIOR TION' e rewar ' ‘ '
Beautiful 5-room. Year- PERMA EN* WAVE. 59¢~ D0 LIQensed PUhhc Accountant
in? (fumed bi . ‘ . That plaintiff is suing 6 each _- shall then and
there beIpresem IN THE SFON IN COURT OF . . ., , ground waterfront home
your own Permanent with Notary pubfic
.a. iiiin‘éefeesgf ” County Savmgs ant 1f,“ divorce “19°” the
3”“ 5 0f You are furthfir deemed that tall! -§‘{,‘},SI{CI§€NTY
AND FOR MA' LOST: red female Cocker spaniel. in A ate bistrict. Base-
Charm-Kurd. Kit. Complete
excise taxes cfieI I, I I crue y. PHIL KI EATONI .ggfgogiaxlilgatsig:
shIfIsIlrenaIge talkeVWIEI III the Matter of the Estate of answers to name
“Rusty” Re- . furnace lovely equipment, including 40 curlers r325
Railroad Ave. Phone 115
"We 9mm“ 59“ Assocmtion " e for Plaintiff. it - . _ THOMAS M.
MUSGROVE. Deceased. 1 8.1 ft . 6 .m me“ i I ’ h .
m. vehmle fuel a; . Attorn , dd on application on formsI to. be pro , . b .
Ward. Phone 3 aI e!‘ P . be h 10 acres cleared and S ampoo- Easy to do:
intended to be as", Office and Post Office A “55- ’Vlded by the
Civil Seerce Commis- Notlce IS 119” Swen that Gladys K&.17-31—3t.
3‘? . lutely harmless Pr ised b .
than be paid l2} ‘ insul-ance am 501 Security Building sion. The forms
may be obtained M- MUS P’OVev ‘ fidmmmtmu‘lx 0f the Fruit, berries
and creek. d ~ '. ' ~~ a‘ y ' '
)laced in a spa“ i l ’ 9' Olympia. Washington. 14 21 lfrom the
Chief Examiner or frOm the estate- 0 Than“; musgl‘o‘lev de‘ H
' Also other waterfront thousgan 5 111C111. .115, Fay MC‘ '
“"il’iilhllwév 847'24—31—9—7- ISL '
C'it’c’i will" fill] airline??? Emu“ be
ifii‘segmit‘derffntim' rigid gifiianifig FOUND: ladies While
30” “ms” homes ‘ ' ' Ken”! glam°r°us m°Vie 3““ ‘
0598 S a 3 £19 Wi. ‘91 91” e ‘9 imminer ’- L i . at ' Mone
refunded if not 5 tisfied
’ ' N- 1559 - l k r the Sn nor Cou f the WatCh bezel and “YEW y a .
72:23.: operatini'vil“ 1 NOTICE OF lIEABING FINAL Slalotc‘if
igltghecgfilérngggorgf filfinéfg. l Ego °oi W93.gengtcn lei-t oMason
Shelton Valley Grange Hall. Shick nd Gem. e Fir Drug Store. 6-1~9-7—15t.
enses coInnecye‘l‘1 , REPORT AND PETITIION FOR the let day of August,
1944 A_ D_ An County, her Ignatl accoun and peIti- OWner identify and pay
for ad, . I34. . , . g Northwestern Life Insurance
of public hm I DISTRIBUTIgRT OF THE applications must be subscribed and
Iion for dlslal‘ltfi 103 as s eh admin— Inquire Journ a1 .~ I
8_17__1tI 124 NI Flrst Phone 46 . Agent
streets;I r ‘ -IN THE SUPERIOR CO GTON F sworn to before an officer
author- istratrix. an e SUFtIlsIasked t0 v' v ' “
=onsttuctwnvd be , . STATE OF WASHIN ORlized to administer oaths. settle
the same an distributeIthe I Accident and Health Insurance
yfiepc‘flégtfioadh ‘. ’ MASON CPNUNIg¥IBATE Dated this the 3rd
day of August. ggfggy agfilarggrsg'l‘: $511123? FOUND: ladies
skirt. owner FOR SALE: 10 acres with good1 ' 71,123 Railroad Ave. Phone
lending the “if: " : v In the Matter of the Estate of 1944 A‘
DCIVIL SERVICE COMMIS- ministr’atrix, and that Saturday, the ‘dentify
and Pay for ad- In' ‘ garden spot, 4 room modern D1. d h tau 1 ‘
“‘3“-°‘ “glit’op .3 4 EMANUEL PROUZA. Deceased- SIGN OF THE
cm: 0F 19th da of August. 1944. at the hour quire Knebel Oil ComW-, .
cabin, fireplace, barn, chicken ‘3 We. 6 “3"”. ere °" 4 6
mfiuw‘” ngiTIngtI-S Hfigfifistfigfliti‘fi SHEIETglfiAKE g,
10: ,5 figfifigggfirtge 0,0115; ‘8-17—1t. muse, garage woodshed,
$1250 Shelton city limits. Two coil-d a I .
, . . iSiers, gm , , omo ~ our. " i “
’illrli’dhglzglind estate of Emanuel Prouza. deceased. Chairman the
City Of Shelton. Caunty of Ma- load: s; lie: cor: up accgrd' C.-
ch are a pa! . . . , . . , , , . ing 0 is nce. cave 0,1: era. , ,
tr? ,- entitled court his “Pal “DC?” and i _ WRIGHT, been fixed by
order or Sald Su er- H 1- _ _ __ . 1. ~. .. . ATTORNEY AT LAW
3315353115“? ' Petite“ f°r distribumn’ufsk‘l‘g the '
gigglifig'cgef Examiner- W. 00"“ duly enter-ed i“ the
8'30” “:1 139211.11); eL 33 1°“ 8 3 17 at at Shelton Twister
ism... otweblar . . court t9 approve and Se ‘2 S“ m'
8-3-10-17—3t- entitled mime the settlement 9 . u“ ‘ "a d T 7-
7 f ' i' M Transfer) Title “sum-“C? Building
vision thereof: a ‘ : port, distribute the_ properér to the ofIsaid
FI‘iIIlal Acccunt and hearing on 11111: Drive. ently nee e . FOR SALE.
modern . 'r00m ( ormery organs I , g opposite Firs‘ National Bank
35 described "'0: ". Persons theretP ent‘tl-ed-‘tant to
dls‘ said Petition for Distribution. when Finder please notify Frank Sal-
house on Beverly Heights. ‘E1- or phone ,,
3‘” pledged p' v in Chemothega‘i‘uaibb‘i? 313% that Maghuons
To “‘53. net: “my filial Titifirei’iti‘éd hi3 mi at Mobil Gas
Station on ecu‘ic hot water heater, fire- Phone 23 .. Shelton
13 ac : v . , 531 . . . , . .
s authorized ‘1’” . H MEATS said, final report and Petltlons for dis-
PllngsIECN‘TTXND FILE CLAIMS or herI‘IflJIGCtlon ln‘wrlting to the
First Street. I,Cs-17-24—~2t. place, Wired for electric stove. _________
‘vehwle “91550” tribution Will be heard on aturdav. IN THE SUPERIOR
COURT OF THE said Final Account and Petition for Ed Michael, phone 556w,
tof collection . . 6th da of September. 1944. at Distribution. and contest
the ame. . 4 FOR SALE
. . , , . the 1 y , STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR s Lo T. A 8-3.17.31;
“5 “0‘1"” t'on ’ty ‘ the hour 01 10 oclock {n the
fore-i MASON COUNTY . WITNESS the Hon- 13- F. WRIGHT. s on Monday.
evegmg.’ “3‘ . . ‘ . - i . .
,1“? 3h“ fgntaft . noon, in the court “0.1%. mtthe court] In PROBATE
Judge of 0W“ said Superior Court. ust 14th, on state highway in W j * * .
l2: greefiises a house in ISnelton. Wagflxfigoélét 1 I In the Matter of
the Estate ofiand the sealzz cg 321d Court hereto Skokomish valleyI one
survey- I-IIOOD CANAL WATERFRONT. 6_room modern home with 200
Ihway “waif; I; Q“. FOODS AT (Sigitfi? thls 12th day . 944. Rilgnping
IESROIMEA‘IEIgiz I this , n , y or July, 1944. o-r.s
line rod about 7 teen Long fine mountain View lot near feet of waterfront
on Pickering
35302631550! v55 "E CLARE ENGELSEN' the Ogncljersigned has been
appointead CLARE ENGELSEN. Made‘ of 372' inch ' i e with
AlderbrOOk 0” H°°d Canal Per' Pass. Fine view of Mt. Rainier
Licensed. Embalmcrs
lieu of “props” ., 81- meES County Clerk, Mason County, and has
qualified as Administrator, CQiénté Clerk and Clerk of square Steel
.point w e1 ed into- fect sandy beach. 110 ft. of and the water_ Nice
spring and I A I
r certificates “f , H0 CH S RWiSIEIIIIIIIgSOH' de bonis non of the
estate of Richard! 53‘ “Pengfmgygtio 17—“ HI Also 1 Jacob staff
about 4 waterfront and tide lands. Wa- plenty of wood timberI Also fine
' 18- Wlmierv Prop-
;3, Resolve, :3, . ODSPORT Sufi, '1 numberirégiggtfugggggingmn
.Eggffifi‘ifiin‘gciiifigé i'é‘lutiggttilg ggid ' feet, 4
inches m with brass 12:: Iglfgrgfiggnvgfi garden and farming tract Pr”
Phon. e 0 Shelton, Wash.
iIiIigeputthgsI'Ifecg l. Shelton, Mason 8_1;]_24_31_9_7_4-tI v estate
and the said deceased are here- No_ 1639 mounting on top steel P911112 i I
g ’ 8131,11): ed at $6500;I I. I. I
' very I ~ FILE GLAIMS sha ' “ l and has. 5 v-,. . - r ' s
all liv-
tsildiimow” nuance. await: 3:36am: m m summon com OF THE
eral’eiifkfiéli: in u. uni... EOE SALE- Hood Canal Pm?-
4°.ti.ei..3§.‘:§‘.‘é middling... 20 . ELLIOT B. SPRING
, , WA '
,Attorney of record at the addresses MAsoN COUNTYSHINGTON FOR , please
return to WI -OI WatsonI erty Partly furmShed house.
I, 8.
{ouseMarc J acres cleared. Also some mer-
E Ago 3y! here'nbelow given. and file such . fine marine and mountain
view. . A
“ spill... 0‘19”. ,clamlls together with proof of service
figtt;RO?ATE) Sunset Beach, Union, Wash., Price $1600 Frank Nosworthy
charitable timber, plenty of “Punting I Tax Services
Mate March 8. ,. . twith the Clerk of the above entitled In thfiIIH M
LYIQI the Estate of Star Route 1, Box 540, or send U - T 1 221 7 13“ ’
wood. Located about 7 miles Bookkeeping Systems
A -' court, within six months after date JEREM ’ CH. Deceased. 11-
dd' ‘ ‘h ‘ b u_ 111.011. 11- eo n- * ' f' h It 'P - d
among»: 0, the first pubncation of this notice, NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN,
That IS 6! ress 80 t _ey can. 9 ea c ~———~———~————-
swmea’st S e °n' 1"“ a 123 4th St. Phone 565
Prefi'de" rev” to-wit: August 3. 1944, or all such Letters
Testameltary on the Estate ed for andvhe Will receive $5.00 FOR, SALE:
Hillcrest lot 50x125, $2,000 terms or $1850 cash.-
3fi~lce of the 5“:
of Jeremiah Mi LynCh. deceased. r . -‘ __ .
were granted to the undersigned. on eward‘ 8 1-7 1t
claims not so served and filed shall
‘ the 15th day of, December,I 1943, by
East; off Cascade on corner “’ "‘
be forever barred. Mason St. Cheap. Mrs. Ann 20 acres of land on the bay
the said Superior Court. LOST: black billfold, Containing
Fredson, 8051 N. E. Sandy, Gated about 11 miles East of
01" ‘
F WASHINGT f i Administrator de bonis non
f0 . . l . .
l I‘ . . v-
axt preceding film Egrilgtiegénrggtfp sgge :gccgsggmsIIOg‘c‘gI NOTICE
TO CREDITORS To on lower end, stick is octaan
~ ~ c . 7 miles out Matlock
* ‘ has filed with the Clerk of the above Attest: son, and State of
Washington. has LOST: autombilie. dwiveshaft and. Road, Phone 14F34. James
caitatgagngicfifitiinIrId- 88$“ gggignS-mgavirggugggmsmagggpgg valuable
personal papers and .Portland, Oregon. I Shelton by road, 5 miles by wa-
I TH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHEL %:.;.I.I,Ingtg% . p. them wit? gecestsary
vouchers up_ currency. Finder may keep 7-6—9-6—2M fier. Isand is
unimproved but T G
3 St te 0 v . , . 1011A , LEWIS,‘ me a ,0!" House, 01 mpia. money,
return: rest to Journa. as een ogge years ago. E E .I
ins: full; , “ Ffielght Should be muted “3 St“ Ind‘avm’ Ferry
33:11: *‘tlorsnenyor Said Administratorv $ashlngt°ng If“? m mommy
after ' . H8-17—«1t. Would make a good tract of . ANGLE ‘
House JointitsI I i relght via StrI Skookum ChiefI Milwaukee Exite 1,
Lumbermen's BletIi,g.I.I_ t gage: tows“ 135thli§1blloatlolgltgg
CARI) OF THANKS land to have as investment for
ashingtona 01“” T No- 2 mo“ Mas” COW“ as "‘g m s ' ‘
' 51" m° I.W°u‘d like to take this OPPOI" future or
present use. $900. om
lid Joint ,, 3 me the same w h the clerk of this tumty to thank all the
voters termsI 03-“ Angle Building
969*, Time Schedule as follows: . s Courte togithgflefltghafiroof off
sucn .May we extend. in this way Iour who supported me in the recent in a.
a: '
3f Washingto , vefi Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for
WfigflgAgEtélsgflingS June :ZrIIIIlIlefidI. be oreve Sincere appreciation
for the kind- primary campaign. I Sincerely Also lots and unimproved tracts
- . -v i 27th d ‘
. 8-3 10 17 24—41;. after the a of July. 1944. and CARD 0F THANKS
Dated at Olympia. Wash., this 19th “955%, sympathies and beautiful
appreciate their confidence in me in and near Shelton These
Olympia and Shelton Gm . , fl . . .
. . y San Francisco, Harold day of July, 19 4. I oral pieces offered us
during even though I was absent the ~
II F REEvfls. CATI‘IVBS Shelton daily. except Raymond and Kathryn
Smith, Efigfié {If IZKNCH, f our bereavement of our beloved l 121le
month of the campaign. I gigfifizgessitgulfomatlfi itgllirfit LES R.
I i of LARENCE CARLANDER. PreSIde" Shelton; Roy L. Byers, Hoodsport
Jeremiah MI iyfgfiate D; son and brother, Lt. James J. i also wish to
thank, my friends for tum. Investigate them my ' ATTORNEY- AT LAW
SECTGWV r , , and Nellie Shorter, Shelton; Hugh . ceased- r' ,
Rutledge. who gave his life in their efforts in my behalf. ~,, ,, ,, .- r
LINES Phillips’ Daytm‘a Beam Fla" and LEVE ulci’Hgm’
“mm” ' the Service 01" his countrx- ‘ Pvt Evérett 19-
Fourre. HERBER" C. ANGLE sum 1’ L'M'Bldg'
, Eugenia. Homil, Johnson City, 31° °- Washin to Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Rutledge Co. (3, 14th 131;. 14c Trg, . ' ' Shelton W
. oiymina. n. . . Phone 304 Angle Bldg. . ashlnzton
Tenn- 7-27—873-10-17—46- and famIIY- . -Rgt., Fort McClellan , Ala.