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August 18, 2011 |
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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Mason County Assessor Melody Peterson plans to implement annual
revaluations for property in Mason County in. 2012.
Assessor to implement
annual revaluations in 2012
All three candidates for Mason County
Assessor in 2010 campaigned to imple-
ment annual revaluations on home val-
ues, rather than the four-year schedule
currently used by the county.
After taking office in January, Mason
County Assessor Melody Peterson imme-
diately began work to implement the plan.
"It's a state mandate that by 2014 we
have to be on annual revaluations," she
said. "The state decided that*hat was the
best thing to d~,~
The last time the assessor's office deter-
mined property values in Mason County
was in 2008, before the effects of the glob-
al recession were fully known.
The new annual revaluation schedule
would make housing values more accu-
iately reflect the market and economic
"We'll probably
change it a little bit
each year until we
get a system that
works for us"
staffed and funded through the process.
"It is imperative that your office be ade-
quately funded and appropriately staffed.
If it lacks the resources to systematically
revalue property and add new construc-
tion, taxpayers are deprived of the unifor-
mity of taxation clauses of the state con-
stitution," wrote Rangel S. Cavasos, Re-
valuation specialist with the department
of revenue, to Peterson.
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, August 18, 2011
The City of Shelton Com-
mission discussed the need
to hold a public hearing on
an update to its Cross Con-
nection Control Program
"Essentially this meets
state requirements and al-
lows us to have a process
to deal with water connec-
tions," said the city's com-
munity and economic de-
velopment director Steve
Because the update
comes in the form of a city
ordinance, the commission
is required by law to sched-
ule a public hearing to gath-
er public comment.
from backflow or illegal con-
nections to the system.
When the city revised
its Shelton Water System
Plan Update in 2010, the
Washington Department
of Health asked the city to
update the CCCP with a
"signed and dated policy,"
according to a brief provid-
ed to city commissioners.
The ordinance, which
will modify the Shelton Mu-
nicipal Code (SMC) drafted
by city staff to update the
CCCP outlines how the
commission can deal with
cross connections in the fu-
The ordinance, in Title 15
to any premises for failure
to comply with the provi-
sions of this section ... Fur-
nishing water service is con-
tingent upon the customer
providing cross-cennection
control approved by the city
for protecting the city water
supply from backflow.
"We're confident with
the ordinance that's been
drafted," Goins said. "This
is the last step I believe in
meeting the conditions we
agreed on."
The public hearing on the
CCCP is tentatively sched-
uled for September 6, dur-
ing the regularly scheduled
city commission meeting.
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...... [- "It keeps us closer to the market," Pe- The department of revenue also re-
terson said. . , quired that the county upgrade it's com-
I" While the~t&te doesnt mandate the puter system, from "Computech," to
new plan unt~ 2014, Peterson will insti- "TerraScan," which it did.
tute it for the county's next revaluation "They(the department of revenue)could
.... I year - 2012. The values determined in probably halt the process if they thought
t [ ~[~CEIYE PH 6ALLON 2012 will set tax rates for 2013. we wouldn't succeed," Peterson said.
~Property owners willget a change of While state has mandated the change
~[J " GAS ])I~~ value notice next year," she said. to annual revaluations, it has not funded
Under the assessor's plan for annual the mandate, Peterson said. However,
0Im~w4tm~aSm1~rTm.91m,~qatTn~101m Pre~gsC0Ulmf~rFP~rrPC~CagO00dl0r revaluation, which was approved by the through the Annual Revaluation Program
I'J~"ll 360"426"~2~4 L. ~__Rtll~G__~_._Cl~S~r=~ld~1~l~P0sL. Washington State Department of Rev-Grant Agreement, the county could have
enue in June, the county will be divided some of its expenses in implementing the
at the iatenmfdoa of Highway 101 and 108, just minutes away f~om Olympia mad $helt~ into six revaluation areas. Each year, one program refunded. Last year Peterson ap-
........ * ........ " " ~[ section will get a physical revaluation, plied but was not granted the funds. She
II "'v"~" I I ~vmJFav~ [[ while the other five will get a statistical plans to apply again for 2012.
..... il 49 Between February and July the Asses-
'43s 387S/ n[ 14749/ 11*4 a0./ .ll revaluation. .
,m The statistical revaluation, Peterson sor's Office held several public meetings
~ said, is based on land and home sales and with community associations throughout
I~~~I measurable improvements to the area. the county to answer questions about the
As the Assessor's Office, along with all process.
other county departments, is preparing There is a lot of confusion in the county
for the 2012 budget process, Peterson has about what this change really means," Pe-
• had to consider how the change will affect terson said.
the office. "A lot of them have been angry. It's
Although the revaluations will happen been nice to be able to meet with them,"
[ ( Am IZP Pep ~[ ~~ ~~~~~l~I m°re °ften' she said it w°uld n°t mean she said"
[/ ~ $ 99/ ~i ~1 more work for her staff. If a property owner is concerned about
J ; ~- Reg. . ~ ~ ~ "The actual number of parcels they will their land's appraised value, they have
be doing each year will be smaller," she several options, including turning to the
: ' 99 ~ ~ ~{ said. "We'll probably change it a little Board of Equalization, Peterson said.
[L[~'''~ ~'~ ~ 3 ~II ~i~! ~[ biteach year until we get a system that They also have the opportunity to talk
works for us." to the appraiser who valued their home.
IC mq I . IIThe state department °f revenue actu- "we want the rec°rds to be c°rrect'" Pe-
!! i Open Late ally requires that the office remains fully terson said.
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Small 16 oz. ..... .~8a~ Maaila Clams a ~. ~ -'4z~
Medium 10oz~5~ Oysters ~ ......*7~ [ By NATALIE JOHNSON The CCCP is designed to of the SMC states, "Water
protect city drinking water service will be discontinued