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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 18, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 18, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~l~"llll~lp'Wil'li'lJUli'lPlWllillP Illl ,~ ] I I ,~WlWlmlIIPlI I : I I I, IgLl||] The Mason County Commission preservation Tuesday. approved two grants Journal photo by Natalie Johnson for historic By NATALIE JOHNSON year and can authorize grants up to $5,000 per project. The Mason County Board of Commis- Graham said that any group with "some- sioners approved two Mason County Heri- thing to preserve" can apply for a grant. tage Grants this week. "The grant application on the website The first grant amounts to $2,960 to re- pretty much outlines the criteria we have," store a map cabinet and antique maps at he said. "The preservation of the maps, the historic Grant School, which is main- that's good, but let's just say for instance tained by the Pickerin~ Community C!qb: that the museum in Matl0ck am an example The second grant is for $1,500 to fund a wanted to do something with their museum signage project for the McReavy House Mu- to help with something in their collection ... seum in Union. It could be as simple as buying UV covers "We thought they were both worthwhile," for lightbulbs." said Stan Graham, chair of the historic Graham encouraged other groups to visit preservation commission, the county's website and apply for a grant The money for these grants has been ac- in the future. cumulating since 2005 and is part of money "I'm certain there are other entities like set aside from Mason County Auditor's Of- Shelton Historic Preservation, the Allyn rice recording fees. One dollar from every Historic Church, there are other entities document recorded goes to the Mason Coun- out there interested in getting grants," he ty Historical Preservation Commission, said. said •city planner and historical preserva- The Mason County Historic Commission tion commission staffer Michael MacSems. will next meet at 2 p.m. on Semptember 8 at The commission considers grants twice a the Mason County Commission Chambers. Exit 111 (I-5) Store Hours: Belfair Water District =, contract under scrutiny By NATALIE JOHNSON had been reconvened to county prosecutor Michael and ARLA SHEPHARD Tipton's office without Dorcy. any members of the public Tipton said would be Mason County Com- present, willing to reduce his sev- missioner Tim Sheldon Community members erance pay if Commission- announced Tuesday that and ratepayers have since er Mike Pope, who voted he had asked Washington vented disappointmentagainst the contract, re- State Attorney General and frustration with thesigns office. Rob McKenna to look into water district online, on "The severance pay is for the controversial new con- the streets and to the coun- being fired without cause," tract approved last week ty commissioners. Tipton wrote. "I am will- for Belfair Water District "Time will tell if this ing to reduce that amount Manager Dave Tipton. meeting will be declaredand re-negotiate anything "The public is not being invalid or not," wrote in the contract as soon as served by this," Sheldon community member Herb your good buddy Mike Pope said at a Tuesday meeting Gerhardt, who has also resigns as Commissioner. of the county commis§ion- filed a complaint with the Contracts can always be ers. state attorney general'snegotiated." Under the new contract, office, in the online mes- At the county commis- Tipton, whose salary is sage board 'Belfair Areasioner meeting, commis- $72,070, will receive a 1.5 Roundtable.' "What a con- sioners Lynda Ring Erick- percent raise every year, tract ... Now my fear isson and Jerry Lingle also severance pay of three that Manager Dave will commented on the con- years' salary, payable with- quit and Commissioners tract. in five days of his termina- John [Phillips] and Harry "When I first heard of tion if fired, and severance [Hatlem] will approve the the contract I thought it of two years' pay if he vol- two years severance pay was a joke," Lingle said. untarily leaves the district, before their terms end ... Sheldon went so far as among other items. That would put the rate to call the contract a poten- His salary reflects a pay payers on the hook for tial gift of public funds. cut from his last contract, over $150,000 as his gold- "I've had a number of The water district board en l~arachute." citizens call me with con- of commissioners voted, In response to Gerhardt's cerns," Ring Erickson said. with a 2-to-1 majority, to comments, Tipton wrote an "I appreciate that you're approve the contract at e-mail to Gerhardt, as well going to have the attorney the district's regular meet- as to members of the at-general's office look into ing last Tuesday, which torney general's office and that." We 19390 North U.S. Hwy. I01 have Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 shiag supplies! Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) STORE & DELl SPECIALS-- AUGUST 18- 24 Assorted Varieties 12 pk. 12 oz. cans Busch & Busch 12 oz. cans Coffee ....... $1.09 24 oz. 99¢ 20 oz. 89¢ I0 oz. At the intersection of Hwy. I01 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino * 427-9099 3-piece Chicken & Jo Jo's $3.50 Bud & 18 pk. 12 SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. "1 read the Journal all year long for just s37. It's the cat's pajamas." Call 426-4412 to subscribe today! Out of County $51/yr. Out of State $61/yr. UNOCAL 76 * Motor Oils and Hydraulic * Industrial Lubricants *Automotive Oils * Metal Working Fluids * Greases and Gear Oils * Solvents, Antifreeze *Cutting Oils 0 I L DIST. CO PRODUCTS Oils racing gasoline *Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel Fueling * Pump Repair, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns * Heating Oil Delivered * Furnace and Stove Oil, Kerosene Located at Sanderson Industrial Park Shelton Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, August 18, 2011 - Page A-3