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August 18, 2011 |
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Enough's enough the money collected from the urge the city to make the
one-tenth of 1 percent sales tough decisions necessary to
The city commission's deci- tax, if approved by voters, will fully fund the police depart-
Sml~ flus week to ask voters to go to public safety. It would ment with the tax revenue
approve a sales tax increase be foolish to argue against they already have.
in November couldn't come at having a robust police depart- Despite Mayor John Tar-
a worse time. ment and the city's revenue rant's urging, the county corn-
Unemployment is through has taken some major hits in missioners wisely took a pass
the roof, the local foreclosure recent years. However, city at joining the city's sales tax
rate is of['the charts andmany residents already saved the increase effort. It will ulti-
businesses are struggling to library and opted to create a mately be up to the citizens of
keep their doors open. The Metropolitan Parks District. Shelton to decide this issue,
people of' Shelton should not Adding another tax, underbut we've got a feeling that
be asked to give even more of the auspices of keeping cops thefll have the same reaction
their hard-earned dollars to on the street, is simply too that the county commissioners
the city in a time like this. much to ask for. did and say, "Thanks, but no
City officials insist that all It will not be easy, but we thanks."
A photo, left, ran on the
cover of the July 28 Jour-
nal with an incorrect cap-
tion. The caption should
have read: =Mike Burdick,
Bill Bogle and Mike Park-
er help set up grange dis-
plays for the Mason Area
Also, Patti Tupper's
name was misspelled in
the article "Poor atten-
dance hinders flower chal-
lenge" in last week's issue
of the Journal.
The Journal regrets the
Set the
Editor, the Journal
As a state legislator
I have always felt we
should take the same pay
cuts as every other state
It did not make com-
mon sense to me that it
could not be done as part
of our state budget, but
the law was written by a
vote of the people in the
initiative process and it
took a new law to change
the initiative.
I just want to set the
record straight concern-
ing the media coverage of
this issue. When 1 read
in the paper that there
was an opportunity to
request a pay cut I did so
I have taken many
other reductions that
amount to a great deal
more money that a 3 per-
cent cut, but I have done
what 1 can to reduce
spending at all levels.
I want people to know
the truth on this issue.
The media is a very pow-
erful entity and on this
issue I hope they will
make the efibrt to set the
record straight.
Kathy Haigh
rise should
vious merit in the oppo- mean-spirited citizens
sition's proposals? How who will do anything to
can she ever contribute a disrupt the processes es-
part of a panel formed to tablished by our govern-
look at all the vital pos- ment and us.
sibilities, regardless of We are well aware
the politics? of how much it took to
Bob Hoit succeed, but you did
Union succeed. You have my
deepest respect and ap-
Thank you
preciation. JackKrause
Thanks for
Editor, the Journal
l ditor the Journal
Rachel and John Han-
sen and their three beau-
tiful children deserve the
Mag0n County e0mmu-
nity's gratitude for their
tremendous effort in giv-
ing us all a truly wonder-
ful fair this year.
They toiled for many
weeks and never stopped
despite the vilifying per-
sonal attacks by a small
number of anarchistic
individuals of the CAVE
(citizens against virtu-
ally everything), who
were intent on derailing
the event.
The CAVE organiza-
tion -- ardent opponents
of the air and eagerly
abetted by, the local print
media's continuous at-
tempts to stir up circula-
tion enhancing contro-
versy -- happily failed to
derail a civic enterprise
that proved most ben-
eficial to our community
and especially to our
My personal respect
for civility precludes
my describing in detail
the bullying lies, name-
calling and misinforma-
tion used by this group
of aging hippies in CAVE
during the buildup to the
fair except to say it was
And so was Port Com-
missioner Jack Miles'
blatant endorsement of
these lies in an attempt
to garner support for his
reelection. This commu-
nity deserves better.
The Hansens will not
be back.
This is tragic and can
be scored a victory for
the CAVE organization.
Too bad. The Hansens
were working for the
good of this community
to help it become a more
family oriented place to
God forbid that they
might have made a few
dollars to cover their ex-
penses and labors.
Thank you, Rachel and
John and all your kids
for the tremendous ser-
vice you have provided
us by overcoming the few
It takes a village to
raise a child, but it took
a wonderful town to bury
one of their own. I thank
all of Belfair for the
kindness and the love
they have shown me and
our kids. Thank you for
your kindness from each
and every one of Ron's
Janie Mathews
and Family
trans is-
the best
Editor, the Journal
The Mason County
transit is something to
be proud of. Neighboring
counties are having prob-
lems with their transit
systems. King, Pierce,
Clallam and Jefferson
counties are having prob-
lems with their systems.
Editor, the Journal Why is that? Is it the
The selection of Patty people, manager, drivers,
Murray as co-chairman maintenance, schedul-
of the debt panel super ers?
committee may truly I have used the MTA
warrant these questions often in the last several
now being asked, con- years. The drivers are all
cerning her ability to quite competent, courte-
see some logic in ideas ous and care about their
not fitting her rock-solid passengers. The driv-
democratic partisanship, ers have their followers,
Her rise to fourth rank- Frank, Juan, Ron, Patsy,
ing democrat in senate Shauna, to name a few,
leadership, with appoint- have their devoted fans.
ments to high profile Dan Stewart was the
otTices, may arguably apple in the eye of one
be the result only of her elderly man who had to
seniority, rather than move to be closer to rela-
her vision, or her accom- tives.
plishments As a U.S. He would ride to the
Senator front our state, Safeway stop to buy gro-
when can we ever recall ceries, and then catch
her voting in thought- Dan when he came up
ful opposition to her co- the hill. Dan would es-
senator Maria Cantwell? cort him to his apart-
When has she ever ad- ment door with his gro-
mitted to seeing some ob- ceries.
The Journal welcomes and: en, cou.rag si O!f
to the editor. We will prin !
of local interest.: :N!6!ils i '!! i!
am.libelous: o, :!sCUrril IT :I!
The dial-a-ride sched- do about another five out of the area.
ulers Data, Christy, years unless there is. Clallam County is try-
Athena have an old boy one trained to take over. ing to a manager from
almost in love with them What can be done to keepthe ranks Let's see how
because of how well they him, a week at the oceanthey do.
schedule me. I probably or mountains? Ralph Wingert
misspelled some names. I would prefer the next Shelton
Our transit manager manager to come from
speaks of retiring. My- the ranks and save the
self, I would like him to money spent searching
Shelton-Mason County
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Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 18, 2011
Rick Kennedy, publisher Advertising: " Composing room:
Jesse Mullen, general mgr. Dave Pierik, advertising manager William Adams, graphics
Harvey Morris, ad representative Kolean Wood, classifieds/legals
Newsroom: Mat Taylor, ad representative Becky Corr, typing
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environment, reporter Margot Brand, circulationTravis Miller press operator
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Aoam RudnicK, copy ecfdor