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ival in need of board members for 201 2
Forest Festival has been an
annual tradition in Shelton for
67 years, with each year cel-
ebrating the area's history and
But despite its popularity,
few people volunteer to run the
nostalgic event, Forest Festival
Committee President Debi Har-
vey said.
"We almost didn't have a pa-
rade this year because we didn't
have a parade chair," she said.
While Lynne Freeman stepped
up to run the parade, Harvey
said the board is still without a
scholarship chair, fundraising
chair and secretary or president
for 2012.
The committee didn't have
a vice president, secretary, or
treasurer for the 2011 festival.
Harvey, who has served as
president of the Forest Festival
Committee for 20 years, planned
to step down this year, and
found a replacement earlier this
summer. However, after consid-
ering the time commitment, that
individual stepped down, and
Harvey was left without a new
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Forest Festival Committee President Debi Harvey is
looking for her replacement for the 2012 event.
"When you're on the commit- placement."
tee, you have to find your re- Harvey and fellow Forest Fes-
placement before you leave," she tival enthusiasts are on a hunt
said. "You either die or find a re- for the next committee president,
but she said the ever-increasing ... I need to be cut loose a little
time commitment related to the bit ... After you're involved that
position is hard to bear. long you get burned out."
"It's not just April, May and The lack of volunteer support
June anymore, the only two for the festival raises serious
months we take off and not meet questions about future Forest
are July and August, but as the Festivals.
president, there's things I need Harvey said that without sup-
to do to meet deadlines," she port fromvolunteers, the festival
said. "It takes a lot of time and would eventually end.
commitment and somebody with"A lot of people don't even
the right heart.~ know about the heritage," she
While Harvey admits that thesaid. "It's part of our history that
president position has become we don't want to forget."
much more than a one-person Harvey recently gave a quar-
job, she said without additional terly Forest Festival report to
volunteers, it tends to all fall on the City of Shelton Commission,
her own shoulders, which regularly grants the corn-
Harvey was appointed presi- mittee funds through the city's
dent during a similar committee lodging tax.
shake-up 20 years ago, when she During the meeting, she said
attended her first meeting, that while staff problems threat-
After those 20 years, Harveyen the festival, she wants to see
expressed love and dedication to it continue.
the festival, but also sheer ex- "It's something I really believe
haustion, in," she said. "I'd like to see it
"It's not like volunteering at reach 100 years."
the senior center that you go The Forest Festival Commit-
and spend the day and then can tee has already started planning
forget about it," she said. "It for the 2012 Mason County For-
overpowers you and consumes est Festival. For more informa-
you because you don't want the tion, or to apply for a commit-
event to stop and not be impor- tee position, call Debi Harvey at
tant to the community anymore 426-1098.
Aug. 9 nalia, unlawful possession substance and obstructing a.m. for assault 4th DV. into jail for obstructing law
of fireworks, unlawful pos- law enforcement, enforcement and resisting
Leah Marie Roberson, 30, session of firearm 1st and Aug. 12 arrest.
oP the 600 block ascade the 2nd. oshua Allen ickson,
Ave. was booked at 12:54 22, of the 200 block of South Kori Anne Phipps, 19, of Reanna K. Motz, 30, of
p.m. for two counts of pos- David Allen Roberson, 12th Street was booked at the 400 block of East Lan- the 100 block of North-
session of a controlled sub- 30, of the 100 block of East 6:54 p.m. for assault 2nd. sky Drive was booked ateast Belfair Highway was
stance, drug paraphernalia Barnsby Place was booked 6:07 p.m. for theft of a mo- booked into the jail for as-
possession and unlawful at 3:11 p.m. for assault 4th tor vehicle, sault 4th (DV).
possession of fireworks, and unlawful possession of Aug. 10
firearm. Patsy Angeles Albrecht,
Shaune Robert Cornwel, Michael E. Womack, 33, 34, of the 5000 block of Col-
31, of the 200 block of Mc- Michael Robert Lew- of the 1400 block of East lege Street in Lacey was
Micken Road was booked at is, 32, of the 800 block of Grapeview Loop Road was booked into the jail for as-
1:42 p.m. for possession of Thomas Street in Aberdeen booked at 6:42 p.m. for pos- sault 4th.
controlled substance, pos- was booked at 3:40 p.m. for session of a controlled sub-
session of drug parapher- possession of a controlled stance and obstructing law
when you advertise in
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wheels. Nearly new, $400. laneous items, clothing, tools,
Call 360-275-5477. P8/18-25 generator. W8/18
Nathan Bradley Fouts,
21, a Belfair transient, was
booked at 6:13 p.m. for theft
of a motor vehicle, driving
with suspended license 3,
hit-and-run unattended
and attempting to take a Jeffrey A. Lewin, 51, of
vehicle without permission, the 10000 block of Loweo
Smith River Road was
Donald Russell Lyon, 37, Joseph James Tindall, booked into the jail for
of the 100 block of Lakeland 27, of the 100 block of West assault 4th DV and in-
Boulevard was booked at Frisken Y Road in Elma timidating a public ser-
9:01 p.m. for possession of a was booked at 6:17 p.m. for vant.
controlled substance, theft of a motor vehicle.
Aug. 11
Lon Edward Simpson, 60,
of the 500 block of West Simp-
son Road, was booked at 1:57
Adolfo Hernandez Jo-
Edward Lee Martinez, dines, 25, of the 1200
21, of the 100 block ofblock of Franklin Street-
Southeast Sunrise Placewas booked into the jail for
was booked at 10:48 p.m. NVOL without ID.
for assault 4th DV.
Lawrence Dale Huff-
Dean Gordon Olson, 54, man, 32, of the 3200 block
of the 900 block of Snowof Capital Mall Drive
Cap Drive was booked at Southwest in Olympia
10:56 p.m. for DWI. was booked into the jail
for possession of a danger-
Aug. 15 ous weapon, assault 3rd,
criminal trespass 2nd, ob-
Edward Charles Cultee, structing law enforcement
27, of Hoodsport was booked and resisting arrest.
,0OO Cash Drawings,
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,20 Drawings to spin the wheel
and win $100.00 to $250.00 in
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* Must be 21 and present to win;
patrons must be entered prior
to 4:30 pm on drawing day
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I~ht to
¢harl~e or cancel promotion at any time.
Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 18, 2011