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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 18, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 18, 2011
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Blood since rye been real faithful about giving." Continued from page B-1Years later, Olson had an- other memorable experience the AIDS scare, at the blood bank. =My d~iughter called me"I remember one time I frantic one day," she said. went in and they asked me "i-Ierdaughter needed emer- what blood type I was. I said goncy kidney surgery." 'O' negative. They said 'Oh Olson said her daughtergood,' and as soon as they told her to give blood imme- were done they rushed it to diately, but a person can only the hospital for a newborn," give blood every 56 days, and she said. Olson couldn't remember ex- Olson has become a reg- actly how long it had been ular at Cascade Regional since she last donated.Blood Services in Tacoma, =I checked the' calendar and jokes that she goes in to and it was the very day I see the "vampires" and to or- could give," she said. "Ever der her usual chocolate milk and cookies, but in reality she takes giving blood very seri- ously. "It doesn't matter whether you give 200 pints or 10 pints ... it's that you're reaching out and helping someone," she said. "You might be sav- ing a life - you don't know." Olson urged anyone healthy enough to consider giving blood, and also said that anyone can give blood to save for themselves for a surgery. "It makes me feel good, that people are walking about with a little bit of Marilyn in them," she said. Harstine Continued from page B-1 good working order is to join the Harstine Island Community Club. Those membership dues go right into the hall fund. Membership costs $15 per person per year. Right now there are some 1,200-1,500 full-time resi- dents on the island and only 310 belong to the community club. There is a trend these days not to belong to service dubs, social clubs and other types of organizations. And I think a lot of people move to the island because it is out of the way. But belonging to the community club doesn't really require you to do anything but chip in $15 toward the upkeep of the hall. So, this Saturday, if you are out and about, stop by the farmers market and sign up. The annual Harstine Grange picnic is at noon this Saturday, Aug. 20. The picnic is being hosted by Billy and Patsy at the Glaser Oyster CO. 1403 E. Ballow Road on Harstine. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your families. Children are always welcome and lots of fun things are there for everyone. It's an opportunity to welcome newcomers, visit, share stories and cat great food. Everyone at- tending is asked to bring a potluck item. The Garden Club is thinking about hav- ing a can-a-then on the second Saturday in September. What is a can-a-then? The garden club members want to teach people how to can the foods that they grow in their gardens. So, if you haven't ever canned food before, give a garden dub member a call. Looks like the burn ban will run through September, so try to keep those fires out. / //r. ....... .,. D E N TA L CENTER 1829 Jefferson Street Shelton, WA 98584 360-426-8401 360 GO BRUSH J tCmn Dr. We are pleased to welcome Stephen K Edwards, DMD to our office on a fulltime basis Come See why everyone is smiling! Farming Continued from page B-1 pigs and other livestock scraps of greens from his gar- den and local restam-snts. Browne's farming tech- niques also revolve around preservation. Unlike some commercial farms, his field is not heavily weeded. ~1~is is as weeded as any- thing is g0 g to get ... for every cup of food, six cups of dirt is wasted - dirt is really important," he said. =It took the Earth millions of years to make this valley- we want to preserve it." , Overall, Highwater Farms is part of a school of thought know~ for f~ on grow- ing ~ non-genetically engi- neered heirloom foods, and and beyond, but some con- selling that food locally -- in sider it to be a fad hocked by small batches, celebrities. Browne said if it "It's the taste, it's the nu- is a fad, that's okay with him. trients, it's the gas that goes "It's one of the positive into shipping vegetables all money-driven changes, be- over the country," Martin- cause food, especially organ- Kcating said. "Like the box of ic food is expensive ... It's spinach you buy in the store switched from when I was ... spinach especially loses all little, it was you don't become its nutrients within 48 hours a farmer, you work and you of being picked." die and you die poor," he said. Highwater Farms is able "Now I can make a living do- to be hyper-local and con- ing this ... it's definitely a sistently supplies the Robin trend, but it's a good trend." Hood Restaurant -- only Browne plans to expand eight miles away in Union-- to a location farther up the with fresh produce, valley this winter to allow for "(Browne) sometimes deliv- year-round farming and is al- ers vegetables on his bike to ways on the hunt for a new Uniom People love it," she said. skill, or endangered seed. The =Locovore" move- =I'm just trying to pre- ment is gaining ~ularityserve a little bit of history," throughout the United State he said." I I I All ad deadlines for space in Thursday's Journal are 5 p.m. Monday Display, display classifieds, line classifieds and public notices Conference Cdntinued from page B-1 be held on October 7 and 8 at the Red Lion Hotel in Bellevue. Each of the 200 conference attendees will receive this DVD and will be introduced to many interactive activities that they may use in their driver education class- eft. The goal of the Shelton High School SADD club is to have this DVD shown in every driv- er education class in the public and commer- cial schools. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church MI~sOUfl Synod 106 East VCyandotte Ave..ue Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 ~tm. Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m. ~[Yadttional Worship ............... If:00 a.m I@lt~l g ~ • ChlMcare both services NEED VVEEKDAy CH ILI)CARE~! Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 18, 2011 Christ Lutheran Church 3701 NE Northshore Road. Belfair, WA 98528-9434 (360) 275-3354 Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. St. David's of Wales EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton SUNDAY SERVICES New Community Church of Union i S=nd=y G= erin@ (All are welcome~) WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 Childcare: 360-275-0499 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. at the website: 9:15 Conversational Bible Study v,,;.,, Fir= 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 ~ ~ Office phone: 426-8472 360-898-7855 - ill ~BAPT[STI WWWoSdO.oO~ web site: www, l in Rivers of Gra;'e ...... I I-'Eh°'to'b='or' J t s~,. wA / ' ............ " ~ '-'~'*'"'.--'-~t,' l~-! "*'~ _i I u,o=ymj,t el ,t II- I • i ! • ~a~,s ~-I I 438-8531 .I I ~=~'^~*~* ~"~ -'I=1 / 600 late ~ ll~t tlt~' It9) f16D.877 JN/79 Come as you arel All are ~ekrome! i/2 Mi. up Rt. 119 out oflhxMsi~)rt SmMay Worstdp- 10:00am Skelto~ United Methodist C~umh a 1