August 18, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Isaac Jay Peters
Isaac Jay Peters was born
August 10, 2011 at Capital
Medical Center in Olympia
to Shawna Leigh Peters and
Steven Casey Peters of Shel-
ton. He weighed six pounds
and five Ounces.
Heather Heath
and Brandon
253-405-2832 Camp
time to reclaim it.
Go to
for medical ....... ,;:
time to m
hightx skSed surge ptus fami c to: l mr
your recovery, u'll ha e peace of mind and a![ your
qu ions answered.: Haveyour rgical-p
Heather Heath and Bran-
don Camp married in Ha-
Heather Heath and Bran-
don Camp were married on
July 20, 2011 in Waikiki,
Oahu, Hawaii.
Heather is the daughter
of Jim and Roberta Heath
of Silverdale. She is a 1994
graduate of Central Kitsap
High School and is employed
at a local medical office.
Brandon is the son of
P ul Ml h le (]amp of
Belfair. He is a 2004 gradu-
ate of North Mason High
School and works in the
Sheet metal industry.
The wedding attendants
included matron of honor
Jennifer Sinclair; brides-
maid Roberta Heath; best
man James Heath; grooms-
men Travis Sinclair; flower
girl Keaira Sinclair.
The couple enjoyed their
honeymoon in Hawaii, with
scuba diving, parasailing at
800 feet and a ATV adven-
Crews to shut off
power on Shelton-
Matlock Road
Nearly 630 customers in
the Shelton-Matlock Road
area will be without pow-
er for much of the day on
Thursday, Aug. 25 while
crews relocated facilities to
accommodate Mason Coun-
ty's road realignment proj-
ect. This is a planned power
More than 100
speeding tickets
handed out during
extra patrols
ations on your
It's been a pleasure collaborating with you on
various issues over the years.
Marlene Taylor, CLU
Dick Taylor, MBA
Dick & Marlene Taylor
...... TRAVELER I "
104 E. "D" St. #1 Shelton, WA 98584
360-427'1989 • 360-426-5595 -
Page B-4 - 5helton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Augus~ 18, 2011
Between July 15 and Aug.
7, extra law enforcement pa-
trols were out in search of
speeding drivers.
During the patrols in
Mason County, 120 speed-
ing tickets were written,
in addition to four aggres-
sive driving violations, one
felony drug arrest, two seat
belt tickets, as well as five
uninsured motorist and four
suspended/revoked license
Participating in these ex-
tra patrols were the Shelton
and Squaxin Island police
departments and the Mason
County Sheriffs Office.
The Mason County Tar-
get Zero Traffic Safety Task
Force supported the extra
patrols, funded by a grant
from the Washington Traf-
fic Safety Commission.
For additional informa-
tion about the Washington
Traffic Safety Commission,
Janice Rosemarie Bowcutt
and John Robert King
Janice Rosemarie Bowcutt and John Robert King
of Shelton are getting married on September 25 at
Walker Park in Shelton.
She is the daughter of Dean and Nancy Bowcutt
of Shelton and he is the son of Larry and Vickie
King of Shelton.
Janice graduated from Shelton High School in
2010 and is a Lucky Elite Cheer Coach.
Johanns graduates from basic training
United States Air Airmen who complete
Force Airman 1st Class basic training earn four
Donalyn G. Johanns credits toward an asso-
graduated from basic ciate in applied science
military training at degree through the Com-
Lackland Air Force Base munity College of the
in San Antonio, Texas. Air Force.
The airman corn- She is the daughter
pleted an intensive, of Donald Johanns of
eight-week program Canyon View Road, Bel-
that included training in fair and Carolyn Bjork-
military discipline and heim of Second Ave. W.,
studies, Air Force core Bremerton.
values, physical fitness, Johanns graduated in
and basic warfare prin- 2007 from North Mason
ciples and skills. High School, Belfair.
Additional officers on the
prowl for drunk drivers
A total of 230 people eliminate the danger
died in Driving Under of drunk drivers get-
the Influence (DUI) ting back into their
crashes last year in cars and putting every-
Washington. one at risk," said Low-
In an effort to save ell Porter, Director of
lives, extra officers will the Washington Traf-
be looking for DUI driv- tic Safety Commission.
ers between Aug. 19 and "Now all drunk drivers
Sept. 5 during the an- face the costs of towing
nual Drive Hammered, and impound in addi-
Get Nailed campaign, tion to jail time, losing
Last year in Mason their driver's license,
County, during the and the high cost of a
same time period, offi- DUI."
cers on routine and ex- The Shelton and
tra patrols arrested 19 Squaxin Island Police
people for DUI. Fqr all Departments, the Ma-
of 2010, in Mason Coun- son County Sheriffs
ty, 488 people were Office and the Wash-
charged with DUI. ington State Patrol will
A new law called join nearly 10,000 other
"Hailey's Law" went agencies nationwide in
into effect on July 22. this Drive Hammered,
Now, all DUI arrestees' Get Nailed campaign.
cars will be towed and The Mason County
impounded for at least Target . Zero Traffic
12 hours. Only a regis- Safety Task Force orga-
tered or legal owner who nizes and supports this
was not in the car at the enforcement effort.
time of arrest is allowed For additional infor-
to get the car out of im- mation about the Wash-
pound before the man- ington Traffic Safety
datory 12 hours. Commission, visit www.
"This new law helps