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Disc golfing tournament on par
By EMILY HANSON all golfers have holed out.
The golfing score comes
Chris Auseth, the vice from how many strokes a
president of the Mason disc golfers takes to hole
County Disc Golf Course, out, just like in golf.
declared the first Show- The Mason County
down in Shel-Town tour-course was finished just a
nament, held on Saturday, couple of weeks before the
Aug. 13 and Sunday, Aug. tournament, Auseth said
14, "awesome". "The course looked
"The tournament went amazing," he added. "You
off without a hitch,'Auseth could really see the hard
said. work the club had done. A
Over than 60 disc golf-lot of players from Wash-
ers from all over the Pacific ington said it was their fa-
Northwest participated in vorite course in the state,
the tournament, which was maybe even the Pacific
run just like a regular golf Northwest."
tournament. Though the work on the
The sport, which is course is complete, the of-
played with Frisbees, uses ficial tee signs still need to
the same rules as golf: in- be put up, Auseth said.
dividuals disc golfers play "The tee signs will have
in groups of four. They tee QR cods on them so people
off- in this case from a con- with smartphones can scan
crete slab- and throw their them and be taken to You-
disc down the fairway in or- Tube to see a video of each
der of who is farthest from hole and fairway because at
the hole - in this case, a some of the holes, you can't
basket with a pole sticking see the hole from the tee,"
up out of the middle, he explained. "We'll also in-
Once the disc golfers are elude the hole sponsors on
on the green, they putt - those signs and we're also
meaning they toss theirgoing to build a kiosk by
disc toward the hole - until hole one."
, Hanson
Rob Daley of Shelton throws his disc into hole
three during the first Showdown in Shel-Town
tournament on Saturday, Aug. 13 at the Mason
County Disc Golf Course.
Auseth said he thought Henry of Shelton won the
it was "pretty cool" to see so advanced women's while
many golfers on the course Brett Vintertun from Wood-
last weekend, inville, Wash. won the ad-
"We had good weather vanced men's. Auseth said
and couldn't have asked for there was one hole-in-one,
more," he said. scored by Kenny Clark on
There were five winners hole four.
of the tournament. Win- Finally, Auseth said the
ning the men's open was tournament was sponsored
Chandler Fry of Shelton Floor Cover-
Scott Papa of Olalla, Wash. ings/Olympic Discs and
won the open masters. The All-League Sports, which
advanced masters' was won are both businesses where
by Paul Wright of Bremer- disc golf supplies can be
ton. Finally, Shannon bought locally.
97. Boys 15-17 years oldBoys 8-11 KP #7 2nd shot
Boys 12-14 years old (18-holes): I, Alec Martin- - Zach Speaks, 11'4~.
21st annual Bayshore (9-holes): 1, Conner OT~eefe, son, 79. 2, Heath Ohnemus Girls 12-14 KP #3 - Ser-
Junior Golf Tournament 61. 2, Colby Fuller, 62. 3, (won 2nd hole playoff), 94.3, ena Southwick, 34'1(r'.
Boys 8-11 years old: 1, Cole Barnes, 67. 4, Nathan Nicolas Guyer, 94. 4, Tyler ARernoon groups 18-hole
Carter Barnes, 56. 2, Ja- Freeman, 75. 5, Mark Ver- Matlock, 96. 5, Michael So- players:
rain Perry (won playoff), non, 78. botka, 97. 6, Robert Mace- Girls 12-14 long drive #4
58. 3, Chandler Sam, 58.Girls' 12-14 years old wen, 107. 7, Thomas Lan--Mari Rabung.
4, Jonah Perry, 59. 5 (tie) (9-holes): 1, Stephane Mo- phear, 111. Girls 15-17 long drive #4
Aaron Monroe, Zach Gru- rin, 70. 2, Serena South- Girls 15-17 years old -KaylaMonroe.
ginski and Mack Lang, 66. • wick, 78. (18-holes): 1, Olivia Lowe, Boys 12-14 long drive, #5
8, Tyler Giraldes, 68. 9, Ger- Boys 12-14 years old 88. 2, Kayla Munroe, 96. 3, - Jacob Lowe.
aid Cassel, 76. 10, Anthony (18-holes): 1, Jacob Lowe, Caitlyn Ernst, 119. 4, Molly Boys 15-17 long drive#5
Curtis, 77. 11, Zach Speaks, 78. 2, Chris Kwon, 82. 3, Rabung, 149. -A lee Martinson.
78. 12, Sam Winter, 79. 13, Trevor Gregory, 101. 4, Ty- Morning groups 9-hole Girls 12-14 KP #3 - Mari
Noah Freeman, 80. 14, Beau ler Speaks, 102. 5, Chris- players: Rabung, 8'.
Ward, 81. 15, Colin Decker- tian Macowen, 109. 6, Drew Boys 8-11 long drive, #6 - Girls 15-17 KP #3 - Kay-
Hicks, 90. Cruse, 113. 7, Brandon Anthony Curtis. la Munroe, 6'4".
Girls 8-11 years old: i, Chaney. "- ......... Boys 12-14 long drive, ~Boys 12-14 KP #7 -Jacob
Brittany Kwon, 43. 2, Molly Girls 12-14 years old - Conner O~eefe. Lowe, 2'6"
Gregory, 75. 3, Kylie Law- ~ (18-holes): 1, Mari Rabung, Girls 8-11 long drive, #4-
son, 93. 4, Karlee Sheedy, 87. Brittany Kwon.
Lake Cushman Ladies
August 9 - Medal Play,
Day 1 Championship
Division 1: Low Gross
Winner) Cheryl Ulrich, 84;
Low Net) (tie) Kathy John-
son and Marsha Woodburne,
Division 2: Low Gross
Winner) Sam Bastin, 93;
Low Net) Gloria Carlson, 68
and Second Low Net) Sharon
Bennett, 71.
Division 3) Low Gross)
Vickie World, 99; Low Net)
Jan Olson, 66 and Second
Low Net) Peggy Newton, 68.
Closest to the Pin: Kathy
Johnson, #4, 9'8-3/4~ and
Gloria Carlson, #6, 10'-6~
Chip-Ins: Cheryl Ulrich,
#8, Birdie; Vicki Brazil, #14,
Birdie and Marian Reed, #8,
D. Bogey.
Birdies: Cheryl Ulrich, #7;
Cheryl Ulrich, #8; Vicki Bra-
zil, #14 and Sam Bastin, #2. Flight two: 1) Sharon Cor- ten and Pat Wass, 15 and 4)
rigan, 16; 2) (tie) Bona Lavin Bonnie Morrow, 16.
Alderbrook Ladies Golf. and Pat Wass, 20. Pars: MaryLou Traut-
Captain's Cup (two LOw Net of the Day: Sha-mann, #10, #12 and #17 and
month, match play tourna- ron Corrigan, 35. Lesley Robertshaw-Mosiey,
ment): 18-hole winner) Sue August 10- 3 Blind Mice #10, #13 and #16.
Wright; 9-hole winner) Sally 18-holes Chip-Ins: MaryLou Traut~
Stoffan and"Second Chance~ Flight one: 1) Marilyn mann, #12 and Bona Lavin,
(drop-down flight) winner) Waldrep, 41; 2) Marie Bier- #14.
Pat Stobie ward, 47 and 3) Gayle Wil-Birdies: Pat Zulfer, #15.
August 9 - Blind Holes cox, 48. LOw Net of the Day: Mary-
18-hole: Gross) (tie) Lorna LOw Net of the Day: Mari- Lou Trautmann, 30.
Martinson and Coralie War- lyn Waldrep, 64. LOw Putts: Gayle Wilcox,
tors, 39. Net) Linda Creswell, Low Putts: Marilyn Wal- 12.
26.5; Elaine Puetz, 29.5 and drop, 27.
Jean Scruggs, 30. 9-holes Bayshore Ladies Golf
9-hole: Gross) Delores Bar- Flight one: 1 ) Sharon Cot- August 16 - Bingo, Bango,
rett, 21. Net) Carol Stroke, rigan, 14 and 2) (tie) Ann Bongo
10.5; (tie) Sharon ferguson Wooten and Bonnie Morrow, Division one: 1) Eena Kis-
and Bebe Silvey, 12. 15. sick and 2) Billie Elms.
Flight two: 1) Sheila Division two: 1) Deb Rech-
Lake Limerick Ladies Thomas, 10 and 2) Pegi Re- nitz and 2) (tie) Harleen Rob-
Golf ese, 13. bins, Alice Johannsen and
August 8 Low Net of the Day: Ann Kaye Knudsen.
9-holes - Fairway Shots Wooten, 33. 9-holes: Charlene Wallit-
Only August 12- LOw Putts ner.
Flight one: 1) (tie) Ann9-holes Putts:MaryLouWicken.
Johnson and Marie Bier- Flight one: 1) Gayle Wil- 9-holes: Pam Ward.
ward, 19. 2) Joyce Reynolds, cox, 12; 2) MaryLou Traut- Chip-Ins: Kaye Knudsen,
20. mann, 13; 3) (tie) Ann Woo- #4.
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