August 19, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 19, 1965 |
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(This question and answer series
on cosmetics is brought to you
as a courtesy by NeWs Pharmacy
to help" you in your choice In the
proper cosmetic for you.)
Q. Ewu'y hair-seLLing spray that
I've tried so far has had an ob-
jectionable odor. Why can't the
manufacturers do something about
this ?
A. The basic fixative ingredients
rlsed in all hail' sprays contain a
high percentage Of alcohols and
resins. Both of these ingredients
have odors which ran be offensive
to someone with a delicate sense
of smell. For' this reason, these
odors are masked in the better
hair sprays on the market with
the addition of the finest l?erfume
Your objection Lo the hair" sprays
you have used may be due to eith-
er of the following:
They have contained an insuffi-
cient quantity or an improper kind
of perfume.
The perfume used in them sim-
ply wasn't to your taste.
I suggest that you experiment
until you find a hair spray with an
odor thai: you find pleasant.
Q. I have an oily skin. How can
I correct this condition ?
A. The following rouUne will
help correct an oily skin condition:
Avoid rich, fatty foods . . . can-
dy . . . and carbonated beverages.
Drink at least eight glasses of
water a day.
Shampoo frequently. Clean hair
and a clean scalp will help avoid
the complexion problems LhaL ac-
company oily skin.
Cleanse your face thoroughly
several times a day with an anti-
septic cleansing lotion and nor-
realizer. This helps remedy the oily
condition by promoting normal
)ore action.
Martlyn Jean Hunter of Seattle Pouring were Mrs: Roy Farley
became the bride of Steven D. VaN and Mrs. Jerry Valley, grandmoth-
ley of Shelton August 7, 8 p.m.,
in the Trinity Methodist Church
with the groom's uucle, Rev. Rob-
ert W. Rayburn, performing the
The bride is the daughter of ~r.
and Mrs. Frank J. Hunter of Seat-
tle and the groom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Valley of
Miss Hunter was married in a
pure mganza over taffeta gown
with the skirt ending in a chapel
train. The neckline was appliqued
with alecon lace and seed pearls.
A silk organza rose with seed
)earls held the silk illusion veil
in place. She was surrounded by
white roses and stephanotes with
white spider mums as she spoke
her marriage vows.
The bride's sister, Mrs. Thomas
A. Ekman, performed her duties
as matron of honor in a pink li~mn
dress. She was accom.~anied by
Mrs. Harlen Johnson i'n a pink
linen dress, Miss Jeanne Brown,
who also wore a pink linen dress
and Mrs. Jp.n Frazier dressed in
aqua linen dress. All were attend-
Mich Zarana was best man and
accompanying him as ushers were
James Hunter, brother of the
bride, Tom Palmer and Mike Orias.
Cutting the cake were Mrs. E.
W. Fredericks, aunt of the bride
and Mrs. R. Z. Brown.
Save flOW on All Roaring 65's
Belvedere - Fury - Valiant - SateRite
BELVEDERE 2-dr. Sedan
6 Cylinder - Airfoam Seats -
Undercoat - Washers-
Standard Transmission
Was '2
$2,410.97 1 6097
VALIANT V-1O0, 4-dr. Sedan
Big six engine - Standard
Transmission - Undercoat-
VALIANT V-100, 2-dr. Sedan
Big six engine - Undercoat,
Standard Transmission
Was $1
,2,194.20 99420
SATELLITE 2-dr. Hardtop V-8
Bucket Seats - Automatic -
Radio - Power Steering
Undercoat, etc.
wo, '286112
FURY 111, 4-DOOR SEDAN --- White with Gold interi,or - This
one is loaded - 383 engine - Full power, steering, brakes, windows,
seat - Auto-pilot - Defogger- Rear Speaker - Remote control
mirror - Adjustable steering wheel - Save
lots and lots of other extras $650.00
" " " VALIANT V-100 Station Wgn.
VALIANT V 200 4 dr Sedan
Automatic - Big six engine - -- .......
_. i ==t-. R_JJ.J .~__L I .,~u~omazlc - I~lg six engine -
VIR~l T.rlnl - rauu~ta uasg -
Back-up lights I Wasners - Varl-speed wipers
Was ;e)~ AI~! 4I Was $@JbA~}~JD15
$2,595.94 L=~I m41,~ $2,722.15 ~._ ar,~ ~¢2 ~..
SPORT FURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP -- Med. Blue with Blue Vinyl
interior - Automatic - Power Steering - 383 engine - Tinted Wind-
shield - Radi,o - Padded Dash - Bucket Seats with Console -Un-
dercoat - Tinted Windshield - Was
Washers & VaN-speed Wipers $3,575.08
FURY 111, 4-dr. Sedan
383 engine - Automatic -
Radio - Power steering - Vinyl
trim, etc. $3
Was $3,612.14 162 14
BELVEDERE "V-8" 4-dr. Sdn.
Automatic- Undercoat-
Washers - VaN-speed wipers
FURY 11, 4-dr. Sedan (Demo)
Radio - Automatic - Power
steering - Padded dash - Back-
up lights - Undercoat
Sedan - House car - Automat-
ic - Radio -.Power steering &
Brakes - Washers - Tinted
windshield -
Low miles
am.oamm oma.m CHRYSLER
707 So. First 426-3433
er of the groom. At the guest
book was Miss Jeanne Lord and
serving punch were Miss Chris
Bunnell, cousin of the groom, and
Mrs. Ken Bowe.
The z'eception was held at the
Trinity Methodist Church."
The bride is a graduate of BaN
lard High School and attended Ev-
erett Jr.' College and Western
Washington State College.
The groom after graduation
from Monroe High School attend-
ed Everett Jr. College.
Donna Clark Journeys
,;. • .;.
_? • m 4
Yo Hawaii To Be Wed :i:
The Bill Johnson home ~icas the :!: Society Editor • Cathy Hoard . Phone 426-4412 !iiili
party and t)cr,~,onal bridal sl~o;-'er ] ~..~*~.~..:~.:~..~'~.~:~:~.*`.~..~..~*~*~`*°.~.~:°~*°.:..~..~':~'~.`)~.:~.~`.~.~¢.~..~:~:°~:~°~:~.~.~.~:.
in honor of Mi:~s Domla Clark, who
left yesterday for Hawaii to be-
come the bride of Sgt..Arlan Hagg
who is stationed at the Scofield
Army Base in Oahu.
]~/(r}~r, Ctaud Mt:lrvin and Mrs.
Bill Jotlllson wcrc hostesse:~ for tile
gala affair on the evening of
Wednesday, Aug. 11.
Mrs. Johnson baked a beautiful
three-tiered white cake with a
miniature bride and groom sitting
under a palm tree and the bot-
tom layer was adorned with laven-
der orchids to carry out the Ha-
waiian motif. The cake was serv-
ed with lee cream, coffee and
Those present to see Mis,~ Clark
open her many beautiful gifts
were Mesdames Howard Wilson,
Les Bishop, Lloyd Clark, Claud
McIrvin, George Critchfield, War-
ren Cart, Don Brownfield, Verne
Schuffenhauer, A l 1 a n McIrvin,
Gary Clark, Pete Bloomfield, Bill
Johnson, Bill .Jones, Jerry Bloom-
field, Darlene and Peggy Bloom-
field, Christine and Nancy Schuf-
fenhauer, Linda Clark, and Karen
and Brad Johnson.
Those sending gifts but unable
to attend were M'rs. Keith SaLter-
thwaite, Susan Bloomfield and
Mrs. Effie Brownfield.
Square Dance To Be
Added To County Fair
A new attraction has been added
to the Mason County Fair this
year. On Saturday evening at 8:30
there will be a square dance in
one of the new buildings. Bennie
Berndson of Olympia will be mas-
ter of ceremonies and there will
be several guest callers on the
program. All square dancers in the
area are invited to attend.
MR. AND MRS. GEORGE DRAKE are pictured here as they
looked 50 years ago on their wedding day.
came 'to Shelton where they havo
lived for the past 35 years,
Their greatest hobby is travel-
Mr. Drake had become an em-
ployee of Simpson Logging Co. in
1930 at the request of Mark E.
Reed. He, had been vice president
and chief forester, for the com-
pany. From the time he had come
to Shelton in 1930 until the time
of his retirement he had been
president of the South Olympic
Tree Farm. Among his other ac-
complishments is the fact that he
played a vital role in working out
the nation's first and only coop-
erative sustained yield program
between Simpson and the Forest
Service. In May 1954 he retired.
Mr. and Mrs. George Drake cele-
brated their 50th wedding anniver-
sary last Sunday at a reception
held in Alderbrook Inn. The high
tea, begi~ming at 3 p.m. and end-
ing at 5 p.m., was organized by
Mrs. C. W. Bearden, daughter of
the Drakes. The guest list included
members of the family and many
Major Charlie Cowan from Seat-
Lie, toastmaster for the occasion,
t~ighlighted the tea with a speech
honoring the couple and their 50
years of marriage.
l~[rs. Drake was born in Aiken.
Minn., and Mr. Drake was born
in Laconia, N. H. They became
married on September 18, 1915 in
Juneau, Alaska and in 1930 they
13.2 Cu. Ft..Gibson
2-Dr. Combination
Refrigerator - Freezer
A Fair Special
with qualified trade
15.6 Cu. Ft. Capacity
Refrigerator - Freezer
Frost Clear (both sections)
A Fair Special
with qualified trade
Come see our booth
at the Fair, for
many other
appliance specials.
Lem Warren Refrigeration
2nd & C~ta 426-2445
Decorated with pink bows. or- ing ~wo small doves with wedding
ange blossoms, pink and whi~e
glads and huckleberry brush the
Mr. View Alliance church was the
scene for' the wedding of Susan
Kay Harvey and Allan W. McIr-
vin, both o:f Shelton.
The double ring ceremony took
place on July 2, at 8 p.m. with the
Reverend Alex C. Mates perform-
ing the rites in front of an ap, di-
ence of approximately 100 guest's.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Harvey
of Shelton are the bride's parents
and the groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude W. Mclrvin, also
of Shelton.
Miss l-larvey became Mrs. Allan
McIrvin dressed in a street length
gown of white satin with a scallop-
ed neekline and long tapered
sleeves. Her fingertip veil of white
net was attached to a pearl crown.
Wearing flowers oi white carna-
tions with pink rosebuds the bride
slowly released her father's arm
as he gave her aw~y in marriage.
Mrs. Judy Glover, matron of
honor, performed her duties in a
street length gown of aqua sheath
with an overskirt attael~ed to it.
She wore a band of flowers con-
neeted to her hair with a slip of
material matching her gown. Her
flowers were pink and white car-
Dressed in dark slacks white
shirts and black ties Kert:y Har-
vey and Arnold Cooper took place
in the ceremony as candle light-
Best man, Verne Schuffenhauer,
was accompanied by Jerry Bloom-
field and George Harvey as ush-
Dick Endicott, fulfilling the part
of musician and singer both, ac-
companied himself as he sang.
Attired in a pink sheath, a small
white hat and pink and white car-
nations, Mrs. YIarvey attended her
daughter's wedding.
The groom's mother wore a navy
blue suit with a white scarf fold-
ing around her" neck and a white
hat. Her pink and white carna-
tions added the final touch to her
Wearing a pink suit which part-
ly concealed a white ruffly blouse
and carrying a white l~urse to
match her shoes, the now Mrs. Al-
lan Melrvin started on her wed-
ding trip to Eastern Washington.
The young commie will make
their home in Sheiton where the
groom is employed at the Lath
Approximately 100 guests at-
tended the church reception which
followed the wedding. The wed-
ding cake was surrourlded with
rosebuds with the top layer hold-
Thursday, August 19
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Motel.
Port Commission's meeting, 8
p.m., Court House.
Navy Mothers' Club, 7:30 p.m.,
Memorial Building.
Friday, August 20
CYO sponsored dance, 9 - 12
p.m., Mason County Fairgrounds.
Saturday, August 21
Driver's license examiner, 10 FOl~
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
Sunday, August 22 Modern ]
Shelton churches invite you to ence
attend the church of your choice, prevent the
Monday, August 23 asthma.
PUD No. 3 Commission meet-
ing, 1 p.m., PUD Commission's
County Commission's meeting, Your
l O a.m., Court House.
Shelton Bridge Club. 7:30 p.m., when
PU'D bldg. attack,
Royal Neighbors of America to open
dinner, 6:30 p.m., Millo's Diner. - and
Tuesday, August 24 breathing.
Kiwanis Club luncheon,noon,
Memorial Hall. Only
City Commission's meeting, 2 acy can
p.m., City Hall.
Goodwill truck IMrs. Lentz),
phone 426-4847.
Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree of Honor Protective As-
sociation, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall.
Wednesday, August 25
Driver's license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., police station.
VFW Auxiliary work party, 9
a.m., Betty Gaduim's home.
Thursday, August 26
Rotary Club hmcheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
er need no
Royal Neighbors
To Eat And Meet
The Royal Neighbors of America
will meet aL Millo's Diner for din-
her at 6:30 p.m. next Mouday. All
members are invited to attend.
Those needing transportation
can call Mrs. Gerry HimIie at 426-
6501 or Mrs. Vi Laugen aL 426-
Following the dinner members
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Gerry Himlie fez" a regular meet-
ing. A door prize will be furnish-
ed by Mrs. Martha Dunbar.
Marriage Lioenses
Andrew Halin, 19, Port Orchard
and Sharolyn Foster, 18, Gig Har-
Michael Twidwell, 19, ShelLon
and Georgia Jean Plant, 18, Shel-
Thomas Longacre, 21, SheRon
and Nancy Seidelman, 21, Shelton.
rings in their mouths.
Serving were Debbie Nagel,
N a n c y Bloomfield and Betty
Schuffenhauer. Susan Bloomfield
was in charge of the guest book
and Pat Johnson and Peg Bloom-
field were in charge of the gift ta-
It might be noted that the
bride's gown, the matron of hon-
or's gown, the bride's mother's
gown and the wedding rake were
all designed and made by the
mother of the bride.
Fifth &
1st & Cota
and remember that you and
always receive the best in
Fluid Line
Town & Country Shoes
Marvelous Mod, the wonderful little girl look
don, creates fashion impact in our new c(
flats by Town & Country Shoes. Fluid Line
with matching plush pig, truffle candy kid
plush pig, russet candy kid with brass plush pig.
in black patent with scarlet red candy kid.
Operated & Managed by Chrlstensen's for Shoes:
Open Friday Nights 'Till 9 P.M.