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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 19, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 19, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 om The Horace J. Strong Dies In Shelton 'COUNTY BUILD,NG Z MITS Mr. Horace J. Strong of Star] Building permits app eyed by Rt. 1, Box 151, died last Friday the Mason County Commission at in the Shelton Manor Nursing their meeting Monday were to Home at the age of 74. I Glen Watson, add to residence, He was born on July 4, 1891, at $3,000; Fred Engel, summer res- the Skokomish Indian Reserva- idence, $500; Kenneth Morris, ties. wood cabin, $900; James Guyett, Services were held yesterday at porch, $200; Glen Roller, residence the Skokomish Asscmbly of God and bulkhead, $4,000; Harold Paul- Church, 11 a.m., with the Rev. I sen, tool shed, $250; Einar John- Roy Nelson officiating• Burial was son, garage, $600; Gale H. John- in "Ule Skokomish cemetery, son, porches, $350; B. W. Soper, He is survived by his wife, Mrs. add to residence, $750; Chester Edith Strong of Shelton; one son, I Marshall, carport, $200. Allan K. Strong; two step sons, David A. Strong of North Bend; CITY BUILDING PERMITS and John H. SUong of Shelton; Building permits approved by one daughter, Ruth Ann Strong of the City of Shelton during the past Buckley; one sister, Mrs. Anna E. week were to Eugene Stansoll, Bliner of Tacoma; two grandchil- fence, $50; Valdor Jackson, gar- dren and two great-grandchildren, age and workshop, $4,000; Clinton ............ Rye, fence, $200; Ira Yule, tool ...... |shed, $200; L. C. McCowan, car- Arthur Ymino" DleS lport, $150; Raymond Keyzers, util- ............. t~ I Sty room, $400; Virgil Allen, ][~ ~|~-~rt ~_~rl~w~:~l I breezeway and awning, $200; W. ill kDILIUILUI[ 'ILJIqE~LLq=:~I(&L S h I H. ~C umacher, carport and patio, Mr. Arthur Young of the Sko-152,000; G~en Watson, residence, komish Reservation died last Men- I $12,000 and Minnie Sanderson, util- day in the She[ton General Hos-lity room, $300. pital at the age of 63. [ Born June 4, 1902 on Oysteri POLICE COURT Bay, he had been a resident of Ms- I Appearing in Shelton Police son County all of his life. [Court before Judge Rolls Halbert Funeral services will be held to- [Monday night were Michael B. morrow in the Shaker Church at]McFarlan~, no valid operatoFs Skokomish Valley beginning at l[license, $15 forfett; Rodney J. p.m. Burial will be in the Skoko-IMichaelis, minor in possession of mish Cemetery. land consuming liquor, $50 forfeit; He is survived by two half ~Harry J. Blevins, drunkenness, $25 brothers, Bennett Cooper of Sko- I forfeit; Eldon L. Johnson, drunke- komish Valley and Francis Coop-]hess, $25 forfeit; Jack Mulligan, er of Shelton; one brother, Leon-]disturbing the peace, $25 forfeit; ard Young of Oakville, Calif.; two [Eugene E. Smith, driving while sisters, ~rs. Lela Pulsifer of [intoxicated, $110 fine and $2:50 Hoodsport and Mrs. Tress Mason [ costs, five days in jail, suspended; of Matlock. I Hobart Hedrick Jr., illegal U-turn, ]$15 forfeit; Joseph ~agden, fail- ~!~ ~ ,~ ~ lure ~o obtain dog license, $22.50 Allyn Kesment n fine and $2.50 costs. Succumbs Here I " SHEL O LICE . . . ] Banks Wyant reported an at- mr. ~arry weckhorst of Allynltempt to break into his car. died last Friday in the Shelton[ Two cars collided in the Trade- General Hospital at the age of 72, I well parking lot. He had been a resident of Ms-] Lumberman s of Shelton report- son County for the past 45 years. ] ed the theft of a paint sprayer. He was born Sept. 29, 1892 in Ba- ] A mail box was knocked down mle, Norway. [at the Stun Armstrong residence. Funeral services were held from I Also ,nail boxes belonging to Ray the Batstone Funeral Home last ] Harvey, Dave Delph and Lea Arm- Tuesday at. 1 p.m. Burial followed I strong were knocked down by a in the Shelton Memorial Park. ]car. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. ] Brakes on a car driven by June O. Weckhorst of Allyn; three I George McCauley locked at High- daughters, Mrs. Sally Leimback of [way 101 and Harvard. His car Astoria, Ore., Mrs. Betty Young I skidded, striking a light pole on of Mt. Lake Terrace, and Mrs. ]the right side of the street, Crossed Ruth Matson of Auburn; four bro- ]over to the left side, Struck a tele- thers, Carl Weckhorst of Belling-[phone pole, breaking It off and ham, Minn., Pete Weckhorst of Ta-/then struck a parked car owned coma, Olaf Weckhorst of New|by James Deyette. The telephone York, and Harold Weckhorst of/pole, when it fell, struck a car be- Norway; and seven grandchildren./longing to William Swisher. ' .................. ~ Cars driven by Robert ester- FERRY ~RECEIPT~ {.man, Sh~lton, and Wesley Utter, t~ece|pts from~ the Harstine Y~Ot?~u~l~:.:;~ollided on Angleside Rd. lm]d Ferry for the week ending[ J. J. Pinkney reported someone Aug. 14 v~,erc $307.50, it was re-lmade three slashes in a vehicle ported, by the Mason County En- Iwhile it was parked downtown. gineer s office. [ Lueille Mason reported someone .... l ate~pted to set her car on fire ][while it was parked at her home. n IIA1i [I SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS nllll.'ll- I/Boked at the Mason County kTJm1~l~YUm [[Sheriff's office during the past |i week were Daniel Knlpshteld, van- EVERY I I dalism; Darrell Cookston, minor c~ ............. II consumMg liquor; Daniel W. ~/~'l'[)~l)/]k]~ ~ll.~l-['J[' I]Pierce, minor consuming liquor; at the |Howard Pistole, driving while in- i..~-~ ~-- 11 toxicated; Howard J. Brown, leav- ~|~]~I[I~IB.E~WI |ling the scene of an accident with- I.UlglaUlilglgR ii out identifyinghimself 01d O1 . Tac. Hw-. n~ FIRE DE~MENT J" ~ I|A grass fire at C & Jefferson 9:30 - 2 ram. I Streets was extinguished Tuesday | afternoon. • • • Sears Field Representalive Whether you are planning a large or small improvement, Don will be glad to help you with your plans for remodeling. He is qualified in many areas. A few of these are: • Plumbing • Appliances • Roofing • Fencing • Heating • Floor Covering • Complete Kitchens CALL 426.8201 I Evergreen Square S 'ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--l ub'lished in "¢hr stmas own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, I • • N~ 55-Year Resident ! IR||L i Too Late To C]assity ~ 'm~nu VVa•numluu~umma~]I .... ~ I water fm'nishod. Phom~ 426--3065. niehl L-'-' l- "-s" " I P 8/19 9/2 -- "~~ " : ~ ~ --' l* r " I . ..... ] mower, four-eych. ,qwin(,, ,~3(). I li,,m• J I GRAPEVIEW- Our commun-Icould all make ~rmnos in SUChI 426-2125. ' C 8/19 ~| MASON COUNTY JUSTICE .... --- ~ .... I Sty once again lived up to its old I an exciting fashion. I ......... ml COURT • . , . . APT-SIZE w~,-,;zg ,~ ~,, $15. Sx ~_-==-= =-_--~ I reputation for' supporting localI Mrs. Ed Okonek is beuig enter-I h.p. ai,'-c,,,,led L,,u.~,,,,, ,,,,*b,,~,,'d. Ik Washingt~n State Patrol " ~~ causes by generously contributing ltained this week by six-year-old I $2.t.50. II,,,,dsl,,)rt M:,'im~. lh,,,d.~l,,,r! Ronald Goos, failure to stay toward the overwhelming success I niece, Denise Flora, who is'a house [ 87%5362. 8/19 I i! right of center line, $12 fine; Wil- ~~ last Saturday of the Gourmet Food|guest at the Okonek home. Denise I Ti~-L~:ig~K~Ai;i-K;:~:,:~--i)i,,,;,, I liam Fox, negligent driving, $29 ~~ Sale sponsored by the Grapeview I is the daughter of Louise's sister[ 426-3169. B s/19 iru ] forfeit; Lewis Naker, driving while ~~~ Volunteer Fire Department Aux- ] and husband, the Dean Floras. [ -L~)~S-T--~~t[-i~-'~--i~'~l * intoxicated, $100 fine, five days in Jail, suspended, license revoked ~j--_z:- _] iliary and held at the new fire- I And, out for a "quickie" visit Men- I ,m tl~-~ca(lla R.d. Wili tim' i'imie,' -~~,~ hall. The delicious homemade pies day evenin~ with the Okoneks[ ph, ~.~o o 11 426-6923 A r'(,wm'd of- .' 30 days; Terry Stoeser, no driv- ~~---_ _-~ [ cakes, breads, smoked salmon and Iwcre soil Richard and wife Carol] f,w(,d. W S/19 ~e~ er's Jicense on person $12 forfeit; -_ ~ " - --- i cookies, among other goodies, sold [ with daughter Sheri. i W~-~~~i~'~--CalI-~tdi;-- [ Andy Franich, unsafe left turn, : " - _ _-_ : - -:_ I out to the last crumb. Committee I David Gatlin returned home to / 6009 anytime. I" .~/19 lln $12 forfeit; Robert A. White, us- -~L-=-=-:=-=~- :~-_~-| chairman Murial Seiners, thrilled IGrapeview last Thursday from [ 1 Safe passing, $12 forfeit; John Ur- ~~:? -:~-- ] by the results, credits the happy I Bristol Bay, Alaska, where he / - i / bus, following too closely, $12 fine; _ ----_-- ~ E: " --- : i outcome to the efficiency of her had been working as a wait(l' at [ [ l Grace Wells, failure to yield right- - ~: : : ---- I cc~mmittee and to the willing co-|the Peterson Point Cannery mess I a.m=a i mm of-way, $12 forfeit; Howard Tull, - _: ...... -:- I operation of the many good cooks Ihall. I -1 all • I i no use fuel permit, $56 forfeit; -- : : : I who donated. Committee membersI Drop-in guests last Sunday af-[ .......... ] i Howard Tull, no vehicle license or _ :_ _ I working on the project were Mes- I ternoon at the home of the Waiter / U~I ~L~- ~ i in transit permit, $17 forfeit; A1 .... : = I dames Walt Clayton, Jr., OrinlClaytons' Sr. were long-time [ l fred Chappel, over legal weight, : I Buckingham, Don Anderson and lfrie'nds from Aberdeen Mr. and/ ........... i $61 forfeit; Fritz Buechel, no valid I Fred Lutz. Proceeds will be used I Mrs Frank Wilson and'daughters/ E~U~ ~PT. | ' tonnage displayed, $12 forfeit; --:: I to_ help f!nish the firehall kitchen I Jeanne and Cloanne. . n " • , ¢ , Lars Langloe, towing unlicensed and meeting room A belated happy bwthday to vehicle, $12 forfeit; Edward Brew- - I • I . • ._ .. ] Hurry. There s not much time left er, no valid tonnage displayed, $12 Bride-elect Linda Spooner was I Larry Lutz who became lr~ Aug./ ,. ,: ..... n .... ~ .... ~. ,~,; ......... wu~n ~u~ ] feted at a shower last Friday eve- n 12. A family g~t-together wlth/ q forfeit. .. *'*" ....... "~ |sing in the home of Mrs "Bruce[cake and ice cream marked the / carpeting sale! Get your new ear- t [1111 Sheriff's Office ~e~th Comes. at 88 [ Fulmer. A group of frmnds' ' gath-I oc.amon," ' and the gift of a slalom. [ pet and padding,' plus normal m-' ~ ",,' Ip. Howard J. Brown, leaving scene . ~ .... ered to gift Linda and wish her I ski from brother Doug and friend ] ~tnUntln,* ..~ ,~o,~;,~ ~h~,~;,~on a,, ' of accident and unattended car Fredrmk Howa~a' umm, a .rein•- well in her comin~ marriage Out- I Terry V¢olfgram plus his very/ ......................... v ,- "'"" , ,~ l( without identifying himself, three dent of thin community for 55 of-town guests were Mrs James lows driver's license helped make/all at one low price. 100 ~. wool | r~ days in jail, $29 fine; William years, "died at' hi~ home in the [Leonard (the former Betty Cook) [it complete, n or 100% continuous filament ny- " ~.~4~I Stokes, failure to keep right of centerline, $12 forfeit; Dana Gus- ~aw~on APar~mencs last Sunaay ] and Mary Jane Cook, both of Bre- I Doug Lutz and Terry left Fri- ] Ion, as low as $10.49 her snuare ~ ][~ ~/1 tafson speeding $12 forfeit; Ken- a~ me age o~ ~ years. [ merton and Penny Edman of Ta- I day evening for Reedsport, Ore.,| .......... n ....... *-- ~-- ...... ~ l~ ~' ! taVi?: :?; i: r::oZl ,,,u cow** o, neth G. Tozier, drunk in public, e u~ oat- ~°717n Cw°ith°s:;sSi laeSn r aiHenrYna[t et *Extra charge for installathm on con- [ )~0] three days in jail, $4 costs; Rus-g r e d' ection f Father n provided by the nine-month-old I Mrs. C a S P - [ crete floor, custom tackless installalion, ' _ , sell Rodgers, drunk in public, three Mark Weichmana pastor of St. Fulmer twins ]ernight here in Grapeview last| )n-the-job sewing, c~ .... nostl~J days in jail, $4 costs. Edwards Catholic Cl~urch, with in- Miss Susan Fulmer is a house- I weekend, staying at the home of I terment in Shelton Memorial Park. guest this week at the home of I her son and family Mr. and Mrs. [ ............ and oay SUPERIOR COURT (New Cases) 1Wr. ~teh~ operated a men's I her brother and family, the Bruce I Howard Somers. / l¥IOl~ l'h~.)l¥1[l[1%r~/~][~ - - "- "~ 8~ Coast Credit ServiCe against clothing store on Railroad avenueS Fulmers. Sue is visiting, for the I . Another birthday boy in the I .~ .... ~OOT Melvin Whttchurch, debt. for many years, retiring Just prior I summer in Seattle. n limelight last week was Ray Uhly/ waramg ~rore Washington Services Co. against to World War II when he sold the I Welcome guests from North I who was honored by his wife Mary| 42 ..... " Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James, debt. "~ ' ' h ' o-cu.. Earl K. Mooers against Denny business to AI Munro. - [ Platte, Neb. staying with the [ last Tuesday evening w,t a din- / a O I Davtdson, personal injury. He came out of retirement to [ Russell Wells at their Stretch Is- [ her at the Shelton Hotel which / 220 N. 1st |= II R L become a land buyer for the Simp- ] land home are Russ's brother and ] included guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hal / U r~ m" -'- Coast Credit Service against son Timber Company for a short[his briffe of 18 months, Mr. and[Retzman, Mr. and Mrs. Eke Eac-[_ ~.~ Mary Dickie, transcript of judg- period after the war serving with I Mrs. Virgil Wells. They arrived ~ rett and Walt Eckert. Many hap- / nmr~ ~-~ ~r ~! merit. ' the so-called "hay-loft" crewwhlch|by car last Thursday and are en-IPY returns, Ray! /~ IURNAi wa~v an_ ~ ~, National Bank of Commerce had its headquarters in the upperljoying their visit and the lovely/ Mr. and Mrs. Hal Retzman en-[ -- vw=,,zmgm RUU~%V Mt. View , against Frank Shantz, debt. story of the old Lumbermen's Mer- i summer weather of our banana ] joyed a visit last Saturday from/ OAV ~J Case Dismissed castile feed and warehouse which| belt". An evening "out on the/long-time friends, Mr. and Mrs./ rMI ~-------""-~j Charges of taking a motor ve- stood on the corner of Third and ltown" last Sunday took them all|Peter Jorgensen of Sequim. Ac-|- hicle without permission of the Railroad, now Evergreen Square] to the Chiefs Club in BremertonJcompanying them to Grapeview/r owner filed against two Seattlc parking area. I for dinner and dancing. /were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neth]| li•i_ v youths about a year ago were dis- He retired from this occupation[ No one loves a mystery more / and youngsters Cathy and Don of[/ .hen veu .: missed by Judge Hewitt Henry just before the "hay-loft" crew l than a little girl, and, to Nancy~Shelton. " il _ --•. ||did Friday. The two, Daniel V. Hanson moved into the present Simpson| Ewart, finding a bottle washed up i On Sunday, favorite guests of|I ~l~m VAUU~ l~.rAdl| UPp and Stephen Cromwell, were charged with taking a crawler office building and had been re-Ion her beach with a note in it,|the Retzmans arrived to spend the|1 i~vmm~ liUnl iUHI vm~,- -- tired since except for a brief per-I early this month was just about ] day. They were, of course, daugh-/1 • -~, tll~ tractor belonging to Pete Bloom- led in real estate with Roy Duns I the most exciting thing imagin-] ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs./1 YOU Dav low interest rates o- field last Aug. 3. The boys made • • . " " " ~--,, ............ restitution for damage to the trac- He was born at Mt. Pleasant, I able! The note, dated June 17 and ] Lefty Zetterburg wffh their daugh-/ 1 ~ ~ vment tor and told the court they planned Mich., June 11, 1877. His only sur- ] written by two little girls aged ] ter Polly from Seattle. Polly willS | ~ .... F"~'~"-~--- ' .~ riving family consists of a son, I 8 to 10, invited the finder to cor- ] remain for a week with her grand- / 1 .. . - - to enter the service shortly. Fred Jr., of Elmira, Ore., and al respond with them so Nancy and[ parents. !/ . ..rayments are arranges ~o ~1 j daughter, Bett.y Co.yne, of Belle- sister Peggy obliged ......... and last Sat- TWO YOUNG Grapeview mis-| | SHERIFF'S OFFICE vue, Wash., and three grand- J urday the marl-order frmndshlp I ales are having a vacatmn this|| Howard Somers reported two daughters / was culminated with a picnic/week attending a four-day en-[| ~r , • _ • ~__--~-.~,~fl( ' " anhandle Lake as. . xour business sere is ~*" advertising signs taken from the n where theyalled. The note rer~leYrsg°ttuaCquamt-i campment at P || " " St. Charles Winery. Ervin Nestell reported someone • rued out g estsofe YOU are deahn w th flmnds took a carbuerator from his pick- -~J/~/AmI@~'~IINI" Ito'beStephanieandMicheleH -/Tey " g* l/..- g ,,, v~v~vnu~ua v~. ~m~ ~ den of Tacoma, g'zanddaughters of [ Susan. Pogreba and they. left • homc~/| staled your problems and ' rll~ ~ uPlY[rs. John Morrow reported ~"| ..... ~,, n Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wright of Sunday with plans to return on/1 OU4- q o,-d,,~-i,-,,~ nglMlll rlum Ill]] / Pickering Passage. Would that we Thursday. i/ ~ "~ o~,~,~,,. signs at a bridge construction site By Mary Valley / |l It i~ ,,o-...... ;--*;on --- ' damaged. SKOKOMISH -- Mr. and Mrs./ ii --I I P ii m* l| .... J "~ '~6~-z~'~* Delores Drake reported a wire- Bert Deyette and family have re-i AAmtl~¢l/ h r; nn,, Nt @T!nfl /! and our other member. .. haired terrier had come to her turned home from a 2,600 mile/ IWI~SiV~II ~iuIn~l iwm,a~=n.~ li ~ .---- home. Road signs at Highway 101 and trip whlch included many inter-I " m m~ F|* ••• ' !| MA~0N ¢0UHTY Purdy Cutoff Road were reported eating places. They traveled west.] h~,,~AnA~J L'Ap 1/11 1 ]/ ..o turned around by vandals, along the Columbia River High- r-II LllUlII U /Ul Ulli=) WW ~N% L/ ~n~nnn nocnIT !1[ • Cliff Benson reported an electric way through Oregon and into Ida- =v ~ . ]l r~ugn~L ~n~.ul 1 fence sender unit, clam guns andhe, making a stop at the Crater By Dora He~ring Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hells ac-] I ...... of the Moon. The~ also enjoyed ~ATLOCK Matlock Grange compasSed by Mrs. A. C. Anderson/I urren[ly l'aylng cL ' /v o,,.- a TV set taken from a home at th:nticSqtuareBd~nC~e~l°n:s~n~°nanat postponed its Friday night meet- and son..Al~ed of .P~t Orchard|/ Serving all residents of Mason County except the airport. , , = Count took zn me ~lma iall ~a~l],oay ".' ing because of the Mason y " ' • Mrs. Richard Miler reported a the Grand Tmtons were part of -- . The "ran- w'll have a-ic |I boat missing, the " . ~'alr. ~ ge z p - Aenary during the nine day Cal Poe reported vandalism at vacation " sic at Schafers Park at 7:30 p.m. a logging site. Violet Davis reported a house Mrs. Ilene Twidwell and Mrs Aug-27- .... .......... °o*'ert Ad "" ~ee ~ert i ..... : W~ ~JL~ ~L JLaY LU ~PUJLL ~L~'e ~ a ~v£cL~ enL a neff a~ a Drl(]al broken into in the Dayton area. shower Monday evenin- in honor Watters is in the Orthopedic Hos- Vern Schuffenhauer reported a . . g ~ital in Seattle for tests. He has of Miss Nikk~ Plant The evenm tire and wheel stolen. ' " g be~ quite ill and We all hope he was spent playing games and vis- iting. A beautiful decorated cake will have a speedy recovery. formed the centerpiece and was, MRS. ORVILLE EVERS of Sa- served later by the hostesses. The cramento, Calif., and Mrs. Ed- bride-to-be received many lovely ward Evers of Shelton called on gifts. Those present were Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing Tues- Bob Plant, Mrs. Georgia Miller,day and then visited other friends Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Don Pavel, in the community. Mrs. Claude Dugger, Mrs. Don Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill Ragas, Mrs. Mary Valley, Mrs. and son Carl of Dayton spent Thusday evening with Mrs. Aug- Billie Godwin of Shelton, Mrs. usta Portman and Carl Portman. HIMLIE REALTY OFFICE Charles I~ongshore of Alaska, and TO MOVE TO MT. VIEW :Mrs. Lewis Systma.* Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFoer and Upon completion of the new ad- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger and son Rickle of Wenatchee Lake dition to the Rex Floor Covering Carl spenV Sunday with Mr. and were overnight guests of Supt. building on Mt. View, the Himlie Mrs. Rudy Homan and family at and Mrs. Eugene French Tuesday. Realty Company will move its of-Mason Lake, and enjoyed the dayMr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier rices to that location, owner Vince swimming and skiing, were eraser guests of the Paul Himlie announced yesterday. Miss Marylin Miller of Seattle Rossmaier family of Olympia Sat- This is expected to be about Oc- visited her:grandparents, Mr. arid urday evening. tober 1. Mrs. Arvid Johnson over the week- Mr~ and Mrs. Lud Rosmaier, Mr. The move will give Himlle Real- end. ty about 800 square feet of floor Mrs. Carl Spaulding of Coos space, approximately'double its Bay, Ore., visited in the Valley present space at'116 North 2nd during the past wek. street, where the firm has located Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley since its founding last Nov, ember, visited at the home of Mr. and Himlie pointed out ~hat the en-Mrs. John Laramie on Sunday af- larged quarters wil~ enable each ternoon:'' 'IF salesman to have a private office ' MRS. AL NE Masse of Port- ar/d also will provide much addS- land, Ore., was a Weekend visitor tibnal par~ing space ~or the firm's at• the home of ~Vlr. and Mrs ROy ~ustomers. ' ' Lannlng .... Mff. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson DL'$ CO~NER The M6~on County Fair official- were Sunday dinner guests at the hom'e of Mr. and Mrs, Chester Val- ly opens :'Friday at 10 a.m. You~ ley.~ :.. truly has" never seen the fair, but Mr. and Mrs. Max Latzel have he has been working on it just the as their house guests Mrs. LatzeFs same, Tl% officials promise to have sister, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. the biggest fair ever and if Clive Lotus Hamilton of San Diego, Troy, fair manager, has his way, Calif. it will be . . . Back down town, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Porter and & R SALES is having its grand daughters have returned to their 6~pentng this weekend with many home in Santa Aria, Caltf. after huge bargains. Be sure and stop in a two-week visit with her parents, atoll say hello, at 4th and Rail- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. road . . . Don McCallum has join- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kortnik of ed'the force over at SEARS. Don Bellevue spent the weekend with and his wife Mary have six chil- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George dren ranging in age from 10-24. Barkley. We take this opportunity to say Don't forget the Mason County welcome, Dcn and hope that he Fair this. wekend and visit the likes the Sears organization . .Skokomish Grange Booth. We are Jim Pessimier, manager of MIL- also assistirtg With the Grange LF.~'S "DEPT. STORE, has an- concession. nounced he will have a fashion MR. AND MRS. Humphrey Nel- show for grade school through col- son, former residents of the Val- lege age girls. The girls modeling ley have just returned from a trip will be Liz Somers, Linda LaBia- to Skagway, Alaska and were cal- Soniere, Cheryl Bead, Leslie La- lers at the George Barkley Home. Bissoniere, Mary Timpani, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter made Kern Sowers. This takes place on a business trip to Seattle one day Friday, from 7 - 8 p.m .... Eldon last week. Kahny manager of P~NNEY'S Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. has announced that the store will Eric SJoholm Were Mr. and Mrs. begin staying open until 9 p.m. John Pearson of Seattle and Mrs. Friday nights. He also tells us that Joan Shivers and Kim of Portland. You shouldn't miss the big coat~ Visitors this week at the Mar- CarniVal, n0w going on... George~ tin Smith home were Mrs. Esther ~alley at EELLS & VALLEY has Morgan and Mrs. Ethel Mitchell of ~omd terrific bargains on dinette~ Shelton and Larry Anderson of sets. Be sure and stop in... That's Seattle. Mrs. Smith recently spent ---30-- for this week, but REMEM- a week in Portland, Ore. visiting BER, attend the Mason County her sister, Mrs. Martha Malcom ~&ir this weekend, and friends, and Mrs. Robert Trenckmann, Mrs. Augusta Portress and Carl Port- man from this vicinity attended the wedding of Sandra Six and Martin Auseth Jr. at Saint Johfi's Episcopal c~urch in Olympia Sat- urday evening'. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley at- tended ~the 'farm auction sale at Little Rock Sunday. ' MR. AND MRS. JAMES Ladel and Mrs. Orpha Ruder of Seattle were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C.'F0rd. Our sympe:thy ts extended to the Ray Kimrnerly family as Ray passe~ away suddenly at .his home in Shelton las't Week. Ray was a graduate of Mary M. Knight school and lived many years in Deckerville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Singleton of Kansas City, Kans., are this week house guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. C.. Ford and Mrs. J. R. Singleton. They all went to North Cove Beach Sunday and got their limtt of clams. Mr. an~ Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. and children spent Sunday eve- sing at the I. C. Ford home. MR. AND MRS. ROSCOE Crow- ell called at rise Earl Walker home Sunday. Mrs. Larry Walker and daughter Janet spent Sunday with the Earl Landis family. Mr. and Mrs. George Alden of Calmnais, Calif., are houseguests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash. Cerri LaMarsh of Seattle is spending the week with her grand- mother, Mrs. Bob Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wansley of Peoria, Ill., has spent the last two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Reb- man and the William Avery fam- ily. They also visited other rela- tives in Shelton and on Hood Ca- nal. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hells spent Monday With their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sher. ~wopd of, We're celebrating the opening of a brand new Volkswagen headquarters for Olympia, and most heartily invite you to join us! Come, and visit our sparkling service department. Stroll through our new showroom full of shining VV¢ sedans, trucks and station wagons. (You can park in our big, new parking Iotl) See everything new that we've planned for you in this ultramodern Volkswagen center.., and share the fun and prizes we've planned for you during our Open House, all day Friday and Saturday. There'll be refreshments, surpdses.., and valu- able PRIZES, too, for those who can guess the cost of assembling the specia~ built-from-parts VW on display. Come and bring the familyl AUTHORIZED D£ALER BREWlNGTON now at 3000 Pacific, Olympia Phone: 943-2120 i % / /i !i~; : (L~ i