August 19, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 19, 1965 |
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!9, 1965 sI-rELTON-.-I AS01 COTJ2 30URNAL--Published in t'O r tmaMown, helton, Washington PAGE S
.... ii ........
BAHD , *
IOH: ITS 0 ' ' "
":i:. i , . , :,, ' !'".' ' " '. ..... ~ ,'!' regular basis in Shelton's Memor- IN MASON COUNTY II
group" of 16-to-18-year-old music- |{ ;~.~
ians who came ui~ with a third EN .... I r' su' 'eltions included] h.~
place rating in the state-wide am- SEATTLE M - { Kaspe s gg i m
ateur band contest sponsored by LAND LUNKERS {these: [
the Sterling Theatre Corporation Two Seattle anglers, one fish-] 1• Hold back on the urge to{ ~
recently in Seattle. ing off Hoodsport in Hoods Canal, {throw trash "over the side". In-{ ~
Ninety bands entered the corn- :and the other trolling in Lake ]stead, carry a litterbag and nse| il
petit{on'from all parts of the state. ;Cushman, came up with the two ! it Bring the Dad back to port for[ iiii
J 7th~ I~l'~'~l~qletWith {IT+ ...... ,~ee o-,~,o. ~:,~ th,-ae days { lart.cst fish ¢n both the freshwater prol)er shore-side disposal. { '~i HI
I~ H~,t]ofla d~A :f p]~,e'liminar~"pl~'avil'~g~•the" eon•'a~- and saltvcater fronts,,respcctively, 2. When pieniclng .or.campingl {~ ~ '
petition was •eliminated down to this week. ~ Bo , ashore, keep your trasn eleanefl, uI)[ ~ |
]10~;" ~tO{ ~r~.~ ['the top 10 bands. In five more In urder of size, A.B.. wers ]so zt cant be blo~n or wasnea] '-- | i
d ae,;~e~f to):,~y,~geth%l~op ;iiveflw~; 38sl),)u:;tlOK:.n~Ol:~u~t g~snr~(~owt a,~y~f shores already are littcred,/ li { mira b
. ~at , Track _,,,, ofcompetitioh the one-two-thre•e HoodsportMsrina sunday, sa.d the,pick up a few pieces and lcavc] .-- , ~ --
~'HE" GENTS got that third The Lake Cushman large one, alfound it. ' { iN m H
• .. ~ " I10-nound 29%-inch long landlock-/ 4. Provide dockside trash re-] Hi HI I
1~ , 2 9
"~ , pmce__Th~zspOt.c2e~lpetLt]OnahWa~n ~eldttll: { French[ ed King Saturday.Was takenL.oisbY R~edEVerettof [{ watez'fro.nteeptaeles andstructures."keep-up ' your., own_// TRIP BY AiR--Some lucky[] {couple will be makings County~Fair this{weekend. Joe Townsend will pilot
.t.n ip .... / vai, ]Lake Cushman Resor saia 'rencn/ .~.vom spilling gas or on wne.n.] a trip to Ocean Sl~ores in an a ralane ike this one the winners to their destination.
~,~?-s.a.. ,~,?~s~: ....... "~"':... " used trollin gear and a "red{ rezueung. ~'or sa~e~ys salve as wen{ ..... , ...... ~ +~ .~++~ ..... :.~.o ~+ +~ ~ ....
uate tl~e en~r)es, 'me co•pennon [ nmgic" lure go attract the fish. ] as for cleaner waters, make sure] ...................... 7 ................. ~.~_'~' ~__ ___
was open only tO SEal:ear non
• • . '.. :1 SHE SAID that Silver Trout/all fuel lines are tight, i
union, teen-age groups wnicn naulfishin~ i~ nickin,~ an. with most { 6 Provide special fish cleaning{ P l| { | {{ i • { | ~ | ~, l|• |_§ {| A •I l .
eal ~, -~ r ~, ,-. ' " . - •
not a ed on TV
P " " [ an~lers using 2,/,-3 ounces of lead, i facilities as required Dmcard fish{ I=ooTNgm! N{|~_|ImY {{{TO %nO)'Te _~nAT||enT M{tWW {~W'{~{ {)'i m
i i Daron Taylor, 18, drummer, who {and that Landlocked Kings in the{cleaning waste properly ~- neveri |VVLW$~'| |ImU~)vliu6 usaw.v UpVl w.~ V pV n|6la ., IIW#Wm WAMIW{ ,{' Hi
graduated from Shelton high il4-18 inch class have been hitting{discard it on shores or in shal-i .... ;_ • ...... .....
' f invi
16, tiass guitar, junior; comprise { of Hoodsport Marina said Wednes-J authorities• ] hard to believe football season is will be held at lanes yet to be set tat{on to turn out to all of last
the musicians who make up "Thel day morning. He said early morn-| 8, Set a good litter disposal ex-i standing tall astride the athletic . by the coach after conferring with J yem"s 7th and 8th grade squad
Gents". J ing and evening fishermen are stillS ample for your children, your{ path, but come this Satm'day the J his squad members. Under state I members, but invites any boy
• the ha~vin the best luck for Salmon neighbors, and your fellow Water first overt action in the -rid reahn re regulations s uads are allow- wishing to turn out who hasn't re-
comMpS~it~5:hew::ehe~b3ads '~hrec {in thegHoodsport area. [ sportsmen. [ takes place, g Pd Pive days of ~uble workouts, ceived a letter to contact him ft)r
4i !!ili~~ii {Utah, ~~=?h years older and had six or se,mn ] Catches from around Hoodsport { * * * [ Between 8'30 a m and noon Sat- [ To wind uP that week a gan~e- [details.
pieces, including organs; all of{ during the past week include: Har-[)BIRD, FIS~ SEASONs {urday, new'Higi~c]'imher coach{conditioning scrimmage will bel ......
' e od 10 0 King and two TO BE SET AUG 23 24 Jeer 11 e~ws ~ uance held on Sat•day, Septembe~ 4
which makes The Gents achieve-] vey Or.enwo , - ] L O ". ~' , " . ~ : ' '," / ' y Mi S will sup ''e "SS { • . i ' . [ B'~WL ............
ment of placing third the more[ 3-0 Black•oath in two trips; Dean| l~.ex~ z~Fs b!r.~ n}!n~!ng seasons{ of equipment to aspirants for his{ There will be no turnout Labor { v =n~ .~ ~.,=,
and l Shelhn 9 0 and 4 0 Black•oath, ann me ±~ state nsmng seasons
M{. remarkable audable. ~ " g, - - "] ......... ...... ] first Sl~elton high school football [ Day but the rest of that week will { There will be a meeting of
~l~jI~a~i~ TITE "ENTS PI AV ~n,:h s~condi Walt He{n. Kent, 8-0 Silver; Lois/ will t)eaeterml.nea t)y.. [ne ~t.ate [ team. } be "devoted to preparing for tile } Women's Commercial L e a g u e
.... ~" -- ~ " ............ 0Hum and ~ame L:ommlsmon at z~:s meeung
~' :r xvell as1 At Least Tie o,, rn,zrth Saturday nivhts at [ Frieser 7-0 Silver, 9-PY { .. '[ He has sent letters to all return-[ Olympic League jamboree at ]bowlers Tuesday at8 p.m. at the
......... • h Endic Au ust 23 and 24in tnecommm • "
i! Memorial Hall at nl]blic dances 7-0 Blackmouth; Ralp ott,[ . _gl ...... "1 in~ lettermen B sauad members] South Kitsap on Friday, Septem-[Shelton Hotel, secretary Betty
?amerous other at-]F0rI'I°le'iny{ n.,RoLca~ [oI I -- -- ""Q"-Twifi~51 Title wnvk in additi~,~nl ,~ntn,'dav 8~/:z King; Nick Salmela, 8-0 Silver.] mo_n.s olzlces. ^^ [ ,n~ =rndnato~ af last v,,.w'.~ Rlnz. [ber 10. " i Wolden announced this week.
ni-'g-htsastt~ey are avai'lab-ie'.- ...... " SALMON RECORDED caught[ a+'rnxeh~Z~Ttm|gnsta~s a~co~m~isasimn ] er'-gr~l-sqt'~a~l- outlini~g: ~t'{~e-eq-t~il'~-[ * * * [
, .... ~ ....... . in toe lower t~anat region and re-i ~ " ~" ~ " ~ ment issue s "le- le and "" • - ' " ~" "
The have not p,,~ =u v=, ,,~ , cl au oT:neI dO
!!i t~::te~aY; . TWILIGHT "A" LEAGUE . Y ..... Y .. ~ " ported to Wingards Sport Shop{will, all suggestions, andltails of turn~ut and condition{n: {BLAZERS START SEPT. 1 {i • A I
i i~i ~iI t h !i ten Outsme O[ masOn wOunty sO .... r~ taken b"" Ed Osterber~ { ree°mmenoau°ns °r inaiviouaLs °r { ' ~/ . I • l~li|i0AII wnu.Aa~ ~ {
far,.but since their high.ran!~.tng thr~ Kings to~6-4 in two tripsilorganizations concerning the sea-{rmes' _ ........ {B/yln~°[ hlghisb°°:b:2~fitc°ac~ Yi~l[ LUWICV U[~i{ i i
in tne state Dang competition they ,.~0 ,.~ ..... ~ o w,,,~. Die K~,:m I sons. After that the seasons willl Any ~neiton nign scnooi s~u-{ " , ," • '4 P I{ i~ O {
are beginning to get inquiries from ~ ~'J~'~::~ ~-~.,~h"~ehn~ ~7'-~| be established officially• [ dent who didn't receive a letter] hegin turnouts for his Blazer grid { i ill {
outside places, and chances are ~[i~'.~"'" ..... ~ .................. -~[ * * * ]but plans to turn out for football{asp{rants on September 1. ]{ i J~li/l~ll/ UII/~lnd~ ~ [
l~cl~i their popularity will skyrocket ¢~,o.+i ...... that n hi.i FIREARM SAFETY [ is invited to be on hand Saturday| Boys planning to turn out must [[ I~t[I~W IldllUi I
{~i from here on. .*.'~":.~.~::.~.:'~...~;J,.~';n-thfl,,,,7.',°i TRAINING REQUIRED [ morning when the equipment is is- ] arrange for their own physical cx- {I -- 4 "- l
Want to dance~ You can this ~,..,~'+), ..... ~h ~e ~h~ Duckah-~h[ With the first general hunttnglsued Coach Mills stud. /amnmtmns tAm year so should{| |A||~|UUU~ [
{ y Saturda- night one of those "ex:z "~" =.~."': .... ~-*-f7:.^ ,.'._ ~=7.-.._1 seasons opening Sept 1 now is{ First actual turnouts will start / start scheduling them with their }1 dunnnva ,
• ut his vamt rec- __ tra" dates t~hat became available: tlr~i;er'nen~lSa~ asSe:xap'ea~t%dUi'n~[t~l~'e { the time fox" the youn} l~unter to[ next Wednesday and will ~take] personai physicians immediately [{ ........ v ]
)!3ntly broken by] Mt. View came from behind to in Memorial Hall--to the third Hoods~ort area soon however Don{gO to work on his firearm safety{place in the evenings for the rest|and have then~ completed by Sep.[i ~U.~|~. Rnl [
best youmr band in Washington .... ,~ ~,,,,,+~,, ~,,m'mm.~ n~,~o~rt] training reminds the State Game{ of the week at 7 o'clock to permit{ tember 1. {I .,vv•v ~,vn {
who sew- . ....................................
~i:::p;~ nip Skokomish 4-3 last Weanesuay,°bi~ed ~C]lea~Yca10"1 ........ ,...,,% +...n ..... aor.~.(. +~. ,Department. ,boys Wlth jobs to fimsh out tlre] Bnckcrt also urged Blazer foot-{{ [
,. ,o..uo = ,.w .e.u,.e..,1 .e--.. --.....c.o.u,o ooo o-o ,
3ec t thu~id~ s* ~' " .... ".'" Y-* ~".~ "'=" ~" ........ 7"'/under 18 to pass a recognized]through Saturday, August 28 /insur',nce .'hen they re,~:stcr at'[ Shelton-Wash.
Veme's ~porting uoous reportea; ........ ~ ~ ,
T i~.5 Climber track championship. Moats (.omMete After slackinE off-omewhat in{training course before being al-i The following week August 30- the junior high. | i
N ~S, three behind The loss for Skokomish put ' ' mid-July, Cutthroat fishing has]!°wed to purchase a huntm.g{ ...... -- .... ----~-----y-1~- ;
A I * ,*'m*l a,~ain .-icked u'~ in Oeldand Bay~ dcense. Accreaitea instructors in{ ~ ~~\\%.\%,\\\\\k\'~1 "
to wor . coach Ted Blair's nine out of the , ", , 'the firearms course are located ,
~:;~ COllege, k)rao~2~e.. Y titlein chasotho first Mr. view U/ymp/¢_ _ Hike U,DEL,NES SOGGESTED |throughout the state. Young hun!] ~ I
l:'emertonIstarting game was TO K'EP WATERS CLEAN / ters must successfully graduate] ~ ~~~ ~ i
{h; ~rter. He is era-[ behind 3-2 going into the bottom Fifteen youths from Shelton's A 's~ron- r-~ueat to boaters to[ from a minimum four-hour in-] ~ ~~ " ~t~ ~ " J " L
M ~n Mobile Homes | of the seventh (the last scheduled Boy Scout Troop 60 arrived home ...... ~'~--~.-~ ..........z ...... ~] struction course. Many instructors[ -"ii ~ ! • I I 1 D' a.,J ~ I
},rxday after cornpleting a week- , ..... ,~,.+ -..+~ot,o r],~.~n,'.'~] g~ve add{tmnal hours of trainmg.[~ ~~ ~ "~ A ~ ~ I I t | ~ ~ |
[ inning), but the league leaders . . • curu L,=~ u~4~: ~u tu,, w~e ,~V~ , . • ~ ~ ~~%.~
;~-] rallied for the tying and winning ~. ......... s ...... '~ ........................ ~ ~\\".\".".'~ .'.~ ~~-
long o2-mfle mkmg and campmg Dove and pigeon huntmg opens ~ ~ ~ ~ " - b
• . . was made today by Northwest l~t- n ~ ~ ~ ~"
b. , []runs in that last half-frame to tmpmtheOlympicMountams, ter nrevention and beauU£mauu~[Sept' 1. deer and pheasant hu t-~[ ~ ~Z~.¢lb I :'1' I i k L ~iP ~ ~ [
[~ irllw{~|~e, A~csteal the victory
~{' ,,-o, = I{ Mt. View's Steve Mills Walked, For making the trek, each boy- : leader Eugene B Ka,ner [ ing Oet. 16. | ~ ~%~,~ .' (~.\ I I
~l (,~ ~Jl~ . ' ~b%~t, ole second and third and, came will receive a Scoti% o0-M' i The Executive ~)irector of Cle'an] --~---------~------F [ ~ i I
" "U|~ [[home on a single by Don Donal- .Award plus credit for doing 10 and Beautiful, the Wa;,hington-i . -- ...... ~ ~L~kT~l~ Wf3 ~I~ ~ll, 11.4 4. -~ ' A I
nours of campgrouna improve- ]Oregon business and industry..] [.~I~ ! Hel~ | ~ ~~~~ 'li I | I I i I [ ~ • i • .J ~ ] I i
!~ ~. ~. li son to tie the count. Donaldson . ' P g P' ~i " / ~ ~
hen ~ ~~'~
i~r'~ace [[plated with the deciding run mo- t s onsored coordination rou of*- I~I~11 %,IUJ~ ~ ~" ~"
,men,. ,.. .oo he or,.,n.*..ore ,er. --.. -- .
,, " " ll