August 19, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 19, 1965 |
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h ELTON--MA ON 30t.I .NA.I., --• Published in. "OF,, Lstma t, own, ?j'.8.AZ', - hhelton. Washington
,,PAGE ,%
This seems to be an unusually
good year for the fishermen. Many
~vlmon arc being caugbt in the
Hood Canal and Westpmt areas,
'.s well as in tile. sound. There is
........ ~ $ ' I .... S ......... " ..... A'l~l en ~I~B~ ic k S O ,, f~L n~ il y of Lal~
picnic at Ma:~(m Lake Saturday.
By Mabel Kldd m~mbers present. Brown family anti"Mrs. Alma Ba-Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Scrogham
DAYTON -- Mr. and Mrs. Cliff I Next week. a groins of Enp]or- Iker one evening last week• The were Monday evening callers in
ers from Tacoma will be camped Sergeants were stationed at Fort
Combs De]mis and Keith have re- at the ~ake Lex~iS Guard Camp~ tile Don Rutherford home.
turned home from a two week " ' . 1 . Mrs, A. E. Lemke is zetu~ned
vacation in California. They madeMr. and Mrs. Ford Wflgus and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper anti from a vacation trip with the A. I{.
file trip ,to see their first grand- ~ girls, Janean dud Jodv of Tacoma children of Sheltou called on Mr. \¥olden family of Seattle which
child. Darrel Wayne who was born visited Sunday with the Ed Pear- and Mrs. Joe Kirk Sunday eve- toot( them to ,Calgary and other
to Mr. and Mls. Gary Combs Julyson family and the group enjoyed ning. points of interest and scenery, in.
28. Little Darrel weighed five a picnic and water skiil,g at Lak(, Mrs. Chester Valley of Skoko- chiding Banff. They visited in Cal-
pounds and fqur ounces. Mrs. FIos- Nahwatzel. mlsh Valley and Mrs. Alvin lfful- galy with Mr, and Mrs. Bryan
sie Van Osdol of Santa Susan-d~Gezaldine Schur left Saturday bert visited Monday with their Hart, the Art Mocks and Mrs.
shares the honor of grandparentfor Seattle after spending her two mother, Mrs. Sarah Lozier of Turn- Margaret Davidson.
aothing thal can beat the taste with the Corpbs. week vacation with parents Mr water, Geraldine Schur, Scatlte, i.~
,)/" freshly caught fish. Perhap,~ a Great gran~tparents are, Mr. and and Mrs• Delmer Schur. The Eugene Evers family dug spending her two-week vqcation
:, few suggestions will aid the home- Mrs. Scab Combs of this commun- John Schur of Seattle and fri{'nd, I clams at Copalis Sunday morning with he'," pc, rents, Mr. and Mrs.
;., ,uaker ir letaining that just ~ty who will be leaving before Robin Nesler of Tacoma visited and then lunched in Hoquiam in Delmer Schnr.
, 'aught freshness in'qonverling the too long to, get acquainted with Saturday with his parents. I the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Charles Smittl and
• ",~,~ fresh catch to a winter food re- their first great grandchild, andSaturday the •Clyde ScrcghamlMrs. Charles Burke. children are happy lo have back
.... " i' serve Clyde Michlea" of Oxnard. family drove to the DosewHlip.'~ Sunday dinner guests of Mr and with them hm g eat aunt An~'e!-
":~":::" i i Hm~ember tlmt fish spoils quick- The Combs stayed with Mich- for a day of fishing I Mrs. Alvin Hulbect were Mr. and ins Mankowski who has been (~on-
": ~ iv and tile mt~'e ouickly.,it is ler \virile in California and visited Thurs('iay ca iers in the Seab lMrs Ted Ferris of Olymnia v~lcscing in tim Shelton Manor
j=~5~ cleaned and presmved, the freshe~" tile Charles Edwards family of Combs hoivie were Mr. and Mrs. I M'r. and Mis. Wills" Wi'bbits of Rest Home.
]| I "~'~ ~ile product will be. Van Nuys formerly of Seattle, and Robert Lamb of Island Lake and Lost Lake were Sunday dinner I Joe Brown Jr w II be leaving on
~! '~ , When ireezing salmon .it has Mr and Mrs. Malcolm McNeil of Mrs. Altq~ Lamb of Union. ,~,~t ests of Mr. and Mrs Allen Tib- _q~b,,,~d~v, z,,.'e'~' ' ..... ~,~urz~., ..... .... ~" ,~r~e*"'~ ....
• ~!~1 ~ .... men su~,~ested that the fillet or North Hohywood A family re- lVI:r and Mrs Ned lacohson bits soendtn~: his leave with hi~ 1)~l
,;~ !~ .~ 'teaks be dinned in all ascorbie union was nero ourmg tne wamvs shopped in Tacoma Saturday ~, ....,~ ~r,, T• h 'Pndcl r,~ll~D ents and will he shim)ed ol t frolu
,.~ t }h~t~ '~: xcid solution (4V~ tsp. aacorbic stay with 68 family members pres- Mr. and Mrs. Alma Chapma,n rm M~,~ A] h-%,*a{q,,v~ .~f~tuvd~v " tt~r~ to do,~ttnatiou unk~ ivtn
':~' ;v~~' acid to 1 ot of water) for 10 to 20 ent among them Mr. and Mrs. and children dined on Sunday eve- "'~'~'(~,q~'~" "~'h'~,'l='~ "~"~l"--~,,,m~ -'~i~---Odadv'd'~,~vers-'St;i:'m',ulto
~:.~::, : ,: seconds. :Phe ascm:hic ac~ will .Man!e.Y ~Ii.c.hler and sons of Sko- ning ~,it.h. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hack- Brown~-~t,"mky'}_io;vard"~ary,'P'a"~_" is Vi's'itin-~; w"ith ~'Mrs.' 51'a:c(~ Evers
~i .!:~ zelp to retain frcsnness, 13o not t{omlsn vaney , ney ot A.oeraeen. , sv and Scott Miltenher~er of the and the ~Vavne Evms this
[~ ,~ use br,ne for salmon or ally other A~lother family welcoming a Mr and Mrs Bill Homan of ~ S~elton Valley Ciovers~'4 H club ]week " •
~ ~at fishwhen freezing as the new grandohlld wa~ the Fmt~ Shelton wine S nc dmnm ~ues s .~
ltllttil Jl' .', ! . ..... "! _" lay ' st, lattended the'Grays Harbor I4airI RAMONA AND Rosalie Ri(k-
.... nine filal{es the fat Become rail £1uc'~nels 'r*~Iesa Anu was Dora (f Is ' rtl ld "" , • •
~|]|~|t: [~!~ ...... . . ._ :" .. ' ..... ~ ~ M., Ge "t e Scott. 'Ihursday and pat'ticmated in the a,rds arrived home Sunday tl'OFU
~il ]11~:: ~ rod. , , . Jmy zu to lv~r. and lvtrs: "rein ~ue- Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J Livestoci¢ Judging con'test, i a week's stay at girls jtmior¢'tmp
After ch m m ascorbm amd chel of Tacoma ~ne weighed seven
~i !~It ~ 'PP' g " • : ". . . ' . .. Dick Leonard were Mr. and Mrs, ] ' - ..... ]held at the 'Seventil Day Advent-
~, ii~l~ :" ~ solution, wzap the fillets or steaR peunos tour ounces, and~joins aNewt Harris of Yakima. ] Note: Held out last week be- J i,t Sunset Lake Camp.
, , ......... .liability,:,::; ~ so they are air tight..Good mois- brother Greg and a roster, ~usan. Mrs. Darl Goldy and Mrs. Del- cause of lack of space ~ Mr an~:l Mrs. Clayton Lamonl
• ~I I!~tt~: ~ ture vapor proof packaging ms- t~eeg and Susan are spenmng mer Schur shopped in Olympia .... land children spent Mends y
: ~~ ~.)~ ~ ~ ." • heav aluminum this week with their grandparents " r ,~ ' '
,! , ,, ~ ~. ~ . te~.lals inc!ude .Y . , , . •Tuesday• DAYTON -- Mr. and Mrs. Dell through Wednesday of last week
.... : ~[¢~'/I,~I[~ ~ '' m PWtY g" " a ., The James Hicksons attended a &dams lave moved into their new]in Seattle with her mother Mrs.
t lou m o e h Jene ba s We welcome to our community,
::'" ~:':~: ;: .... ' ~,i~!~l~ ~ Label and freeze imnlediately. Mr. and Mrs. Waltel" t~,ellog and family reunion picnic held at Point home on Arcadia Road which they l'Maude Schriock M~s Schriock's
!, :: : ........ ~l~!~li~l ~ ~preading in freezing place at zero tx.vo ctHldren form.erly, of Shelton Defiance Sunday. Approximately have built We are sorry to lose[father. William Jack of Fert,ile.
~i~ i!i}i~! i'ii~, ,: t enhezt, oz lo,vez, w:o are now red,am m tne small= ,
tp il!li~t ~ .leg'tees Fah" ' --" ' ./'- - "-- g---, ~' ....2a members were present, these good neighbors but this puts/Minn., was also there and cele-
• ~i~t~litlt ~i~ THOUGH SALMON, ~la%~atr~l- corneertnouse on 1:he t)eLmer ..... r Kathy Hick,on of Lal{e Nahwat- Mrs Adams much nearer her job]brated his 93rd birthday. They en-
, : :cnange "daughter" Vic-] Stleet ad'acent to Laurel and 13tl~I ' , ears a :~::i. ,,,:~,':~ ~: ' i..:ed agqin in desc, ihin,,; ihe ~ec:,[e oll .the p.atio deck of tbe IStreet. - ....... ' His father has, pro mi,enl: ,bus-| i:,,~7i4:~:i~~~!~~,: : :::'i,
• P wnne MlSS : to A (' cleeR camn Willle Mr and Mrs erent ash ¢ t
;,....... "1 trim ]itl]e :ffi" • .oa~t ~: , I:-~,'d I ' -- ~, ', , .' 1 . ~ • ' " " I" " I Twice in one week two diff l ines in this town ~md .I am . - |}~it'~~~~- - .... •: ....... %" t :: i
ullll('[ ~,VIL~ t 1 J {CH t., ILtO In(l M[ M 1~ l lnl{ RoDin t
~c"" ~ " oltwer' " dropped in and oxel'fim(~(,, .~' w(;~ '~ ('",'m ,.. "s,::." ~ ..: .~, 7 i irresponsible, speeders left tke dined: to ' think t~his pe ~~~~_ - ~!:~. : -.,-:
6 Lung accus ~ ¢)11 lel e, 1(sts Ol the I aE on
• ' - first ',I oul lhe n:' I[ c] "1 1 ine,.'s ,ff ~ 1 , ]1 omcd lat 1 I cel crave mentioned in tim" petiti would allow his son {0 get away ,. : . ~
a. tb;, piaee ,'h.n ,,(, ,d;,ed '4Vlw 2 cg;;7 's < ;% nlda I bove and took down about 40 or]with ,uch a thing• How can weI~~~~ia~ ' ',
KS are sorry I it's a.. cute as 'a im,g's ¢,:,,'!' " "-'~u "~ 1 ....... ; "7o s mr Ll 'Y I b0 feet of fencing along the side]expec{ our teenagers ,to be any]7=_: - _ I~ - - - - -:-~':~:: , i '
or" the suddcn [ Mr,~ RI t M~ h-~s beenw,c~ ,, ~-m~lay cake dessert was ~of our ~ronertv and the same I dit~fexen* th~iI they are if their I --~- I~ o=-= - " _ - ,~
A len , ". ~ ,, , ' ..... ,turves up at the cabin. { "- *- " our .... • '~ - ''. . : : ' :
P , wife (,f hav~l~. , v , l~om. her son, AI-..• , . numbez of feet out in back of ]parents are _gom..g to. covm~ up. foz [~id~El~~~ --- '-'_ =~: : - .'..
attle and In- bert Moh' mmm, md chi drcn, Ren-'~evc., .nteen, we "e ln'esent at the / ..... I them all the time ~ m not speak- /': -
1~. Her death I ee "~n(1 l~e',: w} o 'u'e from Mor,lga fmmty beach supper held Saturday ! ..... --, ........ m ] i~lff about'all teen4agers--j~st those] . , ~a~., _=2 _ j~ - -
~of her broth-Iz~e'n" O/