August 19, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 19, 1965 |
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19, 1965
SITELTON---MASON COUNTY 3OURNAI;-- Published in = hr masfow% U.g.)[.", S1/el on, Washington'
and crochet
in .tim
folks this
By Liz Allison
HARSTINE --- Cars with Calif-
ornia licenses are a common sight
three-day trip to Vernonia, Ore.,
in Columbia County and the side
trip flom there to Cannon Beach.
on our ferry. The Carsons on Mc-
been 100 per- By Mrs. Ray Krateha Micken Island adjoining Harstine
and gone into SOUTHSIDE -- Executives of
own their land and have many vis-
or three pieceSouthside school requested $25,000 itors from the southern state each
e in the Masonfrom the Federal Forest Funds of
vacation they spend here. Miss
1965 from the County Commis- Patricia O'Brien, her brother Fath-
, chairman forsioners, this money to be used on 'B "
' er O rlen, and mother, Mrs. Anna
'economics,time for 1 tohaS9 purposeC°nstructi°n Ofbuilding.the proposed multi- O'Brien of Kensfield, Calif., are
the main ex- There wil be a special meeting here each summer.
e fairgrounds, of the Board Aug. 26 at Southsido These properties are on the
used must to determine methods of finane- North East shore of Harstine. At
ing the multi-purpose building. Point Wilson the Drs. Alan Whee-
winners i~ Any children entering Southside lis of San Francisco have a home
SPecial ribbon school this year will have to beand in Island Estates. The Bacons
National Wool six years old by September 1, of Petaluma own property they
1965. are developing, and are due here
all Will receive a Teachers teaching this year at this August for vacation and we
will go in Southside are Betty Wolf, first are anxiously awaiting their ar-
grac~e; Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod, rival.
second sgrade; Mrs. Delores J. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brotherton of
Pappas, third grade; Dave White-San Francisco have an interest in
ner, fourth grade; Patricia Graig, Little Maples near Brisco Point.
fifth grade; James Malvey, sixthMr. Brotherton, a well known ar-
grade, and James Cronk, seventh tist, had a one-man show in the
grade and acting principal. Seattle Art museum a few years
SILVER STARS Riding Club ago. Several of the pictures were
took first place for riding at the scenes on Harstine. The Brother-
Elma Fair Saturday. Those ridingtons are now vacationing on their
were "Hap" Bracy and Ralph Bar- land.
iekman, who carried the flag, Mr. Newest California property own-
for and Mrs. Phil Hardie, Carol ers are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cruick-
Young, Lowell Hardie, Mike Bar- shank of Mt. View near Palo Alto.
Ca~. iekman, Debbie Bariekman and Mrs. Cruickshank is Jim McAulif-
Georgeia Magnett. This was the fe's sister. This family purchased
first, time Georgia Magnett had the land across the road from the
her horse and colt in the parade. McAuliffes. The Cruickshanks ar-
Silver Stars are having a play rived last week. Lumber is already
day August 21 at 1 p.m. at the on the spot and they are starting
fairgrounds, to build their home which will be
Silver Stars and Bell Riders for vacations only until they re-
practiced Sunday with a potluck tire here in a few years. Cruick-
luncheon served, shank is an appraiser for FHA.
Patty Jo Mell and Ruth Ann Two children in the family are
Trotzer of the Live Wires had a Susan, 11, and John, 13. The child-
"meal Preparation contest" at the ren drove up with their father
home of Patty Jo Mell Aug. 8, and In w car with at trailer. Mrs. CruicJk-
got a blue ribbon, shank flew up later to Sea-Tac
Live Wires 4-H Club members Airport and was met there. More
V e r your met at the home of Sally Wolf about our California families later
in glass, Aug. 11. Under old business mem. when we are able to meet and talk
hers talked about camp and every- ~vith them all.
lllstall it one who went agreed they had a The P~D Association meeting
wind- lot of fun. 4-H members talked and clambake sponsored by the
about projects they are going to George Waites Jr. was held July
tinted or enter for the Mason County Fair, 31 on George Howard's beach near
entering date is Aug. 18. The next the ferry landing. Cindy Waite,
guaran- meeting will be held Aug. 30.
All 4-Hers had a fitt!ng and home for the weekend from Sun-
rise on Mr. Rainier, was here for
to leak showing at Tula Kimball s home the affair.
Monday practice Mrs. Mary Adams and her
[~ grandchildren are spending most
cNed CLOVER GIRLS ,i-H club mem- of the summer at. their home
bers all attended 4-H camp at
~I~Ovo Panhandle and all had a good near Point Wilson.
The Larry Jerrells returned to
time. Club members are attend- the Island last week from three
ing the Mason County Fair this
Coming from Vernonia to Harstine
we came on a fine road, through
mist to Clatskanie. This is a most
beautiful little trip through won-
derful woods and worth 1drivingn ~h
down to see. We stopped " C at-
skanie for hmch and fell in love
with the town. It's just a two-
hour drive from here.
Tried while shopping"and lunch-
ing to get some history of the
place and was referred to the lo.-
cal newspaper office. This was
located down a short street called
Park Street. If it had not been f~)r
the smell of printers' i~k, we
would have had trouble finding it
as no sign out in front. Anyhow,
we got side tracked going down
this little street, we think should
be called Park Lane. and the
"Clatskanie Chief" should have a
quaint sign hanging out over the
street in the same attractive let-
tering used in the newspaper
heading. Before going to press of-
rice we passed Broughers Grocery,
they had a delivery truck parked
by the back door, looked like an
old hearse. Next door was Paul's
Thrift Shop. In the window the
most beautiful old lanterns. We
went in and wanted to buy two
for our barn, but Paul said they
were not for sale, probably dis-
played to get people in the shop
to see the other merchandise there.
In the office of The Clatskanie
Chief we met Art Steele, editor
publisher, and his able helper, a
college journalism major on the
paper for the summer. From Mr.
Steele we obtained all the infor-
mation we wanted. Clatskanie, in-
corperated in 1893, located on the
Clatskanie River, three miles up-
stream from the Columbia River
area called "Oregon's Holland" be-
cause of reclaimed riverbottom
land using dikes. Mr. Steele show-
ed us the City Park at the end
of Park Street where a mc lern
;swimming pool recently was con-
:structed with donated funds and
volunteer labor. We also went by
the Public Library which is lo-
cated in a most intriguing old
house. We could go on and on
about this lovely' little town by
the river built on several hills,
Zellerbach Paper Company is
building a $94 million plant 10
miles from Clatskanie. Town is
booming, houses being built all
over the hills, let's hope progress
doesn't make this village into a
6% On Reducing Balances
No Commission Charges
Savings & Loan Association
weeks in California. They unpack-smelly city.
cd and packed again, took off Other Islanders who took small
for Annaheim Lake, B.C. to fin- trips around last week were Mr.
ish their vacation and we do not
:and Mrs. Stan Yates and Mr. and
expect to see them home again
until school opens and Florence
will be driving the school bus
Most people on Harstine who
can take long vacations like to do
So in winter when weather is bad
and the warm climates are more
attractive, however during th~
summer everyone seems to take
small trips to places near by. The
Jim Lohrers joined Tacoma friends
and have just re-turned from a few
days in the Port Angeles area.
They stayed in Port Angeles' new-
est motel, chartered a boat and
went fishing. Naomi said, the trip
is not news because they did not
catch any fish.
LAST WEEK we mentioned our
go back
to school
The shoe for children
All Children's Fittings Guaranteed
OPerated & Managed by Christensen's for Shoes: Bremerton
O en Friday Nights 'Till 9 P.M.
Mrs. Irvie Wingert, who
together around the Loop, Pc~rt
Angeles and back through Aber-
MRS. GAIt Williams certainly
got around on her trips '00~erln~:
12 days intermittent absence from I
home, first part of August Her
sister Mrs. Anna Uppman and son
Ralph from California were here
but made headquarters at Lake
Surprise near Puyallup with their
brother and wife the Henry Han-
During the Uppmans' visit sev-
eral trips were made, around the
Loop, to Ocean Shores, to Seattle
where they were at the Space
Needle. Over to Gig Harbor lunch-
ing at Scandia. Finally Car Wil-
liams tired of trying to batch,
caught up with Hilda and her rel-
atives at The Tyee in Tumwater'
He brought Hilda home and now
all is settled down in the Williams
Ranch again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ham'y Swanson
of Anacortes have been visiting
the Ted Nesses at the marina for
three weeks. Mr. Swanson is help-
ing the Nesses finish their motel
unit at the marina. The Swansons
md Nesses told us about the girl
scout troops from Bellevue and
Allyn who came by canoe to the
state park to camp.
The leaders came by car and
waited for the girls with counsel-
ors to arrive from Allyn by canoe,
they did not come for hours and
the lady advisors were in stitches.
Tides and weather were bad so
the girls had to land their canoes
at Dougall Point and camp there.
Finally canoes came in to Jarrells
cove for the camp out at the Park
and all was well. When they left
last Sunday it was a beautiful
sight, 13 canoes, . the 1 e a d
one with American flag flytng.
From Jarrclls Cove the Scouts
went to Squaxin to camp out.
From there they went into Olym-
pia to visit the Capitol and call
on Governor Daniel J. Evans.
These scouts and other troops will
be back on Harstine late in Aug-
ust, so be on the look out, it's
really a sight.
Mayor and Mrs. Frank Travis
of Shelton enteriained his sister
and family, the Peter Merrills of
Belfair last weekend on their land
near The Maples. Mr. Merrill
teaches at North Mason High
School. Other guests was the Mcr-
rills' nephew, lV~,ark Merrill of
Atherton, Calif.; The Mayor's mo-
ther, Mrs. Frank Travis Sr., spent
the weekend with the Allisons. All
joined in having a clam bake and
the grown-ups played bridge.
David Waite returned from Wa-
terviHe in eastern Washington, last
Friday. His aunt and uncle, the
Dalings, drove him home and will
remain on Harstinc for a visit.
Mrs. Ernie Crouch has a house
full of guests and a yard full of
campers and trailers. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilberi. Jacobson, their daughter
and family, the Douglas Mars
children Steven and Pamela, the
Mars grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer BOWman, all from Eugene,
Ore. So, ]VIarie is very happy with
her children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren visiting her.
The Oregonians plan to make
headquarters at the Crouch home
but will take several side trips
in this area. They trailered up a
boat and Plan to fish around Har-
stine also.
Every charitable act is a step°
pingstene toward heaven.
--Henry Ward Beecher
No Purchase
Just Be Present
Between 7 - 8 P.M.
ABOVE: Cheryl Boad's outfit is
by Bobble Brooks. They are:
Skirt $10.95, Blouse $6.95 and
Sox $3.00.
LEFT: The skirt and jacket
that Leslie La Bissoniere is
modeling is by Bobble Brooks.
Skirt $7.95 and jacket $15.95.
The blouse is by Shapely at
$4.00 and the sox are another
Bobbie Brooks design at only
for the
Presented by:
Mary Timpani
Kern Sowers
3rd & Railroad
Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co.
Open Friday Nights 'Till 9 P.M.
Definition: The bold art of mixing and blending patterns, tex-
tures, colors to create the smashing Campus look of 1965! Come
in and see what we have for you to mix and unmatch to your
heart's content. The time is now!
LEFT: T~e jumper that Liz Somers is
modeling is a Bobble Brooks at only
$15.99. The sox are also a Bobbie Brooks
creation at onty $2.50. Blouse is by
Junior Things and sells for $6.00.
BELOW: Linda LaBissoniere has on a
complete outfit by Bobble Brooks. These
are: Weskit $12.95, Skirt $10.95, Blouse
$7.00 and Sox $2.50.