August 19, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 19, 1965 |
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CO .qTY 3OI.TRNAL :-- Published in":C ,$stma aum, U.S.A."
PA ff 15
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Price Lists
Bill Heads
Law Briefs
Pod Cards
• Noie Heads
Fi!in rds
Legal Forms
Menu Cards
Meal Tickets
Order Blanks
Laundry Lisls
Window Tags
Show Printing
Visiting Cards
Shipping Tags
Business Cards
Menu Booklels
Business Forms
Store Sales
Reoeplion Gards
Gummed Labels,
Dance Programs
Posters, all sizes
Auditor's Reports
Social Stationery
Admission Tickets
Ungummed Labels
velopes, all kinds
Wedding Invitations
Financial Sialemenis
Ruby Rebekah Lo e
Entertains President
Members of Ruby Rebekah
Lodge No. 75 entertained Assem-
bly President, Mrs. Myrtle Floyd
of Centralla, at their regular meet-
ing last Friday. Mrs. Floyd was
accompanied by her Assembly
Marshal Mrs. Myrtle Ferrier of
Toledo, as well as several of her
committee members.
Members of other cities answer-
ing roll call were frm~l Olympia.
Bremerton, Tacoma, Seal tle and
Puyallup. An addendum was given
for Mrs. Floyd by the Shelton
lodge officers and she was present.
ed a check for her project of freez-
ers for the Odd Fellows Home in.
Walls Walls.
The refreshment committee for
the evening was Mesdames Gel
don Pope, Cha.rle,~ Cox, Howard
Wilson and Sue Weaver. Serving
punch was Mesdames Delmar Cole
and Dave Price.
Degree Of Honor To
Hold Rummage Sale
The Degree of Honor will hold a
rummage sale next Wednesday and
Thursday at the PUD building. SHEILA LICHTER, dance co-chairman, Ft,~nl< Lee, leader of the
i~[embers to come to "Actions', dance band, and Barb Johnsen, dance co-chairman
~oroT.ny. rooa.-s name next Man- are seen here discussing the teenage dance to be held at the Mason
say so tnat ~ney may begin work County Fair Grounds tonight.
on the sale. . .. .
..... The Mason County Fair Assoe-
II- hjI'I,TTI Tlh DTN,Tg~ L~l~lDl[~lllrl-~T~y Z2~l'~]:) iation sponsored by the Catholic
I.]ULJI~I~I'~ lk, ll~l~JF ~JI~II~I~I~I~IFI~II I'UII~ Youth Organization will hold a
DOLORES UTTER TERRY LABER dance at the Mason County Fair
-- Grounds tomorrow night from 9
p.m. to 12 p.m.
Mnsic will be provided by the
"Actions" The ReAactions, a girls
dance team, will entertain.
Admission price will be $1. At-
tire will be casual with pedal pu-
shers for the girls but no slmrts.
Chaperones will be provided and
the Sheriff Deputies will police
the grounds. All teenagers and
college students are invited to
Co-chairmen of the dance are
Shells Lichter and Barbara John-
Garden Club Members
To Exhibit Flowers
Shelton Garden Club members
are urged by the newly elected
prcsident, Mrs. Craig Eliot, to at-
tempt to construct as many hort-
iculture exhibits, flower arrange-
ments and corsages as possible for
the Mason County Fair, tomorrow,
Saturday and'Sunday.
Entries should be in between 8
a.m. and 1 p,m. today for judging
this afternoon. Flowers should be
BiL,!J--I (L~L ...... U ..... { The greatest thing in family life
llllan nower adams is tO take a hint when a hint zs in-
R .m a e ~ ~ ~ I tended--and not to take a hint
~r|ue ~n~ ur00m |0 ~e when a hint isn't intended.
I --Robert Frost
A bridal shower in the form of
a patio party was given in honor I
of Kathy Santamaria and Roni
Lee in Lana McInelly's home onI
July 31, Lana and Diane M:allory
were the organizerso of the affair.
A cake .decorated with yellow
roses and white bells trinlnled ill
yelh)w placed on a table of white
aud yellow were the outdoor (lee-
orations ~ed for the gala affair.
Cake and punch was served as
refreshments and a variety of
games were played for entertain-
Th~ guest list included Colleen
Dombroski, Nancy Stricklnnd, Jo
Johnsen, Cathy Heustmt, Sharon
S~oppler, Lynn Cable, Nancy Pea-
cher, Lana McInelly, Diane MaN
lory, Mrs. McInelly and Kathy's
mother, Mrs. V. J. Santamaria.
An enjoyable time was had by
Writer's Workshop
Features Report
The Writer's Workshop, spon-
Lynn Lovell Says sored by the Fine Arts Dcpt. of
the Hood Canal Woman's Club,
Her Wedding Vows met last Thursday afternoon at the
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Winn Lovell, Potlatch hence of Mrs. D. H.
Shelton, wish to announce the Pierce. The meeting was highlight-
marriage of their daughter, Lynn ed by Mrs. C. R. Dugger's report
Patrice, t0 John Richard Atlmen, on the three-day Pacific Northwest
son of Dr. Harrie Altmen and Mrs. Writer's Conference held recently
Lynne Altmen, both Seattle. in Seattle.
The wedding was performed in Held at the Seattle ITniversity,
the chapel of the First Presbyter- tile conference provided material
:an Church in Seattle by the Rev. of interest to writers through var-
W. LyM1 Detlor on A~'. 2, 8 pa~. ious workshops, panel discussions,
Two large bouquets of white and talks given by editors, auth-
glads and stock decorated the ors, journalists and literary ag-
church as the double ring cere- ents. Through her report h~/rs.
mony was performed. Miss Lovell Dugger shared her helpful notes
wore. a white silk suit with a containing suggestions for writ-
shocking pink pill box bat and ing and selling fiction and non-
shoes to match as her father gave fiction article~.
hcr away in marriage. Attendants Tize conference was fully en-
were Miss Patricia Price of Bethel joyed by Mrs. Dugger and through
and George W. Bauer of Seattle. her report it was again enjoyed by
The young couple both attended the members of the Writer's
\Vestern Washingtou State College Workshop.
and plan on continuing their e~iu-
cation at the IYniversity of Wash- MeELROY FAMILY CAMPS
ington in the fall. They will make FROM N.J. TO SHELTON
their home in Seattle. James McElroy Jr. and his f'ml-
Following the wedding a recep- ily have been visiting in Shelton
tion was held in the church par- for the past two weeks. He: is the
lot. grandson of Mrs. Allie Hanscn and
the brother of Mrs. Donald Wilson,
TIIE JIM WELCH FAMILY During the McElroy's travels ac-
Mr. and Mrs. James "Welch, alias ross thc country they made camp-
Roberta Wilcox of Shelton, had a ing stops at Mr. Rushmore, Yel-
baby boy July 22. Michael Thomas lowstone, and the Bad Lands.
Have a ~es
today and receive
See why the famous
Homelite XL's are~
the Fastest.Selling
Chain Saws In the World
joins two sisters, Laurie Kae, 8,
cut the night before and put in 12 and Lisa Marie, 3. Whata sur- :.¢:::::::::::::::::::::::::::,.:::::~::,~::::::::,:::::::::::::.~:::*:::::::::::::::`~::::::::::::.`::::::::::::,*~::::::,,:::~:.::::::,::,:°~•:~:~::::.::::•::::::::::•:.: .............................................
inches of' water: Entries of roses Dr:so to ]lave a boy' ...::i~,i:i,~i:i:~:~:!:~::~:~:~:}:}:::i~:~s." `•~:~:i:~:;:~:::~:~;:[:~:~;:~:~:~:~;~:[:i~?:~:~:~:i~:s::.:~:~:~::::i`::~i:~:~:~:~:~:;:~;:~i:~:~:i:~i~a:~::~:~[~:?i~:i~.~:~:}:~:;:~::~:i~?~:}:~i:~;~i~:i:;:~;~;...`~:i:i:~ I
and dahlias should have been dis- _ ................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: • ":" .:" :::::::::' ,': ':," " .:::::::.' : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
~:~.:i:!:i:~?.~',:~::i:~.!:!:~:i.'::?:!:i."}:~.,::' ,,:::::: ~;, ,,:~::: ~: "" ~:: ,,!: .::~i~:':' ,: .... !:~:?,:':~::, ?,~:i: :~:~'~i~ .~.{:~
buded the week before. Premium :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::.:: ...... :.: ~,:.: .... .,... ,. ~s~::~:~,.~.,,:.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .,:.:-~ :::~:!:!: 2: ~: :::-., .:k. ., ~::::}~: :: :~:~;: ,'.': ~
• :::': '::::: :::i:? :::::::::::::::::::::: $ ~:
lists may be obtained at the Coun- The truly generous is truly wise, :.~:::::::::::::.:::::::,:::::::,::::.:: .....
ty Agents office in the basement and he wh'o loves not others, lives iii~iii ®i
of the Post Office.' unblest. --Henry Homc .... ~-- i------~MU FORO~
t l ec-angu'ar
Amongst lavender glads and uate of Shelton High School. Her
white stock Father Marion per- husband is a graduate of Lead
formed the double ring ceremony High, Lead, S.D., and is presently C '01orT~
of Dolores Jean Utter and Terry employed by the Simpson Timber
B. Laber in the Saint Edwards Ca- Company in McCleary. ~i!iiii
thollc Church of Shelton on Aug. The reception following the cer- ~ii " " " "
7, at 11 a.m. emony was held in the cl~urch par..
Dolores Jean is the daughter of Ior amongst lavender glads and
Mr. and Mrs. ~Harvey W. Utter. ~hite stock. The wedding cake
Her husband is the son of Mr. and held a maltese cross on it with
Mrs. Bernard J. Label'. All are of lavender roses on a background of
Shelton. white frosting.
Dolores, draped in a gown of Cutting the cake was Mrs. Jean
slipper satin white with galloon Miller, aunt of the bride, pouring il~ .., ~ i
lace paneling in front and along coffee was Miss Jan Powell, and
the hem line reaching out to the pouring punch was Miss Joyce ~
chapel train with no sleeves but Powell. Miss Pat Steinbergh was
in.their place a long sleeved Jacket in charge of the guest book and
of white metalic satin, was given Barry Laber, brother of the groin, i
away in marriage by her father, was in charge of the gift table.
While becoming Mrs. Terry Laber, The bride's ,gown and the mat-
she wore a veil of spanish lace ron of honor s gown was corn- i
mantilla which reached the hem posed and constructed by Mrs. Ut-
:line of her gown. Her flo~ ers were ter, the bride's mother. ~i}~!::i ~f~'~
Lavender glads, White stephonotis .............
and 8, lavender orchid~ --- .
Mrs. Rite ~vIae Klein, sister of ~/~VW ~11VI|I~rJYlT Tg~
de v-~,, ~Z.tAiLIC~L ~LV
the bri , was matron of honor in • ,,,v
a gown of lavender satin, a hat of T-T~,|a'~ ~7,r~.|,- Dn~,r
lavender met and white rose budl£v~ta VT tl~|l~ IL i~ll[~Y
flowers on a lavender net. The VFW Auxiliary will hold a
Gary Holt was best man and work party at the home of Betty
Daniel B. Utter, brother of theGaduims on Mill Creek Road next
h?ide, w, as u~her. Wednesday at 9 a.m. A potluck
Wittenberg Onp the or;Yam ' August 27, at the Memorial Hall.
Mrs. I.l, tter in a lavender shan- A variety of articles will be avail-
tung dress with a white net hat, able which include dishes, lamps, ~,t~ a,~haa C~o,,~od ~,~n~,.i,~
bag, and shoes, watched as furniture, clothes, ceramics, rugs, ~, ~,~ ^m*,i~=n ~t~li,~. Z~CL~Z00.
her daughter became Mrs. Terry curtains and many other itemS.
*Manufacturer's ono year guarantee
covers free exchange or repair of any
component proven defective in nOrmal
use. Arranged threogh us, labor extra.
Paris Warranly
• Compact cabinets
• Beautiful sliding doors
• Color Indicator Light
• Push-button demagnetizer
• Tint Control, Color Hue
an~l Intensity Controls
23CL319B with 23"
everall diag. tube
mea~,; 274 aq. in,
picture viewing area,
Laber. :Mother of the groom at-
tended the ceremony in similar at-
tire to Mrs. Utter's.
The couple will make their
home in Shelton for the winter
but are presently honeymooning
in Canada.
Mrs. Terry Laber is a 1965 grad-
Come early and obtain your choice.
The VFW family picnic will be
next Sunday at Dalight Park.
Those who Participate are asked
to 'bring their own table service
and their favorite dish.
The next regular auxiliary meet-
ing will be held September 3.
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INEW PiCKUP--redesigned fr°mtsh.e.B.rOUnd upl Powe.rful
new 1300 cc enuine, 4.specs UCK, new alternator,
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More cab & load room,(; ~. Buy twol
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