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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 21, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 21, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two /._. __._SHE1:TQN:MASQN CQUNTXJQURNAL If you Wish to Sell you'll Have Trev Madsen Honored to Tell—Journal Want-Ads. At Sunday Party *. —"—*——~ Another party honoring Trevl IMadsen was given Sunday whenI ._. a group of friends entertained at- . _ the Buchmann home that eveningl ’flnk: 3&5}. ii" Mi ' I’ nerva Park in his honor. Trev left on Tues-i day morning for the U. S. Army} SUNDAY August 23 I’ Following the serving of cream and watermelon on thei All Aerie: in District No. 2 ‘- Wm bq Repregented 1 Auburn Golden Flake lawn the group adjourned to the [skating rink. Guests were Lor- Buttermilk 25¢ gal. etta and Ida Beulieu, Elsie Fitz— BINNS —- 825 Franklin gerald, Margueritee Moore, Len Westlund, Gail Steensen, Ray and Del Buchmann, Stillman Kelly, Dick Morrow, Jerry King and friend, Lee Westlund, Trev Mad- sen and Berdina Buchmann. I I i l RACES FOR CHILDREN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FOR PRIZES --.a-.¢5«~' r ‘cIIIIIIA'N‘ wIIR INJURY awe INSURANCE NOW AVAILABLE $5,000.00 For Loss Of Life Or Principal Members $500.00 Medical Expense Benefits $5.00 Annual Premium Available to All Civilians . . .. . (including Civilian Defense and Red Cross workers, policemen, fireman ambulance drivers, aircraft and shipyard workers) regardless of age or physical condition. Covers Any Injuries sustained as a direct result of an attack of any nature by the armed forces of any nation with which we are at war, or. the drect re- sult of resisting such an attack. SEE ME AT ONCE M C ‘N 'I’Z' . . . e: v mlheo Title Insurance Bldg._ , Phone 157 '-" " . Shelton, wash. 3 -.L(_ 1v part of plane” I _‘ I \ ‘-_|Il In the, fifties and celldrs of homes, in garages, tool ,sheds, on forms, is a lot of Junk isdoing nogood where it bufwhich is needed at once to [illelpsmash the Japs and Nazis. be produced. rials and metals like br lead,'énd tin. ' ' America needs your in rounding up these Scrap iron and steel, for example. Old "infliction, lengths of pipe, refrigerators, garbage pails, broken garden tools. . . .It may be'rust‘y. old “strap” to you, but it. is actually refined steel, with m impurities removed—and can be qm'ckly. melted with new metal in the form-of} pig iron to produce highest ': quility steel foronr war machines. Even in peacetime our Nation relied in to provide about 50% of the for steel. N ow prediaction of'eteel} has gone- upyup, UP, until utodays‘ America istuming out as much are}! the rest of the world Com- bined. ~ ' i . at least 6,000,000 addi- _‘ of scrap steel is uncovered Will you help? and pile it up. to a charity, take it plement dealer. .1 Phone 115 WALTER MAGOON, Chm, CHAS. SAVAGE, CLARENCE LATHAM , WM. DYCKIE, MRS. JOHN L. DOTSON, CHAS. WRI MRS. V. E. PAUL, VERN EATON potluck dinner. Their promptly, the; full: rate of production cannot be attained} or increased; the necessary tanks, guns, and ships cannot The rubber situation is also critical. In spite of the recent rubber drive, there is a continuing need for large quantities of scrap rubber. Also for other waste mate- Junk‘ which you collect is bought by industry from scrap dealers at eStab lished, ,govermnent-controlled prices. First—collect all your waste material 'Then— sell it to a Junk dealer, give it nearest collection point, or get in touch with your LOc‘al SalvageCommittee'. If you live on a farm, consult your County War Board or your farm im~ Throw YOURscrap into the fight! This message approved by Conservation; Division I‘WAR PRODUCTION BOARD TThis,¢:¢:lvorh‘sermm‘f paid {or by the American lndusln‘es Salvage Committee (ropruenfilgmd wirh‘funds provided by groups leading industrigl’conéerns.) .1 SALVAGE COMMITTEE From Cocur (l’Alcnc Mr. and Mrs. Vv’illiam Steven,- son arc entertaining her mother, Mrs. J. A. Parson of Cocur d'Alene, Idaho. Mrs. Parson will spend two or three weeks hero and several days with friends in Seattle before returning to her icelhome. On Sunday they motorcdlust 16' to the Forest Service Station on the Hama Hama River to visit Bill, Jr., who is employed there‘ by the forestry department. Arrive From California On Saturday morning Mrs. Maxine Curtis and daughter Lin-‘ da Mae and her mother, Mrs. Florence Mays of Los Angeles, Calif, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Zintheo for a visit. Mrs. Gorham, mother of Mrs. Zintheo is also their guest. Mrsm Mays is Mrs. Zintheo's sister- in—law. \Veek-end at Aldcrhrook week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKenzie at Alder- brook were Mr. and Mrs. Holland Housten of Seattle. The week end before Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie en- tertained their club there with 3. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hatcher, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bayley and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alskog. From Tacoma Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Wor- den of Tacoma spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden and children of Shelton. BETWEEN FRIENDS By Mervin Getty HOWDY FOLKS: We heard ‘about a man who lived to be 94 and never used glasses, but then some men prefer to drink right out of the bottle. * * And, as some one has said, more glasses are used under the nose, now days, than over them. it Now days, most folks go in for temperate use of beverages. At the Cub, you‘ll find a tem— perate atmosphere where good friends meet. ETHE CUB ass, copper, zinc, active assistana materials. The \1 yourself to the large tin can GHT. SOCIAL I . [Collins-Cheney “'cdding Soicmnizcd On Sunday , At high noon On Sunday, Aug- Miss Lenita Lou Cheney, Edaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold l Cheney and Frank Wesley Collins, lson of Mr. Charles Collins were iunitcd in marriage at the Baptist Iparsonage. The Reverend J. O. Bovee read the service. . The charming bride was smartly dressed in a dark green silk suit and a r-orsagc of white gladioli. A white frilly collar and white accessories completed the attire. Mrs. Arnold Cheney dressed in a black and white jersey print with white accessories, attended [her daughter. Her corsage was formed of pink rosebuds and sweet peas. Charles Collins was the best 5 man. A small reception was held at the bride’s home for close friends. Large baskets of gladioli and as- lters decorated the rooms. The lwedding cake centered the.lace ! covered table. Mrs. Arnold Cheney Jr., Mrs. Glenn McDonald and Miss Evelyn |Cheney served and Mrs. Leslie lNelson of Seattle was in charge of the guest book. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Nelson, Mrs. Glen McDonald, cousin of the bride, Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. George Henricksen and daughter Beulah of Centralia. Mrs. I groom. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cheney Jr. and Miss Jean McDonald, Charles Collins, Miss Evelyn Cheney and Mr. and and Mrs. Arnold Cheney. I They will make their home at 423, Bellevue on their return from 'a wedding trip to California. The bride‘is an employe of Ray- onier Inc. and is a graduate of .the Shelton high school with the class of 1937 and the groom with the class of 1935. Mr. Collins is employed in Simpson’s McCleary mill. From Vancouver Mrs. W. H. Smith drove to Van- couver Tuesday for the children of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith, who have been attending school there the past month. From Aberdeen Q Connie Warren and Betty_Jean Hall of Aberdeen .Were house guests of June Jordan over the week end. June returned with them to Aberdeen to spend the week. Vacations in Seattle 'Miss Jeanne Landers returned in Seattle with and Mrs. Earl ing two weeks Iher cousins, Mr. I Landers. JUNK MAKES FIGHTING WEAPONS Qne Old radiator w ill p r o v id 9 scrap steel need- ed for seventeen .30 calibre rifles. 1; One old lawn mower will help make six 3-inch shells. 4-: One useless old tire will pro- v' vide as much rubber as ,is used in 12 gas masks. One old shovel will help make 4 hand grenades. i ' MATERIALS NEEDED Scrap iron and steel. Other metals of all kinds. Old rubber. Rags, Manila rope, burlap bags. Waste Cooking Fats—3min into a- and when you get a pound or more, sell to your meat dealer. morn ONLY IN cenmu mantles: Waste paper and tin cans, as announced locally. NOT NEEDED at this time: Razor blades—glass. l *1 0n Fourth Birthday Henricksen is the sister of the] l l I3 I l l l Iwho was trapped for 52 hours in l l l l «birthday party. to her home this week after spend- I Allan Dillon Honored Little Allan Dillon, sor. of Mixf and Mrs. Everett Dillon was hon-l ored on his fourth birthday with: a‘picnic at the home of Mr. andj Mrs. Tom Pulford at Spencer Lake I Tuesday evening. ‘ ,l ing beautiful Dewatto Notes Sent By Scribe By )Irs.hPiT. Nance Dcwatto, Aug. ISvWe are hav~ weather but the Guests included Mr. and Mrs. foggy mornings and the reddening Pulford and Slyvia, Marion Nord- leaves of the forest makes us real- qu‘Stv ML and Mrs' Lawrence Fla-VI . ize that Indian summer is near. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillon, Billyel Ramin, May Harrison, Mrs.1 James Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. EV- erctt Dillon and Allan. l‘ICDFW’C Schedule Fall l Jom'ontion October 27 l Bob Looney went to Brcmerton lto meet several of his grandchil- ldrcn Sunday. They will spend the {balance of their summer vacation with their grandparents. Mr. Mrs. Ed Trio? were and The Executive Board of the Ma- ; business visitors in Bremerton on son County District Federation of I Monday. Women’s Clubs mot Tuesday in: P. W. Nance made a business the court room, with Mrs. B. C. l trip to Shelton Monday. Combs, president presiding. The'; report of the Revision Commit-E tee was heard and all changes and amendments were unanimously; endorsed by the board. The re-l vised constitution will be voted} on at the fall district conventionl The fall convention will be heldl October 27 and will feature Navy Day. Mrs. Bertram P. Tho- mas, president of the Washing—. ton State Federation of Women’s Clubs will be the speaker of the afternoon session. Mrs. Thomas is; the only woman member of theI Washington Civilian D e f e n s e Council and is well worth hear- mg. The following department chair— men were appointed: American ci- tizenship, Mrs. Norman Hulbert; American home, Mrs. A. A. Strat- ford; Education, Mrs. Frank Wil- lard; Fine Arts, Mrs. Robert C. Johnson; International Relations, Mrs. Edwin C. Lovell; Juniors, Mrs. E. C. Riebow; Legislation, Miss Sylvia Borst; Press and. Publicity, Mrs. Loris Johnson; Public Welfare, Mrs. E. A. Mork; War, Mrs. E. F. Martin. Shelton Garden Club To Meet on Canal The members of the Shelton Garden Club will gather at the, home of Mrs. A. L. Bell on Hood Canal next Monday for their reg- ular monthly meeting. Transportation will be arrang- ed and anyone wishing it should call Mrs. Alfred Miklethun, 581—W. I A planned luncheon will be, served at 1 o'clock. The Club will,‘ furnish the coffee and cream. i From VVinlock Miss Wilma an Miss Bettyi Sheppard of Win10 k, Wash., arel visiting their cousin Miss Joycel Story for two weeks. The hostess ‘1 entertained with a party on Thursday for the Misses Sheppard, Miss Shirley Abel and Miss Beverly King. On Sunday they attended aI Mrs. W. D. Austin Entertalns Thursday y Honors at the bridge party giv— l en last Thursday by Mrs. W. D.. Austin for her Club went to Mrs. 1 Glen Story and Mrs. John King.‘ A 12:30 luncheon was Served to the eight ladies. I Visitor From Seattle ‘ I Miss Patricia Dickinson of Sc-l attle has been the house guest of . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis forl the past few days. Mr. and Mrs.i Lewis left on Wednesday for sev- eral days on Vashon Island, where ‘ he will attend to matters pertain- , ing to the City Water Department. I I From Portland ‘ Mr. and Mrs. James Boling and daughter Katherine Ann of Port- land were guests at the Horaee‘ Crary home last Thursday and, Friday. Mrs. Boling is the niecel of Mr. Crary. W.C.T.U. Is Meeting With Mrs. Hill The Women's Christian Temper— ance Union is meeting today, Fri— day. with Mrs. Joe Hill on Ar- cadia Road for a 1:30 dessert luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Eacrett Give Bridge Party Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eacrett were hosts at a bridge party at their home last Friday with two tables in play. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.l Frank Worden Sr. of Tacoma, Mr. . and Mrs. Frank Worden Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lobert Bell. Mr. Worden Sr. and Mrs. Worden Jr. won honors. Baptist Homc‘zuilders Hold Picnic . eeting vThe Homebuilders of the Bap— tist Church and friends gathered at the Charles Chase home on Tuesday .evening for a picnic meeting. ‘ A potluck supper was served to I. 30 persons on the cool slopes ofI the lawn and garden, after which Rev. Bovee conducted the Bible Lesson. Mr. and Mrs. Killmer . ' Entertain Dinner Guests Dinn‘er guests at the home ofl Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Kil‘lmer on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stonack of Camp Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tottel and baby Nancy of Tacoma and Mr. Tot-i tel’s mother of Kansas City, MO” and and Mrs. Fritz Arno and Mane and Norman of Seattle. I The afternoon was spent visit- ing at which Mr. and Mrs. Ston- ack told of the recue of their son, a. cave atCamp Washington sev- eral months ago. Return From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Grunert and ‘ 'done about the son Gargh have. returned to their home after spending a week va- catlomng at Bayshore and anoth- er week in Tacoma and Seattle. Back at \Vork ' Mrs. Maybelle Sparks is back at work in the Ready—to-Wear Department of the Lumbermen’S Mercantile after spending 1aSt week vacationing with her mother in Eastern Washington. ' To save vitamins (1) air. I I I l I l l I Shomd not be stirred into foodsj Whlle they are cooking as theI oxygen in the air destroys some" of the vitamin value in the foods? (2) for the same reason, hOt foods should not be put through a Sieve; and (3) faw fruits 01‘ vegetables should not be chopped for salads until just before sew—l ling. I l I l I Philip Cassidy was a business visitor in Shelton last week. Mrs. Louis Pfundt of Union City visited with her mother, Mrs. Betz last week. George Milbourne Brcmcrton Friday. The deer have practically de- stroyed John Gervais‘s garden. The bear are destroying George Cunningham‘s fruit orchard. I visited in 'zunderstand Mr. Cunningham has game war—. " dens to do something’about it, but been petitioning the *at last reports nothing has been situation. The Nance clan are to meet Sunday, August 30, for their an- nual get-together picnic. Time 11:30 a. m. for all day; location, north end of Twanoh State Park. Old friends are welcome also. Herbert Bishop finished his road building for Bob Looney and took his bulldozer out last Fri- day. W iV-ell Donates Jersey Bull To National Effort With Governor Langlie in at- tendance the Victory Bull celebra- tion will be held this afternoon at the State House grounds. This nation-wide campaign, held under the auspices of the Wash- ington Jersey Cattle Club, is one to provide better breeding among the Jersey herds of the country. In order to accomplish this pur- pose a total of 1,000 registered young Jersey bulls are being plac— ed throughout the country. H. M. Wivell, local Jersey breed- er, has donated one of his Jersey bulls to be used in this nation— ' CLEANSING TISSUE 500 count .. 22¢ 3 pkgs. 25¢. 125d. 2 for TISSUE Toilet Tissue ? '3 Brand Old Dutch OLIVES 21/15 Bartlett .......................... .. . Salmon Fisher's Blsklt ..................... _. LOCAL LOCAL l I l I I l 49 BLEACH 1/24gal. . 2 CALUMET CATSUP ' 2 for CLEANSER 3 for 22¢ pkg. VEGETABLES Tomatoes .. 2—lbs. 19¢ Beets 3bu.10¢ Carrots bu.5¢ CANNING PEACHES NEXT WEEK K - .._ _ _ .____-. -H.“ , Friday, August "21., LAUguS . REPAINTING _D FOR I, pagilllngmyzlliw “1111:: 3’ I{Obertson av: tion.-. and rosswa ‘ By Elizabeth Hussman Potlaatch, Aug. 18M~A surprise birthday party was given for Mr. W. Newton on August 15. Those there were Mr. and Mrs. F. Mor- rison of Eatonville, Mr. and Mrs. G. Newton and child of Seattle, Mrs. Lewis Newton of Shelton. Carl Newton of Bremerton and Mrs. H. Torgeson and Mrs. M,‘ E. Good of Tacoma. ! Mrs. F. Pearce reports that her son Jack, in Naval training at San Diego, is expected home soon for a brief furlough. l Mrs. Gronvold returned home Monday after a week's visit with‘j the I. J. Gronvold's in Portland, Oregon. : Clifford Riebow is home from Seattle for a visit. I Mrs. Eva Simmons left last Tuesday for Nevada where she will spend several weeks visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson and son of Tenino were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Magnuson over Sunday. Billie and Deanna Tinnley of Tacoma spent last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison. , I Miss Esther Carlson of Seat—l tle was home over the week endl Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Seat»l tle were guests of Mr. and Mrs.l Neil Simmons for part of last; week. Miss G. Cook of Puyallupi is staying at Simmons for several weeks. TO BUILD HOME Louis Kennedy, Olympic View Addition, was granted a building‘ permit for the construction of a house and woodshed valued at $500. REPORTER ON VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickey are. spending this Week visiting rela- tives in Seattle. CAMP Kenneth Latham was admitted to the Shelton hospital last Fri-' day after receiving injuries while at work at Camp Three. INJURED AT RECEIVING TREATMENT Walter Elliott, Jr., was releas- ed today from the Shelton hos- SWimming { wide effort to increase dairy pro~ pital after receiving treatment ‘ duction. 1 u there since Sunday. Stayley’s Corn or Gloss STARCH 29¢ , CARST’EN'S T. O Weiners . SHORT RIBS SWISS ,SI'OE as. can SUNSHINE Beef Boil . Steak . . . lb. ,Pork .0 .. . lb. iB‘re-ilst Veal . . lb‘:_ Hamburger . .' '. . . . lb.‘ Sausage . lb.» Swift's.IPremium or Armour's" Star ars noIll 9 arrested s Valley by ' Justice ' “1 $10 and A Woman Neve the peace. The Ma'n Who' w H 1 '1‘ M A; e S A M P Abstract and ‘1 Mason C( America‘scfl‘rilrézsl I ‘A. L. Fir Drug Si facts, Re Friday-Sat ,f TWO FEA . VICTOR ‘ and . “LAW OF": JUNGLE . V1 Sunday — W, MICKEY R00 "‘counrsu ,, ANDY HA ’. Th . da TngSFE1¥Tq “DEVIL’S Wild Bill H: ' and " “PARAC ; NURSE .. . I ' . Sa .. '. " FEAT" “KLONDIKE ,, and . n “THIS: TIME ‘ ac WAX PAPER 1 SODAS . lb. . lb. 7‘ s l t’ l all