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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 21, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 21, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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121,1 :gAugustZl, 1942., TING ars 11°“ lines 8‘ Robertson and Cir; Camp- lSWleS‘ ‘ 9 arrested Saturday night D FOR FIGHTING . Justice Magoon fined NeV8"- th $10 and costs for dis- Who ~ e peace. 1‘ M I P J Abstract Man of and Mason COunty Fines! V‘ >- A. L. BELL mg facts, Real Estate -~ I f" S and Insurance i’ 'BELL BUILDING 0 ,Mo l, n N. WASH. EATR~ I l ," Valley by Deputy Fred l vi of county roads. I am also familiar, TO THE VOTERS IN ROAD ' DISTRICT NO. 3 MASON ! i COUNTY I 5 Owing to the necessity of mak-i ,ing a living and time being short1 lit will be impossible for me tol, {contact all of you and I am tak—l ling thisimeans to state my quali—l :fications for the position of Coun- lty Commissioner in your District. , I have had seven years exper— ience in 'road affairs in Mason lCounty and have learned from ltliis experience some valuable les— isons iii the financing and building, l lwith your other county affairsi lthat have to do with this posi-, I tion. Your choice of men for this: position in the past has been wise! land I sincerely believe these men have tried to do as the majority, wished them to do in so far as they have been able. , I do not believe that some of' ‘the things that have been done .are to the best interests of the lAberdeen and the University of, .Chas. T. Wright Enters Race For Congress Post. Cecil Callison of Chehalis is! Cecil Callison l SHELTONjMASQN A 711 ._._17 1m. . ._. _._,,_... —~u TO JOIN HUSBAND On her way to join her hus-l ,band in Wilmington, N.C., Mrs. Don Zinser and daughter Mary vLou left Shelton last Saturday; On the way she will visit friends .— SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Consolidated with The Shelton Independent Published every Friday morning Member of Washingtvll Nf‘WspapOr Publishers' Association and National Editorial Association. COMMITTEE MEETS The executive committee of the local Red Cross chapter will hold a meeting this evening, O Mr. and Mrs. 1 family returned Friday,, ‘ in Shelton. Page Three RETURN TO UTAH John Neilson and Thursday to their former home near Roosovelt, Utah August 23. at the Red Cross head- i after residing for several months quarters at 8 p. m. ‘and relatives in Detroit Lakes, 1 —l.. :ttcr: . i" . . ‘ . . . Entered as second c ass ll’ll it the postof ice at Shelton Washington an.’ Chlcago and ‘Vashmgton, campaigning for the Congress inl this district on the Democratic ticket. A native of Chehalis, Callison attended public schools in! Washington. For 20 years he and his family have been the largest; producers of crude drugs fromi southwestern Washington. The; principle drugs handled are Cas—l cara bark, Foxglove leaves, and: ago, Mr. Callison also organized a firm to pack and ship native evergreens, such as SWOrd fern and Evergreen huckleberry, for use by florists throughout the Un— ited States. The business has been so successfully developed that the production of these perishables,I M131 $2.00 per year in advance; 6 months Oregon Grape Root. Fifteen years i WhOSe name Will again appear 011 'the ballot as republican candidate for state representative warrants Shelton hospital on Tuesday for. consideration for his consistency. treatment. He is the only republican seek- I ‘ ing to represent the 24th district, consisting of Clallam, Jefferson, Say and Mason counties at the pri- maries and believes he stands an DC. Mrs. Zinser is the daughter 0 Subscri )tion Rates: I of Mr. and Mrs. John Terho. $1.25: outside M a s 0 n County $2.50; Canada $3.00; Foreign $3.50. can give this district a business- ‘like representation in the law- making body during this critical For Legislaturelperiodéwmfififi MILLO’S T‘ Wrightl ADMI’I‘TED TO HOSPITAL ‘k Attorney Charles David Wyatt, Rayonier ein- '- ployee, was admitted to the FRESH MEATS WITH FLOWERS ' county and I do not think you' . . . Th Br‘n c f t as“! i. . . , ,which are waste products in our excellent chance of being chosen ey I 9 .0m or ton' W , lippdl‘fJVeTSi: tigelnouinypllagffgethfgg ; woods, brings in an annual income I as one of our three representa- , and Happiness l ‘ A I-C.n ”.‘t- . ito the people of our district of;tiVes at Olympia. FUNERAL DESIGNS AND t a . 1. men a. Li izens. j“ ,1 56:00 000 . . . . , HOSPITAL BOUQUETS v-Sa , i In aSKlng your support in the “931 y .l 1 . Mr. Wright is a practicmg at, D]. d h t, FINEST Fooos AT FEA ,. 'coniing' primaries I promise to; Mr' 08111150“ ls a liberal Demo' tomey in Shelton and the 5011 Ofi ewere anyw ere’ any lme ,WOlk to the very best of my abi,_ , crat,‘hav1ng been a member of Superim- cOurt Judge 11 F3 1' ' I BEST PRICES ' ‘ ,. ,l . , , , ,ity to support the will of the ma— m“ State Leg‘Slature and.01°se]y§ Wright 0f Olymllla- He has fol‘ ' L vmw‘ks WELCOME|,.° ,‘ ,A' - . aSSOCla-ted WIth the Work In 0011’ ' lowed the legislative I operations' Shelton Hardware Bldg. ‘, HOODSPORT in , j‘lounpuurwmb CO:M’A:V,:LVI;FL’::S:I:;:;:T‘:T:;€’ene) jority and do everything in my, power to keep our roads in such lshape as will help preserve our ldwindling tires and cars so vital to the war effort. 9 I do not know of any way that ‘the maintenance dollars allotcd from taxes can be better spent I 0”“ ltlian in the regular grading of 4 CLEANING county road. This has been proven l mus moms am the Past- I have been a resident of Mason Hunts out and mu mom We lCounty for the last 19 years. even in "am: ‘Eighteen Of them in Road District Ind folds. The NO. 3_ i, approved method . for, ending moth I will appreciate your support. ‘” "“‘ °“ “‘ CLIFFORD C. COLLINS wePaid advertisement. an i ml “YOUR (ll'l‘DTIIES SANI‘IEX BAGS Double called to nection with bringing about a rationalization of old age pensions in our state. A supporter and open advocate of Roosevelt’s aggressive foreign policy since 1933, Mr. Callison seeks nomination on his record of liberal and constructive action and , 0,1 his refusal to seek votes at thel expense of the national safety. Mr. Callison is 39 years old, married with two children, a long, time property owner in Lewisl county and more recently in Pa— cific county. He owns his home, aid is a member of the Presby- terian Church. I DAUGHTER BORN I , Mr. and Mrs. Merle Benson ofl iBremerton are the parents of a Ebaby girl born at the Shelton; General hospital on Tuesday. BABY SON Mr. and Mrs. Virdon Savage of Star Route 1 are the parents of a baby boy born at the local hospital on Wednesday. TWINS GO HOME Mrs. John N. Hardin and twin daughters were released to their‘ lome on Thursday from the hos- pital. IN HOSPITAL Vernon Davidson was admitted, lto Shelton hospital on Monday ml," '°,'",,‘:::,3;, ‘for medical treatment. clother protected , .——_—____.__. ml” "‘0‘" dm' FROM CAMP 3 Jack Price of Camp 3 was ad-, BABY DAUGHTER , Mr. and Mrs. John Paulson of ue.du:mddin l until hu 1. . ,- i 09906, mitted to Shelton hospital on Shelton are the parents of a baby ‘ . vMondaY for m€dlcal treatment ldaughter born Sunday at the , , ______. , Q and SON BORN :Shelton hospital, A baby son was born at the. CRUISING 0N SOUND Shelton hospital on Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Angle} Mr. and Mrs. Fred Odom of left Tuesday morning on theiri Bremerton. cruiser “Tawn” accompanied by, Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Morrisey to ,, spend the week on the Sound. They plan to return Sunday. : i LEGAL PUBLICATIONS i . SON COUNTY i s , AM LAUNDRY ' RY CLEANERS ——.——-——— l N0. 1518 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR. ‘, MASON COUNTY 3 IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of ,Mary A. Shelton, Deceased. l . Notice. is hereby given that the undersigned Edna Shelton Kirkwood, has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of the Estate of Mary A. ton. Deceased, and that all per- havmg claims against the said‘ ONE HOUR FREE PARKING so Es ate or the said Deceased are hereby iequired to serve the same duly veri- fied with the necessary voucher at- I EE~LARGE TINS i matoesiiorflc iaéaroniz-IhJSc s'DE—i—Ib. Tins l ABEANS...........2for25¢ iiached, upon the undersigned Execu— ‘trix or Chas. R. Lewis, her attorney iof record, at the law office of the said‘Chas. R. Lewis at the address hereinbelow given, the same being ‘. designated as the place for the trans- :‘(liiilUlluilf the business of the Estate and lile_ such claims. together with proof of service, with the clerk of the above Court within six months ol_ the date of the first publication gmnthis notice. to—wit: August 7th. '1914, or said claims shall be forever barred. Date of first publication, Aug— ust 7th, 1942. EDNA SHELTON KIRKWOOD. Executrix of the Estate of , Shelton. Deceased! Suite 1, Lumbermen's Build- ing. Shelton, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate. ’ , Snite 1. Lumbermen’s Building | lShclton, Mason County, Washington. 8»7-14-21-28—4t. ' I m—_,__ N0. 1515 ( NOTICE TO CREDITORS To l , PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS : SUOPFERIIOR COURT OF THE ASHINGTON F R MASON COUNTY O i IN PROBATE , , In the Matter of the Estate of. John ‘C. valley, Deceased. I Notice 15 hereby given that the undersigned, William S. Valley, has been appointed and has qualified as, , Executor of the Last Will and Testa-v merit and the Estate of John C. Valley. Deceased. and that all persons having claimsagainst the said Deceased. 0" the said Estate are hereby requested' to serve the same duly verified withl the necessary vouchers attached. upon, Mary A. tne undersigned Executor or his At- tOFney of record at the address here- mbclnw given and file such claims. together With proof of service, with the Clerk of the above entitled Court 5 ectin 2 bottles 230 1942. CH é within six .: . » months after the date of ii BLOSSOM the .flrSI publication of this Notice! ' K k ""‘Vlt‘ July 3lst, 1942, Or said claims v I L . . . . o - . . p g- , Shall be fOI'ever barred. Date of first publication, July 31st, WILLIAM S. VALLEY. Executor of the Estate of' RTENING Irmay ‘3-Ibs. 690 . 292:? i John C. Valley, Deceased. l 522 North Fifth Street, Shel- i $011. Mason County, Wash- mgton. . CHAS. R. LEWIS, A‘l‘wney for said Estate, i Sulte 1. Lumbermen‘s Bldg. :Shelton. Mason County. Wash. , 7-24—31fi8-7-14-21—5t. N0. 1476 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT AND PETITION SIFF‘IJAVIDMELSITRATOR FOR SET'lgilg- A , 7 L‘- figérRGE. RIBLTION AND HE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR Tnnlgopn'rv OF MASON. ' ROBA'I‘E In the Matter of the Estate of Samuel Derbyshire. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that William Dei‘byshire, Administrator of the above estate, has fixed herein his final account. report and petition for settlement and distribution of the es—l tatO oi the deceased, wherein the Court is asked to approve said ac- count and report, and make distribu— tion 01 the estate in accordance where— WIth, and discharge the Administra\ ,KLING SPICE .. 4-oz. pkg. 15¢ \qt' 310 iat'oes 50-Ibs. 1.39 ( tor. , ~ NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in accordance with an order of the Court made and entered on the 8th ,dai of August, 1942, a hearing will , PC'llad before the Court on said final ,accOu'nt, report and petition on Sat- urday, the 12th day of September. 115342., at 10 o‘clock, A. M., on said ,imfrDmtna ouse at Shelton, Wash a c this 8th day of August, 1942. , CLARE ENGELSEN. .lee . BAG ions IO-lli. bag 29:: inges shop bag 69!: Clerk 0f the Superior Court for Mason County, Washing-I ton. ALDEN c. BAYLEY, Attorney for Admin' " Title Insurance Builglbzgor’ Shellonv Washington. 8-14-21-28-—9-4-—4t Continued on Page Seven) for many years and believes he; * * SAFEWAY #W'qma I U M BER 57 * Interesting facts about the world’s most versatile food ‘A' lists real Things you may not know and should . . . about tomatoes An article prepared by the Safeway Homemakers’ Bureau Phone 232 money-saving foods 270-W just lope For Picnic Lunches % ‘k A four-part xtary about a great discovery Saieway’s prices areiust as low Early In The Week I. ____..____._..-____..__...._____.— VICTORY FOOD SPECIAL for this week is CHEESE! A tem— porary surplus of CHEESE coupled with its highly nutri— tious qualities and its economi- cal price make it a desirable food in today’s menus. As a meat substitute cheese holds ' first place! “'9. are urged to use more CHEESE, and here's why- GOLDEN in Nutrition; l’LEN’l‘IFUL for Everyone; EASY to keep; ECONOMICAL to use; FILLED with Energy; VARIETY 'in Flavors; READY l I mm ifiEESE " a VICTRY soon SPECIFIL l i l Darigold Milk, full cream American Cheddar i l- l l at t/aese.’ ‘ Canning Supplies I wi h ut c.ti i h ___________________ 3 f 1122;112:121:erallfiodsl‘irlieglilv: pectin for canning, 2:02. l a place at every mealwtomato juice, Naueys freSh and crlps' 14'02' JELS_RITE 3 for l lb? soup, salad, sandwiches, sauees, rel- , Eang‘gufll gt' Fruit pectin for “jellies. 8-oz. figgltggildNAgfififiSCEdfgr ishesfland they are equally good TunCY ox’ W1 ayonnalse ase’ JAR RUBBERS ...... .. (IOZ. Fancy aged sharp Wisconsin cfieese cooked or uncooked. iglAMagNgAJaSuE “U, S.",brand, new stock jar rubbers l/ZJb. negro muffs-enter, $6,538; HF:qu KETCHUP 2/35¢ ig.'a.z."i.3??;.?¢ {fifth digmflhfizyhiiifgels silicerindwsiit gfilDERESeCXnTSUSI’M-Oz. 15¢ KERR JARS.~:- doz- qts- 83¢ i Choice of American. Book. Swiss: etc- thentut there many other waYSJOO. --- " Kerr regular fruit Jars, complete , KRAFT 2_lbs. Tomatoes are wonderful for ad- ding sparkle to other foods—meats, macaroni and spaghetti dishes, and vegetable casseroles. You’ll find that round steak, pork or veal chops and CLING PEACHES ....... .. 19¢ LARGE BREAD ll/z-II). 13¢ steaks, shoulder lamb chops, and simi- Castle Crest, yellow cling halves, 29-02. Baked fresh daily, white or wheat lar cuts of meat are more tender‘afld APPLE BUTTER ........ .. 19¢ VARIETY LOAVES. lb. 10¢ flavorful when braised in tomato juice “Musselmans” apple preserves, 38-02. Wheat Germ, Raisin Nut, Rye, etc. or tomato soup intead of water. u: _____ __ 2 for . r . This Is the season when tomatoes illlvoeflP§X€EklEd m pureg 1:111]. Clgarettes TObaCCO» are rlpe ands-13c}, m 11:10:? Put-ts “tale Gardenside, spicy tomato-sauce, S-oz. 2pkgs, country, an 1 sagoo lme OPu’ up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ j _ ~ _ _ _ __ Kools, Raleigh, Camels, etc, {ctn. $1.55) tomato juice. The juice is almost as versatile as tomatoes themselves. Serve it hot or cold, as is or highly seasoned, or combined with other liquids. For peppy flavor, add lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. TOMATO JUICE 10 lbs. tomatoes 2 tsps. salt Wash and core but do not peel toma- toes. Cut in eights. Place in large 8-qt. ' kettle; add 2 cups water; cover; boil 10 minutes. Put through sieve to re- move seeds. Add salt and heat to boil- ing. Pour into hot sterilized jars or bottles; seal, and pasteurize (directions follow). Makes about 7 pts. juice. Bottling and Pasteurization Do not use lids with zinc tops. Wash jars thoroughly; sterilize by placing in boiling water for 10 minutes. Heat juice to 175° F. to 180° F. Pour into hot jars, filling just to 1 % inches from the top to allow room for expansion. Seal at once, according to type of lid. Place hot jars in Water which has been heated {0 160° F. to 185° F. Stand jars upright on rack; have completely cov- ered with water. Heat water to 175° F. to 185° F. and hold temperature 30 minutes. Do not heat higher than 185° F. Remove Imm' ediately from hot water. Test seals for ti tness. Let coo, undisturbed in phageh Large Lemons extra large Sunklst lb. 10¢ Oranges Extra Swt. Valenmas 1b. 7 /2¢ draft. When cold, wipe off and store. More about tomatoes Read more about the many uses of tomatoes in the Family Circle of August 21. Out every Thursday—free at Safeway. ' . Safeway , Homemakers” Ewen JULIA mu WRIGHT, Direction wow: mm wuv, MUST m ALWAYS 00 ALL you: EVERY SATURDAY WI um ms um: moment. He suouw mane. name, my you owe 10 Pure tomato catsup, 14-02. Canned Food Values Inavale, make delicious pies. 28—0z. Shortening and Lard ROYAL SATIN 3-lb. jar 63¢ Pure vege. shortening, cooking, baking CRISCO .......... .. 3-lb. tin 69¢ Light fluffy vegetable shortening PURE LARD._ 2-lb. pkg. 29¢ Pure, fresh kettle rendered lard NUSPREAD, 13-01. . .. 2/49¢ Pure vege. margarine for table, cooking MAID-O-NUT, l3~oz... 2/49¢ A Washington product, table, cooking TREASURE PICKLES.. 17¢ Nalley's famous pickles, 12-oz. jar . GUARANTEED-FRESH A» PRODUCE American, Swiss, Velveeta, etc. ' PABSTETTE .... .. 6l/2-0z. 15¢ Soft creamy also with Pimento. file-oz.- ~ SWANKY SWIGS 2 for 31¢ 1 Kraft’s, five varieties. 5—02. glasses ‘ l Julia Lee Wright’s Bread COTTAGE CHEESE pt. 18¢ Kraft's country style or with chive PABST CHEESHAM .... .. 20¢ Nipp American Chedda with ham. 8-02. PHILADELPHIA... 3-0z. 9¢ . Double creamed, also with pimento. 3-oz Dairy Products flu-” CIGARETTES.... 2pk 5. 25¢ Wings, Avalon, Demino,~etc. (c n. $1.25) PRINCE ALBERT ...... .. 10¢ 2-‘02. pocket tins 17 BUTTERt ........... .. lb. L DURH __ 4 f , Darigold, 93 score, quar ered prints gold}; Grain, Dukeél‘L/Iix. 0r FRESH BUTTER .......... lb. 48¢ Glenbrook, freshly churned prints Every Day Values figggflfrggm -- (It. 13¢ SNOWFLAKE 2—lb, box 31¢ FRESH EGGS ............ .. doz. 51¢ Sodas, also “N.B.C.‘s” grahams Specmli “A” large blues 01‘.b1‘0WlIS SODA Crackers____ 2-lbs. 17¢ FRESH EGGS .............. .. doz. 48¢ New leader, freshly baked and salted Large grade “A” checks SODA WAFERS.. 2-lbs. 18¢ FEDERAL MILK ...... ._ 3 for 25¢ Also CHERUB, tall 141/2-02. tins CARNATION MILK 6 for 52¢ Also Bordens and Pet, 141/2-oz. tins Oven fresh, crisp salted soda crackers Pancake FLOUR 10-lbs. 59¢ Sperry's large family size bag If any Safeway produce falls to Cantaloupe Extra swt. quCy ripe lb. 3l/2¢ Fancy Grapes Thompson Seed’ls 1b. 12l/zc Watermelon swt. Calif. Klondyke lb. 5¢ Gravenstein Apples, fine cooking... lb. 5¢ Hale Peaches ripe Calif. grown .... .. 1b. 8¢ Green Beans Locally Grown fresh. lb. 5¢ SWeet Corn tender golden bantam. 2/5¢ Dry Onions Walla Walla yellow dry lb. 3¢ Tomatoes Firm, ripe, for sli 18—1b. box 98¢; 16-lb. box 93¢ Potatoes U. S. No. 2 Yak. Gems 50-1b. 1.29 PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGE SEE, SAFEWAVS ADVERTISE!) SAYUEDAV PRICES AR£ NOW GOOD v EARL’V I Sm» ON SATURDAY IF WU TOOAV'S YOU WANT TO SAVE Iwisu I'D " use» TOLD ly, we'll refund all your money. AND Leos How Low THEY ARE.’ Rcsrdlou of cut or price Safeway mull uc sultan- E to be tender and Haley—or all YE money E3:¢ Morrells Eastern sugar pure half or whole slab.~ LEGO’LAMB p.35; Graded gOOd 1942 spring lamb VEAL ROAST 15.29;: Shoulder cuts of milk fed veal LAMBROAST lb.31¢ Tender shoulder cuts graded good lamb BOILING BEEF . . . . . . . . lb. 15¢ Graded good beef, meaty plate cuts LUNCHMEAT lb.29¢ Famous Milwakee, large assortment ' salist you complete- cing 1b. 60; Buy War Savings Stumps . s ‘wlth the money you save at Safeway) WELLJ READ SOMETHING THE OTHER DAY THAT TAUGHT ME A LESSON. NOW I GUMY 'BIG'ORDIB IN ON AWEEKDAV AT SAFEWAY ‘ AND THEN JUST FILL IN M7 WEEI‘ END NEEDS ON SATURDAY. IT GEE, DIANE, nus is sweu. suime suowmc can: ALREADY. now come such A SMALL open: Why dam 133W vo_0_r “HI” ordor on a weekday too! Not only will you have more time to play on weekends. but you’ll be able to shed more leisurely if you get your big grohery order on a weekday. Safe- way's specially low advertised prices, you kuoyvmre now goodwrlyimbémk. SKFEWAY N THE WEEK.