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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 21, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 21, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Four _7 . Families Gather At Twanoh Park A family picnic was held at 'I‘wanoh State Park on Sunday: when the Roy Eells family of Shelton, the Ed Ahern family of Bremerton and the Paul Hunt- ers of Skokomish Valley gathered there for an all day picnic. Also attending the affair were Merritt Eells, Miss Ruth Jordan and Miss Iva Bishop of Seattle, Mrs. Francis Maib of Grandview and Miss Afden Bishop of Sun- nyside. Members of Baptist Church Hold Picnics More than 50 members and friends of the Baptist Bible Class enjoyed a picnic held at Island Lake on Monday evening. Horse- shoes and swimming were enjoy—I ed. Reverend and Mrs. Marion' Flint of the Bethesda Church in Tacoma, who are spending their vacation at the Island Lake home of Rev. and Mrs. Bovee were guests. ‘ On Wednesday the Women’s Circles held an all day meeting at the summer home of Mrs. A. J. Bennett on Arcadia. A picnic din- _ner was served at noon to the large attendance. mittee, n Friendship Club ; Honors President , N l. The birthday of the preSIdent, . iMrs. Laurie Hill was honored at ,the meeting of the Friendship V Club last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Winnifred McDonald. Slfie received a club gift, birthday ca e Sponsored by l and a present. Shelton Eagles Rau’s Orchestra Sat, August 22 Admission 25¢ Tax 5¢ After the business meeting and program, visiting was enjoyed. Each member took home a bun- die of Red Cross sewing. Shelton Man Guest ‘ At Aberdeen Party Robert Preble Of Aberdeen hon- ored his house guest, Charles Run- TOta' 30¢ I33r Person ‘acres of Shelton, at a stag din- ' . . _ner and informal evening, Tues- DanCIng to Iday at the home of his parents, _- 'M“ M“ W' R' Mrs. mer. From Pasco It Is Your Duty AS A CITIZEN OF A NATION AT WAR TO KEEP IN THE BEST OF HEALTH ‘ non-’1 108E A SINGLE DAY or WORK TAKE YOUR VITAMINS If in doubt consult your Physician. Let us fill your prescriptions. 21 YEARS OF CONSCIENTIOUS PRESCRIPTION COMPOUNDING IN SHELTON . D fir ‘ G me mu; J tone v 8 RICHARD E. GREN BERG 9 Prep. II HIIIIIS PHESCHIPIIUIIS IS THE IIIUSI llIlPflIIIIIIII PfiIII [If UUII BIISIIIESS Shelton Women’s Chorus Hold Picnic Meeting At the sound of mess call the trumpet, played by Dale Pal- mer, members of the Shelton Wo- men’s Chorus and their husbands gathered for picnic supper, serv- ed under the trees in the attrac- tive Palmer gardens. During the most delightful eve- ning, the Chorus made plans to be an independent, self support- ing Chorus, with a planning com- new addition this year, planning the Chorus Definite plans will be arranged as soon as the director is secured. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Norvold, Mr. and Mrs. Winiecki, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. An— derson, Mrs. V. Jackson and son Vern, Mrs. Bernice Stewart, Mrs. Nena Roberts, Mrs. Ellen Price, Mrs. Jo Dickey, Mrs. Milre Grimes, Mrs. Gladys Miller, Mrs. Bea Lar- son, Mrs. E. A. Middlebrooks, Mrs. Caroline Lentz, Mrs. Eve Russell, Kay Jordan, Dunning, Mrs. Bird Dotson, Miss Margaretta Miller, Phil and Dean Palmer, Peter Duyff of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Pal- Mrs. Wanda Sweeney of Pasco spent from Monday to Friday with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watkins last week. Hepner Family Hold 20th Family Reunion For the 20th consecutive year the Hepner family ily reunion at the Island Lake home Of Mrs. Cora Hepner with every one present with the excep- ‘tion of Edwin Hepner who is with the A.E.F. in Ireland. Those present were Mr. Mrs. Fred Hepner and two chil— dren of Aberdeen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks and son of Seattle, Mrs. Cora Hepner, Mrs. Roy Rec- tor and son Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chase and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Parks and chil- dren, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Breit- specher and two children, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodwin and son. . 60¢ Alka Seltzer ‘ 49¢ Fir Drug Store SHELTONMAspN, mibdn (veins * LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor PHONE 100 'Bonita Slane Weds Seattle Man Monday A simple impressive wedding ceremony in the Seattle Univers- ity Christian Church, Monday evening, August 17, united Miss Bonita Florence Slane, daughter of Mrs. Minnie B. Slane of Shel- ton and Mr. Richard Allan Oster- bolt. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Osterholt of Santa Monica, Calif. The light of white tapers in tall candelabras cast a soft light on the baskets of white gladiolia which decorated the improvised altar beside the piano in the church parlors. For her wedding the bride chose a suit of soldier blue and a love~ ly corsage bouquet of gardenias and rosebuds. White accessories and tiny navy blue feather hat completed her attire. Miss Faye Hale of Seattle was her only at- tendant. She wore a brown suit with matching accessories and a corsage of gardenias and Violas. IMrs. Slane wore a dress of navy blue lace and gardenia corsage for her daughter’s marriage. The groom’s man was Robert Anderson of Seattle. The reception was held immed— iately following the ‘wedding serv- ice in the same room. Centering the table were candles and a low floral arrangement of sweetpeas with spikes of white gladioli at the base in star formation. Presiding at the silver service was Miss Marie Smeltzer. The bridesmaid took over the serving of the three-tiered cake after the bride and groom cut the first piece. Following a two week's vaca- tion to California, where they will visit his parents, the young cou- ple will make their home at Leeds Apartments, Seattle. The groom is the assistant manager of F. W. Woolworth's Store and Mrs. Os- terholt is employed in the legal department at; Boeings. on activities. Bernard Mrs. Bertha held their fam- and From Centralia Mrs. Wayne James and son of Centralia arrived Sunday to spend a week with their cousin, Mrs. Mrytle Bassett. Mrs. Sam Yaunt and Mrs. Es- ther Parret of Seattle drove Mrs. James there and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bassett and tiny son. Visit Brother, Sister Mr. and Mrs. William Cernich and sons Ronald and Robert of Butte, Mont, left on Sunday for their home after spending the week in Shelton visiting relatives. Mrs. Cernich is the sister of Mr. E. F. Martin and Mrs. Harry Mc- Conkey. Uncle Sam urges‘you to eat moremcheese. For, thanks to America’s patriotic dairymen, there’s, plenty of delicious cheese for everybody. It’s the Victory "Food Special in - A .«N-.. These days} add extra cheese to your menus . . . for goodness and for good nutrition; Have rich cooked cheese dishes for luncheon and dinner. Shred American Cheddar over your "health salads.” Serve two pieces with pica; Pass cheese and crackers with the after-dinner coffee. And, of course. slice the cheese thick for sandwiches; ,7 You see, America’s dairy farmers a year ago patriotically responded to the government’s call for more milk to make more cheese. So mwthis country has plenty of this fine food. Get some tomorrow. Start now serving delicious “...—....“ s v ,, . W ,0 THE CHEESE INDUSTRY OF AMERICA, i. (This message is brought to you by the Washington 5 _ ‘ " Dairy Products Commission in behalf of your stores right now? cheese regularlyfAnd, next week, join in the national celebration of this victory on the Food Fronts Next week is Cheese Week: “A ‘ / . «..-A. LOOK WHAT CHEESE l GIVES YOU . . . I MILK PROTEIN. . . to help build strong ! muscles and firm flesh. MILK MH‘IERALS . . . calcium and phos. . i phorus to help build and maintain sound teeth and bones. , FOOD ENERGY...for pep and workingi power. ... as!» VITAMINS A and G...essential in the “‘7 well-balanced diet for buoyant health. .y, . I» a state’s. producing dalmatian), I... QQUNTY JOURNAL Local Women In‘ Attendance At Centralia Meet Mrs. Violet Peterson, and Mrs. H. A. Beinsen attended a meet- ing of the Southwestern Wash- ington Dorcas Federation held in the Centralia Seventh-day Adven- tist church, August 11. Delegates were present from Mason, Thurs— ton, Lewis and Grays Harbor counties. Preparedness, keynote of the meeting. was presented in three phases. Mrs. L. G. Steck of Che—g haiis, Red Cross Home Nursing in« structor, explained how bandages should be prepared, sterilized and’ kept in readiness for home use. Mrs. Earnest Harmanson of Ethel, Red Cross First Aid instructor, demonstrated. a. handy first aid kit for home or car. She also ex— plained the method of .using a gas mask. The second phase in which the Dorcas society may be of help to the community by being prepared to assist other groups for the relief of injured in case of emer— gency was especially stressed by the president of the federation, Mrs. Antoinette Oberg of Olym- pia. Mrs. H. A. Beinson of Shelton spoke on the third phase which concerned the spiritual strength that it is the duty and privilege of every Christian woman to manifest at this time of national crisis. Other speakers were Mrs. Aug- usta Kneauhman of Olympia, and Mrs. Violet Peterson of Shelton, who spoke on the helping hand. Financial methods for carrying forward the many different types of work sponsored by the Dorcas society were discussed by Mrs. Edwina Myers of Olympia and Mrs. A. B. Colby of Aberdeen. The ladies of the Federation on— joyed the message brought to them by Pastor T. M. Cole of Parkland. Pastor Cole is a mem' ber of the Seventh-day Adventist War Service Commission. He ex— plained the ways in which‘ ladies of the Dorcas might spread cheer and courage among the young men who are in the service. ,Trev Madsen Given Farewell Party Honoring Trev Madsen, who left this week for the U. S. Army Mrs. Herbert Brumbaugh and Mrs. Pat Kelliher entertained at the latter’s home Friday evening with a dinner party. Served in the garden under the trees, the table was cleverly dec— orated with red, white and blue appointments. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Madsen, Mr.‘ and Mrs. Kelliher, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brumbaugh and the hon- ored guest, Mr. Madsen. Attend w.o.T.U. Picnic I Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove and Mrs.I W. F. Roberts attended. the W0- men’s Christian Temperance Un— ion picnic of ‘Lewis County in Borst Park, Centralia last Friday.‘ Aberdeen Couple Married Saturday Leonard J. Cochennette and Es~ ther Eiefken of Aberdeen were united in'marriage at the Meth- odist parsonage Saturday after- noon at 1:30 by the Reverend R. W. Maulden. The groom’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shook, at~ ltended the couple. :Mrs. 116181], Paulson I Entertaing Club MI‘S. Helen Paulson entertained the members of her bridge club at her home last Thursday eve?- mng. Two tables of cards Were in play with Mrs. Inez Dodds and Mrs. Ruth Edgley winning hon- ors. The latter also won the gal- loping goose. The hostess served a. luncheon at the close of the evening to Mrs. Jesse Barrett, Mrs. Alice Cooper. Mrs. Alice Getty, Mrs. Herbert LOOP. Mrs. Nellie Brynesr Mrs. Dodds and Mrs. Edgley. v ' Carnation Club To Meet Next Thursday . The Carnation Club of the Dev gree of honor will meet with Mrs. Mary Cormier at 225 Harvard on August 27. The day will be spent sewing for the Red Cross. A pot— luck dinner will be served at noon. ’Lewis and Mrs. Lee Morgan. Camp Three W’omcn's (llul) Hold Farewell Party The July meeting of the Camp I turned Sunday from a week‘s va-1 iting inland. I Three Women‘s Club last Thurs—1 day was in the form of a fare—‘- well party honoring Mrs. A. (1.1 Luncheon was served to about-1 30 guests by Mrs. Alden Strine,i Mrs. Chas. Goodrich, Mrs. Max,1 Schmidt, Mrs. H. O. Pulm, Mrs, Norman Hulbert and Mrs. VVil~i liam Cartwright. Mrs. Lewis was prescntcd with a coffee table and Mrs. Morgan received a chenille bedspread and , a corner what—not shelf. The Lew— 3 is family has moved to their berry . ranch near Sumner, where Mr. Lewis is employed in the Tacoma. shipyards. The Morgans will soon be leaving for Portland where Mr. Morgan is already working as machinist in the shipyards. “leek-ends at Lakeimod Miss May Taylor spent the week end at Lakewood with Miss Jackie Freeman. The two girls are University friends. Guests From lowa Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Sutton were Mrs. Carl Sievert and daughter Barbara Ann of Sioux Iowa, Their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett and daughter of Brem— erton, here. a. .0 o ooo~ooo . u. o 00.0ovoocogooeuoo'eoooo.o>.oo.oo.oo n}o.».u,¢o.«.«.u‘».c cc o VINEGAR . . . . . . . gal. for Pickling MILDEX . . . . . 1/2 gal. Guaranteed Bleach BRAN FLAKES. Kellogg‘s 40% RICE FLAKES. 2 for Heinz 6 Va -oz. BEANS . . . . . . . . 3-l'bs. Red or Navy Krispy Craxs Soda or Graham 2-lbs. 31¢ Fresh Produce Juice Oranges. 2 doz 25¢ Apples . 5-Ibs. 25¢ Fancy Gravenstein Potatoes 50-le. 1.29 Netted PEACHES, Gems PRICES . vbe.0.0..0,¢,~h00oon~oeoo .¢ g 0,. .....o.u...‘.......5.5.5». 0» Phone 29 ‘Vacation in Oregon Willis. 0 e t n u.»u u on 00.0... also spent the week cnd‘ WATERMELONS, GRAPES, CANTALOUPES at LOWEST MARKET BATES 20th crmu Friday, August 21»- Aligust i "s T h .3..— Ication along the Oreg a ant-Ads—-F Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Mclcum rc— They also spent several ‘ ‘ WE CAN LOSE THIS WA . ..‘7 This district must have a Congressmmmmsm who is a fighter, a realist and " — who refuses to play Hitler’s and Hirohito’s game. Let’s do something—now” while we still have time. Let’s end political boondoggling in Congress and substitute action and honest thinking. Let’s Win This War! HEAR CECIL CALLISO Democrat for Congressman (PAID ADVERTISEMENT) ‘ .er)’ thought -‘ 'fIcuIt, but with Back " 3 has studh many short; and your 1 Girls : ll ., ls, August 22 is the lastéeotlggels day for N0. 6 and NO. °” rich ,yon ! 7 SUGAR STAMPS!!! ; S ... GIRLS' l't Jack annel or o e e o o o e a e“. o.» 00.0 o... o_oooococooooooo 0.000..O..'“’M“~ .1 0.0‘.00.¢o.0o....oo.~e.oo‘eo.¢o.oo.oo.oo.oodo '1. c on o _ 39¢ 11 ‘5 rs ' 32:33:? 19¢ SHORT RIBS ........ .. 24:31:: 2 for 29¢ XESE‘EGH'11111111'gibsir. Fresh Ground in sweat. VEAL or LAMB STEW II). :33?“ two- . , ,, 11 overs! 23¢ CHEESE ____________________ ._ 1b. ; mtg... Brookficld, aged nippy cheese 1 i.La:t:s)énno 23¢ COTTAGE CHEESE... pt» , 1 “mm S ._ $55 Shirts 'th‘éi‘éiié Hi HO Crax MILK FLOW?v , pita-g; Darigold or Federal Driftcd tan" a 129 Oxford: l-Ib. 19¢ 12 cans 98¢ 4t9_1bs2 1, .HRIF’J . PENNE FORMAY ... . .. 3-lbs. ' Shortening ,. SOAP CHI-PS. .. giant Crystal White CHEERIOATS . 7-oz. pkg. KETCHUP . . . .. 2 for a Nalley’s .2f0r‘ Tomato Juice . . . . 21:01:"; Bonnie Best. lqt. 11-07.. 0500 cocoonAobooeooooooaooooooo ... 500‘s... a»; ~.oo.o~.oo.o o‘co‘oo’o’ 5...»; 0’ “onoo‘oo’e’og . 9'. o . o»eo~o‘»‘u., o o o o ..9.oo.-u.oo.oo.00. o I. Shelton's Coolest Shopping Center I I McCon armao