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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 21, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 21, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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State Guard (Continued from Page One) HIKE INTO OLYMPICS V7 77’ l Proving that the "man of. thel house“ is not always necessary. _m__ even on a hike, Mrs George An— 1 Lt. Col. Smith pointed out the. g??? aflfiddifightif fiigag?em‘ifiimportant' part which the localE fleeSckrclmlLi‘flmL unde‘rtook an ardu-‘guard umt can play for youngé ous three day camping trip into lor two of drill with a local guard the Olympics last week end. ', unit will mean rapid advancement: The three traveled into the to the young 'man when he enters Flap]?le lakes and reported a- the regular army, Smith stated. flue time. .He cited several cases of draftees “HA THEATRE lwho were immediately picked out! lof the ranks for non-commission— ied assignments because of their1 :experience with the home guard.‘ W'orden Pleased l Frank Worden, newly commis- jsioned leader of the local unit.~,‘ l 1 expressed the great honor he felt at being selected. , “I am conscious that a great honor and responsibility have ,been given me," Worden told Ki- ‘wanians, “and I am going to do my best to see that our locali effort turns out successfullv. The importance of this unit to the fu- ture welfare of Shelton ill case of emergency cannot be over-stated and I hope that every man able to do so will enlist,” Worden said. Mayor William Stevenson, one of the leading factors in assuring Shelton of the formation of a, guard unit, also expressed his ap- Fri.-Sat., August 21-22 “SYNCOPATION” with Adoplhe Menjou, Jackie Cooper, Bonita Granville, George Bancroft and featuring The All-American Dance Ban ll The screens great cavalcade of Melodyll provaL 1 NEWS _ CARTOON “The success of the Washington . SERIAL State Guard unit in Shelton is very important to all of, us," Stev-_ enson declared, “In case of antl emergency we must not depend! on the state guard posts in Olym—l pia and Aberdeen for help, butl must train our own organization| ready to take over at once when, _—— Slln.-Mon.-Tues. Matinee Sunday 2:15 Together f0" the Fir“ ,danger threatens, and operate. TIME with speed and efficiency." Approval was expressed by GEORGE RAFT and 1. AT O’BRIEN many civic leaders at the appoint- ment of Worden as captain of in the local group. He is a graduate ,, of the Citizen's Military Training .COlps, having graduated with the .rank of captain. His work as with Janet Blair, Brod E chairman of the local rubber drive,i Crawford, Anne Gwynne, .‘Jarjorie Rambeau lWthh more than doubled its orig- inal quota is too recent to need — SPORT ’retelling. CARTOON _— TOWNSEND CLUB MEETS ‘ Townsend Club No. 3 will hold iits regular weekly meeting. Sat- Wetlnesday-Thursday urday at 8 p. m. at the Moose ‘hall. The business meeting will be followed by refreshments and idancing. Everybody is welcome to OF ‘ attend. with Preston Foster 1' #‘— , . ' IN HOSPITAL 14”" Ba“ Billy Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lewis of Roy. under- ,went surgery in the Shelton hos- 1pital last Friday. Week Ends Specials Mb. 250 BORENE pkg. 59c POST TOASTIES,11-oz.. . 2 for 17¢ plus NEWS and Selected Short Subjects Boon SToRE SILVER BOW FARM HONEY CHINESE ' MDLES 2 pkgs. 170 HIP-O-LITE pint 21¢ Fine Cake Filler and Topper FAI RMONT-,—6 FLAVOl JELL‘ 3 for 19¢ NAPKINS 2pkgs. 170 PURE [All 2-llls. 310; SHORT!“ 34!). 69c ARGO GLOSS STARCH . . 2 pkgs. 17¢ QLQTEEE PINS'. . . 2 pkgs. 27¢ LEMONS doz. 29c ORANGES 2—102. 51c TOMATOES Nil. 15». ._.__..__—— CANTALOII PE for 1 7c LARGE 3 men in the draft bracket. A month 'Harstine Grange Meets Friday By Mrs. Earl Harriman Harstine, Aug. 19 ~— Harstine grange meets this Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson. The dance went off just fine Saturday night with not too big a crowd but a good time was had by all that was there. Clyde Harriman left Tuesday morning for Camp Lewis and the army. Mrs. Anna Johnson has been visiting in Tacoma at the home of Mrs. Lillian Boze. Mrs. Earl Harriman made a business trip to Tacoma last week and while there called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. John Lorenzen of Olympia and Mrs. Krabbenhoff of Walker's Landing, were Saturday visitors at the homes of Henry and Bill Lorenzen, brothers of John Lorenzen and Mrs. Krab- benhoff. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hitchcock Ton STATE AND COUNTY OFFICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a PRIMARY ELECTIoN to nominate c an d id ate s to he voted for at the general election to be held on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, A. D., 1942, will be held» in the County of Mason, State of Washington, on the s ec 0nd - fiHELTQi‘liMASQN COUNTY: JOURNAE; . GOV. LANGLIE OPPOSES NO. 151 Governor Langlic will announce over the radio Thursday night his 151 which will be on the ballot at the general election, and which purports to enlarge and improve the benefits under the present old age pension act. ~ He will explain why the propos- ed act will not be better for pres- ent pensioners but may jeapordize what they now get, as well as federal matching funds to make these payments; and if adopted it would be impossible for the state to raise funds to meet it. He carefully to prove this, and to preserve what they now have, which he promises to see is con- tinued. have gone some where on a few days vacation before school Star“ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hitchcock and daughter of Ocosta, spent the week end at their summer cabin on the east side of the island and ,their youngest son went into the ‘army on the 18th. urges that pensioners read the act. l l objections to the Initiative No. ' Statement From R. Trenckmann Four years ago I solicited your support in my campaign for the office of Commissioner of District -. 3, Mason County on a three point program, efficiency, conservation and a square deal for the tax- payer. How well I have succeeded you are now to judge. I am deeply appreciative of the fine cooperation and confidence so many of you have given me dur- ing the past three and one half years. It has been a pleasure to serve you. The war has created many new problems for the commissioners as well as for all of you. I pledge to give every ounce of endeavor to the best solution of these prob- lems as they may arise. Plans for road construction and improvements will necessarily have to be curtailed due to the reduction of gas money. We will have to confine our efforts to do- ing the best job of maintenance Notice by County Auditor of ipossiblc with the funds available. _,_E§id?ayo,i+§}1gus_t:. {Augusl pital for medical treatment. , — — ltlle job with the fire fighting i outfit. It is not my intention to carryi on an intensive campaign for thel office. If the service I have ren- v Returl dered the county during my firstl term merits your further sup- i '1 port, I know you will give it and ‘ A I I know it will be appreciated. I ‘ l Sincerely yours, l i FAST FREIGHT SERVICE Robert Trenckmann. l WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry. tion of a house and g3 ' at $450. RECEIVING» TREATMENT , FIREFIGHTER BACK BUILDING P . Charles Farrell was admitted‘ Jack Paige, CFFC crew member, A building permit .. Wednesday to the Shelton hos- who went to the hospital a month Clyde Howe, Hay St" ago with a broken foot is back on View Addition for the 3 .' .Vlous recr Ecluding or Yardley , L . . lfloar lead Tacoma rrel ht via Str. Sko ku Chl f, Mllw lee g N00 2m e an” ' fully quz . ' County m. i t office. Time Schedule as follows: V Leaves Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at 5 pm. 10' ‘ Olympia. and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER, President PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES..- For the Perfect Shave TBERT l TCH: partisan C Fir Drug Store l $1.00 I ,l 'for com , ERINTE 9F SCH( 1's. Educati ‘ mmistrativ CTION Tuesday of September, 1942, at which primary election the polls will be and remain open from 8 o’clock in the morning until 8 o’clock in the evening of said day (unless atthe hour of closing there are any electors in any polling place "desiring to vote, and who are qualified to'participate therein, and. who have not been able to do so since appearing at the polling place, in wluch event said polls shall be kept open long enough after the hour of closing to allow those present at that hour to vote). Said primary election Shall be held at the regular polling places in each. precinct in said county. Representative in Congress Third District 0. State Representative 24th District Clallam, Jefferson and Mason (Three to be elected) U. Judges of the Supreme Court Position No. 1 Position No. 2 Position No. 3 Position No. 1 Position No. 2 (SEAL), MARTIN F. SMITH RUSSELL STANLEY FRED NORMAN CECIL CALLISON CHARLES R. SAVAGE FRANCIS PEARSON GEORGE N. ADAMS CHARLES T. WRIGHT JOHN F. MAIN JOSEPH A. MALLERY EDWIN C. EWING BRET LaFAYETTE, CASEY WILLIAM J. MILLARD RAY C. GRUHLKE JOHN S. ROBINSON DON G. ABEL Polling Place The party designation (except for the offices of supreme court judges, juSticeS of the peace and county school superintendent) and the names and addresses of all personsfor whom nomina- tion papers have been filed, so far as the same effects the electors of said county, are as follows: _. Primary Election Tuesday, September 8, 1942 CONGRESSIONAL McRIVETT M. NELSON iArcade Apts., Hoquiam « LEGISLATIVE 1014 Columbia St., Olympia Republican 405 First St., Raymond Republican 527 East Spruce St., Montesano Republican 733 Adams St., Chehalis Democratic 1620 Division St., Shelton Democratic S. FORD, M. D. JUDICIAL Forks 216 West 14th St., Port Angeles Star Route No. 1, Box 65, Shelton 101 Railroad Ave., Shelton Democratic Democratic Judges of the Supreme Court C. ZINTHEO 3601 East Union, Seattle l , 2612 North Union, Tacoma 605 spring Street, Seattle 115 Locust St., Walla Walla 415 Maple Park. Olympia Route NO- 7, Olympia 217 Dorffel Drive, Seattle 791 Pennsylvania Ave., Chehalis , Justices of the Peace—Shelton Precincts WALTER A. MAGOON M. 325 Railroad Ave., Shelton 518 Ellinor Ave., Shelton IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal‘this'1'3th'day of August, 194% I ' HARRY DEYETTE. 1 it Democratic ' Democratic ‘ Republican Dcmc County WARREN LINCOLN Route No. 2, Shelton Democratic.“ M Honest. Assessor JOHN WHITING Lost Lake Route, Elma Republican enlber V. County " Gran g‘ Auditor HARRY DEYETTE Star Route No. 1, Shelton Republican, County CLARE ENGELSEN Kay-Dee Apts, Shelton Republiczmy Clerk GERTRUDE S. HOWARD Route N0. 2, Shelton Republicllr1 c County Brosecuting B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON 611 Railroad Ave., Shelton Republicim Attorney ' , County ‘ t. L. F Sheriff E. F. MARTIN 321 No. 7th St., Shelton Democrat‘,c County Superintendent J. W. (BILL) GOODPASTER Hoodsport of 50110015? ,‘ BERT G. MITCHELL Allyn ‘ ( i R. W. STRIKE I Lost Lake Route, Elma Democrati: County I J. E. MARTIN 500 Ellinor Ave., Shelton Demofltat 3] Treasure!“ J. L. CATTO 317 Railroad Ave., Shelton County H. R. DICKINSON Hoodsport CommiSSmilel‘ ERMA (MRS. ALVIN) District No- 2 BUTLER Star Route No. 1, Shelton Republican, County , ROBERT TRENCKMANN Route No. 1 ,Box 124, Elma Democragg. Commisswner ‘JACK SMITH Route N0. 3, Shelton Democra .6 District No. 3 CLIFFORD C. COLLINS Route No. 3, Shelton Democrat,1 Constable ‘ . fl .. ‘ Shelton Precincts H. L. ALEXANDER 1218 Cota St., Shelton Republlcfl 3 Position No. 1 PRECINCT COMMITTEEMEN I Allyn , FRED W. BUDING Allyn Allyn :L. W. SPEECE Allyn Arcadia ‘LAWRIE B. HILL Route No. 3, Shelton Camp No. 3 GEORGE R. CLIFTON Camp No. 3, Shelton (lloqua-llum WILLIAM G. WALKO Lost Lake Route, Elma. Eells JESSE F. THOMAS Star Route No. 1, Shelton Eeils EVERETT E. F‘OURRE Star Route N0. 1, Shelton IIurstme HUGO A. GLASER Rte. No. 2, Box 179, Shelton Isabella INGVOLD (pETE) 'EITREIM Rte. No. 3, Box 121, Shelton Lilllwaup FRANK ROBINSON Lilliwaup Matlmlk ‘ROBERT c. MICHAEL Matlock .Mlllcr LYLE O'DELL Route No. 2, Shelton Pickering WANDA GAY HILL P. O. Box 232, Shelton Pickering R. WERBERGER Route No. 2, Shelton ~- Skokomlsh Q, N. ADAMS Star Route No. 1., Box 65, _ Shelton Ungon MARION E. MICHAEL Union . - Unlon T_ W' WEBB Potlatch Route, Shelton Shelton 1‘0- 2 SUSIE E. PAULEY 727 No. 4th St., Shelton , ~1. . Shelton No. 4 w_ s, RAWDING 1044 E. Dearborn Ave., ‘ ‘ Shelton Democratic 41’ l Shelton ,No. 5 HERBERT E. MILLER 13th Olympic Sta, Shelton Democg'fi : ’ Shelton No. M, H. NEEDHAM Angleside, Shelton Repubofic V ‘ Shelton No. 7 ‘ HELENA W. MCCANN 619 Cascade Ave., Shelton Democ /'_ . 1! Auditor, Mason County, Washington