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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 21, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 21, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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COUNTY J OURNAD gust. i'August 2:1, 1942. NMA ‘4 . Return ' 8r“ Representative 3' Cl‘ge Adams to the ‘ gislature ING P Imagine my surprise! - l When filings closed And I was unopposed A mark of trust; L W_ “Bltln ; And of confidence , I0009PASTER . Paid Advertising That I will not forget Thank You l l I! l l I :T:_::_"_‘—___—I;:il::; Li: ;:,':.T:: ’E lio:i—l’.:irt1:t".ii Candidate . TON ' ' .0115 record in four l ,1 Ferry hiding one as recogfi W»? County I . , no d . thy —r Um - Republican Candidate wankee ‘ . ..f0r lea e1 In 0 , . for ' t ully qualifies this (U, ‘ . County man for this (all Elf-01‘ County Auditor ‘ .,, t Office up Jt} U .9 ‘ Priliiaries, Sept. 8 General, NOV. 3 I 5 p.m. f“ n ,. _ _ I . - _ _ _ 1942 lay ‘ _~ A , l _ _ “"1 wit '. BERT G. ‘ J. E. (Ed) NOTICE OF erCIAi. scIIOOI. . 7 DISTRICT ELECTION , l! Notice is hereby given that a special M A I N election of the legal school electors , v‘ p 1 lot Middle Skokomisg School, Diistrict ' artis 11 Candidate i No. 43, of Mason ounly._ as Iing—, , a ‘; Democrat Eton, will be held at the Middle 31(0— ' , komish school house on ues ay, 1 "or COUNT“ jSeptember 8, between the hours of 8 a.m. and p. m. for the purpose Present county SChOOI SUpt' of voting on a proposed ten—mill levy designed to raise funds for the coming school term. . Dated this 14th day 1942. By order of the board of directors] of said school district. R. B. SIMMONS, Clerk of Board. RINTENDENT i F SCHOOLS , i ’5 Educational, Social mlhistrative experience CANDIDATE FOR. of August, ‘1 County Treasurer l l ' 8-14-21—2t. FIE—ELECT Representative Chas. R. Savage for STATE REPRESENTATIVE 24th District Democrat $3.77 gal. in Clallam, Jefferson and Mason Counties Clifford C. COLLINS Democratic Candidate for County Commissioner DISTRICT NO. 3 $2.49 gal. in A. ” GENERAL PAINTS FOR BETTER REsULTs Kr‘afkote White. Paint 100% House Paint $2.98 gal. in 5 gallon lots Blue Chevron House Paint Quickstep Floor Finish $3.50 gal. Pearl Glo Enamel IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE .1 g g W SHELTON-MASON L ANNOUNCEMENTS l ll LEGAL PUBUCTTIONS ii STATE OF WASHINGTON, MA- SON COUNTY Neoma H. McNutt, Plaintiff, AWOL Wayne A. McNutt. Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said Wayne A. McNutt, Defend- ant: l according. to the demand of the com- eloction will be school district, Mason County, Wash- ington, on Tuesday, September 8, 1942, for the purpose of voting upon a special five mill levy to raise $724.50 for general school purposes. Polls will be open from 8 a. III. to 8 p. m. of said election day. By order of the board this 11th day of August, 1942. ORIN BUCKINGHAM, 8—14-21~2t. Clerk. 4 gallon lots l i l 5 gallon lots fiuww __.._.___._.__L-_-_.__..... _._-—___'__._. .___.....‘ JOURNAL \ l Classified Service Real Estate m Boar FOR SALE: practically new sep- "V "W vvmvm For Sale 0.1;--4- A-“ A‘AAMAMAAA‘ arator, 3 new milk pails, 2 hay forks, scoop shovel. All for $75. Gravenstein apples $1.25 per box. Hobart Painter, Agate. 8-21--9—4—3t. You are hereby summoned to ap- pear withiln sixty (60) days afterr thhe AMAAMAAAAAAAAAAMMA "m (late of tie first. llblication o t is 1 . . . summons, to—wit: riiiithin sixty days FOR SALE: “(illlty 1“ beautlflfl PIG OWNERS NOTICE: igllfvr' 191;, 17th, day ol‘tgluliyv 1342 and mansion. ultra modern, com- service. Delmar Borden, Pet- 0 enr lC‘ aiove 0111 PI ac.lon in ' ' the above entitled court. and answer pleteiy alr condltlpned'tdefIQCt latCh ROUte' 8"'21—_3t‘l :the complaint of plaintiff, Neoma H. llghtlngi Superb Vlewi ax ree' ’ .”' 5' r ‘ McNutt, and serve a copy of yourl Inquire Sunday, 7:45 p. m. 120 COAL. In 4-ton lots 01‘ largeril answer upon the undci-SIgned attor—l E Pine st R Caddy 8-21__1t. Lump $10 ton, Range $9.50 ton, ney for plaintiff, Charles T. Wright, " ‘ . stoker $7 85 ton $1 more erl at his office below stated: and in “ " m ""7 . p case of your failure so to do, judg- FOR SALE: 6 rooms and bath, ton 1n 1 t0 3 ton IOtS- saCk ment will be rendered against you with fireplace, floor furnace coal $1, you bring sack 90c. and electric water heater. Ar- Carl Morgan, phone 344-W, 635 plaint, which has been filed with the 'clcrk of said court. The dpux‘pose 0t tesian well, two large lots, gar- Dearborn. 7—10—tf. this action is to segure a lvorce. age attached to house. Chas_ fifififi‘gfisfig' $51,553:? l A. Siebel, Walker Park Addi- FLOOR SANDER I Rust} Oéfirré1 addrcssl: i tlon. 8-21--9-21—1M nge uil lug, She ton, Mason County, Washington;t 91 FOR SALE; 4 room house' two _ “173531—874 ' "—7t‘ bedrooms downstairs, unfinish- by Day or Hour NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL ed upstairs, small basement. In- N Displmu'r ELECtThI?1: b eci l quire at 405 Arcadia. Large lot, L. CATTO 0 ICC is 'e 3 IVER a I Field in crap‘évici, , good location 5*8-21--9-4—~3t HARDWARE FARMS AND WATERFRONT:. from 5 acres up. Best buys on peninsula. Write W. McDonald, Gig Harbor. 8-21--9-4—3t. FOR SALE CHEAP: 40 acres, fenced, 3 room house, full base- merit, large shed, barn, second growth timber, 5 acres cleared. Well water. Four miles south Shelton. Inquire Martha Mason, 125 Fourth St., Bell Bldg. 8—7-14-21—3t. l GET KODAK , FILM HERE let us do the Developing Printing l. FOR SALE: 7 room house, good condition. Good water, outbuild- ings, fruit, 151/2 acres. $3,500. L. C. Smith, Agate District. 8-7-21—c3t. FOR SALE: 40 acre ranch, 4 room house, electricity, water, 3 acres cleared. Lots of wood. Two miles from Matlock. A real buy. Inquire Journal. I K—8-7-21~3t. FOR SALE: 7 room house, full basement, large upstairs, 21/22 lots, close to business district, $6,250. Inquire Shelton Sportf‘ Jim) at? ing Goods or phone 160—R. f B‘s'zz—t' Andrews Studio . FOR SALE: 7 room house. Close ' v vw to business district. Full base- Used Cars ment. For particulars call at Shelton Sporting Goods. mv 5-15--tf. -——————-—-—' FOR SALE: special DeLuxe 1941 CARD 0F THANKS Chev. .business coupe. Excellent We wish to thank all those whoi condition very good rubber. Mrs. ~ Pearl Willey Matlock Hiway. have been so kind and helpful to I us during our bereavement over Phone 14'F'15' 8‘21_1t' the death of our husband and fa- .' , ther, Gaylord Lee McRill. Despite TRUCKS FOR SALE’ 2% 88:12:- " years Experience in County Road Affairs $3.45 gal. 97¢ qt. Flax Interior Finish ithe fact that we were virtually lstrangers here the people of Shel- baker wood truck, wood truck. Both for $300.00. ton have been more than kind to 11193“? Journal‘ DFS'M'ZBHm‘ REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY .CLERK Experience as deputy auditor, deputy clerk and deputy .~ 1'easurer has given me a well-rounded insight into minty affairs. $1.35 qt. Turpentine $1.35 gallon Boiled Oil $1.72 ,Realdent of Mason County and Taxpayer here since 1920 -‘.. I : Your Vote Appreciated w. STRIKE _ Democratic Candidate , HEAR EVANGELIST ' RICHARD 'CADDY salvation has not advanc- , FOR « N TY TREASURER ‘ memos: 'L‘I‘Honest, Qualified, Efficient. Spirit filled young man who will Tub/“ca” ‘3 ember V~F~W~. American Legion conduct two-weeks special Evan- I :53": Grange, Pomona Grange ' - - Epubn‘cw , _l and F0 gelisitie serv1ces at the A} i ‘3‘ o c igflgliiggr' » "M-A" *~~ _ (.ilei‘rlI‘y Pentecostal Church /, I‘EISCERVATIVIE A SQUARE DEAL R x- 120 E-Plne St.#Shelton 3publica" 'VENT FOR THE TAXPAYE Services every nigth but Monday—Begin- , mg Sunday 112a. m. Heb, 13:8 Jesus Christ mtic' RObert Treanmann the same Yesterday, and Today 222/ Incumbent and Forever " Democratic Candidate For , NOTICE_The cost of , ‘1 ' 6d — No Priority Needed —— Immediate Delivery rams. County Commisswner satisfaction Gimme... ’- as: . . . g’fififi’iw ‘; 4 3rd District—Mason County l i raw. ~°UR SUPPOORT RESPECTFULLY SOLICIATED P d A d moo . , ropose men mcilt to t e epublicafl, V amocaggj ,. T. L VOTE FOR . .l i .. . ' CLARE ugh! lepublica k ‘ ' ‘pulican Candidate Amocwcgg 3 ,i' . STATE 1 .Incumbeht To Whom It May Concern: epubliafié‘ ESENTATIVE Republican Candidate :mggr up ' 2ft}: District For “gowns n J , ’ im , _ cfferson, Callam COUNTY CLERK HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 4 Be 11: Resolved 1?, , y the Senate and §°wasgfi Representatives of the State as'sighrgblednzgton- in Legislative Session t at the next ' . general election to fitgg‘ljdtintthis statc there shall be sub- state forothh? cIllallf'led electors of this or rejectiorflxagpgrovaé and ratifiAcatmin men merit to r ic e V11 0f the Constitution of the State of Cliff Wivell’s CERTIFIED Washington, by In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolution the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published, for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington,-a pro- posed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as follows: State ConstitutiOn TO BE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 3,-1942 STATE or WASHINGTON, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 01‘ STATE. derived. and to . rovide e ' ofijet; gndndgdutc’iiigns. xemptlon‘s’ e m e'r Resolved T secretary of State shall cause'tligafto’igE going constitutional amendment to be published at least three months pre- cedmg the election in a weekly news- paper in every county where a news- paper is published throughout the state. Passed the House March 12, 1941. EDWARD J. REILLY. Pl’In the Matter ’Ogvthej_,.-E§ us. , Blanche Taylor McRill Robert McRill. N0. 1520 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ‘IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ,_THE COUNTY OF MASON late of a), .anies ‘12.. Denver?“ eccas ‘Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified Executrix of the above entitled estate; that all per- sons having claims against said do- ceascd are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Executrix or her attorney of record at the address below stated, and file or the same will. be barred. Date of first publication August 14, 1942. ELIZABETH DEAVER, Executrix of said Estate Address Shelton, Washingtonl H. E. GORMAN, Attorney for Estate 201 Bremerton Trust & Savings Bldg, Brenierton. Washington 8-14-21—28--9-4—-4t. NOTICE OF SfllLE OF STATE ' ‘ 'TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the Ist day Of Sept., 1942, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, In front of the main entrance door to the County Court House In the city of .Shelton, county of Mason, State of 'Washington, by the County Auditor of said county, the followmg describ— ed state tide lands, together with the improvements situated thereon, _will be sold at public auction to the thighest bidder therefor, to-wit: ‘ NOTEz—No one except citizens of Ithe United States, or persons who shave declared their intention to be‘ lcome such, can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. 10573 All tide lands of the second class |owncd by the State of Washington. situate in front of. adjacent to, abut- ting upon or within lots 3 and 4. sec- tion 27, township 24 north. range 3 west, W. M., having a frontage 0f 57.00 lineal chains. 195$, aD~ praised at $1,710.00. . Except any tide lands prcVIously deeded to Hama Hams. Logging CO")- ,pany, December 18, 1931. under ADD“- :catlon No. 9436. ' , Subject to a right of way for a iSjtate road as shown on plat No. 356 filed October 9, 1930 in the office of the Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia. Washington. ‘ Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and. upon the terms and conditions fol- lowmg: . Not less than one-tenth of the pur- ‘chase price must be paid at the time of sale. ,The purchaser, if he be .not the owner of the improvements. must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full‘amount of the appraised value of the improve- more 01‘ of ments. as above stated. One-tenth of |the purchase price must be paid an- ‘nually thereafter with interest on all deterred payments‘ at the rate of, six l or centum per annum: Provided. l hat any urchaser may make full payment 0 principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain deed; The purchaser of land contain— : mg timber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or i removing any such timber or. mater- ' lals Without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, un- .til' the full amount of. the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description. FOR SALE: 1929 H. D. motor— cycle, largc super H. 4 hp. Alto outboard motor. Also 2 1937 sidecars and 1 1927 Buick se— dan. All in excellent condition. M. L. Kolmorgan, R. 3. 7—31--8—7-14-21-28——5t. 'vvvvvvvvvvvvwv Lost and Found fl... l LOST: man's billfold containing money and private papers. Re- turn to Hugh Gruvcr, U. S. Navy, 520 Arcadia Street or at the same with the Clerk of said Journal Office, 8421—112. Court, together with proof Of such Mm, __ 1.,“ service, within six months after the . date of first publication of this notice! FOUND: owner [Lease Gla‘m Guernery heifer and pay for costs. L. L. McAfcrty, Matlock Route. 8~7—28w—4t. 'V'v'. I For Rent ' M.MM QAAAAMAMAA‘ FOR RENT: 3 room house, chick— en house, garag eand woodshed. Middle Skokomish. Inquire Ea- ton Body Works, S. 1st and Grove. 8-21--1t. FOR RENT: 2 sleeping rooms convenient ‘to school. hospital or business sections. Gentlemen preferred, Inquire 311 N. 4th St. B——8—217A1t. CABIN FOR RENT: furnished, lights and water. Inquire Maple Beach on Lake Isabella. J—8-14-28r ~3t. FOR- RENT-OR SALE: 3-room cabin, spring water, beach, tide- lands, acres timber. B. A, Powers, Route 2, Agate or in- quire Shelton Hotel. 8—14--9-14»~~1M RENT: 2 sleeping 9603's, garage available. Phone 14-F-15. W——8-14--9-4—4t. FOR RENT: furnished home, 2 bedrooms, on Hood Canal, 1% miles past Alderbrook. Fire- place, furnace with oil burner. Inquire Journal. A—8-7-14—21-3t gFREE RENT: furnished 5-room room for one adult. Phone 557W morningsbefore 9:30. Evenings after 9:30. M—~8-7-14-21--3t. Letters of Administration on the Es- l tate of 'Gust Nordquist, deceased, were- 1granted to the undersigned on the ,25th day of July, 1942, by said Super- ’ ior Court. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that all persons having claims against Said ‘ estate are required to serve them, with ithe necessary vouchers. upon the un- dersngned at the Law Office of Alden C. Baylcy. Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington. that being des- lignated as the place for the trans- '8OUOII of the business of the estate. Within SIX months after the date of the first _Du_blication of this notice, to-wit: Within six months after the l meat markets. i l house in exchange for board and' g TEXAcO SERVICE Representative in mason County for lymph oil Wood I . . , . PRODUCTS COMPANY '~ High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oils PROMPT SERVICE lat: and Franklin Phone 397 . adding thereto a new 58°90“ to be desi nated Section 2 oil Artlde VII which 5 all read as follows: Section 2, For the purpose of tax- gggg‘eripczme shall not be construed as the (ne'er rid the legislature shall have net 1pm“, lay and collect graduated me taxes from whatever source Speaker of the House. Passed the Senate March 11, 1941. 'VICTOR A. Muxus. PreSIdent of the Senate. Filed in the office of th State. March 17, 1941. e secretary °£ STAE OF WASHINGTON, ‘ OFFICE or THE SECRETARY or STATE. 1. BELLE REEVES, Secretary of State of the State of Washington, hereby Certify that lthe above and foregc-ing contains a full, true and ' Correc" Copy Of House Joint Resolution No. 4, passed by the Legislature of the State Of Washington at its twenty—seventh session, as appears i from the original of said Joint Resolution on file in my 011108. Witness My Handuand the seal of the State of Washington this 20th day of May, 1942. . B ELLE REEVES, lSTATE SEAL]; Secretary of State, 3151; day of July, 1942, and file the same Wltl1.the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service, or they will be forever barred. Dated this 3lst day of July, 1942. C. W. BROWNER, Administrator of the Estate of Gust Nordquist, Deceased. C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Administrator, Title Insurance Building. IShelton, Washington. 7‘31--8—7-14-21-4t. ————-— I POMONA GRANGE PICNIC Annual picnic of the Mason County Pomona Grange will be i and to the additional terms and con- ditions. prescribed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of the LaWS of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to, the terms, conditions and reservationsl of Ehapterjllz of the Session Laws of [192a relating to easements for rights- .Of-way and the carrying of timber. ,stone, minerals and other products over the same. JACK TAYLOR. I Commissioner of Public Lands. By FRANK YATES. Ass't. Commissioner. 7-31--8-7-14-21—28—-5t. N0. 1514 NOTICE To CREDITORS FILE CLAIMs l IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE l STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND , FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. i IN PROBATE l In Estate j Ga. 1 the Matter of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; ALDEN T0 lKneeland Park in Shelton. All i grangers and friends of the grange oflitre invited. Those attending are Nomqumi Deceaflud. asked to bring basket lunches, cof— Iiiat fee and cream will be furnished. held this Sunday, August 23, at, FOR SALE: used 8 cylinder mo tor and 4 speed transmission, suitable for donkey, $25.00 Also excellent 6 cylinder motor for boat or buzz saw or power plant. Both with good radiators. George M. Nye, 120 E. Pine St. Phone 479. 8-21»—1t. FOR SALE: 2 ceiling light fix- tures, 2 wall fixtures, brass bird cage, fernery and used hot wa- ter tank. Phone 163-W, Satur- day. S—8—21——1t. FOR SALE: team of horses, weight 1,000 lbs. each. Reas- onable price. Jack A. Hender- son, Victor. 8-21—-9-4—3t. USED FURNITURE 1—3—pe. Walnut bedroom l suite ........................ ..... .. $49.50 l—Walnut table and 6 chairs .............................. .. 39.50 I ,l—sofa bed ....... .. 29.50 llflbreakfast set 9.75 l—electric range ............. 1—wMonarch wood range... 39.50 Olsen Furniture Co. m Wanted WM“ AAwww WANT RIDE DAILY to and from Olympia. Leave 7 a. In. In— . quire 1212 Olympic Way. B--8-21A-1't. WANTED: 40 to 160 acres of land, 1/5 or more in cultivation, 5 or 6 room house, barn, out- buildings, electricity and water piped to house, family orchard. Pay cash. VanWert, 2213 West 45th St., Los Angeles. 8-21—9-11—4t. WANTED: man and wife or two men for work on oyster beds. Mrs. J. B. Bowman, 302 Capitol Apts., Olympia, Wn. Phone 5122. 8-21-9-11—4t. WANTED: used Mason jars, qts. and 2 qts. Write price and quan- tity to Mrs. C. Johnson, Route 1, Box 235-A. WANTED: 2 or 3’ room house in downtown district, partly furn- ished if possible. Inquire 528 Cedar Street. H-8-21-9-4—3t. WANTED: lady to do repairing and sewing. Apply at Quality Cleaners. 8-21—1t. WANTED: men to cut and peel pilings. Roy Kimbel 8—14-28—3t HOUSEKEEPER wanted for full time, stay nights. Andrew Pho- to Studio. Phone 152. 8-7—tf. l 8-21—1t. l (WANTED AT ONCE: carioads or truckloads of large, smooth, sound Alder, Maple and Hem- lock logs. Higher prices. Lib- eral scale. Prompt settlements. Northwest Chair Company, Ta- coma, Wn. 7-31--8-21-—4t. 'WANTED To BUY: used “out- board motors. Hillcresl: Hard- ware, phone 499, Olympic and Fairmont. 4-10—tf. WANTED: women between 23 and 35 to work in grocery and Write applica- tion to Box 1, c-o Journal Of- S—7-24—tf. WANTED: schoolbus driver, El- don to Shelton run. Accept ap- plications either man or, woman. Write or see Gladys Lockwood, clerk, Hoodsport.‘ 7-24-31—2t. fice. . Tides of the Week l l Computed for Oakland Bay l (Hood Canal tides are one hour 3: 55 minutes earlier) High 1:37 a.m. 13.5 ft. Fri. Low 9:04 a.m. -0.3 ft. Aug. 21 High 4:22 p.m. 12.8 ft. Low 9:27 p.m. 6.4 ft. ; High 2:41 a.m. 13.3 ft. Sat. Low 10:06 a.m. -0.8 ft. Aug. 22 High 5:26 p.m. 13.5 ft. Low 10:42 p.m. 6.2 ft. High 3:48 a.m. 13.3 ft. Sun. Low 11:04 a.m. -1.3 ft. Aug. 23 High 6:18 p.m. 4.1 ft. Low 11:44 p.m. 5.7 ft. High 4:53 a.m. 13.4 ft. ‘Mon. Low 11:56 a.m. -1.5 ft. Aug. 24 High 7:01 p.m. 14.6 ft. Low 12:37 a.m. 5.0 ft. ,Tues. High 5:53 a.m. 13.6 ft. Aug. 25 Low 12:45 p.m. -1.4 ft. High 7:40 p.m. 14.9 ft. Low 1:25 a.m. 4.2 ft. Wed. High 6:50 a.m. 13.7 ft. Aug. 26 Low 1:30 p.m. -1.0 ft. High 8:17 p.m. 14.9 ft. } Low 2:09 a.m. 3.4 ft. Thurs. High 7:44 a.m. 13.6 ft. Aug. 27 LOW 2:14 p.m. -0.3 ft. I High 8:51 p.m. 4.8 ft. ‘ Low 2:52 a.m. 2.7 ft. Fri. High 8:36 a.m. 13.4 ft. Aug. 28 Low 2:57 p.m. 0.6 ft. High 9:24 p.m. 14.5 ft. I . Low 3:36 a.m. 2.2 ft. iSat. High 9:31 a.m. 13.1‘ft. EAug. 29 Low 3:39 p.m. 1.7 ft. i High 9:57 p.m. 14.1 ft. i NOTICE OF BOND CALL l Notice is hereby given that the , followmg Utility Bonds. Series Of '1936. of Public Utility District No. 1 {of Mason County, Washington. are jcalled for payment at the office of , the Treasurer of said county and that Ithe interest on said Bonds will cease ‘September 1. 1942: . [ Public Utility District No. 1 Utility .Bonds. Series of 1936. numbered 9. {10. 11. and 12, inclusive. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 of Mason County, Washington my: R. til. JOHNSON, Manager. 7-81fl-7—19‘21-2Ht. WANT ADS Page Seven CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 30 per word. 75c minimum Charge on each notice. Card of Thanks. 75c; original poetry 50c per inch; classified display 'rates on request. Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany other orders or payment made be- fore the first Of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE. 100 For Sale “MMAAAA AAA LA AA Mt FOR SALE : 1 acre of alfalfa. second cutting, very good crop. $5 you cut. Mrs. M. Matthes, Rt. 2, Agate. 8-21—1. FOR SALE: blue velour daven- port and chair very reasonable. Also bed, spring and mattress. Rev. Lambert, 910 E. Dearborn. Phone 153-R. 8-21fllt. FOR SALE: heifer calf six mos. old. Rose Phillips, Matlock Rte., 6 miles out of town. 8—21—1t. 29.50 HORSE FOR SALE CHEAP: 7 year old mare, broke to work double, 1100 lbs. V. P. Bunnell, Dayton, M. R., Shelton 8—21--1t. I ___________.__..——-—— [FOR SALE: 2 young cows, one just fresh with heifer calf. D. M. Crosswhite, 1 mile north of Belfair on old highway. 8-14—28—3t. FOR SALE: 66 inch double cabi- net sink (never uncrated), an- tique chairs, other furniture and miscellaneous articles. One gas motor, 3 sectional book cases, floor jack, walker, auto tool toter, paint brushes, paint spray gun. Phil DeRosia, Box 2, Un- ion Garagc, Union, Wash. 8-14-«9-4—1M FOR SALE: coal hot water heat- er and utility stove $8. 323 Cookson. FOR SALE: old growth fir wood stumpage, cut on shares. Fresh Guernsey cow and 4 year old female Burro pet. R. J. Gallag- her at Lost Lake. Box 66. L. L. Route, Elma, ten miles from Shelton. 8-14-21—2t. FOR SALE: three cows, all had first calf, Red New Hampshire pullcts. Also garden as it rip- ens. C. M. Mercer, five miles out Isabella Valley Road. 8-14-21—‘2t. EEO COOKER SPANIELS FOR SALE. Carl Smulter, Dayton, Matlocki Route. 8-7-14-21—3t. FOR SALE: 300,000 feet of tim- ber. Convenient road. 1/2 mile to water landing. Address Box 25, Lilliwaup, Washington. R—7-24—tf. LARGE SIZE Duplicating SALES BOOKS 2 for 15¢ 4 for 25¢ . 65¢ per dozen Our prices are as low or lower than outside salesmen can quote you. THE JOURNAL mom" v ‘ PROFESSlllNAL CARDS ‘AM ALDEN c. BAYLEY” ATTORNEY, AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building , ELLIOT B. SPRING l Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping System: 123 4th St. . Phone 565 WITSIERs FUNERAL HOME Licensed ,Emhalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - - Shelton, Wash. DOANE- BRODIE Attorney-At-Law Angle Building Phone 337 CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW? Juice 1 L. M. Blik., Shelton, Washington i A, __l RICHARD F. EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 3‘25 Railroad Ave. Phone 115