August 21, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 21, 1942 |
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Page Eight~
Paul's words to Timothy, “Goc
hath not given usythc spirit 0:
fear; but of power, and of love,
Ind of a. sound mind,” constitute
the Golden Text in the Lesson-iAugust 23.
pl" special
$ .00
“Back-to- cho
Crisp, washable prints in pret-
ty stripes, gay plaids and
dainty floral designs make up
our brand new shipment of
children’s dresses. They are
very well made and yet they
sell at the low price of only
$1.00. We feel this is one of
the finest specials we have
ever offered.
SPECIAL! on satin Slips
Lace Trimmed!
Just the Kind
for School
1 to 7
You Will
Want Several
of These at
This Price!
..,. a:
in... ..
' l and ,
0 New Spun Rayons
C Part Wools
39 inch
. Plaids
C Plains ,
54 inch
AND narssrs
These Beautiful fabrics are
ideal to make shirts and dress-
es for that girl going to school.
Sew your own school clothes
and save!!
, .oo
Sermon on “Mind” in all Chris-
tian Science Churches, Sunday.
:Union News Is
i Ross and her daughter—in-law Mrs. I
"Bud" Ross returned Friday from}as Clerk elect for nearly four,
,fine fishing.
'Cushman hospital, feeling much
iserious as reported. He is having aqt three years and whom you
; Sam“ teeth puued With expeCtation Ia)ll know is efficient and courte- i
0. getting as fit as eVer.
.home again and M1" Jonesiis to which may be either foreign 0r; ,
:be up and around.
.army life interesting but the heat - f . 1 _ I‘
' is not so pleasant. JOYed workmg m you p601) 0
.Saturday and Sunday in Seattle
'fiShmg bl“ did "Qt have as gOOd me to come home after the war
M38011 County Savings
luck as many others.
1 Tuesday shopping.
inews notes for a number of yeas
Friday, August 2L1. ’
Mrs. D. M. Wolfe and randson C fl i i" S
Burnett returned tfijs weekl Brought before Justice M. C. Accused of
allowing '
lfrom a six weeks vacation tripiZintht‘O 0“ a Speeding Charge by
operate their automobll
‘ ..
to Portland and Eastern Wash—3 PatI‘Olman William Frender, R. W. R.
Bell and- Arnold "
,l ington, where they visited rela-: Cody 0f Belfall' posted $10 ball
each brought before J11
Zinthco and forfeited ‘
SentfiB_y Scribe;
Union, Aug. 18 fl Mrs. Thos.‘
I am an candidate for nomina- tives' While in Portland and East' 3
WhICh was forfeltcd'
; crn Washington, where they vrs1t-. 'W-WWWWWWW
A‘vflrrm-W—r'v" ~
tion as Clerk of Mason Coririty,3ed relativeS While in pox-tland‘
3.1::-spigzinggoggdtgibgi 3:33 a p0siiion which i iiiiii they visited
Mrs. Wolfe's soni
fJohnny Files. Mrs. Wolfe’s father:
W. H. Worden of Touchet, Wash-
65755? [5405?
lington returned with them
because it’s
summer home here. “June” alldldeputy for nearly nine years and
,_ //////////
Neah Bay Where they had some i years. I have been sworn into thei
Arm and anticipate being called'
Henry Allen has returned from ’ any {mm During my absence, Es_
. . ther Roles, who has worked with
better' H‘s C‘md‘t‘o" was not as me in the Clerk’s
office for the
A: Hid
ous, will be your acting Clerk‘l L A N S
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones are When I am called for active duty,
‘ unty‘s fil‘
,_ . for offici
0f deferri
tiVo servi
. son of M
‘ FUiott and
x s Mcrcant
. domestic, my salary as Clerk ter-
Wgrd has. been .I‘eCe'VSd from minates and I get a private‘s pay,
Edwm Martin who is stationed at l which for women is $21 per month.
camp CTOWder' MO' He finds For over twelve years I have ell-,
O Convenient Terms
Men cheer Old Sunny
Brook for its genial quality
and all-around routine».
0 Reasonable Rates
have tried to give you efficient ,
M1“ and Mrs' Fred Short Spent service, pleasantly. I can assure
visiting . NO DELAY
you that Esther Roles will give
H . you the same service. I have en-
Mr‘ .and M15‘ Ray Sturgls 0f joyed working with you when We i
Olympia and Lud Andersen spent have had juries, etc. I hope you
several days laSt week at 381‘” voters will make it possible for i
as notifim
. ‘5 .WCf‘k
" the offic
Ly. i lhstruct<
' , , Is Septc
.‘:-.‘i g‘
" api'llicatior
is over and continue to work for
& Loan Association
Mrs. Rose Robison returned . 5 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOUBON HI K‘ R. ‘
. you and With you in Ma on W 5 BY B h er
. M , , / . candi
“35:33), Mfg'orzndBllillgse. 3331‘??ng County. Sincerely Tltle
insurance Bldg- 90.4 Proof National Distillers Products Corp., New York,
son for about two weeks. . ’ . \\ 0a" t
| The Glen Coffee home. formerlyl C1310 Eng6159n
McLean, r
owned by Morris Johnson, was i _m‘—“~—"—""w >
sold last week to A. Galyean of
Montesano, who plans to make
some improvements. 1
“Open House" at the Albert,
Bpr sn'l
When looking for 000" VDhl HIP R]
Neigel n
JOhnson home brought togeuwl' don't. overlook qualitY' “tam.
relatives, neighbors and friends 1 'fi lshed a
from abroad last Saturday and a few pennies saved 0“ , “6 shooti
Sundayi ti ; rkansas,
‘ at the expense oi quau g to a If.“
' ’ pay a disappointing "‘ of the Si
» ‘ . “' wr' .
Belfalr Woman s . i i “a recoifi“
. . Rather, look lur qua” 3' ‘tOry H‘s
. i; i is
and you‘re bound W V‘ ‘ not only
:' a billioz
By Everett“ Z_ Baldwm economy because. quaint" hing gun I
Belfa‘ir, Aug. 19~Mrs. C. J. , . .. l, , tail. '1 ,name 0)
Irving who was scribe for Belfair suns ""my’ t‘lhu’ _‘
:“lgnla on i
. meats—guarantees 59/ ' S; V
has announced her marriage to R. r , TRAIN
J. VanLoan on March 8th in The tlon. Come. here 10 .. R SERV]
Little Church By the Side of Road 5 he 0113, Cal
m Seattle“ right quality at t b high so
Mrs. Alice Emmert and Mrs.
F. A. Ori were in Bremerton on
price—that the only ‘h
ECONOMY in meat b
Little Miss Daisy Mae Emmert
who has been very sick With a
in by a J
bronchial cold is much better at
this writing. 1' L o u B ._, I In New
Miss Estelle Bulduc spent a c ’r Was tr:
week recently with her sister Hel- I I I I Fisher,g lbs 1‘ p:
. g _. - ' k. a i .
en in the Dalles, Oregon, return-
ing home so that Mr. and Mrs.
Bulduc could spend a week with
Helen. They returned Saturday.
Garland Crosswhite and girl
friend, Miss Florence Glenncross
and mothers, Mrs. Crosswhite and
Mrs. Glencross, motored to Mt.
Rainier Sunday.
Kraft 1-lb. Brick . . . American, Brick Swiss
CHEESE . . . lb. 34c
Tillamook Bulk
24-lbs. $1-00 $3.313
Homelike._ 49-le $1.49 ’ ‘
8‘ School
' ,7 L, i.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McKel- I am tr
vey are the proud parents of a . .~ Twenty-l
daughter born to them in Louis- IP as. camflmm n
iana, where M3. McKelvey is sta- 1 i‘figd as a
tioned. Leonar is a former Bel- . - . i i II I finii
ifair boy. Van Camp Quick Cooking cans . . hand wm
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mann are —————— ~~<~~v~vgf———~- .,
out The
at Soap Lake for a while. 3 ' ,‘ygéir mon‘
Mrs. Rose Wolf who is now liv- ; .T $150,;
ing in Olympia visited Belfair on
Sunday. LIBBY'S
The Burton Michael family'
have moved to Wenatchee where
Mr. Michael has been for his
health the past few months.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Clark of
‘ or (min “M e i
Pkg.1o¢ 3pkgs25¢ 2 for 43¢ 3 ---- 7 ¢ii: if:
Tacoma have bought the 'Michael _N_~____‘_;__/ ». h201‘s and
place. i . ROSEDALE No 1 TALL .f- r- by 2
Mary Ruth Michael, who is em- ' . . .__..____.._________._/ 1c81‘s
played PEACHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 2 cans 25¢
will remain here. ' ' ' ' ’ s o iegter of ,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Sund— __ ," A ."
strom spent 5 days last week visit- EMPORIUM SOL”) PACK No' 2/’
cans Your:
ing friends and relatives in Ta-
coma and Olympia.
Mrs. William E. Baldwin and
sons David and Jerry visited Mrs.
Virdon Savage in Shelton Monday.
Mrs. Joe Hackott. who has been
in Seattle caring for her father,
was ordered home for a rest. .
Howard Rose celebrated his 45th
. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 2'canS
RegWazfllgteéirgrfiléated7¢ 4V\Ee,
SPERRY _O'z i_0z. . “1:03:11
ROLLEDOATS...............9-lb.bag 45¢
, ‘» wggk frttm
M.D.TISSUE....................3rolls 25¢ ' H
'é’éitvi‘éayaAiifi‘éi; lfiii‘iskivi‘fsai’iifiii F0“
H°T “"5 onea‘ "‘
and baked a big cake. Those pres- . . I t I . ... 6 Rosedale L -. at C
ent to help celebrate were Miss ' ' ' ' ' ' '
NO. 1 2 , . \-
Mary Lou Rose of PeEll and Rod- cans R S]!
i i l"INDINt
ney Rose, Larry May, Carl and
Kenny and Mrs. Lucy Foster, Ka-
tie and Paul Foster, Donald Wells
and Mrs. Rose, who gave the din- ' '
ner and Howard Rose, the honored \ i
Miss Katie Foster visited 'the .
Glenncross girls, Mr. and Mrs.
Mitchell and Mrs. Trick and sis—
ter Miss Mitchell, last Week. Miss
HOMELIKE «FLOUR . 49-lbs. $1.49 311____,/
Quart. ‘
Pint. . .,
. 1 °°mp1eti
Ruth Glencross returned home - r
with Katie to stay a week. S u n S h l n n. “3011 ft
Jesse Foster was home Friday. an wi
visiting friends and relatives. 2_|bs_ Krispy Crackers. ' ,: ldendai
A 71/2 pound. son was born to 2_.bs_ Grahams i 11:11: in
i i a v
Wednesday morning at the Shel- ‘ 3 his 0
ton hospital. His name is Duane BOth b? the U,
William. for _ (18’! com;
H1 H0 BUTTER WAFERS lb. 21¢ "i as a‘
Tahuya Votes Hyde Park English Type... lb. 28¢ 3
Mr. and Mrs. Virdon Savage’ mil.
Tahuya, Aug. 18 —— The school l
Roast . . 11). 33c
consolidation election last Satur-
day was very tame. Only sixteen pURE
U. S. No. 1 Yakima Gems
R ;
votes being cast, all negative. ‘ .i’: i of H8
pointed to fill the vacancy on the lb. ' ' ' ' '
' 2:01:33 (:11
school board caused by the resig— I I ' 1 Yakima Netted GemS. U. N0.
2 i 1,12, are ]
nation of Effie Knowlton. v .‘ I:Ol‘eigr
Viola Anderson enjoyed a two
day visit with her soldier brother
E'Zké‘y BEEF ..................... ..... .. lb. 13¢ TOMATOES . . .
. . . . . . . 3-lb5'v 2, $1,333,
Red Ripe "he U. s,
Lilly Sebring has been ap-
. who came over from Port Town- p 1
send for the week end. Cello . 1“: one i
Our one and only logging camp I i p . a in s
has been shut down on account of ' ' ' ' ' ' '
‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
" lb‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'lbs' e13 belii
drg wage: n .S.on a mot r tr.p Fresh Seedless ' “Ithagivec
. . u 0 l O 1 ' e 1,
to Michigan to pick up a car.for ND ---------------------- .. lb.
80%v‘bggn'available hoUse that is Ass°rt°d Sunkist N ' '
' ' ' ’ ‘ ' ' ' 6- .
fit foIr occupancgiubgtween Belfair LUNCH MEATS ....................... _.
lb. 35¢ a‘ Us! large 5‘29 1 .. LgUl-J
and ahuya is i e . ‘=. G
Mrs. Knowlton has received Pa'd , h
word that her son, Willis, was DOG FOOD ........................ ._ 2 cans
29¢ n W . . . . . . . . . . . V. I fume
among those rescued when his , ~ ‘1 3 311a Yellow 1 .3 Il‘lzl‘lo
ship was torpedoed and sunk in ' ' av,
the Gulf on July 22nd. PICNIC HAMS
u “3- 29¢ C 3 Van We
Mr. and Mrs. Finch are the x - - - - - ‘ “g a
parents of a new son, born Sun- Any Slzei Flrm ripe fruit . ._ ; Me.
day. August 16.
Mrs. Fay, of Seattle, is enter-
taining friends at their Summer
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stolze and
son Charles celebrated Mr. Stolzes
day off Monday by going to Brem-
erton. A postman's holiday.
Journal Want-Ads—Phone 100