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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mason County Steam Laundry and Dry(Cleiiers Phone 88 I I I I I I I I II II I I L THE BEAUTY Bt)X Offers you poe complete Steam Cap Oil Treatment FREE with Ca;oh PERMANENT WAVE During AUgust SPECIAL ON ALL PERMANENTS Mary Strutz and Mildred Owners and Operators Second &amp; Grove CAMERON HOTEL Berch Pllonc 177 Women S]lilre Honor, With Shower Mfrs. Cliff Kelly and Mrs. Clar- ence Leaf lmred honorfi at a stork shower recently at the Glenn ChaJe home. ,'Sweet pea and glad- ioh were used in the ¢iecoratlons with a bowl uf Mue and pink sweet peso. Candles in pink and Mne Jn tile f{dlfl 0f little dresnea and bonnet on Ibe lace covered table added a clever note to t tin buffet kmch. A ]:4nk and blue bafminet held the, ma.ny ]owqy ?,if is i.he honored glle511s received. Gaines were en- joyed and Mrs. Lotlsc Schmidt and Mrs, 13elite Feni;iman won honors. Invited guests Included Mrs, Martha Fisher, Mrs. C, leota Adams Mrs, l-,eillah li'own, Mrs. Pearl Saltwlck, Mrs. A(la. l-ilirat, ]l:l'a, Laul'll Relish, Mrs. Frances Ltnld- qlilt, ]4[rs. Alice Elltolt. Mrs. Jane ]Vlack,,y, Mrs. Ja.nic, e Chase. :Mrs, Schmidl. Mrs. l.-Iollie 7en- tlnmn, Mrs. Hazel Cummings, Mrs. Kotherlne Calltins, Mrs. Marguer- ite NeWmml, Mrs, lrna MeDer- moti and Mrs. Lure Hurst in addl- li0n to the honor glle.ts and the ho,qto2L fNSTITUE FOR SENIORS AT OCEAN PARK Durhlg' this week of hllgust 19- 24. fore" of the Senior High group of tile First: eMtlmdist Church are a.ftendin the hlstitute.for Seniors held at the Methodist Camp a:t Ocean Park, Wasll.,.with Roy.. Dan Taylo'r, i'a, stor of ,the Fil'ff Mth- 5dtst C]hl.lre.h, Vancouver, a,q Dean. Those relllx,red art tlw CRIIlp from Shellon nro Nova .loyce I)lWke0. Sbh'loy . While, ,latlrene LIIridqtliSt :llld <atltl/o Lflilber. Prettily Knitted I FOR WOMEN--Fine wools, closely knit. ted for a smoothy slipover.! The crew neck is looped on by hand--fits with utmost comfort! Long sleeves. 3440. 3.98 FOR GIRLS, MediUm-gauge wools, a little more 100ely knitted for "sloppy" slip- overs] Fine,gauge cardigans too. Many brilliant, fall tones, 8,16. 3.9S They Come All Cut--the ,,You IT" DRESSES For Girls .19 JL eomple Try sewing on(<,, yonrself and see how much fun it iS l You don't, liave to fuss with the cutting! oll don't imve 'is3 waste material YOU don't even hove to shop for trim- rnilg's or biriding! .Every- thinv' there fn the package ready for you to seW. to- gether! In attractive, Lu×- %Var@m,lfill'ty tested l)rints, 'fJlgfH ,..'4, 6, 8! are pacemakers in such wool Ya vm'ites as the Chesterfield, fly front reversibles, or more dressy fashions. (See string ticket for wool content. Some belted, some not; all havc pockets-- P, lzes %1,1. Miss Johnsoil Weds Portland Man Saturday Miss letty ,To 5ohnson, daugll- ter of M:r. aud Mrn. Roland E, Johnson of Shelinn and ,Tames o))et't. Leahy, qon of Mr. and -Mrs. 5. J. Leahy of Portland, were mar- riied in Portland $tuYday evenht, AliltlSt 18, at 8 p.m. Tile wedding wan held tn tim home of Mr. nnd Mr:J, G. W. Over- streeti urlcle and all'at of the bride, with the Reverend Howard Sole of tile Christiml CIn|rch reading tle ceremony, hot'ore membfq's t)f both families. The couple stood before an im- provised altar in front of tile fire- place. Tl|e background was of laurel, witl} a large fan-shaped ar- rangenlent of white ghldioli, and Whll;e ga'lclloli on the'mantel. At either side of ilia fireplace were candelabra, all, white. Tile bl'it3e Was aiti'actlve, in; a pearl, grey dressmaker suit. with a coral pink hal and.blmt,e. She w0ro an orchid.corsage. Rebecca,. Overntrei:: con,lin of the lipide, wan nldid-of Ironer and ,,tim wore a powder blue drcsmnak- at' suit wllh n corsage of alalhus. illm. Allard ,lohnsnn, lrol:iler of tile bride ,was cand!¢ lighter a,nd ush- el', and Jack,Lcahy was Ills broth- er's best, nla;n. , Ml,S...HOward Cole sang "I Love ltee Dear," accom- panied hy Mrs. Rainsfhell ell ille piano, A reception ollowd and. tlie rooms were a.ttr, ac]ive with white glddloli ah/t lapdr.. The Inqde's cn.lw rand n. pnnch bowl ncenplpd tire white damask Cloth-c0vePed table and .the cM{e was topped witli a ntniaturc brkle and bl:idegroom. Llgted taper. finished te ' decorhtlonS. Mrs. Overstrcct nnd Mrs. I-I, W. Wllltm]3s, annts of the bride, served and Dorothy Leahy, sister of th'e bridegroom, was in charge of lhe guest book; Mr. Illld MI'S, Leahy plan to live on Y[ood Canal at present, She graduated fi'om tile Irene S. Reed High School with the class Of 1945 and ha from the Bolts(hi Polytechnic sctmol in Portlaml. He has jllst received his discharge from tile U..% Navy nftcr 'thrc' years' service. MR, AND MRS, CAIN RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA VISIT Mr, and .Nfrs. Theron J., Cain, their hen-in-law and daug'hter, ]Vii'. and Mrs. Charles Rosevear and soil Ronny of Stcilacoom, returned Sunday froll a visit of several days in Bakersfield, Calif. They,, visfted soothe|' daughter, Mls. Barbara tilozi, They. took tile coast route and enjoyed tbe trip. .Mrs. Coin stated that although the thcrn'tonleter registered 115 de- grees, silo lllollgllt It w,'is really Ilol.ter here. ,, ' "t. 67 ,t_,, ; Dress Them Brightly! GIRLS' WINTER ' COATS CANNING 12 ."o° SUPPLIES Color is tlle keynote in coats for your very younff miss. Bright red, green and brown Jars - Rings Crocks Wterglass For Putting Up Eggs Olympia Feed ComPany OrN!elll Bldg. - Ohelton Sturdy, Comfortable PAL BABY WALKER .90 Thutsday- Friday- Sat. Aug'ust 22 - 24 BAD MIN S TERRITORY" Randolph Scott, Anll Rhqiards Sunday - Monday 'lue day August . 2 REBECCA Scan Fontalne, LaTence, Alvin it i i Wednesday - Thtmrlly August 28- 29 .... I1 I3aby ca.n learn to walk in 1.his sturdy Pal Baby Walker ..... and ts, ke life easy while doing iL! It has twist-proof rubber tires on bMl bemiring wheels and springy rubber bumpers. The pusl handle lind foot tray are removable when he Is trying to walk. And the non-tip design keeps him fl,om sllocks to discourage hhn! gi,i:higed Ti:i(, Wiii Present fencer|: Maaona nd Thurton County mn- tdc lovers will again enjoy the ,econd of a series of strmged-irio concerL% ..qtlnday, AiigUSI. 5, in the garclen of the Peter Schmidt home a[ q'liniwaler. ]fl,qq Alice Mllelicll will presenl: tllo art.iLs who include Mr:L O. J. A+liford, Sltelton, celliat; Miss Mnench, piano and Lawrence Carlson of .Olympia, violinist. Mis Olga KraH,q, vioiini:'l, will play a on- nin. A silver nffcririff will bc tMen to go into n ft]rid Ileing l'ai:ed anloilg Olympia lnisic-lovors with wllich to blly a, coilcert piano. Mrs. Asllford is a Washington- isn of lonff standhlg and stlidied nillsic ill,caLtlc. lie hlS jllst i'e- eently rel,ilrllcd to the Northwest froin Florhla, filld her nlnsicfil fix- socio,tos slid friPIldS welc(ilile her back. lnlhe evenf llte woa|lwr takes a etmnge for the worse. 1lie coil- cerI will be held in the Sellmidt borne. Mai'tin- Day Nuptials August 10 O]le of the inllmrtnnt wcddings el' tho snnlnler was solemnizP.d Saturday, Au,llsl, 10. whcll Phyllis Day of.Athena, Ore., became the b'ride of Edwin ,Voslcy Nl/trlin of Unlon, The ecremony wn, read the lR.evcrond Ttardwick \\;V. tl'rsll- nmn in 1 he ]?irst, Mei hndist Clnn'eh of Shellon st four o'(.Lo,'.l¢ in the afterlloon before inlmedini-e relatives and ('lose frit,nds of tile cotlple, l=landel's "[argo" wtls played before the e£re.mony. Mrs, Ray Selcy of Wt|lla Walls smlg dThrdl0t's "Because" fol- lowed by Mllot's "Lord's Prqy- er." Mrs. Edwirt IEthel) Dalhy accomlmnied the singer and was aL i.h(, pinna thrOlll,holil tile ser- vices. The chancel and nlfar of tlle ChllrCh ,vas attraci;ivo with gleam- ing tapers and deed vascs of pink and white gimlioli. The In'ide is the dallg]ller Of Mr. slid Mrs, , J, I)ny of' Athona, Ore,, and was very "l)retty ill a eretm wool crepe dress made with ronndcd neckli[le. A golden belt accentuated her Titian hair, which was circled by a llalo effect ill white sathl ribbon mid gar(lcnias. She wore whLte flccessorics and eerricd llcr bouqucL of Knrde|lias and stephanotis. Miss Maryliu Roberts, sorority sister of the bride was an attrac- tive bridesmaM wearing l)owder blue crepe will1 wllite accessories. She wore i)ink c, arnationn arid rib- boll bande.atl ill hc.r darl-: hair and carried a bouquet of pink carna- tiOnS, outlined in pale pink net. For hcr'daughter's wedding Mrs. Day chose navy blue print and wore ti vnrsage of white gladioli. Mr.q. Marl,hi wort a, fr¢)ol¢ el' chartreuse, accentuated by brown accessories. Her corlage was of cream gladioli. David Dalby, fraternity brother of the groom from the University of Washington was best mall Mr, Martin wns gradnated from ll'lo ll'elw 'N. I',e,'d hl'l ,,ehnnl wittl the (:lass of 19,t0 and later aitend- od W'lshingtotl State College where he .fffiliated with Thorn. Chi fraternity. He served as staff sergeant with the Army Air Corps all(t saw action iri I)oth Lilt [llrO- 1)tffln tlll([ India. 1;lieatros. Tile bride attended sutlool Jn Oregon and later attended Wash- ington State College she affiliated with Pi Beta Plli soror- ity. G uest,s fl'mn out-of-town for the wecldlng iiichided Ir, and Mrs. K. L. Healy and Mrs. K. ]-iealy /or' Oregon; :r. and Mrs. B. J. Iay and daughter Marjorie and Pri- vate Dale Gray, all of Athena; Miss Roberts of Tekoa, WaslL; Edwiu Hegaas, uncle of the bride- groom; Mrs. Merritt Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Gone Stark, a sister of the bridegroom; Ted Middleton and :Bob Collinson of Aberdeen. Mr. and rs. Martin took, a week's wedding trip in the Olym- pics and later on will leave for Pullman where he will rc-enter eoll egG. M, E. CHURCH .HIGH SCHOOL GROUP HOLD MEETING On the afternoon of Sunday, Allgtlst ].8. ld of the High School group of the 'First Mcthodistl Cilurch drove to Mt, Rainier to join groups front Olympia and Centralia Methodist Churcles at Paradise Inn. After eating the evening picnic lunch a Vesper service was held at 6 o'clock under the dire, ction of Dr. Alexander Alton, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Olym- pia, The devotional talk was given by Rev. Hardwick W. Harshman of Sitelton. Those attending from Shelton were Shirley Waite, Nadine Laub- er, Lanrene Lundquist, Florence Fentiman, I-Iazel Marie Davis, ,Winnifred Collier. Pat R]lodes, Marjory Ann Valley, Guy Beck- with, Bill Valley, Jr. Randy Swazey, and Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Ha,rahnmn. METIIODIST WOMEN MEET- VITII MRS. ELLIO11' The Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service met with rs. Ed E1- liott at her summer home Aug- ust 14 for a 1 o'clock pot-luck hmcheon, A gift was presented Mrs. Walter M. Elliott for a go- ing away present as she is leav- ing soon for Pennsylvania for a visit and also for bet: birthday an- niversary, Mrs. W. C. Batchelor made the delicious birthday cake. During the business zneeting, Mrs. W. A. Brodt read the devotions and the subject of the meeting was God's Geography. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by those present. MR, AND MRS. HACK IN GLACIER PARK A card to The Journal office from Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Hack written August 9 in Miss0ula, Mont., stated they had been to Glacier Park the day before and enjoyed the beautiful scenic drive along the F]athead Lake of about 30 miles. However in Mr.'s judgment Rainier National Park is fat" superior in beauty and grandeur, Miss Allen Weds -' - e Ca, l Dodge On August 6 \\;Vedding vows of MLqs Lllciie Allen antl Carl Dodge were ex- cilariged Tuesdny morning. Ang- us1 G a St. Edwards Catholic Church, with Reverend Mark Veiehn-tanll ITl charge. The bride is the danghter of Mr.-and Mrs. Vqalier S. Allen and Ihe bridcgrnom is (he son of Mr, and Mrm R. li]. Dodge, nll of Shcl- ton. The. bride wore a g'oAm of white taffeta and her finger-tip veil was attached t9 a. white ribbon braid in the back, with pink flow- ers forming a lmlo effect in front, She carried a lovely llouquet of plait and white sweet pc'is and c,q rn a t lolls. IleP olily altendailt was lier sis- lci', ]Vrrs. Marthl Longan, who wore a bllle afternoon' dress. Dar- roll Sparks of Sllelton was best lnan. The church was attractive with large bonqtmts of wltite phlox and dark red dahlias. Tim wedding was performed be- fore a large sat.bering' of friends ultd rolal,ives nil(1 a wedding In'oakfasl was liehl :ll lhe Allen h01ue. Tllat evcnhlg a reception was held in the form of a dance at the KamiMle Grange Hall for. the nc.wiy nlsl'rit.d coilple and the nltl- sic Was spollsorcd by relativos anti riqcnds of the conple. Mrs. Dodge is a native nf Slicl- loll, graduating front lhe local schools tills year. Mr. Dodge ar- t, ended tlm H•clso lflglt school. 'Phcy will nmlce Lhcir fntllre llonlo in Simll nn where hc is cnl- plovcd. Mrs. Frauk Bishop of Little Skookum Bay doliated the flowers for Lhe, chllPC]I, Guests for tlc wedding inehld- cd Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Allen and daugqlter 5oan; Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Longan and son Mike; Mr. n,nd Mrs. IPracis A. Rogers and Dorothy; Mary Ann, Jimmy, Carol and Jolmny; Mrs. R. ]i:. Dodge and daughters Margarit.c, Gladya and Peggy; Mra..lohn Wil- liams, Pat Tt'oy, Marjory Troy, Pcte Dodgo, Clyde Landsaw, Mr. and Trs. Darrell D. Sparks and Mr. and Mrs, Carl Dodge, all or Shelton; Lewis and Donald H1- lie from Toppenish; Harold WiN liams from Longvicw; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stransbnry and Waiter and Barbara fronl Collier, /(us,, snd Mr. and Mrs. Gnuihicr or" Bromerton, iIONOR COUPLE VITII DINNEI ' WEDNESDAY Wcdriesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott and Dr. and Mrs. Maurice, Kinscy entertained 'lL Scolt's Alley with a, dinnel' party for Dr, and Mrs, Russell l?ickens of New York. Dr. and Mrs. l?ickens are ,fornler Shelton l'(,sidellts slid have been here and on i{ood (?'trial for several days. Guests for the dinner were old- tinlo friellds from Rayol]ior Incor- porated. RAINBOW GIRLS A'*VARD BRAIDED RUG The Iahlbow Girl,q wishto thank all those who helped them make Illc ,<',:d,, .F Ill,., ]iiii(t ])i'ahhd all- wool rllg a success. The Ttlg VeaS awalrded to arren Lincoln at a meeting Tuesday evenilg, :Ango list 20 in the q:asonic To,,mplc. VOMEN OF MOOE PAN I)I,NNER ! Ill)R, I)AI: The \\;Vonron or the M(iosc have planned a po.tlucR dinner at noon Angust 29 at the home of Mrs, Ltley Lynn. All members arc urg- ed to he prcscnt. Remember the D,<inee at Delight Park Saturday night. JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS Children and Adult TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM, ACROBATIC and All Styles Every WedneSday 2 to 6 p,m. Shelton Eagles Hall Phone UniOn 385 URSE LOSES FAT SAFELY AYDS WAY Get slimmer without @x@fds@ I ll just cut down. AYDS Vitamin ll ]/:.l Candy Reducing Plan is safe, l'l ! 1 sensible, easier. No exercise. No mT.., I 100 persons iosintt 14 to 15 I 11/I NUrSl I Ibl,nveraGo IB a few Wets I I I • 0t I In clinical tests with Ayds Plan I '1 conducted I,y medics| doetorlt. I lelleiou AYDS before each meal dull the ap- pet ite. Yet you get vittnins, niinel:ah, ettseBtial nutrients, in Ayds. Start the AYL)S Vitamin Culldy way to lost; weight now. 30 day SuDply of Ayds, ;$2.25. MONEY BACK nn the very first box ii you don't get results, Phone McCONKEY PHARMACY 4th & Railroad Phone 303 '2?:'3a ":, ROBERSON PLi ................... AND HEATiN00 P it O N E (; 8 5 222 South Seeqnd -, t Sttee, Stationary or Mobile Public Address E( For Any (teeashni lidooi':; oP Oilbidc $31.45 $3,80 wilich won'L Out if any- CO. Bldg. Phone 645 Taylor Radio DRY 4th & Cola Phone 198 lk Machine BACK TO SPEC.IAL Permanents Maehinele,gs Pernmlient .................. C01d Wa,w,s .......................................... ELVIRA'S. BEAUTY 404 Franklin DOffTYOU WATCH WHERE . YOU'IE O01NG!) /\\; Cour+eous Dr|vlng will preve n mosf wa ÷o {asf and careless drivers. Observe Sae drlvhl 9 means lower insurance r.a÷es. FOR OOMPLETE INSURANCE PROTECTION INSURE WITH FARMERS ' BILL !  FARM[,$*ASTOMOBILE Ill Ili$0llllHC[ u • mttmmmL2, *" s,[,,,t Local Ag e I--U   '=;',. F rxc,. i P A N T 0 R I U M CLE S. 2nd St. or 30.In. :.,., Dry c PROMPT Or Halll IF Save the I ! 'DICK K SKi : : Phon it!i, u.$, #!. o(K. add these " fini00 treat."  colorft l Remem L today, wall- 4. MIX 5. NO 6. w OUR 7. tOV Kem-T As 10w a / : ::J. L. CA 317 Railroad 'PRUM p!CKLES... TREASURE oF :! "Dad's gettin' a INGRAM & BRIDGES MOTOR CO. FIRST AND PINE STREETS -- SHELTON ;:% • ....... Info # Y I UN Third .I