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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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]ERSON AND HEATING P it O N E {; 8 5 222 South Seeqnd -, t Sttee, Stationary or Mol)ile ic Address E¢ For Ally Occa ion Indoor:; or Olll£1de lot Radio itches __ ME,% KLLT3T"T' TO VifiiT " " I Mr. V. M• Eiliott, pian,' to l leave 2u, d: v fc ,v¢siwlil PcmJ,%,l- -vania wilere, sle will viait reia- lrve and friends in a number of pisceS. Bhe plans rebe olle (el 3 lnol]th OT iIiore. r $31.45 $3,80 which won't oul if any- CO. Bldg. Phone 645 UNDEg NEW MANAGEMENT (Formerly Bayside aiage) Now Garry's Welding Shop Acetylene - Arc Weldin{I Automobile Repair Small Accessories Welding Doue Anywhere Box 816 ALIYN, WASH. DRY CLEANING TIME tACK TO SPECIAL Pernmnents ................ ,,us Pe]'nmnents ................. 'as ................................. iRA'S BEAUTY 'ranklin P A N T O R I U M 215 S. 2nd St. For PROMPT QUALITY CLEANING . • . Send Youh Clothes To Us DELIVERY SERVICE CLEANERS & TAILORS Phone 86 Wood 30.In. Forest Slab Wood Dry or Green PROMPT DELIVERY Or Iiaul Your Own and Save the Trucldrr Cost /\\; DICK KIEBURTZ )riving w'll preveg{ mos+ acdder SK00KUM MILL and caretess drivers. Observe means lower insurance rates. ,  ..... I • -N ' rnone H:)U-J { COMPLETE INSURANCE PROTECTIO !l i , i INSURE WITH FARMERS .. BILL PEA • oiT , It', ! lANCE , ., , , ()ScA. lt]I ' fl El L/ff lliIt] 'u'°''L' ., Age, = ..... Loo.  £I II I.) Idr m lilkqJ add these slices. • • finish wall 4, MIXES WITH WATER . NO "PAIHTY" ODOW FORM 6. WASHES EASILY 7. LOVELIEST COLORS Kern.Tone TI[IMS As low o, 15€ o roll ,ONE GALLON DOES AVERAGE ROOM PLASTIC PATCH t Repnirs cracks J lb. J. L. CATT0 HARDWARE 317 Railroad Phone .48 CKLES . . . TREASURE OF Lee Edward00 Wed00 James Einarsson Here Saturday 7vt;: t,oota Ruth " r  "t".iWm .... a:- and Ja,Y,e:; [, irhrj3tnon were uniterl n man'iage :aturday ,Tnorning, Aiig'dst t7 at 11:21) in St• Ed-. wards Churcii. Eevez'end Mark reichmann pe[folmed the cera- m0ny. The bride i, the daughter of lvrz,. Elhei Edwards of Puysllup and lhe bridegroom is the son of 3 Carl Spalding of C qthlle, Ol'e. (2, t-I. MacNiehols gave the bride in marriage. Miss liklwards was attractive in u. While net dress wil.h a hodiee of Chhm silk, anti a. finger-tip veil with a while tiafa. Her shower bOlUlne! wa.s centered with a sin- Kh' white (-)rehid circled with rose huds -,rid sweet: pens. Mrs. Primm Armbl'ust, sister of lhe brido (roll] Puyallup wa/ ma,- aqua-colored gown with aqna orov.rll hat and .qhort veil. Her bouquet %vas of e.qrnationg and rosebud, Miss Virginia Elswot'th was bridesmaid and she wore a pink net gOWll with pink crown hal. and short veil. Silo carried a bouqllet fir os(; I)llds all(] swect peas. Allall l]iaal'ssoll brother of the groom {h'om Coquille was best 'man. Lou Crandall of Olympia ,mng "I Love Yot, Tt'nly" and 'Al- ways," aecotnpnnied l)y MIss Ells- worLI1. The bride's 11101her wore a, bllle dre£s with Navy hat and acces- !orief and o, gardenia corsage. A reception was held at, the home of Mr, and Mrs, Bud Forbes and the room° were decorated with various coiol'ed gladioli, azalea, elu'y.qaul hem nng' and phlox. Tile lace-covered tal)le was con- tered with : wedding cake and a large spray of white gladioli. Aqua and white candles formed the remaiodcr of the dec.orations. Mrs. Elmer Orness, cot(sin of l lie bride from Puyallup cut the eal}o and Mrs. Elroy Nelson of S}]elton potn'ed. Miss Catherine Plqce wqs in charge of tile guest book and Mrs. Bessie Evers of SI]]) tP|'rtneis(,o WaS in charge of I, he tI•iI/t S. t ]'or traveling the bride wore a dusty rose dress with po'wder blue coat and white accessories. Fol- lowing tt 1,we-week trip to the Ocetur I)eaches. Mr• and Mrs. Ein- arsson will {n:]ke tlleir home in (oquille. Mrs• Eimqrsson graduated from t}}€• SmmLer higl school and has be,,{( emph)ye.d ia the Reed Mill Division el; the Si,mpson Logging Conlpary for tlae past four years IVh'. Einarsson graduated frolll the Sh(.lton st',hools and is em- ployed in : sawmill in Oregon, owned by his l'atller. FAMILY GATHERIN AT CONCORD BEACH 'l'lw L, C. Smi|lz home art (Ion- Col'd ttt:t(!}l \\;V;I.S the SCCl'l( of 1% family gathering oval" the week- cad Their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abbot of Troutdale. Ore.; their son and finn- iiy, Mr• and "Mrs• l)allas Smittl And son. Roy, of Snoqualnfie, and their' daughter and family, Sir. and Mrs, Fred. Lambert, and daughter, Geraldine of Brernerton. MRS. ROBERT BINN$ 14ONORS DAUGHTEWS BIRTHDAY lvh's, lh)bert Iimm honored the seventh birthday anniversary of her daughter, Charlotte. with a l)ienic last Friday, August 16, at t:neeland Park. There were 56 rel'tives and friends present and are,ms l.h(, gifts Charlotte received WOt'. thcee lIiI'ththy t.ltlges. ) .% X • I(mtmbe the Dance at Delight Park Saturday night. D. B, CASE Insurance Agency Complete Insurance Coverage Office With Shick.& George 124 N. 1st St. Phone 46-J PUBLIC NOTICE! The "Bay View" Hotel has been discbntinued as such, and is now the private home of Mrs. Leo and Arthur Van Cleave and families. "L LEO VAN CLEAVE to Loan I% gettin' a ES MOTOR C0. lETS SHEL ION $50 to $500 Informal Personal Confidential EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE UNDER STATE REGULATION Third Street - - Phone 540 Married in Seattle I Married In 00lls Lunt woo in 00oattl0000 Thursday, AUgflst 15, tO attend' ni the wedding of granddaughter, i Caiifor a Miss Jeanne Lunt, tO obert Lee l A wedding of local interest was Meyer of Seattle. held in,Glendale, Calif., August The Wedding was held in the ehapet of the Trinity Epihcopal Church before the families and dose fzend Of the 'bi'ide and groom. Mis Doris Smith of Port An- geles attended the *bride and Douglas Meyer was his brother's hesl. 1natl. Robert Lmt, brother of the bride, was unable o attend as he left August 14 for San Diego after enlistment In the Mnrlne Air Corps. Mrs. Meyer recently graduated from the school of nnrslng from the Virginia Mason l-lospital, Se- al.tie, where she will eontimte her eareet'. They will be at home at the John Winthrop Apartmenls, 1020 Seneca St., Seattle. The hrlde formerly lived in tIoodsp0rt. C,AJ$TAIR$. HON0FJD ON 89th BIRTHDAY Joseph Carstairs of Matlock celebrated his 89th birthday anni- versary Stmday, August 18, at his home. In addition to many cards and gifts from his friends and relatives, he received a large cak beautifully decorated with pink roses and buds, Which had 1:he place of honor In the eeriter of the lace-covered table. T]mse present in addition to lhos calling on him during the a{V. to offer congratulatkins were ':. and Mrs. Wiltih:m Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. DobSOn, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin, De:rid Cars(airs, Sr,, Mary Dobson, all or Sltelton. and Mrs. Jessie Clay- to of Pin, land, Ore, KNEELAND FAMILY HOLD REUNION SUNDAY Sunday, Mrs. Wallace Kneeland entertained with a fa,mily gather- ing honoring Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kneeland of Santa Barbara who have been here all summer, They are returning to Santa. Barbar, this week. Those present were Mary Shelton and s6n, LeRoy, of Olympia; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knee- land and fatally; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kneeland and family; Mrs. Ralph Patflson and family; Mrs. Wayne Glox, er and family; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Myers and family; Mr. aml Mrs. Otto Kmnp; and "Aunt" Nellie Northnp, a great great nnnt to tlm children present. MRS. ROBERT LEAHY IS HONORED Mrs. Robert Leahy, the former Betty Jo Johnson, whose wedding took place in Portland Saturday, was honored recently with a show- e.r by Jerrine Deer. Beverly Do( nmn, Helen MfBi;i(le and Enqogene let'ch. Guests included Mrs. T. D. Deer, Mrs. Eugene Dorman. Mrs. Ken- fleth Dorman, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Rex Howry, 'Edith Wright, Jackie -Howry, Alt Bailey, the hostesses and the honor guest. MRS. BERNICE STEWART ENTERTAINS TUESDAY Mrs. Eerniee Stewal¢ enter- rained a few of her frfends with 1, LOft 'Fucsday afternoon. The glrno was :;pent with music and conver- sation, and Mrs. JosetShtne Dickey presided at Uze silver service. The lace-covered table was centered with a low bowl of roses and greens. Guests were Mrs. Laura Hermes, Mrs. Ethyl Sherwood, Mrs. "Dickey, Mrs. Lillian Norvald, Miss Claudie and Miss Marilyz Larson of Tacoma and the hdgtess. HOLD PINOCHLE PARTY FRIDAY EVENING Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Stoy en- tertained wth a pinochle party Friday evening at their home. Honors were won by Mrs. Joe Wil- liams av/d Mrs. Ed Cole. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gard- ner, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, :Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kimbel, Mr and Mrs. Ed Cole, Mrs. Sally Le- Drew and Mel Morgan in addition to the hosts. I'ACKARDS ENJO VACATION Mr. and Mrs. Grant E. Pack- ard are spending this week at Co- palls Beach, for their vacation. EAGLES AUXILIARY TO MEET MONDAY The Eagles Auxiliary will meet Monday evening'at 8 o'clock for a birthday party and initiation. Those having birthdays in June, July and August will be honored. This will be a pot-luck affair. VISITOR HERE FROM IDAHO Miss Mary :Morgenstern of Buhl, Ida., is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frazter;of Route 3. CAPT. AND MRS. DAYLEY VISIT HERE Captain and Mrs. Ronald Dayley and daughter of Pittsburg, Cal- ifornia, arrived this week for a visit Lwith her mother, Mrs. J. L. Parsons. Captain Dayley is on a 30-day leave after which he will report to Fort Brags, North Caro- lina. JUVENILES OF D. OF H. TO HAVE PICNIC Tuesday, August 27, the Juve- niles of the Degree of Honor will hold a picnic at Delight Park on Lake Isabella. Children living on Hillcrest are asked to meet' at the 20th CentUry, store at 11 o'clock and those living downtown will meet at the hall at .,11 o'clock for transportation. A pot-luak luneh will be enjoyed. ENJOYS VISIT WITH DDGHTER lr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy enjoycd a visit last Thursday from. their daughter, Mrs. Ben Bolling, and twin boys and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy, Jr., all of Seattle. This week Mrs. Mary WeHdr of Seattlc is visiting at the Ken- nedy home. Mrs. Weilder and Mrs. Kennedy.are sisters, BILL DICKIE RETURNS Bill Dickie returned to .work at The Journal after a week's Vaca- tion trip to Seattle. He says the theory of a rest for vacations is swell, as he tried it. 7 and united Merle Elaine Sco- ville of Glendale and Angus Cout- nay McNeil of Shelton. -The bride iS, the da:aghter of ,:Mrs. Gedrge %V. Scovilie of Glendale and ile bridegroom is flze a6n of Mrs. :Na- omi Chase of ghelton. The%eremony was held in the Glenda!e Presbyterian Chnrch at 3 o'Clock in 'the afternoon in a setting of'pink and Wlllte gladioli and palms and Revdrend Warm Wdlkerread (lie service• Albert H. ScoviIle, uhcle of the bride, gave her in ntarriage. S]}e wore a Hght blue Wool street- length dress, with a honnetZtype ha.t in matching blue. S1e carried a. large Orchid with streamers. Maid of honor wee' Vlvlan .E. Scoville and he wore a salmon pink dress, atreet-lengtl With a blacl sailor-type strhW hat. She wore a corshge of White gladioli and plnk:aiiters. John Martin McNeil of Shelton was his;brother's best man and Guy Edward Schutz Of Ios An- geles was usher. Mrs. Btt.y Biberly smtg "Be- cause" and "I Love You Truly" accompanied by aMrs. Peters. Mrs. Scoville wore a blue and white crepe dress with pink hat, and a, ga:vlenia md l'ose corsage and Mrs. Chhie w6re a ga'ey, suit, with black hat and gardepia aitd rose crsage. For their wedding .trip 1hey went to Carmel and San Fran- cigco, and. then will make their ltome in Shelton, where he is cm- ployed at.fhe MelL Chevrolet ,Com- pany. The reception was held in the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Guy Schutz, a cousin of the.bride, in Los An- geles, and asters and ferns dec- orated the roofas. Mrs. McNeil attended the For- man High School• in. North Da- kota, the Dakota Business Col- lege at Fargo, North Dakota. She waa employal at tbe General El- ectric C0mpay in Los Angeles. Mr. McNeil is a graduate of the Irene S. Reed I-Ilgh School and hhs spent flve ycars in the Army. He i a metal)or of the American Legion. Mrs. Susie E. Pauley, aunt of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Chase attended thc wedding from Shel- ton. ENTERTAIN GUESTS WITH LAWN PAlTY SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gustafson attd daughter Zedna entertained out-of-to,v° friends with a lawn party at their home Sunday, Aug- ust 18. Guests present included Tr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blahkburn and son Douglas md Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coon of Everett; and Mrs. Tom Turley, Mr. and Mrs. Georgc Bodinc and grmddaughtcr, Jndy Wilson, of Auburn; Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Kronquist and daughter, Patsy, Mr. and :Mrs. John Gallo- way and two sons, Gordon and Donald Mr. and Mrs, Nordhmtl St., ME. and Mrs. Erffest Nord- hind, Miss Laura N{ae Knapp, Ray Mensen and Karen Sense°, all.of Tacoma: Mrs. Beulah Carlson of Olympia'ad Val Vet'n0n of rcln- eron, and I[iss Patrieia l:{}£11HIIlalL of Shelton. MRS. MICHAELSON HONORS DAUGHTER'S BIRTH DAY Mrs. Alfred Michaelson enter- rained Wednesday, ,August 7, in 1tuner of her daughter, Karen's 6th birthday anniversary. Guests preseu were Mildred and Ka.rrle Dammann, Judith and i Jean Rus- Sell, Susan ald Catllerine Byar,% Marsha IAvermore, R o be r t a Schwarck, and MiSs Betty Walton an'd Miss 3can i-Iadsetl, who as- sisted with the party. Karen received many lovely gifts and the afternoon was spent playing games, following a hmch- eon. W.B.A. PICNIC IiEL]D WEDNESDAY. The W.B.A. picnic was hold Wednesday noon at 12:30 at Knee- land Park. SEATTLE VISITORS HERE Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Swedberg and family of Seattle visited sev- eral days last week witl his moth- er, Mrs. Marian Swedberg. MUKILTEO VISITORS I1ERE Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Longfellow of Mukiltec, Wash., visited last .week with their, Mrs: Wilson McQutlkin. on Route 3. HOME FROM WEDDING TRIP • .. " ,N/r.. and Mrs, Robert Frazier have returned,from their wedding trip and are now at home on.R0ute 3, Shel0n. They were married August 12 in Buhl, Ida. i VISIT TOGETHER FOR FIRST TIME IN 40 YEARS Mrs. Earl Simpson and dangh- ter arrived from Auburn, N. Y,,, to visit their cousiis, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Robinson. This is the fir,t visit in 40 year. Tlmy are also cousins of Harry and Robert Heyd. LOS ANGELES VISITORS IgIKE WEATHER HERE Mr. and :Mrs. Robert Burkheim* er of Los Angeles, visited last week with Dr. and Mrs. Glenn W, Landers. Mr. Burkheimer x is an uncle of Mrs. Landers. They left Sunday to return to Los Angeles md left regretfully, as they en- joyed the climate here very much. ISHELTON GARDEN CLUB MEELNG MONDAY Th6 Shelton Garden Club will meet Monday, AuguSt 26 at 12:30 With Mrs. Phil lVreds0n on the Bayshore ROad. Members attend- ing are asked to bring their own lunch and coffee, tea, cream and ugar will be furnished. Anyone ayishing transportation is asked to contact Mrs. Alfred Michaelson. TO ATTEND STATE GARDEN CLUB MEETING • Mrs. George Cropper, president of the Shelton Garden Club plans to attend the meeting of the State Garden Club at the Century Club in Seattle Thursday and Friday of this week and urges other mem- bers of the club to attend one or both of the days m0etings if pos- sible. H00b CANAL GAiDEN CI.U l Twenty-five ladle.: ¢,f iia:. ii,u: Canal Garden Club gathered zor a delicious luncheon of clam chow- der and apple pie at the home of Mrs. Josie Petered° near Lilliwaup aL noon AUguSt 15. frs. Peter- son was asited in the cooking and erring by Mr. Olga Hate, Mrs, EUzabeth Robinson, Mrs. Zoo Sc6va, l'vlrl. Frances Hill and :za. Ada hietd. iuring the businen e,sion of the meeting ;t was rated that the (]llb chang ?heh" mc.mbership from the Oapitol broncho of the I?ederated Garden Ch]hs to lhe Peninulh branch. .Arrangements md specimens of flowers a.ised by the lul) ladies xei-e on exhibit. A really boanfl- ful collection of Tuberous Begonio blossoms were exhihited by Mrs. Cor Poterson. T]le ,ladies were then insl rueted ill maldn K 1)y Mrs..losie Petet',mL OREGON ViglTORg FtERE Mrs. Ntna Thompson, her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrq. Doimld Thompson, and their yet.ins smt of Portland and Mrs. lertha Dennehy of Rainier. Ore,, are vis- itl)g this week with Mr. and Mrs. Williat n Austin. They arrived lsst Saturday, Mrs. Thompsot and Mrs. Deunehy ll|'e silel'S of Mrs, Austin. MR. AND MRS. MeCONKEY HOME FROM BEACH , Mr. and ,Mrs. Roy-McConkey are home this week, retYeshed and re- ha.bilitated after a Week of vaca- t,ioning at an Oregon coast: beach res0rl:. Tleyonjoyed the fine golf- iris provided el, the Seaside em{rse. ,Bulldozer for LAND CLEARING, EXCAVATING, GRADING I JO[N ¥INCENT Route 2,Box :12-A Capitol Hill the positive LENTIt;RIC'S "Tweed" is no "comme ci, comme a" kind o[ perfulne. There's nothing ball.way nor half.hearted about it. "Tweed" goes all-out for the definite, the direct, the positive. It is what it/s-and that's a fresh, zippy, tangy scent with just enough "teasc" in it to intrigue. Maybe you couldn't blend a perfume yourself, but you "know what you like-and what you like is probably "Tweed." $1.75 to $57.50 plus tax ; ,i i  ' | Heinie s Taxi-Grocery f IR£T AND PiNE --- PI{O[F, 1[0;J Open Evenings g- -" " t Offerlng DELIVERY ERVTE for GROCERIES--MEATS---VE(ETABLES ICE CREAM--CANDY--SOI? DRINKS HUNTING AND FIgHINC EOUIPMENT RICHFIELD OIL PRODUCTS --- AUTO SUPPLIES "  t 'I PIIONE 392 for TAXI SERVICe, Want to, Sell Your Car? SEE STAN at First; and Mill Streets OLJITtU i:}OU(:;I{T We Buy and Sell Any Make or Model TRADES AND TERMS OLYMPIC MOTOR SALES Comlflete Stocks of Famous (.,osmetlcS First and Mill Streets Phone 595 AUTI-IORIZEI) HUDSON DISTRIBUTOR Dorothy Gray Dubarry Revlon Colonial Dames Tabu Yardley Peggy Sage Lentheric Chen Yu de IIeriot Tussy Max Fee,(or Coy Lueien Lelong Early American Old Sonth Ogilvie Sisters f "In FIRST or Your Apply before and a[ler Shampoo- ini to give hair and scalp the bone, llts of costly hot.ell trcatment.,, Yol,',, 1,,, amazed how Oive Shono l,,x (2ONI)ITIONER mtLk0g yOIW scale leel . . . ]mW tlee O[ (hu,dnflL See how dull, dw, irittle hair be- (O|II(}S lOf|' ]s[rol|s, (,llsy tO lxrrlne • i* ghunr)ro zs hair-do's. Note mw it laloriflc l)(,nn&nents and makes eurl st longer. And MEN cnioy Shon- (ex CONDITIONEB because it keeps hair so neatly groomed, yet doesat tub off. Oenereus ¥Obe '1 |90-day iupply) JUST RECEIVED MIX7TUR00E SMOKING TOBACCO