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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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No. 1629 :NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND FETITION FOR DISTill B U TION • IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. IN PROBATE. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank t51. l:Valkr', Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that II I II SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY iN SHELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight via str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p.m. for Olympia and Shelton , Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER, President PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES ...... , II IIII SHELTON CITY LINES Bus Schedule (Effective Sel)t. 1, 1946) LEAVE 1ST & R.R, FOR CIRCLE OF HILLCREST 7:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 7:55 A,M, 6:00 P.M. 9:00 A,M. 7:55 P.M. 10:55 A.M. 9:55 P.M. 12:55 P,M. 11:55 P.M. 2:55 P.M, 12:20 P.M. LEAVE 1ST & R. R. THRU HILLCREST TO ANGLESIDE 6:25 A.M. 3:55 P.M, 7:25 A.M, 4:55 P.M. 8:25 A.M. 5:25 P.M. 9:55 P.M. 6:55 P.M. 11:55 A.M, 8:55 P.M. 1:55 P.M. 10:55 P.M. LEAVE 1ST & R.R. FOR CIRCLE OF MT. VIEW 7:10 A.M, 3:10 P.M. 7:40 A.M. 4:40 P.M. 8:10 A.M. 5:10 P.M. 9:10 A.M. 6:10 P.M. LEAVE 1ST & R.R. THRU MT. MT. VIEW TO AIR PT. 6:40 A.M. 4:10 P.M. 8:40 A.M. 5,40 P.M. 10:10 A.M. 7:10 P.M. 12:10 P.M. 9:10 P.M. 2:10 P.M. 11:10 P.M. LEAVE HILLCREST FOR CITY CENTER 7:05 A.M. 4:35 P.M. 8:00 A.M. 6:05 P.M. 9:05 A.M. 8:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. 10:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. LEAVE HILLCREST FOR ANGLESIDE & CITY CENTER 6:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M, 5:00 P.M. 8:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 12:00 Noon 9:00 P,M, 2:00 P.M. 11:00 P.M. LEAVE AIRPORT FOR 1ST & R.R. 6:50 A.M. 4:20 P.M, 8:50 A.M. 5:50 P.M. 10:20 A.M. 7:20 P.M. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL; Francis Ward Walker. Executor of the estate of Frank H, Walker, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court his Final Report and Petition for Distribution asking the court to settle and approve said Final l%eport and Petition for Distribution, distribnttng the property to tile pet'- sons thereto entitled and to dlscbarge said Ex.ecut or. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be beard on Saturday the 7th dry of September, 1946, at die hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the Court Room. in the Court House, in Shelton, Washington. Dated this 27th day of July, I946. CLARE ENGELSON. County Clerk. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate, ]fell Buihling, 119 So. 4th Street, Shelton, Mason County, Wasbington. 8-1-8-15-22-4t NOTICE OF SCliOOL DISTRICT ReND ELECTION (for second and third class districts) Notice is hereby given that a spe- cial eleetion will be lmld at Union, Wash|ngton, in School District No, 10, of Mason County, State of Washing- ton, on the 21st day of September, 1946, for the purpose of determining whether or not the directors of said school district shall borrow nmney and issue negotiable bonds of the district In the sum of $14,909.00 'Dollars, for the purpose of building a new schoel building, Said bonds, if issued, shall bear a rate of interest not to exceed legal per eentunt pet4 annum, payable an- nually; shull mature and beeome pay- able seriuily, in their nunmrleal order, lowest numbers first, beginning the second year after the date of issue, and in such amounts (as near prac- ticable) as will. together with interest on the outstanding bonds, be met by equal annual tax levies for the pu¥- meat of said bonds and interest zt* excess of the legal 10 mills, Tim said bonds shall ruu over u period of 20 years, The election will be by balh,t. Those in favor of the issuing of bonds a above specified will vote "Bonds Yes!" those opposed, "Bonds, No." The polls will be open from 1 p.m. to 8:00 o'clock p,m. By order of the Mason County El- ection Board. Dated this 16th day of August, 1946. (Signed) HARRY DEYETTE. Secretary. 8-22--1t. Remember the Dance at Delight Park Saturday night. Shelton Lodge No. 6 I.O,O.F. Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. HALL Visiting NIembers will be Cordially Welcomed ELLIS WELLS, N.G. GUY CALL, Secretary p Rebeka:h Lodge Meets 11"10 A M. 8:10 P,M. 12:20 P.M, 9:20 .M, 'eco -'I =-' F .... +h ',.m .... ." -',, ,^ ,^ - ,. o.on D u 1t.9n p M , , ,.,, ,..= --, ,=,.,.,,jo ]:10 ...:. ,lu:tu '.,v, .......... .. .......... Elizabeth Simpson, N. G. ,:,u ,.,v,. " -A"-;;; &--R..R FOR Elizabeth Butler, Secretary k.Z:. V • • -- I W FOR R.R. AVE. -- II LEAVE MT. V E (Adde. d Service. Starting II iIh l 1ST & R.R. Sept, 1) |1| 9:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. I " ' •  A ,t Fa]rbanks Morse "! ('lenotesBusfrcm irpo') 10"30 A.M. 7:30 P.M. I]1 'i 6'55 AM 3"15 P.M. 12;30 P.M, 9:30 P.M. Bill 1-T'r'mr r t' 7" A'M" "4"25 PM 1"30 P M 10"30 P M 1 :15 " " " : ...... P'M" Ill I 1" U IYl Y ,ll 7:45 A.M, 4;45 P.M, 2:30 P.M. 11;30 • • fill ,.:, 9:15 A.M, 6:15 P.M. FOR CAPITOL HILL i I  Pur-ose ::l ,10:25 A.M. , *7:25 P.M. 9:45 A.M, 3:45 P.M. Ill " i•l 11:15 A M. 8F15 P,M. 10:45 A.M, 6:45 P.M. I!1 L.WTY ..... • ! 12,5 P;, ,:-, 9=*,25 P.M;. ........ i,'12:5 P;.M. ' - 7::4 P.M. B I B ' l'JLIPilil U,LN I 1'15 P:M. 10:15 P.M. ..... t:45 P.M. 9:45 P.M. B Ill ].][.,lrlP]l'l[(', (rll -- * " * .............. P M -- -- ..,,..,_,.,,.w,,,J ,Jv. :11 2"25 P,M. 11:25 P.M. 2:4b P.M. 1O:@ . • i II i] I Covey Bldg. Phone 154-W Minneys, Gone Twelve I ' ' ff . " ..... Savage, Mitchell xears, erurn here ! (Continued from page one) Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Minney ar-|offices: Francis Pearson and rived this week from, |George Adams, I)emocratie candi- where they have been located for |dates for the legislature; Mrs. the past 12 years and are just.I, Susie Pau]ey, Democratic candi- looking around for something to date for county auditor: Vincent suit. Mr. Minney was blacksmith here before going back to Okla- homa. SHELTON VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. George Sexton and daughter, Marguerite, of San Francisco, accompanied b,V Mr, Sexton's sistcr, Mrs. C. A. /aloun, of San Mateo, Calif., arrived Mon- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Au%mt Johnson of Agate for a week's visit. Mrs. Sexton is Mr. Johnson's sister. LASON MclNELLY'S ARE PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Lawson McInelly became the parents of a girl Aug- ust 10 at the hospital. BOY FOR MR, AND bIBS. J. DOTSON A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Dots0n August 13 in the hos- pital, MR. AND MRS. ED%V. JOIINSON HAVE BOY Mr. and Irs. Edward Johnsou of Shelton are the parents of a boy born August 13 in the Shel- ton hospital. MR, AND MRS. WM. WEST HAVE A NEW GIRL Mr. and N[rs. William West are the parents of a new girl, born August 12 in the hospital. MR. AND MRS. ROY RITNER ARE PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ritner are the parents of a boy born in the hospital, August 9. RICHARD PRINCES ARE PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prince are the parents of a girl born Fri- day, August 16. NO. 1847 NOTICF TO (]RED TORS TO PRESENT AND FILE TIIEIR . CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY • IN 'PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Ver- non S. Gifford. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the unde,'signed, Alberta E. Glfford, has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the estate of Ver- non S. Gifford, deceased; and that all persons having claims against the said deceased and or the said estate are hereby requh.ed to serve tile annie, duly verified with the necessary vou- chers attached, upon the undersigned Executrix or her Attorney of Record, at the law offices of Chas. R. Lewis, 119 South 4th Street, Bell Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington, the same beiug designated as the place for tile transaction of the business of said estate, and file such clahns, to- gether with proof of service, with the Clerk of the above entitled court with- in six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to- wit: August 22, 1946, or all ehdms not so served and filed shall be forever barred, ALBERTA E. GIFFORD, Executrix of the estate of Vernon. S. Gifford, deceased :Bell BUilding, 119 South 4th Street, Shelton, Mason Coun- ' ty, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 8-.2-29--9-5-12--,ii. Paul, Democrat for county assess- or; Omer Dion, Democrat for treasurer; Herb Dickinsen and Lyle O'Dell, Democrats for the two county commissioner posts; John Ryan for county attorney; Charlas Collins and Earl Carr for P.U.D. Commissio,ter; and Harry Deyette fo Clerk, S. E. Smith for treas- urer, and Dan Orcutt for sheriff, all Republicans. Dick Watson, Congressman Sav- age's ecretary, presented the c6n- gressman and senator to the aud- ience, telling of the experiences he had had with their efficieneies of service in the people's interest in Washington and elsewhere. John Codding, legal counsel for the state pension union, and Mr. Pahner, supervisor of the department of agriculture, gave brief talks. Mr. McKenzie announced the annual Democratic picnic for Twanoh state park this coming Sunday, the outing to be addressed by Congressman Savage. Legis- lative and county candidates will also be present. Coffee and ice cream will be provided free by the committee and a free bus to trans- port thos without other means of transportation will leave Shelton Hotel at 11:30 a.m. Youth For Christ To Meet Saturday Night Another evening of music, led by Joe Brill of N[cCleary, is sched- uled by the Youth For Christ this Saturday night in the Baptist Church, starting at eight o'clock. A speaker will also be present. N O T i C E OF PUBLIC III"ABIN(; In the matter of Shelton Airport, tile Board of, County Conunissioners of Mason County, Washington, desir- ing to know public reactiou to the County taking over, will hohl a public bearing ou Tuesday 8rd, 1946 at the hour of 7:30 o'cocKp,m., in the Court Itoom, at Shelton, Wash. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON by HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of the Board. 8-22-292t. '()TICE OF CALL FOR BIDS 01" PARKING METEltS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Shelton calls for and on Tuesday the 10th day of September, 1946 at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m, at tile City Commission Rooms in the City Hall in Shelton, Washington, np- on written bids for the purebase and Installation of 300 parking meters, [lOl'e or less, By order of th City Comlnission of file City of Shelton, Vashiugton. Dated this 20th day of August, 19,16, ALMA K. CATTO, Acting City Clerk. 8-22-29--9-5--3t. -- N 0 T I C E OF CLOSING RI,;GISTItATION IIOOI¢S NOTICE IS tERIF,Y (]IVEN that the registration books for Union pre- cinct and portions of Northside l)re- chlet lying and being within the boun- daries of School District No, 10, will be closed against all origimd regis- trations and transfer of  registrations on cud after September 6th, 19,i6, uAtil September 22nd. Saturday, September 21st being tile date of Special Eh!c- tiou in rc Special Millage and Bond Issue for School District No. 10, , HARRY DEYETTE, County-Audltor and Regis- trar of Voters, Mason Coun- ty, Wash. 8-22-29---2t I{ESOLUTION OItDERIN(I llEARING ON I,,'MERGENCY AII'ItOPRIATION WHEREAS, expenditures have been required for maintenance and epe,'a- t/on Of Auditor's Office ia c:cess of 1he amount aPl)ropriated aL the time of compiling the budget for the year 1(.)46 : AND WItEREAS. it is necessary for the bes! interests of dS()U Corm| y /lint funds be provided to lllain[aJtl this oi lice. AND WHEREAS. in tim Judgment of the ]3oard the following Sum of $2,000,00 will be required: AUDITOR'S OFFICE Maintenance and Ot)eration . $2 000 00 NOW TItEREFORE in the'j dgm nt of the ]3card un elnel'gcncy exists and the surn of $2.000.00 is required to lneet suc, h alleged emergency, and, IT IS ORDERED that a leuring be held tiez'c on Tuesday, the 3rd day of September, 1946, at 2:00 p,m. aL the office of the :Board in tim ('curt house ill Shelton, at which time and place any taxpayer ntay altpeur and be beard for or against the granting of such alleged emergency. UNANIMOUSLY adopted tlfis I9th day of August. 1946, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONI*3RS OF MASON COUNTY WASHINGTON. H. R. DICKINSON, LYLE O'DELL, ROY CARR Attest: HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of the Board 8-22--1t NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE Insect Pests Ants, roaches, bed bugs or mos- quitoes around the house--fleas on your cat or dog--lice on plants and poultryBUHACH will help you keep free of them. BUIIACII--known for 70 yoars-- repels these pestsso protect your home plants and pets this easy afe odorless way. Im Hnndy Sifter Cmnm 2e Ul, nt Drug', Grocery) Seed Stores U, IId Pet ShOpS, PRONOUNCED BU'HACK Thursday, Dancing Every Wally Lee and His Orchestra SCHNEIDER'S PRA ,Now Open for In Our Location on Mountain View Shelton Company Due to present conmions our will be limited for some time, but soon as possible we will handl0 complete line of building PHONE 657 P.O. BOX call OD ZERS AT LAST 's finest line of Units. Alumi, inside and tempera. Quick action chambers, big ktb'fage compart- aud many other are Yours when you Ieall. today! Finest and Food Freezerl on Display Insurance ,Real Esta .,co ag ,0 or ![ -- We Pay Cash for Ashes and Sell Dirt Che00i EDDY BUSINESS SERVI¢ ,T 120 South Third Street - : Phone €$ Wishing Joe Finn and His MASON COUNTY STATIONERS Immediate GOOD LUCK and CONTINUED SUCCESS As a Shelton Business Enterprise Sincerely, AL HOLMES Seattle Office Supply 1005 Second Avenue SEATTLE, WASH, WELCOME! Sincere Wishes For GOOD LUCK and SUCCESS To MASON COUNTY STATIONERS and Manager Joe Finn From Bert Shiek Owner of the Building ill Whicll the New Firm Has Its Home, and Member of the Firm Of Shmk TM " & George, Realtors 125 Nortll First St. Phone 46 The Formal Opening 0f Mason County Stationers 118 North Second Street -- Phone 602 Saturday, August 24 Featuring Nationally Known Merchandise Such As eRoyal Standard and Portable Typewriters eBerkshire Typewriter Papers and Eatons Fine Writing Papers eBoorum and Pease Ioose Leaf, Blnk Books, and Account- ants' Supplies Art Metal and General Fireproofing Co. Steel Office Furn- iture eVolland & Hallmark Greeting Cards for All Occasions And Many Other Well Known Lines of Quality Merchandise You Are Cordially Invited to Come In and Look Around Shelton's Newest and Complete Stationery Store Register For Drawing For Door Prizes Prizes for Students - Ladies - Men REMEMBERYOU DO NOT HAVE' TO BE! PRESENT AT THE DRAWING. If You Are Registered and Your Name Is Drawn You Will Be Notified, Saturday, August 24th MASON COUNTY STATIONERS 118 North Second St. Phone 602 - Joseph D. Finn, Mgr. While We Point With MASON COUNTY We Also Wish to Take This Opportunity of Extending OUR w00sH00s {" ForImmediate Success to this N¢'t '" Shelton Business and Its Ma ar'  Joe Finn Geo. M. Grisdale Construction Co. 132 Park Street Phone 530 Electrical Wiring and Lighting Fixtures for the New Home of MASON COUNTY At 118 North Second Street Installed by Eliot Electric " Title Insurance Bldg. -- Phone 545 ! We Heartily Extend Our SINCERE HOPE FOR € To Our New Business Net Saturd AUGUS00 The Last Masoni Colin McK DANCING 9:3C | Arra ( Go to OVER Bronc Ri i: Calf Ropin General Admissi