August 22, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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I Si[)Ei. INE" SLANT00 -.] T!N( P.00,A .
Ig Every T , , v
aT -, 0DAY, PiN MEE
a hy BILL OlCKiE a. ] Eowling step actively back into lhi.3 saan, and dtermine other
C'O '"- loeal sports eircles thi week nd nprational d+iad. Tim .e:';m
• Lee and His nnoDpon aooa Fi.HiN( NF.wF, Iho pny:essmn lir3il lhe an,1a a; maple drive llllderwaIll ,lht,qr all- af eitl'l ','¢,l¢ek ¢'ilh .:'y;}ci.'Lian ¢ _ - ...... -
liking 1o the :;tlmon por,n I.,r,J A.fle'i: lhe pnm' re,mllt.;e of tile pod with Badly ne,,dad autnlnalle inK. Otllp
• . , • .......... I .............. , . . - P "- ' , J ...... . Fellillint hmvlern il.Ve nehed-
igned .qt'lflP y(l'.q }igl .V/}I/ L tlaVP illicit hllllTel'P, are l'ealy to Greetin tile new t'egeting ea- - - . . ... -
= " " g ........ :" flied Imul annual organizaicnal Ni'tIV!
I D E R' S P R A R:,,rnniori h, November of ,.ho ,ions whioh have pra,,ailed ihru- re, depend on the mrngr-r m,pply agree ,tw Audubon .'.ncie'¢y has :on today will be an open ,.tn¢ie :oion f,n Au u:t 9); ht Sh,-I
,.k:-.,mK dale ,>f lho l-i<md C a,ir, I n,it. theent.ire Nnrth,v, nil sum- Lea ,,'a, nble ,o m nke du r i,iK h i :-;mrthii,ffl,i,q.. camp,tit ion ,hr. whieh.II bo',,I ,. . ..,"- lon -,Inlel, a 7 .:20 din,ie," ' o,=en...,,n i .... , J_ __
F;ah,lOil dol'l)' .v.q.q .qnllCl|llOpd this InOl' pl'OlTIptf'tl lho ,,xLansion all.or ;q3nro l[lllf' llly il,1(li'l hpe;liifll, iJqt ' bolh ma.mlllne, andslallltllll,1o %vl|h t 1¢ ]SlOWll" llll \\;,lth" tlio leglllflI"
weoR I)y I)el'|LV C.'h:drmart Wallv lho (h.rby colm,11ilLea had soln(I- .¢tOlle lime np.,o nrrarlr;ed far rhNr i.U('K--AND D.%RNED BAD establ,.hed .}vyragle." f!'om I.a.t sea rneoting" }lllO at oip;ht o'ehck. \\;o- Tono and Monarch
. . • • . . 1,1,1o1,1 ;, I,(,1 I._, _.'., ..... , ........... r. QUICK DI.,IVNRY
P.M. TO 2 A.M. Oliver, who is also ])resident of ,'(1 oul lhe opinion of ll,1flny ,31" l.ho m:tmffaetm'e on rl c(mmwv,.i:ll 'l'wonty year:i ago n pl'ofessional son are eiig',l,1 o t-ol Ply qlllltq WJ[I ' ,' ,c Pt ,id,',,t Ruh¢,
lhe derby sponsol'ing Ol'g'l,111iZ/lliOII. (IoI'})V ontrllnts, ill( gl'e,ql" major- bfsis md .o they'll I)u ,qvaitahh. i i I)n:e|):lll' e'lll'eel" erided ill its ill- Do rolled startilig' lit seven o'clock ['l'sk i tnountld |h woolt "
• .' ..... 'l.'._m. .......... ' ................ P,O. Box ](146 Phcme 1.154
Lho ]4o()d ():ill.q| ."4iil)l'|slll(h';'l AR- itV ¢')f W] OT pxpl'o.qOd tppl'ov,q| h/(,l'' qwllll'ith..- I'I'HII Ii)w ()ll. I'tltl('y fol' Ch:ll'los S. Cole, Shel- tol,1ip'hL IllltI ('Olll.illllllig" IlIl|ll II/K| = ........
.+.- ........ ,<, . . ,,, ... ,., ,,-, ,. ,.o..,,,a<.,n. Capital City Fuel
sov.iation, ol: 11,1o1'o I ilnf,. Leo c es gned the spood ill site tou ohllteer ['irmali filial Rayon- n gnl. t'my wu, t)e nIL d; (. mum- , ' . • A ..
" ) " 20( i1,1 Sf'l'a{('|l W lh HII(I 1,1,.\\;v (qlllpll,1(llL O11 lilt' tllleVS
Irnll:lhql-y prior fishing oondi- So far hilly 16 enD'anl.s have a way th.'lt its action in the wil- wr Olfll)loye, fillof / tall or[ t,i, ,ap I11 1. -I ..... t.hemselvPs, tile :'porHng g'onls Olympia, Wash, ,.
t',qllp.hl fi.h lit tile del'l)y c'oll,1p£qi- teP prove:| exceptionally (.l,1tic- Al.iZCJlla. cl|rf. Alley Prol)rietor P:IlII T?*Lq'(-'| offer'. f'('li,nl of 1.he bowline emlml*itml -'
l'llh'fl ,)I" l]l dOl'])y which lhe ('olll= first (lay it was tried ore, Arizcm:-Nh:.w Me×leo profes.ion,ql i)ie. will g'et illldel'wtly :Ill(| ,qlt- The ,Me })|1|o IIOIC l{ [ho o])ol3-
firsA boing' elimination of lhe fi- Tel" .qpl'oal] rapidly and I,e.r xvml I,-.- v,hic.h he wa.q standirlK gsvP way 7:-;% h,mdie,ap up ti 20tL m; the |iowler.q are ODliOilqlf..| iP. r|
1,1al eompaLiLinn oriKinallv sohed- .;eiKdo wi[h )'aqLleSlt:; |)y arl[,,lel.!:i I)emoath hiill tllld ill file l'esllllillg Alt-;o [oi,l,l'r¢)v4 oc,.lll.: lho aTI- HO'J.' 30c.D,,r-liaP pl'n,e Whi¢'h [y3es
llled for Sapi.,nlbar foliowin-K a anxinu:- lO inoral,e l]wil' c.llehas, fail bolh his .ql'lll. and hi. jaw llllal oily brlwlil[t assoqath3n rain el'l'oei, an mcr;.a:,e of a nlol:ie
O O D qllalifyillg perind which was !:o .|lt 1h€. iJrJdoImll 1,11,lL'haltl I1a<i W(q'. 1)rokell. Chal']i¢ ptnyed na mec-iin( io ol;,ei ilew ofl'i(.er! ha- a p,'ame ov:.l' |¢.tt yvar.
In Our Location on h,,,, .losed Labor Day under tim hi 1rosiness h arterial ll) ;]l,1d V.'n lfml'a pro ball after that. {leei nig'hl.q of play far 1he .nev-
dal'by. :amlll 1,111n,1hort ]1-1 Rp,ql'o l ilTle. 41)n, W|lo hlh:r wen1 Oil 10 Ille-
",""". °'"°" '*"" """" Milimen, Ac|ivian,
.¥ilh n firs( prize af an mflbom,d Finally, however, .1.'d:e M:,r[in, .Mar aml l. i1il in 1lie big' ilnlt,
D..,, ,, ,,,,,,,,.,._,,,, .,,,,.o o .,,, .,.,,.,,,,.+.., ,, ,,+,, ,.,,,.,,, """ '" ""'"" "°' '"",<'"""'° "'"" Duel For Fastbail
:a's finest line of mm ,31|1(,1. vallKlblo pl'ize lW,qiL- of Ill(' spoor and (ff|'el"o(I-lo add it , ...... , |dol (if eallle hflll lflll
'.tuction inside and oi: lh,, final datr of the ;eolllpeti- exehnn'o fro' -rnvt, llV |D i,, .t nlr ,.uany 3ear: was,-,.2:LL.--':;"
l iol s o,',*=-.- + ....... .,.;+. . " . ':' • "" " n,g mlo ,pro t)ai! H;al ymv w,,,, i:(.qTl:il/#..TANDING.
-- -- .lla of.approved in. . . -', ....... , ................. .,,-- nea ;qami maoe. • o=., , ,. :i ..... e<,',,e .... '
,l'/1 h l'Cl\\;r ." IIl|.|itlh Os ..,t ----',-' "=°'b ........
• .pp al of angle,is e,l.!ml Nnw y,ull lind l ,',.1:,1din,;' :;I .... ' ";'.,,,.)te'. ternmnt was W i, ]'l' r:t
ff • -m ,[l//$'tomati¢ tempera<ly elltorod or .}t411 e×peehng, spo|'tillK good,q .ltore:3 t'rr|' fi5€. llli- '..,L tiil. ' lTl" a t;¢el've > ' 5 ' o • --
,IVII iIII "+ei ' i J
- ' A'"£ chamber., blg w,,,,n now mBl the orizinal ep- .,..,.,.,.+ .m",o,,, ' ...... '"': ...... .'Y'.; . T.,umberm,.n';, Mere. :: 3 55 52 '
!h te,nlbe q oloslilg is hardly ellOlltL " e ii !, 14|, I,Olll: (.,.r, ll?.l .... *Mo'Kall l,lnl|)or ... 2 3 .15 ::,q
Viim il i eseandman other I reem'd .,m ,.,." .X.. =;Z.,"{ 2..'+:,. ,-.,4.--.,,,...,..,u ....... f,,,, 1},1," liv,.s of ,afire-re;, ,.,, wetl DON'T, ,,r]l' -
3 i':,..,o,., ' 4:,,o, I '°"" ............................. (' ' ] ] ] }l] ] '' ]['' (" ' [ ' ]' ] 'T } ''' ]' T' ] "[ ] ' ]] " :' ' [ [' " ]] ' I [ ] ' [ ] I " [' '' ' ''' ([ (' ] ] " ] " " ' [ ] { ] i ''] {' ' " [ ' " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " '
.... ; .............. win announe,, <,.\