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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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) [&apos;;',?, , mrToN-SO co JoppA,, hurdy, Aug+, ! ................ "---- " "' . ..... ,'2; ......... =2 .......... :,+.. ........ '"--- ...... '_ "" ' " ..... '" " ..... -'-'--J'"  . . r " " ............ ' !:il I I mini,-- IgOr' Remember the Dance Dr fleer o n his awa k ening asked, TOO Late to Classify  THINGS A THEY SEEM that lmd of f,rmnoss, tho Red " " R H E U M A ..... ,, a J)eng  rarK _aro th. parents of, boy born, (Co,,tl,,.a ,,.ore po. th.t notmng furmer be aid abot, " d A R T IIo  I ' li 'Y I the matter, f " again at a social function, x:ith t WrLL TnADE: c,fld sto,'ag,, locker founaX..__ v." n diBr ab  " t#lb ab "1 V  { " " I the R..,d soldier apparently determ- -- i in Auburn fe," one in Shelhm. In- ENSIGN PETERSON IS qllh'c Olyzl/pic Motor Sales, l)hl)lie .his terrible affliction mlb21,, (' ' • gll .................................. _-- ................ _'-----lined to continue the argmnellt of RELEASED FROM NAVY I 595. . 8-22 =-.-.-.,l?'v°rv -----.,af"rdav .Nhrr|....n_t .11{, .----.--.,--" __ _-- ./tie. arte,'noo,,., a,ai,, ho :,,t,..,, ,,.i,,, Si,na . M. Ve,'son, ! Fo SA,.E: ,,,,m. lil,U,,, pla,,', ,:.,00 ,.0. ox S2a, Va,t7..]] -- --  n   --  AP...!"  Ill |this tnne in a sn t.1'1: "I sgi(l don't 2CUSNR, has re.cently received i watt. 110 volt. 60 cycle, manual con- I WAlil H I N GTON -r d . r .................. D' "lliLLl_" -- * ' gl P 'Oolr'LO l 'llge y°ur'tttitude" lhe AwIPIICIn her h°ltgrable.=. ,go a hay/nat,.or at ,:he jaw of tilt, release fro rn the trol. used very littler. I.easonab] c and :% DELIGHT IPAIeK HALL, u ..... ' _ I Jt 'in idnd retorted,'"'and i don'i£"l;;' Pd. Adv. NUEOV0 I.a. x'-..,r ¢h ]a S h.. ;,. 4,. o- I will denonstz'atc. Wl'itc Box C, &. v).. , us **t. ut tit ll Llle. cIV" JOUl'nal, 8-..--9-o')0 . [i _ " : -- : A.,PE B yours eitimr." The Russian let f 're for the past 17 months, at the I ..... . ON LAKE ISABELLA l, Iii,lrll== , " i1111111= N[il OaMand Naval hospital. FOR SALE: eicct,'ic po,.table sewing -- -- ! nla(.!hJne in vct'y good condition. , RERT RAIPg ORCHESTRA l/ _€ . ...  -  I1 [ Shelton youth, x+ho ducked and { t'()tt SA]E , n,w ,h," "" Write Sh.lton, IZtmt,. 2, Box ,15. ' ,- , •  " .' 't ' C, ( ( a I MS o ....................... 1 " "_ - .   Ill [countered with one that put tim] cola c,)uh,,', one i,',, cooler (1 two -'" Featuring MILRE GRIMES AT THE PIANO [[, ' ' * " ' din||,.'' ,Soviet captain in the aisle for the, :,,-galh.n,'angc boih,,.s. C W. West-  All[-ll01 { : ]:h,ach ltcso,'t). ' " " 8"-22 small children five days a week. • -- "/ llllllm UIAM, V leo,int. That; ]ittlo demonstra.tion/ ,ott, l,ttel, tkx6 Sh,qton'(Ma,)hlWAN'rl,lD W, ,nl tl, .... t't),'tw) Leo C Nq II. E. Miles Qn the Drums N/  ..a..e] ,#  J _ Wvw'=''l tof force and firmness i.ras deliv-] ...... I Call 761J4 aft,,,' 6. C8-22-29 • Nil ffP"tilllrll'tr.,,.If'& |  ' ere d by none oth e," than Lieut'// 1,'OR SAL E: Lang wo,d ranm. $°5 / ..........  onnelil C, orion With S. L Sponsored by Shelton. Fag'!e, A.trJe No. 207' ,,s, ':U:=u,,vta [1 [Walter Elliot,, L. ]VI.'s ,iuiet .and L A. Todd. Sta' Reute 2 i',,li,'': i GIRI. 15 wants ,'e..,l,,x't,)h, c,' ;,- .;Jzl.*, - . & . uanc,ng 9,30 p.m. to ,:,u a.m. It , --  , gentlemanly.p., ")MeWs', ....... o+.,,mo,,,,,+,. +.' .... " + ,o,;,,, w,+,, w,,, ,+, ,:, "' "" ,'ac"errl  -' '+Y "ma.a+r " 2+ '"-, .omo ,+m ..d ,+.. '+ sc.ool irazei: O, I'()R SA1A°: Chcv. coupe with box ' Shclton. Wash. t18-22 Pine '/ -- a/it¢. .=w== ! , ,. a.u t uv..u,. ........ .''1 ca hack. $275 cash. See Vcru Morris  ................. nc a equdn swotness end quality, the Russians have respect fOl' just lhlion, Wash. 8-22 Jr()R SALE: very reasol,,dfly six act'cs Of g'eod laud with fOUl'-I'OOlll IIOUSC ............................................................................................... and ]o,i'ge attic. Two niiles south oft n ----Shclton' one-half mile from highwaY.TS_22 ' Irice i hEAL STAE l S.I@, of She.lien on ha,'d-su,'faced | road; 7 ac,'es clca,'ed; 6-room mud- | :' OLD COUNTY (Isabella Valley Box Cherub or Darigold-Federal MILK lOc TOWN HOUSE, NATURAL OR SWEET, 46-OZ. 29c Grapefruit JUICE F()R CLEAR YOUTHFUL SKIN PALMOLIVE SOAP ,+o. 50 REAL ROAST, FROM U.S. NO. 1 PEANUTS PEANUT 00BUTTER 2-LB. 45c SWT MIXED LIBBY'S PICKLES 12-oz. 26¢ LIBBY'S 42-OZ. CAN Chopped RIPE OLIVES 14¢ NALLY'S FOR FRESHNESS POTATO CilIPS .... 5 ¼-oz. 23¢ KRAFT. Creamed or Country Style COTTAGE CIIEESE .... pt. 27¢ CARNATION, PLAIN OR CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK ........ l-lb, 39¢ SWELL WITH PEACHES! 52-OZ. RICE KRISPIES .. 2 pkgs. 23¢ QUICK OR OLD FASHIONED ALBER'S OATS ...... 3 lbs. 28¢ BRUCE'S, THE SCRUBLESS WAY FLOQR CLEANER ...... qt. 75¢ INSTANT CEREAL OR OATMEAL CLAPP'S CEREAL .. 8-oz. 13¢ FOR DELICIOUS SALADS, g-oz. "OLD I)UTCH" CHASES DIRT DUTCH CLEANSE'R o+ 5c FAMOUS HIGH QUALITP Dry Mustard Colman's MUSTARD .. 2-oz. 9¢. PLUS FEDERAL TAX Jergen's LOTION 6 ½-oz. 39¢ THE SAUCE WITH REAL ZiP LEA & PERRINS ...... 5.oz. 29¢ U & I SUGAR Fin(: granulated sugar. STAMPS, Spare 9, 10, 49 now good. Spare ,19 void after AUGUST 31st, Each stamp good for 5 lbs.- FRUIT JARS Regular Kerr Mason Jars. 12 quarts ........ CERTO For better results! 8-oz, bottle ................ Sprouts, Bean Jan - U - Wine Bean Sprouts, 19-oz. can .. 59€ LUCKIES, etc 1.59 • Popular Cigarettes .. 20¢ GLOBES foot roll ...................... "+':++ :+ 25¢ +'++++ 18€ Del Monte for Zee Toilet Tissue ..... Diced, 1-1b. jar 4-Roll Family Pack "'+ 67€ $€ • ,u. EGGS SHINOLA Washington Co-Op, Paste Shoe Polish. Grade "A" Dozen .... Dependable ................ 17€ ' 39€ Fresh Milk JERGEN S Shelton Maid, pas- Hand Lotion. Plus teurizcd. Quarts ...... Fed. tax, 6/-oz ....... Amazing Offer: Coral)are the grand flavor of Canterbury's with your favorite brand. We think you'll favor Canterbury. If you aren't-satisfied with Canterbury, return un- used portion for a full-size package of any other brand. fi-lb. package 43¢ or 48 bags for 36€. DOLLAR SALE!! CAMPBELL'S CREAM OF10 SPINACH SOUP .. Calls 1.00 HUNT'S SUPREME, 8-OZ. TOMATO SAUCE 20 calls 1.00 LIBBY'S, HEINZ. GERBER'S, CLAPP'S Strain Baby Foods 15 cans 1.00 BESTEX, WHOLE SEGMENTS, 20-OZ. Fancy Grapefruit .. 4 cans 1.00 DENNISON'S, I-LB, CAN CHILI & BEANS .. 5 xns 1.00 NEW 1946 PACK ARGO. EXTRA STANDARD, 4-SIEVE SWEET PEAS _. 20-oz. can 14¢ SILVER VALLEY, STANDARD, 19-OZ. Cut Green BEANS .. 2 Calls 29¢ EARLY JUNE, FANCY LIBBY'S PEAS 20-oz. can 17¢ VALLEY GOLD, HALVES IN SYRUP Fancy APRICOTS No. 2½ 31¢ HIGHWAY, EXTRA STANDARD APRICOT Halves No. 2¼.28¢ \\; .... i .... r CAN NOWtt! TOMATOES CANTALOUPE SEEDLESS Thompson Sweet Ripe Calif. Table Grapes GRAPES WATERMELON, California ........................................ Ib, 3€ GRAPES, Red Malaga or BI. Ribier ............................ Ih. 19€ LEMONS, Large juicy Sunkists .................................. lb. 12€ PEARS, Yakima - can now! Pear box .......................... 2.69 ORANGES, Calif. Valenoias - Juice Size .................. lb. 10€ CORN, Sweet. tender, golden ........................................ doz. 35¢ BEANS, Local. young, green .......................................... lb. 10€ CELERY, Local all-green ................................................ Ib. 6¢ SALMON .............. lb. 43¢ STEAKS OR ROASTS FILLET OF SOLE ...... lb. 38¢ BLACK COD ........... lb. 29¢ STEAKS O1% ROASTS FILLET OF COD ...... lb. 36¢ OYSTERS ............. pint 75¢ MEDIUM SIZE SHRIMP FREStt IAIUISI.ANA --READY TO COOK POULTRY "OCOMA" GRADED "A" EVISCERATED CHLKENS YOUNG I'RYERS .................... lb. 73¢ ROASTERS ................................ lb. 69¢ FRICASSEE FOWL .................. lb. 65¢ Fully Drawn -- No Waste Meat To Pay For!! MOLASSES Quart 37c Favro SPHAGHETTI 21c 27-O.Z Cashmere Bouquet SOAP 3Bars 27C I. 4 ," WINDEX CLEANER ',' ' Cleans windows 6-OZ, 12€ brighter with ' BOT. I less work! 4 4 1/ lb. 95¢ KRISPY CRACKERS ' • : .... NO SALES TO DEALERS: Prices for Friday, August 23, through Thursday the 29th, +,.o, ,o o,o..o, o,,,,++ .,,. +,oo. ,o +o..,o, ..roD,,....o..o,,. ,.,..,.o., .on,o,, : REGINA WINE su.shtno cr,+py 1.-]1,. 20¢ i Kent. Auburn and Bremcrton. .o+.+++.- " t,, EWaY [ h,,, +o,+,+ , ..... SAF +m+K,+,+L+ +', . ...... ++ +o+,,,+ :  5t oo,,oo °"'n' 11b. 23 +   • I (l'n Ilottse, st!vcval out.t)tlihlil|gs ; I V{!ll ILlld CleC(l'iC ptlnIl); cl'oek [llvl! In'Ol)crty. Price $4,500+ I. C'. Zin- theo, Realtor, Phone 157, Shelton. FOR SALE: 5-room home. dinette and bath, furnished, it good con- dition, on Capitol Ilill, half acre ground, <:hicken house. $4,000, M. c. zmu,co, Pl,,,,,c 17. s-22 or 8¢ Vdi-CSTL-bcc,, tw,e---------- at these l: i' suit, size 14. Two lll(}n's blue tweed sport iackcts, size small. Inqui,'e + ' Journal 8-22tfn M ATLOCK--Phone ti R. SKOKOMISH --Ph) a l'OOIll Of I'OOl]l and board ill Shelton hoHle for COllling" yea,'. Write B,)x KAMILCHEPh0"e 2.( ...... Journal Office. 8-22 (Price i:, YARDERS, FOl SALE: turkeys. 45C lb, live LOADER.  weight. Mary Watson, B.oute 2, Box Market t;7, Aate. 8-++++,. , PUMPS, LIGH1 FOR SALE: flourescent de:;k lamp, BUy Your General Motors [ like new. Value $14,50. Selling price $7.50. Call 3q. 08-22 FOR SALE: 0od modern house cen- trally located with gas range and g N $ water heater. Oil beat, davenport set Did sonic dinhlg .Llld bedroom furniture. Call 30. 08-22 eAH FOR SALE: trailer house. ? -oy 18, 150C Westlak wheels, no tires. Furnished. $175.00. 512 Park St. $8-22 a IbUtors of G.M. D,esel E, FOR SALE: 20 acres, 3t, miles out. Ab,)ut 400 2nd g','owth trees for log houses and 2,000 fcct I1sod and l'+)ugh lunlber. $800. $1,000 terms. Call lt r. , • ) ,)1 Pu'k St. $8-22 LOST: white kitten wii.h black spot on top of head. Finder please nmke two little boys happy by returning to 3J9 Cota Street. $8-22 FOR SALE: girl's winter coat, all wool, he,'ringbone, semi-fitted, size .14, cleaned, excellent condition. $7. Mrs. Husmnan, Potlatch. 8-22-29 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned out, contents Guns and Por hat led away. Quick sc,'vic,,. Call' " Electrlc.. and Gasol Chas. Jones Olympia "3,t86 m' 7026. s-22--]-7 2 l/,z ft. Concre FOR SAL"3:103.5 CI,c,,,'olet aste,' USE CU. 2-door sc(hm. In good condition. Vaughan Motol It. A. Locrt.xher, Rouic 1, tlox 216A, Shclton (Lest Lake Road). 8-22 .lectric.- and Air IASHIONABLE AND EXCLUSIVE !i Air Drills, Sanders l{ais(nlctle Dresses and blouses in , t/(:ctFLte l'ayolls alld cottollS, l'e+tsOll- ably priced. You ave invited to see Portable Electric P. OUI" lllPt'chtndisc at 1.116 StlIll],lit D]'ivc. Locahd one 1)|OCk west O[ hideAway between Elint,r and ].)car- Hand Trucks an, born, Tlilh:rcst. Phone 799JX. $8-22--9-12 Hammer and FOR SALE: hand w(,ven lineu. I;1)v a,c]%...L. . t,I-T0;S', both Elec I)]ankt:ts ,l'll'S, yardage, etc. Ol'd,rs lake,t also, 1416 Sunlt,lit I)riv(L h)- :rated one block west of htghway Ani able. Gasoline D between El,nor aud Dearborn. IIill- c,'est. Phone 799JX. $8-22--9-12 the Bali Blue Book. To l • Portable Picnic FOR SALE: round extension table send 10cwith) Flame Guns-for burn: and four chairs, library table, Flcet- watcl"bed mattress and spring. Will BAt' BROTHERS COM! sell all O,' separately. Inquire after ntal Rates Are Set by 4:30 l).ln., 317 W. I-Iarvard. L8-22 bUtors and In Compl HOOD CANAL SERVICI , 12 East Fourth Looking" for a good buy in Phone 786 waterfront? Here's 475 ft. excellent beach property with 450 ft. ltpland adjoining, Units In'iced right too for a good -- investment. Located 4 miles W II north of Lilliwaup. Drive out a s h Sunday afternoon. Jesse O. Thomas Co. :: • /11/// C, NOLAN MASON, Agent. O EC 1 Mile So. Union Tel. Union 3S6 • Pe] PRIVATE SALE Contents of 6-Room Home Sat., Aug. 24 - 2 P.2VI. At Shelton Transfer 322 South Second St. Successors SH ELTON C PRC PHON] :I,$ Sevcnth St. IL PHONE 196 or ) 292 For Your HEATER - CIR OIL STOVE. FURNACE, | S EAS ,Go are beckonint may be calling y( Or to restful and and far at the nc :aSon. Many wise t, Stopovers in thei Heed that vac For compl KET OFFICE ,: Ninth Street WE,LL FILL UP YOUR TANK 'ashington .'- BETTER BURNING-, MORE D]  12275 , ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL FOR WGE , er [ from oO to 1,000 allons ofl burne" Frisken Oil " p Mason County Distributor for Associated Oil