August 22, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 22, 1946 |
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. .............................. ] St t Le de
eeores of your frlcnd ,On petition (it' EsLiler Roies, ad-] a e a r
ministratrix of tt,o Edwh, G Carl-, I _c ded
" sop estate, for the final report and S omlnen
petition for distribution of the e,-
tate..lndge Vqlson signed the de- I ,iliam A. Sullivan, in.'m'aneo
- (+.*olltntts,':ioller, Wa,q hi+¢'hly eom-
cvee ()l' diiribul]fYII. The ;lf.l;loa ) lnond0d b'y the Etilt.e Anditor ill tl
WaS IlllQql dtll'illg llpOl'iDr (h)lll'l, re((,ll I L,Xllllt|.hqtiOh nlaiie Ill' tliH
5rst ChurchOf Chrd00ler00st
First Baptist Church
J. O. Bovee, Pastor
Paul Sweeney, Assistant
Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship at 11.
YOlmg Peoples Meetings
6:45 )p, m
Eveninly. Service at 7:,,15
a t llrda y. o fl'ico.
ileal cable Cll rf - Y,II
Alldito|', said llt folln{{ lbal CC)lii-
ini,qsJoncal ' Stlllivall II'ls operated
Ills office within the npprol)rhttion
o'ivon hilxa by tile Lcgisature,
Th State Auditor's Examiner's,
in their report, said, "We were im-
pressed with the general efficiency
arid sincereity with which the of-
fice of the Insuanee Commissioner
lies been conducted ".
Pioneer Residents
Visit Lake Cushman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Putnn'lll Wore
pfl,qSil',' Vi,qitors l'ronl Hillshoro,
Ore., Monday, after spending a
............................................................. WOOl, at the SLai:i.qe. a.bove Lake
Church of Christ
10 a.m. and 7 p,m, Each Sunday
C. ,% Hamilton, Minister
Slmda,y .......................... 11 a.m.
Wednesday ...................... 8 p.m.
Sunday School .......... 9:45 a.m.
Reading Room at tlm Church
302 Alder Street
Open Monday thru Saturday
2:00 to 4 r n
Wednesday Evening
6:45 t 7:45
I Sunday, August 25
I "Mt ND"
Christian Science Literature a-
vailable at all times at the
Church or on request by mall.
Branch of The :hfptller Olmrch
The First Church of Christ,
Boston, Ma.
First Methodist Church
"A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community"
Fourth and Pine
Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worsllip 11:00 a. m.
Sermon Topic: "When Jacob Saw the Wagons"
Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276
Mt. Olive Lultheran Church
Cu,'hman. under which the old
Putnam lies buried. They were
looking tip the Fred Bells and oth-
er. old-time friends. They are liv-
ing 0]3 the Putnam Farm and
Dairy where Mr. and Mrs. W. T,
Putnam moved leaving their Cush-
man farm, and the elders are still
active with their two sons in its
opcr tion.
Pentecostal Church
120 East Pine St,
Sunday Selmol9:45 a. m,
Morning Worships11:00 a.m,
Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting,
8:00 p.m.
Friday Regular Meeting,
8:00 p, m.
Rev. R. D, Caddy, Pastor
Hood Canal
Community Church
Hoodsport, Wash.
Smlday School----9:45 a.m,
Morning Worsllip--.ll ram.
Ttmrsday Payer Meet, inK-
7:30 p.m.
¥onng People's Fireside--
Friday, 7:30 p.m.
Telephone 395-][ and 230
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Ily Lydia II'ren
(("l'r, wdo(] htl| [:l.+l Wr'Dk)
A little brother, weighing' eight
t)Olllld{ alld 1:{ clintoN, calne to
joill l.inda n lhe Bill Spooner
llOIIle |:l:i{ I,'riday " al lhLrri:on
| elnoril-i I huslfih, l, l , |•011101'tCln.
All are doillg Well, hlcludinK lhe
daddy and ITandmotier•
, l|lTen Slnld ]lfl. 1)Cell honle
for a few days but shil)ped out
a[4'ain for San lPranc.isco, ellrOllte
to tile Orient.
Carol Jackson. a h:iend from
Sllclton, visited Leah McGraw last
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rice m • Se-
at.tit} w(,re visitol', lit th(} l{ice
[lol'ae here.
Mrs. I:l, P. Hilhnan entertained
q, few or tile younker married wo-
nlUll Ill, dinner in llonor o[" Mrs,
Pearl Syrjel:t ].,oardmall of Shel-
tOll, l'OeelltJy i'Otllrnod lTolll Now
A, rew weeks ago we reported
ill O'liS eOhlmn that one of our
adnlt fishermen caught a. 16 inch
trout; ill our bay• Now we hear
ft'om the, smql] fry: Larry F+ather-
ton. nKed five years, sou of Mr.
and Mrs. l,Veb Etherton, caught a
fish exactly 16t,:} inches long on
an old discarded fish line, This
se+ems to nmke Larry the cham-
pion fishernlan ill these here
Mr• and Mrs. L. Rice spen a
day at Copalis beach on the ocean
its part of their vacation•
H, P. Hillman has been laid up
for a few dtlys with nn infection
()it his face.
• Mrs. l+l Cook and children ac-
companied by her mc)ther, Mrs.
L• Metzger, have returned from
a trip to Kansas. Mr. Cook expects
t.o come home fl'Ol'll Alaska al'onnd
the first of September•
Mrs. H. P. Hilhnan's nephew,
Robert Ryan of Olympia. visited
here last week.
The Etherton family, Mr. aral
M)'s. and Barbara and Larry had
an interesting vacation. From
Lake Cushman they followed the
Skokomish river, went over the
divide and came down the Duck-
abush river---a, distance of 30
Mr. and Mrs• W• E Reeves and
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hell went to
Long Beach over the week end, I Mrs. Rule Dickinson, Mrs. Ruby
Mr. Hell bas bnilt a trailer so they I Smart and Mrs. Alma Hill were
took Reeves' inboard along and [ visitors in Tacoma last week.
fished, Mrs• Hell (Margy) caught Wayne Banta, nephew of Mar-
a .17 pound sahnon. I ion lobbins, is visiting his aunt
Nt2r• aad Mrs. Carroll D. BIIsh and mlele ill Hoodslmrt this week.
have had +is guests the past week I Mr. and Mrs. D, C. Matthews
several classmates of Hemline are visiting in Seattle this week.
Mr. Shapley has been in town
lYniverity, Class of 1909. It had this week getting the apartment
been hoped that ttle eleven who
have kept till a "Round Robin" ready to live in during the next
letter all these years could be school year. It has been repro'ted
• that Mrs. Shapley is improving.
present at this rennion, but some Guests of the George Jacksons
were tmable to eome and at the the past week lmve been Allan
last. minute, two were detained by Carter of Shelton nnd Freddie
N., Rge. 7 W.; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, sickness in their families. Those
9, .1.0, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, who were made wcreome to our
€) € •
28, 9, 30, 31., 32, 33 and 36, Twp. 22 N, beautifnl Northwest (ountry and
' treated to its many sea foods and
Rge. 5 W.; Sections 1 to 36 inclusive, Twp. wonderful fruits were Ma,jor and
22 N., Rge. 6 W.; Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,!Mrs. Frank Morse and the Misses
8, 9, ].0, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24,1 Charlotte Campbell and Fanny
25, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 36, Twp. 22 N., Rge. I Richardson. ,all of Minneapolis,
7 W., Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1.5,1 Minn., Mrs. Fannie Wright of
• Pnynesville,'Minn., and Mrs. Opha
22. 23. 24. 25. 26, 27. 34, 35 and 36. Twp.. {cClelland of Saratoga, Calif.
Quillayute Base
Given To Clallam
Pm't Ang'eles,---Believe(l to 1)o
tile only llllVal lilt b+lse o['l•ol+ed ror
pal)lit use while still fully eqnipped
for operation. 1he Qnilln, ynle n:tval
fill" has( hss been lll|'aed ()ver 1(.I
(la]la lil (Jollnl y CODIIIlib:EI on¢*l'S.
O])e)'atod (hll'Jn" +warlillie :iS a
finnl flight Irai|ling slalimL tlm
bano w'ls dcc[nmnissioned I)y the
navy SOlllC tilUC' ao alld sillcO then
has bccn opcl'ated nn a ca|'otaRer
t.enamed uillayt|te Air Park,
the base will be operated with a
view to developing the Olympic
Peninsula for" postwar aviation.
Some of the benefits to accrue
Lo the public as ,q result of the
county taking over the base are:
Electric service from the base's
Diesel i)ower plant now available
throt|l) public utility dist|'ict :
two hospitals |'oqtlire only special-
ized eqt|ipmcnt; n 54-roaln hotel
e(alid be operated for fishermen,
bnnters and tourists', ('old storage
facilities, which could be used for
commercial fish torasge, fresh
fruit and berries: barracks space
suitable for hostel aeeonlmoda-
tions for cycle groups, Boy Scouts,
veterans' Olltings; tWO l.estanrants.
Flying school facilities arc
ready for public service and it in
expected that radio and radar
landing equipment will he in oper-
ation soo{ for bad wenther flying
It is also planned to resulnP, in
Ill(, |mar futilre, operation of the
radio hmning stalion, so COlnlner-
eial fisller|nen enn negotiate tile
La Pnsl| hlrl)or olltrauce in stormy
weather m' after dflrR.
Thirty-five-minute flight service
between the base and Seattle is
I)3' Dorotlly Loelwood
Mr. and Mrs. Rall)h ]-Iill "/nd
family have ;La)'ted on their long
anticipated vacation into Oregon,
dnring which they plan to visit
Mr. Hill's sister in Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickin-
son are the proud parents of a;
baby daughter. Jo Ann, born in l
[ Shelton last week. 1
The Chief of the Forest Service, U. S.
Department of Agriculture, under author-
it: of the Act of March 29, ].944 (58
Stat. 132-:t.6, U.S.C. 583-583i Sup. 4)
and applicable regulations, proposes to
establish a cooperative" sustained yield
unit situated in Mason, Thurston, and
Grays Harbor Counties in the State of WaSh-
lag{on, the mlndartes of which are indi-
cated on the map published below. Following
the establishmefitof said Unit ,it is;proposed
that the Forest Service and the Simpson
Logging Company will enter into a 100-year
agreement designed to carry out the pur-
poses O f the Act, The lands of the Simpson
Lt)gging Company proposed for, cooperative
management support a merchantable timber
stand totaling 973,344 M ft. B.M., situated
in Sections 4:; 7, 8 and 18, Tw . 1 N., Rge.
2 W.; Sections 2, 3, 9, 11, 12, 3, 15, .1.7, 18,
19, and 24, Twp. 21 N., Rge. 3 W.; Sections
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19
and 20, Twp. 21. N., Rgc. 5 W.; Sections 1,
9, 10, 1.1, 12, la, 14, 15, 17. 18 and 24, qNvp.
21 N., Rge. i W.; Sections 1, 6, 9, 1.0, 11, ]2,
13, 14, 15, and 24, Twp. 21 N., Rge. 7 W.;
Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16,
Twp. 21 N., Rge. 8 W. ; Sections 5, 6 and 27,
Tw .... 22 N., Rge. 5 W.; Sections 8, 1.7,..18,
].9 20, 29, 30 and 31, Twp. 22 N., Rge. 7 W.;
Sectmns 13, 24, 25, 26 and 36, Twp. 22 N.,
Re. 8 W. ; Sections 30 and 31, Twp. 23 N.,
e. 4 W., all in the Willamette Meridian.
The volume of merchantable timber on Na-
tional Fore,st ]ands proposed for commit-
ment totals 4.,356,548 M ft. B.M. and is
situated in Sections .1. to 11 inclusive, Twp.
21 N., Rge. 6 W.; Sections 1 and 6, Twp. 21
22 N., Rge. 8 W.: Sections 19 to 36 inclus-
ive. Twp. 23 N., Rge. 5 W.: Sections 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and Sections 14 to 36 inclusive,
Twp. 23 N., Rge. 6 W.; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, ].3, 14, 15. 16, 17 and Sec-
tions 19 to 36 inclusive. Twp. 23 N., Rge.
7 W.; Sections 35"and 36, Twp. 23 N., Rge.
8 W., all in the Willamette Meridian. If the
proposed agreement is entered into, timber
will be cut from the committed lands at the
rate of 100 million board feet per year from
the effective date of the agreement until
.December 31, 1956. after which time the
cut will be reduced to the sustained yield
capacity of those lands which it is antici-
pated will be approximately 90 million board
]eet per year. A public hearing on the ad-
vantages and disaclvantages to the affected
community or communities of the above-
described proposed cooperative sustained
yield unit and the proposed cooperative
agreemeut will be held at the School Gym-
nasium in Shelton, Washington, begi ning
at 10:00 A. M. on September 18, 1946. Be-
fore tlmt time lull information concerning
the proposed action may be secured from
the Regional Forester, Portland, Oregon,
or from the Forest Supervisor, Olympia,
Washington. 8-15-22-299-5-4t
Mr. and Mrs, LeRoy Buckley of
Seattle spent the weekend visiting
her graadparcnts, Mr, and Mrs,
Robert P. Andexson on Hood Can-
I 4th St. Phone 154-W
Beer of Portland.
Mrs. H. E. I,ockwood and Mrs.
C. A Lockwood were "Pacoma visi-
tors Friday.
Dean Gilbert, Ernest ttill. Jaek
Eatwell, Marshall Vail and Glenn
Lockwood have returned i'rom
Hart Lake and Lake Laeross with
many prmnising bear pictures but
no [isli.
Mr. ana Mrs. George Jackson
t rnveled as fnr n.q Olympia with
Marjie who is sI)cnding a week
visithlK ill Portland.
The fireside group was surprised ]
at the last meeting when they I
were picked up in cat's and taken I
to the Sund home where a fire on t
the beach and weiner roast was I
enjoyed by all.
Mi'. Sha pley would like to have
all parents of beginning pupils to
register them before school starts
September 3. Mr. Slhpley will be:
in his office at the Hoodsport
school August 22. 23, 26 and 27
during the day.
Crow(ied out hlsl week)
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl are
spending a week at Greyland,
Young people from the seventh
grade up are reminded of the Fire-
side Meeting at the church Fiday
evening" at 7:30 o'clock.
Clinton Ohmit of Denver. Colo.,
arrived by airplane Sunday to
spend a few days with his moth-
el: Mrs. Mary Ohmit. and his sis-
ter. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ayers, Sr.
Miss Lillian Heinz of Seattle
spent Saturday and Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
McClanahan. Mrs• McClanahan
and daughter, Joa nnt% returned to
Seattle with Lillian Sunday for a
few days' visit with her mother,
Mrs. Hillard.
Dean Gilbert, Ernest Hill Glenn
Lockwood, Marshall Vail and Jack
Eatwell left Saturday on a five-
day camping trip.
Mrs.' Glenn Lockwood and
daughter. Dorothy, spent Thurs-
day and Friday in Tacoma, re-
turning home Saturday.
Mrs. Ralph Hill entertained with
a luncheon Thursday a group of
ladies of the Skokomish Valley,
Grange Club. Mrs. Gordon Dick-
inson was a visitor. Those being
honored with birthday gifts were
Mrs. H. R. Dickinson, Mrs. Gor-
don Dickinson and Mrs. Ralph
Mrs. Margaret Jackson and Mrs.
W)n. Bryan were Olympia shop-
p6rs Thursday.
Joe McKeil is getting another
octupus for his aquarium.
Mrs, George Jackson entertained
the Potlatch club Wednesday with
Mrs. Earl Turner and granddaugh-
ter, Radon, as visitors,
Mrs. Gladys Eatwell spent the
week end in Centralia visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Jim Fasano, and
Mrs. H. R. Dickinson spent
Wednesday in Tacoma visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Blair Barldey, and
Mrs. T, B. Smith left for Seattle,
Wednesday for a few days' visit•
Miss Loretta and Miss Wilma
Gooding of St. Paul, Ore., were
visitors of Mrs, Margaret Jckson
a couple of days last week•
Mrs. Margaret Jackson and Mrs.
Earl Turner and granddaughter
visited with Mrs. Rudolph Jdhnson
of Olympia Monday.
Mrs. J. Lewis Shapley is in the
Waldo hospital ill Seattle. Her
condition is sliltly iproved at
Robert Pierce spent the week
end with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kresge
and daughter, Doris, of Seattle
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs, E. O. Gifford.
vvv.vv.vvvv Mrs. Oberg, Mrs. Hllssman, Mrs.
Potlatch T<,rno, or Hoodsport and tho ho,-
.... , ,. .... and Mrs ,,esse Smith and
Mr. aild MI'S. Ed Tinley and two+ follr et|Jldren of Shelton spent the
children, Billy and Deanna, of Tn ' week end with the Toni B)wles'.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, H,'lnn,+i
corn:l, visite(t recently nt the Mor-iof Everett spoilt 'Pliesd'|V liighl
will| lhe lodl:tberg'g, rLhu'i np:
rison hoine overnight• The two
childi'en, Ml's. Morrison's grqnd-
children, shI.ved a week, vaention-
hig' ill Pothlleii, reluriillig lo their
holne last Tuesdf|y.
Mr. and Mrs• Walter Bemis and
their daughter, Mrs. Peter Klink,
and her little daughter, all of Se-
•tttle, were callers at the Rodg-
berg home last Snnday. Mrs. Be-
mis is a sister of Mr. Rodgberg.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Maury and
baby daughter of Olympia and
Spokane, guests of the Maurys,
spent last Snnday at the Ernest
Carlson hmne. Dnring the after-
noon a pleasant family picnic was
enjoyed on the Sheldon lawn.
'Pile Lake Ct|shman card chlb
celebrated their annnal picnic at
Pothttch with ,Mr. and Mrs. Mof
risen officiating as host and host-
ess. The weather being inclement
the bounteous pot-hick snpper was
served in the big living room. For
dessert a beautiful wedding cake
!presented by the club for tile six-
i.eenLh wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Dell Laramie was served
and much enjoyed. Later Mr. and
Mrs. Morrison were presented a
handsome blanket by the club as
a token for Mr. Morrison's retire-
ment from duty with the Tacoma
Light and Power Co, after long
years of service. About twenty
guests were present to enjoy the
picnic 'rod party.
].41". and Mrs. vie LocRwood'and
soil, Bob, attended the baseball
game in Seattle Saturday night.
The Potlatch ladies club • met at
tle llome 6f George Jackson:
i,i Hoodsport last Wednesday. A
delicious ltmcheon was served in
the lovely garden by. the hostess,
, after whicIi the guests peht th e
entire afternoon out-of-doors chat-
ting and doing fancy work• Those
present were Mrs• Sehrompf, Mrs,
Carlson, Mrs. Reader, Mrs. Wurl
Phone 392
D unoyier's
Stand at Shelton Garage
Iv)lne ,V ednes(l'ly.
,Iim Piekelqng, son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Arthur PieRerhlg, who spent
l'ist sinnmer at Polhilch, arrived
here unexpectedly fronl Colorado
for a brief visit with his grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Pick-
ering. He left here for Seattle on
Monday morning to nail on "Her-
ald of The Daw|f' in Merchant
Marine transport service, to the
Miss Katherine Fetterly of Shel-
ton is spending a few (lays with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
F• Wilson.
',Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Moore and
three children and Mr. and Mrs.
Franl. Morrisou spent Monday evc-
.biIlg a.t the Pickering home en-
joying a musical treat in the way
of four violins played by M{'.
Moore an¢t his two daughters,'
Grace and Millicent, and Mr. Pick-
Use tJie Joiu'nai ,.Aassifieds--
they really get results.
L. Seattle Lv. Bremerton
12:30 A;.M. 12:15 A. M.
1:30 12:55
4:00 2:45
5:45 6:00
6:15 6:30
6:45 '7:00
7:15 7:30
7:45 8:00
8:15 8:30
8:45 9:00
9:15 9:30
9:45 10:00
"10:15 10:30
10:45 11:00
11:15 11:30
11:45 12:00
12:15 P.M. 12:30 P.M,
12:45 1:00
1:15 1:30
1:45 2:00
2:15 2:30
2:45 3:00
3:15 3:30
3:45 4:00
4:15 4:40
4:45 5:00
5:15 5:30
6:00 6:00
6:30 6:30
7:15 7:15 •
7:45 7:50
8:40 8:30
9:30 9:00
10:20 10:00
11:30 11:10
f Except Sunday
Bremerton-Tacoma Stages Schedul e
7:15 a,m,
11:00 a.m,
2:00 p.m,
4:15 p.m,
7:30 p.m,
9:35 p,m
7:00 a.m.
:30 a.m,
12:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
5:15 a.m
8:30 a.m
10:45 a.m
1:45 p.m,
5:00 p.m.
7:15 p.m,
10:15 p.m.
daily at 4:15 p.m. except
da'ily at 6':15 a.m. except
p.m. except Saturday and
for Bremerton via Union.
6:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m;
11:30 a.m.
2:45 p.m.
5:50 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
Leaves Bremerton for Hoodsport
Leaves Hoodsport for Bremerton
Saturday and Sunday.
Leaves Navy Yard daily at 4:45
Pickup at Kuetts for Hoodsport.
Leaves Shelton daily 2:30 p.m.
Your Convenience
Bus travel means convenience. Fre-
quent, on-schedule departures give
you unexcelled travel freedom, allow
for stopovers. Bremerton- Tacoma
Stages, through their direct connec-
tions with North COast Lines, pro-
vide service to everywhere in
the nation. Whenever you plan a
trip, wherever you're going, choose
to go by bus for frequent, inexpens-
ive service timed to suit your con-
Phone 162
"Into the heart of 7ou) community"
1 Mile
Phone 21=
Whether it's a
record section or
from 'Kee
for'they value
Pray Pretty
-+Louis Prima,
South of th(
.... Morton Go
Welles. Decca
Latin Moods
.... Al Sack•
Broadway HitS el
---Sonora AlbUm.
Get your
ed nOW . • •
Don't wait un
days and have
Oc'tober or later
back again.
Turn your
and have thCl
your first
when school
120' Raih'oad
develop a size
employment o
Mason Count
Mason Count
others. The a
paper and pla
County citizen
yards during 1
aluminum and
The deveiopm(
be a good thin
and a fine thii
Of course an id
---but the ide