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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CARD OF TiIANKS I wlsh to thank oln&apos; many friends • , . , cspeeiMly llayonml ,Inctat?or, ate!l: Ma- cril*gs lind i:'xl,reslozl,'4 of syrnpathy during tll¢ dcatli of ill}" husbond, C, A. Ball,los, Signed: i's. C. A, Baitle. CARD OF TIIANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gr(titude for the sympathy, kindness and Isist.ance. also the beautiful flor- al offerings given ns during the loss Of OUt' lo;'cd lilother. Mr. and Mrs, Fred W. Budlng Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Budlng. Number 1782 N"(IT|Ci; OF 14ALE (IF REAL ENTATE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON (;C)UNTY In rite MaLler of tile Estate of Pearl Davis, Deceased. On authority of an Order granted by tat Supeler 'Court IJ[ Mason Counly: tatc of Washington, dated AuguSt Dth. 1,946, I, the uadel.signtd. Ad- iiilnistratnr of tile above nalllocI es- tate will sell, at private sale, 1he fol- lowing descrliled ln'operty: The Southwest Quarter (if (be Northwest Quart,,r (SWU of NW%) of Section 20, TownMlit) 23, Nortll, Range 3, West W.M,, in lason County. Washington. . .... All of Governnient LI)E J'onr iS) In Section 20, Township 23 North, Rauge 3, West W.:M., except the South 20 Itcre tlu:re0f, in Mason tlJounty Washington. .. The llJ.l(, wi l he IiladC (in el tiller tli. 26th dSry I) Augultt, 1946, and liids will be received at the office of H. ll. G'inln sitornoy, Rooni 12 Slahl Bldg,, Centralia, WaMflngton. The tel'hiS of said ,sale shall be tilt; pay- lnent of ten l)er cent (10%) of the amount of tim llid at the lime of the iBale and tile reiilaindor upon tilt; date Of L*(infil ilia(ion, DA'rlD lilts 10th day of August, 1946. llEI?.T ]')AVIS, .&dnllnlstrstor of Ihe Estate of Pearl Davis, Deceased. II. E. (IRIMM, Attorney for Adniilli,Mralor It,( 12. Staid lt(ildllig Cent ralia, 7asllil(g t(,n, S- 15-2.--2t, Nl, lll(  o[ )l'a)illllg tOIl oI,'FII,F liF 1.sILI'I,iRVISIIIt (11F II iIIHAt! IACS lily Ill l)?d NO'ill'f; ttJ," IIVA'FEJI ItlGIIT [II'PLII'A FI(iN NIl, 7Itli'l qr,qr .v,v plF   , f ,qr qp  v vqr'vvqP'lrlP LEGAL PUBLI£ATIONS St, ate of liVashlngton OFlelClg OF Slllq ''IIVIsI)R O1l" 111' !) llA IJ L ! C S Olyinpla O'1'!1!1'; (IF WA'I'ER IllGilT AP i)LICATION NIL 735,1 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice in hereby given that Erwin A, Zabel of Union, Slate, t,f Wasll- inglon, under date (if July 30, 1946, ftle•d will the Siste Supervisor (if Hydrauli(s, Olynlphl, Washington, {in al)lll eatiot for a l)rlii It to divert tile In/flit v(attJl'll ill lln lulnalned streftnl I' butary of ]good Canal, In tile. anl- o ant of 0, 'll second-foot, subject to exlsting rights, for the liUrliose of domestl'( btUl)Pl Y, c )ntiiltlously that tile alll)roxtrnale point of diverMon in located w thin (Jtiverunlent Lot 5 (if Sectt.n 6, Township 21 N,, Range 3 W,W•.M , in Mast n (!ounty. h leat) showing tile hication and plan of said dive's on and tile lilacC of the l)ro- posed us(' is (ill flit' ill the office Of {he Stale Supervisor of Hydraulh:s, Olynlp a Wash ng|on together with such other hlloroaJAJon (to is t((lu lid by law. Ally )" ",rson firm or corporation Wilose right will b lniurieusly affect- I d by said al)pll tt (Ul laay file with the Slate Supervisor of Hydraulics, at Olynlpta W ttltngion, such objec, tions or rcpresenta!iolis, ill writing, as lie iiilly dl,slr(tl)!, wilhin ttih'ty 130) dftys after date of last lSUl)|ieathJn, whi(h (1 tie is Jugu,M. 29, 7(,)46. Witness lily hand and (,ffh:ial seal this 12th day i)f Augusl. A.D. 1046. (SEAL) RODNEY I{YKER. StaLe Suflervisor of tIydrauli(:s. 8-22-29--2t. NO, 4755 sUMM(iNS FOIl PUllLICATION IN TI-IF' SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASttINGTO FOI¢ MASON cOUNTY W lliaie Kindred, Plaintiff, vs. Axcl L Lindwall Jane Doe Lindwall, whose true (Jill' stian Nalne is to Plain- ilff utiknowll, his wife, the unknown lieirs (if said A×OI R. Lhidwall, de- (-a(,ll illtl(ltl,$vn heirs Hf said Jane line LJndwali. decsiute(1, Jane Do(" IllUt;u¢li, WIIOBO true Christian nanle i lo Piaitllil'f ullltnown, and th0 tlTl- I{lioIVll hoh's €)[" VitLid Jane ]9De Knut- tlll. I f'('ttlt- OI1. D('f('ndll (its, TItE ETA'rE (iF WASHINGTON to tlic .u.thi Ax¢!i IL Lindwall, Jane Do(; l.ia(tw.s[l wli,),' l,l'tl( Christtau nanle i:$ it) l'liitllil'l" ultkuown, Ihe unknown htlrs o£ said Axoi R. Lhnlwall, de- em. d. Iht, unknown llcirs of said .lal(c Doe llndwali. (l('( eased. Jane ................ l)(,O ]kltUtSl)t), llntl lhe unknown heirs 'i'D Wlt(Jg IT .vIA¥ cONCF, IN: ,,f slti(l ,If(lit! 11()(' }.Iltnson, deceased, NOtl Y S il( retJ} r Ivt>n (hat I'rall; I),fc]ldantJ ¢1. A R( gi rs ot Silt,[ton. State (It Wast illEton un(t r dale of August 3, YOU tlll(l each of yo(l are hereby 1946, fitsl wills tim Stale Supervisor nil lOllt:d (o appear within sixty (60) of Hyd 'aulica Olynlltia Walhington. days tfter th' date i)f the first pub- lin application Ior a permtt t0 divt!rt 1 tt )1 of Ibis SuIiiolons', in-wit: within sixty days ifier the 22nd day (lie Ill blic waters of tilt unnanled o( Aug nst 1946 aud dofl.nd the a!)?ve f,tr01lni lrlbulary of Sluol¢tnn Inlet,, in the anlount ()f 010 t-(tend-in t sub- (tutti, led actiou in tile above entltleo • • ' " , f) .. r: Court, and allSWt!l" (he f)nlphlt,lt of ject t) existing rigl)l., from Atitl lo tta Plaintiff and serve i col?y_?f your to Oetober t 0f each year ior the pur- all+l_ef u mn the underslgneu tlorlley pose of irrigatioa and continuously ((IiLintlff, tit Ills ell'lee below slat- for doniestic supply; that the approxi- nrAe. oint of diversion in located with- e$(t)d in case of your failure so to i_'.'  , of SE 4 of S,etlon 3 Town- do Judginent will b(; rendered against lit o,,.<. - '-" " '' ' l" yOU according (O (,he deuiand8 of the 8hip 19 N,, Range 3 W,W, son County. A liiap snowing the inca- ConiplainL which has 1)een flied with tion and plan of said diversion and the C, lork of said Court. 1he pluce of tile proIIoSed us(' Is (in By this aclion Phiintiff seeks to ill{: in tile offh:,e {if the State Snper- quiet his lltle lit and to the following Vior of Hydraulics, Olympia, Wash- dcscril)ed Real Estale situated in Ma- ington, together with Sl]Clt other in- son (Junty, Washington, to renlovo lornl&t on aS tS required by hlw. el(rods h'onl his title thereto rind to Ally perstn, £irrn or corpora(ten forever bar, restrain and enjotn you whose right will be injur ously affect- and each one (if you fronl asserting ed by said at)P]iCal.tou lilly file will( any ri ht, title, claitil, equity t)r in- torv,l, ( lOll!in or thelet ) adverse to tile. Slste Supl:rvtsor of H)[drtiuli(:s, at PIsiniiff's itle, and t() liave 1)lalnliff ()lyl u)ia. WaMlinglon, SU(I oI)jeelJens or rlln'esentali ons In wiu0hl, as he .d judged the legal owner and entitled n a) d(:s re to n(ai(e., wil.lun thu'ty (30) to possessi in of Govern/u.nt Lats I. ,days alter (hit' el l lsl pnblJcat on. s.nd 2 ail(l file Nn'th l all (N/) of lit(: Soulheast quarter (SEIA). Sestlt)u 22 Tow)Isll p 22 North, Raage 2 w(;st. W.M., ex(:eplhlg public oad rights of whicll dale is August 29, 11,146, l)iy hand alld offichd seal this 13th day ol Atlgasl A.D. /9,t6. (SEAJa) RODNEY RYKER, State Supervisor of tIydraulies. 8-22*29--2t. NO, 1685 NOTICE OF SET TIA]MENT OF A CC() U N 'It' IN THE SIIf?ER[(XR COUltT el," TItE .: ST'ATE OF WASHINGTON IN ANI) let)it MASON coUNTY (IN I'ROATI'D way, if liny. CItAS. R. LEWIS, Offh,e and Post Office Address: 119 So. 4th Streel Bell tluilding, Shclton, Mason County. Washlngton. 8.22-29---9-5-12-19-26--10-3---7 t NO 1770 NOTICE nF ilEAltlNG FINAL ACCOUNT AND OF 1)ISTItllI1]TION IN TItE sUPERIOR COURT OF T14E STATE OF WASII1NGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of tht' Estate of Cliar- les, ,T. Th,umiqui; Deceased. N(Yl'ICt IS HEREBY CIVEN, that in tile Matter (f th* Estate i)f Char- c its Franci, 0arv(.r, Doeealed. " NOTICE is hcr'cby given (list Char- les T, Wrigilt, the adniinislrator of Gilbert W Wennerllnd, the adiuillis- ' thl estate ef Cllfir]es Francis Carver, (rater of tlle nbove-ellt tled estate nas deeeused, has rendered and llr(,seut('d filed l)is fhlal acc(lunl; and i)etitiou ' fn" setth.nient to, aod flle(l ht tile t'llr distribution wllh tho clerk of the • Su )t:i'b)r C(,ul't of said Ct)unty alni al)ove (ourt, and the court is asked , St(it.e }li..t FAtal accouat aS such Ad" Io setfl(; said fiual account, (listri- n nts.rator nnd that S rl,urday, Ille bute ttle prepcrly unto tlle l)eirs or , 14th (llt)' of Svl)tiul;)er 1946, at 10 persons entitled thereto aud .tu dis- , o'clo(k A M, at tilts c tlrt reonl of cbarg0 said adnthlistrator. . (ur St d Sulleri(Ir U(lurt, in tile City Notice i8 lit 'ehy further given, thai . 0£ Shell£)n, in <atd CoIulty, has t')¢>(ll said final account end t)etltlon for dis- duly aplloiaicd by our Stl )erior CouI't trlbuti( n will 1)o la,ard on Saturday, . for ttio Settb'nlent of tile Fiual At'- Sel)tenlber ]41h, 19,16, lit the hour Of ",' count, al. which time iliid t)lac(' any ten o'ch)ck, in the court roonl perlson ll(te('ct'd in said ¢'F.tat(. ) nlay of tile C•ourt lit)USe, ill Shelton, Wason ai)pear and fih' Ills exceptions in wrl(- Cltun|y. W(lshlng tOl+t, and any per4on8 ing to the said Final account, alld hliving 'obj(ctions thereto nlllSt prc- col,( the saule, i-sent theni at said time and place, WITNESS th tton. John M. Wil-] Da(.ed this 3i'd day of August, 1946. son Judge of the said Superior Cuurt, ] (SEAL) slid 1.lie seal of sltid Co tit aflixed this CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk of the above Court. 9th day (if Augusl., 7.946, C1,ABE EN(JELSEN, MARION GARLAND, " C(unl, Clerk ant1 Clerk of isaid Sutlel 'ill" Court, WRIGHT & MALL(,Y, AttorncY fl)r Adnlin 41 ';LLor. 8-15-22-29-- 9-5----4 t. Sill(l" ill' Fiishlngtoa ....... .ltl*'i*'JCE OF NI!I )EItVIS()f{ OF ...... ' II¥1)|tAI;I,ICS Olynlpitt ()T1CE el,' tNA'I'Elt Ill(JilT API)LICATION N(), 7341i TO 3NHC)M IT MAY coNCERN: Notice i:q berel)y givmt that R. M. Senll)le of Lilliwl,luP, Slate of Wash- ingttfa, under dat; of July 25, 7940, f led with the Sbite, Supervisor of Ilydrs,ulic.,u. Otyinpt, ,Wajlhll}lton, an liitl)lhJation for a p(,,rnllt to UiVIH't tilt+' t tl)l C waters of tul nnnanlod S]lrilll4, h'l tile ernouilt of tl,0J selene-f .el, sll ijecl to p×istilig rig (Is, for the pur- losc, r)f donlestJ(; 8tlpply CoYitil+lUinlsly; thai; th alpr).%i11't d, 1 I( inl of diw>r- slon iS located wllhin GiwerilrYlo t l.i i 3 of Sect ion {t, TowlishiD 74. N,. l{alJgc 3 W.W,M, in M/pon. Cvun,lY, A l'lttl lsl (IWlill-; the Ilicallon anti Ill;ill (if sad dive " i)a Ilutl ill( >, p|a<'c I}f tlie pr(Ip')el U ,' i'A (in tile tn tlu, i)ff|('o oi Iho Stale Slli,'l'vit>or (If'. It.V" d ttlLllic. ()l ylnt)ia. VqtLll itlg'tol, to- glt( }till' wiill 4(ICll other fnforuiatiou as : rcqoir d by btw. , l)el.ll i I'iYl() Of (,(trill)i'll jt)rl wi t,.4 r'l;:' [ whl be, in uriousl,v, a fie tt" l 1 y said u,)pticnllt*u nile, (Ill, ,:irll t} '  l I " ttpP "V  ' f)f ,[IvorlItull't, I 1 " el;/ pil ')' '' ItlS|()U ll(:h 'll),i i'c'' t r  ' t ' r-pr '.:lil I i il 4 ill wrltill, 1 1 t l'I; V [I' i'l 10 ll)llkl' Will)ill 't" 'l )  ,' . l'i, " r i:l,' ()f lasl i J]'it'tllltlJt .lt'ttll (lilt,' ]14 At.I;YU',t 32L. ] i).16, Vil II,IF, ltlll t!t,ad Hld O]'['{ cial :glql [ ihi!< [Sllfl (ill)" ,, :\\;U211;( .%.,t), ],(Jl(J, tSEAL) -., . ]Q( )i, I;Y 11VNEII. PJttl(. :tUI)('FVISIH' O[ [| vdralllics. I(-15-22--2t. taII .f %Vahinl't(lU OFFICE (i]b' III)EIlIVSOi (IF If l' 11 I{A !I tICS OlYniphi 'OTI(ll'] OF I<VATEI iIIGIIT Ai'I'LICATION NO. ";328 TO Wt-IOM IT ?dAY CONCII'RN: St)tic0 i ]i(,rcby given till( A1 .L Sharer ef Shelt,on, Stih? 0f aMling- too und(r (lllte of July 20. 19,16, filed Wt h (he State Stlprviser of t]y- dratll|( s, O yn pla, Wa, | |ul4toll at1 al)- l)licatton for a pernlll, tO dh'lwt lhe ltlJb] e walcl'l ol Ulll alqf ed spl'lllt's trt- klltarY Of Toti( I 111 et iU the aniount of 0.(l sl!eond-li (.ll. stlbJeet to exisI- ing ,iglltli, eontinuoustY for the put- liDS0+ (I don ¢t C ' Plt;l t) )]y ; that (lilt :%pj)ronaite point otd versioll is lo- eal.t d witl=tin Covernn)ellt Let 2 of Section 2!). Township 20 N., Range 2 W.W.{., in illason Cou)lty. A n+ial ) sltowing the h+)eation and phln of said dive'lion i ld (h., I)la(e i)f th! I)ro ltltft d use S (n f le ill lAD. ell'iCe i11 #Ire. St ll•t Sul ervis{ " )1" t, lvdraul(cI:, lllyl lpia, %Valllillgton, tog,,tiler will} lllYll ethic(" in(oFnlatioil ft 11 rc(inll'e(l by law. Any p .r , u, f rill or ufJrpl)ra|itiu whon'e r g'bl W I bo iuiurtouMy af- fl" : td I y s I d t t)plie 1 ltn lilly file wHh |he lale .(:iu|)cl'vJs(n' ,H' 1D'(Iratl- tiCS, at O]ylllpta, Washhlgt on, su,ch ob]ec(i-rls or representations, iu wrlt- in" Its he nlsy desire to make, within 1.hiriy 130) dayl4 after dltte of ltt; pllhht'atlon, whlet3 date Is AUg(lilt .,., 1946, Witness n(y halld and official st',ai tlli 26111 day I)f July, A,D. 1916. Attoru,;y or AdniJnistrator of shove cstltl e. el:file and P. O, Addres: I04-8 Dietz 731dg., Brelllerton, Wash. 8-8-15-22---3t. Nl, ilt( of liVashington OFFICE OF SIII)IiIVI,OR OF 11 ¥1)IIAIJLICS Olynlphl NOTICE OF WATER RIIIIIT T() Wf OM IT MAY . , : N,)(i,'l; is h 'e)y g vl:a that A. W. ...... ' " O. Rat my (if Shelton ,tatl. of Wasillng- ton. (m(h,r (ate of JiHy 29. 7946, filed with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- l('s Olyntl)ia, Washington, an aPl)li- I!£t n for n p(r( t to divert (he pull- lie water (if an unnanlcd sl:)rin tr'l- butarv of (Ioldsborough Cre,k, lU tile aniouht of 0.15 seco!(ld-fool., subject h/ existing r'iaglit.s, frith April 15 to (')ehlber 7 j /each year" ff)r the pur- ill).t! t:if lr.ignlhlil and coriiinuously f)" d )lnest (I sUt)tlly; that tlte allPrt)x- ]lllqt(' I)Olllt tit' div#!r'sh)n in located w-i[i{in "Nwr'i ,if NW4 of Ser.thln 8, Townslltl) 20 N.. I{ftngo .I W.W,M. in MaSOli Colnlly, A riiap showlnK the lo,:ati()n and ])lan of said diversion (nil the l)lace of lhe proposed use is (in rile'in t}le off It( of lle Statc Super- vis r of tIvh'lulh::s, Olynlpia, Wash- big on, tog].ttl(r wi(li such olhcr ill- foriliitton at is r qui ''1 hy law, Aiq' j),,i'st,n, 1 l'l I or eta'port(lion \\;V <)" rigtt w be injuriously af- f(.ct.'d t y  lld at)plication lllay file with t te I lte Stillt, rvisor of 1]ydrtlu- lh'% a|..el ylllJ)ili, Wa:ihing'toll, such Iji,,..(itl lb4 itl. r('la't'Solltatil)llN) ill wrll- itiit', ltH It' llla,V d('sh'e to Uilike, within "(3" ( ll)l dl(ys aft ' date of last, llnl) -, (ul( l, W ( ( ( ih: h4 August 22. 19,1(l. \\;Vitnoss nv halld and ufflcial seal .ilh l:lli (llt)" el" Allg'tlst, A.D, 19.t6. (S ,;A1. ) I,(')l )N 155' [{YI(ER, State Stlp(.q'vlor (if Ilydranlics. 8-15-22-- 2t, NO, 1820 NO'rlCI, Tt) CBI;DITOBS T(I PItEENT AND FILE TllEIIt CLAIMS IN'TIlE SUPI!]R7OR COURT OF Till,; STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR A, IA SON COUNTY IN PltOBA'r E In ili, Matter of the Estate of Cal- vin IIoraee larul. DeeOUsld. Nt)TICE IS ltI:;REBY GIVEN i.hat the. lunlt,rsigtlcd, Vesta Mann, has beeu appoil'ited iH)d ha8 qualified as Exe- (:Utl'ix of 1,he Last NIII snd Tesla- nlent slid of the etate of Calvin Iter- ate 31 inn deCellsed; and lht all per- :t)ns li&villg clahns against the ald dect.ased and (,r tht=, eat(1 estate are hl!i'ld)y re(lrlired 1.o serve the saine, drily verified, with tin; neeessary vou- c, hers ttaehed. up(in the undersigneli IX (nt 'Ix or ]l(,r Attt)rney of Recerd, at {lie law offiue of Cms. R. Lewis. t70 jou|li 41h Slrecl. Be|l 7.utldhlg) Shellol(, Mits(n CountY, W(lshlngton, the Slli e |)e ng desigrlatCd a8 the place J%r thu transaclion of the bu.-hiess of sll, td esl, ate, and file suclt chdias, le- ft,tiler with ]n'oof of service, with the Ch',rk ill' the ab<lvt entitled court wittllu six liioilths litter the date of |tin first publicaihln of this n()ttce, |.-wit: A gust 8, 19,16. or ll|l clahns nol itl) eiwed and flied Mutll bo Jltl'- evvr barrett, VESTA MANN, Executrix of (he csltll0 of Calvhl Horac0 l{anll, dcceas- #ed. Belling tnilding', 719 So, , 4th Si;reet. Shelton, l-as0u CoUnty. W0bhlgl.Oll. CHAS. R. LEWIS, fltltOl'ney f(IF sai(I estate ]:lell Building. ]19 o, 4ill Street, Shelton, Mas0a C0tlnty Washington. 8-g-LS-22-29--t, _ - _ - _ _ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: two houses, Apply at phone 284R or 518 Park St. 7-4tin FOR SALE BY OWNER: 7-rooni niod- ern honie on St'o.wberry Hill lit Eln/IL Douhle garage, concrete floor, laundry trays, autolr attc hot water heater, oil heat. wired for eleetrie range. 5 acres cleared, 4 acres in 2-year Mar'shall strawberries, should produce l 000 crates next year. Pen- session in two weeks. $6,600. H. K, Thompson. Route 2, Box 256, Elnla, Inquire Parkhui'st Service Slatton, anytinle. 8-15-22 t'(.)R SALE: 10 acres Skokonlish Val- ley, creek runs tlu'ough place, niody. ern 6-roolrl llouse with firelllace. 4 Holly trces, barn, chicken house, arage, woodshed, cows, chickens, arl Crawley, Star Route 1, Box 72, St)el(on, 8-15-29 FOR SALE: 80 acres Alder" bottom land. Norman Elllson. Route 1. Box 190, Ehna. Wash. (Near" Malloek), 8-15-29 FOR SALE: 4-roon house ill Ul)per Skokoniisll Valley, $1350. Phone 217R4. 8-15-29 FOR SALE: 7-room house, 3 miles out on Arcadia Road. Clint Oker- strom, Ptulne 360. 8-15-29 F()R SALE: 4-room niodorn house on Mr, View with two has, garage, chi- eken llouse, garden spot, son'le furn- iture hichldcd, $4700. Plione 132M. Mc8-22-29 FOR SALE: 2 bedroonl modern home. large living room, dinette, kitctien with lots of built-ins, two large bedrooms, bath, utility room with laundry tuhs.. Chicken house and ,',m ,.,,r-,e. 1/. lois, lawn, shrubs KS- 9- FOR SALE: 4-rooui house furnished or unfurnished. 3 acres, abundance (if spring water piped to house by gravity, Basenlent, fish pond, 9 l& miles north of Shelton on U. S. 101. R. M. Bonbanl, Star Route 1. Box 149A, Sheldon. 8-22--9-5 FOR SALE: two hits on IMand Lake. Phone 791J niter 6 p.nt. D8-22--9-5 FOR sALE: .6-room niodern house,i.4 bedroonls, large living rooln anu K t- ehen. Lots of closel; sl)aee, enclosed hinndry porch, garsge and fruit rooms. Strawberries and raspberries. Chse to scliool and stores. Phnne t48W, K8-8-22 TRADE OR SEDI,: 2-bedroom home in Manette. Lots of built-ins, oil fm'nace heat, All kinds of berry bushes, lawn, Would like place in StleIton. J. B. Ellis, Rt. 5, Box 266, Brernerton. 8-8-22 I I I FOR SALE 13.73 ACRES of good property located on Hammersley Inlet about 12 miles from Shelton, at Libbys Point. 300 feet of 1st and 2nd class tidelands. Has 6 room home with fire- place, not modern, good well, w00dsled, garage and hick- en house About 240 grape- vines, 20 fro(it trees, 6 nut trees, all fenced. Also some second growth timber. Excel- lent suburban property for the future when you are ready to retire, or year-round home. Priced at $8500 cash. 5-rooni niodern houte In excellent condition located on hill. Has good garage and utility roonl attached to honle. Nice yard. Can be pur- chased with additional lot If de- sh'ed, Priced at $9,500,00, Good 5-rooln liiodern home with fireplace and cement foundations. L.cated abeut 5 nllles from SIlel- tea tin paved llighway and has about 2 acres ef butd with lots of frtlit frees and grapevines, also roD(it fol' excellent g(irden. TMs will niake you a nice close-In home, Priced at $5250 cash and would like in sl;li aL ollce 2 • * Corner lot hicaled ()ll 12tll lind l{ailr'oad Ave.. 60 x 100, will sell for $1.500 eaS]i. 4 acres t)f. land m eorner hetwcen two liigbways, good soil. Excellent pot for store, serv|c station and cabins. Chine in, Priced at $1,600 cash. 3.37 acres of goed hind and 2-roon( house located ill Skokoniish Valley. 1,650.00. . Herbert G. Angle SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAl; CLASSIFIED ADVIRTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 8 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50¢. Lower rat for larger ads an more insertions. Reader notices Se per word. 75o minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, $1,00; origin poetry 50c per inch; classified display rates on request. Adverttsements accepted over the telephone from phone subo seribsrs, Cash should accompany all other orders or payment roads within five (5) days of the firsl insertion to save expense of bill. ing. An extra charge of 10e will be made wimn billing is nec sary, PHONE 100 Miscellaneous :NEW CLASSES Septenaher 3('d in all departments. Dletz Business Col- lege, Olynlpia, Wash, 8-15-29 ATTENTION: ch'cular nlills. Expert saw repairing. Hanlmerlng, rindmg, welding. Phone Aberdeen 4941-W-1, Shop at Central Park, Rte. 1, Box 205, Montesano, or leave at Hilltop Service Station. J8-15-22 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Homo freez- ers, loker plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, ortablo coolers, power meat saws, 'Cat Line' o Garden traetors. Kohl- er Power Plants. Prices right-- qutek deliveries. MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph 9690, on the Highway  O1  a at Mud Bay Y '. P.O, Box 612/ n III PAPERHANGING INTERIOR PAINTING KEMTONING Plan New Brightness for Your Home Any Time Geor0e W. Sawyer Front St. USED CARS FOIl SALE: 11'134 V-8 Ford l&-tou truck. Wagner Feed Co, 219 South First, Shell on. 8-22 FOR SALE: '27 Model "T" Ford pick- Up, nearly new tires, just over- hauled, runs good, looks good. Cash. Phone Union 341. W8-22 FOR SALE: 1931 Chevrolet sedan, good condition. W. W, Howe, Ro uh(  1, Box 205A, Shelton. FOR SALE: '41 Dodge ArntY truck, or trade for late model pickup, I-L L. Kidd Star Route 2 Shelton (near Dayton): ' 8-15-29 II WANTED TO BUY Good Used Cars for Cash at OPA Ceiling Prices, ] S. L. PEARSON Phone 548-W FOR RENT FOR RENT: Beautifully located on North Bay and state highway 14A at Allyn, Washington, knovn as Bayside Apts. Management furn- ishes usuaI furniture and furnish- ings, hot and cold running water, refrigeration, electric" lights, oil burner and laundiT facilities, Apartment prices from $25 to $82.50, abins $15 and $17.50. W. A, ea- ler, Mnnaer. 3-28-tf NO. 1841 NOTICE TO CREI)ITOItS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate or James Harden Nance, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the executrix of above entitled estate; that all per- sons having claims against said de- ceased arc hereby required to serve same, duly verified, on said execu- trix or on her attorneys of record lit the address stated below, and file same With the Clerk of the Court, to- getiler with proof of service, within nix montlis after the first publication of this notice or same will be barred, Date of first publication: August 8, 1946 A.D, MARY NANCE, Executrix of said Estate Address: Hoodsport, Wash- ington. WRIGHT & MALLOY, Attorneys for Estate Angle Building, Shelton, Washington. r, o 8-8-1u-22-9--4t. MASON LAKE Waterfront Tracts 60 x 300 foot, beautiful, trees, marvelous gravel beach, good fishing, fine camp grounds. Take Bayshore Road, follow signs. ONLY 15 MILES, come out and Select your tract, you name the down and monthly paymentsYou can't go wrong owning a waterfront tract. See Gordon Mendenhall Representative on the Ground W. C. MADING 702---3rd Ave., Seattle, El. 8745 7/4-tin (COPY) NO. 40,627 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE iN TIqE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 1N AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SPOKANE ht (he Matter of the Estatc of Gottlieb II, (Godh)vc) Falk. Deceased. Nolice is hereby given that pur'su- ant to an order of the above ontttled Court made on the 26tll day of July, 79.i6, in the above cntltlcd estate the undersigned will sell at prhuite sale ('or cssh, subject to tile confirnlation (ff maid Cotn't. the following described real 1)reperty situated tn Mm(.)n Coun- ty, Slate of Washington, TO-WIT: Lot 8 of Section 5, .TownShip 21, l'{ang'e 2, W.W,M, The, sale will be niade on or after lhe 2nd (lily of Sej)teniber, 1046..Offers or bids (oust be in writing and must be left with tim undersigned at his 1,esldenee at Deer 'Park, Washington, or with O. G. Follevaag, the Attorney t)f l{ecord for the ab)ve entitled e/- late, at Ills office at Deer Park, Wash- ington, in' nulr lie filed with the clerk of tim alidvo entitled Court. Bids ll/nst lit: ac.companied with a l)ayment of not ]cs8 than 25 per cent (if the offer and the balance nnist be paid upmt confirmation of sale and deliv- ery of deed. Datcd (his 291h day ,if July, 19.16. EDGAR A, FALK, Administrator, Estate of Gottlleb H. (Godlove) Falk, deeeam.'d. 8-8-15-2g--31 No. 178,1 Nt)TICE OF IiEARING FINAL AC- COUNT AND Ill(TITleS FOR DI wr llllll 'TIES IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF TttE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON C()I.INTY. 1N PROBATE. I n tim Matter of tile Estate of ESTItER ALEXANDElC Deeeased, NOTICE 1S HEREBY (lIVEN that A, K. AIoxsndcr, executor of the t,slatt or EMher Alexander, deceased. IILS filed In lho office ,)f the Clerk t)f tile above Courl h|s final itccnUnt slid iletillon for disiribulbnl, asl¢ing the Court to setlle said fhlal account. distriblit(: the property to ihr per- sons iheretn cutitled alld to dtsclnirge the said A. [4:. Alexander, exeeitor, and that said filial account and peti- lion for dlsirll)ntien will be heard on tile 7tl day of September, 1946 at .eleven o'clock "A, M. at the court roonl of the above Ceurt; Dated this 23rd da; of July. 1946. CLARE EN GELSIIJN, Clerk of said Superior Court. (SEAL) $-1-8-15-22-4t Classified Ads with Rober'son Plumbing. 8-1=tin BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: $525 in- vested in Vending Machines can make you ove.r $50per week in spare time. No selling. Apply NOW, P.O. Box 1074, Olympia, -Wasli. J8-25--9-8 WELL DRILLING: Work and lnate2 rial guaranteed. Vern Davldson, oo Eillnor, Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tin ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, SALES, Service and SUpl)lies. Free pickup and delivery. Jack Manley, only authorized fac- tory retu'esentative, Phone ttoodsl)ort 2W2. 7-18--tin PORTABLE STIAM CLEANER for truck and auto motors. Work eve- nings and Saturdays. Ernest Booth, ,ill Harvard, phone 478-J 6-20tin. USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B. Smith Co,, LegiOn and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. U. S.. Ttles " and batteries. A=AW • IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS cotact C. L...Col- Ll.ns, Business Agent, 1612 Division. none 240W. 3-30tin URGESON RADIO REPAIRING near Junior High School. Closed Satur- days, 122IFranklin. Phone 112W or leave work at Killmer Electric. 5-7 I COOK STOVE OIL CONVERTERS Again Available Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st St. Phone 1211 Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 21'8 N. Ist Phone 126 CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING NEW SHIPMENTS JUST IN OF 2 and 4 Slice Electric Toasters Electric Irons on WESTERN SUPPLY 218 N. First St. Phone 126 THE GIFT BOX 200 West 4th Olympia, Wash. Beautiful Sterling Siler med- als of St. Christopher, St. An- tlmny, Scapular md Miracu- lous on eighteen  twenty- four inch chains price range $3.50 to $4.25. 7/8-tin I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 132-M Prompt Service HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard, also but- tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and Boundary Streets,) 2-28-ffn HEMSTITCHING 10 YARD. Knife and scissor sharpening. Would like to continue with Mrs. Twohy's cus- tomers. Mrs, Fred Elson, 427 Belle- vue. 3-7-tin 1 =------COME 'N GET 'EM While They Last A Good Selection of Table Model Radios .made by RCA, from $23 to $35 Also, one only Combination RADIO - PHONOGRAPH And, one only Automatic RECORD - PLAYER --- at -- Western Supply Co. 218 N. First St. Phone 126 General Home Repairs Handy man with pick-up truck and tools, to take care of those small repair jobs. PHONE 656 I I I HU LO OR SANDING AND FINISHING Rug and Linoleum Cleaning Best Rates - Quick Service BRACY'S FLOOR SERVICE Phone Olympia 9547 Butler Motor Rt. 6 7/18-8/30 AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK on EATON Body and Fender Works Tlfird and Grove Strcets NO. 1765 ]q()TICI,; OF IlEARING ON SAIl) FINAL REPOItT AND P1,;TITION FOR ISTRIISUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN I)OBATE In tile Mattc, r of the Estate of Fan- hie L. Adallls Deceased. NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN that Estclle Shuniway snd Margarct Sinit!l, Executrixes of the estate o! Fannle, L. Adams, deccased, have filed with lhc Clerk of the above entitled court lllctr Final Rel)ert and Petition for PHONE 84 Dlstrlbllt un abiding tile court to 8el 7 tle and approve sa d Final Report and Petition for Distribution, lo dis- i tr'ibut the property to the persons[ thereto entitled and to discharge said I Execntrixes. n NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition ,O,'l SWEDISH MASSAGE Distribution Will be heard on Sat= urday the 74th day of September, 1946, 1 at the hour of 10 o'clock, in the fore- Rheumatism, overweight, noon, at the Cmn't Room, in il)e Court House, in Shelton, Washington. underweight. Regulates Dated this 12tli day of August, 1946, functions of skin, nerves, digestion, lumbago, circu- lation and elimination. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or llelton 448 _. I I (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN, County Chu'k of tile State of Washington. for Mason County, CIIAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said estate, Bell Building 119 S0. ,lth St. Shelton, Mason County, Washington, 8-15-22-29--9-5--4t. N(ITICI,,' OF IIli/D REI)EIIPTJION NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN lhai Public Utility District No. 1 (if Ma- son County, Washington. has elected to call for payment and redemption on September 1, 1946, all of its out- standing .revenue bonds known aS "Public Utility Dtstrlct No. 1 (if Ma- son Cotinti', "Washington. Revenue Bonds 1936' dated Seplelnber 1, 7936, In |he principal sllnl of $9500 bearing Interest at the rate of 5qo per an- null] pllyab]e sentannual]y, The owners and holders t)f said bonds are hereby notifh.d to present thenl for redenlp'tlon and llayluent ou said first day of Seph.lnber, 1946, lit the if'fiDe ef the county treasurer OI' Mason County. Washhlglon. at Slldtou, Washhigtou. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED 1hat IntereSt on said bonds will cease September 1. 1946. This notice is given bsr order of the Comnlissloners of Public Utility Dlstrlct No. L of :Mason County, Wash- ington. Dated this 1st day of Ailgust, 1940> OMER L. DION, I z Mason County Trellsure ". 8-1-15-2-9-5t Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair O Applimme Repair O Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX MrfCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O SPECIALIZING IN lVIOTOR REBUILDING REBORING VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDxNG BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - helton Western Supply Co. 218 N. First St. Phone 126 , Has Plenty of Those HARD-TO-GET-ARTICLES --- Such As -- Hydraulic bumper jacks Friction-type bumper jacks Screw-type S?issor jacks Chromo Exhaust Deflectors Mode1-A Ford Water Pumps Water pumps for other cars also Grill Guards White Side-wall wheel rings Alemite grease guns and equipment Cook Stove Oil Conversion Units 2 and 4-slice Toasters WE HAVE THE NEWEST TYPE BAR FOR i REBORING Cleans Its Own Cut, No Shavings To Clean Out Afterwards O Crank Shafts Ground MITCHELL'S Automotive Shop 407 S, First St. hone 628 SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kind Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cota PHONE 243 oIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 types to change your wood or coal range for oil. Same units as used by factory mod- els ...... CAL WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone I0 or 17 FOR SALE 3ABY RUGGY FOR SALE: apply Wil- cox Apt. No. 1. 08-22-29 PIGS FOR SALE: L. B. Pharris, Star Rt. 2, Box 25, Shelton (two nliles out Matlock Road), 8-22--9-5 FOR SALE: gravensteln apples. Pick your own. Jehn Sells Eanch, Rte. 3, Box 235, 8-22 [coR SALE: just receh, ed a hu'ge ship- lllcnt i)f cxtra heavy poli.'hed stove pipe. Check you " needs for winler now and avoid trouble later. Itill- crest Hardware. 8-22 FOR SALE: prewar davenport and chair. Blue Velour,. senli-tufted. Ex- cellent condition. Occasional tahlc. Copper lined smoking stand, Mi:- rots. Phone 353. H8-15 FOR SALE: circulating fireplace un- its at Lawton Lulnbor C(). 8-15-29 MINK R]NCI-I selliug very fine strain of In'ceiling stock, pens and equip- nlcnt--i)riced reasonal)le. Phone Bel- fair 254. Star Route 1, Box 485, Un- ion, Washington. S8-15trn. FOR SALE: ]0-horse Johnson outboard motor, hlquh'e 216 E. Harvard St. Z8-15-29 ATTRACTIVE MAISONETTE SUN DRESSES and shorts in sizes 13 and" 15. See them at 1416 Sununit Drive. Plione 799J(. $8-15-22 SALE: canoe paddies, special $1.50 each, at Hillcrest Hardware. 8-22 FOR SALE: light plants, 3,000-watt, WANTED : salesman gle, free to necessary. Olympian. 7 pan. WANTED: farm to month with pastl for dairy cows. Avery, Rt. 1, Box WANTED : waitresS. box Cafe, WANTED TO RENT: Lawton Apts. Phone ard, Apt. 2, 236J. WANTED: pano; condition. Write view, Wash. WANTED : woman tain. Must be pointnmnt write office. WANTED : )leasant working tours, good pay. House. WE PAY CASH for county farnt. Route 1, Box 216A, WANTED : loeS. x WANTED: high s( work for. room, sation while ll0-volt A.C. Inquh'e Shelton Gar- age. ' . 8-15-29 FOR SALE: World's boys bicycle, very goad condition. Phone 562M, Capitol Hill. t18-15-29 FOR SALE: outdoor oven fh'cplaces at Law(on Lumber Co. 8-15-29 FOR SALE: black suit, 100% wool. Size 16. Inquire Journal office. Too small for owner. B8-15tfn, FOR SALE: White Giant doeR. Bred. Reasonable. Inquire Journal. W8-15tfn. FOR SALE: l)Ups, part Springer Span- iel, females $2.00 each. Mrs. K. G. Osterberg, Kineo Ave., Southside, Shelton. 8-15-29 FOR SALE: brand new electric out- board nlotor. Used only 3 hours. J, J. Kreps, Route 2, Box 112A, Shcl- ton. 8-15-22 FOR SALE: Ecko pressure cookers. 1-1illcrest Hardware. 8-22 FOR SALE: downspout in 10-foot hmgtlis at Law(on Lumber Co. 8-15-29 FOR SALE: little pigs, See F. Har- rier, 2Vz miles front pavement on the Cole Road. 8-8-22 ()R SALE: two Shepherd dogs. One 4-nlos, el4 male. One year-old fe- male. Inquire Journal office, A8-8-22 FOR SALE: Transparent apples and Whitney crab apples, 5c lb. W. T, Stiner, Skokomish Valley. 8-8-22 FOR SALE: beef, veal and a few good nfilk cows. tl. L. Kidd, Star Route 2, Shelton (Near Dayton). 8-8-22 leeR SALE: very good wood range colnplote with eel)per coils and good water tank. Phone 475W or see at 516 South 12th St, E8-8-22 li'OR SALE: Masonite Teniprtih: at Lawtou Lnmber Co, 8-15-29 FOR SALE: 160 White Leghorn pul- lets, 14 weeks old. E. P. Sherman, Box 91, Union. 8-8-22 ])'OR SALE: wood, custoni sawing. E. . p. Sherntan, Box 91, Union. 8-8-22 HAVE CONNECTIONS for new land alfalfa hay. Place your order now for winter supply while it Is avail- ahle. Wagener 'eed Co., 219 South First Street. 8-8tfn. I- FOR SALE: coptmr tubing in 3-8, 1-2 and 5-8 inch sizes. Hillcrest Itardy ware. 8-2 FOR SALE: TLZ painters' I)aste. Just the thing for a mix-yourself, high grade, h)w cost paint. 5 gallon can liial{es 10 gallons of paint. Law(on Lumber Co. 8-15-29 FOR SALE: trar.tor, plow, disc and harroW. Will trade for good used truck, or sell outright. Carl Crawley, Star Route 1, Box 72, Shelton (Sko- kornish Vallcy). 8-8-22 KITCHEN cabinets, linelr closets, store fixtures, and eustont mill work. ruade to order. For free esthnates Phone 217R2. Peterson Bros. 8-1tfn FOR SALE: shingle stain in 'lots of colors at Lawton Lumber Co, 8-15-29 HOUSEWIVES: Why wax yolw floors every week! Use Plasti-Kote twice a year. Sold at Shelton Electric Co., x 110 4th street, 8-1-tin FOR SALE : spring type wooden clothes pins. Lots o£ them at Hill- crest Hardware. 8-22 FOR SALE: Baled alfalfa hay. plione 14F35, Star Route 2, Box '96, Shel- ton. L7-18-8-29 FOR SALE: Slab wood on the ground. Part dry. $5,00 a cord. A. O. Charl- son, Phone 218R3. 6-26tfn ] to oil See the new Therm silent I Air Flow Burner in operation at Stun B. Smith Co., Legion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 775S. ll-15ffn. Price Infiailen Prices rose twice as fast after the ax:mislice in World War I as during the war. For cxantple, a 5-pound sack of potatoes increased 3,. cents during the war and an additional 35 cents in the year and 8 months following the armistice. Ahnost 40 per cent of the total price increase in th entire period of the last wir came after the fighting was fmished. FOR SALE : deadening felt now available at Lawton Lunlber Co, 8-15-29 FOR SALE: see Olympic Motto' Sales for auto parts and accessories. First and Mill Streets, phone 595". 7-4tin FOR SALE: Choice building lot on ngleside, lnqutre Joe Tice, Unton, or Pllone 77M. 7-18tin 'OR SALE: get your winters wood now for stove or furnace. Priced reasonable. A. O. Charlson, Phone 218R3. 5-16tfn. BRIGGS AND STRATTON air cooled gas engine. Sinlth and ] glon Way and Cherry, Phone 7753. eOt. SALE: one spring tooth harrjw, one single harness, one single horse cultivator, $35. Write Box 55 Hoods- port. Phone Hoodsport 2W21I8.22.29 FOR SALE: Palolnino sadrllc horse. Lorena Chu'k, Route i, Iox 93A, Shelton (Kaniilche, Point Road), 8-22--9-5 in- FOR SALE: Anchor coal stoker for stallation iu wood or coal furnace, Good condition. Phone 77W. A8-22--9-5 PeR SALE: 23 bunches of white as- besto shingle. $90. Pllone 241M. F8-22--9-5 FOR SALE: girl's bicycle: :hlue a, ud white, Balloon (ires. Elgin nlaKc. Good condition. Phone 331WX. K8-22--9-5 FOR SALE: 72-ft. rowboat. 121h and Turner, Phone 390W. 8-22-29 FOR SALE: white Monarch' wood or coal range, with eoils. Good condi- tion. Inquire. Mabel Carman, 1121 Railroad Ave. 8-22--9-5 FOR SALE: huzy* saw. drag cords aid growth dry Franklin, FOR SXLE: pretty phlto saddle colt, tV¢O ytars eld. lJroke for children. Also " several otller youag saddle hot'scS, Sec at Alderhrook Stal)lc.s, Uniou, Phouo Union 3,12. $8-22-29 FOR SALE: locker meat less than tWO years e]d, mostly Dnrhanl, Hal'- old Hall, Matlock, eWn. 8-15--9-19 II Cabbage Head A real cabbage ticad ranks liigh as a food furnishing large amomts of calcium and vitamin C. collect, Belfair WANTED : small good used wastll Clark, Star fen. WANTED: cleani: a week. Phone ANTED : res to assist children, Home n WANTED TO bicycle. Write fair, Wash. WATER PIPE WANTED: please packers. Mason WANTED : County WANTED AT Alder and rail. Hilher Full scale. : is nlost gers. coma, WashingtOn. WANTED: gi work. Write .WANTED : County Steam WANTED: general ] child. Room, quire WANTED: cullers ' tance, Oscar WAITRESS Apply WANT TO BUY feed. Mye Olympia. I WANTED : chaln, with charn)s or rice. Will paY NOLAN Walter Professional FREE  Write P.O. B. Franklin ATTO R N E Y'/ Courthot1e, phone A. K, Personali Address: Rt. Phone: CRAIG P' Eliot Electric Title pho e Charles Virginia Angle ATTOItNI 119-121 SheltoIl, ' Title Opposite Phone 23 Licensed W.A. Phone 180" Aooountlng Boo 123 4th St. IN$1J I Oilce AN LU AllllOllnce the L , .,: OFFICE QU '! AT 1324 OLYMPI @@ PHONF ill ill P, BUILI ii , Sho Loans if I rer that I s me Low fie Cost ou, pla D i recto HAZEL WA Q. W. DRAHAM C K. L. PARTLOW ]i V. BRIDENSTINE I COU.N 3S & LOAN Telephone 7551 OLYMPIA, ' Mason County P ns of Ft s to Thank. Others Who Much to the S :!:i Annual F it0 People who are wui,l are rushing ,ment you :-y through June 30, t .en incr as ed by 2!'7,( first six  onths (,f t corresponding pe o[ additional telepho there is st'ill a tremen is continuing to gro for service have been t( tg period a g hc qquipml humanly possible. Xl new buildings an ltalling new equipmen stringing th0usam hone is on the way'; as we can. Tha \>,