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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: al)ply Wil- 08-22-29 ?harris, Star (two miles 8-22--9-5 apples. Pick Ranch, Rte. 8-22 Thursday, 27,,.=_,_;.4¢,. .... , 3TON-I.4.&amp;.OI COUNTY JO'dRIAL ,o,=,== .: N I;U " :ro °*"____ WAN00 "" ................... " ' N ...... " Lake Cushman SHELF0 SCOU3S CRUISL WANTED: salesnum:  gic, frec to ..... . .......... __... JUAN necessary. See Jeromel Olympian, Olympia, b,! LUMBER -- .< '. _: " ' , ::;; " . It * ' , lmppy grmlp ol Sc 1 or hiteh even throtlffh tile rollgh 7 p.m. ' i',/P qD(I Nlr.q I.l l-e[er.qf)D are l . .. " . '' . '' . ' . Senuts lroluallaOM (.ver, curlier swirl of lhe Sll':]it of .]-II,'lll Do 1110 prOll(i pqrelll o/ '1 orl i)orn ). . ml ill\\;Villi All i' (Olllilil I" "' t- ' ' . ' .' . ... ( 1 I e 1 I '' ',; -' ]?ili!H WiU'll :it linlos the spr:iy WANTEDwia'mastare ,, ii :l :,l,, i lil AI P'llS, 17 lU 1110 St, ........ .,(I ",i\\;q" i'l'ili t i( nionth "  ' ...,,, c,,ugg •, , ,  ,, ' wonld cfiiiililelolv envelope the dairy .... , .... .Y,..i-,' ............. .<;iiip. 'l'hc fil'M nil'lit olll WaS spoilt for ,]o,:elih HO:l)ii:il qaeonla. TIe i Ctl ..... .i. i,it., r) q "ll ,t t.hlii I , RL, I)f )y W lwh We [', led nearly ell.l.hl . " "'"  O'1 {hi l Ill .f lli VVii(i Avery, hllllollnce lhe Opening of • ' , '-' ill .... i,, " , ':;: ' - i,ear \\;Vati,riilaii WeSt of S,,atlh,. po/liid,% h,gq l)eeli nftnled Darrelll( lies,' ('l'i t ' . ...... vf'fliid i iffhl, I/C (h' It Illv a 'lliliV a hu'ge ship- :)li.'hed stove WANTED: waitresS. for winler box Cafe. later. Ilill - 8-22 WANTED TO RENT: Lawton Apts. Phone ard, Apt. 2, 236J. vcnport and i-luffed. Ex- shmai tahio. stand, Mil- WANTED: piano: It8-15 condition. Write view, Wash. fir(q)lace un- 2(. 8-15-29 'WANTED: woman tain. Must be • y fine strain pointment w s and equip- office. , Iiilone Bel- Box 485. Un- WANTED: S8-15tfn. pleasant working imurs, good paY'. lson outboard Itouse. Harvard St. Z8-15-29 WE PAY CASH for ETTE SUN I sizes 13 anff tnnniit Drive. $8-15-22 Idles, special Hardware. 8-22 s. 3.000-watt. Shelton Gar- B-15-29 boys bicycle, Phone 562M. B8-15-29 ,,en fireplaces 8-15-29 100% wool. al office. Too B8-15tfn. t does. Bred. 0urnal. W8-15tfn. ;pringer Span- ,. Mrs. K. G. c., Southside. 8-15-29 , electric out- ly 3 hours. J. )x 113A, Shel- 8-15-22 sLn'c cookers. 8-22 at in 10-foot umber Co. 8-15-29 . See F. Hat'- pavement on 8-8-22 .erd dogs. One year-old fe- 1 office. A8-8-22 nt apples and 5c lb. W. T. lley. 8-8-22 uld a few good id. Star Route on). 8-8-22 d wood range (:oils and good 75W or see at E8-8-22 Temprtile at 8-15-29 county farm. :Route 1, Eox 216A, WANTED : , OFFICE QUARTERS AT 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY @@ : PHONE 656 ill Ill BUILDING SUPPLIES Shop around and select the best home loan plan available. If you can pay house- rent, you can make the s m a 11 monthly pay- ments that bring debt- free ownership with our home - financing plan. Get details today. D i rectors WANTED: high s( work for roonl, sation while collect, Belfair ': . W:(:ol;;:Dita:'nalo ..4i::: H01 egood used wasl, WANTED: cleaning0  " 'l" Loans that "1;. Write C. u,*: lt L0W WAT00 in Cost "y.qg"NI WANTED: please " packers. Mason  HAZEL VTALMER + 1  W DRAHAM CARLTON I. SEARS t 0ra WANTED: women ?=,] " L. PARTLOW FRED HOLM li v. BRmENSTmn H. C, rmODm WANTED AT oN.C,m]A WANTED: gr. '11[/', NGS & LOAN ASSOCIATIO work. Write :Bog ' ,i Telephone 7551 Security Building • !i: . OLYMPIA, W'ASH. f WANTED: I Mason County Post No. 1694 Oscai: i Apply =ff to l"-sheltO Leghorn ptiN ; , . P. Sherman. WANT TO BUY: .a9.O, Ini of Foreign Wars "= *°°° :,elerans Olympia. phone: Union. 8-8-22 I WANTED: chain, with for now land charms 6r our order now ficc. Will paY ,,n':s'es to Thank All Merchants :lile it is avail- Co., 219 South Alhin. IAtth, did any of lherii re<ilize Mr. find Mrs. Lawrence Baker and two daughters of Nowberg, Oregon, arrived Monday to spend two days with the Art Gilmores. I Mr. and "Mrs. C. A. Stover of l Oakland, California, spent the week end with Mrs. Stover's brother and wife, the Vern Hills. Otlcr visitors last week of the Hill family were Mr. and Mrs. Bell,I Banner of" Sheltma who spent three I days at Cushman. Also on Wed-I nesday H, Brunberg, former bnsi-] uess "partner of Mr, Hill, arrived I with hi..i wlfc, Mr. lind Mrs, Ben l l]runbridge, and three danghters, I q.ll of Tacoma. Visitors of the Doll Browns from Thursday thru Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rogers, Sally and Lonny, from Portland. Also week ending with tbe Browns were Mr. and Mrs. William Requa and Billy of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jones of Union and Mr. and Mrs. James Fry of Tacoma. Gnests of the A. B. Laramies over the week end were Mrs. E. A. Iverson and son, Bill, of Tacoma, Dolt Reader of Potlatch and Mrs. Harry Sielton. Lincoln Ranger Station reports more visitors registered this year than last year at which time there were ten thousand registrations. And "Dul¢c" Arnold was the hap- py fisherman who caught tlie 24, inch Dolly Varden in the Skoko- mish near Staircase. L ; Week end guests of the Dave Collins family were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilcox of Longview, Wash. Miss Katherine Leiglton of Edgewood is spending a week with hcr aunt, Mrs. Mank Ryan. ICrliw(h!(l (till last week) The Cushinan Club's annual pic- nic was held at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison's beach home at Potlatch August 6. A. six o'clock pot hlck supper was attended by 2,1 inenbers and an enjoyable eve.. ninff followed for all. Karl Linscott presented a love- ly wool blanket to the host and hostess on behalf of the club. Ivir. and Mrs. Del Laramie were sur- prised to fnd that their sixteenth wedding anr, iversary had been re- meml)ered and was celebrated with a decorated cake made by Mrs. Otto Radtke. Mrs. Laramie cut the cake and they received congratulations from all. Mrs. Otto Radtke was elected club'pres- ideaL for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hill have i guests for the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Weber, Mrs. Hill's aunt from Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins re- turned Sunday from a five-day fishing trip at Sekiu with seven large sahnon, the smallest weigh- ing more than 16 pounds. Between trips to Alaska, George the adventllre in ,::tore lhr{lll:[h nliles and miles of wa{tg' tr;ivcl, up Pllget Soulld /lronnd throl/gh the San Juan's to Canada and back again a week lister. Those who took the trip were: l-oss Ta- bor and Eddie Metcalf of Gar- field P.T.A. Troop 2, John Wilson of Kiwanis Chlb Air SOmlt Squad- ron 7, Bob Severance, l.obcrt Tay- lor, Art Minshull slid l:[aro'i(l Longlnh'o of South Bay P.T.A. Explorer Post 16 and Hqrvey Ry- tin, Howard Clothes, Don and E(I Westfall and WalTon Veek of Coast Guard Anxiliqry Sea Scout Ship 101, all of Olylnpia; I.cb_, Me- Nair of Lions Chlb E×plorer Post 14 of Tenino, Harold Anker of American Legion Sea Scout Ship 13 of Allyn, Jack Mallinger of American Legion Troop 25 of Shelton, Art Sarjent, Jerry Long and Art Belts of Roehester P.T. A. Exporer Post 17 of Rochester, Glen Castle of Elks Chib Exporer Post 1083 of Centralia, Carl Tork- ko and Dick Sorrels of American Legion Explorer Post 24 of Win- leek and Robert Snider an(l Rob- ert Van Orden of Longbell Com- pany and I.W.A. Exporer Post 38 of Ryderwood, Lester A. Rhine- hart of Sea Scout Ship 101 and Max B. Jonson and Floyd C. Miles of the Council Office. • The two hugo motors in the 36 foot boat l)urred along without a Waves Needed In Inactive Status Authority to reenlist WAVES in Class V-10, U. S. Naval Reserve, for inactive duty, was received to- d-ty at the Navy Recrniting Sub- station in Olympia, Chief F. G. Ianes, CSM, USN., Recruiter-in- Charge, announced today. Under this authority, ox-mem- hers of the Women's Reserve of tie U. S. Naval Reserve who per- formed active dut dnring World War II may reenlit for the dura- tion of the war and six months thereafter. Enlistment will be el- footed in the rating held at dis- charge. The main features of en- listment in the V-10 Inactive pro- gram, said Chief Hanes, are that it assures former WAVES they will return in their highest rating if recalled to active duty, and that all service in the Reserves counts .gn longevity. Allyn Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zahller of Bremer- ton spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cornelius. Sally and Betty Weekhorst spent last week at a girls' camp in North Bend. They returned Sunday. Mrs. Millie Kennedy returned orw that tcsLod everyon(,'::; skill, Wa:; spent tit lhe State P.qrk at Deception Pass. The third night was spent at the Biological Sur- vey Station near Friday Harbor. The fourth and fifth nights were spent in Canada near Victoria. The sixth night at Colunlbia Beach on Whidby Ishlnd. High points of the trip inehided the food pnt to- p,'ethcr by Mr. Miles aiid the yourlg lnell themselves, swirling, sw:tying tril) through Deception Pass, the <)eem spr:y that "tiniest kept the f<>i'ward watch WOlilid lip like a I)lllll'llly hi Vllile'ls, t]le we[ slornly night spenL (It Deception Pass, the bc:inty ol' the city of VieLoriq, the g'raciousness of the Canadian peo- ple '/nd Die Canlldhtn Scotit Lend- el's. Sea Scouts who helped make up the crew kept a close watch on the charts and kept the ship close- ly Oil its course, even the difficult passes and rocky shoal were navi- gated with cousiderable dexteritY. Leaders in charge of the trip were Max B. Jonson, scout execu- tive, who acted as skipper and le'tder; Floyd C. Miles, assistant scout executive, wile was assist- aat leader and cooking supervisor: Luster A. Rhinehart, chief navi- gator. Sea Scouts on tle crew in- chided Howard Gaines, Dorl West- fall, Ed Wostfall and Harvey Ry- an of Sea Scout Ship 101 and .Har- old Anker of Sea Scout Shi' I) 13. Mid-Skokomish (Mary Valley  The American Sun0ay seiool union held their annual conference at Island Lake near Bremerton last week. Thosc fronl our Sunday school who attended were Francy Johnson, June McCoy, Jane Hunt- er, Stanley Johnson ' Bobby Itunt- el', mid Ronnie Jo]InSoD. There were two from camp 3 who als(/ attended. Billy Dunham celebrated his eleventh birthday anniversary last Wed. with a party. Mrs. H. B. Lozier of Tunmwater is visiting her daughLer Mrs. Al- vin Hubert and Mrs. Chester Val- ley for a few days. Larry Burnett of Sheiton is staying with his aunt Mrs. Ar- thur Jolmson while his mother is ill in the Shelton hospital; Charles Wilkinson left by bus on a ten day vacation trip to Los Angeles Cal. where he will visit his mother and sisters. Don,t forget this Sunday August 18 wil be the grange picnic at Twanoh state park. It is also Mas- on County Pomona grange picnic. Pot luck dinner. Coffee and ic( cream wil be furnished. iVfr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson and family drove' to Puyallup last Junior Ponltry Meeting Planned One of the highlights of the \\;VasdlinKton .liltlAin' l"oultrv l;l.- pll.<:ilhiil ::t.h,,duh,d for No\\;;c.illic.r I, 2 :niii 3, ,ui Iho ('i\\;,ie Ailditor- iilhi, Neatfie, Will lie 1he alletil;li of Ila, exiiilli[ioii bird:i, flld(liiq b; eXlleetvd lit rilli high for ihi;; ex- eeplifnl.'il pfiillti'y, acelll'dili, ' to i}, iT. iolire, iliallllger, tvho einl)ha- .sizes that the allction will be a big attraction of the expedition. Enlphasizing the tact that this ior PolL1Lry Expo.siLion, which is the first of its kind ever held, is.a state-wide project, John h%st- berg, secretary of the exposition, has just retlu'lied ITonl u sp0ak- ing tom" coverhig Sp[ik,'ille liud i)ther li]asterll V:ishingtllu (!llili- liiliili{ies, :ilal is hohlhig iiweiiii;.q this week iii the NorlhWeslvrii 1):li'[ of the stal;e, "A very Kr'ilifyhig' iIK(.resl ti/ the exl)osition is hehig sllOWll" 'Ill over tile ellst side of the state," Wostherg declared, "Slid we hllVe strong indications of a total of 2,000 entries and an umisually. large attendance. Reservations are being madc ah'eady for exhibit space by ninny colnmercial firms and thcsc dis- plays, together with the prepara- tions that are being made for in- teresLing demonstratimis of the uses of l)olilLry and poultry pro- ducts in the honw, will be of ta- t;crest to the ul'bflli "iS well as to the rural visitors. Navy To Select New Candidates • The United States Navy ires now instltuted a poli.ey of selective re- cruiting, ammnnced Chief F. G. t-lanes, CSM. USN., lrtecruitor-iri - Charge of the Navy Recruiting Suhst'tion in Olympia. • "The Navy has Mways becn proud of tlio fact that it consted solely of vohmteers," said Chief t;tancs, "and selective recruiting insures that we pick only the finest of thcse volunteers." Under the new system, appli- cants are graded according to their mental and physical qualifications and are placed on a waiting list to be called as w.cancies arise. :In i the pst, an average quota of one hundred enlistments a week were allotted the State of Washington. Tiffs quota has now been reduced to ten a week for the entire state, thus allowing the service to choose I only the finest of the applicants.! Full details regarding enlistment l)my be obtained at the Navy re- cruiting substation in the Old Cap- it ol Building, downtown Olympia, or by writing that station. A re- cruiter will be in the City Hall, Shelton, 2 to ,I Wednesdays. Matlock (Crowded olll ]asl w(!ek) • Matlock Ladies Club fair will be Thursday, August 29. Don't for- get the date as there will he fun l 8-8tfn. blng in 3-8, 1-2 ttillcrest Itard- 8-22 ;era' i)aste. Just -yourself, high d. 5 gallon can paint. Lawton 8-15-29 plow, disc and for good used t. Cart Crawley, Sheiton (Sko- 8-8-22 ten; closets, store Illl lni|l work. , free estimates oil Bros. 8-1tfn stain in 'lots of ,umber Co. 8-15-29 wax your floors iasti-Kote twice ton Electric Co., 8-1-tin type wooden ,f them at Hill- 8-22 'alia hay. Phone i Box '96, Shel- ' L7-18-8-29 I on the ground. rd. A. O. Charl- 6-26tfn I'CHEN RANGE Therm silent in operation at hegion Way ad hono 7753. ll-15tfn. ning felt now a Lulnber Co. 8-15-29 npic Motor Sales accessories. Fh'st lone 59. 7-4tin building lot ca Joe Tice, Union, 7-18tfn ar winters wood furnace. Priced Charlson, Phone 5-16tfn. TTON air cooled and Binger, Le- herry, Olympia, ll-15tfn ng tooth harrow, one single horse :e Box 55, Hoods- port 2W2. ) M8-22-29 no sadclh: horse. at(.* 1, ilox 98A, Point :Road). 8-22--9-5 real si.okcr for in- or coal fl.lrnaco, Lone 77W. A8-22--9-5 :hes of white as- T-Ih0nc 241M. F8-22--9-5 bicycle, .hlue and -es. Elgin luakc. lone 331WX. K8-22--9-5 'owboat. 121h an(---- i ,V. 8-°2-°9 : Monareh' wood or :oils. Good condi- )el Carman, 1121 8-22--9-5 aw, drag saw. 8 dry wootl. 9o3 8-'2'2 pinto saddle colt, 'okc for c]liidren. ;!1' yOUllg so(Idle deri)rook Staldes. :)n 3,12. $8-22-29 nieat less |han tlv Durham. I-lar- Vn. 8-15--9-19 I I A. K. Peraonali: Address: Rt. 3 Phone: CRAI I'. ELECTRIC AI Eliot Electrio Title phone Charm Angle Building, ATTORNI 119-121 Sheltorh 1 ALDEN Title Opposite Phone $8 Licensed W.A. Phone 180" Aooountln Bee 123 4th St, people who are wul/ing for telephone service Head md ranks high as arge amounts of in C. i:(=. • are rushing the tment you'll use the number of telephones in increased by 277,000, of which 206,000 were first six months of this year, an unequaled in- corresponding period in the history ot our of additional telephones are being installed each there is still a tremendous job to be done. The is continuing to grow at a rate and new for service have been pouring m at double the period a year ago. needed to fill all orders as humafdy p We are hurrying construction 70 new buildings and building italling new equipment inofalmostmiles  \\;x stringing thousands /,'7 FI tllit!l PI is on the way; we will get %kd .-- as we can. Thank you for me a.d Tele,00ra00h Company 120iG0Jth hird Phone 497 / e Buydon, Mrs. Del Laramie's son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson: were guests of the Laramies. Mrs. Laramie's sisters, Mrs. Harry Shelton of Shclton and Mrs. E. A. Iversen, a former Cushman rest-! Thursday from a visit to her granddaughter's on Whidby Island. She was accompanied by h.r grandson and family who is on leave from military service in the East. dent, with children, Bill and Car- i Mr. an}] Mrs. Harry Anker and el, and Marybelle Neudorfer have son have moved to Key Center. also been ghosts at the Laramie l William Austin is sick with yet-, home, tlc two girls staying the i. low jaundice. week. Cnshman families were t Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson and happy to see these old friends. Judy spent Saturday in Aberdeen. Afoot and by trailer, company! comes to the Ray Howrys and on I Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Uldrickson Sunday, August 4, by horseback, I entertained friends from Minne-I Ray Howry, Jr., came to call. sota last week. roof Other week end guests were Mr.' S.P. Mead is shingling the and Mrs. McCool of Seattle who brought Mrs. Higby, Mrs. How- ry's mothcr, who is remaining for a longer visit. Tuesday gtiets were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Young and baby from Yaldma and this week end Mary Lee and Buck Armstrong and baby, Liane, en- joyed another visit, with her par- ents. Ray Petersen has been prompted and is working as assistant operat- or at Plant No. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Linscott and Mrs. Robert Raines with little Ron- ald Raines had supper Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Raines of Shelton. Week end guests of the Donald Browns were Mr. and Mrs. Lowry Rodgers and children, Sally and Lonny, of Portland, Oregon, ano Mr. and Mrs. William Requanandda son, Billy, of Tacoma. Su y callers were Mr. and Mrs..lames Fry from Tacoma and /V'. and Mrs. A. J. Jones from Union. of his sumner home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson were visitors at Westport Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thor Anderson, who were married a week ago Sat- urday, spent the week at the Earl Anderson home. Mr..nd Mrs. Birgefrom Ed- monds called at the Wilson home last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bud V¢olcott and Mr. and Mrs. Mogenc visited Mr. ahd Mrs. Harry Wolcott Sunday afternoon. A family reunion was celebrated at the Karl Linscott home Sunday, August 10. Among the 20 guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Ather- ingtofl and family of Tacoma Mr. and Mrs. Robert Etherington and family of Little Rock. Ark.. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gaulie of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. L. I. McDonald and twins from Milton. Wash.. Ray- mend Etherington from LaGrande. and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Willard and son from Seattle. Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution TO BE VOTED ON NOVEMBER 5, 1946 STATE OF WASIIINGTON, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. To Whom It May Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolution of the State Legislature hereingfter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, a proposed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as follows: HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9 HB , it Resolved, By the Senate and se of RepresentatiVeS of the State o Washington, in legislatLve session assembled: That, at the general/election to be helil in this state on tlle Tuesday next succeedlng the first Monday irl :No= vember, 1948, there shall he submitteo to tim qualified electors of this state, for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Aticle VII of the Constitution of the State of Washington, to be added thereto as a new section to be known as section 2, and to read as follows: "Section 3, The United States and its agencies and instrumentalities, and their property, may be taxed under any of the tax laws of this state.'whenever and In such manner as such taxation may. be'authorized or permitted under the laws of the united States, notwith- standing>any.thing to the contrary in the eonsltauon of this state," And Be It Further Resolved That the Secretary of State shall cause' the fore- going .proposed.. consti.tutional amend- men to ne puonsnea or at least mroe (3) months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county where a..newspaper is published througnout me stae. Passed the House March 3. 1945. GEORGE F. YANTIS. Speaker of the House. Pased the Senate March 7, 1945. VlCTOa A. MEYSRS. President of the Senate. Flied in the office of the Secretary of State, March 12, 19,15. STATE OF WASHINGTON, . OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. I, BELLE REEVES, Secretary of Stae of the State of Washington, hereby certify that the above and foregoing contains a full, true and correct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 9,passed by lhe Legislature of the State of Washington at its twenty-ninth session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the seal of the State of Washington this 29th day of July, 1946. BELLE REEVES, Secretary o State. Saturday and spent the day with for everyone. Mrs.,Johnson's mother. 1Vh's. \\;V. B. PahYler and son, Geue Hulbert, Warren Beineck Gene, spent the week end in Ta- and Maurice Stackhouse took in the ball g'ame in Seattle last Sat-, coma with her son, Roy, and fam- nrday evening. ]ily. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lybarger I Mr. and Mh's. Willialns of Port- and Miss Louise Carpenter left i land, Ore., are visiting his brother, last Monday for their home in Cal- [ Charlcs, and wife. ifornia, lVIi;, and Mrs. Lybarger I Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adams, who have been visiting their daughter i hav0 jast reltlrned from Moses Mrs. Theodore Richert for the past [ Lake, called at thc Rossnmier- two months, m i Nye farm Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak ,'ind S s t '"Eugcnc Rossmaier left Sunday Dickie and Billy, Mrs. Frank Min- ] evening to spend awhile with his or and childre Chuckle and N[ar- aunt and nncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill gie are visiting their parents Mr. Dietz of Mud Bay. and Mrs Art Anderson in South . Mr. and Mrs. Art Keilblack of Dakota.' ;Fhcy are inaking the tr p I Coos Bay, Orqgon, were rece}at by C'tl' " " [ vlsil2ors With nor lal;nOl', ,1. W. , . • Green and family. Bobby Sallee spent several days . , . .-=  .. _ MI dn(I Mrs DOll Iye ancI SOIl, visiting: his aunt and uncle Mr. and, .. ". t s. i ., ' : ,Mrs W S Sallee 1 Gene, were ulympta eaucrs MOU- a day M'r. and' Mrs. iemp Olson nd l •  ..... daughter Darlene of "Poled0 Wash./ Mr. and Mrs. .eo!'ge ,eily ana visited Mr and Mrs Howard Ba- children callea at tne mu Valley iley last week-end. Darlene sta2)ed liome Monday evening. for another' week. Matlock Ladies Club held their Mr. and Mrs. Ted Richert, ML chib picnic at Shaffer's State Park 1 and Mrs. Howard Bailey and Mr, Monday, August 5. A fair crowd and Mrs. Eric Sjholm attended a Was out despite the rainy looking I farewell party in honor of Mr. and day. On the following Thursday Mrs. Clint Okedstrom at Southside the club held their usual meeting" last Friday night. At the close of at the hall. Hostesses fm the day l the party Mr. and Mrs. Okerstrom were presented with a lovely gift. They will make their new home in Chehalis. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jacobsen from Alaska after visiting rela- tives in the Valley for the fir.t were Rachel Valley and Hattie'. Dunklebttrger. The club quilt is I finished and will be awarded at the fair Atigust 29. U'se the Journal Classifieds---' the.y_really__=_ _ et results. time in several years. Mr. and Mrs. RoyTanner drove]lpARAM0 UN T to Elms Sunday and took in the Z rodeo. Chief Warrant Officer Joe Berg- el" and Mrs. Berger arrived from THEATRE San Diego, Calif., to visit Mrs. erger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferris.. Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Berger will also visit a daughter in Yaldma. A few Grangers from the Valley attended the Pomona and Grange picnic at Twanoh Park last Sunday and had the pleasure of meeting Congressman Chas. Savage who just arrived from Washington, D. C. Music was enjoyed in the af- ternoon from a loud speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Johnson and family visited Mrs. A. J. 3a- cobson in Olympia last Sunday, Mrs. Jacobsen left for California Monday to make her home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith are home again after a two weeks' va- cation. Hunters held a family reunion Sunday. Tables were attractively arranged on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter. Covers were laid for fifty-seven. Those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods and Warren Woods of Wenatchee, Wash. Joe Vail's sister from Pennsyl- vania is spending the summer with him. Don't forget, this. Friday night is rcgular Grange meeting. ........................................... TEXAS VISITOR LE&VES Mrs. J. Ross Bowles of San An- tonio, Texas, left Monday for CaN ifornia from where she will satl for Honolulu. She had been visit- ing here for the past week with Miss Nellie Nelson. Mrs. Bowles[ stated she enjoyed the weatlier r and the gardens and greenery in l this section, as the weatimi" in l Sap Antohio was excessively-- hot I wln she left. i 8helton, Wash. Thursday Only August 22 CLOSED FOR REPAIRS ONE DAY ONLY Sunday - Wednesday August 25 - 28 Jimmy Durante Jane Allison "TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON" i Friday - Saturday August 23 - 24 2 FEATURES "THROW A SADDLE ON A STAR" "THE LAST CHANCE" I D-A-N-C-I-N-G ,qPONORFD BV ENERAL WLFARE CLhB [ ' v EVERY SAT[ RDA %: NIGHT From 9 P,M. Io Midniqhl Memorial tlall Music by General Welfare Club Orchestra Dunb0r Welding Shop PORTABLE WELDING SERVICE ANYWHERE Tractor and Heavy Equipment Repair Machine Shop Service Available ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 622 FIRST and tIARVARD Formerly Triangle Servlce Station FREE MOTOR rESTING AT ALL TIMES @ Ollr Sun Master Motor Tester reveals canses for Hard Starttng Ignition Trouble Loss of Power Excessive Gas Use INGRAM-BRIDGES MOTORS First & Pine Phone 621 Genuine PARTS --a,nd-- Strictly New Motors @ Direct from Factory- @ Not Rebuilt @ Not Reconditioned D STRICTLY NEW FOR ALL CIIRYSLER CARS .... and : INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS KINBEL NOTORS, Chrysler- Plymouth - Illternat|onal 306 Olympic Hlghvay ALL AUTOMOBILE OWNERS TAKE NOTE Automobiles are still being stolen LOCALLY, stripped of hard to get parts and wrecked. Also they are still eatch- ing fire and burning. Therefore it is very important to carry fire and theft comprehensive which als covers all your glass. So check your automobile policy today and if you do not carry this all- important coverage on your car see that it is taken care of at once as automobiles are still scarce. i Also never leave your ear without tak, ing the switeh keys and locking the doors. YOURS MAY BE THE NEXT TO BE STOLEN! See Me At Once Herbert G.