August 22, 1974 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 22, 1974 |
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New Kiwanis Club has
... you and your first meeting Thursday
..., A new Kiwanis Club for place to purchase good health.
Senior Citizens held its first He also commented on
"z~¢-* ~'g:~W~'f7 ~~'z~'~ "° ~ ""~'~"~:r~-~v ~'~~''~'~ ''' v'~.~_,la~ p,--Ss~_-4re.a,,~x~d,~g4k~.~,z_~g~-~p~-;~-?~,¢~C.~~~~~ r. meeting at noon Thursday at the increased costs which made a
Senior Center. room rate increase necessary at
owers win
Members of the Shelton Mason General.
HELEN SPEZZA labored for many hours as assistant to Mrs.
Craig Eliot in the Mason County Fair floral display.
Bridge :lub names winners
North-South winners at the Dorothy Quartier and Eva
Monday evening meeting of Aamondt; Etta Rector and
Shelton Bridge Club were Rex~ Francis Sanderson.
and Louise Umphenour; Bruce All bridge players are
Kreger and Clyde Ruddell; Lynn
Rust and IAI Updyke.
Winning for East-West were
Norm Hulbert and Vic King;
by Daytons
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dayton
of Sheiton announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Karen Lorraine, to Thomas John
Dolan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Dolan of Tacoma.
The bride-elect is a Shelton
High School graduate and was
graduated in June from Western
Washington State College. Her
fiance, a graduate of Mt. Tahoma
High School, was graduated from
Western Washington State College
in August and is employed by
Tacoma City Planning
They will wed on September
Blue ribbons galore were
awarded at the Mason County
Fair to newcomer Helen Spezza,
who entered a flower show for
the first time in her life!
Mrs. Spezza came to Shelton
almost a year ago from California.
Her husband, Henry, is employed
at Certified Manufacturing
Company. They have five
children, three of whom reside in
the home. There is one
Winning top honors for Helen
Spezza were an arrangement of
roses, a terrarium, a potted
impatiens, a green rose, single rose
blooms, and a driftwood planting.
Best of roses award went to her
spray of small pink roses.
Mrs. Spezza is treasurer of
Shelton Garden Club, and served
as assistant to Mrs. Craig Eliot in
the floral building during the
recent fair.
The new Shelton High School
is completed except for some
minor pick-up work, according to
Bruce Jaros, Assistant
The total 172,000-square-foot
brick complex is located on a
forty-eight acre tract. The
campus-style structure contains
ten buildings. All buildings,
except the fieldahouse, have
air-to-air heat pumps and are
air-conditioned. The complex will
house 1,200 students in grades 9
through 12 with the basic
facilities, such as gyms, cafeteria,
etc., large enough to
accommodate 1,600 students, if
future expansion of classroom
areas becomes necessary.
The fieldhouse features two
basketball practice courts with a
tartan rubberized surface, rubber
asphalt indoor track, separate
welcome to attend the meetings wrestling rooms, four physical
of the dub held at 7: lJ4tan.~ea~k education teaching stations with
Monday in the PUD ~itotiurn. locker-shower rooms, and offices
• • for coaches and P.E. instructors.
Attached to the circular
fieldhouse is an Olympic-size
swimming pool with separate
diving tank, along with dressing
and shower rooms.
The technical center features
space for vocational auto
mechanics, arts and crafts, metals,
vocational forestry, vocational
carpentry, woods, drafting,
driver's education, and other
The classitorium contains an
800-seat auditorium with power
walls dividing the area into three
Karen L. Dayton
For Appointment
Gheri Kurl
in Kneelond Center
J heri Redding - The newest personal permanent
wave, chemically formulated for each individual.
Now ava//ab/e
She/ton's new, /uxur u
Beautique Beauty Salon
(Slightly more for long hair)
August 27th 28th 29th
Mike Whalin Vicki Singleton
Stylist Manager
Illll I
Judy Reddle, Operator
are sent
Affirmative notices that land
and improvements they own will
be exempt from state and local
property taxes due in 1975 have
been sent to 5A73 taxpayers.
The notices were sent to 46
Mason County taxpayers.
Because of denials or
non-payment of the $35
registration fee, 374 others will
have to pay taxes.
County assessors have been
sent duplicate information. They
will remove the exempt property
from the 1974 assessment rolls; if
the assessors haven't appraised the
property already, they also will
establish its potential value.
In all, 11,497 parcels of
property, or an average of two to
a taxpayer, were declared exempt
under a 1973 law (Chapter 40,
Laws of 1973, 2nd Ex. Sess.)
which transferred administration
of exemption to the state. Three
of every four are owned by a
church. Many other parcels held
by the applicants were found to
be taxable.
All decisions are appealable to
the State Board of Tax Appeals,
Olympia, within 30 days of
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 22, 1974
Kiwanis Club, which is sponsoring
the new club, along with members
of the Kristmastown Club,
attended with the members of the
new club.
Dave Thacher, president of
the sponsoring club, presided at
the meeting which was the first
official meeting of the new group.
The new group, called the
Mason County Seniors Kiwanis
Club, will meet each Thursday
noon at the Senior Center.
Programs for the first 13
meetings of the new club will be
provided by various Kiwanis clubs
in Division 8E.
Speaker for the first official
meeting of the club was Laurel
Nelson, administrator of Mason
General Hospital, who talked
about the functions of the
Most people have their own
idea of what a hospital is and it is
hard to change.
A hospital is not, he said, a
team-teaching stations, along with
rooms for drama instruction, set
and workshop room, band, choral
and recording area~ and stage with
orchestra pit.
The resource center includes a
full library and audio-visual
center, journalism and vocational
graphic arts areas. The resource
center is designed for
individualized study and equipped
The administration and
business area includes high school
administrative, counseling,
secretarial offices, health rooms
and office. Across a covered
court, the business education area
contains typing rooms, business
math, office practice, shorthand,
general business and business
machines areas.
The program this week will be
presented by Kiwanis Lieutenant
Governor John Sheldon of Lacey,
who will preside at the
installation of officers. Dave
Palumbo is the president of the
new club.
The August 29 meeting will
be presented by the Shelton
Kiwanis Club and will include a
model board of directors'
The September 5 meeting will
be presented by the Kristmastown
Club, and the September 12
meeting by the North Thurston
The September 19 meeting
has been tentatively scheduled for
charter night meeting.
The Lacey Club will present
the program at the September 26
Other clubs in the district are
scheduled for subsequent
The home economics and
math building contains the same
features as the social studies and
other classroom buildings, except
being set up with sewing, foods
and family living spaces and more
individualized equipment and
carrel, areas for math.
The science building features
areas for chemistry, physics,
biology, general science, etc.,
along with a greenhbuse, animal
room and resource center
designed for individualized study.
The student center contains a
full cooking kitchen, student and
faculty dining, central student
lockers and student lounge,
outdoor patio areas and student
A 2,000-seat concrete football
stadium complex and asphalt
track was completed last fall and
.... a practice field, five tennis courts,
The social studies ouumng
features seminar rooms outdoor basketball court, baseball
movable mP
classrooms divisible by ' dia ~'nd and bleachers have just
walls for team-teaching purposes,
conference rooms, teacher,6fflces
and a library area for social
studies materials.
The language arts building
contains the same features as the
social studies area.
Smokey Says:
FOl'ell file prevention meane
being careful !
Q. What causes white spots
to appear on my nails?
A. There are two possible
causes for the white spots that
appear on your nails: They
may be your body's response
to some local injury or
infection. They may be caused
by a fungus infection. If this is
the cause the spots will remain
for months or even for years.
Q. What's a "bubbling oil"?
I heard it referred to the other
A. A "bubbling oil" is
simply bubble bath with a
lubricating oil base or, put
another way, a bath oil which
forms bubbles when mixed
with water.
Neirs Pharmacy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
been completed.
Henry Killman, a candidate
for United States Senator on the
Socialist Labor Party ticket, will
speak on "Economic and Moral
Breakdown - Why?" in the PUD
auditorium in Shelton on August
28 at 8 p.m.
In announcing his candidacy
for the Senate seat now occupied
by Warren Magnuson, Killman
said, "The Socialist Labor Party
holds an outmoded and decadent
capitalism responsible for the
many problems facing our nation
and the rest of the world today.
"Our type of government and
economy, based on the private
ownership of the means of
production and services, worked
well as long as the majority
owned their own tools and
received the fruits of their own
labor. With the technological
changes accompanied with the
social changes that have taken
place, in which individual
production has been replaced
with social production, this form
of government and economy are
no longer compatible.
"A change to a new form of
society, socialism, is needed.
Private ownership of the mea~as of
production and services mu~t be
replaced with social ownerstfip of
these things; our outmoded
political form of government
must be replaced with an
industrial form of government, in
which the industries and services
are run democratically for the
benefit of all instead of for the
profit of a few.
"This would be in sharp
contrast with the bureaucratic
dictatorship existing in Russia
today. Real socialism as
advocated by the Socialist Labor
Party does not exist anywhere in
the world today, nor has it ever
existed anywhere. Further, there
is no other organization in the
world advocating real socialism.
To have real socialism, you must
have democracy."
Killman was born in Alberta,
Canada in 1910 and moved to
Blaine, Washington at the age of
seven. He has lived in Washington
ever since, and has lived in
Aberdeen or Hoquiam since 1928.
He graduated from Hoquiam
High School in 1~930 and worked
in a plywood mill from 1928 until
his retirement in January of this
year. He is married and has two
children and six grandchildren.-
Killman joined the Socialist
Labor Party in 1941 and has been
the state secretary of the party
since 1956.
He has run for governor on
every general election
gubernatorial ballot since 1956
and has run for the U.S. Senate in
elections between gubernatorial
Learn to understand
Man lernt nichts kennen als was
man liebt. (A man doesn't learn
to underqand anything unless he
loves it.)
Johann Wolfgang yon Goethe
Henry Killman
The sensational
(reg. $1'4~fl
With the amazing Genie 44 you can play a three-n0t~
chord with just one finger of your left hand!
W. Cota
Juniors-First Place Seniors- Second Piece
at San Francisco
1 mile