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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Patrick Sinclair, 20, a Simpson Timber Company construction chokerman, was seriously injured in a logging accident at 10 a.m. August 15. The accident occurred 20 miles northwest of Simpson's Camp Grisdale while the crew was working on a road construction project. Sinclair, a college student working on his summer vacation, was struck by a large chunk of wood which broke loose and rolled downhill while the men. were clearing a turn of logs which had jammed. Theinjured man was flown by Lumbermen's Parking Lot NA SMITH is a MAST helicopter to Mason of Washington State BARBARA MINOR is a General Hospital in Shelton for Aug. 22, 23, 24. Ity with a major in g r a d u at e o f C e n t r a I examination, then transferred by :a.rYln educatiOncommunicationand a WashingtOnwith a major inStatesociaIC°llegestudies helicopter to Tacoma General Thursday, Friday, Saturday , ers. She will be a and elementary education. Hospital for further treatment. ........ ' Following extensive back surgery ' .............. $1 q therapist for the She will teach fourth grade in by a team of six neurosurgeons on gal. -- istrict, serving in the Evergreen Elementary Thursday night, Dr. Crowley - _ cAaler Reg. 5 ................ . I¢ elementary schools. School. reported Friday morning that ~ Sinclair s condition was stable. ~DladdoP J" . . o,r too, - Sinclair is single and lives at / ssoael IllOld|ll ShOeS ........ off 5 Route 1, Box 87, Elma. He was O ICokh working with his twin brother hoP S~ ut P{ as Michael at the time of his injury. / 01d'~o01s ~al~Wor .......... sheet$~q$ IQty of al 'iVil lles previouslyB°th SinclairworkedbrotherSfor Simpsonhave pal' l l e Board i ............ $ _ Fuchsia Baskets Reg. 9.95 ........ s351 during the summer of 1973 and ! 3/8" purtttle Boarql s.op ........ Ortho Crab Grass Killer Reg. 7.95.11II tl0 will hold its and camp segment; Jan Gorman,were rehired in June of 1974 on meeting at the B°Y artist' f°rester' °utd°°rsman' the Cany°n River c°nstructi°n ; ? i'' n° hardware ..... $~ L mp, Camp Thunderbird traveler, recognition for Arrowof Small Bulb Planters Reg..4s ..... lit ~te Lake, August 25 at 2 Light and camp segment; Bradley crew. • i Garage DooI~ 2- 'x ii, e attending should take Watkins and dad, John Watkins, eele i ., oo.ardwar' basket for y*our family,citizen, forester, outdoorsman, e eels. . ........ o, 50 :i Cedar Grape Stakes -,,, Reg..07.. 4* 'ill be a tour of the recognition for Arrow of Light • • St Gara~ Deer $ 9 x and a rundown on the and camp segment; David Webber Two named to ..d _ - _. **wor I . v.,_ , .aid this summer.white, Jimmy White, andoutdoorsman,dad,Jack Webber,sportsmanfOrester,and Magnuson , - Itot, ltwe" " -- J - -.i.., reg. tSg.gS ....... _. Misc. Clay & Plashc Pots to.Ts..10 ~aprtley, Scot Hankins, camp segment; Rabble Walton Ilsher ql~0 Stora~e ,~eoa to ~ __,, 209.95 .... $~5! gg, Steven Kegg, Byan and dad, BobWotton, aquanaut, effort here , J Fibre P0ts - 8nx8 Reg..69 ..... 3r ~e, Erik Peterson and forester, naturalist, outdoorsman, • Page all attended Day sportsman :,nd camp segment. Two Shelton residents, Darrell It| Dr ve,r ,1o Storage ,~ .Une 18-21 at Camp In a few weeks school will Sparks and Jim Kneeland, were Plastic Wastebaskets Re. .2s .... 25 qrd. The Cubs workedstart and boys 8, 9 and 10 years I lr storage ~' ~ements and electives in old who will attend Mt. View announced today as Mason County " g and Bear Book: field, School and are interested inco-coordinators for there-election 300 Clay Animals & Pots "Etc ..... Off 25~rb Campcraft, naturecraft, becoming a scout, should take campaign of Senator Warren G. Course, skits and many climaxed by a big e With parents early er highlight for Pack Den 2 was Encampment ird. This was a son project and six dads attended the Program included by camp staff and experts. The Webelos meal for themselves, ~es and rowboats, in two campfires and Service, and learned a JeW songs. did a fine job in all are proud of their and camping Plishments. They leted a lot of reported Glenn Den leader. Who attended and apleted were Brent dad, Del Deide, forester, naturalist, and camp segment; and dad, Glenn ? artist, forester, " OUtdoorsman, n, denner cord, for Arrow of Light EC. 200 ® (reg. $89.50} their parents and come to school night September 24 at 7 p.m. at Mt. View School. Registration fee is $1 and Boys Life, $2.50. Scouts who briny. ,~ hh .d rata scouting between September I and December 31 will receive special recognition. Recruiting theme this year is "Top of the World." Monthly theme for September is "Muscle Builders." This theme encourages good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body. New committee people in Pack 110 this year will be Judee Deide, committee chairman; Del Deide, Cub Scoutmaster; Dodie White, secretary-treasurer; Audrey Martin, publicity; Larry Ewing, advancement chairman. Outgoing members are Sara Watkins, . committee chairman; George Fuilerton, cubmaster; Gene Gerhold, advancement chairman; and Stan Tong, secretary-treasur er. Remaining den leaders from last year are Dodie White, Audrey Martin, Ted Bentley and Glenn Edminson. Anyone interested in helping this year is welcome to attend the roundtable training session September 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church. Magnuson, according to Senator Henry M. Jackson, campaign chairman. Sparks, a Simpson Timber Company employee, is active in the Mason County Democratic Party. Kneeland, a University of Washington student, is a political writer for the University of Washington Daily. He is also president of the Washington State Young Democrats. Humour a safeguard What an ornament and safeguard is humour! Far better than wit for a poet and writer. It is a genius itself, and so defends from the insanities. Scott (Shelton only - Ends Aug. 31,1974) EC- 1000 EC-300 (reg. $89.50) (reg. $114.95) 30x24 Mediterranean ................. s28°° W3315. Edgemont ,e,...,o ....................... s13°° BSC 45 Latina .,.,=,,, .......................... s38°0 $AV[ to 75% reg. 1.00 Grab bag assortment " your choice Diazinon - lib. can Reg. L. ........ Long handled Assorted Garden Tools .,u. to 4.30...$14' Assorted Shrubs & Trees Shrubs111| Treesll', ALL Limited to stock on hand. Small Mole Traps. Reg. ,.49 .......... 69' Gro-Quick Soil Heating Cables...o.°lP Exclusive Fat Total Ac~macy Prebieias! hack up :ts s expert rvlae" • Pwforms The 4 Ilask Math Funatinns PLUS Mixed • Chain Cakulatinnsl * Multiplier Or Divides Long Series Of Numb~s WHhoul b-En~ring Constant/ • Does Square Root, Exponential Cakulatinns.r ,e Hlmded Display For CrilP lt~Ck~utll 2218 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-5626 • Mem~y Capat~tlr~ Wttk FOUR Roy Funrlte~lll • Fully Au~omoak ~Const•ny' Olletat/¢msl • Sele~table Full-Ftoorin~ Or Fixed De¢imeH • P~ceat Key For Fast Coml)ut/nlp Q~ Sal~s I'a~, $1cl If you want to talk about electronics, talk to usl First & Pine 426-2611 Monda y-Friday, 8-5:30 Saturday, 8-4:30 Th, 22, Journal 13