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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Due to anticipated gas gasoline availability will decrease. M-1 LILLIWAUP - HOODSPORT (Mondays shortages next fall and winter the Fewer days on the road will make 4,25; Dec. 16. Timberland Regional Library will the bookmobile schedules more Lilliwaup be rescheduling its bookmobile manageable in light of the A. Indian Beach (by cabinet shop) service to rural areas of the projected longgaslines. B. Christensens, Box 14 counties. However, Timberland officials C. Triton Head Beginning September 1 allbelieve this will cause only flight D. Donnellys, Box 125 bookmobile runs will be reduction in library service from E. Camp Robbinswold scheduled so each destination will the bookmobiles, lnstead of 17 Hoodsport be visited once every three weeks average visits in the period of F. 'Holiday Beach instead of twice per month. September through May, each G. Post Office Timberland provides library stop will be visited by the H. HoodsportHill services for people in bookmobile an average of 13 unincorporated areas in Mason, times in the same period on the M-2 POTLATCH - CUSHMAN LAKE Lewis, Thurston, Pacific and new schedule. (Mondays - Sept. 9,30; Oct. 21 ; Nov. 11 ;Dec. Grays Harbor Counties. It also Timberland officials also cite Exceptional Foresters (film drop) serves 19 cities which contract for new regulations of the Fair Labor Weaver Creek service. Standards Act (FLSA) in A. Bourgaults, Box354 This new once-every-three- prompting the reduction of visits. Potlatch weeks schedule has already been In the past Timberland was able B. Cushman II implemented in Pacific County on to give time off at the end of the C. Deans, Box !0 an experimental basis with general month to compensate staff for D. Rayonier Lab acceptance from the public, time worked over 40 hours per Lake Cushman When crude oil is once again week. E. Sales Office reallocated for heating oil However, now the FLSA SkokomishValley production, experts agree that requires employers to calculate F. Ragans, Box 345 overtime on a weekly basis and G. Deyette Road pay in cash. This places a H. Skokomish Valley Grange tremendous strain on the budget, I. Vaughns, Box 272 Timberland officials say. J. Freemans, Box 288 The bookmobile schedule for K Community Church Mason County is: L. Adams Hatchery A total family reading center offers magazines covering a wide variety of subjects: Women's Magazines Children's Magazines & Comics Cars & Motorcycles Needlework Crafts Coins Antiques Outdoors Photography Sports Sailing Mechanics Decorating Fitness News Childca re Faith Lutheran plans picnic Faith Lutheran Church will hold its annual congregational picnic August 25 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodwin on Harstine Island. Signs will help point the direction after crossing the bridge. The day's events will begin with a worship service in the woods at 10:30 a.m. The smorgasbord picnic will begin following the service. The afternoon will be given over to games, swimming and fellowship. Each family is to bring its own picnic basket and table setting. Coffee will be provided. There will not be an 8 a.m. worship at the church on this date. Any who need transpo~ tat, ,, .,:,y contact Pastor Ken Robinson, 426-3004. Insolent and saucy Power is so apt to be insolent, and Liberty to be saucy, that they are very seldom upon good Terms. They are both so quarrelsome I that they will not easily enter into BOOKSTORE ! a fair Treaty. For indeed it is hard to bring them together; they ever 1211Railroad AvenueI quarrel at a distance. .......... _ ........... : ....... George Savile A Parent-Child Cooperative Now Registering for more information call 898-2291 or 877-5834 - Sept. 23; Oct. 14; 9:45-10:10 10:20-11:00 11:20-11:35 11:40-11:55 12:10-12:25 Lunch 1:30ol :50 2:0003:00 3:10-3:45 Nov. SKOKOMISH VALLEY 2,23. 9:30-9:45 9:55-10:10 10:20-10:35 10:40-10:50 11:05-11:35 Lunch 12:45-1:00 1:10-1:25 1:35-1:50 2:00-2:15 2:25-2:55 3:10-3:40 3:50-4:15 M-3 UNION - NORTH AND SOUTH SHORE HOOD CANAL (Wednesdays - Sept. 11 ; Oct. 2,23; Nov. 13; Dec. 4.) A. Union B. Waterwheel Southshore C. Shamrock Point D. Sunset Grocery Northshore E. Terra Linde Court F. Livingstons, Box 310 Bear Creek G. Leaterman, Box 669 H. Moores, Box 760 M-4 MASON LAKE - HARSTINE 3,24; Nov. 14; Dec. 5.) John's Prairie A. Moore, Box 357 Mason La ke B. Denny's Store Harstine Island C. Old Schoolhouse Picke ring Pass D. Wildeys, Box 509 E. Benson's Corner, Box 567 F. Timberlake Sales Office G. Agate Store H. Agate Rd. - Nelson, Box 907 Spencer Lake !. Deffinbaugh, Box 180 - AGATE (NOTE: When the Timberland South Mason Library opens in the fall, route M-6 will be discontinued.) M-7 ARCADIA ROAD - LOST LAKE ROAD - DAYTON ROAD (Wednesdays- Sept. 18; Oct. 9,30; Nov. 20; Dec. i 1 .) Arcadia Road A. Arcadia Shores 9:45-10:15 B, Totten Shores 10:30-10:45 C. Bay East Development 11:00-11:45 Lunch D. Kamin, Box 819 12:45-1:00 E. Lost Lake, Box 643 I : 15-1:45 Dayton Road F. Hansens, Box 32 2:00-2:15 G. Campbens, Box 90 2:30-3:00 H. Dayton Hall 3:15-3:45 KAMILCHE AREA - HIGHWAY 101 (Mondays - Sept. 16; Oct. 7,28; Nov. 18; Dec. 9,30.) Holman Street A. 1718 Holman Street 9:30-10:00 Mill Creek Road B. Gigsteads, Box 683 10:15-10:30 Highway 101 North C. Elmlunds, Box 40 10:40-11:00 D. 76 Station 11:15-11:30 E. Highland Estates 1 i:40-12:15 Lunch Kamilche Road F. Wagners, Box 362 1:15-1:30 Highway 101 North G. Holiday Valley 1:45-2:20 M-5 BAYSHORE - GRAPEVIEW - ALLYN - Sept. 5,26; Oct. ! 7; Nov. 7; Dec. 19.) Bayshore Road A. Bayshore Grocery (by golf course) B. Jacots, Box 1 I I Catfish Lake C. Sharers, Box 160 Grapeview D. Store E. Grapeview School Allyn G. Shell Service Station Victor H. Fire Hall SCHOOL SCHEDULE 9:45-10:45 S-14 Belfair S-34 Pioneer S-42 Hood Canal M-5 Grapeview 10:55-11:55 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 9:15 a.m.-noon 9:30a.m.-2:30 p.m. 1-2 p.m. Southside 12:10-12:30 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Thursdays 1:30-1:45 Sept. 24 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 5,26 Lunch Oct. 15 Oct. 1,22 Oct. 8,29 Oct. 17 2:15-2:30 Nov. 5,26 Nov. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 7 2:40-3:30 Dec. 17 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 19 Jan. 7,28 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 9,30 4:00-4:20 Feb. 18 Feb. 4,25 Feb. 11 Feb. 20 4:30-4:45 Mar. 11 Mar. 18 Mar. 4,25 Mar. 13 Apr. 1,22 Apr. 8,29 Apr. 15 Apr. 3,24 (Thursdays - Sept. 12; Oct. May 13 May 20 May 6 May 15 M-6 WALKER PARK - ISLAND ROAD (Fridays - Sept. 6,27; Oct. note.) Walker Park Road A. Smiths, Box 1810 Binns Swiger Loop Road B. Baileys, Box 104 Island Lake Road C. Hidden Haven Trailer Court D. Rae Trailer Court E. Starts, Box 304 F. Johnsons, Box 277A Northcliff Road G. Oak Park H. Fir Lane Nursing Home 12:45-1:15 1:40-2:10 2:30-3:30 Large I$ Small Orders Orders .'c II t " FIRST & HARVARD SHELTON 3:45-4:00 4:10-4:35 Dinner 5:15-5:35 5:45-6:45 6:50-7:i0 7:20-7:35 VICTOR (Thursdays- 9:30-10:00 10:10-10:30 10:45-1 !:15 ! 1:30-11:50 Lunch 1:00-2:00 2:20- 2:40 3:00-3:30 LAKE ROAD - NORTHCLIFF 18. ?? Nov. 1,22; Dec. 13 ?? - See 9:30-10:00 10:!5-10:30 10:45-11:15 11:25-12:00 Lunch 12:45-1:15 1:30-2:00 2:15-2:30 2:45-3:00 Truth ignored As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of their infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth. Boris Pasternak * * * -It. ee TAURUS CONSTRUCTION No job too smalll And you can charge it ~.~ g with.., g -It- -X, All work guaranteed ~" ]~[ 100% one full year. * m.. ** "X" P.O. Box 148 Union "X" The U.S. Surgeon Gen- logical, only happens when eral's warning is explicit: chemical changes take place "... cigarette smoking is in the body. There is no con- dangerous to your health." elusive proof this happens, Yet millions continue to puff even for heavy smokers. away. Why? "Many persons Smoking is learned behavior. think they can't kick the It can be unlearned. habit," says cardiologist "Men who smoke more Paul N. Yu, president of the than a pack a day have twice American Heart Association. the risk of heart attack and five times the risk of stroke as non-smokers," Dr. Yu says. "They assume they're ad- dicted while medical evi- dence indicates they're not. Addiction, unless it's psycho- Telephone numbers have a way of slipping your mind or getting mislaid just when they're needed. Emergency numbers, your doctor's or baby sitter's number and new, unlisted or out-of-town numbers. To keep these numbers handy--and to help hold down Directory Assistance costs- your telephone company would like to send you a small, personal-size directory. It's yours for the asking. Just write to: Personal Directory, Pacific Northwest Bell, Box 2027, Seattle, WA 98111 or Box 3410, Portland, OR 97208. Then you'll have your own little phone book-for numbers you call often and for numbers you don't want to risk losing. Pacific Northwest Bell CONNIE TICESON. ()l~erator Library has several new children's books Among the new books at the Robert Kraus, is about an Shelton Library for younger whose altruism wins readers, Mirra Ginsburg has influences cephalopods. translated from the Russian a Among the story called "Mushroom in the "Save the Mustangs," Rain," about an unusual species how a class of fourth that grows during a rainstorm to Roseburg, Oregon, in shelter an ant, a butterfly, a with other interested mouse, a sparrow and a rabbit, brings about "The Mushroom Center Disaster," wild mustangs; and by N. M. Bodecker relates the Eternity," by Mildred story of a group of resourceful Pace, contains matedal mushroom-dwelling insects who, Egyptian mummies, faced with disposing of the detailed description ofthH remnants of a picnic lunch of mummification. inconsiderately dropped on their village, respond in an The enlightened man ecologically-approved manner by The enlightened man, is recycling the entire mess. his maturity, in his If you can believe children's who is capable of authors, interspecific friendliness own happiness; abounds: "Marie Louise and learned to examine, to Christophe" by Natalie Savage himself, and not to Carlson is about a mongoose who truth upon the befriends a snake, even though others, which ex the wily creature enjoys making taught him her the butt of his practical jokes; frequently prove and "Herman the Helper," by Paul Henry Thiry You haven't around. Everyday LOW PRICES plus Cash Carry Discounts on all items paid and hauled by the customer.., shop compare our prices. Turn left off Hwy. 101, 2 miles south of Shelton, drive ! mile on Cole Road. \ person~ Phone E~°k Page 14 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 22, 1974