August 22, 1974 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 22, 1974 |
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! 4,
otors~ IllmMcCleary. T8/22tfn~426.1216. G8/15 Evergreen Grade School "7~GeneraijackSmsthRepair &426Remodeling4710
15 words or less -- $1 .S0
• 10 cents for each additional word over 15.
• FOUR (4) insertions for the price of
PHONE b.¢c THREE (3).
>, ;,~ • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday ,
For Sale -- ..... For - le ..... "" For Sole ...... Use J-(a-rs .... " Work Went. Persond
'(d~cNhMI0..RE S~'~ GARAGE SALE -- School HEALTH AND Happiness, 5th KELLY S SHOP. antiques, second 1950 FORDconvertib,e, antique. L,CENSED BABY sitter, LOSE WEIGHT safely and ,ast
clothes, women's clothes, Woodland Manor. Lall 426-1403.with X-11 Diet Plan, $3. Reduce
and Grove Street. Open Friday hand, glassware, furniture, fan 1966 Toronado. Both cars, best $8/22-9/12 ~t%CnesSbfcl~idlSuaWintheeXl=?:l: ~n
Christmas toys and miscellaneous, only -- other days but Saturdaybelts. First left on Isabella Road. offer. Across street from Lake
llt4BER~A~,~--_ Friday, 9:30-2. 2027 South First, call 426-8113 for appointment. Shelton, 426-6685. K8/23tfn Nahwatzel boat launch. Any time. LICENSED .DAY care, 3 blocks Dru;.eYl~6/13-~l~)/24 " gree
:ItemS. 80x150,. Terms 2 blocks from First Christian People are enjoying the natural Z8/22
~"bull'd~ozer Church. C8/22 from BorDeaux. fenced back --~-----~~
grains and other items. D3/28tfn SHOP ANYTIME day or night, 7 FOR SALE or trade for car. 1971
y . . . ugy
~3295. M-8/2-2-ffn ~ ard 426-8603 H8/22-29 OVERWEIGHT~ LOSE I fat
days a week with Sears 24-hour %-ton, four-speed pickup, low ~~ with the Diadex plan -- reduce
LOvr,~ CL 360 HONDA, 1974. $1,000. CHAIN LINK fence -- for free shopping service. Phone WlLLBABYSlTchild, age2-5,$4 excess fluids with Fluiclex at
~'e'U3. D.ELUXE AM-FM Ca11426-1938 T8/22-29 estimate, call Norm Bunko at 426-8201.1/31ten mileage. Pay off balance.
i,,,% multi le r iver 426-4263 or 426-9245. M8/22 per day, plus hot lunch. Call Neil's Pharmacy. N8/1-10/10
,-e -P x ece ~~-- 426-5446. P8/22ffn _~______~
i ~n~ ~ / ~)i~ PCI e;~" 4~e6c~ ~'~ ~"! Sears, 426-8201. S 1/10ten
; /2 r, $150 Call 426-4211 WOOD -- 2 cord loads, $40 per
load delivered, within 10 miles of MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at CRUSHED ROCK for your ~-9 7-~--~~ c o u p e, -~---~ SHELTON FAMILY Planning
driveway or the permanent exterior-interior, excellent KAMILCHE CHILD Care School Clinic 3rd M-n .....
..... , u uay eacn monr.n.
~,,~..-~=_..,--~-- mill at Johns Prairie. AmericanElaines Beauty Salon, 6th and solution, concrete paving, condition. Four new radial tires. ~ open,ng,:~ep~emDer -..: Call 426-4407, Mason County
~lity. ,trai!er. Ecology Lumber Company. Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfnGraystone, phone 426-3344. Car top carrier. 38,000 miles.
~= w. i6; ladder, 426-9315 or 426-1548. A8/22tfn .... ff;.~. =.,, .... .~ .... ~y-=; ,,,,~. Ptealth Department, for
Inc~' tOilet. 4-foot length .... philosophy, nutritious hot " _.__ ..... '"'" ____
• ~'eate4"fa ^ ~" mlengtvh~ 24' REINELL 155 OMC $1,600 electricGEARHEADmotors,ANDnew one°therh.p.USedand 12/7ten 426-1343. C8/22 certifier teachers. Monmssorl aPPointment S8/8-8,7
[, ~8/22 .......... "" of extras. ,$6,995. Nothing else to 1/3 gearhead motor. Shelton Junk 1963 VW 3-door pickup. Corvair lunches, ...... stimulating environment.k " --,Till=',,- ....~ilPl,~-~-Tt'tN. v.. --~"''"11C'=mlh" .l:N"~'~ine=,.,,,,,,,~l
................. Association presents an open rap
Sn=,~~ buy. 30 enclosed boathouse Co., 426-8626. S2/28tfn power. 426-1580. H8/15 Applications being ta en for • .
Cnlloren 3-1Z. t.all ~I.LO-3DD~J or
~ngnin~~uffet .with available. Contact 9"s Fairharbor US~ Cars -" 1970 DATSUN 2-door, good ...... = ~,,oo.oo session on human sexuality. Bring
~~g_ass_m.irror, Marina or F. W. Brown, ROOFING -- NEED a new e,-o-o ...... ,--,-----, your questions, yourself and your
c o m p o s i t i o n r o o f ? For free ,~-~~--- ----- -----------------v c o ndition, radials, radio,good
~5. H8/22 " 426-2384. B8/22 ....... =r~ r~^vr-^oc ~A~ friends. September 10 at 7 p.m.,
L.,~¢,'~o~ ~--,_,a~-~,~.~_ ~_ ,v,~ Mason County Health
~LLER fo[_sale with FREE -- ONE qallon of root beerestimate callNorm Bunko at 1970 FORD Galaxie. Excellent
Sears, 426-8201. S1/10tfn condition. AM/FM stereo, air ,_ileage.
vieW area..~ year~ d u up. rencea r~n~r{'m~nt ~R/R 90
~9. J8>2~ ...... to Richard L.,Fitch.itt_P.O., Box yard. 426-6576. KS/30tfn ................ ,v-,..,
~,~blMAP.~ .-'-~----~-- --~-3, from Minor s ~&w urive-m on CORDWOOD. CALL Exceptional conditioning. See to appreciate.73 Dodge club cab, newtires,
~A, LE -- .l~milche Mt. View. A8/22 Foresters, 42,6-1550. E1/31tfn $1,400. 426-9375. B8/22 $3,895. Will consider trade for
rcl~ nday, August 25 and .... used Toyota Land Cruiser. CHILD CARE in my home
~t-~5"aand GARAGE SALE and antiques PASSING FANCIES by Jan 1962 VW. Rebuilt engine, $350 796-4782. R8/15-9/5 activitiesincludes hOtand mealS,supervisedPreschoOlplay. ~-~--~-~-~------~-~e_,u=o,,
t,~r. g t 3 .... a.m. .
~~ junction: Fr,da.y, Saturday,. August 23,-24. Danford. An illustrated book ofor offer. Located at Shelton Phone426-2589. CS/23tfn " - a~=w~
-~" ]['~--.~'~OlZ2-29- Hood t.anal, boum bnore, fit. ~, verse and prose. $1.95 at the European Motors. 08/22 '67 LE MANS, good condition,
Journal and book stores. ~
426-6507 after 6 p.m. B8/15 texture and alitter F-=o uIP~ b P'LUM#IP~ and Hepalr.
,ILNI~E.F----n-~ _~__~ Box 400, Belfair. Happy Hollow bucket seats, sports coupe, $600. INTERIOR-EXTERIOR painting, ~~--_-_-:-~..~
~:"~_ F~OOTL Open Road area. A8_~_/22__._~ ...... D2/24tfnf
~$'~~nw!~h ~ estimates. Phone 426-5741 Cal1426-5397. B1/4tn
~P'~ 426-151~,: P8/:)2 SOUP S ON, the rug that is. Clean c--A--~-RAS -- New and used -- P3/15tfn " -------~------
IAGR E~~~ with Blue Lustre. Rent electricwant to trade up? See us first. ~ ..... AUTO PAINTING, reasonable
~serMOVING away sa!e -- shampooer, $I. Coast to Coast Photo Center, 124 North 2nd ~l'~l~g Goods LICENSED CHILD care -- Agate prices. Also trailers, etc. All work
-~~e.-~r'antique Store. C8/22 ...... Shelton. P5/30tfn ' area hour or day. Experienced guaranteed. Phone 4264322. i
---~- -------------------------" sitters. Call 426-6152. F6/29tfn 1202,Cota St. R7/20tfn
~ne f~n2~, e'tc. ~ V ox West Minster B, NOC U LARS BY Bushnell.
Better binoculars cost less to own.
~ralTN AR13~ ---~--~ amp. vox bass guitar, like new. 14' REINELL wood boat, 20HD LICENSED DAY care.--~ye~rs DON T WASTE expensive gas.
Mercury trailer. Best offer. See at and older. One block from Smog controls removed and
~uz leered receiver. Call 426-5679 426-2278. Quality from $35.95 up. Photo I Arcadia Point.Call426-1513. Bordeaux School. Call 426-3814 e n g i n e rut uned. Bet ter
i~1 ~V~.2S550ts.~-ri@~i~S~o~_~cNaEs Center, 426-6163. P5/3Otfn N8/22tfn A8/15tfn. _~_.. _-----------------------" guaranteed.e r f o r m a n c eCall 426-2489and mileageafter 6
I~ 24506"S3p~t.'H~ i2ke new. WALLPAPER -- COMPLE-TE P
$150 • " -} selection. Lowest prices available-I _ _INC 8-FOOT 3 pt- hydro and controls,
$75. Call 426-8870. D8/22 LICENSED BABYSITTER. p.m. H7/4tfn
~,lWt~Cl~ ~r?,LE, August 24 and 25. ~~ shakes for sale, 22 Coast to Coast Store, 123 South Fenced backyard. Children 2 and .....
Second. 6/7ten over. Call 426-5651. W7/1 ltfn LINTON UPHOLSTERY,
~a-re'.cl'ot~le; squares high quality, tapered, 24 I Sales° Service • Parts HONDA CL-IO0, excellent p-~--OOF--E£-~II~~-~-- reasonable prices and quick
~e-I~lEno~ai inches iong. Call 426-2846 after NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm
~~ll~Pa~;22. Off 5:15p.m. A8/15-9/5 _~_ Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on I NEW USED condition, $300. Phone ,- ,v~ro~lur~L-L,~l:. sew0ng, service. 898-2338. L3/7tfn
426-8661. E8/8-29 :~cnool clomes, pantsuits, Dresses,---~__ i
~~~ad~___ TRADE IN your old furniture at continuous aluminum gutters. I CARS ~ CARS etc. Reasonable. Call 426-9662. ~--~T~I~T,~., D~'~c--c ~
426-8201. S6/14tfn WR/~-~ ............... ,-,.~ ~,,,,,.~ i
} 943 2!2 ....... _ owners, If you're ready to market
~~WCOpper~tonedryer, Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. " 0 -,Pc-,¢ .............. = your timber call Carter Tidal
~rton~=u _ u oyota, $5 75. 4/16tfn USED PIPE and steel. New steel L,,~-U'~oLU U~-- ~,= o ~ ,,,. ~u .i - i - ' .......
~(~rn o= range, top and -------------~--~-- __ - .~. ..... :4 7~'= -"~-r Loggng an(] Llearmg r0rst YOU
~:~e]'50t?Plga~.~ AUCTION EVERY T u sday426-8626.°n order.s2/28tfnShelton Junk Co. I3000 Pacific Ave. test It, Fomd /Custom cutti g and wrapping. ] oPl~'s. I-LU;eCr;enPr~lv'~a~'4~5;~;" wro~;tstbe s(~%~cLO