August 22, 1974 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 22, 1974 |
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2 ROO ho-- on H Ilcrest, profit- --R PUBLIC NOTICE:On or before August 27, SUMMONS BY SUMMONS BY PUBL,CAT,ON OF NAMES ,
$|50 month, $75 c~.~:~_oeposit..._.,P.ROJECT: _TRANSoP,~v OPEN-BURNING PERMITS 1974, at 10:00 a.m•, each bidder PUBLICATION NO. 11990 S S APPEARING .... -"
426-9656 after 4:~u. L~IZL ~L~, ~,~uu~;^~e~u~^~u, u;~'~. CONCERNING AIR must make a minimum deposit of No. 11987 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TO BE OWNERS OF TIOa~ anD ,ramps. • F
~uc.uca w~o.c, re~.~t-,. , ~-~.H,'r~ rnNTROL $2,239.00 in the form of cash, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASH NGTON ABANDONED PROPERTY .ffrojec.t r'urp, oSe-r¢
N • r~llVll bV
TWO-STORY 3-bedroom UN.I ON., WASHINGTON, A written permit is necessary money order or certified check.THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY . .lne TOIIowing persons appear water oepm to p~
for rent or lease with option to .B.P_Lr/~_Z~,. w~,N~=~ ; the year around any time an open Said deposit shall constitute an FOR MASON COUNTY IN RE: THE MARR AGE OF to De owners of certain intangible moorage tot small craT~
buy. HUlcrest area, near tsoroeaux I-tUUU~'u~_u. w~MIN~!ur . fire is nlanned and/or conducted opening bid at the appraised JEAN Mc REAVY HALL LILLIAN JOHNSON, Petitioner, personal property which has been me.mDers ot ulympla. ,~
School. $175 month. Call BY: MASON L;UUIN/T • ". -'--" ..... price. Upon award of this sale, the Plaintiff, vs. ' and HARLEY L JOHNSON reported to the State of and members or Vie-
426-4486, Reid Mitchell, MasonCOMMISSIONERS, MASON pert~yalla~°ESxtca;et,a~%P°~l~;l'%n respective deposits shall be #~RE LTcCRI~TTEectlon 33; part SWV~ NWV~, part contained in the "Public Auction Court, Mason County, notice are August 22, 1974 and /s/Ruth E. Boysen , '~
Adults, no pets. $160. Availableto serve the same, DUly verified, W½ SWI/~ of Section 34; plus all Sale 'pamphlet. . .... Washington August 29 1974. Clerk of the Board
now. 426-6338. A8/Stfn on the unders!g~ed or_ the timber bounded by right of,,wa~ Said timber on said lane Will 8/22-29-9/4-3t 8/22-29-2t
attorney o~ record a~ me aDDress boundary tags on part ~r_~ u be sold for not less than the
' ~u ~'~t ~/; ~'P~2r~rm°Z~l~a ~~i ~i~~!~#!i: ~fi~~iI appraisedthenoticeCOmmissionermannerof whJchValue' as appraisedisofnowPUbliCon fileLandsbYlin ;HE~%~Nu~GENERAL " ACTUAL u;E REPORT @" :ii
e^, RENT trail;~ be VUorever be red. 280,000 bd. ft. of Doug ." the office of the Auditor of
rvn : _ ~ /s/CLARA S. KINCADE 40 000 bd ft of Iodgepole pine,Mason County, and in the office
: downtown. ~all 426-4426. CLARA S. KINCADE an~i 30,000 bcl ft of hardwoods, of the Area Manager of South / 'General Revenue Sharing provides federal funds d,rectly Io local and state governments. Your government must publish this
lO/Stfn Personal Representative or a total of 35C),0"00 bd. ft. Puget Sound Area. l report advising you how these funds have been used or obhgated during the year from Julv 1". 1973. thru June 30. 1974-
JOHN C. RAGAN Minimum acceptable bid: | This is to inform you of your government's pr orit es and to encourage your participation in decisions on how future funds
/s/Bert L. Cole
'~ ~I:-RF'nRc~OM downstairs Attorney for Estate $22,390.00 . . | should be spent. --- "
, --- ........... h BERT L. COLE
=,-.=,~m~ fnr ~rmanent adults T~tle Insurance Building Timber will be solo one
-,-'- ........ , -" "- • l" Commissioner of m ' ACTUAL EXPENDITURES ' / THE GOVERNMENT OF
Wifh rafarances Lawton 122 Railroad Avenue or installment plan basis, imDer
A~=~l~r~-ts- 703 -Pine 1_8/15tfnShelton, Washington 98584 must be removed prior to /~ugust Public Lands / CATEGORIES (A) I CAP L(B) I MAiNT~{C)"~ MASON COUNTY
i ".~" ....... " " 8-22-29-9/5-3t 31, 1976. 8/1-8-15-22-4t / 1 PU~LICSAFETY ~ S | has received General Revenue Sharing payments tolaling
I One and Two Bedroom ~ I IS I 14,083.0Ct . $284,043
I~q:~lrtments, with carpet, drapes ~ | 2 ENV RONMENTAL I _ I ~, | ~,,,i ~ he r~eriod Iror~973 thru June 30 1~74~ "
m & appliances, no pets. / PROTECTION I $ I ~> | .... n~ t ~ j, • • •
/ RESOLUTION NO 310 WHEREAS, it is necessary towill be held on August 27, 1974 m 3 PUSLIC I I / VACCOUNTNO. 48 1 023 023
i,sie xebra(e i at 8:00 p-m" °'cl°ck in the City / S S MASON COUNTY i
;/! ;; or~ Se Commission Room at City Hall,
in Shelton,2. ThatWashingt°n'written or oral | 4 HEALTH I $ IS 8;0 77. 501 COUNTY AUDITOR
| 2329 Jefferson St. year ~remram has been comoiled CITY COMMISSION OF THE objections should be f.ed with/ ...c...,o. tS ! POST OFFICE BOX400
....... ITY F SHELTON AS the City Commission at the said
! 1 MerApt2or showing the street location; C o /
1 %:,~ 1~16 / improvement that is to be madeFOLLOWS: ........ hearing or prior thereto. SHELTON WASH 98584
i; 1 .~L~- ~ 7/11 tfn within the six (6) year period; and 1. That a pUDIIC Ilearlng OT the I N T R O D U C E D A N D
IL ~ I the estimated cost of such proposed six (b) year road PASSED in regular Commission
I ' " . Improvement; and program of the city of Shelton meeting this 20th day of August, l1 7 FoRSOClALAGEooRSERVICESpooR I ~" I ~- ~1
/ 8 FINANCIAL J A ] ........ J
. ~ 1 Six Year Construction Program J AOMINISTRATION ~ .~.~.Z~ Z~?b. U~
A 1rt97i5 ; 198%,
|978" / B1 ~1 D) )i u~i:(i T:T [%:7~ ~ ii
'i: Street Improvement Type of
I ......... / Fairmount-U~S. 101 to N.P.R.R.Gr. Dr., Pave 40,000 40,000 i
I Z I OOroom -" un~urnlsneo ! Puget - Dickinson to FairmountR/W, Gr., Dr., Pave .... 8,000 22,000 30,000
I ! "K" St.,-Sherwood to 13th Gr., Dr.,Pave, L.uro, w~. 8,000 23,000 31,000
1 Available NOW -- No Pets! 13th St.-"E" St. to N. Cty Limits _Gr.,Dr., Pave, L;uros 20,000 20,000
i i CONTACT ~A~a~GER Northcliff Rd.-13th to 1st Dr., Pave 10,000 10,000
i .... 7th St.-Angleside to Alder Gr., Dr., Pave, Curbs
' m ~,~L ~,~*'~,~ Wk., Brtdg~alk 55,000 " 55,000 ..
I 4~O'~1UU Shelton Sprs.,-13th to WCL Pave, Dr., 22,000 22,000
L tfnI Railroad Ave.-11th to WCL Pave 20,000 20,000
' ,l,0thSt.-ThomastoWyandotte Gr., D;., ;:v: Curbs 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000 / AC~ I i I§) TorllAmountE,pend~::::::':::::::~~5~'~
E St.-U.S. 101 to N. 13th Gr., D., , 8,000 8,000 16,000 / 11 TOTALI, I ...... L. ....... I. 18) Bal,n¢lilof June 30. 1974 .......... $~ .... b~
Angleslde Way-7th to Turner Dr., Pave 9,000 9,000 I NONDISCRIMINATION REOUIREMENT$ HAVE BEEN MET
~ -~_-_-----~----------- Johns Prairie Rd.-N. 13th to WCL Dr., Pave 10,000 10,000 I (I) CERTIFICATION: I certify th~ l =m t~ c~ee =-o¢~. O~o¢ =ndo '
.m . m ~ .~ .... Lake Blvd.-Pioneer Way to Arcadia Dr. Pave 4,000 4,000 / w~r~o~,~,'u~~.~¢~m~.w _ .
~ ~ ~ , / hlV~ nol bee. ~ in v~o41liOn'~X~t e,te~N' t~: ~o(.mf.. ixpenoit.ute IF),The news media htvl been advi=N~l that I complete copy of Ib~
INDEX / ,,port h,, p.U ,h i. • n.w.p. o,
~-=---=-~---~--~=-- - Gr .............. Grade /s/F. A. Travis ATTEST: | ~GI~.~I~,~ ~ " ~ .=1~// ~1~.. ~a~ --~ circullRion. I h=vo r~¢ord, dOCumenting thl comom, Of tl~i= ropOR
CALL FOR BIDS Dr ............ Drainage M'avor /s/Helen W. Stodden J I/" //J~[/..p.~/~.. [~././/,,J~ D='~o-----'" -- , ' -'"~
:~i Sealed proposals will .be Paved_• ........... h?~s /s/l~)av!dT.nKerno~fl~=;nd ....City Clerk | .. :.'7 k~$,- _-- "~------ Bd Com--'-s ..d,,...o~nf(r,.~.ruti~.,_C.QI.]]~
artln usecn, nrm ON WAS 'NGTON
~,..~,I I~ ~h. Ma~nn Countv ~.u,.~ ........... ~;omm,ss,o ~-~ APPROVED: | SHELT , H 8 22.]t
P,,~l..i.~,~ IUl~e~n I~n.nfv Wk ........... Sidewal /s/Michael J. Byrne /s/B. Franklin Heuston | Nmmo amd l~e ' "
We shin~ton, ~or the following Br,dge .......... B idges Commissioner of Public Works City Attorney 8/22-Jt
Page 22 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 22, 1974