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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 22, 1974     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 22, 1974
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By LENNIA CATES--CR 5-2245 i~e e i~ ° ed you, Maxine, as did ~i~' ut friends and neighbors You couldn't accompany a COuple weeks ago. He however, working on We'll do our best at Christmastime in You make it up again (Snow on a sundeck?) and Maxine live in but have a vacation Point. And yes, rank remembered to to the HH so you can on the "bits and pieces" 'Year. is all smiles. 4~N'POUnder - a record at out here on the up at LaPush where rote a bonanza. Sorry, "agement to anglers in this area. taken if one cutthroat. This is when the silvers e0rning in - if they can ""-l~erns° perhaps 1 can paint a j~ri~l~' PlCturel.lo latere " ....... ~;eh - pp ' son of Chartes ~aCale Hoppe, owners of a ::~ aOmejuly at3 Baldl boPu°in~'. l~oftrels 1"phia, then on to t~russ , I°l and finally Herrljunga, l~" e Will spend a year as I~:hange Student. This is ~;t~ the International ,t YOUth Exchange 12" tie is being s onsored l[ihbetts Un .... P .... I: ._ ltea Memoaist l~'.~ West Seattle Brian will ~"~ With Arne and Oreta !~ nd and their ~l~ll~... SOilS In ~ ~.. tie is 1 6 years old and Pups $10.00 Ea. a junior at West Seattle High School. On his return he will bring another exchange student who will spend a year here with the Hoppes. (Sounds like a lot of Swedish meatballs and pancakes for a couple years - what better?) Around fifteen enjoyed a shrimp curry dinner at the John Schafers' Maggie Lake home last Saturday night. John, a retired lieutenant commander, and family live in Bremerton and was being feted at his (deleted) birthday party. We weren't part of the dinner party but part of the dinner. The whole bit was catered to our front door - delish ! You read things. Like the caterpillar and its stripes as regards winter weather predictions. How about the cricket? Have one who has been doing a serenade outside our back door since the 14th. If my memory serves me correctly, that means only six weeks 'til the first frost! BREAK-INS REPORTED The Victor home of Dr. Fred McFeely was broken into August 15 and missing items included a TV, tape recorder, radio, binoculars, clock, hunting knives, fishing poles, shotguns and tackle box. A trailer at Beard's Cove belonging to Andy Ancheta was broken into and taken were a tape recorder, cases containing tapes, speakers, turntable and a .22 rifle. The burglary was reported August 16 to the sheriff's office. THEFTS FROM BOATS A battery and gas tank were reported stolen from a boat near Tahuya and two life preservers, a fender and rope from a boat at Allyn dock, according to reports received in the sheriff's office last week. YAMAHA Pc, approx. 1500 miles. EXCELLENT CONDITION Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt North Shore Garage - GENERAL AUTO REPAIR - OF GAS - CHECK OUR NEW LOW PRICES! CR5.2128 OPen Monday thru Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ;Undays. l/2 mile W. of Belfair State Park BODY SHOP & FENDER WORK Free Estimates Windshield Installation Ron Griffev Shelton 426-1731 Home 275-6363 Just Right For Fall PHONE CR 5-2033 By ELEANORA FEDENK CR 5-2774 Our recent good weather was brought home special by Harmon and Kathryn Bland. Sunshine was with them constantly on their three weeks of travel to Winnipeg, Canada, and on to Wisconsin. They visited relatives enroute, did a bit of sightseeing, all with that beautiful sunshine. Short stops were made at Mr. Rushmore, the Black Hills, the Tetons and Old Faithful ~ Yellowstone Park. Expo '74 was the grand finale before their happy arrival home to relax in more of that sunshine. A call back to one of the places visited confirmed rainy weather since the Blands had left, taking that special weather home to share and enjoy with us here. A good luck award should replace the wild things that have been happening to Jack Cook. The most recent was being flipped off his bike while riding near the Bear Creek hill. Jack is home from the hospital and feeling better although grounded for recuperation of the head injury, facial lacerations and plain old bumps and bruises. Turning out for football should be a success as Jack knows now which way not to fall. Gwen Pederson has been the recipient of numerous bridal showers as the big day of August 30 approaches for her wedding to Gary Hageman. The most recent one was given by the ladies of the Manchester Church in a surprise package of blue and silver. The color motif was set by the wall hanging for Gwen and Gary, set off by the table featuring fresh fruit and sherbet in a scooped-out melon. Blue hydrangeas, candles, a tiny white church and small birds completed the arrangement. Mrs. Verna Williams and daughter Tina were co-hosts at the miscellaneous shower during the week at the Williams home. Pictures were taken of Gwen as honor guest at the table with a pink ruffled umbrella shading the cake decorated by Mr. Guidi. Guests were Ms. Elizabeth Blakefield, Diane Berger, Carol Pederson, Eleanora Fedenk, Kathryn Bland, Joan Wilkins, Terri Williams, Linda and Kristi Pederson. Sending gifts were Betty Leatherman, Hallie Van Horn, Blanche Caldwell, Hazel Cook, Karen Fortner, Earline Amick and Bonnie FurnEli. -' These days it's up, up and away (with our moral support) for that ivory colored pontoon plane taking off above Mission Lake. By golly, there is one person who has found a way to beat the dust and rumpled construction area of the road near the Mission-Tiger turnoff. MENTAL HEALTH Because of a continuing interest by the Kitsap Mental Health Association in legislation concerning mental health, the KMHA will feature Ran Hanna as the speaker at its regular monthly meeting. The meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the 500 Wing Conference Room of the Olympic Center, 6th and Marion, Bremerton, on August 27. Hanna is running for position 2 as Representative of the 26th District. He has written and lobbied for legislation over four years now, and is particularly interested in promoting same for the area of mental health. He teaches at Pacific Lutheran University (has a master's degree). Since 1971 he has been the creator and director of Pierce County District Court Probation Department. All KMHA members, guests and interested parties are invited to attend. WATCH OUT FOR DEER Two car owners learned the hard way last week that one has to watch out for deer while traveling through Mason County. A small sports car, a 1974 Datsun, was reported totalled by a deer on Highway 3 just north of the Grapeview Road about seven miles south of Allyn. Damage to a 1964 Dodge was estimated at $250 when it hit a deer three miles south of Allyn on Highway 3. HUNTING DEADLINE Applications on controlled hunting of deer doe must be in Olympia by August 29, 4:30 p.m., and for elk cow by September 12. Limp In! Leap Out! • Bicycle Repair • Painting • Used Bikes • Parts AT THE SOUTH SHORE ALLYN "Y" 275-3372 ST RT. 1, BOX 71, BELFAIR FOR THE WITH THE BEST QUALITY AND THE SERVICE In the area? Come to Bayview Mobile Homes With a complete selection of the Rex Mobile Homes See our double wides available for immediate delivery. • REX I LEISURE MANOR • ELCAR • BROOKWOOD • PACIFICA • WILDWOOD Easy Terms-- We'll make. the terms to fit your mobile home needs. JIM YOEST & AL LOGAN Gorst, Wash. Extra-curricular salaries set Tile following extra-curricular salaries and assignments were approved by North Mason school directors at their regular board meeting last week. Several positions had not been filled by then and the positions marked below with an asterisk (*) will be filled only if the number of students turning out for that activity warrants it. BOYS' ACTIVITIES FOOTBALL: Varsity Coach, Senior High Ass't Coach, Senior High Ass't Coach, Senior High, 9th Ass't Coach, Senior High Head Coach, Junior High Ass't Coach, Junior High 1974-75 1974-75 Salary Assignment $813. Phil Pugh 488. Mark Muxen 488. Bill Landram 488. 407. 325. CROSS COUNTRY: Head Coach Boys 325. * BASKETBALL Varsity Coach, Senior High Ass't Coach, Senior High Fresh Coach, Senior High Head Coach, Junior High Ass't Coach, Junior High 813. " Terry Staymates 488. Harlan Olson 407. Donald Nelson 407. Art Guidi 325. Mark Miller WRESTLING Varsity Coach, Senior High Ass't Coach, Senior High Head Coach, Junior High Ass't Coach, Junior High 813. Ed Amick 488. Cal Ulberg 407. Jan Esarey 325. Gordon Monten GYMNASTICS Head Coach Boys 325. * BASEBALL Varsity Coach, Senior High Ass't Coach, Senior High Head Coach, Junior High Ass't Coach, Junior High 569. 325. 325. 325. Harlan Olson TRACK AND FIELD Varsity Coach, Senior High Ass't Coach, Senior High Head Coach, Junior High Ass't Coach, Junior High 569. 325. * 325. 325. * Ran Angus TENNIS Head Coach, Boys 407. Stan Kriegel GOLF Head Coach, Boys & Girls 407. Lance Thurston GIRLS' ACTIVITIES TENNIS Head Coach, Girls 407. Alice Kriegel VOLLEYBALL Head Coach, Girls, Senior High Ass't Coach, Girls, Senior High Head Coach, Girls, Junior High Ass't Coach, Girls, Junior High 325. Jan Johnson 244. * 325. Elizabeth Hunt 244. * BASKETBALL Varsity Coach, Girls, Senior High Ass't Coach, Girls, Senior High Head Coach, Girls, Junior High Ass't Coach, Girls, Junior High 407. Jan Johnson 244. * 407. Alice Muxen 244. * GYMNASTICS Head Coach, Girls 325. * TRACK & FIELD Head Coach, Girls, Senior High' Head Coach, Girls, Junior High 407. Toni Smith & Bill Hawkins 325. Alice Muxen RALLY SQUAD Supervisor, Senior High Supervisor, Junior High 352. Alice Muxen 136. Elizabeth Hunt ATHLETIC TRAINER Boys' & Girls' - All year 976. Bill Hawkins HOUSE RENT Belfair Area by Sept. 7th CALL 275-2336 Chain Saws and up At Belfair CR 5-2297 ill == Cath0lic Mass at 11 : 30 a.m. B el fair Co mmunity Baptist Church, Father Don Piro of St. Gabriel Catholic Churc~ officiating. I I i,ii, I' Did you know will refinish 'cigarette burns, scratches, mars on your furniture right in your home? CALL ME. IIM CR 5-6698 REPAIR & REFINISH SPECIALIST .... i- -.111 ,i Chevron For Chevron Heating Fuels- Modern Heating Equipment- Complete Housewarming Service . . . "Just Call" SERVICE FUEL CO., INC. 479-2772 Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair. 1318 Park Ave. Bremerton. Wa. II Keep a bright spot in your L Phone ES3-2544 Local Men to Serve You CALL US John Johnson AI Eddy Chauncey Vaughn ARCO NEATIN• OILS II SPOT REALTY, INC. If you have lots or acreage suitable for developing -- I have a cash buyer who may be interested. Foot of Mile Hill Mancheste¢ Hiway ' Office Phone TR 6-5522 OFFICES OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 8 P.M. PEALTOR' Bllfair Area Representative: BOb Did( Home Phone: CR $-64e$ • I ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Boys' & Girls' - All year 976. Mark Muxen INTRA-MURAL ADVISOR: (Gym Supervisor) Boys: 2 days per week @ 20 weeks 163. Girls: 2 days per week @ 20 weeks 163. AUDIO-VISUAL DIRECTOR (Mileage) 542. Jan Harris MUSIC 650. DRAMA per play $217. 434. (1) Terry Haydon YEARBOOK & PAPER (Annual) 488. Bill Hawkins DEBATE 433. Ralph Butler CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (4 @ $136. each) 544. P. Merrill, F. Geiger, R. Caughie, J. Burrell Of the $17,160 budgeted for sports and sports-related activities, $1.0,083 is for boys' programs; $4,392 for girls' programs; $2,685 for combination boys and girls. Four programs not related to athletics are covered for a total of $2,005, to be spent on music, drama, yearbook and school newspaper and debate. Got e problom ? Lot us solve itl I E p . :TC'OH uPGGIH :h:r:LhY 7:|¢sounmdl Y:a "urn" ~. ST NICHOLAS TAHUYA Sunday 1 i 15 a m I III I II FRI. AND SAT., AUGUST 23rd & 24th - 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. • LARGE AND SMALL APPLIANCES • TOYS • SOME ANTIQUES • DISHES • CLOTHES • HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT • OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 5 MILES FROM BELFAIR, ACROSS FROM EARL LINCOLN CONSTRUCTION ON NORTH SHORE RD. I I I I FOREST FUNERAL offers a sensible, realistic approach to pre-need planning. Save your survivors emotional strain and unwarranted costs by making arrangements in advance. FOREST FUNERAt Exclusively offers NEW CALCINATION METHOD (The kindlier, no-flame, no chemical process.) 1. Immediate Calcination or 2. Immediate Cremation (without casket and embalming ......... 3. Simple Funeral (graveside) ............. __ __ ok L ? _" .M!, c o__u PO__, I For free information without obligation mail this coupon to: I J.Forest Funeral and Cemetery Association I ] 1702 E. 4th, Olympia, Washington 98S01 , Phone 352-e20 i i Name ...... Rt. No._._Box_~ I Address ....... I J City ....... Road i -----'- ---- I We are now soliciting for your annual donation to our ambulance fund. As you know this is the only means we have for funds to maintain the ambulance. Any donation you can afford will be appreciated. Make all checks payable to: Belfair First-aid Car, Belfair, Washington. "For our ready information to facilitate handling in case of a call from you please fill in the following and return with your donation. Doctor's Name Hospital NAME and Address Thank you. Belfair Volunteer Fire August 22, 1974 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5