August 23, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 23, 1962 |
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23, 1962
of Burus. Ore.,
ys at the lmme
's n]olher, Mr.%
and enjoyed a
leild eolld(il(ql(o
>,erge in the .<lltl-
lel' htlsbaad. Tlw
lllel' rosittl'nl;4 i)f
end Mrs. 13ertte
old (el' sevcH'LII
i>g ' r('ceully fliv
with his father
inl fishing tlier+..
lind grlllldsons
l }.()se aeeolnD{i -
ns (al a, fisllill2'
Wednesday < eve-
tor Valley howe
Irs. George Vul-
:e and Steve Val-
home of Mr. and
l'sby wei'e Mrs•
md husband, Mr.
ohnson, Newport,
Sllllda y lillnel'
Mrs. Erie S]ohohll
Jonex: aim M'. and
S.ioholnl, oil of
90th Yro
-- t!lpPY,ladv was Mrs.
TV s
tllhday <Sllndq\\;, ,. At)-
75 relatives and
FOR ,o ,+,, ,,+,
! l'l ll house which was
Ell i!,iflOme at Allyn.
"- :Pd received nurner-
Don't Miss the i'ltlt ' tSend flowtrs front
Entertainment 0flllds. Tile beauliful-
Sheet ¢:lke read
TAYL6R il ,m"t+t <"'
lto, I11,, Au. 16,
II, IG,IHI.d' .to t{ansas as a
gl tliere unlit 1906.
her home. "t Allvn
, . i'. At til; age •of
o h+
rang. She leroehets
4th & Cota
!P up a hwely yard
E L E askets and flowe,'
of seven cbil-
ehihh,en were
celebrate her
Allyn; Nita
a; Lloyd Cleve-
and Anson
1"0 FIGHT bugs
garden without
Social Even ts
Society Editor • Jenny Knautz • Phone 426-4412
Pink And Blue
Shower Honors
Mrs. Bloomfield
A pink nnd blue shower honor-
ing Mrs. Jerry Bh)omfietd was held
at; the Dan Wilson hmne Sunday
evening. Hostesses were Mrs. A1
Luhm and Mrs. Dan Wilsml.
The table was decorated with a
lilac and white tunbrella as center-, with lilac and white ribbons
representing flowers under the um-
brello. A belly doll clad with a dia-
per, was nestled beside the flowers.
A stork wittt.a set of pink and
blue bootees adorned the cake
which was sel'ved with ice cream
end coffee. Gifts were presented to
the guest of honor on a bathinette,
a gift front her father, Mr. Dan
Ganies were played and prizes
were won by M'rs. Les Bishop, Mrs.
Howard Wilson and Mrs, Rich
Those attending were Mesdames
Chert Sliva Feted
At Bridal Shower
A surprise shower honoring
Miss Chert Sliva, hride-eleet of
Ken Rasmussen, Montesano, was
hostessed Sunday evening by Miss l
Carol Zabroski. i
Pink and white gh+dioli and a.
large assortment of dahlias pro-
vided the f!m'al decor. A large
bridal doll formed the centerpiece
at the refreshment table.
Game prizes were won by Mrs.
Lee Gile, Mrs. Rudy Emmehnan
and Mrs. Ken Srflith.
Other guests attending were
Mrs. Harold rilson, Mrs. Ron
Sliva, Mrs. V¢illiam Stahl, Mrs.
Bill Carlson, and the bride-elect's
mother, .Mrs. Ed Shva. Sending
gifts but unable to attend were
Misses Karen Jackstadt and Sandy
A few friends and neighbors
gathered at the home of Mrs. Vie-
Radio Station Here
To Start Operation
When Equipment In
Erection of the i:rnnsmitting
1.ower for Shelton's first emnmer-
clal radio station is scheduled in
the next few days with first live
broadcast due as near to Sept. 1
as arrival of final equipment per-
The station will he identified
as KMAS with a power of 1000
waits and a wave-length of 1280
The towel" is to be erected by
a crew of specialists who will fin-
ish the work in three days, ac-
cording to Tom Townsend, She]-
Ion, one of the three partners own-
ink the new station. Tile others are
Bruce Jorgenson. Olympia, and
Bob Sheets, who comes to Shelton
• alter 7V,. years as manager of
station KAPA at Raymond. He
v:ill be manager of KMAS with
Townsend and Joraensen acting
as sales renresentatives,
Tower site is a quarter mile
outside Shelton's city limits on
Mt. View on a site the partners
have purchased. Station studio will
be in a nearbg building they have
leased from Jim Bleecker.
The transmitter has already
been installed but other equip-
3 Unions Endorse
Savage Candidacy
Tbl'ee lUOl'e lab()r I]llions gave
their endorsenlents to the ealldi-
(lacy of Charhs R. Savage for 24th
District legislator in re(',ent clay s,
Ihe Shellon political c:lndidate's
headqllarters ;I ltimllneell yester-
Endorsements were received
from the United Brotherhood of
Carpenters and Joiners local 1800
cf Shelton, the Internaiimlal, As-
,,oeial.iml of Maehini'.ts Shelton
Lodge No. 1160, an(I the Pert An-
geles Central La%or Council.
Toby Halbert Gels
Engineering Degree
The end of six years study at
the University of Washington
came for Tohy Halbert, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralla W. Halbert,
last Friday when he received his
bachelor of science degree in me-
chanical engineering.
Toby was a 1954 graduate of
h'ene S. Reed high school. His
higher education was interupted
hy two years of active nt!litarry
duty with the National Guard.
Sample And Absentee
Five nrresled By
Sheriff's Officers
Five persons were arrested this
week by Mason C(mnty Sheriff's
They were James A. MeCallunL
(;riviug whi'le intoxicated; Allen
Cawker, di'iving while intoxicated;
Norman Blomlie, contempt of
court; Larry R. Keith, contempt
of eouri:; Richard E. Zarassi, vie,
lation of motor boat ordinanqe;
David Iv. Malone, violation of nio-
lm" boat ordinance.
City Of Hope Board
To Heel Monday
Charles R, Savage, Chairman of
City of Hope Chapter for Mason
County, annolnlced today that
liere will be a Board meeting
?Aonday at 8 p.m. at tim Frank
Cooper home Otl the west end of
Lake Nahwatzel.
Savage said there will be several
1.hings to make judgment on and
he hopes the board members will
all be able to attend. He will have
extra room in the ear in ease any-
one wishes to ride along.
Journal Want Ads Pay
Renunciation is itself the law ot I The presenl, hap a right to gov-
life+. -.-Mohandas K. Gandhi ' era itself. -Oliver %Vendell Holmes
),,, ......... A.+,;t.-, ,,HOME Clarence Quinn, Elmer Smith, let Mahaffey last Friday to eele-ment is still in transit, mostly iI ii i i ii /i .
"at 3bc'2'';"N;' "- 'ee from Claud Mch'vin, Howard Wilson, brate the birthday of MIrs. Belle from the east. It will be approxi- ballOtS liVallanle llll
.' s el Arnold Benson Les Bishop Don Sehrader long time Shelton rest- mately two weeks after it is all ................ .ll Ill
Pile Norsby+ -- :: ' ' ' ' " " 15alnple DaJJOLS Ior Lne iv pI'l" p
1 (, 1{ i S p C (, , , ,l ' ," ' I r , Q <' ' I ' ] , Carl Baxter, GordonlPael [- dent. Mrs. Sehrader moved stO here before installation 3ndh tst- mary elec"ion (Sept 11, are now [] FLOYD GIBSON I,I
,,+ ,,.,,,,; ' :::< ': -- soil Rich Bridenback Carro ".- St. Paul Minnesota who' .he lng can b. completed all t e to- ,: . :, . ;. . , nl Itl
., ..... u ...... d. .x... ' Oiler Ellin ' • " ' ' i ' e i] iss ed available 1+o Iv/risen UOllnl]y voters
"" t"-lson (-f ._,..$ ,_.. ley Vernc Sehuffenh" , ' g will make her new home wth a ense to begin op.rat. g' ,.u ....... i.; ................ i'o ....... ffice trl(1 [] - ............. Ill
a. : te v LAURA M (lyln , """," n{.+ ]=ti|l ]r,hnson Pet Bloom- niece ,%heets -xlaied t b,£e cutttH,¥ <tt[\