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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 1962
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U=', Journal ,,,Wan!, Ads • Lessons - proper handling • Group trail rides The outside of a horse is good ]or the inside O a ?than. UTll.E SK00KUM RANGH Phone 426-8435 i i i ii,ll,,lU,iJ LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge No. 1684 Gerry Hart, Governor Phone 426-3047 Russ Morken, Secretary Phone 426-4071 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2rid and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport Shelton Merohants Bow Out Of Slate Softball Tourney After Sparkling so bright in the district tourney in Olympia recently, the Shelton Merchants' softbali team bowed out of ,state tournament competition nfter los- ing two games at Longview Thm'sday and Friday, The Merchants met Walla WaN la in their first test Thursday af- ternoon, Walla Walls whipped Shelton 1.1-2 on three home runs, one a grand slam in the second inning, Shelton rallied back for two runs in the bottom of the fourth, but they weren't enough. Bill Nutt, who was voted the most valuable player in the district touynament ior his pitching achievements, clobbered a round-tripper to lead things off. Jerry Young, the next Merchant batter, dcmbled and was sent ac- ross the plate when Ray Manke his anD[tier two-base RBI blow. That was tle sole scot'ing attack the Shcltdn crew could muster during the entire game. In the do-or-die losers bracket I for Shelton Friday, the Merch- ants were tagged by Port Ange- les 4-0 and thus put out of tour- hey contention. The Merchants managed only two hits off Angeles pitching' while committing three errors. Port An- geles hit .safely four times off Bill Nutt fro" its four runs ancr played errorless ball. R I! E Walls Walls 041 110 4---11 12 0 Shelton 000 200 0.--2 7 1 Batterie:: Collins and Manke; Nutt, Cummins 7 and Swearingen. R l! E Merchants 000 000 0--0 2 3 Port A.ngMes 400 000 x---4 4 0 Batteries: Nut[ and SwearJngen; Krtlmpe and Cameron. i i ii i ii i DARIGOLD and SHELTON MAID PAGKAGED IGE DREAM IN ALL YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS Now available for your convenience in self-service refrigerator at MoOONKEY'S DRUG GENTER Evergreen Square i ii SI-IELTON--MASON 0UNTY 30URNAE- Published in ¢CChsfmasfown, U.B.A." Shel[on, Washin SPORTS TERRITORIAL CHAMPION  Larry Anderson,: 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Riokards of 1005 Franklin street, is shown in this Journal picture in the Go-Karl with which he won the northwest territorial championship August 12. The trop.hies in front are the territorial and state championship awards Larry won. He will com- pete now in the Grand Nationals at Pueblo, Colo- rado, next week. His territorial title covers the states of Washington, Oregon, Alaska and north- western Canada. GOLF CLUB CALENDAR LOWE-WALKER 2nd IN G. H. PRO-AM BEST-BALL Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club pro Ray Walker teamed with amateur Sonny Lowe to tie for second place in the best-ball section of the Grays Harbor County Club's an- nual pro-amateur tournament last weekend. They carded 641/-591, for a 124 total in tandem with two Tarbor amateurs. Lowe tied for ninth spot m the amateur section, in which there were 99 entries, with his card of 77-76-153 while Walker rallied from a, horrible opening day's 82 for a brilliant second day's 68 to tie for 21st in the pro section. His second round was topped Bob Rosburg of Portland who hit 67 and Gene May of Longview at 66. Roseburg won' the pro section McCLEARY GOLFERS HOG SIMPSON MEET AWARDS Playing on their home course at Oaksridge, McCleary entrants ,in the Simpson Timber Company golf tournament picked off a lion's share of the top spots. Except for Purl Jemison's low net 68 in the first flight; Bill Francis, John Cole and Dick Bus- [rum, who swept closest-to-the-pro prizes on the sixth hole; and Darrell Denniston's high gross mark (122), Shelton entries wme shut out of top positions. Don Johnson had low net at 68 by only two of the pros. victorious in the 3rd flight., Jerry Thompson was third in closest-to-the pin on the seventh green. George Sheets at 70 was low gross for the field with Arehie Tincani low net at 73. Russ Rattie at 79 had low gross in the 1st flight, Ba-ny Karr at 93 low gross in the 2nd flight with Dry Huff- man low net at 68, Del Buttertleld low gross at 92 in the 3rd flight. Earl Stewart, Karr and Rattle swept closest-to-the-pin honors on the 5th green, Sheets and Butter- field we one-two on the 7th green. All are from McCleary. :[: * * * PRESIDENT'S TROPHY SIGN-UP UNDER WAY Play will start soon in the an- nual President's Trophy competi- tion at Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club. The sign-up is under way now. This the tournament in which the high handicap golfer has the th peopl e e EveTthing else in the picture on the preceding page is made entirely or partly of cellulose. For that matter, so is the pae! And so are some 6,000 other useful products. Do you smoke cigarettes. The filters are cellulose. Take pictures? The film is cellulose. Like sausages? The casings are 9 ' ad of cellulo e Ride on cellulose. Wear exotic rayon fabrms. They re m e s • " _ Tyrex tires? The cord is cellulose. • At that rate, dan the supply last? Sure. Cellulose grows. It's made from trees, much of it from western hem- lock grown on tree farms on the Olympic Peninsula. Rayonier produces nearly 2 billion pounds a year, but we grow. more cellulose annually than we harvest. And to insure this continual ymld forever, we conduct broad forestry research encompassing even soil studies. So go right on smoking, icture taking, sausage eating, rayon wearing, car driving and 5,995 other gs -- Rayonier in the Northwest wili keep the cellulose growing! I00AYO N I NATURAL RESOURCE5 CHEMISTRY Thursday, 23, 1962 Shelton High School, Junior High Goaching Positions Assigned With school less than two weeks away both Irene S. Reed High " IN MASON COUNTY School principal George Hermes and junior high principal C. Bruce Schwarck have their athletic coaching assignments pretty well {illed for the 1962-63 year. Shelton high football coach again this fall will be Bob Sund assisted by Harold Wilson and Jim Doherty. DoherLy, new to Shelton this yea)' after coaching basketball last year at Sequim, is the only grid change. He fills in for former "B" squad coach Bruce: Kreger who is taking a one year leave of absence to attend Boston College on a math scholarship. Doherty will be head basketball coach, taking the place of Jerry Vermillion who will have head hoop coaching responsibilities at St. Martin's College this winter, Wilson remains as "B" squad coach. Physical education teacher Larry Weir is back to handle the wrest- ling chores. Chef Dombroski will be back at the Highclimber baseball helm this spring. Weir will assist. Sund, who has doubled as foot- ball and track coach for the past four years, will take over the cinder sport again also. An assist- ant track coach has yet to be decided on, In view of Kreger's departure as "B" team football mentor and tennis coach, Don Josephson, a new biology teacher at ISR, will serve as net coach. Andy Tuson stays as golf tutor. Clyde Knight will direct the rifle team and Doherty will plan the intranmral program at the high school. Schwarck has no changes plan- ned for his junior high coaching staff. Bill Brickert again holds the grid reins. Walt Clayton and Jack Mallinger will be there to back him up. Clayton will guide the basketball team assisted by Jerry Knutson. Head baseball coach is Knutson. Track coach is Brickert with assistance by Mallinger. Knutso and Mallinger will supervise intra- murals. big (')pportunity for it is played at full handicap. After 36 holes ior qualifying, survivors go an- other 18 holes to determine the trophy winner. VItALEN SI(;I]TEI) NEAR ll AIlSTINI!', About a dozen v/hales or black- fish 30 to 40 feet hmg were re- 1)ortedly sighted off ltarstine Is- land "Iuesday afternoon. Donette Gla:(?r ,,ii,,! [!'_: '-:d S: i'lamP.lals near lhe s()ilt]i .":l of lterron Ishm,I bcwee, t L2Adike, Island and Fudge l:(;int. She said he monsters VVC l'e lol]ii L6 t ll(l ..:pouting near the boat passage. CANAL SALMON FISHING MEDIOCRE Although Dewy Hulbert's 29-4 king of two weeks ago still leads the VF'W salmon derby, another derby entrant, Byron Harris' 2+1-4 king off Tillicum BeAch was the largest reported salnmn in the area this week. Little Dave Greenwood, only six years old, made his elders envious Friday by nabbing a 14-8 king off I-Ioodsport. Another Friday fish was Sherley Huisingh's 2-2 black- mouth out of the Marina. Paul Hinton caught a 4-0 black- mouth off the mouth of the Ham- ma Harems last Thursday. Satur- day catches went to Marvin Biehl, 2-8 silver jack; Ed Osterberg, 4-0 blaekmouth; Dennis Morehouse, 3-8 blackmouth. RECREATION REPORT Shelton Ranger Distri(t: Fish- ing is reported good in the Sat- rop Rivet'. Wynoochee Fails and Browns Creek Campgrounds have ample space for campers as cool weather has resulted iu light use. More beat" than usual have been in the district, some with cubs. Hoodsl)ort Ranger District: For- (st trails and campgrounds have been receiving much use dm'ing August. Hikers and tourists are enjoying the beauty of xeddening vine maple. HueMeberries and Blueberries are beginning to swee- ten and fishermen report some catches on Hood Canal. GOAT HUNTING PFRMITS MAILED All succesful applicants for the 1962 mountain goat trent have sow received notifies[ran, the State Game Department said Mon- day The lucking 880 hunters were selected from 4,856 names at: a public drawing held August 10 at the county com'Lhouse in Venat- thee. APPLICATIONS I)UE FOR DEER, ELK HUNTS The closinK date fo'r controlled ceer 1)evmit-lmut applications is Seplembe,' 7. Ell: pern:it applies- Lions mus be in by Sepl.embcr 21. A total of 1.9,900 permits are t(, be issued on deer and 4,450 for elk. Permits are awarded through public drawings. The applicat.ion form for the con[rolled bunts is atl.aehed go tle t;lk or (leer tags available froln all local hunting and fishing li- cense dealel's. Dealers also have the hunting pamphlet which out- lines all areas and gives tie num- COMPAN' -- HEAVY 'GOH: AND PILE DRIVIHG FOR " FLOATS - BULKHEAD BUILDING FOUNDATI( G .. PITRUN Underground Utili UIPMEHT REH1 By Hour or Co ntr= LOADERS-- SHOVE[ LOWBED  BOO " ROAD GRADER - COM 6-6203  707 South First YOU'Dhl SMILE T0II Brewer, 12, caug ht  fish of his life w hell i t e 22-1b: King sa[rn ed off Tillicum Be a¢ Tuesday. He is the and Mrs. Dick 8117 South 2nd street. Free Schedt At Kneeland Weather lennls clinic for held at the Sunday. The clinic, in an earlier this month, will p.m. to 4 p.m Iormer Tacoma tour, will Fox now resides employed by the Hospital. Participants own tennis balls I Dick Giles' Wins Sunday Someone finally Paul Bigley's geon races. won the Shelton Club's Sunday burg, Ore. Forty-two birds entered the race. Giles' winning a speed of ute over a miles. Steve l)ed hen copped pigeon went minute over a cotu'se. (!OIOJ'-l! 1 (;ih's Silv t'I Morris R pivd 14 l-',,nnetl Sih' C Moi'ris B B H NOW WiTH Htl ADVANTAGE( Mull SPI H NYLON '1 eg. 39c pair SPECIAL i bet of permits te be issued for ,;(,hns.n B Sift H (:aeh area. Morris BCkH ................... --m----- h:)rl'istligh!v ;l ckCk DI Y] Ii Anderson Primes .... F r Larry th , o Grand Nationals event ,eeo,'d Larry Anderson, priming his Soun¢t Race Track. pistons for the grand national go- to Colorado in a,, karl races at the end of the month, the "grand daddy vietored at Tacoma Sunday, races. SAVE AT LEAST slO,O OR MORE 49c SPIRAL . Composition Bool Open Flat for easy writin These price reductions effectivefl/ weekend only -- August 23, ; 4 "1 F , ws Onl 6 ALCON Wagon ................ $2 '60 FORD Fairlane ...................... $1 '58 NASH 2-door ........................ $ i STU ,'58 FORD Victoria . ...................... $1 f B,ass,i.i I '5 FORD ............................... ,,'' and pape, 5 V-8 $ '54 FORD Six ........... : .................... $ ,, FREE '53 DODGE Six ............................ $ '53 FORD Six ......  ......................... $ 4-in- TRUCKS IW, '60 'FORD /2-ton '58 FORD l/-tOll ......  ................... $1 '56 DODGE s/-ton ...................... $ '54 FORD panel .......................... $ '47 CIIEYROLET Sod. Del .......... $ '46 FORD ½-ton .......................... $ 13 ft. double cockpit Speedboat Johnson OB Motor, trailer WAS $395 -- NOW ............ Terms Available Even At Charles Ant "FRENCi , Hair .¢ 88 ¢ • 1 OZ. can "" " NOW TIRES BY ARMST,lt JIM PAULEY I W! Rayonler Incorporoled Northwest operations ot Hoqulam, Port Angeles, Seaflls and Shelton, Wosh;ngton USED CARS  5th & Cota DEALERSHIP  5th & Railroad