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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I) aales or "black- long we|&apos;¢ re- f llarstine 1s- ilo(in. pl, .! L!:7 '-:dS: s,):iL c:wl of vcc, t Ll.2dikc :(tint. She said e ro}]lll rind boat passage. RE Hulbert's 29-4 ago still leads derby, another m Harris' 2,t-4 3ehch was the almon in the lwood, only six elders envious 14-8 king off r Friday fish gh's 2-2 black- [arina. ht a 4-0 black- .h of the Ham- mrsday. Satur- Marvin Biehl, Osterberg, 4-0 is Morehouse, PORT District: Fish- 3d in the Sat- :hee Fails and tpgrounds have mapers as cool .'d in light use. real have been ct, some with r Distrivt: For- pgrounds have ch use during Ld tourists are y of xeddening Ideberries and inning to swee- t report some ,'anal. 9 plicants for the ,at hunt have tification, the meat said Mort- hullters were 6 names at a t August 10 at ,use in Wcnat- 17.!¸¸;:¸ i ;: :>iii: ::::¸ <: !i,:/;i;! :i!i!i; : i ilj : i/ ii YOU'D SMILE • Brewer, 12, caugl fish of his life w the 22-1b. King sa ed off Tillicum Tuesday. He is and Mrs• Dick South 2nd street. PUE FOK 'S fo'r controlled applications is aermit applica- ' Sepl.embcr 21. )0 permits are r and 4,450 for yarded through Free Tennis Scheduled, At Kneeland Weather tennis clinic for held at the Sunday. The clinic, in an earlier this month, will be p.m. to 4 p.m tormer Tacoma ieur, will superv Fox now resides employed by the Hospital. ovPa, tin,pants mast ", tennis balls and : I Dick Giles' Wins Sunday Someone finally Paul Bigley's geon races. won the Shelton Club's Sunday 13urg, Ore. Forty-two birds entered the race. Giles' winning : spe.ed of ute over a dista miles. Steve l)ed hen copped pigeon went form for the minute over a attached o the cotn-se. available fronl eolor-Se% Hnd fishing It- Ciles Sih, lt lers also have Morris R pied tt llCt WlliCll out- l-h'llllell SilvC g'ivcs tile nulu- M,)rris 1 13 H be issued for ,;dms,)n t SpI I-1 3:h)z'ris B CR H 5h:)rris I3 Ck yl B B g,y p Ck LIJ4 Rles tionals Larry won th, l event: in record , priming his Sound Race nd national go- to Colorado in a ld of the month, the "grand daddy a Sunday. races. ;AVE AT LEAST sI000R MORE 'ice reductions effective md only -- August 23, WAS N Wagon ................ ?airlane ...................... $1 2-door ........................ $ Victoria ....................... v-8 ............................... $ ix ........... : .................... $ Six ............................ $ ix ...... . ......................... $ -- HEAVY GONSTRUGTION AND PILE DRIVING FOR S. FLOATS - BULKHEADS - BRIDGES BUILDING FOUNDATIONS -- PITRUN GRAVEL Underground Utilities UIPMENT RENTALS By Hour or Contract LOADERS-- SHOVELS--TRENCH HOES LOWBED -- BOOM TRUCI(S " ROAD GRADER - COMPRESSOR - PUMPS 3-6203  426-3433 707 South First SHELTON_---MA_ON COUNTY JOU - --,li.hed in r'Ohristmastown, U F, A "' Shelton, Washington  .  tq.. . • • . , .................. Pag::,::. Free Boahng, ,,..s harl[f _tsrte HYDROPLANES BUILT THREE RETIRE THIS ,s OUR LAST Bla • 11, ilmllll#,|,, lilLtlliL SHOW T LL SEPTEMBER, To Be Avallab, ,re - IN BASEMENT OF FROM DUTIES AT N"'" "'"" "" ,,'" Herds instruction in s, ,'tnd bet- Ndflk,|l Dl#Jn ¢v ,ll=|T,iUi Iti,D.= |],= 11,,llll]lUi =1 ,IU.. UA ier boating" will be aS, kable to Illl IIOII IU| OIIILII./UII RVlllI. Ll'llllr. uUgnlII'MI! :ill interested Mason CmQ'ty boat (:,rot nued f,'o p; ge 5) (C,>ntinu !d fFotll l)ag l) In Rn,,n .,, Mason .-,, education ,,,ght lrcmmn( Im.n)v down by Comp,.,y yeara prior to his begin Sept. 20 in the Grant Angle I IdiL|V|||| V|IIIL 1 another t)oal on the first turn and military service in ror]d War L schIJO1, v b|e\\;v a piston. He eonloietcd several extension FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY ()PENS 6:45 ....... STARTS 7 FUN POR EVERYONI] --ii-tti  HiS/Tfli ! ........ i Blackleg showed up in two eat- Tle nautical classes will be held A new system for patrolling the ' lie herds in Mason County last " " Boats which Jones has built hoM courses in addition to studying ...! week, Dr. Douglas K. Larson, over a 12-week period on Thurs- county was started Friday, Sheriff " i day nights from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., \\;¥illiam A. Pol.ter annommed, re.cords in EuroI)e, Australia and, electrical engineering at Holy Africa. Cro;s university. 1-:[ ended h]s Shelton veterinarian, said. This: with qualified instructors t'urn- The county has been divided into , long service with City Light as is the first lime ill eight years the ished by' the U.S. Power Squad- five districts with one deputy in In 1958 he built a boat which senior supel'visor at Cushman No. disease has been observed here. ron. Among specific subjects to charge of patrolling each district, v:ent to D, rest Germany and which 2. His wife, Viniired, joined him He said ea.ttle owners in the be included in the 12-week cur- .... I)e.puties and the areas to which holds the European straight away it) greeting friends qt the clul). ':" cmmty should be aware of t]ze riculum are such topics as "safety they have been assigned are record of 103 miles an hour in its presence of the disease and that afloat", "seamanship", "small Harold Brown, Allyn: the Allyn, outboard chtss. Ed worked at both Cush- • man plants dllring their construc- boat handling", "equipment and A boat which we,,,, to .st, alia lion. oving West from obrska,  :iiiiii':i;:i: :i government regulations", "rules of holds that country's record for V, ed (as his friends know hint) :,.!!::'.'..' the road", "aids to navigation", inboard on the straightaway o: pllr lied all education in eh:ctrical "the mariner's conH)ass", and 122 miles an hour. stu,;y and took additional school-  ........... .:!::ii{ii!:{:iiij,i:i:: ' "'charts and pih)ting". A boat which went to Johan: in K in Tacoma. In 1934, he was notify Frank Willard by card so African record at 90 miles an Cusmnan and retires as plant he can get an idea of the size of tour which the driver is about to supervisor at Cushman No. 1. He !!)* :il} classes, raise to 100 miles an hoar. and iris wife, Frances, will contimm In 1960 be built a 266 cubic inch to live at Hoodsport, as he plans inboard named the Gunshy which to build a boat for fishing and virus which can live dormant in the soil for an indefinite period ot time. The cases in the cmmty lmve been reported to the proper state officials, Dr. Larson said. there is a vaccine which will pre- vent it. The outbreak occurred in two ndjoining herds in the Skokemish Valley, resulting in the losses to bol:h, the veterinarian said. About 240 head of cattle in the vicinity of the oulbreak were vaccinated last weel<. There is no cure for the disease, which usually strikes the younger animals in good condition first. There is usually no warning of the disease until dead or dying animals slmw up. It is caused by a spore-form of SHOP" SFROUSE-REITZ" SAVE BELL RINGER SPECIALS€ NOW WiTH HUNDREDS OF SPECIALS IN EVERY S-R DEPARTMENT... ADVANTAGE OF EARLY SELECTIONS... T FILLER PAPER VALUE 98t}Value 300-CoumP*ck=ge Only .,u. c,.,,, ...o,,, '47¢ Popular Heavy Canvas--3-Ring--Reg. 69c Now Only _ I Lead Pencils WiTH ERASERS "° Package of 9-- ONLY n Binney & Smith 49c SPIRAL € CRAYOLAS .Composition Books . BEST BUY IN TOWN-- Open Flat for easy writing--Only 3 7 6ONLyCOlors-17 I STUDENT DESK LAMP k Total Value-$4.27 Brass finish.., adjustable Ooose neck.,, stamp t OurDISCOUNT PRICE and paper clip holder base / FREE WITH EVERY LAMP! F 4=in.1 BALL POINT PEN y Only [] TRUCKS .,-,"-o"' °'-" W  s ' < ' '¢  Charles Antell'  andCh°'Cecolors°( Styles d /,4o,, . $. -----,.-,- -.,.o,:,o" ¢129'|;I"L .rK=..nn..,,'/ i ;-!)€uum0  ½ -to,, .......................... : $ ililU Hair Spray ...................... , € , palle| $ ", 1:  Reg. 88 --__-- !, e .......................... W" OLET Sed. Del. $  ..[i[llF,, II. 14oz. can $ ......... "? ir'*e ,-to,, .......................... $2 ,!( ., NOW 1) l- tble cockpit Si)eedboat  lmi,:,:: I)B Motor, tri|cr -- NOW ............ Im Ivailable Even At IRES BY ARMSTRONO ILlll s I Sanford Hastings, Mgr. Evergreen Square Agate, Grapeview and Harstine Island areas. Dick Valley, Beffair: the Belfair, Tahuya and Dewatto areas. Nat Stairs, •Union: The Union area and up the Hood Canal to Twanoh State Park, and up the canal to the Jefferson County line and the Lake Cushman area. Joe Gatehell, Arcadia: Arcadia Point, Kami!che Point and the area south to the Thurston County line. Wally Anderson: The Dayton, Matlock, Lake Nahwatzel and Lost Lake areas and the upper Skokomish Valley.- Potter said the move was under- taken to give betttr coverage to the county and to enable the dep- uties to get better acquainted with the residents of the area in which they are in charge. The deputies will overlap into each other's areas for days off and if the need arises, Potter said. In addition to the five deputies on patrol, two will continue their duties out of the sheriff's office in the court house, Mel Robertson, chief deputy, who is the investi- gator for the office, and Rocky Morrison, as identification man who takes photos and fingerprints, John--L-uhm--Eh©bd Grand ,Oorrespondenl An honor seldom bestowed on a man of his years was laid on the shoulders of John Luhm. World War II veteran, and an active fig- ure in Mason County veterans' af- fairs, when he was elected Grand Correspondent at the 40 & 8 state convention in Bellingham. Luhm, twice Chef de Gare of 40 & 8 Voiture 135 and past com- mander of Fred B. Wivell Amer- ican Legion post, of Mason Coun- ty, is the first World War II vet- eran to hold that position. He suc- ceeds George Hopkins of Tacoma, who recently suffered a heart at- tack. Hopkins had held the office on- ly about six months after succeed- ing Reg Sykes of Shelton, who had been Grand Correspondent for many years. Another state office was given a Voiture 135 member when new- ly elected Grand Chef de Gare Ray Ptermeyer of Tacoma appointed Bill Dickie, Journal editor, as pub- lisher of the 40 & 8 state newspa- per" Jig-A-Jig, which will be print- ed in the Shelton-Mason County Journal plant beginning in Sep- t:ember. It has been printed at Bel- lingham for many years. NewStUdenis At;- Asked To Regisler Students attending Shelton Ele- mentary Schools for the first time who have not registered, should do so this week at the Evergreen School. All three elementary school offices will be open beginning Monday, Aug. 27. Parents are ur- ged to come in and pay the stu- (ent fees and workbook deposits Legal Publications No. 3324 NOTICE OF IIEA{tlN(; FINAl, RElq)IVi' AND I)I,T1TION FOR I)ITitlilUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Iu the Matter of tile Estate of MILES ttOWELL, Deceased. Bernice Howell. Executrix ,)f lhe above estate has filed in the Clerk's office of said Court Iwr final tel)oft and petititon for distribution asRlng the Court to settle said ,'eport. dis- tribute the. property to the persons thereto entitled and discharge, said Executrix. Said report and Detition will be heard on September 28. 1962 ut 10:00 A.M. at tim Proi)ate Department Court Room of said CoUrt. Dated August 24 1962. BERNICE HOWELL Executrix ,]'AMES B. SANCHEZ Attoruey for Estate 245 Fourth Street Building, Bremerton. Washington 8/23-30-9/6-3t Too Lale To.Ulassify FOR SALE: Spacious waterfront home well h)eated on 150' of eho{ce low- bank property. This Ironic has 3 large bedrooms plus den. Call Vince Hlmlie at Waterfront Realty, 426-8277 for an al)pointment to see this tanlily honle. 8/23 REISUD to $9,950. See lhis roomy Hlllerest home with new kitchen. and full basement today. This home is vacant so you have inllnedlate possession. Call Waterfront Realty. 426-8277. 8/23 FREE A P ARTI EN T - l}i":l.(il iabl ( -€o uple for light services. Phone 426-2081. B 8/23 tfn b-R--ST L E 7 71s o,;;i - ,i;;wi;'r--gS"Sh "-&;ia- dition $10.00. Phone 426-8597. D 8/23-9/6 FOR SAL]:--Two end ab"l lamps, 1WO wIve] and swing rockers. one radio phonograt)h, dinette set: with six chairs. Excellent eonditiSn. reasonable. ].' hone 4.6-318g. ....... F 8/23-30 F(5-R S-ALE--=-'¢&.ingeb-{;i7 v-asl:r: $20, double bed complete with mat- tress and spring. $I0. Phone 426-8287. P 8/23 F--0--R-gXt'E ----: ea i Hh" fi ;iw d'ffh'h-s i-3ii lumber. Used 4-Inch fh)orlng and Wittnseo.tting. Use.d 2x4 one e.ent per foot. Clarence Corn(q] 5524 May St /23-30 NEW Prefabricated HOMES k(our Plans or Ours• Double wall construction, trussed roof, aluminum windows and pre- stained siding installed; founda- tion, roofing, ceiling, partitions, doors, insuhttion. AS LITTLE AS $1450 Write for free booklet BUDGET HOUSING CO. 2200 Simpson Ave., Hoquiam 8/30 - 11/8 iM PAULEY, -- 5th & CoLa P  5th & Raih'oad was national champion in Its first construct a dark room to further f, year of racing, esLablished a his photograpltic interesLs. straightaway recmd in its class and won the high point award . Of the three, Earl Riebow began for the most points accmnulated at Cushman the earliest, NOVelnber in one season. ]924 as a wirenmn helper. Except WHILE WORKING with his fa- ira' a few months at City Light's ther in Seattle, Jones was build- La Grande powerhouse on the ing the boats his father designed. Nisqually River, he served most ]-Ie is now designing the boats he of his 37 yeaxs and 10 months at is but!diag, the Skokomish River projects and He said he was exposed to boat completed his serxice as plant racing threugh his father who has operator at Cushman No. 21 Mr, been working with thera since Riebow graduated from Stadium 1927 and itas designed boats which High School in Tacoma and attend- cu)'rently hold every record except ed the Columbia School ef Drafting one in the American Power Boat in Washington D.C. Accompanied Association inboard unlimited rec- by his wife, Maybelle, he plans to ords. move into a mobile home and Lore' Jones said his own personal in- the Southwestern United States. terest developed when he altend- The party was arranged by ed the races sponsored by the Se- Lionel Day, Cushman plant op- attle Inboard Association and be crator, and many wives of the went on his own budding boats employees furnished deliciously ........ in 1955. decorated cakes and cookies for COMING SEPT. 7 - 8 | He has driven in hydroplane the ()ccason. "THE HOUSE OF WAX" I races, the htst time at the Tri .................................. "BLONDE BLACKMAILER",, City Water Follies in Pasco in Journal Wanl Ads Pay "BR,DE AND THE BEAST" 3.959 and 1960. Jones said he does ONE CrOMI?IETE SHOW not own a hydroplane of his own I  _ so opportunities for racing are limited. "°'*'"" "" ! THE RUMORS ARE FLYING! can. and hopes t.o attend the Lake . i Tahoe Unlimited Regatta at Reno. Nev., if he can get away. Two of ti, e boats.he buill., the Tahoe Miss LET ME ANSWER ONE OF THEM and the Tempest will 1)robably be • t • • competing. HIS WIFE, Bey, shares he]' h,,s- PERSONNEL hand's interest in boats. Both are DEPARTMENT qualified as racing offic, ials by the American Power Boat Association, Everyone is aware that Ci- she as a scorer and he as a ref- vii Service rules govern and c]'ee, protect the jobs of members "She knows about as much of the Sheriff's staff. about boats as anyone, and is very understanding abont the anaounL Rumors that I plan to re- of Lime I spend in the basement place the present staff if I working on the boats," Jones sat(1 am elected Sheriff are entire- of his wife. ly unfounded, for I could not The couple's three children, Re- do so even if I wanted to. becca. 9. Debra. 7. and Ron Jr.. 5. all seem to be developing some For example, the Civil Ser- intere, st in boat racing ilOV, bq. vice rules are SO strict that I aid. had to resign from the Sher- The higgest g'rowth in hydro- iff's staff in order to cam- paign for the office of Sher- 1)hme racing has been since 1952 o and 1953, Jones said. The unlim- .i .E. iff. H'Gds fir:d: stimulnted the interest The rules of Civil Service are administered by three well-known which has spi'ead Lo the ]imiLcds also. Mason County residentsL. A. CARLSON, OSCAR LEVIN and There are eight limiLed classes GENE TAYLOR, who I am sure you know stand for sound and and six limited rllnabout classes, honest government. Jones said he had never imd anything to do with the runabouts. Jones said he wants to build an VOTE FOR SAM unlimited hydrophme with a new approach in design wilieh will use gas turl)ine engines if he can CLARK For SHERIFF tind a sponsor. bcfore school begins. This will help you avoid waiting in line. It's Time For A Change! Watch the Aug. 30 edition of Shelton-lVIason County Journal for room assignments of kindergarten and first grade children, n t I i/!:?::!ii>i • : 7 : .i::: i i:i:i i:: :>i( i!:7: •I> <" ::)•: "" " SHELTON MOTOR GOMPANY 233 SO. FIRST ST. SHELTON l