August 23, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 23, 1962 |
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23, 1962
SI-IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Chr,lstmastown, U.KM." SheI[on, Washington
The Salvation Army truck will
be in Shelton to pick up discards
.'uesday, August 28. Those wish-
ing the truck to stop are asked to
(.all 426-6564 or leave donal,ions
on the porch aL 325 North Fifth.
Iammond t nd 11 of their children years He, with his ,ife Noah are
attended Llm 60U wedmng anm-, riving in California near Sweet-
versary of Hammond's parents, lwater Jr. College, Chula Vista, a
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammond, suburb of San Diego wherc be will
Pioneer Area Family Attends Oregon Reunion
I-'IONIJ -dIr:r'Y:?Irs R P. [;yl l:se(fiseharfgefrOnelrxL] UsS x slVer. CwUdviIrlsyiot));rlSY: Bay
Walker, Glenn Lockwood, Janw, s
Taylor, Max Mikkelsen, Richard
Fitchette, and i]er daughter, Mrs.
O. L. C, ates, Misses Linda Gates
attend class this fall, majoring
in architecture.
Mrs. Ray Walkei" with two of
lmr children spent five days vsit-
ing relatives in Vancouver, B.C.
New neighbors out Agate way
v¢ill be Mr. and Mrs. Roe and
Tangent, Ore., Aug. 12. There were
43 relatives which included five
great grandchildren, and 17 grand
Two other sons, John and Rob-
erL, were al:o present, and five
daughters: Mrs. GraCe Daniels,
Shelton; Mrs. Dorothy Waltermy- family rom Seattle. The Roe's
er, Nebraska; Mrs. Bertha Zim- are in the process of building a
merman, Mrs. Alma Jarred, and new home on the 40 acres t[aey
end Claudia Ii"win.
A blue and pink decorated baby
baskeL held the coh)rful array of
packages which included gifts sent
by Mrs. Harriet Smith, Mrs. Chn'-
(nce Brown, and Albert Dickgieser
who were unable to attend.
Games were played and every-
(me admwed the lovely pink car-
nation corsage which the mother-
lo-be wore, a m.-present from
the hostess, Mrs." Irwin, A buffet I
u er of shrimp salad, tea, sand-i
-iPPes, and cake was served. The i
cake was beautiful ant1 was maoe
by Kenny Frank of the Colonial l
I-louse in Shelton.
Mrs. Ruth Rodgers, Idaho. A num- purchased from Harold and lna
)aaeducing" Balances No Commission be," of friends were present for
lhe celebration, as a 60th wed- RAY VALKICR and Sunny
Charges ding anniversary is considered Lowe teamed for the Pro-am golf
somewhat, of a rarity, match at Gray's Harbor Country
h00unty $ i & L A d li MRS. OPAL CLAY, on Spencer[Club this past weekend. They won
4 av age can see a on Lake. is now home resting after second in the best ball section of
spending five days in the Clinic J the tournament. Ray came in
] T'ITLE INSy22,N.EE,BUILDIN G hospital. A visit from their son wih a 68 the last day which put A spark from a cigarette, camp-
| . on=L.,u Eugene Irving Clay, who !s help- { them right back in t'he "money"., fire or slash fire can s ta.rt .a.rag:
'.'.IL,.._ mg Mud keep Mrs.. "C" qmet, was I A baby shower for Mrs. Donald [ing forest fire. Be caretm wits aa I
a wondefful surpmse. Eugene re- Gates was held at the home of'fire. Keep Washington reen. __
,ors Speda/
• 5+ per eup
t 14.oz.
fast Specials
=k fo fix•
L Gdy
P® all-set for school.; What's young 'n gay 'n
all over? Pandora's splendid new novelty knits in caressable, Luxury-Spun, bulky-
Dunk 'era and presto-dry.., they're shape.ful for life, forever-bright
washable Carleton skirts they matchl
izes 7 to 14 only Sweaters $4.95 to $6.95 • Skirts $5.95 to $7.95
PRIMEVAL PLATFORM24th District Repre-
sentative Roy Ritner stood on the remains of an
old stump in the midst of a primeval forest as he
talked Saturday afternoon during ceremonies
terminating the first State Parks Department
youth corps project at Lake Cushman State Park.
Behind him are some of the 20 boys 16 to 19
years of age who did the work of making more
than five miles of trails, almost three mile= of
roads, a boat launching facility, and cleared 123
camp sites in the 480 acre park. During the six
weeks covering the project the boys lived in tents
and "roughed it" like true outdoorsmen•
S hip'n Shore" IIrs. gooper Honors Son At Birthday
si,rn-l,ne Party At Lake Nahwatzel Home
button-down: By Sandra Tuppei"
a great
Note these fine assets: back pleat, tapered
tails, trim placket. BanCare 'v all cotton, no-
iron. White, pastels. Sizes 30 to 38.
day afternoon and evening Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cooper gave a birth-
day party for their son Hans wire
just arrived from Holland. Missing
guests through illness were Mr.
and Mrs. Byron McClanahan, Shel-
ton. A blessed event in the family
kept Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ritncr
away, but the Coopers including
this reporter wish our state rep-
re.entative the best of luck with
his first and new grandson.
were Elizaleth Butler, Mintie
Ahen, Mrs. MabM M. Rempel,
Bernhard and May Winiecki, Wil-
liam Manier and his daughter, Bea
IV[anicr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Ctmningham and their sons David
and Mike, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn R.
VChite, Mrs. Frieda Pleske, Mrs.
Rose Abt, M'r. Fred Pleske, Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm Dick and their
children Bob and Betsy, Mr. and
Mrs. MeClanahan, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kuildouk, Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Lemke, Olga Riske, Waldemar
Riske, Mrs. Wills Mills and her
daughter Kathy, and Miss Sandra
It was for Hans the first birth-
day party in his life. Included was
the birthday cake with 23 candles,
and a buffet psrty for the guests.
Sunday guests of the Coopers
were Miss Jacoby Van Dyke, vis-
iting from Holland.: Mr. and Mrs.
John Van Dyke' of Tumwater, Mr.
and Mrs. Kroon and their cJ:ildren,
Marion and' Dicky. Coffee and
cookies were stowed.
MR. AND MRS. Lowell Cook, of
Aloha, Ore., spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer.
Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit spent
the weekend at Kalaloch, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sellers of
Brady dropped in to visit with
Clarice Carpenter.
Mrs. Sam Diggle and children
went to the alumni picnic aL Mary
M. Knight School.
Mrs. Kelley and daughter Betty
tool( Mrs. Kelley's sister; Mrs.
Clara Pearall over !:o Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Pearsall% home for dinner.
Miss Betty Kell, v went to the
Matlock Dahce Saturday night.
Sunday drop-in guests were
Dick, Joann, and Susie Tupper.
Visiting the Tuppers at the re-
sort were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen,
their sons Steve and Danny, and
their daughter Cathy of Brea, Cal-
if., and Mr. and Mrs. Manry Grim-
wood and thei)' dallgilter, Kathy,
and her girl friend Judy Minnix,
(t La PuenLe, Calif.
a wonderful time at the Matlock
Dance Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. James Blauvuet of
Tacoma were Saturday evening
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Thm'sday evening Mr. and M)'s.
Chapt)ell, Jane, I,t)'l'y alld St,we
visited M. and Mrs. Thomps()n o
Wynoochee Valley.
Ha)riett and PaLsy Chal)pell '
were S|md,y (linnet' guests.
Sat v.rday Mrs. Edith Profitt and
Mrs. LawrenCe Hanscn went visit-
ing at A£lburll with Mr. arid Mrs.
John Durbin. Before l'(l;1 ll'n ill g
home they stoppc(1 at Issaquah to
visit with Mr. and Mrs, Mmvm
Pal)worth and Mrs. "vVillimn 13.
Watson of Seattle.
IF ANYONE knows the where-
al)outs of a big black and white
cat with a bh|ck polkadot on his
chin please call M;rs. Hansen.
Friday aftenu)on visitor of Mr.
and Mrs. James Bleeker was Don
Williams of Shelton.
Drop-in guest lfriday evening
was Otho Boswick of Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Etts
of Shelton were visitors on Suu-
Receipts from the Harstine !s-
land Ferry of $264.55 for the week
ending Aug. 18 were turned in to
the Mason County treasurer by the
county engineer's office.
, i, i, i
In the
Vote for and re-elect
Ship'n Shore;
Mix ,, 49'
B oxford <'- ....
rup ,,,, 57 c shirt
Bottle of timeless"
.e n 9,,b .v 4tic ........... Ta d D refinement) for elass and e-7_mpus
• --Pkgs. 3.98 ,'You saw Them Ill Seventeen ,
""°'" dPl( Garland Sweaters . , . . . . , , , . from $6.95
"'1t.M.0'( }!"; i And Matching Skirls ' , , , , • , , , from s9,95
)n y , ,,< p,no groe. -- b,Cwhe, dn o:,d:Y:::w'O -- oapr, ,uo --
Sport Shirts I Remember Parker's for Parkas
new dark shade--Ivy League I styles fox' men & ladies
LPTHI:M IN o.o. ,..,
,x , sl¢ve -- from ,"', I Complete line by Sportcaster
I 1 " , "the company that
)H 9(}H00L "Long John" M,ss I'.t I)re,ses
transition cottons started it all"
or p,oco Sa = 11,98 to
SWEATERS fro,n ,.,., s24,95
RN MORE-TO EARN MORE The new look in cardigans by Pebble Beach
, I Jarman Shoes
I19S 129 I ,,o,oooo00
....... LLJ .......... 45 - ) 5 new hoot ookl2,,
GOLDEN Definitely the Big Moc on Campus! Continental styled )
With a square toe, handsewn vamp, in extrovert col- Simply beautiful, with rolled sleeves and a , $109s --
IE o! Antiqued benedictine or black grained cowhide, back pleat. BanCar@ all cotton, no-iron.
tJOOL ., 's.9s whito . .
Wash 'n; Wear Cotto. or synthetic blends rom $t.98
Levis Amet ie s favorite jeans since 1.850 $4.15
Light Tan Jeans -- the latest in cotton twill ..................... $4.25
Sulnme] Clearance Rack
=" dresses, shorts, skirts, blouses, ,,
i ,cc,, M E 12 CA N T I L E swimsuits, etc.
reductions 25% --- 50% Mr. & Mrs. Shop
=m BBIB -..