August 23, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 23, 1962 |
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Union Woman Presents Historical o00o,, k00o,, Southside 4 H Allyn Birthday Club Honors Ho,
'Prtbernacle Friday evening at 'i'a- and his wife 1-'Lose of Walla %Valla,
coma at C,P.S. [::'kIdhouse. " See
are spen(iin several days with
John Morris, son of Mr. and her.
Dmments To P0rtOrchard w,,o 00o0o Members Take Six At Meeting Last Week ,,. to ,,,,,,, EmersCL
aLten(ling tile Paratrooper school G, rll)ldma., she is so active ill mind
at Fort Banning since lie enlisted m(1 bodv. %Ve love io h(,m" her
"(:NIO - 1 ss lden al tlie resiflts of tests of ills train- : , , . :
.Mrs, ugene Gilfili,:z,d drove to wilt} Lh(!r ow n family. A few heing'atth¢ endof thismoi, Lh.time of Ills enlistment heSineehas :)z': '" ' l ':): \\; ' :s ,! 1 : ' ' - ' 1V J!l' - KiI(
I"ort Orchard taking with her reetly yoimg' motners also were, -t '- stoiiping: at the Clevel:m(Is for cof-
ohi-titne sketches and data of P!- taken Ilnder the Rythers hospita- traveled through 13 slates. By Mrs. Ray Kra.leha. bets were present and one gut,st, woek he,o :l Allyn, fishing from fee aflel'ward,. Logg rig ope|'a-
oneer days Which she presented ble roof until en]ployn!ent and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Krienbaum SOUTHSIDE Mill Creek What Th( se cehqn'atinIl' birlhdays this llw fhmt al Gr:,.ndpa's. Mrs. Cle- tions in this area and |.lie wol'l,: and Mrs. A. E.
to the Kttsap C0UhLy Historical sll;Nter wt,re found for them. have had their daughter and son- Nots .t-H club met Monday eve- month were (]rmMmn (:h,vehm(t, meal look him h) W,'sll)Orl o see (lone on the big power liars (from ad her parents,
Society, The sketches and notes Frmn the modest beginning in-law, Mr. and Mrs. iV[. F. Wil- niug at the home of their leader. IiHainc Kowalczhl;, Judy nnd Sli.qit, flit, liM}ing h,mls come in Monday Cushman) Ihc ielephone and lights L ritz. Shel-
r, nd faded old docnments, were came the. modern Ryther Centel. [-;on of Santa Monica, Calif., and Mrs. Ben Drake. Marvin La- Von Osten. Lucilh, Rice and l,e- :!nd l., w': ranch impressed, and coming inio the commmity lhe ,'ening hon-
nmde by he:r father, Wendell IN. of today in Seattle, a fine large son Gregory witll them for the Chance gave a demonstration on ola Noble. Quite a busy moulh. ])hns t() 4, out \\;vilh (]randpa next building of the various oht h,)mes weddiP.g
Chase, as a yoimg man, They pof modern building which gives shel- past month. Mrs. Wilson attended how to make a tool box and this So nice to g'e! togetiur t.o enjoy #ear. here. Gr'mdma has seen all lhis
tray the eariy hamlet of Sidney ..... Let, food and medical care, as summer school at the University demonstration was a blue ribbon the birth(lays. The J,.,w(q Von Osten home was happen and in her own quiet way erald Needlmm
and included w.'terfront nnd dock well as advice to hundreds of boys of Washington during tile faro- winner for Marvin at the Mason Mr. and Mrs. Fred I,ockwo()d the s(xm,' of n birthday gaihoring was part of it. 'elson returned
cenesand an early inill site. Later and girls, as it has done through lye'S stay o,1 the Canal Also at County fair. are visiting in Oregon. fro' ,ludy Thursday evening. Mel The Alvah Millers of Lakew(,od al a trip to
Sidney became the busy town of tile many years since Motlier Ry- Kreienbaum honie for the . The 4-H chfl) will hold one more MR. AND MILS. WII,LIAM Ro- FIemphills were out from Brem- ;;pent g wonderful day at West- they al.-
Port Orchard. the,' founded it. same length of time were tlleir meeting for the year. der, Moutcrey, Calif., spent a few crt(,n, Sieve l::h)yces, Sam Clem- mrL fishing' )', e.atching tmcle,
Mr oh a wh was an en ineer . Mrs. Gilliland, wire is one of the grandsons, Mark, Chris and Mich- At the Mason County fair all days at. the Harold Brown home, (nts and Terrells were there for their limit. Was a sad oc-
. . .,,,a e :o teC a-i ' Canal's talented women, aside ael, sons of daughter Shirley, and " )ut they were
d the 4-H members won bluo rib- It|so atteade(I the fair. Ihe woning. Refreshments were
n,na Surveyor, loca 1 1; . n y }.;.0,, i;,,: ...... ,,, ..... o,- i', ,., Mr. an(1 Mrs. John Ingebright. •
....... ,d - ill" 1 ' ai'n on *, -, , ...... s , .... ,,-, * .... v*,,- Mr. Charles Robinson of Califor- boas and all entered exhibits. Mar- Mr. am! Mrs. Harvey Rice fhw .'erved 1)5' Susie. lAItle Karen. 16- of Seattle spent the weekend here with Mrs.
ID IPSb'l, I Dt t /t Og C ,)1 ; ' . ......
.. . - . • ,-. ,.. .... ., (ll('!ts, IS alS0 a water colorist Dis.. The three teenage boys at'- via LaChance caught a calf in to Pelerbllvg. Alaska, to visit a months old. sang' "Hal)py Birth- with friends. Steve Vv-
])I'Opel!ty fie flCqtUl'e(I AI.O ll],lU(I" t,*.; Z . .-, * , ^' r.A^ ^,. :k.' "
ed nz tile docurnellts was a letter . , . • The Leonard Petc.rsens have had '
: -.. -- -- e, wm Chas(, wood block artists and last week via the iame route. :Mr. the calf scramble. The meeting son the other day. Hope the wea-
from his grancnatner, onurn y , :'ai ter " ..... and i's. Wilson and Ch'egory left Monday evening wa.s a public de- Iber has been favorable for th(,iv ,?udy blow oul thv candh,. on her alls, Mr. and
of :M:assachllseLts, zec'eiv(d at: the'] p n: s. ..... . meeting trip. The scenery is superb we cake. .Iu(iv and I(aren are flv- two neices from Granville, N.D. and Mrs.
lime Waslfington state eas still] THE TIM!-)OR.N cliche-i-"IL's Monday f0f a trip o Lake Louise monstration and the • .
territory The old,tim'e docu- R sman worlo' was evidencea msu and Banff, Canada, and will also g]ests who attended were Mrs. know, but some days Lhe weaLher ing to St. Paul Tuesday to visit visiting, Marie and Phyllis Peter- and Mrs.
merit aid'ketches are nbw at] wee k when Mrs. Nin Miller and visit Yello%,stone Park before 'rhelma Obremski, Karen and has not been so good this year. 3udy's parents, the Gordon Green- on. They also visited Martha 205 ,st back from
•'ort Orchard Court Hotie ] Shelton friends Mrs. Mervin Wi- their return to theii, parents' home Sharon Johnson, Rita and Etta Maybe we will huve a nice fall. fields., and lo atLend Judy's oldest Wat:son and family. They all wenL
Swearing'er worked at the gate The Terrell patio was a busy brother, lichard's, wedding. Judy' to the Seaitle Fair Wednesday, BLare Grange
..... ' for a brief visit: before leaving for at the fair. Cotton candy was ser- place last Wednesday morning, as will ulso get to visil: with her and pronounced it "grand".
. ... _ .. -- .... vel and daughter Mrs Guyer, who . 4-H
lttel' werlaell unase met ann ;,: ,-'. "" " .
""--l" i thin dau:-tez ,f were on a nmmg-camping trip Califonfia and home.
rrl[tl'rlefl 1 la y ", :gn' • o z he, red' for a treat at tile meeting, we entertained the t-'aulsons all(t gran(tlmrents, the elder Green-
" .... i1 L . Dosewa]lips areas on a MILS. BEULAtl Nichols and Bovces for ))Fel](fas[, bH'ore th(, fields of [)t, nvol', who will }:)e in NIGItT last
the wellknown Mother Ryther, ,,,n + te-.t...,., ,,,^. . ....... Paulsons departed for Spokane v.f- St. ]"au[ for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs.
..... er-u b nd - e-"- ,,,,, ,, ,,mmx, v,ty ucam Sister Mary McBratney have had JOF LA%VSON, son of Mr. an(I •
wno, wltnn n S a ,sna" razne|.hil ld .......... . TO QUICKEN YOUR
,,,,,,,. ,,e ,,,,. z,',,,,es* *,,, o*lt 'sty, t ll mqlllre(l ot a lel!ow as housegt|ests of the past week Mrs. Wendell Lawson of Arcadia ter spending their vacation with ()bs(u'ved around Allyn: and Mrs.
" ........... hiker as to tlie nearest proxim- Mr. and Mrs, Earl McBratney and completed his training in the Na-
ity of drinking water, . children of Tennessee.. :McBratzey tional Guard at Fort Sill, Okla- the Boyces. The firm of Von Osten and Von of Bot-
honm.. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Law- MR. AND MRN. Howard ,Vvnn ()sten insl:flling a new roof on rs. Zelenak's
:M:eanwhile the trt0 had noted the is thoh* brother. Monday the Me- ,,'on returned home last weekend md fnnnly have been spending the Clenlenls home. Profitt and
| 1 ,. l number of llikers and also Eoy Bratneys left for t trip to British their o,,,o. Oome Oul a.d Try of Midd]eton,
Scouts making thetrek. Inthebrief Colum6ia to spend a few days, Beach, on the ocean. They have MIL AN]).MII.. PAl,I, Mackay
conversation which took place it then z'etulning to Union to eom- Memphis. IhorougMy enjoye(l their stay, dig'- attended a cook-out at Lake Wool- motor trip
was revealed, the man to whom plete their visit, before making Mr. arid Mrs. George Grisdale ging clam. and phtying on the en with friends one day this week. Combs
fliey spoke was from Olympia and the return trip to their Southern and daughter Jane of ShelLon have beach, although the sun hasn't Mr. "rod Mrs. John Peterson Susie Oli-
up to hlsl, a friend of Verne Miller, Mrs. home.
o[ Salt Lake Cly, Utah, were at
been enjoying a vacation of the shown for them every day. Some lhe Sam Clemenis home for din-i were cele-
5000 Miller's son, young business man Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton have past few weeks at Olymptm M a- friends joined them for a few days
z:er Thm'sdav evening. Mr. Pet-[ he home of
.of that place. When the women had as vistt0rs aL their home last am'. ...... in fact, the whole party oeeu- erson lived (vith lhe Clements in] 8he hosted
commented on the number of Boy week Mr. and :Mrs. Martin John- Shelley Allison of Port Orch- pied four tents. Puyallup years ago. I
Sgouts who were also hiking up .on and son, Pioneer Town, Calif. ard has been a house guest of grandmo-
the trail, his comment was, "Well Taking advantage of a recent Mickey Coles recently. Shelly Mrs. Blanche Zeitner and her •
Loans on furniture, Verne Miller's soh just passed by mmny weekend, Mr. and Mrs, Neal spent her childhood at Madrona houseguesL, Mrs. Hulsopple called Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gaschk of B Sr., of
here a few minutes ago, with Purer and family made a trip east Ladge, attending Union, and later en several beach friends Thurs- Tacoma spent Monday evening RO"TD children,
with friends here to wind up their Was two that
day. Mrs. Hulsopple is Angus
automobiles, equip- some of the boys". The lad in of the mountains, visiting at the Hood Canal Junior High schools. Smith's daughter from Oregon, vacation. They have just returned birthday is
question being Mrs. Miller's 13- farm home of relatives, Mr. ad While horseback riding Wednes- " to enjoy
who is spending some time here from point; on Oregon and Wash-
year-old grandson, Jeff, son of Mr. Mrs. Thermart Hmilton, Prosser, day evening last week in the vic- than the
ment, livestock, or and Mrs. Verne Miller, who is a and enjoying seeing the wheat inity of Dry Lake back of Union with her father and the Zeitners. ington coasts by traile)' and had
with her sisters Miss Luella Mc- Batnche has had guests from a. marvelous time the whole two Mrs. Albert
member of the Olympia troop of harvest in fllll action. They re- Henry and Mrs. Georgia Smith, Sioux City, Iowa, the t.aymond El- weeks. It's the World's Newest Way to 0oo. Idren, Jerri
other security and Scouts then passing along the turned home Sunday evening' of Mrs. Ira Morse was thrown ann lets. She took them for a tour Mr. and Mrs. Lester McConnel :rson, Jean-
trail a few- minutes before his a week ago. Cloqual-
take up to 48 months ,'namother, each unav,.are of the Mrs. Paul Schlosser had the broke her shoulder blade. Although of the Brush plant at Allyn, the of Tacoma were calling on friends IF YOU LIKE ,01110KBI
ethers' being in that vicinity, pleasure of a visit of Mr. and Mrs. tn pain, Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Smith oyster industry sites, and the St. here Saturday afternoon. . ..... tnd children,
started to walk to the highway. Charles Winery on Stretch Island. The Mel Noggles are building let and Ron-
At: tlie Gabrllson-Miller home Rolf S. Schlosser and young son They were picked up on the road They were impressed by it all, in- new home on the hill, next door 'oma, Mike
to repay. Credit Life last Wednesday from San Diego, Paul, Seattle, over the weekend cluding the Fair in SeaLtle. to Mr. Lindsey, a wonderful view You'll love golden brown, tender, Hank
Insurance is avail- Calif., were a trio of young school recently, near the power line by Dick Giles .and Steve,
who drove them to the Morse Last Monday morning, bright of Allyn Bay.
teachers, one of whom was Judy SINCERE SYMPATHY is ex- home where Mrs. Morse's husband and early, several men from here Sunday relatives and friends in chicken cooked in pure vegetable oils, Carr and
able. Phone, st00p in dent,Reyn°ldS'and alsoa formerLeoneSheltOnAsburyreSi-and tended Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Ross tool( her to Shelton General Hos- journeyed to Westport for a day's this vicinity, called to wish grand- ROn'wagnerMOOre
teve Boyce, Ri- nm, Cleveland a happy birthday with all the zatural juices and good
,, Charleen Reitz. and daughter Francis on the pas- pital, sport fishing. S
or write: Mr. and Mrs. William Shrive sing of Mrs. Ross' mother, Mrs. Ironically, Mrs. Morse had the chard Paulson, Sam Clemcnts. Jim which was her 90th. Open-house Sal-
Id Sophie Neuton of Fox Island, fingers on the same hand broken and Jewell VonOsten, Bob Kreut:- was held aL her home Sulday af- s and two
arrivedand two FridayChildrento°fspendTiber°n'theCalif'fol- Aug. 13. Mrs. Neutozt had been ill last week when a cat" door slam- zer, Don Pflugers. were lucky to ternoon and evening for her many EAT IT HERE OR TAKE IT WITH yoUl
V|,E rlzzmgz:l¢lNJzz lowing week visiting' aL the home a brief time and death was the med on them. get their limit. The l-u'gesL was Gertrudein her
result of complications. She had Union residents are urged to a 121,.'., pound king. The smallest, NO LONG WAITING picke0 up
----rio of her parents, M,'. azld Mrs. Eu-beenapatient at Harrison Menl- keep a watci, ful eye for any per- weighed eight pounds. The fish- ,u NEWS
gene Gil]iland. . • Who had
• Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConkey orial Hospital at the time. Funer- son or persons trying to deface, ermen reported Lhe water smooLh It's cooked from raw throu0h to the bone ' her grand-
124 Railroad Ave. have as house guests of Beverly al services were aL Gig Harbor destroy or remove any of the IN JUST 7 MINUTES ER guests of
Hills, Calif., their friends, Mr. Chapel with burial at Gig' Harbor newly placed road signs either after taking a trip to Missouri LITTLE SKOOKUM WARRIORS
Shelton, Washington and Mrs. Henry E. Jensen. Memortal Cemetery. Mrs. NeuLon along the back roadways, or along to visit relatives and son Joe The topic at the August 13 meet- SEA FOODS ALSO FEATUll,II Williams
Phone 426-4447 MR. AN][)MillS, DWIGHT Mof Dad many friends here, having Navy Yard Highway and if ob- came back with them. ing of our cltb was the Mason Alvin West-
ris were among the local nlusic lived at the Ross home and help- served take the license number of Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Drake County Fair. Exhibiting, judging, zs. Drop-in
lovers attending Lhe concert of mg operate the Totem Shop and the car and also attempt to check of Mill Creek is Mrs. LaChance and contest dates were announced. U=''__WLI Kidd of
lunch room. the identity of the occupants and and fore' children of Sitlca, Alaska. ]i'h:ms were made to work on the 1 Mrs.
........................... Evidently mid-August with the also report the same at once to Guest. of Nh'. and Mrs. Verne conmumity sigh'on August 25. Calif.,
last of summer In sight has in- Mr. Harry Elmhmd, County Corn- Schtfffenhauer and family spend- Two demonstrations were given On Hood Canal Near Potlatclz -- opposite Ta¢° aughLer and
pired the several cocktai! purLies, missioner for this district. This ing Friday were Pearl Brownfield, by CoNeen Shrum. Light Powerhouse on Highway 101
]]]LIEV]E M teaScalendarand oflUnche°nSthe past°f thecoupleSoCialof also includes any boys throwing Mabel Bishop, Eva Getty and Sherry MeFie served refresh- from Se-
., rocks at the signs. During the Carol Coker and baby. meats. Phone Hoodsport TR 7-9488 of vaca-
IT OR NOT PER weeks in particular, and which weekend the fine newly painted Silver Star Riding club put on Next meeting is September 10. " Mr.
IT IS KILOWATT have added to the color and plea- and erected street signs along the a demonstration on how they play ....... Colleen Shrum, reporter.
sure of localites and their house- back roads, were so defaced as Lo I.he hore g:tme.s Saturday after- ke Nahwat.
guest. Fh)ral backgrounds, bright make restoration only possible noon aL the fair grounds at. Shel- as guest
TRUE ItOUR beach unlbrelkts, and smartly after more labor and effort. Also Lon Valley. and
THAT dressed women adding to the at- some of the large "Stop signs" GUESTS OF Mr. and Mrs. Roy UOT night with
traction of the scene, along the street to Navy Yard Petty and Florence Satm'day eve- 11 m 1'O1 ' 1t. E1EFIL
HOSPITABLE Bishop Brook highway were completely removed, ning were Mr. and Mrs. Victor d a8 Matson
i ll] i 0S tO operate your was the scene of a gay garden q'hese Stop signs werd placed at Deyette and Mike of l'ac(ma. CHARLES R SAVAGE
• ' ) helby Rice o£
' • ..... ' - rs.
party last Wednesday afternoon dmg'erous places along the high- Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer Sun- | al'k Hans
i , when MrS. E. K. Bishop entertain- way for the safety of traffic -- day evening attend(d the baby FOR to Iron Springs
ed he," birthday club gz'oup at hm- both pe(lestrians and cars. shower for Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield ] d h{,=-'.,e''
cheon.Twenty-four women friends All of the new, defaced and also at the home of Mrs. Danny Wil- STATE REPRESENTATIV buL spent a
from Aberdeen, and Seattle being missing signs was the act of a son. Tr
Ranges Laundry Equipment present to enjoy the afternoon. :nosL malicious vandalism. The The Verne Schuffenhauers were THAT he may continue to use his broad 10ack Ve'la.1Xvline as the,
The setting, able arrangements, signs were made and set up at the among the guests who attended Legislative experience and community work to :i.i.tot]c. let'ehat'erThe grOUPParlc
@ Water Heaters Space Heating otandgayapp°intmentSparee itselt.creatingMrs, aGjaaysSCene asonC°St Ofcounty.hUndredsTheyOfalsodOllarSwere thet° i tonthe ValleyMaS°n Sunday.C°unty Fair at Shel- . people of this District and the state. ,
th nderson stay-
RE00RDS REFLEOT Sllerman assisted Mrs. Bishop dur- result of much thougizt and effort ourteen y,ars State Representative. . € grandparents,
I ing the afternoon, as well as in of the Mason Cotmty Board of .th,ow '
the planning. Commissioners and otlfers In- Former Congressman. -
For the pleasure of her house, volved in both their making ann il, r' a L Withl unele
that the average :M:ason County home uses 200 Kilowatt guest Mrs. Shawn of Memphis, crection. Eight years, Democratic Caucus Chairman and P artyle
hours eaeh month for lighting, refrigerator, radio and Tenn., Mrs. Calvin H. Mann en- So please lets all keop an eye House of Representatives. i i
miscellaneous small appliances alone, tertained some 30 friends at a out for Lhose responsible for the 00)[%00REEn Former Chairman of Columbia Basin Compact c°r¢= ii|. 'ill &' J' Zelenak vis
Coffee hour last Tuesday morn- same and report to Mr. Harry ering seven Northwest States. • "N - Ona With his
CONSEqUeNTLY, all major appliances can be used at a Ing at her Canal home. Mrs. Elmlund, Union , TW 8-2297 or AIra. Bteve Zel-
cosL of only 1¢ per kilowatt hour. Shawn left Tuesday evening for The Mason County Board of Corn- lllL'lll,l'Jl/lll i-"L,"l (Political AdvertisemenL)
the retuz trip to her home in missioners, Shelton. ............. Anderson
OUR BURVEY of Mason County home electrical energy use With Mr.
shown the foilowing average costs on :!i of I<amil-
Average Per Nfonth at dinner.
, happy
APPLIANCE Ave. Watts KWH Cost " : r. one of
Blanket ................................................ 190 15 $0.15 Rickards
Clock .................................................... 2 1 .01 they re-
Coffee Maker ....................................... 400 5 .05 one white
Dishwasher ........................................ 1200 36 ,36 they had
Dryer ..................................................... 4600 92 .92 lds celebra-
Fan (ICiLchen) .................................. 250 8 .08 * annivers-
Fry Pan 1150 29 .29 by some
Fryer (Deep Fat) ............................ 1[}50 4 .04 n Tacoma,
Freezer ................................................ 300 51 .51
Heater, Portable ................................ 1320 160 1.60 llers in the
Healing Pad ....................................... 65 1 .01 Were Mr.
Iron " 1000 12 .12 l of Shel-
Ironer. .................................................. 1500 18 .18 mily too-
Mixer. .................................................... 150 1 ,01 to the
Oi! Burner ........................................... 500 100 1.00 and
Radio, Console .................................. 75 9 .09 Rice,
Radio, Table ........................................ 50 6 ,06 tidd
' "l ........................ Plane to
Range (Iaml y of 4) 150 1.150The
Refrigerator ......................................... 200 24 .24 rest of the
Refrigerator-Freeezer . ....................... 250 40 A0 in
Roaster. ................................................ 1320 40 .40 of Mr. and
Rotisserie 1400 42 .4:2
............................................. Marion
Sewing Machine 100 1 .01 ,
'Ielevision ............................................ 200 45 .45 , /
Toaster ................................................ 11.50 5 .05 Automatic Electric Automatic Electric Aufomatic Electric Electric Automatic Electric A. Todd
Sr. and
Vacuum Cleaner, Tank .................... 600 6 .06 Range Washer Dryer Refrigerator Dish Washer so,, family
Vacuum Cleaner, Upright ................ 370 4 .04
Waffle Iron ........................................ 1100 2 .02 : ' and Sall'y
Washer, Automatic .......................... 250 5 ,05 Model RB-13 Model SC-50
Washer, Conventional ...................... 200 2 .02 SI"mSS '1399s ,999s ,1599s '138oo °
Water Heater (Family. of 4) . ......... 600 6.00 IIlll- w,w,t, w,w.t, ' w,w,t, W.w,t, ,w,t, Sunday.s li-
Ferris of
Eells and Valley Appliance Center •
p U.D NO 3
COUNTY • • • L
JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, secretary; :': OTED and
ED TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE DANIELSON, manager was
' 2nd nd Cota Street Where You Get The Best Deal By George Phone First
n, Calif.