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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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mh,,,oo Au¢¢l t 23, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -= Published in r¢Chr{stmastow% U.S.A. Shelton, Washlrgton , Pae, ]:!I --- -- - &apos; ;jr  .............. . ."i ..... .... '± urch To f V.F.W. Auxiliary" _ Pvt. Henry Rouse /! What's Cookina In Whose Kitchen? ltReports Activities * Homer0n Leave  ;; 0ned Hoe-down with L ....  • At the last meeting of the Ladies COMPLETES ]::v L. ]!-2 Henry A. Ros!. ,!)I (!1 "i)rh UAT" and I /A,,00iliar00 Lo the Veterans of For- NURSES Me. j, m l Mi:s. kemwtl L. l,(,,e, gill f' • • .1 I • I. TM, De th(' fei(l|r('d lirr, i/u ' Sn:!l[oll lS |]olll( ()It It V  allot IMN li nNII [] h .. . , i. = J i.. ...... rs two new membezs, TRAINING-- ,. ..... ,,, . .. [] Bh I' i [] V [] _at Wdl-O Creek I  /Alice Bleeker and Marc:ella Goff ,. ,eoml)h!llon .o.t elg:n[ ,xt, ks .!7 I"tSl(le of Mntlnol¢ ..... "  ,;.,, , Sharon Suno) l ionql (.]wtl'o Dqsi(> LI': illiil,' : t It( I'[ A alI m I"l,. -- .......... ,=C= .......... e,. ( ' ' , .. ..... " ' ntnl n I I'.sPo',sored bY the Hospital chairman Josephme' Barnett was O,2:1,. Cahf.., . € ,, >., :  . .., i ,-vlnb : .m. All men]bers Jansson, made a trip to Western nursmg Stuoen*s .!fl l-llgn cll(iol, Is tltI(! !) ..... State Hospital to deliver maga- d TM church arc in- New Westinghouse The outdoor bar- libeler Will ))e served 'i: t Cltiare dancing will LAUNDROMAT' • el,, Gaines will i)e '%eVeral familh,s will .add nlusieal talent. [0matic Washer ,,,,0 ,,.., lgtiP singing. TE Exclusive tumble action gives you unmatched economy.., uses ½ as detergent and bleach as other wash  '218 other models from $188 up qED FOR HEAVY DUTY ! , wash day when you own this WestinghouSe Giant-Size Capacity imble Action gets out the toughest stains and : rful features... Automatic Lint Ejector, Suds P/eighing Door...can make yourwa,sl; dsyS re... iS ' Westirhowse,, OUR FOOl) DISPOSALS LECTRIC Phone S ABOU.T 00ALT" S T 15 years ex- his long in responsi- iternal activi- Ed Fau- qualified apd candidate to as Mason urge all [mty vot- hert in , Sp- I)EYETTE Clerk office. A TOP FAVORITE around the Lewis household is Soda Cracker Pie. Ready to sample a serving of mom's dessert treat, out in the yard, is Sandi, :1= :1: * With three active children around, a favorite dessert recipe is a necessity. Dixie Lewis has jnst i [ such a recipe for Soda Cracker Pie. The next best thing \\; to bei.00 there- .... i ,:4:::: !ii!!!:ii!i Randy and seven year old Mark, seated on his mother's lap. Dixie and Bud reside with their family at 1619 Laurel and have made Shelton their home for the past nine years. Dixie was hoi at St. Paul, Minn. and attended high school in Olympia. Her husband was born and raised in Olympia and attended school there. He graduated from St. Martins Col- lege with an engineering degree. Because of illness. Bud has re- tired from Simpson Timber .Co. where he was a Methods Analyst. Sandt is the Lewis' oldest daugh- ter. She will be entering her soph- omore year at Irene S. Reed high school this fall. Early this sum- met Sandi attended the Eastern Washington State College high school creative arts series and re- turned home with awards and much recognition. Sandi attended the summer series under the spon- sorship of the Shelton Music Club. While there she received a tuition scholarship in voice for attendance at the :1963 Creative Arts series, She has two younger brothers, Randy, a fifth grader and seven 'ear old Mark. Mark recently cele- brated his 7th birthday and was I I DAHCE SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE ALL LONG TANC Share friendly talk--settle plans m . and give just as much pleasure as ,you get. CALL TONIGHT! P PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL =t: =I: given a black labrador puppy which he named "Cinder". Since Cinder has joined the family, morn says Mark and his dog are in- separable. In additio p to caring for her husband, Dixie likes to read and enjoys making clothes for Sandi and herself. This summer she has been busy getting the children ready for the different camps. Her recipe for Soda Cracker Pie :has proven itself a "real cool des- sert" when served to Sandi's teen- age friends. Mike and Randy's N0W'S THE TIME Sat., August 25 ...for a 0nee.a-year buy on just the one you want! MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS m T CHEVROLET BEn AIR 4.D00R SEDAN L ttia red io tq._ . dy for a vaeat n ' tl OUldn,t be easier: just pick ,,' a Wrolet, hack your family [a go. And that ]irst part is .hV?.of all with what your i /rOlet dealer has to pick 4t%::fhe Jet-smooth Chevrolet, itl ned's favorite family car, tpea, ride that only seems . li;S[ve; the Chevy II, about  Y. € and luxurious as you CUEV n OVA -D00 SEDAN r p%;t for a low, low price, the , ( .%alit,. Corvair, a rear-e;;gine  , I"°' 'hat just refuses t° be o.,, .. .................. ! 'da^_";he-mill. One of these ' t[]"" i.k tG {t?(.Oratwo.door for that ,1..; "" li- - IS sure to fit your faro. "  ; bUdget just fine. o-- +i. >, : sat are you waiting fo? i / V CORVAIR MONZA 4.D00R SEDAN t[ , ' I H DAI .ELL CHEVROLET COMPANY neighborhood chums find it an ex- tra special palate-pleaser too. Dix- ie calls the treat her "mystery pie" because friends are always puzzled at the crust and wonder just how it's made. She claims she makes no crust but that it forms while haloing in the oven. SODA CRACKER PIE 3 egg whites, beaten Fold in: 1 tsp. baking powder 16 soda crackers, crumbled 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup walnut halves 1 tsp. vanilla Bake at 325 deg. for 30 min- utes in buttered 9 inch pan. Cool. Top with 11,/_> pint whipped cream, Refrigerate at least two hours. NUNAMAKER'S GUESTS Recent visitors to the John Nuns- maker home were Mrs. Nuns- maker's niece, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Petree and daughter of St. Paul, Ark. Also visiting this month were iVfr. Nunamaker's brother and cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Nunamaker and daughter of E1- lensburg and Mr.' and Mrs. Ken- neth R. Rose of Pasco. Pholle SHELTON Phone 426-4426 zines to be placed in the library for nsc by the patients. Mrs, Sparks has a well planned pro- gram for the year and members l desiring to help with donations of cakes and cookies, rags, magazines or other items needed, should con- tact Mrs, Sparks at 426-6:]42. Ways' and Means chairman, Violet Brumbaugh reports items are now being collected for the rummage sale to be heal Sept. 14 at the Memorial Hall. The com- mittee requests all items be clean and major sewing' and pressing done on the clothing, Articles may be left with Betty Godwin or doners may call Mrs. Brumbaugh at 426-4206. The Auxiliary will serve the Kiwanis hmcheon on Tuesd]y. -President Merle VanderWal urges all members to participate. A reminder to all members of lhe Post and its Auxiliary, Sunday, August 26 is the closing day of the V.F.W. Annual Salmon Derby at Potlatch State Park. Dickinson Family Holds Reunion On Hood Canal The Dickinson family held its first reunion of many years this past St•day at the Wonian's Club House on Hood Canal The Canal setting was appropriate, as the or- iginal Dickinson family was raised in Hoodsport, many still residing there. After a potluck dinner, the afternoon was spent talcing pic- tures and generally getting ac- tures and generally getting reac- quainted with those coming from near and far. Nearly sixty descendants were present, stemming from the si x Dickinson children: Alma, Herbert, Clarence, Earl, tester and Alfred. Those present, of the possible 80, were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dick- inson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dickin- son and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid Dickinson and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Addlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Addleman and children, M'r. and Mrs. Arthur Heath, Mr. and N[rs. Don Fiximer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Dickinson and NIarlene, Mrs. Rule Dickinson, Mr. and M'rs. Gordon Dickinson and chiMren, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Soule, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dickinson, Mrs. Robert Erhart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunbar and girls and Mr. and N[rs. Bern Stoles and boys. Golden Age Club Slates Potluck Golden Age Club will meet to- day at the Memorial Hall. A pot- luck dinner will be served at 6 p.m. The regular business meeting and !ocial time will follow. A rummage sale, sponsored by the Golden Age Club, is held ev- ery Friday and Saturday at Sec- ond and CoLa Streets. Travis' To Mark 50 Years On Sunday The golden wedding date of Ada and Frank Travis will be cele- brated at an open house fete Sun- day in the home of the Travis' son, Frank Jr. The honored couple will welcome their many friends and relatives between the hours of two and five o'clock. They request no gifts. R00yal Neighbors Meeting Monday Royal eighbors of America, Camp 8858, will meet Monday eve- ning in the Iemorlal Hall for the regular business meeting which Will start at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments will .be served by Mrs. Mary Jadin r/d Mrs. Kath- vine Johnson. ROSE FAMILY CELEBRATES 100TH ANNIVERSARY Rose family reunion picnic Was held recently at Millersylvania State Park. Approximately 90 de- scendants and i'elatives of Israel and Mary Rose attended. The group celebrated the 100th anni- versary of the Rose families' ar- rival in Washington. n attendance were eight great- grandchildren, !9 great- great- grandchildren, 12 great- great- great-granchildren and 4 great- great - great - great-grandchildren. The locally attending were Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nunamaker and family. The majority of those at- tending were from Western Wash- ington. 1ny families were also present from oregon, California and Idaho. Man;iage LicenSeS s Applying for marriage lice in the Mason County auditor's office this past week were: John D. Lont, 39, Pt. Orchard and Betty Jean Guise, 25, Ft. Orchard. Leslie Bowden, 25, Bremerton and Clara June Chambers, 29, Bremerton. Clifford Heneh, 42, Aberdeen and Betty. Hench, 38, Oakvilie. David Belson, 21, Seattle, and Jan •otis, 20, Bellingham. -vis- N[rs. Roberta (Bobbi) Sparks and children of South Bend, Indi- ana, spent part of their vacation isiting in Shelton. While here they were guests in the home of her mother, N[rs. Ella Baker and a sister, Mrs. Ray Bowleu and family Before coming here they visited in Montana with several relatives there. They left Shelt0j unday, Aug. 12 for their new home in Fort Wayne, :Indiana. Fire revi/ntton i everybody's responsibility. DO your part to KEEP WASHINGTON GREEN. Zonta Rummage Sale Scheduled This Weekend Shelton-Mason Cotlnty Zonta clHb ',','ill sponsor a rummage sale Friday and Saturday at 409 Rail- road. The sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will feature "Back-To-School" articles. Shower Honors Kamilche Woman Teresa Lambert was pleasantly surprised on her birthday when 24 associate members and friends of the Shelton Dirt Dobber Garden Club honored her with a linen shower. Mrs. Lambert and her husband were owners of the Lambert Gro- cery Store before it was complete- ly destroyed by fire early this month. The combined shower and gar- den meeting was hosted in the home of Mrs. Victor Franklin Island Lake. Tide potluck dinner was completed with birthday cakes in celebration of other gar- den members' biz'thdays during August. Eagles Card Party Saturday Night Eagles Auxiliary will sponsor' a card party at the airport hall Saturday night. The pubii(: is in- vited to attend. Play begins at 8 p.m. graduating from nurse's training at the Tacoma General Hospit- al, Friday, August 10. Scholastically, Sharon ranked third in her class. Amer- ican Legion 40 and 8 sponsor- ed her three years of school- ing. She is presently em- ployed at the Tacoma General Hospital. Square Dance Saturday Night Salty Sashayers Square Dance club of Shelton will hold its regu- lar dance Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. There will be a potluck hmch. All visiting square dancers and spectators are wen come at all club dances. Clint Ren- ney will do the calling for the Sat- urday night dance. GOODWILL TRUCK The Goodwill Industries truck will be in Shelton to pick up dis- cards Tuesday. Anyono wishing the truck to stop is astced to call 426-4847. at Fort ()i'd August 31, where.he will complete a six-lU(nllil :]clive duty ot)li.,ati,in. A HAPPY BIRTHDAY Several frieuds of 13ill (]rifles gathered hi his tli}lilt) Oll AtlQ.tlgt 11 to help ceh!l-)r;ite his 7Sttl I)irthdlIV. Those altcnding eli joyed Ii l)(!lhud dinner followed t)y a l)h'iiuiay cake with 16{ (!rl:./ITI, Tiloso pl'lLJOllt vv(l'l lt)so ,]aci{- • (m, Rose Mary Petty, Nelli0 torts. ,Jack SL.L'I son alld Art G riggs, ' r Use Journal Want Ads DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Admission $1.25 TROPICS BALLROOM ' . Schneider's PrairlP. Sheltan-Olympla Ilighway TEX 1WITCItELL 7 And llis BIuld m `u DINE "'),VEIl THE WATER" ..... _ • . .IN THE PANORAMIC SPLENDOR OF LAKE CUSH- _- MAN AND THE OLYMPIC MOUNTAINS. The Swiss Alps have nothing on the beautiful setting of Mason County's newest quality dining facilities, where you can relax with your favorite cocktail in "THE LIARS DEN", and dine on TOP .--.--_ QUALITY CHAR-BROILED STEAKS ad DELl- ---- ClOUS SEAFOOD DINNERS. Complete Dinners from $2.50--Child's Plate $1 . LAKE CUSHHAN RESORT -=== m Hoodsport, Washington Phone TR 7-5388 -- Reservations if desired--We cater to group luncheons and dinners  @ DINING ROOM OPEN 7 DAYS A VVEEK @ DANCING AFTER 10:00 P.M. = . 938 STORES IN ] STATES Come In ancl al for y,u, B,€.,,.sc,,! SAtE STARTS TOMORROW Gift Ruler during this r.o,al.. E.nt. BUY NO SA NO YOU CAN WIN A $_J   UHITEDSTATES , U IJ SAVINGS BOXO ON o. ,0 o. THSE ADV*.Ce W|N 1963MODEL COAST, KING ----'=''' DELUXE BICYCLES I'NAME THB BIKE CONTES" TODAYI ,ur Ne,ramt DETERGEHT <...,,.o..., Stores| Desk Or UTILITY LAMP Rsg  _Non.ilor,,, m,gn,.© . 35€ QUART fusing plalltl©, f,r ml • imum Illht tranllmissl i Dsluxe SAE |0 20 and a, deyll¢omfort. Molded. 30 fortlflod detergent Built-ln Headlfghtsl ,, dill PER in port and pancol holder motor oi1 protects your °I'IWlK and stomp and paper car's englne end keeps Four Bar Frame clip compartment, it In good worklng orderl Chrome Trlml VACUUM BOTTLES AHD LUHCH KIT5 1 :V "%# 100un=e V , ga,pe €,. . up to 36 hoursl PINT VACUUM Ritarl# $7.95 BOTTLE Keaps bevercgu Egt O on Dome Shapl HOME BUCKET Unbreakable poiy. lt0|dil HAIRCUTTIHG pint va©uum bottlS, i gomplate 6 plecs LUNCH KIT =llppar b ladea, ta I Flot luggage style lluckoh it II md BUtCh attach Hlghla.d Plait 5arSar ah,=ars and €orn! LUNCH KIT lnatructlons. One year Dome type lunch box. Sturdy guarantee. ,eonetruction. .......... Pi!harmont¢ 4 $1=etC  PHORoGRAPH Regularly $24.95 pasltlve lacking action. Ploetla ¢overad. A=. eorted colors. " r/ WlIII( . Quar t .T/ze 15 x I0 x 5 Inch BIKE ltl II fer the Glmll or rscreotkm roaml Monually BASKET '| i big 4 Inch front mountad uart size for trav,flng blke. With s rvo|um* and tonal Turn nnd plcalce. Keep. can. braces, carirldge h=l two sapph&e needles. ESony and ttnls ;ald or hot longer. casl, m. --.RAY--- 23 South 2nd St. PROUTY Phone 426-3111 .................. k .-. di._,**',.: ,.ri  ?: t < m m m