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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:i!!i, {i:i : ,AUgusti 23 1962 T N " ,,, !.9g9' , SHEL O MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Pubhshed m Chmstmasfown, U.g.A. Shelton, Washington Palze 15 pL,L0tQj#I ) -- .... : ,, ....  ,, , , | • ,:view eu ents e acahonln z zwauo ommunttv u arts ..,;,..o ,,..,.,...,..,,..., --'-. &,., ,, ,. . _ . • , ... , .  ..... £ _ £ .... cel;mpa;,ied b  moth,.r ',i', II, J,B H R  ell I 0 : " " l:,';lhor Howard, M?s SteH;,'or: ,,ett I'artv Belore Leovtn[ Hotonsts Find Potluck Dinner, Card Party Friday :.:,:. :o,:;:.av: o p_ I ! U I' 1 ! | 1 II n wz: - A. 5lehghtful happy to be welcomed by Mrs. A----X-- .,-- IN'.--L,,., B v Mrs Nell ¥'a,u'e joyed a visit last we(k from Ed they g(pt the.u" •ln rdt of clams. It 1, mOrzui rYawaiian l-oDinson's aunt anti uncle, 'aye :neme nr nur ' '' . A,ardal of Hollvwood Calif Also was a Deaminu oay ann ney au ........................ : "t,aout a dozen Is- and Lloyd Richey last Friday. L nm mmz.m LILIIWAUt .... Lilhwaup Jom- Mr and Mrs-Joe Ste;az:t azci enjoyed the trip. WflTI;II w]] _. T,¢T um  least Wedncdav,,____ af- The Robinsons, who visited the v munity Club will cntertam at a rmnghtcrs Agnes and Isablle of The community ofLilliwmlp and iwn|-|m wlllbl |IPI mIVIL • il'-P.:U0 of toe HOW- Fair Monday, plan to leave today ' , reszdence. The nos- for their Caldwell, Idaho home. • 10v°:r;a, as to bidAloha Tacoma relatives and friends B®d®llm Dnllll)ng €o. uook, the gues upending Saturday at the "Eke" i'kltcl°us luncheon Cleo ' d With an individual- l,atching pottery ware :i',and urn for the :[e, new residence !1-(1 ), from hez,' many 'lr,/][l" ] eview. Cleo s many j]qh'r', :e With the Grape- i_ lub will also be ;|z ed and apnreeiated /i' Vho have "been res" ,:|v" eview for many ' v.w lto their Bremer- lt  the Weekend, the  0Ving being done  -o birthday, with .,u 'ard's Navy Yard i  ting vahmble as- :ing and scin- Gilbert'- hand, foretells fall wedding. Dan Williams ; the son of Mr. of Quin- of the The young ed Sept. 22 at' ational Com- Linda her work )ompany, and with his Oil Co. Lab resumes his next year• search for. the resulted in and Mrs. WiN daughters Min- Tuesday trailer in the Walters fa- rom their Moses in the Seattle planned a MBERJACI( 291 for a week'Sasband, Mr. 2-OZ. OTrL and Earl's ' . all of Port- iolned Sunday  46 ' $ i sOnnd fanl- q, ..s m, ""°' °"°° Hoodsport, ebrated Mrs. 5 V, August 17, V2 g  Patio dinner. Is have two a happy this • they :ecorn- a three week tr two weeks i:yN,T,  103 OZ, Sf' :onr Was fi.allYJack, wh'() =. u PK00s., m ""°" Honed aboard se home port MINUTE ] R residence is m "° • [] [] lovely Si- lsh. The re- J fROZEN , i U 6-OZ. TIN . il  in ahlminum ,..,. 3/001 recently been - for the How- ) 28 O Was a corn- served Sun- folks, of Lake preven- out these able to find 7 a.m. Wed- a dellc- (late break- they visited home hy things quieted afternoon than in drove Lea Richard of . The Winkle- Century 21 were e to make a and advantage visit the St. their de- and Clem an- camp Also Mrs. Charles group's fel- 38th wedding and Mrs. Lea out to dinner /h •. and Mrs. last Fri- place, Pearl's "in Soules were NO. 125 SKIPPY ' TINS KRAFT SLICES iERICAN, PIMENTO OR SWISS 8-OZ. PKG. 29 mother, also present. 1Irs. Opdal, 17, and birthday e, who final- via M.A.T.S. POr Service) dr Station in entified admi- lifts Jay, after from tell his fa- adventures. k is now de. after being troublesop.2e at the beauti- the C. O• voyage of Seattle .to t•e in Grape- they eral days of ec tieir rc- ad brother- Louie SitE- were Mr• nYLon. Before ay a great to- of a lovely ce their at- afternoon Andr- who Harbor. ily visit and Fair, Mr. and Eacretts' beach cottage were Miss Louise Nachtschelm, Mrs. Rex• Willard, Mrs. Frank Worden, Miss Clara Young. Bruce Kizer and Mrs. Margaret Baker of Great Bend, Kan. The group brought all the food for a luscious picnic din- and, between showers, also squeezed in beachcombing, cards and friendly relaxing. Sunday, Mrs. Wtlter Eckert was siirprised by family and friends with a picnic birthday party held on the Eacretts' cottage patio. On hand to wish this remarkable lady healI:h and happiness on her 86th birtitday (along with husband Walter) were friends Mr. and Mrs. Ray Uhly, ME'. and Mrs. Harold Retzman, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Buck- mgllam and Mrs. Daisy Bush• Joining them later for birthday cake was Mrs. Charles Somers. Later in the afternoon, the Eck- erts and Buckinghams attended the reception held for Mrs. Lu Cleveland at her home in Allyn in honor of this lady's 90th birth- day• Son Ken phoned "Eke" and Ann Eacrett Sunday evening with news of his departure Tuesday for Ja- pan aboard the destroyer-tender USS Prairie. Ken will be on a seven-month cruise and, mean- while, his bride, the former Judy Waters, is returning' to resume her teacher training at Western 'Washington College in Bellingham. SPENDING A LATE weekend at Seaview with old college chums, Walt and Salli Clayton packed up "kids and kaboodle" and left Grapeview early Sunday morning. The seaside visit was zlled with golfing, riding, surf bathing, clam digging, visiting and reminiscing and came to a weary, but pleasant end when they re- turned to Grapeview early Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pennebera's Stadium Beach home was the scene recently for the reunion of the Kitsap-Mason County 59-60 'Iatrons and Patrons. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Herren of Pomeroy and Mr. and Mrs. Wolden Chambers of Spo- kane. Mrs. Herren is Past Grand Matron and Mr. Chambers past Grand Patron of 0.E.S. 59-60. About 25 of the 59-60 Matrons and Patrons ,and husbands and wives were present to reminisce over their year as Matrons and Pat- rons, The Fair Harbor Grange work Tarry hard at work on the Grape- view grade school kitchen remod- eling Monday evening included Or- }n Bddktil,liffm; Joe Engen, Bill p0oner, Irv Rowe, Henry Kruize, Lloyd Richey and George Lewis. Many plaudits to the efforts put forth by these willing citizens on a good cause! NEW YORK .-. Vacation ex- penditures, for residents of Ma- s.on County traveling by automo- bile, arc running higher this year than they (lid last. The reason for it? An increase in the cost of overnight accomo- clarions, an increase in tolls and .a hike in gasoline and other taxes m some areas. The sad news comes from the Commerce Clearing House and from the Automobile Club of New York. THE I,'INDING is that the av- erage couple, driving 300 miles a day, must figure on a daily budget of $31 for necessary spend- in K . That is $2 more than was needed last summer. It breaks down to $10.50 for n)eals and nacks, $11 for over- night lodgings, $7 for car oper- ation and $2.50 for tolls and mis- cellaneous needs. Also being encountered, in Imany states, are higher taxes on gaso- line, cigarettes and on purchases in general, which are subject to sales taxes in 37 states. A "vacation tax map," issued by the Commerce Clearing House, shows gas taxes ranging from iive t:ents a gallon to eight cents. Cigarette tLxes, collected in all but three staten, begin at two cents a pack and reach a ligh of eight cents. As for sales taxes, they go from a low of two percent to a top of four percent. THESE ARE state taxes. In ad- dition, thei'e are the usual Fed- eral taxes and, sometimes, over- lapping local levies. In the State of Washington, va- cationers are paying 7.5 cents on gasoline, four percent in sales tax- es and seven cents on cigarettes. Of much more importance to the Mason County car owner than these trip expenditures, is the big- ger question of how much it is costing hitn per year to own and operate his car. According to the American Au- tomobile Association, the cost was a little higher in the past year than in 1960. FOR THE DRIVER of a stand- ard-size car in the moderate price group, where usage was at the average rate of 10,000 miles a year, it amounted to nearly $1,204. The biggest item was deprecia- tion, followed by insurance, fuel maintenance and license fees. The total in the county, for the 5,960 passenger cars unler regis- tration last January, came to $7,175,840. ENDS AUGgST 25 33rd Annual i SALE NO LIMIT TO QUANTITY Buy One Quart BOYSEN RUBBERGLO s19 8 Flat Wall Finish.. •. • • • • (13 beautiful ready-mixed colors-also Colorizer custom.mixed colors slighHy higher) GET SECOND QUART... 1 € PLUS "'" SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING ODORLESS SEMI.GLOSS ENAMEL -" "" S AUGUST 25th SALE EJ) APPLIANCE DEPT. --- 2nd Floor card party Friday evening. Pin- ochle will be played, to start at p.m. Prizes will be given and refreshments served by the host- eases Anna Johnston and Pearl Schmidt. A potluck dinner will be held before the card party, to be served at 6 p.m., toe last pot:luck was so well attended and everyone en- joyed it so much. All members and friends are invited. A LARGE crowd attended the tun night Friday evening at the Women's Clubhouse in Potlatch, given by the Hood Canal Garden Club. Proceeds of tiese fun par- ties go to buy shrubs for the grounds of the new Hoodsport Junior High School• Mr. and Mrs. Lon Webb will hold openhouse Sept. 5 from 2 to 5 in honor of Mr. Webb's mother, Mrs. Allie Ahl, who will celebrate her 95th birthday. • L'AST WEEK Mrs. Allie Ahl'en- joyed a visit from a life-long friend, Mrs. Doilie Rosenberg of Pasadena, Cahf., and Will Whit- lock of Aberdeen. They mi attend- ed the Pioneer picnic at Shelton.  This picnic is one of the high- lights of Mrs. Ahl's life. At her age she has seldom missed one of them, and he enjoys going to picnics. Mr• and Mrs. Matt Kaare en- Renton. They all attended the fair in Seattle Wednesday. They were aclompanied by the Kaares' grand- son, Walter Kaare, who is spend- h,g some of his vacation with lhcm. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kaare spent the' weekend in Westport, where hey went fishing in a charter boat, bringing home three ]dce salmon. MR. AND MILS. Richard Schau- .!lez" spent wo days last week at Greyland's, bringing home their limit of clams. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Erhart and family of Clear Lake are visit- ing BoWs mother and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Robin- son. They are also visiting the A1 Dickenson family. Steve }3urman and hi,¢ friend Ed Torkelson of Bellevue are spending the week with Steve's grandmother and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Robinson. They are really enjoying thezr vaca- tion on the Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Tax Shields are enjoying a visit from Mz'. Elsie Heins of Chloe, Calif. Mrs. Josephine Peterson is en- joying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Lea Sauers of Seattle. Tlie Sau- ez's' son and family spent Sunday with the group. MR. CIIARLES Dieson of Kirk- lioodsport was saddened last week on hearing of the passing away of Robert Berge of Shelton. The Barges having many friends on Hood Canal, were former mem- bers of Lilliwaup Community chzb before moving to Shclton. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. The comlnunity ex- tends sympathy to the widow and lamily. LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Shclton Phone 426-4713 RETAIN---- JIM McFADDEN DEMOCRAT STATE REPRESENTATIVE He is proud of th'e part he played in getting Shel- ton's new institution and the highway to Olympia and the George N. Adams fish hatchery in the last session. i • • TOMATOES 98 at , ..o.,.. , I ' YAKIMA VALLEY ' ................. 16-LB. FLAT CANTALOUPES GREEN BEANS SWEET AND MEATY, 11€ 3 YAKIMA VALLEY ................................ LB. LOCAL FRESH 2/2S* BLUE LAKES ............................ LB. GREEN PEPPERS WASHINGTON GROWN 10' BULLNOSE ................................ LB. PEACHES 2/29' LARGE SIZE SLICERS ................................. LB. PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 23 - 24 - 25 RIGHT TO LIMIT FRYER PARTS S9' FRYERS 35' WHOLE BODIED ................. LB. PORK CHOPS ,, 69' Fresh, Lean, Rib Cuts --- Well Trimmed I PORK LOIN ROAST 49 ° PORK CHOPS LEAN LOIN CUTS ........................ LB. CHIPPED BEEF:'"°'° ' MILWAUKEE 4 OZ. PKG.- EACH FRYER WINGS 29' PORK SAUSAGE :::::N ..... ... 39 ° CHUNK BOLOGNA I .... ............... Le. 39 ¢ Yerifine i c,,m,: ........ i € gjLtzPACKNOOrB:LE*S.,,,'O' 61' 4: '"IiI , ....... M.J.B. l-lb. Tins ...... 63¢ BAKERY PRODUCTS SWANSDOWN, REG. 41# Z/$1 OAKE MIXES ............ PEANUT BUTTER ,..0. DARIGOLD 5 PRINTS OR GUBES POUND BAKERS DOZ. DONUTS 13-PACK FAN TAN BREAD 25' 16.OZ. LOAF 0,, $259 25 Ibs. Facial Tissue SOFLIN .................... CornedBee[Hash 7::% Lima Beans & Ham:::F  TINS on OPEN SUNDAYS' GREAM STYLE GORN OELMONTE .... 16-OZ. TINS WHOLE KERNEL GORN, OEL.16.oz,MONTETINS EARLY GARDEN PEAS °EL MONTE .... 16-OZ. TINS BiSGUiT MIX JIFFY ......................................... 2;.LB. 5/$1 5/$1 5/Sl 4/$1r 33 ¢ PH'$ Hiilcrest | NOW IS THE TiME FOR CANNING YOUI FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PRICES ARE LOW AND QUALITY IS HIGH! SERVE-U OFFERS YOU THE MOST COMPLETE SUPPLY OF CANNING NEEDS!