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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, ales in e $22,746 E and H saying's )mlty during .July L. A. Carlson, 'ril ii n, reported. tlde dul'mg July )tinging sales for mlths of the year 3SS. :ac McGrew and of Fife are spen- at their summer Collene is Reep- well as tile ehil- with tier stories HI'S ill Enrope. y, Holland and people, hobbies :/ides O(  the peo- :eel)lance of the :mien and their ;h 2,611 vehicles • This last week 'eck yet with 682 ious weeks were this we?ks, 682. istricts: F Available to yea' Jtl i)rl!seription • eta"  Ill NEX. You laust los( Ul or your nlolley l)l ]]{' excr('ise, laxatives, fig of So-(all 'd r (lucia fl ,r e,H ki's e' ,ll!al'lll NEX is n'ii, y tal)le;$ l('*('(]. When "yOO 1.ll {e h slill eniov *vollr I11t1; foods >')ti li'ke, bet Y.. have the 1H'ge for : reason just return tle.i {]vflggisl and get  ]Mlek. No (tuesIi llS is st)hi with this gtlalll MeCONKEY QR I Ev,u'g,'el'n qttSt ,ail order Increasing Lev )sed Amendment to State Constitution )' voted on NOVEMBER 6, 15 ,L u C_ _ i! Office of Victor A. MeY Secretary of State, State d W$ IaY Concern: : to the State Constitution, and the Lie Legislature hereinafter referred d for the consideration of the the proposed amendment to the Is follows: '}} .OFFICIAL BALLOT tute Senate Joint Resolution No, SCHOOL DISTEICTS" €CREASING LEVY PEEIODS tare Constitution be amended tel ct voters to authorize tax levieS', i I limit at a specified maximumrai: s for operations and/or capital 0, :ion or propositions be approVeq najority, and the number of vote[ i ;titutes not less than forty perce,,i the last preceding general electiet ed, By the Senate and House of Washington in legislative session he general election to be held in :t succeeding the first Monday in iubmitted to the quaVied electors ral and ratification, or rejection, an ction 2 as amended by the State of Washington, by designated as subsection (d) subsection (d). ; and in the manner in this sub :ax levy or levies at a be at r of ,ears not in excess of four )r four years for a proposRion therefor has been east three-fifths of the a the number of persons tute not less than for ; cast at the L levy is authorized is on, ermine annually thereafter the eii authorized levy or levies lithe district, and/or for t of each tax so reqizired to produce the amour aid. ion or propositions to fital outla; . electors of a school for this y be submitte d not more than lall submit to the electorate L proposition to authorize add n S or capital outlays for roved a ection for the same time submit to the electorate rization, a ne e: PROVIDED (1) That d authorization will be adec fattens Of the district zation, aid (2) that the LS supersede the prior become effective until the td of the election at which authorize [on. in this ecified in lved,'That the secretary of state }tional amendment to be t preceding the election in a in the state in which such a Iareh 10. l!t. P RBERG, JOHN L O] the Senate. SI EXPLANATORY CO1VLMENT underscored do not appear iu s it is now written but will be t is adopted. .Wers, Secretary of State of the Sta :tify that the above is a full, Senate Joint Resolution No. 1, . State of Washington at its rs from the original of said file in my office. lnd and the Seal of the State of .ugust, 1962. tion VICTOB ,A, ) of Secvctr':! 23, 1962 Sheep Growers ith others in the l'efel'elldlllll or not to p a y m e n t s frortl W(;ol ill- P]'omot e lamb developmenl. RPe used by Council fop ill'o- activities. Who have owned 8ix nmnths of ally one ;I(t-day 1,'1962 \\;rill be Can vote ill COuniy A g- all(t Con- Co lU'l• h011se. ballots to '00ind' Sale,list 00er00nen TAme All things are possible to God, divine Mind. Thi is a theme of lhe Lesson-Scrnmn entille(l 'Mind' Io l)e heard in Slelton First Church' of Chri:-;t, Scientist, Sun- day. Luke's "tccmmt of the healing of lho palsied man by Christ Jesus will be pt'esented in tile readings item the Bible. Inehl(ted is this verse Illmke 5): "And immediate- ly ]m rose up before them, and total( llp that vJhel'eOll he lay, and (ieparled to his own house, glori- fying God." From "Science and Health with I.:ey to the Scriptures" by Mary laker Eddy tiffs citation will be lead: "\\;Vhon nlan is governed by God, tile ever-present Mind who t:riderstands all things, man knows list with God all things are pos- sible. Tlle only way to this liv- ing Trilth, which heals the sick, b,' found in the Science (if divine vlind as tm:git and demonstrated by Christ Jesus" (p.180). Increaslng Levy Periods' Amendment to the i Constitution, t¥oted on NOVEMBER 6, 196 • OffiCe of Victor A, Meyers, / Secretary of State, State of Washingt01 t / @encern: i to the State ConstitutiOn', and the 3olnt Resolu. hereinafter referred to, there Is consideration of the voters of the State the proposed amendment to the constitution of Iollows: '0FFICIAL BALLOT TITL tlhlte House Joint Resolution No. 1 • / CITIES, TOWNS: ING LEVY PERIODS Constitution be amended to permit 'oters to authorize tax levies in excess at a specified maximum rate for rs for capital outlay, if the proposition or approved by a three-fifths majority er of voters voting thereon constitutes percent of the votes cast at the last election in such city or town? l, By the Senate and House of Representatives gton in legislative session assembled: gwseral election to be held in this state on the :Ceding the first,,Monday in November, 1962, to the qualified electors of the state, and ratification, or rejection, an amendment 2 as amended by Amendment 17, of the the State of Washington, by adding thereto a designated as subsection ( ) which shall read subsection ( ). By ox in the rnanner in this subsection provided )ecified maxn'num rate for each ,ear, any single election for a specified number four ,ears for a levy for capital outla. therefor has been approved by a majority of tim electors voting thereon at which )crsons votin shall )ercentum of the total number of eceding general election in such city or is authorized pursuant to the provisions body of the city or town shall thereafter the amount of funds required or levies of the city or town for capital the limits of each tax levy so authorize4 the rate required to produce the amoun msitions to authorize additional tax may be submitted to te electors of called specially for this be submitted roll submit to the electorate upon au'thorit msition to authorize additional levies 'ear for which such electors have' under the authority of this subz ose. A city or town ma, however at a' to substitute a new authorization for the same the authorized b, the ion will be adequate to fulfill all con- or town incurred by reason of the substitute shall ,rior authorization and by.,its .terms until the first tax levy year following[ at hich it was authorized and then be authorized by tlle superseded author- \\; ecified in this subsection shall be deeme, )rocedures specified in this section. That the secretary of state shall cause the amendment to be published for at least Preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in the state in which such a newspaper is ,,teh 30, 1961, Passed the Senate March t9, 1961, ,e IEN, JOHN A. CHERBERG, , er ^, ,, e ttous¢. ' ' President o! the Senate. XPLANATORY COMMENT Underscored do not appear in our State it is now written but will be put In if Is adopted. Secretary of State of the State of Wash* that the above is a full, true and correct I-Iouse Joint Resolution No. l, passed by the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh from the original of said Substitute Joint file in my office. and the Seal of the State of Washington 1962. VICTOR A. MEYERS i [] ILTON--BON C0UNT JOURIAE -- PuBltsheI in "Ohrlsftown, D.Z.A.," Stielton, WasMngo i i Legal Publications NO. 3381 NOTICE OF SALF (iF IIEAI, I,:S'rA'FE IN TIlE SI/PI!II{IOR COURT Or" TIt STATE Oh' WASltINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Mali,,r of tim Guardianship of %VINIFRED V, F,IAP, D, All ineom- pelt!at. NC, TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that EDANA B. STRICKLAND, in her ca- liacily ;IS gual•dian (if tile above es- late, will sell Ill priwitc sale the fol- hlwhlg deseritied real e;tale : lit ihe Norihwest eor- iler of (lovei'liilit!lll Lot Tbi'pe (3) S(ction five (5), Township twenty one (21), Nortll Range one (1) Wesl, W.l{. thence East, aloug the North lille there.f. t90 l'oet thence Soutll g07.50 ('pet h) lhe I)oint of I)egillning lif Ihe | l*ack of land llereby described ; tllence continll- ing South 178.50 feel; thenee SouIli 8W30' East 61)5 feet, lnol'e or less, 1o the Ea[{t line of said Gi)vcl'n- lilent Lot lin'ee (3), th,!nee ill a Northerly direction, along tile East line till said Governnleut Lot three (3) lo a l)oint thereon South 89°30 ' East fronl the I),linl of beginning; tllence Norl]l 89°30 . W st 590 fei!t nlore or biNS. [0 tile p()int of bc- ginning, Also all the t|de lands of |he second class, l'l,l'lllel'ly owned by the State of Washington, sit- hated in l'l'(Hll of. adjacent to, or abbutting up(m lhat porlion of the GoVel'nlllent ineander Jill(! ill front of the nbov(!'al)land tracts aud ly- ing between tile North all(] South lines extended Easterly, all in Ma- son County, State of Washlngl:on, to the highest and best bidder. :Bids nlust bc subnlitted in writing and may lie left wilh the. guardian at 121 South Fourth Street, Shelton, Wash- ington. Bids will be rcceivcd until tile date (,f sale. The sale will be made on or after the 7th day of Sel)tember 1962. The guardian reserves the right to re- jee.t any and all bids• EDANA B. STRICtLAND, Guardilln GLENN E. CORREA Thdl Building 121 South Fourth Street SImlton. Washington Attorney for Guardian 8/16-23-30 3t ,i ,,,i i Legal Publications NO. 3BSl NOTICE TO (REDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF' THE STATE OF WASHINGTON I,'OR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Iu tile Mattor of the Guardiansbtp of INII,'REI) V, BEARD, An ine.onipe- h=nt, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the uncierMgned has been appointed and has qualified as the Guardian of lhe Estaie of Win{fred V. Beard, nn inelmU)(,tent; t]mt all persons hav|ng c]nllns against her are hereby requh'ed h) serve tilt salne, dilly Ve 'i fled, on tile nndersignod Guardian or ber at- t(,rney at the address below stated nnd file (be sanie with the Clerk of the said court witllin six niontbs after tile dlite of first publicati(ui of lilts notle.e (n' the sallh! will be i)arred. Date of first pul)lieatil)n; Augosl 16, 1962. EDANA B. STRICKLAND, Guardian GLENN E. CORNEA Attorney for Gu'wdianshil I F, II luilding Shelhm, Washington 8/16-23-30 9/6 4t NO. 3'.]71) NOTICI,] TO C|tEDITORS IN THE SIJPFtIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM E. BRAY, Doe(!ased, NOTICE IS HERtI (lIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Executrix of the Estate of William E, Bray, dee ceased; that all persons having elainl8 against said deceased are hereby reo quired to serve tile same, duly veri- fied, on the undersigned Edith B. Bray or her attorney of records at tile address below stated and filed the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service within slx nmnths after the date of fi,'st publication of this nollce ,)r the same will be barred. /s/ EDITH B. BRAY Pyron E. McClanahan Attorney for Estate Office and Post affice Address: blason County Courthouse Shelton, Washington. 8/9-16-23 8t Qualifications, , of Voters Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Office of Victor A, Meyer& "" ..... Secretary of State, State of Washington. To Whom It May @eneerm In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu- tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideratkon of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution o! the said state, as follows: ......... OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ............. ; •House Joint Resolution No. 19 ( / \\; QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS ' Shall Article VI, Section ! of the State Constitution relating to qualifications of voters be amended to reduce the periods of state and county residence re. quired for votingat all elections; eliminate disquali- fication voting by Indians not taxed, and allow citizens intending to make this state th,ir permanent residence to vote for presidential electors or President and Vice-President of the United States, after sixty days' residence? II" [ i i i , jl Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general • election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, amend° ments to Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Wash- ington by amending section 1 thereof and by adding a new section thereto to be known as section 1A, so that said sections will read as follows: Article VI, sect!on I. All persons of the age of twenty-one years or over, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: They shall be citizens of the United States; they shall have lived in the state ((eee yeae)) six months, and in the county,_ ((4eet-y   let-five)) city, town, ward or precinct thirty days immediately preceding the election at which they offer to vote; they shall be able ta read and speak the English language: ((ROVID-D, t,ia,s t td 44 - be  the e4eeth fea,x.Ms. A-N-D )) PROVIDED, That this amendment shall not affect the rights of franchise of any person who is now a quali- fied elector of this state. The legislative authority shall enact laws defining tle manner of ascertaining the qualiflcaIions of voters as to their ability to read and speak the English language, and providing for punishment of persons voting or registering In violation of the provisions of this section. There shall be no denial el the elective franchise at any election on account of sex. Article VI, section 1A. In consideration of those citizens of the United States who become residents of the state of Washin- ton durin the.'ear of ia presidential election with the intention 0f makin this state their permanent residence I thfs Section-is for the purpose,of authorizin such persons/ Who can meet al| tualifications for votin as set forth in section 1 of this Articl. a except for residence to vote for presidential elector% or 0n e office of president and Vice-President of the United States as the case may be, but no other, provided, that such person Hve resided in the state at least sixt.' da -' '----I ........ -- f, , .,.meuautel preceo,. .ng the presidential election concerned. The legislature shall establish the time manner and plac= forsuch :persons to cast such presidential ballots. And Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendments to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state In Which such a newspaper is published. passed t he.SenateFebruary 22, 1961 Passed the House February 10, 19§1, JOti ,%..CHERBERG ' JOHN L. O'BRIEN, _ . 'restaent o$ the S'enate. Speaker o! the Hou$#. EXPLANATORY COMMEN All words enclosed in double parentheaes and lined through are in our State Constitution at the present and are being taken out by this amendment. All words under- scored do not appear In the State Constitution as it Is now written but will be put in If this amendment is adopted. I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash* Ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 19, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original, of said Joint Res01ution now on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seat o£ the State of Washington this 1st day of August, 1962. Legal Publications NO. 3384 NOTICE TO CREI)ITORS IN THE SUPI;RIOR COURT OF' THE STATE Ote WASHINGTON FOI= MASON COUNTY In l]ie Mailer of the Estnle of T Ill Eli.ON MELL, Deceased. Madeline lVll, is the nl)lminted and qulllifie(l Exeeuirix oi' said estate. All I)(q's()ns having claililS againsl said decease(1 are i'equil'fd to serve the sanle in duplkmhL duly verified, on said Exeeut:rix or her atlol'ney, F{obert L. Snyder lit tile address below sloted, and file tile sanle wiill lhe Clerk I)f said Clltlrt, together with proof o[ Sllcb serviee, wiihhl six nlllnihs .'lfler lhe dale of first publicathm of tills notice, or i|ie salne will be barred. I)ATE ,if first 1,ub]iea|tolt: Augtlst {), 2{)62. MADELINE M. MELt Exeeut ri x 1504 Ridgeroad, Shell.on. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Altorney at Law 125fi North 5th Sheltou, Washington.  8/9-16-23-,20-4t NO. 8264 H[IMMON llY i•UllLICATION IN THE SUPERIOI COUI{.T OF THE STATE OF' WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY REVEL W. MISSMER, Plaintiff. vs. MARIAN REINBOLD MISSMER, De fendilt STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID MARIAN REINBOLD MISS- MER, DEFENDANT: You are hereby summuned to pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the firsi publicati(m of this sununons, to wit. within sixty (60) days after the' 23rd day of August, 1962, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the coml)latnt af tbe plaintiff, and serve a copy fir your. answer upan the undersigned attorney at his office below stated; and hi case of your failnre so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the delualld of the eonlplaint, which has bcen flb!d with the eh!rk of said c(iUrt, That tlle cause of action herein is for a divorce between the parties above named wherein plaintift and defendant have lived separate and apart lor more than five years last l)ast, JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney ,fro" Plaintiff Office & Post Ofl'ice Address: Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 8/23-30 9/6-13-20-27 6t ill i Legal Publications NO. 3382 NOTICE TO CltEI)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O1' TItE STATF OF WASIil NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ]n lht Matter of the Estate of CFIAI-%LES ELIGENE BRO'WN, I),(ease(l. Phyllis C, trown is the appolnled and (tualifi(,d Executrix of said estate.: All l)ersons having elahns agahlst said dee.cased are r(,qlllred to serve the NIlllle in dul)lleate, dldy verified, on said Executrix llr her attorney, Robert L. Slly(tce tit l]le addr(!ss below stated, nnd file 1.he SlUlle with llle C}e.rk of said Court, together wlth proof of sueb s,'rvice, witllin six luoatlis after ihe date of first I)ullliclttion of this noticl!, ,n' the salne will be barred. ])ATE ()1' i'll'S| ])ubli('lltilln; August 2, 19(;2. PHYLLIS C. ROWN Slar Route 1. ]}lox 65A Shelton, Washingtoli ROF1ERT L• SNY1)NR Altorney at Law 125 Nm'th 5th Sh,,lton, Washingt on. 8/2-9-16-23-4t NO. 8261 S(IIM MONS llY I't!!$LI(JATliIN IN THE SUPE11IOR COURT OF THE STATE OP WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY DALLAS ELIZABETH SAVAGE. Plaintiff vs. ALVA T. SAVAGE, Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID ALVA T. SAVAGE. DE1PEND- ANT: You are ]lereby sulnnloned to appear within sixty (60) days after the dire (,1' the first l)ublication of his sununons to-wit, wilbin stxly (60) days after the 16th day of August, I962, and de- fend the above-entitled attics in tile above-entitled corn,t, and answer the emnplaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your allsWe.e hi)on the under- signed attorney aL his office below stated; and ill case of your faihn'e so to do, judgment will be rendere against you according to tile denland of the coinp]aillt, which has been filed with the clerk of said court, That the cause of action herein is for a divorce between the partles above named wherein laintiff alleges m'uel treatment on the part of the deIendant, (s) GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: GLENN E, CORNEA Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 8/16-23-30-9/6-13-20-6t Publleatlon of Proposed Constltutionat , Amendments it I Jl \\;, Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Office of Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State, State f WashingtoL To Whom It May Concerto In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint ResolU*" lion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there'is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution o the said state, as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ,,, Senate Joint Eesolution No. 25 PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Shall Seetlon 1, Article XXIII, of the State Constitu- tion requiring publication of the text of each proposed constitutional ameqdment in a weekly newspaper in each county for three months prior to the election, be amended so as to require only that notice of the pro- posed cdnstitutional amendment be published at least four times during the four weeks preceding the elec- tion in every legal newspaper in the state? i i i i iiii ii ii illl lit] i iii i ii ii i i i Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general 'election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall• be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for / their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Article XXIII, section 1 of the Constitution of the State of .Washington, to read:as follows: Article XXIII, section 1. Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in either branch of the legislature; and if the same shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of th two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the.ayes and noes theron, and be submitted to the qualified electors of the state for their approval, at the next general dec- tion and.if the people approve and ratify such amendment or amendments, by a majority of the electors voting thereon, the same shall become part of this Constitution, and proclamation thereof shall be made by the governor: PROVIDED, That ff more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be sub- mitted in such a manner that the people may vote for or against such amendments separately. The legislature shall also cause notice of the amendments that are to be submitted to the people -to be published (( g- et least- theee mbs. ,aet lmedin-g -eleetie i seine #y  i oer-y ty wheee a mwsiRse te.-,..,;,a lhr.auollt .llle state)) at least four times durin the four weeks inext precedin the election in every legal newspaper in the state: PROVIDED  That lfaildre of an, newspaper to publish this notice shall not be interpreted as affecting the outcome of the electio n. Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to'be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such a newso paper is publ..ishe 4sed the House March 8, 1961. Passed the Senate Februery , 19, JOHN L. O'BRIEN, JOHN A. CHERBERG, • Speaker o$ the Hou President o$ the Scna$ EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words enclosed in double parentheses and lined tt, rough are In our State Constitution at the present and are being taken out by this amendment. All words under* m3ored do not appear in the State Constitution as it 'is now written but will be put in ff this amendment 1 adopted. I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash., lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 25, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original o said Joint Resolution now on file In my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washingtol Ibis Lst day of August, 1962. A Legal Publication  VICTOR A. MEYER$ A Legal Publication • =" . ' ' " ............ 7 .... ' i |II VICTOR A. MEYERS ..... ecrctar  tt 17 Legal Publications NO, 3386 NOTICE TO CREI)ITOItS IN THE SUPlilRIOR COURT OF THE STATE O1i" WASttINGTON FOR HASON COUNTY Iu Lhe Mailer i)f lhe Estate of ROLAND ERNEST J()IINSON, Deceased. BETH R. JOHNSON is ill(' appointed and qualified .Adndnistratrix of said estate. All i)ersons having e.]ai lil lgainst said deceased are requh'cd tt, erve lhe sanie in dnplieaie] duly veri- fied. (hi said Adlninis|ralrix ol • her attorney, Rol)el't L• Sayder al ti,) address beh)w stated, and file the saiuc with the Clerk of said (ourt, to- gelher with proof of such service. within six months afler the date of the first publlcalhm of this lit'dice, or the SiilIle will lie barrl.d. DATE of first i)iiblleallon: Augtlst 9, 1962, 13ETI-I R,. JOItNSON Adminisl ratrix 1't29 E. Fairmont Slnqton, Wasllhlgl on ROERT L. SNYI)ER Attorney at Law 125% Norlh 5th Shelion, Washinglon, 8/9-16-23-0-4t NOTICE OF ]'ET1TION FOR (!UANGE OF PI,ACE OF WITII- DRAWAL OF (|ROI!NI) WATElt STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE STATE SUPERVISOR OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RE- SOURCES, Olympia. TAKE NOTICE: That lhe Pollatch Beae.h Mutual Water Ci)nipaay of Pot- latch, WashhigtOn. has filed a i)etltion for a perlnit to eilaugo the phlce ol withdrawal ()f 51 galhnis ller lninute, 13.i5 acre-feet per yeal •, as granted ill Ground Water Certifieat(i No. 41-i-I) that the. water is used for couananily domestic SUpllly aad is withdrawn from a well at a point situated in Lot 3, Set:. 23, T. 22 N., R. ,t W.W.M. That they wish to retain the prcsent bleat{on and add a new point of witllo drawal at a/)oint situatcd in Lot 3, Sec. 23. T. 2. o" N,, R. 4 W.W.M., sueli point being 500 feet west. from the present phwe el withdrawal all within Mast)u County, Washington. An), objections must be filed with the State Supervisor of tile Divlslon of Water Resources within thirty (30) days frolu August 30, 1962, Witness my hand and oft]cial seal this 16 day of August, 1962. M. G. WALKER, Snpervlsor Division of Water Resources 8/23-30 2t NO. S88 NOTICE TO CJtEI)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COqJRT eli' THE STATE O1" WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tlie IVl:atter ,if the Estate of WILEY WILLIAM MAY, Deceased. Auda Zelvia May is the appointed and qualified Administratrix or said estate. All persons havtng clallns against said deceased are requh,ed to serve the saal0 ill dul)licate, duly veri- fied, oil said Administratrlx or her attorney. Robert L. Snyder at the address below stated, and file tim same with the Clerk of sitid Court, together with proof of SUCl, scrvJce. within six m(mths after the date of first publication of (his notice, ,n' the santo will be barred. DATE of first'publication: August 16, 1962. AIIDA ZELVIA MAY A dnlhllstl'tltl'lx Route 2, BOX 65 Shelton. Washington ROBERT L. SNYDt]R Attorney at Law 125V North 5th Shelton, Washlngton 8/16-23-30-9/7-4t i Legal Publications ' NO, 3360 OT|CI," TO C|tED|TOItS IN TttE SUPl']RIO1: COURT el  Tl=[I STA'I E OF WASHIN(ITON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) IU llle l%lnttl!r i)f the Estnie of IIORACE S. GIBASON, D,,ecased. NOTI(?E 1S ItEREI]Y (lIVEN tliat tbt! lulder;-ligne(l bas l)l!(fll Itl)ll(ihltec| and has qualified lis tile Executrix Ot tlle Estate of t-h)ra('( S. Gli)aslni, de- I'tllS(!d; |]lal fill porsons }lSVillg clainls tiKsinsl sllid (](!(!eased sre bt!reby re- quilu,d io sorv,  the Silillt% duly veri- fied, on the undersigned Cordelhi Rose. (Delia) Gibsson or her altoruey ,if rec- ords at the addcess beh)w slated and filed the salat, with the Clerk of said (l(ltll't, logethcr with pl'o, if of such sei'v)ce within stx nionihs aller tile Ihlle of firsl tndlliealion of ttiis Ilotiee .r Ihe saille will be barred. CORDELI.A ROSE GII1ASON Byron E. McClaaahau Aitoeney for Estate Office and Post office Address: Mason C()llnty Courthnnse Sll(,itl)ll, Washington. 8/9-16-23 8t NO. 3:185 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE Oll  WASttINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IU tile Matter of the Esiaie of CLIIeFORD F, LIVIN(;ST()N, Deceased, Arnoh|" Livlngsion is the appolnled and qualified Executor of said estate, All per,ollS having claims against said deceased are required to serve the same in publicate, duly veriIled, on said Executoe i)r his ath)rney, Robert; L. Snyder at tht address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Coln't, iogether with llroof of sUch service, withln six months after tlm date of first publication el this notice, el' the. sanle will be bari•ed. DATE of fh'st 1)tlhllealion: Augusl 9, 1962. ARNOLD 'LIVINGSTON Executoc Route 2, ]ax 16, Sheiton, Washinglo]a ROBERT L, SNYDER Altorney at Law 125,fi North 5th Shelton, Washington. 8/9-16-23-30.4t NOT:CE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the Washington State Highway Coll•lln|8 - sit)n, Del)arinienl of Highways, P, O. Box 327, Olymphl, Washington in cal- ling for bids for excavaliug and COll- strueting fo(')thlgs, insLalling eolnl)lte- ly operathlg I)lumbing and electrl0al s3stenl8 and ,raining an office room ih a 40' X 80' pl'efabrlcgLed illetltl nlaintenance building which is to be erected by others at the Shelton Maln- tmance Site in Mason County. Sealed bids will be received at the of lice of the District Ellglnee," at UlU- water, Washington until 10:00 a, in.; Thursday, AIIgUSt 30, I{)62, and will llien aud there he publie•ly openali lllld read. Prequalification of bidders will be l'(qut red, Phms and sl)eeifications nlay he ob- lined, without charge, from the Dist- rict Engineer, P. O. Box 327, Oiymla, hashington. Informatillnal eopie, (if Lhe plans alld specifications are Oil lile aL lhe Office of tile District Eia- gineer,', Washhtgtoa, the of- flee of the Mason County It]aglneer, and at. the Highway Department Main- tonance Oflico Ill Gorst, Wasliiltgton. ERNEST A, COWELL, Chau'm IL W, KERSLAKE, District Engineer 8/1.6-23 2( _emporary Per?ormanee,lof Judidal Dutles ) Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962' I t Office of Victor A. Meyers, " Secretary of State, State of Washington. To Whom It May Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu- tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as follows: ............ OFFICIAL BALLOT TITL House Joint Resolution No. 6 TEMPORARY PERFORMANCE OF JUDICIAL DUTIES Shall Article IV of the State Constitution be amended by adding a new section providing that when neces. sary for the prompt and orderly administration of justice a majority of the supreme court is empowered to authorize " or retired judges of courts of record in this 3udgesstate to perform, temporarily, udicial duties in the supreme court, and .to authorize any superior court judge to perform udlcial duties in any superior court of this state? _ll. . I Ill I | " I II I . J.. Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House Of Representatival of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of this state, Ior their approval and ratification, or reection, an amend- ment to Article IV of the Constitution of the State Of Washington, by adding thereto a new section to be numbered section 2(a) of Article IV, which shall read as follows: • Secti0n.2(a).. When necessary - for the prompt and orderly administration of justice a majority of the Supreme iCourt ie ,emp°wered .....  to authorize .... judges or'retired Udes 0f courts of ..... record of this stat% to perform, temporarily, udicial duties in h",'Suprem,e C0urt,/and to auth01:ize any superior,',eourt' judge to perform judicial duties in any superior court pf this state. Be It Further ]Resolved, That the SeCretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be pub- lished for at least three months next preceding the election, in some weekly' newspaper, in every county where a newspaper is published throughout the state. Passed the Senate March 9. 1961, Passed the House March 9, 195L JOHN A. CHERBERG, JOHN L. O'BRIEN, President o$ the Senate. Speaker el the House, EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words" underscored do not appear in our State Constitution as It Is now ,written but will be put in if this amendment Is adopted, I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash* Ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 6, passed by the Legisla- ture of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file In mY office. Witness My ]land and the Seal of the State of Washington this 1st day of August, 1962. A Legal Publication  VICTOR A. MEYERS From the Office ol  Secretary ol State mmimm