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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SFfELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Publishect in r¢Christmastown, U.KA. " Shelton, Washin j i i,, • , For Sale .... For Sale I Sporting Goods i, I,HI H ill PIONEER SAWS sales and service. REPOSSESSED Hotpoint automatic | BOATS -- 8 and 10 ft. prams, $40 and We are open Sundays. Shelton washer. New warranty. Save $90. | $60; 12 ft. fisherman, $80; run.boutB Marine H|llcrest Hardware. 426-8163. EcHs &amp; Valley Appl ant Center 8/9-23] 12 and 14 ft., immediate deuvery. ..................................................................................... Any size on order. M. J• Hooker,: ........ 3/29 tfn TOP SOIL gravel, fill dirt. F. E.] 1015 E Dearborn. 426-8511. "Bar- US-X'XN-3-KIITi-iT-CnICdOoii Ogden 426-6156 2/12 tfn Din 4 "' 2 :_, ....... .•. __ ...... [ , 26-6837• B 1 /14 fin; conditkm• $19.50 with (rose. Ziegler's WAX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid , ................................ = ........................................ Camera Shop• 7/19 tfn trans-arent nlastie coatln," never } LYWOOD BOAT with 25 h.p• Evin-i MOS]"IN--YOU-IA?--N;:ih-ihe ( e a axi  li-hi rr or scrub 1 ude motto good ski boat .1,6-4931. time to apply Mossite from Gray- btng. Ideal for all surfaces, lnide a/so-or! el out See Graystone 5/25 tin stone of Shelter. Fr,,e use of spread- . .. : .... . .........  ......... : ................. • K-¥-;iE-÷-:b-a-y--6,:j,,ri-;;:,:io. er, Phone 426-6661, 4/19 tin MEI-BTRSHin Shel(()Ii--Golf Chll: tLABBIT FRYERS for sale, also rab- $1,00 valuc for $75. Terms. 426-3649. bit fertilizer. Pilone or.dcrs between B 4/5 fin supplies. John Rice. Phone 426-6108, Free demonstrations. R 1/7 tin ffW'T--w-X-T-: 11o volt iig-i-int, trailers, boats, campers. $198.50. Saegcr Motor Shop, 426-4602• 12f tfn Y-()U PUM, P more water longer with Fairbank Morse pmnps. See them at Shelton Electric Co-. 419 Ratlrond. 1 p•m, and 4 p.m. Phone 426-367AL Mc 8/20 tin EMERS0N' TV-and--e'-eo, See them at Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St. .................................................................. 4(1"a tin TRADE yore': old can]era m %%" flew Zelss 35ram automatic at new discount price. Reduced from $132.50 to $99.50• Limited time only. Ziegler's Clamors hop• 6/26 tin washer and dryer, A-I, new guar- antee. Save $120. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 8/9-23 for sale. Any length. Phone Olk, er Petty, 426-23f,2• 4/29 tin stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 __ each, 227 West Cota. 12/1 tJn LOWREY: "-ORGA-N SAL-ESZZJ0hn n]'s Music Box, 205 Cola St•, phone 426- 4802. ' 2/1 tin reg, $39.95, sale price, $32.95, fully guaranteed. Ziegler's Camera Slmp. 3/16 tin Camexa. $89•f- $69.50, Zlegler's Ca- .recta Shop. 7/19 tfn roM aud fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pca gravel Ior driveways. Norman An- deAQn, ()bone 426-35ff2. JoHn's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore, 7/25 tin SF GRAYSTO17E FOR PYLON, the amazing, improved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts CHAIN SAWS. Rotary Lawn Mowers, Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, Flaor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel Barrows, Electrk: Sitws, Electric Drills, Saber Saws, Sanders. Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladderm Pipe Wrenches. Shelton Marine Supply, 426-8163• 6/7 tfn III,POSSESSED }totpoiat dryer. Now warranty. Save $70, Eclls & Valley Appliance Center. 8/9-23 )$ J *r. ' ! +r t ound. $3.,o ior 14 lb. pail• E|0rbardt Blucherry Nursery, Route 1, Box 392, (Mympia. Phone FIL 2- 8031. 8/9 tin! you!g Golden Seabrlght bantanm, .$1;50 per pair. Ornainenlal lind will Dk'k-up car-wiKs and ,lugs. l)alb.v' . 'Wat,¢rwF,' n i:'lac!,: [ltj{!n, ...... a/J-2a D/SPLAY c[(!aFanle diaetlv |sill]i! wilh :l ,'hairs 'wa: $10d.95 now $84.(lll. Seai' . Ca 1 ilhq., Sah!s Office, J!:v/!t'gr,:cn lasts. 5/25 tfn I 8116-31 3t 6--SXJtO'a%'fe_plht-dsTi6,1BARDIN'S GIS and Novelties. T- pulleys, and shafts. All types sal-[ shop of huudreds of "hand-mades" sage. Shelter Junk Co., First and{ 520 Franklin. Open Thursdays, and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 fin[ Fridays. B 5/24 tfn )dltloned ranges, relrlgerators, I and fireplace wood $14.00 cord. Ph. wahhera, dryers. -Eells & Valley AP- 4-3010 aftcr 6 l).nl. "F 7/}9 tfn p.nane Center. 6/5 tin I ::bKmTiriE i,%R ,XL-V::-WirToe] ';-i.T-fffi-]---FLO---O---O---O---]-R an'angements. I condition. Call 426-,ldad. F 8/23 Yur Craft, Hobby and Health c°r" I g?TYS-'2iV'iK-]5TihxiT--iiTjd'jf-iiiT/7;diT. @re• Bar-Din, 520 Franklin. Open] lake new CrOndition, will acll for $35. .'hur[da. and $_!daY:__B.6/22_tfn I Pit,me 426-.1673. S 8/28-30 Y--IW'fL,i7 lli)-T - CRACK, hip er I F0"R "SA IE -LT"-}{[7-a[jLoiiiifi( wiod iel. PemaneLt finish and sealer, I healer. Price $35. Phone 426-4549. limes not discolor with age, pe I raystone. 5/25 tfnl K 8/23 tfn Sunduys, Shelter Maine, Hillcrest Phi,no 426-8260. S/23 tfn HtiJ>dware. 426-8168. 3/29 tin iST--.,WN:i--i.--ibck[-t).se IHue Lustre earl)el and upholstery GaJJ:$ralth Golf Green• Graystonc of ch.!an¢l'. Lulnbcrnmn's Mereantlh< helton• 426-6661. 4/19 tfn ..................................................... L 8/23 5-rREY---GAN--sX-E-a--a-h-{n.;,  t!'OR SALE --- S x-year (rill, Inphqe, $10: bumper pad, $I.00; play pen, 1usic ox, 205 Cota St. 4/).'_./t! n ,%5,110; ;gil-iil-,;lccp. $3.00; iraln- ............. ENTAL kIQUIPMENT ilig chair, $1.00; baby scales, $2,00; Car seal. $1. Phone 426-41.26. L 8/23-30 F0i Sa1E 36 inch firct, lace Alder wood, Sell one OP all. R. M. Schllllz, Lil] twalip. ]?ll(me 877-5324. 8/23 9/6 SINCER wiih eh!ctric ltlO(ol', $25. Phone 426- 6811. I3 8/23 9/6 i,'OUR:Sr'EEd-" i;&:Glbii; 'PhoilSg:l:al)h: [uFn-ovcr II(?t(tiC |O1' dS'S OF L.P.'8. gohaHc alld lollo contr()l. Ncw con- dittos, $20, Pil,')uc 426-3536, }t 8/23 Squat(.. Phon(: 4.26-20L 8/16 fill N EW-i'lrRTLl,S-i,i:iii ';()dfisli-inT6a -- Arcadia. €:Ri-378. V 8/16 tfn NOW YOU CAN Have rugs and upholstery look professionally cleaned, if you use Chem Clean. Cleans all types of fabrics in one easy application. Just apply and let dry. Available at Lumbermen's Mercantile. i All.State TIRE PRIOES SLASHED 7% to 21% Rugged Tyre.Rayon Cord 4 PLY 67-15 $6.66 sach plus $1.98 fed. excise tax Guaranteed 15 Months ALL-STATE CROSS-COUNTRY NYLON,S-Guaranteed 21 months buy 2, Save $2.00 Immediate Delivery Most Sizes Free Mounting, of course SEARS In Shelton t Irene 426.8201 8/9 - 30 4t CABIN CRUISER 20 fl:: Cruiser. head, galley, bunks, controls. Best offer over $600.(10. See at 2021 Hay st. or call 426-6147 evenings. H 8/23 NEED A' FENCE? Beautiful, long.lasting, western red cedar fences ,.of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone 426-6364 Moving Anywhere In Mason County ) Boat Building Repairs Flberglasaing Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. Phone 426-4652 wcll and steering elmtrols. Also white tonneau cover, Call 426-8344. C 8/9-23 1961 CUSHMAN Traillstcr, like new. ._R_q_as 9 L bJ (2- P_i2 i)(!_ _d 2§:: 6097. S 8__/9- EVINRUDE SALES and service. Scott out-board service, Hood Canal Mar- ins, Union, TW 8-2252. 8/15 tin EVINRUDE SALES and service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163, 3/29 tin 07, C.o-872i;TUi;o-.Tg-;(,i;= about, 160 h,p,, $1495, call TW 8-2296 oi" see at Hood Canal Marine, Union. D 8/9 tin - O  s.--d 6-+ 6 i T K-4 i-A Tf  -, -& i.-G ment at Walt*s ;Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tin ££-SLLo;:i,:T&;-L.7. -;Gj(t for travel trailer. Phone Hoodsport 877-5578. R 8/23-30 Used Cars FOR SALE -- 1952 Pontiac. Good t.b'es $75 or best offer. Phone 426- 8063 after 5:30. H 8/23 tfn FOR SALE --- 1958 Chev. V-8 lnlpltla. Radio. heatcr, nut:onto(it transmts- sioIl, new tires, Price(! reasonaDIv• .... _Pt:+ o2!y.. 26 - 61_93. - ...................... K 8/16-3 FOR SALE JEEP -- 1959 -" ----------WillysJ-5 with winch and worn lmbs, low nlileage, like new. Call David Car- stairs, Potlatch• 877-5533. C 8/16-30 )7-;-L-56i¢-;hX  oi% w;;V2;%- ;,-;;7 Loaded wiih extras. Priced for quick sale at $1995. Scc to appreciate. Jim Paulcy Inc. Phone 426-8231. 8/2"3 i PROPELLER Repair Service HUB REPLACEMENTS Htmdreds of new and reconditioned propellers for all popular makes of" outboard motors. WESTERN WRIGHT MACHINE 1525 Commerce, Tacoma OPEN SATURDAYS 8/9 -3O 4t For Rent LARGE TWO bedrooln apartlncnt, heated, oh)so in. Call 426-6283.' S 8/23 tfn MODERN THBEE bedroom home, par- tially furnished. Five acres clos(! in on Mill Creek Rottd. Will rent or sell equity. Call 426-4,175 days, or -26766!)2__L! gilts. ................ _S'...8/23 t.(]i FOR RENT -- Fh'(; ro,)lU apartment furnished, water, garbage, scwer, paid. downtown. Phone 426-6564. ................................................ .B_Sia. V! For Rent GARAGE FOR RENT at Goldsborough apartments, south second, $6 month. $5/11 tin FURNISHED APARTMT available at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 fin APARTMENT for rent, one block from downtown. Lain(dry and utilitics fnrnished, except lights. Phone 426- 2461 or 426-8283. B 8-9 tin LARGE FRONT, upstairs room, for light housekeeping. E,erytldng fur- nished, including (.>lean linen. Phone 426-3643 or 426-4679. R 7/26 tfn three bedrooln view home. Phone OVERNIGHT OR WEEKEND estsl 436-8584. B 8/15 tfn you haven't room for? Send them GNTE--'BE]3-IY0"(J.--£UT:]Tisiled duplex, to Lawton ApL-MoteL Apartments[ downtown, $40.00. Phone 426-2081. now available by day, week or l B 8/16 ttn month. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177, i tfnl lcWO--BIDROOiI--apdrtilleiit for rellt. 7/16 SPACIOU'----- on-- a tw'- furnlshe------'--'-d Phone 426-8423. W 8/16-30 FOR. RENT, Sills or trade. Skokonnsh bedroom apartments, lots of closets,[ Valley, three bedroom, unfurnished clean and neat, Very pleaaJat place home. Phone 426-4121, N 8/16 tin to live..Edgewood Apartments, Air ........................................................ port, 426-3772. S 3/19 fin FOR RENT -- TWO bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, FOR RENT or sale. Large one bed- city utilities, range and refrigera- room house, close to school, fenced tot furnished. Holly Hill Apts• Con- yard• Phone 426.2259. S 4/26 tin tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- 2446. FOR RENT: Clean, one bedroom house, partly furnished. $40. 426-2081. B 7/12 tin FOR RENT -- One bedroom, up- stairs apartment• Ceramic tile kit- chen and bath. Ample closets. Phone 426-6424 after 5 p.m. 3 7/19 tin FOR RENT -- TwO room furnished, heated apartment. Adults only. In- quire 311 No. First, phone 426-3025. P 6/28 tin 'WATERFRONT HOME, "giT-w---6iH I)ics. 20 nflnutes Shcqton. Two bc, d- roonts. Wintcr only. $48 month. TW 8-2415 Union. F 8/23-30 CYS -- Furnlshed_$-- month and up. Downtown location. Phone 426-30!1 evenings. 6/7 tn DISTINCTIVE APARTMENT NEAR SCHOOLS LARGE GARDEN VIEW WINDOWS, 1 BEDROOM, CARPORT, WASHER-DRYER INCLUDED. FURN. OR UNFURNISHED. ADULTS $55,00 818 PINE ST. PH. 426-3357 8/23 tin ' , t Classified Service, I FREE ROLL OF FILM (127-620-120| B & W) will1 each roll left for pro-[ ('essing wilh 8 or more prints. Zieg-[ ler's Camera SItop, 124 N. 2nd St. | 7/26 tfn ] McCULLOCH SALES and Service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163• .................................. 3/29 tf_n HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn FOR RENT. lease, (,1" sale. Angles;de ............................................. Miscellaneous CARD OF i';/.l::.L4 We wish to t'xl)i'{':<s our heartfelt gratitude for the synll)athy, ff, lllPaes and assistancc, also the b'i,titllUi flo- ral ot'/crhigs given US during llm io::s el our loved one. We apt! (+specially greatful for the In(qnorhtls given to B 5/18 tin FOR T--2L--A-css-f;om Evergreen school, spacious partly furnished apartJnent. View window, every room overlooking garden, car port, laundry included. $60 month. Adults. Inquire 818 Pine St. Apt. 4. 426-3357. 4/26 tin FOR RENT -- One-bedroom furnisil house, water and garbage furnished. _lh o__np__426 - 8150. N 5/25 tin FOR RENT  Modern furnished ca- bins, water paid. Phone 426-4276. ._-. C 8/2 tin vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tin unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 tin FOR RENT  Two bcdl'oom housc half block froni Thrlftway Store. 1516 Sunlulit Drive. Inquire at 629 Cots or phone 426-6663. C 8/16 9/6 Modern ono-bedrooni honie with ad- ditional sleelling space rips(airs. Phone 426-8435. .............. Mc 8/16 tin FOi RENT ZTIl-:{;e-i;edr0ini7 Angiii: side. Bath a]ld half, nice cnchmed ard with fruit trees. At(ached Oou- lc garage. Call .126-4488 after 5:30 p•m. D 8/23 tfn iOR-IINT O'R"SALE-/:-1 l/z bcdrooni house with attached garage, unfurn- ished. 426-2250. R. 8/23 tin LAW'r6N - -AIXR-TiiE-Nvfs. - - B h cl/e i 0 r unRs ideal for single men or wo- men, Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments All untilitieS furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. ROOFING, blown rock wool Insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn JACOBSEN SALES and Sel'vict'. We art" open Sunday• S]lelton Marine, I-Iillcresi HardwliriL 426-8163/29 ......................................................... tfn FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in= stallations, oil conversions. Shelter Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426- 6121. 5/1 tfn f 6 u s E--WX  LK-i{; 6 i Fd,--b li nf - hads and general mason work. Call Hodgsons first! Phone 426-6844. .......................................... H 12! t t_ n EXPERT AUTO GLASS Installation. Jim Pa,uley Inc• 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231• 4/28 tin R-E-li;RIGEi.A'iC01.S---a-nd freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone 426-8082 day or night. , 1/18 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, chimneys, planters, call R, E. Mason, 426-2278. 3/1 tin ARTIFICIAL BREEDING service pro- ven, and highly classified sires. Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00. PI- pcr Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, 426-2084. C 12/15 tfn WE-- --dea-TK-b- i dfiS-(-Ta-dig: (ors. copper, salvage of all kinds. Sbelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Pbone 426-8626. S 4/7 tin JEROME BURKE GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, barnyard fertilizer, welt-aged aider sawdust, pit run gravel, compost __fe_tt fi !+.e_r_.__P_ lj_ne_426-367{: ........ 415 tin CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tin X R i ---S-EXK S--9 7;i---i;iTGToTK:iiT0i hcadquarters. Shop early, buy now. Scars, Shclton. Phone 426-8201. 8/9-30 Hay & Feeds Top Quality Bud Cut ALFALFA DAIRY HAY -- We Serve the West Coast -- Load Lots Only - Call Collect Ev. Quincy Hay & Grain Co. ........ : .... 12/4 tin Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge. .... S 4/4 tfn ished, IuodcPn for couple or single. 218 N. 1st. 426-4,181 or 426-4895. G 8/16 tfn C-(SZY--{}7-1](Tdf6-;ll--]'i,iihed b(,Use George & Marysville, Wash. Sunset 1-2180 if no ans. eL 9-2003 i Wanted WAITRESS --- 21-35 yrs.. experience not aec, essary. C]h)ic.c of llOUi'S, Ap- Electric heat, wall to wall rug, view ply ill I)crson. Ald(!rbrook. hln. (Jr the Mts. No children. Call 426-8106 ....................... 8/23-30 ...................... P 8/}) tlln MAID .... Steady (!lnpltiyln(ltl, cxct'l- FOR RENT---"-Ci;."a-fi-'7}i=-6edi:0o-ii2 h!nt w(.,rking (u)li(lilh)ns, apply ill furnished house. Phone 426-464,t, !lel;son. Aldcl'b!(!0k II}!l. ..... 8/23730 the Ol'tliopcdic tt.spital and Zora Tenlple Convelcsccnt l'und. Dad Ioved flowers, but loved childrc.n IIIOrC. The William Mayer family W(;I3=LD THE PAR'I'Y iiiT;t 1.,;;;q-'owe lily whcclcbah" one yt.}ar ago please returll it as it is urgently needed. Contact Mrs• Roy Coble, 426-8819. C 8/16-23 AS OF THIS DATE, August 23, I will n(i] be rcst)onsiblc lor llIly bills con- tracted lJy tinyonc other 1ban myself. Earl T• Cltappell. 8/23 9/6 Business Opportunities EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY -- well equipped garage for sale due To owner's illness• Inquire Hoodsport Garage. TR 7-5351. 8/9-tfn Pets, Livestock FOR SALE -- Black riding marc, colt, saddle and cquipnlcnt. Phonc '126- 3724. S 8/23 9/13 WANTED -- For pcrsonM fanilly use U 1) to six h01'ses, agcl accet,table foul • years to 10 years• Call or write Classified it 23, 1962 ' Real Estate ROTTI ASSOCIA =5 Broker Walter G 426-6642 Eve "RFRONT WITH TIDELAI Excellent building lots. Full price $3,909.00. * * . $ H TIDELANDS. Good b ATION Close to scb MASON room with picture • In the utility porch. O WARD Eiizabetil upstairs. To sell f against OUNTRY LIVING 3 sol•re tile (till electric pump, dc if led, on C range and raise( II ( t(Ji'ncy, address SI'I I lit! with together wl ERPRONT 2 bedroo within six first Also has 2 roon tile salne W DATE of 23. 19172. ELIZA Iffw HOME 1 bedroc Adnd -L Partially furnished, 1309 this for $5750. Puy ROBERT at UTy This home is nea 3 lovely balco fireplace -- comp,' Big picture wind( large deck oveI APPLIAHCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS I)ALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Lumbermen's Mercantile Co, 3rd and Railroad Phone 426.8211 from Union, Dayton, Matlock and Camp Grisdale, Apply now, get established In time for peal< Christmas selling. Write or Call .... '  $199'.00 AVON, 604 EIItnor St., Shelton. 426-6426. O_.dJ @&....../.,db,,= Choice of Chest or Upright 8/200,9/6 Eells & Valley Appliance Oenler --,= O|U|"S= LMl#lllv Take advantage of this sale ........... ---= IA NOTHING DOWN for rent on Sears easy paymen t plan. OASH PAiD FOR. Your Washer.D.,.r Headquarlers Lemke'sService SEARS Good, 00iean, U.sod Furnllure I  i Phone 426-6779 1 In Shelton , , - s(? -, !lO t and Appliances T __ +. A = ; CALL FoKELLY'S FURNITURE :' i '100 REWARD ..... $I00 reward for information leading to N T G Always lhe best deal, by George! at 2nd & Cota St, Eells & Valley 'Phone 426-4663 3/2 tin discovery of a 1)4 Caterpillar Tractor Se- rial 425, owned by Aaron Byrd. Last seen " • ' d Lake Landin . May 1962 at Ca y " g, approx- imately 3 /z miles East of Dewatto, Wash- ington. Write or call Arthur E. Campbell- Itusted Company, 511 Dexter.Horton Building, Seattle, Was!fington. Phone MAin 4-4313. 8/16 -30 b(droonL No money duwu, $85.00 a month. Apply $10.O0 to Sown pay- lncnt, phls $20.00 monthly credit against total price. Phone 426-8584, B 8/16 tfn LEXL-i,]ST-RTi'fffi 7 dYh T-cl6,/=};- MC View storcs and school 3 bedroolllS, phlstercd, hardwood floors, fireplace, lltrgo utility, lllllie]l(,d garago, fCllCed ill patio. $11,500.00• 426-4652. 8/16 tfn HOOD CANAL'S FINEST on the BEACH 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, furnished, full basement, triple garage, boat and boathouse, barn and corral, $44,000• I' )R UPNT---O( te 3-bedrooul fur- nishcd house and ouc 2 bedroom un/m'nished, in ltoodsport. tIood Canal Real Estate & Insurance Co. Hoodsport Union TR 7-5211 TW 8-2263 The alJout 1/ ; 2 bed rooni buildingS, will sell aS [(71"1118, JaC Arcadia NEW location. i,anellcd 2nd and lots. Inq phone ARCADIA POINT W "ARKADA PARK" View lots, all utilities, private docR, Phone 426-4252 days  426-6530 Write P. O. Box 37, and room for 2 more, r( range, double garage. 1 care. Priced at $15,500 *? 1 bedroom, living nook, utility room Priced at $3500. Comfortable 2 be Easy to heat. Fenc extra lot. A real E PROM TOWN Be Older home'located ju Condition, newly insl With spacious closets of extras included will and 25 ft. freezer. I am additional buildi] rental or business. Priced at $14,500 and )) CANAL BEAUTY quarters three separate ning yard. Priced at $. ICLiFP HOME 3 be in yard with colorft only. Priced at $', US ABOUT OUR LAND -- WATERt ANGLE AOEN( Estate -- Ins Phone 426-8272 • ,t 1 i i , CHRISTMAS WITH AVON EXCITING, PROFITABLE. We are especially interested in ladies EXPERT SEWING -- All types of gar- lllents; dl•essc, cocktail dresst)s, for- nlals, suits, Sl)Ortswcar. Nick] Bur- nctt, 426-6328. I3 7/19 tfn X'"I'['-(JPPELT7 inasu(]/..-will be "at City Center Motcl, eorn(,r First & Alder, each Wednesday, io give Ireatutents. O 7,/26 tin i ii Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tin .u BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tin EPTIC TANKS Drain fieldB, Digging, Sewerg Mar Const. Co. Phone 426-3053 Rt. 3, Box 623 If no answer, Phone 426-6183 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 2/8 fin USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBEBMEN'S MERCANTILE Ilome Furnishings -- 2nd Floor Since 1918 LOGGING COMPANY, Inc. • Agenis For. POLYSTYRENE FLOATATION PLANKS For All Marine Use. Light  Buoyant -- Bug Proof Length---4 to 12 Feet Thickness7 to 20 inches Widths20 to 24 inches $1.50 Per Cu. Foot Larger Quantities -- Prices On Request BOAT HOUSES CONSTRUCTEO DIAL---426-6203 426-3433 707 South First St. Shelton, Wash. KIMBEL Evergreen Square Phone 426-8201 8/23 - it S 7/26 tin Classified Service Stores 600 Ibs. frozen food FREEZER • SEARS SPECIALS ONE ONLY -- AS IS -- HOMART WATER HEATER--52 GAL. $59.95 ONE ONLY -- COLDSPOT 13.5 FROSTLESS REFEPpFREEZER -- $237.00 ONE ONLY  COLDSPOT CHEST FREEZ- ER -- 15 CU. FT. -- STORES 525 # $188.00 ONE ONLY -- COLDSPOT 20.2 CU. FT. CHEST FREEZER -- STORES 706# $237.00 TWO 23-1NCH SILVERTONE MAHOGANY CONSOLE TV -- $188.00 each SEARS in SHELTON 17 cu. ft. BEST BUY Phone ,126-2{)3,1. C 8/23-:;0 WI1A TAKE one (:hild into n:ly ]ioiiic Fenced yard. Ph(ine ,126-,t617. D 8/23 H'n BABYsiTT1NG WANTED  Loving care for your cbtldren in my honm. I'hollc 426-6391. A 1/11 tfu 'r R-E E-s-rr('/is P-E D7 t 1 :i-1 lledT-re t n o v e d7 Larry's Tree Snrgeon Service..t26- 4823. 2/13 tfn think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tin SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth- ;fig. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 3/8 tfn WX N T-liD-=-i006- -'em a i b-//b le--t]r-4s- -O K Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tin WANTED? Huck aild salal, als0 steady brush picker• Phone ,126-2028 after- noons. Wilson Evergreen Co. W 7/}2 tfu 17VXNTE15----'- suiiiiiier-iioiiie to Card for now and during winter in ex- change, for ront, or consider slnall l•(nt, to()d Citntll area, near Uni(,n preferred. Inquire P. O. Box 109 Unien, Wash. B 8/16-23 BABYSITTING WANTED -Will cin.e re, children in lny honie. Daytime. Reasonltble. Close to school. Call .t25- 8537• C 8/16 tfn //X 15Z--WXi, T S--W 0 I K--6; -l{(Tfi]--- 6i. (lay, Has own electric scrubb( 1'. ,i26- 4378. " 'V 8/16 tfn WANTED Ud Furniture Will BUY or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 .......... ] FOR SALE -- Eight choice .%vel wood- ed lols. Electricity and water avail- able. Located behind Robin Hood Inn on Canal. Call 426-3548 after 5 p.m. Iz 5/31 tfn FoR:-SxLE'--'ie]v;(-il(}i;{.:--C,i;(;d ll{7'ce I)t!drooni ]lOUS0. Good out buildings. Two nliles" Iron; Shelton. Phone ,]26- 3208. W 8/]6 ifn Jq:l-K EI-]-E Dii 60{--A-iTg]&4 i d 6 " hSii ft.; full hlisc.nicnt, garage, 60'x300' lot, nnobstruetable view of Olympics, city, bay, fronl dining, living and crest home, furnished or unfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, closo to school and stores. Must move. Will sell at real bargains. Phone 426- 8549 afternoons or evenings. .......................................... ..L/l_tge SALE --- Lill'gC bedroom ]iviagroom, dining, cal'p(K, drapes. Snlall down pa,ynlcnt furnished or not. Phone • i26-,1336. C 8/2 ;In bath and half, fh'eplace, electrlc heat, call 426-22-I0 weekdays after 5 p.m. .13 4/12 t£n T'-W-O---BEbi6OM---lhii'[i;-" i'{Ti:iiMi6-d suburban and three bedrooni sub- urban h(,nlcs. For sale or lease. Phone 426-4147. S 7/5 tin hKEE--XiEST---i:,gUni-]-i6i<ii6fv punlp and well, $2500. Terlns con- sidered. 426-8397. O 6/28 tl'n i6USgS--L Thr6-r067h;-Sa2(Xi. FiVe= room, $4200. 10% down, $50 p er too. Neat, Dayton. 426-68:47. B 5/25 tin i;'cik--s-XLF:--Xi;i.oXiiff.a{;;f:-::-a-cFe Oi ground witll small Mrcanl through it. Tract has water i•ight fl'OlU sprillg• Located approxllnately 2 nliles fronl tOWU on bblckh)t) road. Priced right. Phone 426-8423. -W 8/'9-23 MUST SELL,my two bedrooni honle ilemedhtt(ly. Two blocks l"i'oln town on 11 lots. Reasonable. Call 426- 4219. 7/19 tfn ONE ACRE on Baysbore highway, well, septic tank and bulkbead. Young fruit trees• $3500, $1000 dn. Bardin's, phone 426-6837 evenings. ........................................... .<-U.. n LARGE TI-IREE bedroom hoille, Faal- ily rOOlll wiih built-in broi[cr, wall- to-wall carpeting, range, dishwasher, wasller and dryel'. Phone 426-8073. S 7/'19 tin MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill- TANTED .... Carlmnter work, will (If, A 8/9 tin alteraltt, ns (Jr repairs, or additioliS. - ................................................................. unfurliish¢,d, Larg(! carport garage and bal'n, 15 acres fenced dnd pas- tured, drilled well. ScVcll nlilcs fr(ml town on (]()It; I{oad. Call Bill Marcy at 425-6735, 8/16-',t0 TIVO BEDROOM honie oil Mt. View. Twe cal' al'age. Coi'nei" lot with large, yard. 22.1 E. B trcet. Plione _ 4_"6.-?0a9._ ......................... Z_.._ s_ L tJ! PICKERING PASSAGE Wa.hrf.ront 10 miles No. of Shelton. I bedroom all (,lcctric boule. Fire.lilacs• garage, sl.p. on 1 acres. 110 ft. gravel beach, fruit trees, berries, wooded back lot. Ottk Adams, .126-8769. NOT1 will bc cy budgc t ill (ill ,'aid phtlll lgridgv acci)e d l'l]wa the liil ut of planl In'idi4c, and WHEREAS, si 1)!lld iL Ul'I!S of the it becullies t,lll(!r0ncy lU('Onll( I=qANNING H AI{STENt! tOliStl'llC| iO NOW, TIJ RCW 36. t0. h( l' "q)Y I llaIl] O[tltioa alld i ](,al'd ](i |)rcp of ttearing A [)()t: ]962, [,)a1'd of ,,l" Mas H A RR .I /IN ATTh'.:£i' ; C, .,)i,n 5¢a: Cl<q'k (if tile N()TI E I lho Io,lrd will lilt' q dt Hi,USe in sDcl her 1, 1962 l), Sl. ()f tiJo\\;'t' [tliid, al)ll(,a r liiid "(Hh d;tY 0f i ]hmi'd [ (l|' .Ma c ]7})/ C, A{Idito die FOR SALE: Cute, frisky Labrador pUpl, ics, $10.00 each, 426-3579. J 8/9 tfn TWO YEAR stallion, half Quarter- horse, sired by Yellow Jeep. $250. .... Pbone_ewn!nga__426_73748:__S_6/21 tfn WILL GIVE AWAY fern" kittcns. Two fluffy kittens and %we shol•l haired. Phone 426-4549. K 8/23 tfn Real Estate ATTRACTIVE DESIGN -- Three bed- rooln hollle, nt!al" school. Built-iu rangc and oven,' aLtraelive fircplac(!, electric lmat. two-car garage, half bh)ck of property. Phoac 421-8682 af- Bridger, tcr 5 p,III. L 8/23 1In warded an * OUR BED-RTSOM--iGddi--('i/i:'B;;i= ure,"s ccl"ti duaux schoill, Call 426-3320 for details agency of D 8/23-3(}. in regards 0RSALI,-----]iL tTti-([{'ie tiir"t( Ied: 3168. l'OO'lll, nlo(Icrn bl)nle, furnished or WHEREAS. Division of i A. ROY DU] REALTOR 3 • 12 HOME IN TRAD aity to get a good-goin one person on short ] )erience. Easy work and ag. Will take home in ti and you cal pay bl BEDROOM DOWNTOWI amily home is bound tc heating, loads of s ently remodelled. Two-car It won't last long at $1 S LOVELY 3 BEDROOM reasons--some of which a fireplace, the secluded floors, the sunny kitchen den, the extra pretty ba fine heating system, ent construction and Close in, so it's hanc tions of ized hiln to with tim that vance nlcnt, it LAKE PROPERT' a separate bedrooms, 2 fireplaces funds windows overlooking WHEREAS, 100 feet of nice lakefro 13, 1962. tile signed a ? Now's the time gOVCl,Unlent count had bcC ENT WITH THE OPTION " to bc kn ()W,I posed Harstcn( dandy 3 bedroom all-ell Wt4EREAS, workshop in gara with $9,300 full price IERSLEY INLET'S NICE , a cozy sewinl hobby quarters, covered With lighted dock. On a pin, roomy, and so cot Western-style home you and out, guest quarl ' neighborhood. Only $14,91 Boaid of County  "GRADE A" DAIRY F parucnial's to I,. O. Rowe, 20303 on ,.ecord as a,P.Pr';til  being sold completely, stock Sherwood Lane, Shelton, Phone 426-  eYcbeeartkw tahcmlkn£a  4581. R 8/16-30 authorizing Chate to accept and.e'" and stock included SADDLE HORSES and one well broke public works p]a AI)aloosa work tealu. Also. two dr]v- fer of the HoUSlU 1 ing buggies in good condition, Boyd Ag6ncy to ad':c Zepp; Phone 426-6743. 8-16 tfn cc(d $18,00u.uu ., with pretty strean" ....................................................... (,f the costs el v-=i" " ksto see it ? FOR SALE-- Brown marc $100. Buck- Island Bridge aa, dltl.lf skin gelding• $250. Call 426-8920. B 8/16 tin WHEREAS. R. THIS IS A LOVELY 2 ................................................. 1962, said Elnflund. .  ' 1 - words or 1 *:,: '+ * * * 1.60 two tnse" .L0 500 .._...el, tlree insertDj-/, , " * * * larger ,NG SITES ON ,SLAN00 Classified ' (IY'P"-" '-, column incl $. L * * * Card of tha- '11l'' ON SPENCER LAKE. • 15 V  !, er notices 00 :,!: , , , inch. dlllf,,i!,,.. HOME 60 ft. of sa; ReSP,ter_ system• ' Owner must sell. lot $1.50 per insu"'e°0.00 down. R0tter==-- &/I mustClaSS" . i =/lli : taken be paid • month. I 10€ win be ,d, ,. REAL ESTAI St,set Re ) 00lIIE EXCELLE00 lit;ate' i