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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iat 23, 1962 | lalleous :pro:<s our heartfelt S  ) l) t|ly, KIIICII(S* () tblt b(qtiltilUi flo- 1 US duriug th(! Io:;S We are especially lllCIIlorials given to ih*spital slid Z0ra :nt l'und, Dad loved childrell more. t_ Mayer flllll!ly  ......... RTY that borrowed 011(! ycal" ltgO please is urgently needed. >.oy Cable, 426-8819. C 8/16-23 I'E, August 23, l will )le for lilly bills con- le otllcl' thrill myself. ell. 8/23 9/6 !pportunities PORTUNITY -- well' e for sale due to Inquire Hoodsport 51. 8/9-tfn ,ivestoek Loll riding mare. colt. fipment. Phone 26- S 8/23 9/13 personal family use es. ages steel)table years. Call or write H. O. Rowe. 20303 Sheltou. Phone 426- R 8/16-30 and one well broke :earn. Also, two driv- ood conditloll, lloyd -6743. 8-16 tfn .......................... of the )Wll lrlarc $100. Buck- Island 50. Cull 426-8920. B 8/16 tfn WHEREAS. ............................... 1962, said te, frisky Labrador each, 426-3579. J 8/9 tfn Ilion, half Quarter- ' Yellow Jeep. $250. 426/:3748: ____.S 6/21 tf n Y foul" kittens. Two lld two short haired. K 8/23 tfn Estate gSIGN -- Three bed- !ar sehoill. Built-iu aLtractive firep hie.(!, .wo-car garage, hall7 .y. Pllolle ,i2(-8682 al- L 8/23 tfn .VY-i;\\;;--ii(ii/i: -B&=: 111 426-3a20 for delaits D 8/23-3(l. I1 iitic[Lric tid:ii,(i b(;d, hl)lUC, |'Ul'lliSil(a(t or 1re(! carport garage, :l'(?s fi!llc(!d illld pas- ell. Seven mih's from h)ad. Call Bill Marcy 8/16-30 hon-l(.;-bl{ Mt. View. 4"e. Corner lot with E. B Street. Phone .................. Z...s( tj '' ;SaOE Wahrr.rl)nt 10 u!lton. 1 bedl'oOlll all l'il'eplaee, garage, :torts. 110 ft. gravel c('s. berries, wooded Adams, .126-869. ..................... 6 s(9 tr n tlvo be(il'OOlll hollle, t) blocks frolll tOWll :easonable. Call 426- 7/19 tfn Bayshore highway, ank and bulkhead. ees. $3500. $1000 dn. 426-6837 evenings. B 5/24 tfn bedl'oolll hollle, lPalll- auilt-in broihn', wall- g', rllllge, dishwasher, 'el'. Pllone 426-8078, S 7/19 tfn !E two-bedroom Hill- lrnished or unfurn- 'age, earner lot, close stores. Must move. bargains. Phone 426- or evenings. M 12/14 tin bedl'oOlll, ] i Villgroorll, drapes• Small down ;lied or llot. Phone .................. c F_/: E;, hree bedroom house. C, fireplace, electric 2240 weekdays after 13 4/12 tl:n €i partly furnished three bedroom sub- For sale or lease. S 7/5 tfn 2 r(lonl house, new [. $2500. Terms con- : .............. 0 6/28 tfa ,'e-room, $3200. Five- '& down, $50 per rno. 26-68a7. B 5/25 tfn ioXiiiKtiT;f'b:--::-ici'e 0t" all stream through it. r right from Spl'illg. imately 2 miles from t) road. Priced right. -W 8/-23 dt choice .level wood- :ity and water awdl- behind Robin Hood Call 426-3o48 after o ................  .5/al _t m Ve acres, (l()od l]lP(',e Good out buildi)lgs. k Shelton. Phone 426- W 8/16 ifn 51C-A-Y//gi(s i d e" - fiBii iel garage, 60'x300' lot, view of Olympies, i dining, living and if)nay (lowII, $85.00 a i10.O0 to down pay- 0.00 monthly credit rice. Phone 426-8584. B 8/16 tfn 7;i:" . t{i;e 7-C1 ),i7 t d- M t. I school, a bcdroollls, rood floors, fireplace, tsell(,d garage, f(!aeed 00. 426-,1652. 8/16 tfn Real Estate ROTTER and ASSOCIATES er, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker 5642 Evenings -- Phone 426-3530 WITH TIDELANDS 293 ft. to County Excellent building lots. Power pnd water to the priee $3,900.00, r.___.e;r A{ ITH T ng-,DC Good lmildin o" site Full price Rata,4 t?,000 00 15 words_. _...or l a;,[ > , , , , $1.60 two i .... i7: 0 each three inseruu" '  insertiOnSads25no -" ':U IL01NG* * * larger .rl ,,:, SITES ON ISLAND LAKE. Classified or.jr:" : column inch. $.lt k * * • " e'l, 0TS Card of t ha-- . . ON SPENCER LAKE. $6,000.00 each. er notices $100 or $. r,=,',._ '- lill' ) ..7 NOOM inch. d t© ;(ea" HOME 60 ft. of salt water frontage. Good "Not :ins er-Aouu00Respo:ters-y stem. Owner must sell. Price cut to $12,000.00. $1.50 "  clPaesrsified sd/,,, down. Rotter & Associates must over thePk taken be paid befOre month. A.u ex 'd 10¢ will be sd0 :F" REAL ESTATE is necessarY. Street Union TW 8-2429 RE$oI,U' OF WHEREAS, Bored of Coun on record authorizing to accept public fer of the Elml und. Commission' tions of ized him to with the that V 1 llC e inilnt, it wfl a separat( funds WIIEREAS, 13. 1962. the signed a gOVel'lllll(qlt COUlIt iltid tl> be knoWil posed Harstn( Wti EREA, lridgm', warded an e UII(!I,'S CCl•til agency of t ill regl A'ds 3168. WHEREAS. Division of llt wilt bt! lit !C('S'/ ey bu(t'et in i'll said l)l/llll l-I ridge acciiU (] l'l/Wll lll(! lid lit of p]anll Iil'id I% slid WHEREAS, l)*lld il 1.11" !s of the it beclllt!S !111('I''C ll(!y ;I('('OUlli PLANNING H AI.STENI!" (?[)ll,l.l'llC| i O N()W, Tll t{CW 36. tO.: h(',r('])Y 11111111 OIuIioII ;J I111 l{(,n)'d h) t)rc of 11(:triug A DOt: 1963. [l()al'd of ,f Mast H A I{ R .It )!tN A T T hl::;'.F ; C, :..)fan B la L?i)'l •, of LlV N( )'l.'l (',ti; i Ilia i,,!'d O! will m(.'I at ltousc hi Sla(? b('r l, 1}162 l), S,. ()f ;dio\\;'(' fund, al)lll,a 1- alld 2,0th day t)t'  ()t' IMaSt l} v C, AMitol I.he 51ASON • In the WARD Elizabettl agaillst s(.q've tile qta.1 if led, on t[ i Lo I'II(LV all (t l'ess witl together wl within six fb'st 1)tb i(:a tile sadie W DATE of 23. 1962. ELIZA AdlHi 1309 at CANAL'S The l the BEACH baths, furl]ished, triple garage, boat barn and corl'O.l, I,CIISALI" Ill" Iorll d0 * ry Lm)di 11 3-1)edroout fur- about 1/ Lid oue 2 bedroom 2 ])edroonl ltoodsport, buildingS, will soil nS t(?l'lllS, JItC 1 Real Estate A,.ad,. ,,) ranee Co. IDea,Jell. Union i)anelled 2nd and TW 8-2263 FOR ........................................ lots. In(lU phon(3 426" ADIA POINT W "ARKADA PARK" , lot, all utilities, private doeR. tuna ,t26-4252 days  426-6530 Write P. O. Box 37, EXCELLENT BUYS FINE "GRADE A" DAIRY FARM . . . g sold completely, stock and equipped! All nec- )men, and stock included--just move in and tak( ' barn With milking parlor, electric milkers, and ilk tank; a cute 3 )edroom bungalow with fire- I with pretty .tream winding through pi'op- see it ? REE THIS IS A LOVELY 2 BEDROOM HOME . . . a pin, roomy, and so comfortable and unique in Western-style home you're bound to like. Fire- and out, guest quarters, patio, and features neighborhood. Only $14,900. Suggest you see! LAKE PROPERTY FOR $13,500! . . . bedrooms. 2 fireplaces, very attractive living windows overlooking lake, and nice family 100 feet of nice lakefront with dock. We think wait? Now's the time to buy! ENT WITH THE OPTION TO PURCHASE? . . . dandy 3 bedroom all-electric home in nice dist- workshop in garage, and many excellent onth with $9,300 full price. ERSLEY INLET'S NICEST PROPERTIES . .. bedrooms, a cozy sewing • room, attractive baths, hobby quarters, covered patio, 2-car garage, and With lighted dock. On acreage with fruit trees, etc. Close in, so it's handy to town. By appoint- )DEST HOME IN TRADE FOR BUSINESS . . . fity to get a good-going business now netting one person on short hours---couple can make mrience. Easy work and compact living quarters Will take home in .trade for $7500 equity in and you cal pay balance at $60/month. ' BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME... family home is bound to please everyone! Full central heating, loads of storage, downstairs bath ently remodelled. Two-car garage, nice yard, and It won't last long at $13,750! I LOVELY 3 BEDROOM HOME . . . reasons--some of which are the cozy living" room fireplace, the secluded and covered patio, the floors, the aunny tdtchen, the panelled bedroom den, the extra pretty baths, the separate work- fine heating system, which is so important. nt construetion and nice yard. $15,900. " A. ROY DUNN REALTOR 3 * 126 Railroad Ave. PTIONAL VALUES LIVING 3 lovely balcony bedrooms, large liv- fireplace -- compact kitchen -- deck all use. Big' picture windows with excellent view rfront, large deck overlooking water -- dock. ATION Close to schools, churches, shopping room with picture windows, separate din- utility porch. One bedroom down, sew- upstairs. To sell for under $10,500. LIVING 3 bedroom home situated electric pump, double construction, deep e range and miscellaneous furniture. To 'ERFRONT 2 bedroom home, full basement. Also has 2 room cabin for guests. All IEW HOME 1 bedroom, living room, utility e. Partially furnished. Located on 10 acres this for $5750. UTy This home is nearly new. 90 X 140 lot. and room for 2 more, recreation room, built-in double garage• Ready to move in as it care. Priced at $15,500. 1 bedroom, living room, shower, compact nook, utility room, separate garage. Lo- e. Priced at $3500. EST Comfortable 2 bedroom home with room Easy to heat. Fenced yard with patio and extra lot. A real bargain, priced to sell E FROM TOWN Be a country gentleman Older home'located just b mile from town. Condition, newly installed electric heat, two With spacious closets in each, and one bed- of extras included with the sale such as new and 25 ft. freezer. There is a large utility an additional building on the property that or business. Excellent garden and Priced at $14,500 and owner will carry con- CANAL BEAUTY Stunning 3 bedroom three separate baths, exquisitely fur- yard. Priced at $50,000. tCLIFF HOME 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, recta- in yard with colorful flowers and shrubs. only. Priced at $36,000. IK US ABOUT OUR BUILDING LOTS LAND -- WATERFRONT  ACREAGE ANGLE ,AGENOY Estate -- Insurance Phone 426-8272 -- DICK Kamilche Women Return From Two-Month Vacation Trip By Dorothy Simmons KAMILCHE -Mrs. Ethel White- aer and her grandson. Lynn just eturned from atwo-month vaca- lion trip which took them to Hueston, Tex. They left June 15 and retm'ned Aug. 15. On the way to Texas they stop- ped off at Salt Lake City, Utah to visit with Mrs. Whitener's n:eee. Mrs. Titmus. Mrs. Whitener and Lynn then went on to Hueston tc see her daughLer and family, Mr, and Ms. Harold Ford and haby Darren. They spent about five weeks there. On' their return trip they stopped in Idaho Falls and Salmon, Idaho, and to visit relatives in Yakima. Mrs. White- ner and Lynn then enjoyed a day at the World Fair before return- ing to Kamilche. JOY, ,IENNY. and Jacky Petty ond Mary Pierce of Port Angeles pent a few days with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pet- 1.% Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams are spending a week at Warm Springs, Ore.. at an Indian Camp meeting. Mrs. Thelmn Stuart of Covin, Calif•, and Mrs. Beulah Lenard of Shaver Lake. Calif., vislted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson last Wednesday. Mrs. Stu- art is  former resident of Ka- milche. The Mem Lambert family are Re00! Estate @ DO'IT-YOURSELF INVEST- OR $3,500 potential profit. You can have a 3 bedroom 2 bath home for $6,500. Here's how: Right now it's a duplex, but remove one inside wall and you will have a 3 bedroom home worth easily $10,000. Call us for details. • D R A M ATI C PANORAMA, OLYMPIC VIEW. 2 roomy bed- rooms, comfortable living room, family dining room, bright kitchen utility. Garage paved, walks. Fenc- ed lawn and shade trees. Well lo- cated. Owners business up state. Priced for immediate sale $9,000.00 Easy terms arranged. • OWNER TO TRANSFER SOON. Spacious 2 bedroom home. Large inviting living room, well designed dining area. A good family prop- erty in vicinity of Bordeaux school. Oil furnace. 2 car gar- age. Fenced yard. An excellent buy at $10,250. Terms can be ar- ranged. • ANGLESIDE INCOME PROP- ERTY. The earnings can pay 2/3 of your monthly payment PLUS a nice home in a fine neighborhood. Here's the pitch. Furnished 3 room apartment rents for $50. Then 5 spacious rooms on first level. Furnace. Garden show- place, fruit-shade trees, patio fire- place. Priced to sell at $10,500. $2,500 down. $25 monthly PLUS rent money. • MT. VIEW 3 NICE BED- ROOMS (includes handsome Mas- ter-bedroom). Hardwood floors. Attractive living room. Pleasing family-dining room. Attached gar- age, utility area. Well fenced pri- vacy. More than you expect for $11,500. Low down on a M.G.I.C. Loan. • 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY, BUILT 2 YEARS. Well located in North- west Mt. View. Entertainment. sized living room, beautifully pan- elled dining room with patio glass doors. Massive fireplace. Brick- walled modern kitchen. Ready to move in for $13,900. $1,700 down and assume 5¼% FHA Loan ....... 3 LOVELY BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, R'AM BL ER DESIGN. Large landscaped lot in Mt. View. Glowing hardwood floors. Log- sized fireplace. Charming living" room. Sunny dining room. Com- pact breakfast area. 2 car sealed garage and furnace. $900 down FHA and costs. No need to buy appliances, 5 included at $16,500. • 3 TWIN-SIZED BEDROOMS, HIGH UP ON ANGLESIOE. Im- pressive island fireplace. 7 room modern contemporary. 12 baths. Smart dining room, spacious living room, deeply carpeted, flagstone traffic lane. Concealed built-in kitchen range. B.B, electric heat. Extra shop-room will convert read- ilv to 4thibedroom. Garaoe at- tached. Ready to move in for $900 FHA including costs. $16,500 full price. • SMALL FARM, WIDE CREEK flows through 5 lush acres. Springs feed creek source. Deep silt will roW anything, f=gs an g 'E " " d corn, ber- ries gamre, xcellent 4 room home with 2 car attachel garage. Sits back O ff North Olympic Hwy. Furniture and equipment included. You can be indel)endent on this wonderfully dich silt-land. The full price Is $11,000 and some terms to a wise buyer. ASK US ABOUT: Waterfront properties Large farms, acreages, Small farms. CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME MANN REAL ESTATE 321 South First Street EVENING8 CALL @ JOHN DEVEREUX • "HOME-FINDER,, AT 426-8544 on a vacation rip. They are going to Yelh)wstone Park. Wyoming, and are visiting in Montana and ldaho. Sunday is the Progress Grange picnic at Maple Beaeh. Coffee and ice cream wilt be furnished. If lhe weatier is bad the picnic will be at the grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. James Hanes of Totten Inlet visited at the home of the Herh Nelsons, MR. AND MI{S. JACK Pierce l were recent overnight guests of the Edwin Pettys. Weekend guests of Franees Sim- mons were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Simmons. Rev. and Mrs. Don Mainwearing visited with the Dan Wood fam- ily over the weekend. They came to get some furniture which was stored here to take it to their i Lome in Grants Pass, Ore. MR. AND MRS. BEN Gillespie and children visited with the Cliff Rmmdtree's over the weekend De- lores Roundtree also visited the Roundtrees. She is David Round- tree's wife. Delores and the GiN lespie family are from Everett. Recently Mr. and Mrs. Moult- top and :Mrs. Vovee visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wood. The Forrest Lang family from New Hampshire, who have been visiting at the home of Gene Tay- lor, left Wednesday to return home. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Taylor celebrated their wedding nniversary at the Gene Taylor home. They all had dinner togeth- er. Kathy Petty is spendin a te days with her grandparents. :Mrs. 'Jim ou0h and her sons visited at the iome of Frances Sitimons Stinday evening. Friday morning Mrs. Cliffton arnes left for a trip to Oklaho- ma to visit relatives and plans to go on to Chicago to visit their son Clayton and his family. Use Journal Waft Ads I K E S , : .. . .q, ,•..', [. : :i: ". . > : . • .. , ) ,: • What kind of fellow does it take er's cost. With some types of con- to be'a good at-home boat-builder? strucfl0n extra time, extra work, Wiliard Crandall, Boating Editor pay off better than with others. In of Sports Afield Magazine, gives small ways, the painstaking home • boatbuilder can have advantages some factual hints about what to over a factory• For exampIe, with look for on your first try. a wooden boat all pieces can be As an amateur builder, you have treated completely with wood pre- one advantage over the factory: servative, and modern preserva- you can spend all the time you lives are good. Also, a home-built want, while labor is one of the boat is one the owner can always highest items in the manufactur- repair and keep in shape. Preferred properlies by Waterfront Realty 317 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8277 YOUR TERMS CO.NSIDERED Comfortable 3 bedroom home on Angleside $7,500. ROOMY? Look at this huge 4 bedroom home on. Htllcrest, full base- ment, forced air heat, large fire- place. $12,000. SEE YOUR DOLLARS GROW Invest in this 400' waterfront tract today• 13 acres of uplands, 00' of medium bank water- front for just $6,000. HOW ABOUT THIS! 75' of low bank waterfront close to Shelton. Perfect beach, some trees. Tidelands included. Just $2,600. 100 ft. low bank, nice beach, tidelands, and easy contract terms. Priced at only $4500. 250' Here is another waterfront property that is priced right. Located on the Agate side of Hammersiey Inlet• Low bank, easy access, lot of future po- tential. Just $40 a foot. HARSTINE ISLAND Here is your opportunity to purchase a wooded tract on beautiful Harstine Is!and, It has 125' of low bank fr0ntige with road in. Easy termsl Just $5,000. NEW SPACIOUS LIVING 3 Bedrooms, Rec room, large living room, 2 car garage, all go with this large Tri-Level home. Priced with easy terms• Will F.H.A. or G.I. NEW HOME Here is your chance to live in that brand spankin new home, $400.00 total down payment and closing costs• You can't beat that anywhere• MUST BE SOLD Big home, close to schools, 4 bedrooms, large living room, new siding, full basement. $45007 Downtown location, Lot or room for the growing family. 5 large bedrooms at the reduced price of just $4,500. TRIM 2 BEDROOM Move in to this home for just $325.00. Total down payment and closing cost. Spotless Con- dition. EASY LIFE ON LAKE 125' of waterfront with three bedroom split level home on Is- land Lake. $19,900. MODERN 3 BEDROOM HOME With 2 large fireplaces and exceptional rec-room $16,000 i n- cludes some furniture and ap- pliances. -- Evenings Call --- Vince Himlie -- Vern Dronen -- Marden Stroud 426-6501 4264318 426-4000 LOVELY 2 BEDROOM This immaculate home centerally lo- cated On Mt. 'View. L,shaped kitchen and dining room, gracious sunken living room with fireplace. Large covered patio on shady side of house. Ideal for lazy summer-time living, attached 2-car garage, all s'et on fenced lot and one-half completely landscaped to perfectioii. Priced below appraisal at $15,000, or completely furnished fo, r $! 8,000, 10 percent down,easy terms. • ARCADI/ BOAD Spacious two story home with full basement. This King=sized home has two sunny bedroom on the main floor and two pstairs, ready to be finished. Plenty of elbow room for the large family One acre of ground, close to city limits. Illness in family forces quick sale. Reduced to $8,000. 5 BEDRD, OM COUNTRY HOME Located on 33 sprawling acres, only minutes from toWn. This home has a dining room, 1Va baths, basemeht and 2-car garage, ideal for the large family interested in raising horses or beef. An 18-carat value--S12,500. SUBURBAN 140 ARE$ 3 BR home, spring and creek on pro- perty, some timber. Large 19-stall barn. 13 acres cleared. An ex- cellent buy at $19,100. Terms. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Ideal setup for man and wife who know the restaurant-business. Owners made comfortable living until death forced lease. Two bedroom house on 8 acres. Quick sale priced at $10,500. Easy terms. 2 BR HOME ON MT. VIEW Close to school, large fenced yard and 15 x 30 living room with fireplace. Outdoor fireplace. Reason- ably priced at $7,500. Terms, $525'.00 down and $65 per month. "WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAII BUY ANYONE OF THESE TWO LIKE RENT" 2 BRhouse, dining room, 6 rooms inall, fireplace, garage, $6,500. $60 per month until down payment of $500 is paid. 2 BR house, 5 rooms in all nice location, $5,000. $50 per month un- til $500 is paid. LaBISSONIERE AGENCY REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE 119 8o. 4th -- Phone 426-4t}66 Evening S Call ,! • Sylvia Carey, Ph. 426-3132 AI LaBtssonlere, Ph, 426-8649 Vivian?Nlnemlre, Ph; 42,6,8806 Harry (Bob) Wiles, Ph. 426-8926 MOST IMPORTANT single step in amateur boatbuilding is secur- ing good plans, good blueprints, to work from. Plans must be good two ways: they must be complete enough and clear enough so that you can build the boat well with a minimum of work, and they must be plans for a good boat--one that will perform well on the water, do what you want it to do and be strong enough to keep on doing it. Cost is not a good basis for judg- ing plans• Some expensive plans from naval architects may be worth the price just because of the free consultation, by letter, avail- able to the purchaser. Plans may consi.,t of drawings only, usually in blueprint form; these are for experienced builders. Beginners need the step-by-step in- structions which accompany many plans. Such instructions include a list of materials; just how many pieces of wood to buy, what sort, what size and just how ninny screws. The drawings for a boat consist of the Lines Plan, which gives the measurements, and a Construction Plan, which shows the details of the building. A Ta- ble of Offsets, a listing of the va- irous measurements, may be in- cluded, or tim measurements may all be put on the drawings, PERHAPS the most important single step in building any wooden boat is the first, the laying down of the lines, or lofting, as it is sometimes called. It consists of drawing the Lines Plan full-size on the floor of your shop or cellar, usually on plywood or heavy wrap- ping paper. From this you get pat- terns to lay your wood over, to cut out your frames, stem and other parts that make up the skeleton of your boat. Full-sized patterns or drawings of frames and other parts are sold for many designs, with tlxe idea of eliminating the laying down of the lines. The real dividends that come from laying down lines are not the patterns for the parts, but the boa,building knowledge that you secure. Your learn the importance of setting up the boat properly, and how to do it better; you are helped to understand about fairing, which comes later. Briefly, a bet- ter boat should result, and time will be saved later, too. $ * * The scattergun is a versatile hunting tool, but only when used with the proper shells. Since there are about 78 varieties of shotshell loads on the market, the hunter must exercise care in choosing his 10ad, cautions Pete Brown, Arms EdRor of Sports Afield Magazine. The best way for the shotgunner to choose the best load for his gun wonld be to shoot paterns with all the loads having shot sizes applic- able to the game he's after. Since this method is rather impractical, the best most sportsmen can do is to study performance data or make a selection based on others' experience. The most universal shot size is No. 7, and it works fairly well at moderate ranges for most game birds. For geese and turkey there is No. 2 shot. in a tight choke gun, BB shot is good for long range. No. 6 shot has been popular for ducks, but 7Va in a modified choke is okay for close range (up to 30 yards) blind shooting. Most pheas- ant hunters have taken to No. 5 or No. 6 shot where the range is apt to be stretched. For long range duck shooting Nu. 5 is ideal. No. 9 shot is a popular size for doves and quail in some areas when the range is within 20 to 25 yards. At ranges up to 40 yards the modified choke and No. 7 shot is better. Longer ranges call for the full choke and 7 shot. When selecting a shotshell load, the sportsman must always make sure the pattern is dense enough to get four or five pellets in the bird. If he is using an improved cylinder choke, he may have to use Shot to get ,the necessary at 40 yards. He could : to No. 7 shot for p'ene- bit "would trove to change to modified choke to get pattern density. Page ].9 I Belfair Residents Win Ribbons At Kitsap Oounty Fair Last Week By (Mrolyn Freelin Eoor". a One-act play by Antorl BELFAIP, Several Belfair Chekhov which will I)e pr(sent(M "vVeavors were successfnl with their exhtlnts in the Kilsap C(mn- ty Fail' la:t weelcend Mr. and Mrs. Jack Romig received a Inlln- bcr of blue ribbons on theh' ex- hibits w lich includod rtlgS, Ins)s, ;.t wall h'mging, skirt fabric and ln afghall Others who received blue ribbon awards were Mrs. rilliam Ev- ans, with a diagonal-weave head :ClIl'f and a twice-woven "lUll'; -[•S• Matthew Bischoff. linen towels; soon aL 'P|I( A.l't I'alul. L)il'(,cting :nd starrin K in the play s P.,uteh .McLarney. Also appearing in "The Joor" al•e (_h Yolyll Freclirl })did Tom I)eLeo. The ph,y telt |ha ,;tory of a atorm v nleei.l[lg • betwe(ql i[ \\;volnan ill lnOlll'llin an{| a e()ll- firmed woman-tinter Several a('ts featuring loc;d talent will he pre- :cnted witi Lira play. WAtch h)r losters giving Ihc dute of preson- la tion. Mrs. J M. Small a throw rug,; GUEST, IN Till,,' Cm'l R. Mat- I{I'S. George Oakhmd. an apron ll|S t]onle ll'C, t1'. and iIrs. Loll :,nit a wool twee.d suit: and iIrs. Orlnerod ;tilt) Hans I-leman, fllld George Menar(l, a room divider Kent, who nre visiling from IAln- and yardage. Another blue ribbon easter. Calif. The (-)rnler()ds ar- winl]tu' \\;vas Mrs. Jack Harris of lived here in time for the tale- Gorst, mother of Jack F. Harrls el the North Shore. Also bringing home a number .t hlue ribbons from the fair was unior exifibitor Pmmy Fedenk. 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fedenk of Mission Lake. Penny received ribbons on her entries which included a pa- jama bag sewn in the form of a cat, a woo£1-cal'vi]lg, and a speed- men of a vase. PATRICIA JEAN Beard be- bration last Sunday of the Mat- ldses' oldesl dauKhter's birthday. Honored at the t)arLy was 19-year- old Carol. AmonK lhos, present al the g'athol'iug were 1VIr. atltl :Mrs. Alvin Anderson and Marl(; llr. and Mrs. \\;Valler Scott. Jr., Pnd Sandra. Kenny and f{iciard; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seotl ',and Sally, Stlsan. Gary and Tom: 'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hendry and Brl- en, and Valtcr Sc)tt. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boot h and came the bide of Gary L. Aune daughters Cry.tal and Julia were lust Saturday afternoon at Our in Belfair visiting Mrs. Booth's Lady Star of tho Sea Catholic parents. Mr. and Mrs. Atf)'ed Church iu Bremert.on. Pink and Blomlie of [he North Shore. Thcy white summer flowers set the arrived here August 15 after a .cene for the wedding. The bride carried a white orchid atop a hite prayer book. Her floor- mngth gown was fashioned of tulle and chani;illy lace. She was at- tended by Mary Thaves, maid of honor, and bridesmaids Dorothy Jean Beard and Jean Timves. All are col:sins of the bride. Viewer p.irls xVC'l'e tile groom's meces, Donna and Debbi Cox The trip from IPlorida to California and. after leaving Be.lfair. will Inake their now hnne in San DicED. More visilors from Calit;orni on the local s('.(,ne were the guc, s[ ol the Rnl)ert K. Johnsens of the SOllth Shore. They were JohliseD's l)rother and his lamily, (he William R. Johnsen: and son Bret. They orrived h(qe at the onl of Jlly groom's brother Curtis, served as from their heine in Pebble Bach, his best man. and ushers were Ed. year Monterey, and were south- ward Mat,son and Gordon Duda. i)ound (ulce more last week. D[ir- Soloist was Francis DeMiero. As- ing their stay here they enjoyed sisting witi the reception at tim ,evcral trips to the Wo'ld's Ftir, 13altair Fire Halt were Mesdames .'eeig he circus and lhe show' of S. George, Eimer Beard, and Hen- songstress E]ht Filzgerahl at ,lhe ]y Thaves, and Misses Teola John- Opera House. Two family rellll[ons ,,on, Charlotte Brinson, Edith Du- ounded oul their busy s('hedute., da, and Joann Liehmann Parents of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beard of Bel- lair and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Aune of Sherman Heights. The new Mr. gnd Mrs. Aune are both gradu- ales of South Kitsap High School. He graduated from Olympic Col- 'legc and is attending the Univer- sity of Washington. Timy will make their home at 4903-A Ever- (tt Street, Brcmerton. Final practices are being held lor the presentation of "The MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30rp.m. Eugene Breld, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Dlreetor SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 A- 9:30 a.m. Sunday'School. 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship, "More Than You Exl)ected" 6:30 p.m. Youth Groups. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. MISSIONARY SPEAKER, LLOYD KILGORE ,,.¢, u VISIT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL ....................................................... 9:45 A.M.-77"-- MORNING WORSHIP ................................................. 11:00 A.M. CHRIST'S.AMBASSADORS ......................................... 6:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE ......................................... 7:00 P.M. i i i ,,,,, i J i ' ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth md Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion 9:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship, St. Andrew's House, Hood Canal. ll:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship The Ctiuroh Is always open for meditation and prayer .... ,HI . I . ,lU lU Ul FOURSQUARE CHURCH ...... 910 E. Dearborn REV. LEWIS WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School -.- 9:45 a.m. Young People's Mtg. 6 p,m, Morning Worshipll a.m. Evangelistic Service 7 p.m. Wednesday Night--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting---7 p.m, i "The Church Where Everyone Is Someone" i i j i i i ii i u i FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH ...... 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Clase 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- National Lutheran Council ii i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ] Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Bible School ........ 9:5 a.m, Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............. 11:00 a.m. Family Serviee 6:30 p,m, Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service i i luuJul, i i i THE METHODIST GHURGH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Miniater Church Sohool, 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m, iiii ii i i i i ii iJJ•ll i i FIRST G HUROH OF OHRI00, SGIENTIST I 302 Alder 81., 8helten, Wash. I Bunday School 9:30 .m. Aurch 11 a,m. WedneSday evening teatimony meeUngs 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room houra  to , i 4 p.m. Man. & Fri. Wed, evening 6:45 to 7:45.