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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrstmastown, U.S.AY' Shelton, Washington Mary M. Knight Alumni Elect Officers At Picnic Sunday By Dora Hearing .:A.TLOCK ....... The Mary M. Knight Ahlmni dance was a great s¢eess Saturday evening. There weren't a many as usual out to the picnic Sunday, but all had a good time renewing old acquaint- and visiting. The new offi- ere were as follows elected for the olning, year, Wilfred Jackson tThelton), president; Edward Hol- ium. 1, El,ha), vice pre?ytent; l]een Brown Calklns (Shelton), cretary and treasurer. They also decided to have their annual picnic t$e third Sunday in July. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman attended the Fair and the Shelton Valley Grange dinner Sat- urday. MR. AND MRS. Lud Rossmaier were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmaier of Shelton to hell) celebrate their daughter, Brenda's, first, birthday. The Archer family of Portland were weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Shaw. Mrs. Oliver Fursman of salem, Ore,, and daughter Kathleen Buf- t. Portland, called at tte Elvin earing and Herbert Helin homes tu:rday. Mrs. Fursman will be m,membered in this vicinity as BeSS Thompson who taught school here 45 years ago. : MR. AND MRS. Dewey Skagga during the Fair last week. Bill Stodden caught a calf and Doug- las a pig and David Stodden and Don Gribblc took first in bull- dogging. Bill Stodden took first in electricity and David Stodden sec- ond mid Kathy Stodden got blue ribbons in junior baking and sew- inK. BONNIE NICKLOS got, a red rihbon on sewing and Kathy May got a red ribbon and Kathy Hick- son got both blue and red ribbons Oil baking. On the livestock exhibit bh|e rib- bons went to Bill, David and Ken- neth Stoddcn, Don Gribble and Mike Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. J, D, Simpson of Bremerton spent Sunday with Mrs. J, R. Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Bonnie Nicklos spent aturday with Orpha Mac Cockburn, Carry and Jim Kimmerly of Shelton are spending this week with th-fir grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer, Sr. Michael Brehmeyer spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Hopkins of Shelton and Brian Brehmeyer the weekend with the Ray Kimmerlys of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs, Gone Brown spent the weekend at Auburn with the farmer's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard and )cnt Wednesday evening with Mr. family of Blyn were Friday eve- hd Mrs. Walter Shaw. ning dinner guests of Mr, and le Mrs Kenneth Howard Mr and Mrs Hugh Fins y and " . " • ,, ,. :. . . • ...... I Mrs galph Sprmger and gwls IHlaren ugn, Jr., ann u:oome o1 . 22: .... ok and " "" , . ano mrs uoweu uo • tamny Ontario, Ore., are .house guesL o r. na r,.= -a r,.o*.*n ,, I the latter of Oregon were Sunday ................ " ...... '.. ":"lafernoon visitors at the Kenneth #eek. They are Mrs uraDcrce's  ^^ rents. " " o.oward hu.,. Mr, and Mrs. R, W. Bartleon of Relatives Visit tter's brother and family, Mr. nd Mrs, Earl Walker. : Mr, and Mrs. Robert Anderson 6rinn0n Families and children, Vicky ad lmis, of WOOdland, Calif,, were weekend CaghMrs"g'u esf = (UetsF°rrest over of of their theGreen'Mr'weekendr'°ustnS'and MrS.wereMr" MaxandMr. For I/acations and Mrs, George Alden of Califor. ,ur of Kirkland I i ]V[rs, Lloyd House, of Tacoma:Cl S o u pent the weekend with her son Karen, alld his mother, Mrs. Lil- anti,family, the Edward Valleys. Many prizes were awarded to the Matlock Adventurers 4-H Club Building Permits 00tCo. Approval -Building permits approwd by ,i he? Mason County Comnlission ./ffonday included ABT Inc., install lO ¢ transmission antemla, $2,- {; Harold W, Wirkman, sunlnler denee, $3,000 ; George H. Bj0i'khmd, wood cabin, $2.800; loytl H. Lewis, wood residence, $00; Don W, Anderson, borse sta- Dle"nd wood ,'hed, $700; (;eorge Magnett, sl.orage shed, $200; Gal'- old Swayzc. addition io residence, ,0oo. i ]TIDES OF THE WEEK |/'0mputed for Hood Canal' • | Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. mad -,- 50 min. latex and plus 8.0 ft. Friday, August 24 LoW ................. 7:22 a.m. 0.6 ft. Itigh ................ 2:46 p.m. 10.2 ft. Iw .................. 7:52 p.m 6.9 ft. Saturday, August 25 igl ................ 1:05 a.m. 10.2 t't, W 8:24 a.m. -0.7 ft, High ................ 3:51 p.m. 10.8 ft. Low 9:08 p.m. 6.9 t. , Sunday, August 26 ................ 2:10 a.m. 10.0 ft. 9:20 a.m. -0.9 ft. tgh ................ 4:41 p.m. 11.3 ft. w ................ 10:06 p.m. 6.5 ft. ", ' Monday, August 27 HIgI : ............... 3:10 a.m. 10.0 ft. i:'; ............... 10:08 a.m. -1.0 ft.  :; ............... 5:22 p.m. 11.5 ft. L ................ 10:53 p.m. 6.0 ft. -: "": Tuesday, August 28 tlh ........ : ....... "1:03 a.m. 10.1 ft. LOW .'. .............. 10:51 a.m, -0.9 ft. High ................ 5:56 p.m. 11..6 ft. L0. ............... 11:31 p,m. 5.5 It. ,. Wednesday, August 29 lgh ; .............. 4:50 a.m. 10.1 ft, LOW, 11:28 a,.m. -0.7 ft. Hifftt " 6:25 p,m. 11.7 ft. ,. Thursday, August 30 Teoxv .................. 0:08 a.m, 5.0 ft. High 5:30 a.m. 10.2 ft. ,w ................ 12:03 p,m. 0,7 ft, lligh ................ , 6:50 p.m. 11.6 ft, ly B. Skoor of Seattle enjoyed their annual vacation by camping along Hood Canal from Belfair t,n Brinnon, taking in the places that he knew as a boy and visit- i]g with ohl friends. They visited :Mrs. Graves and her sister, for- merly residing at Ayock Point. Mrs, Skoor is a relative of the late Chris lPos'n, v,.iu)se pioneer place now is known a:. Stetson's, Ingolf lived at lrimv)n at infer- vals from 1920 to 1928 when his grandfather, George Nis:cn was care taker at Camp Parsons, and we might add, tlle first caretaker. MI{. KOOR is now in his 33rd yeas. with . the Carnation Milk Company,, delivering products ev- (ry day to all the concessions on the fairgromlds and malting daily deliveries to the top of the Space I Needle. Mr. and Mrs. 1)oltg'las Blair and five children, and Mr. and Mrs. ,John Ellis slid t'*VO children of Belllngham are spending a two weeks wmation at l.he Bnleh pro- perty a,t Pleasant Harbor. The fe.llowship ci,.Ie of the Irinnon Colnn'lunlly CiHll'ch )not at tile Ilonle of Ir, and Ml'a. Leland Coates for a potluck dinner Sat- urday night, Sgt. J. L. Zimmerman was a dinner gamst of Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Allison Sunday. Mrs. Zim- ! lllel-nlan is reported t:o be improv- ing ni(ely at tile Clinic Hospital in Shelton. TO COMMEMOR ATE seven years continuous service at the Brlnnon Cafe, Mrs. Mary Rus- sell leld open house Friday af- ternoon to all her friends. It was a busy a.fternooll aJld evening. The ucsts enjoyed many different inds of cake and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Miller and ¢hildrcnbave moved t,o Port An- geles wlere he will teach. Pastor vna Mrs, Drake and children have moved into the Miller home, owned by Mr, ,and Mrs, Dorothy. It in  1 .. argcrJand more adequate homo for the minister and more easily eeccssible, leaving little excuse for not visiting or attending sched- uled Bible and Prayer meetings. l)r. and Mrs. Frank Lindekc and children are visiting his par- (nts, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lindcke this week. l:)r. and Mrs. Lindeke are both veterinarians, witll their business [est.ablishnlent at Five Corners, near Seattle. SAVE ON '62s at year-end prices 1.960 f-CYLINDER /i TON PICKUP overloads -- 20,000 miles e !t & RR. See Bud Pauley at PAULEY MOTORS Phone 426-8183 PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 23 - 24 - 25 LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED OCEAN SPRAY, WHOLE OR STRAINED ORANBERRY SAUDE ................ ,.oz. T,B RI(EY Ib Yearling Hens 14 - 18 lb. aver. U&i BEET SUGAR Pure Gralmlated, Product of Wash. ! LBS. BUTTER 69' Cubes or Prints, Lb ......... Bak00.cials,, APPLE WHIRLS Sweet, Moist ,,.=. Pg. 39* FAN TAN BREAD You,,, -,k, its 25 € Flavor! 15-oz. t 1111'  t Stalks " ea Im m mm N Locally Grown IDII Extra Fancy and imW BdBlr Fancy Washing- Ib i lli 1 tan Bartletts  CALIFORNIA  CHERRY  CUP Tomatoes2/35' LARGE LOCAL SNOW WHITE HEADS Cauliflowero. 19' U. S. Choice --- Boneless Top Round Steak 8 'HOME--Sittingatapic, • ,  $ $ Roast Rolled " Duri00 KRAFT DELUXE  AMER., PIMo, SWISS 3/1 SLiOEDGHEESES .................. -oz. WHOLE KEEL eaRN ................ CREAM STYLE GORN ..................... / ALLSWEET, BIG SAVING! 1-LB. PKGS. UttllUA.Unt: ................................. , .............. TASTE SEALED, SPEARS  15-OZ. TINS ASPARAGUS. ........................................... PRIZE CROP, JUICY -- 12-OZ. TINS MANDARIN ORANGES ........................  o, To )li,, ,. oz. 2/$1 SUNNY j, -- B,G -OZ. BOTTLE PANGAKE SYRUP ........................................ .................................................... ,,,KS .,x .................................................. 59o0000. ,1, GOFFEE ....................... LB. TIN TOOTHPASTE COLGATE, Giant Tube .......... 43  HAiR SPRAY sAE, ,.o,. ca,, ........ 79 `¢` C INSTANTGOFFEE -,-o0 BI 0.o00. ackies GOFFEE M.J.B., Drip or =( 2-'b, $, 25 Rcg,, 1-1b, Tin .. Tin. EDiUM TASTEWELL Pork-n-Beans Grade 'AA', Local Farm Fresh DOZ. 30-OZ. TINS HEINZ KETCHUP 2/43. bOTTLE 'DILL PICKLES =.::.%7 3/'1 oo oo .., SHUR=FRESH PEAS GRAHAMSpowDE. ROO, .......................... ,,SST D; ................. .tO,.- $ O0 rA  BATHiOOM'TiSSUE,;49' VIENNA SAUSAGES t,  Home of RED CARPET Service SWl;T'S 5/'1oo fishing and a aroulld" are i plans for the! as he recup- of 15 of the Lao guerillas. time at the Mr. and Mrs. a scenic, quiet rsley Inlet, just Sunday af- Sea-Tac ah'- where he rviews and a htg"-re;' tomorrow. Orders he will thenext few 'ing dysentary, rods of worms. health is ira- he has already the more than during his im- had just geL- tell OV First Assignn first grade to, rooms as SSions will be day in order better Young charg- to their activities. kindergarten h e first day. students their children home if they the masting. afternoon ses- shoffld be cer- ts transportao Buzzard: Bariek- Crystal Bor- Chris- AUglst Paula adding, Ste- David es, Richard eft, Cynthia )rraine La- William *olson, Jorda Tad Rich- Rus- Mary Senn, Smith, Kerri r, Rick Whi- IViv- Stoner Aitken, Lori , Jan]es ar- Pattie- Alan !LIIsscll, Dnll- T]lonlll S Urand, A.)vin as, Timothy :ad]ey, Ro- G reg. asian, I(m'- Tim- Ileal'a, De b- Dale ol.iI.le, St,]'el)e, Wtte,s. I):ty| on : All (]e I'S(.)ll, Tie Cross, Jim Dennis Anthony Ja- Joan Kah-