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00ournal: Drags break existing noise law
reading the letters to the
one of interest last
from Mr. Mike Rhodes,
has see into lives," in
Norma Vincent
August 2 letter, "Decency
interesting what a person
to heart. I read Norma's
as a compliment to the
of her generation. She
to mention Mr. Hermes.
Hermes would have
let the bared midritt and
fuzzy cheeks in class.
And by fuzzy cheeks I refbr to the
ones showing through the holes in
their Levi's.
When looking up "liberal" in
the dictionary, read on down and
it says, "admitting more than is
directly expressed, m)t sticking to
the letter" (liberal interpretation
of the rules).
Also in Webster, I found the
word "vulgar," and it remind-
ed me of Mr. Rhodes and his
insults to Norma. Shame on
Carol Vander Wal
Capitol ltill
The Journal:
tell about the amaz-
working at Callanan
0a the morning of Friday,
[ day I was wearing
that is very important
Vhen it fell off. It was a busy
me, so it seemed impos-
find the necklace. Never-
ray stepfather, Don, and !
for it everywhere we
about to give up hope,
that our last stop
Callanan Park. Looking
bark of the play area tbr a
and pendant would
finding a needle in a hay-
After a while, Don and I had to
get to doing other work lined up
ibr us that day. As we were leav-
ing, another worker asked ibr a
description of the pendant and an
address where he could drop it off
if it were found. Don gave him the
address of the real-estate ot]ice
where he and my morn work, and
we thanked everyone who helped
one last time.
Almost a week later, on Au-
gust 1, my morn called me to
tell me she had a surprise for
me. When she said someone
had tbund the pendant and re-
turned it, all I could think of
was how amazing someone's
kindness can be and how much
a complete stranger can care.
Not to mention what a miracle
it would be to find a tiny charm
in the whole park!
It is unreal how friendly, caring
and kind strangers can be. Those
guys rock. It's people like them
who really make the world a t)et-
ter place.
Jaime Carlson
ingly, one of the workers
us and asked if we
for a necklace. He
when he had been rak-
bark he saw a gold chain
us over to where he saw
against all odds that we
the chain, but we con-
look for the heart-shaped
threat ignored
Seems strange to me that
30 percent of the population
recognized the incompe-
the Bush-Cheney dual
This reminds me of"
who remained loyal to
despite his death and
being in shambles.
intended to go to
the Muslims even be-
stole their first election.
been documented, but
thought of the docu-
ect for the New Ameri-
as the ravings of
threatened by Muslim extrem-
Reasonable, responsible lead-
ers would have dictated inspec-
tion of cargo containers and in-
coming tankers, and the Navy
could have had attack subma-
rines at the entrance of harbors
to ward off war-surplus subma-
rines rigged as huge underwater
bombs. A1-Qaida evidently was
out of money to finance another
attack, so we were spared that at
It" we had fimght actual terror
we would not owe China billions of
dollars. Had we gone after the true
threat, we would not have entered
a fbreign war financed largely with
Chinese dollars.
Edwin Bush Keyt III
of taking measures
the American people
another attack, they
to start a war on a small
Iraq, which was itself
not supported
We were not greeted as liberators.
Saddam Hussein hated Osama bin
Laden. We have been continually
lied to by the Bush Administration
about this war.
Americans have had enough
of this President. They are done
supporting him because he lies
to them (about a whole lot more
than oral sex). That is why in
2006, the American public voted
to give control of both branches
of Congress to the Democrats.
The Democratic Party is ready to
"Support the Troops" by bringing
them home.
Caleb Hayes
The Journal:
(August 16 letter,
pport Bush") may
about how gas is cheaper
aari it was 50 years ago, but
Lber just nine years ago, in
could fill up our gas
around $20.
all know gas prices have
since Clinton left and
over the White House.
try to fool anyone
numbers on gas prices
is another reality check for
ercent of Americans
the Iraq war. There were
of mass destruction.
CANS 30 ¢ LB.
Call for prices on other metals
your unwanted, complete vehicle to our
yard and receive s10 to s20 or more*
We will haul your complete, unwanted
vehicle in the city limits and up to 15
miles out of city limits for FREE*
* Minimal fee will apply to vehicles over 15
out of city limits. Some restrictions apply,
legal vehicle paperwork required; limited time offer.
No garbage in vehicles.
Ne accept all metal, including appliances, FREE!
"On your way to the dump."
t1501 W. Dayton-Airport Road, Shelton
(360) 427-5150
Editor, The Journal:
Since I organized the August 7
neighborhood meeting on drags, I
thought I might provide local citi-
zens some interesting points that
came out of that meeting. The
meeting was fbr our neighbors
who live adjacent to Sanderson
Field to voice their concerns about
the invasive and disruptive noise
caused by the drag races and the
public address system.
It was interesting that there
were 14 parties at the meeting
who are not Sheltonians or live
in Mason County. They were not
invited. They were notified of the
neighborhood meeting through the
Shelton Drag Strip Association's
Web site. That notice said "a noise
ordinance is being proposed that
may prevent any future drag rac-
es at the airport location. We need
your support at this meeting!"
Apparently, this is the way
Rahn Redman hustled in so many
of his troops for this neighborhood
meeting. There were people from
Centralia, Tenino, Hoodsport, Al-
lyn and Olympia incited to attend
by the alarming message. In fact,
the information he sent out was
Apparently he does not know
there is already a noise abatement
ordinance and that the noise from
the drag racing and the public ad-
dress system were in violation of
it. The ordinance's declaration
of policy states, "It is the express
intent of the board of county com-
missioners to minimize the expo-
sure of citizens to adverse effects
of excessive noise and to protect,
promote and preserve the public
health and welfare, by control-
ling the level of noise in a manner
which promotes the use, value and
enjoyment of property, sleep and
repose, and the quality of the en-
Its findings state, "The board of
county commissioners hereby finds
that residential and recreational
noise is an acute problem in Ma-
son County, requiring administra-
tion of this resolution on a 24-hour
basis by qualified law enforcement
personnel." Later it clarifies that
qualified personnel means the
sheriffs department. Therefore,
residents of Shelton/Mason Coun-
ty can call that department and
lodge complaints about noise that
is invasive and disruptive of their
It is comforting to know that
our county created this noise pro-
tection policy and our sheriff's of:
ricers are compelled to enforce the
law. Since this is an ordinance, all
of us should be held accountable
under the law, and it would be a
definite conflict of interest to grant
exceptions, even temporary ones.
In our neighborhood meeting
Mr. Redman stated that all the
people who worked at the drags
were volunteers, yet he said they
cleared $67,000 after the two
weekends. In response to inquiries
during the meeting, Mr. Redman
indicated there were no financial
records. It is disturbing that there
is no financial accountability from
the people running the drags. Mr.
Redman shared that the conces-
sionaires were not from our coun-
ty. Thus, those revenues left with
those people.
At an earlier Port of Shelton
meeting and again at the neigh-
borhood meeting Mr. Redman
talked in terms of the drags
bringing millions of dollars into
our county for development, jobs,
scholarships, etc. This is all very
grandiose. But, where is the real-
ity? Where is the business plan
filed with the county? Where are
the millions of dollars and jobs?
Where is the community impact
Mr. Redman talked of this mul-
timillionaire who is excited about
spending millions on the develop-
ment of' drag racing here in Mason
County. He told us that this man
is worth $80 million and wants to
spend $10 million for economic de-
velopment in our county, inferring
that $1 million or more would be
spent on the development of the
drag racing. I called and talked
with this gentleman directly, and
he was not very appreciative of
what Mr. Redman disclosed about
him and about what he was will-
ing to do with drag racing here. Af-
ter talking with this gentleman, I
thrther question the accuracy, in-
tegrity and the ethics of Mr. Red-
After becoming acquainted
with Mr. Redman, I can hardly
support him or his eflbrts. Were a
reputable person with good busi-
ness sense willing to step in and
pursue this as a business venture
by which our county could benefit
and be proud, I would be willing to
provide my support.
The residents of the area ad-
versely affected by the noise from
the drag racing at Sanderson Field
are not saying this recreational
sport should not take place with
the potential of revenues benefiting
our county. We are saying that the
drags or other recreational sports
should take place in a venue that
does not disturb the residents and
that respects and enforces the let-
ter of the law as well as the spirit
of the law.
Joyce Klassen-Evans
15 words
for $6.50
The Journal
at 426-4412
Selected clearance items in our big outdoor tents. Shop
early for the best selection. All sales are final. No
refunds, no returns, no warranties. All merchandise as-is.
AUG. 25 m
J o
AU G. 26 m
First & Mill, Shelton
426-4373 or 426-2411
Monday-Saturday 7:30-7:00
Sunday 8:30-6:00
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5
00ournal: Drags break existing noise law
reading the letters to the
one of interest last
from Mr. Mike Rhodes,
has see into lives," in
Norma Vincent
August 2 letter, "Decency
interesting what a person
to heart. I read Norma's
as a compliment to the
of her generation. She
to mention Mr. Hermes.
Hermes would have
let the bared midritt and
fuzzy cheeks in class.
And by fuzzy cheeks I refbr to the
ones showing through the holes in
their Levi's.
When looking up "liberal" in
the dictionary, read on down and
it says, "admitting more than is
directly expressed, m)t sticking to
the letter" (liberal interpretation
of the rules).
Also in Webster, I found the
word "vulgar," and it remind-
ed me of Mr. Rhodes and his
insults to Norma. Shame on
Carol Vander Wal
Capitol ltill
The Journal:
tell about the amaz-
working at Callanan
0a the morning of Friday,
[ day I was wearing
that is very important
Vhen it fell off. It was a busy
me, so it seemed impos-
find the necklace. Never-
ray stepfather, Don, and !
for it everywhere we
about to give up hope,
that our last stop
Callanan Park. Looking
bark of the play area tbr a
and pendant would
finding a needle in a hay-
After a while, Don and I had to
get to doing other work lined up
ibr us that day. As we were leav-
ing, another worker asked ibr a
description of the pendant and an
address where he could drop it off
if it were found. Don gave him the
address of the real-estate ot]ice
where he and my morn work, and
we thanked everyone who helped
one last time.
Almost a week later, on Au-
gust 1, my morn called me to
tell me she had a surprise for
me. When she said someone
had tbund the pendant and re-
turned it, all I could think of
was how amazing someone's
kindness can be and how much
a complete stranger can care.
Not to mention what a miracle
it would be to find a tiny charm
in the whole park!
It is unreal how friendly, caring
and kind strangers can be. Those
guys rock. It's people like them
who really make the world a t)et-
ter place.
Jaime Carlson
ingly, one of the workers
us and asked if we
for a necklace. He
when he had been rak-
bark he saw a gold chain
us over to where he saw
against all odds that we
the chain, but we con-
look for the heart-shaped
threat ignored
Seems strange to me that
30 percent of the population
recognized the incompe-
the Bush-Cheney dual
This reminds me of"
who remained loyal to
despite his death and
being in shambles.
intended to go to
the Muslims even be-
stole their first election.
been documented, but
thought of the docu-
ect for the New Ameri-
as the ravings of
threatened by Muslim extrem-
Reasonable, responsible lead-
ers would have dictated inspec-
tion of cargo containers and in-
coming tankers, and the Navy
could have had attack subma-
rines at the entrance of harbors
to ward off war-surplus subma-
rines rigged as huge underwater
bombs. A1-Qaida evidently was
out of money to finance another
attack, so we were spared that at
It" we had fimght actual terror
we would not owe China billions of
dollars. Had we gone after the true
threat, we would not have entered
a fbreign war financed largely with
Chinese dollars.
Edwin Bush Keyt III
of taking measures
the American people
another attack, they
to start a war on a small
Iraq, which was itself
not supported
We were not greeted as liberators.
Saddam Hussein hated Osama bin
Laden. We have been continually
lied to by the Bush Administration
about this war.
Americans have had enough
of this President. They are done
supporting him because he lies
to them (about a whole lot more
than oral sex). That is why in
2006, the American public voted
to give control of both branches
of Congress to the Democrats.
The Democratic Party is ready to
"Support the Troops" by bringing
them home.
Caleb Hayes
The Journal:
(August 16 letter,
pport Bush") may
about how gas is cheaper
aari it was 50 years ago, but
Lber just nine years ago, in
could fill up our gas
around $20.
all know gas prices have
since Clinton left and
over the White House.
try to fool anyone
numbers on gas prices
is another reality check for
ercent of Americans
the Iraq war. There were
of mass destruction.
CANS 30 ¢ LB.
Call for prices on other metals
your unwanted, complete vehicle to our
yard and receive s10 to s20 or more*
We will haul your complete, unwanted
vehicle in the city limits and up to 15
miles out of city limits for FREE*
* Minimal fee will apply to vehicles over 15
out of city limits. Some restrictions apply,
legal vehicle paperwork required; limited time offer.
No garbage in vehicles.
Ne accept all metal, including appliances, FREE!
"On your way to the dump."
t1501 W. Dayton-Airport Road, Shelton
(360) 427-5150
Editor, The Journal:
Since I organized the August 7
neighborhood meeting on drags, I
thought I might provide local citi-
zens some interesting points that
came out of that meeting. The
meeting was fbr our neighbors
who live adjacent to Sanderson
Field to voice their concerns about
the invasive and disruptive noise
caused by the drag races and the
public address system.
It was interesting that there
were 14 parties at the meeting
who are not Sheltonians or live
in Mason County. They were not
invited. They were notified of the
neighborhood meeting through the
Shelton Drag Strip Association's
Web site. That notice said "a noise
ordinance is being proposed that
may prevent any future drag rac-
es at the airport location. We need
your support at this meeting!"
Apparently, this is the way
Rahn Redman hustled in so many
of his troops for this neighborhood
meeting. There were people from
Centralia, Tenino, Hoodsport, Al-
lyn and Olympia incited to attend
by the alarming message. In fact,
the information he sent out was
Apparently he does not know
there is already a noise abatement
ordinance and that the noise from
the drag racing and the public ad-
dress system were in violation of
it. The ordinance's declaration
of policy states, "It is the express
intent of the board of county com-
missioners to minimize the expo-
sure of citizens to adverse effects
of excessive noise and to protect,
promote and preserve the public
health and welfare, by control-
ling the level of noise in a manner
which promotes the use, value and
enjoyment of property, sleep and
repose, and the quality of the en-
Its findings state, "The board of
county commissioners hereby finds
that residential and recreational
noise is an acute problem in Ma-
son County, requiring administra-
tion of this resolution on a 24-hour
basis by qualified law enforcement
personnel." Later it clarifies that
qualified personnel means the
sheriffs department. Therefore,
residents of Shelton/Mason Coun-
ty can call that department and
lodge complaints about noise that
is invasive and disruptive of their
It is comforting to know that
our county created this noise pro-
tection policy and our sheriff's of:
ricers are compelled to enforce the
law. Since this is an ordinance, all
of us should be held accountable
under the law, and it would be a
definite conflict of interest to grant
exceptions, even temporary ones.
In our neighborhood meeting
Mr. Redman stated that all the
people who worked at the drags
were volunteers, yet he said they
cleared $67,000 after the two
weekends. In response to inquiries
during the meeting, Mr. Redman
indicated there were no financial
records. It is disturbing that there
is no financial accountability from
the people running the drags. Mr.
Redman shared that the conces-
sionaires were not from our coun-
ty. Thus, those revenues left with
those people.
At an earlier Port of Shelton
meeting and again at the neigh-
borhood meeting Mr. Redman
talked in terms of the drags
bringing millions of dollars into
our county for development, jobs,
scholarships, etc. This is all very
grandiose. But, where is the real-
ity? Where is the business plan
filed with the county? Where are
the millions of dollars and jobs?
Where is the community impact
Mr. Redman talked of this mul-
timillionaire who is excited about
spending millions on the develop-
ment of' drag racing here in Mason
County. He told us that this man
is worth $80 million and wants to
spend $10 million for economic de-
velopment in our county, inferring
that $1 million or more would be
spent on the development of the
drag racing. I called and talked
with this gentleman directly, and
he was not very appreciative of
what Mr. Redman disclosed about
him and about what he was will-
ing to do with drag racing here. Af-
ter talking with this gentleman, I
thrther question the accuracy, in-
tegrity and the ethics of Mr. Red-
After becoming acquainted
with Mr. Redman, I can hardly
support him or his eflbrts. Were a
reputable person with good busi-
ness sense willing to step in and
pursue this as a business venture
by which our county could benefit
and be proud, I would be willing to
provide my support.
The residents of the area ad-
versely affected by the noise from
the drag racing at Sanderson Field
are not saying this recreational
sport should not take place with
the potential of revenues benefiting
our county. We are saying that the
drags or other recreational sports
should take place in a venue that
does not disturb the residents and
that respects and enforces the let-
ter of the law as well as the spirit
of the law.
Joyce Klassen-Evans
15 words
for $6.50
The Journal
at 426-4412
Selected clearance items in our big outdoor tents. Shop
early for the best selection. All sales are final. No
refunds, no returns, no warranties. All merchandise as-is.
AUG. 25 m
J o
AU G. 26 m
First & Mill, Shelton
426-4373 or 426-2411
Monday-Saturday 7:30-7:00
Sunday 8:30-6:00
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5