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August 23, 2007 |
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Driving ambition
Editor, The Journal."
Ahh, the end of summer, it's
the time to drive, especially in the
Driving is one of my favorite
pastimes, especially now that I am
a parent. He sits in the back seat
and us in the front. All in our sepa-
rate places listening to loud music
and watching the world pass.
The car can be home and as fa-
miliar as a lover or a good friend.
You may know what she likes or
how great her nose looks against
the pavement. A car is romance!
This is America, where the back
roads are paved and we are free to
The car is your first smell of free-
dom when you turn 16. Remem-
ber the times when mistakes are
made, and romance is explor
A car can also be isolating,
sometimes it can be so social
not even sure how you got th
But, my favorite part of a 0
driving - to explore the roa
least favorite part is when $
defines you and when people(
respect the car or the road. I
ing is a privilege, not a rightt
should be expensive!
Get off the cell phones, getl
head out of the land of me,
just perhaps popping a PaxCd
fore you got behind the whed
not such a good idea.
Devo said it best: "It's a l
ful place we live in, a big ro
place!" Lisa I
The ClosinR Bell by JackC;uinan
The new stop-loss order for your broker
The Gor'den of Good Ec2/-in"
S&S Farm Fresh Pr(00,00uce
Compare our fresh
fruit and produce to
your local supermarket --
{ ........................ FRurrs & VEGETABLES
' Peaches (whi Ie ,ell0w). Green beans.
i Peppers. Ne( Pari ,s & much, much more
' -Many items are either chemical-free
_ .... . or organic
JUMBO LOCAL Gourmet Melons
Long-stemmed =n= from Hermiston
ARTICHOKES o=u ol • Cantaloupes
Tender & delicious SALSA BAR • Honeydews- Watermelon
_-- IMother Nature Wa,ts For No o.,1
( 00ama0000uTO00A00e00O00l Top qual,ty fresh, soft fru,t w, lll
( amourgerspecml Z," I •
- .Vi.nneripe 1 not be avmlable much longer. For I
" "" PEACHE 40014 • Pears. Peaches.. Nectarines. Tomatoes I
A--A--I v "---- -,/" & more will be ne soon - Steve
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 23, 2007
but the pregnant one that just ed!
arrived have had trips to the vet Norma A. Vincent
fbr the necessary operations to Star Lake
Mason County Fairgrounds
2007 Swap Meet Schedule
h 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Aug. 31 - Sep. 2
' illl Nov. 30 - Dec. 2
10' x 10 indoor booth rental $50.00
Set up Thursday
Call now to reserve your booth!
Editor, The Journal:
I don't know much about po-
litical agendas with their fancy
terms for plain and simple deci-
sions, but I do know what I ob-
served at the last city commis-
sion meeting, and I've been wait-
ing for two Journal issues now
for a mention of the cause and
the group that brought me out of
my hibernation "after hours" to
support: Kitten Rescue!
Almost half of the available
room was occupied by members
and volunteers of a group which
works hard to deal with a problem
foisted on us by careless, lazy, in-
different people, and that's prob-
ably the largest turnout of aver-
age citizens this city commission
has seen in a long time, but since
this was my first outing to that es-
teemed group of people, I can't say
that fbr a fact.
The kitten who came to city
commission was a hit, and not
I'll bet, though, that if some of
those people who dump out their
animals like garbage raise a fuss
because of my labeling them lazy,
etc., write in and call me names,
I am currently feeding more
than 10 throw-away cats, and all
prevent more feral cats - with
the help of Kitten Rescue, and,
in the past, Adopt-a-Pet. (Such a
profound sadness that I am using
my limited fixed income to help
out little animals that have been
abused and abandoned.)
A workable solution has been
employed in England: a program
to spay and neuter and release fe-
ral cats. In Utah, two woman vets
who have turned a motorhome into
a mobile clinic which does nothing
but the operation that removes the
ability to reproduce. They travel
from community to rural commu-
nity. Residents sign up prior fbr
the spay/neuter of their cats and
dogs, and when the quota for the
community is met, they arrive.
You pay the nominal fee, leave
your pet, then pick up your pet at
the van at the end of their work-
ing day..
People don't seem to be as im-
portant to this town as do issues.
When Carol Vander Wal noted
that Bordeaux Elementary had
been referred to as a "low-income
school" and wrote her opinion of
that, not a peep out of anyone, not
even to call her a name! I was glad,
however, to come up behind a car
which sported the bumper sticker:
"Proud low-income Bordeaux Par-
ent!!" So at least someone respond-
everyone should support him sim-
ply because he was President. He
responded by saying that anyone
who supports him tbr that reason
alone is either an idiot or a fool.
Which is Mr. Hrbacek?
Brian M. Brownell
Readers" 9ournal:
Like good little Americans
Editor, The Journal: any al-Qaida in Iraq prior to our the 2000 election. The Florida Su-
It never ceases to amaze me invasion. Mr Hrbacek should read preme Court ruled that the halted
how unintbrmed some eo le can the record vote count in that state should be
P P • "
be,. Just when you think you've Secondly, Bush. could certainly continued, rhe Bush, campaign
heard it all, ahm comes Bill Hr be impeached it there were enough went to the Republican-packed
g . ,
bacek of Shelton with his letter in votes in Congress to do it. If lying U.S. Supreme Court to get it
the Au st ]6 Journal "Demos to Congress, exposinga CIA agent, stopped, while Bush was ahead in
should •support, Bush." warrantless, wiretapping and abol- the count. Bush, lost the U.S. popu-
First of all, the invasion of Iraq ishmg rights guaranteed by the lar vote and was about to lose the
can hardly be called a war against Constitution. . can't be. considered, vote in Florida.
Islamic terrorists. The military ac- hgh crimes, and mmdemeanors,. .... Apparently, Mr Hrbacek be-
tion in AZghanistan, yes, but Ira,q then nothing can. , lieves. .... we should all stop ques-
no. Let's. call it what it really is. Thirdlyr. Bush wasn, t elected .... tioning the tbllies of this admin-
an ill-conceived immoral invasion two times. He was elected once, istration and go along like good
of another country that had noth- and even that has some suspicion little Americans. This country
ing to do with 9/11 or weapons of surrounding it. To refresh Mr. was founded on dissent and ques-
mass destruction. There-wasn't Hrbacek's memory, let's revisit tioning or authority. Let me para-
phrase the words of a great Ameri-
can, President Theodore Roosevelt
, • • (a Republican, no less), when he
NO stolT on KlI:¢le$ was questioned by a reporter it"
/ /
Driving ambition
Editor, The Journal."
Ahh, the end of summer, it's
the time to drive, especially in the
Driving is one of my favorite
pastimes, especially now that I am
a parent. He sits in the back seat
and us in the front. All in our sepa-
rate places listening to loud music
and watching the world pass.
The car can be home and as fa-
miliar as a lover or a good friend.
You may know what she likes or
how great her nose looks against
the pavement. A car is romance!
This is America, where the back
roads are paved and we are free to
The car is your first smell of free-
dom when you turn 16. Remem-
ber the times when mistakes are
made, and romance is explor
A car can also be isolating,
sometimes it can be so social
not even sure how you got th
But, my favorite part of a 0
driving - to explore the roa
least favorite part is when $
defines you and when people(
respect the car or the road. I
ing is a privilege, not a rightt
should be expensive!
Get off the cell phones, getl
head out of the land of me,
just perhaps popping a PaxCd
fore you got behind the whed
not such a good idea.
Devo said it best: "It's a l
ful place we live in, a big ro
place!" Lisa I
The ClosinR Bell by JackC;uinan
The new stop-loss order for your broker
The Gor'den of Good Ec2/-in"
S&S Farm Fresh Pr(00,00uce
Compare our fresh
fruit and produce to
your local supermarket --
{ ........................ FRurrs & VEGETABLES
' Peaches (whi Ie ,ell0w). Green beans.
i Peppers. Ne( Pari ,s & much, much more
' -Many items are either chemical-free
_ .... . or organic
JUMBO LOCAL Gourmet Melons
Long-stemmed =n= from Hermiston
ARTICHOKES o=u ol • Cantaloupes
Tender & delicious SALSA BAR • Honeydews- Watermelon
_-- IMother Nature Wa,ts For No o.,1
( 00ama0000uTO00A00e00O00l Top qual,ty fresh, soft fru,t w, lll
( amourgerspecml Z," I •
- .Vi.nneripe 1 not be avmlable much longer. For I
" "" PEACHE 40014 • Pears. Peaches.. Nectarines. Tomatoes I
A--A--I v "---- -,/" & more will be ne soon - Steve
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 23, 2007
but the pregnant one that just ed!
arrived have had trips to the vet Norma A. Vincent
fbr the necessary operations to Star Lake
Mason County Fairgrounds
2007 Swap Meet Schedule
h 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Aug. 31 - Sep. 2
' illl Nov. 30 - Dec. 2
10' x 10 indoor booth rental $50.00
Set up Thursday
Call now to reserve your booth!
Editor, The Journal:
I don't know much about po-
litical agendas with their fancy
terms for plain and simple deci-
sions, but I do know what I ob-
served at the last city commis-
sion meeting, and I've been wait-
ing for two Journal issues now
for a mention of the cause and
the group that brought me out of
my hibernation "after hours" to
support: Kitten Rescue!
Almost half of the available
room was occupied by members
and volunteers of a group which
works hard to deal with a problem
foisted on us by careless, lazy, in-
different people, and that's prob-
ably the largest turnout of aver-
age citizens this city commission
has seen in a long time, but since
this was my first outing to that es-
teemed group of people, I can't say
that fbr a fact.
The kitten who came to city
commission was a hit, and not
I'll bet, though, that if some of
those people who dump out their
animals like garbage raise a fuss
because of my labeling them lazy,
etc., write in and call me names,
I am currently feeding more
than 10 throw-away cats, and all
prevent more feral cats - with
the help of Kitten Rescue, and,
in the past, Adopt-a-Pet. (Such a
profound sadness that I am using
my limited fixed income to help
out little animals that have been
abused and abandoned.)
A workable solution has been
employed in England: a program
to spay and neuter and release fe-
ral cats. In Utah, two woman vets
who have turned a motorhome into
a mobile clinic which does nothing
but the operation that removes the
ability to reproduce. They travel
from community to rural commu-
nity. Residents sign up prior fbr
the spay/neuter of their cats and
dogs, and when the quota for the
community is met, they arrive.
You pay the nominal fee, leave
your pet, then pick up your pet at
the van at the end of their work-
ing day..
People don't seem to be as im-
portant to this town as do issues.
When Carol Vander Wal noted
that Bordeaux Elementary had
been referred to as a "low-income
school" and wrote her opinion of
that, not a peep out of anyone, not
even to call her a name! I was glad,
however, to come up behind a car
which sported the bumper sticker:
"Proud low-income Bordeaux Par-
ent!!" So at least someone respond-
everyone should support him sim-
ply because he was President. He
responded by saying that anyone
who supports him tbr that reason
alone is either an idiot or a fool.
Which is Mr. Hrbacek?
Brian M. Brownell
Readers" 9ournal:
Like good little Americans
Editor, The Journal: any al-Qaida in Iraq prior to our the 2000 election. The Florida Su-
It never ceases to amaze me invasion. Mr Hrbacek should read preme Court ruled that the halted
how unintbrmed some eo le can the record vote count in that state should be
P P • "
be,. Just when you think you've Secondly, Bush. could certainly continued, rhe Bush, campaign
heard it all, ahm comes Bill Hr be impeached it there were enough went to the Republican-packed
g . ,
bacek of Shelton with his letter in votes in Congress to do it. If lying U.S. Supreme Court to get it
the Au st ]6 Journal "Demos to Congress, exposinga CIA agent, stopped, while Bush was ahead in
should •support, Bush." warrantless, wiretapping and abol- the count. Bush, lost the U.S. popu-
First of all, the invasion of Iraq ishmg rights guaranteed by the lar vote and was about to lose the
can hardly be called a war against Constitution. . can't be. considered, vote in Florida.
Islamic terrorists. The military ac- hgh crimes, and mmdemeanors,. .... Apparently, Mr Hrbacek be-
tion in AZghanistan, yes, but Ira,q then nothing can. , lieves. .... we should all stop ques-
no. Let's. call it what it really is. Thirdlyr. Bush wasn, t elected .... tioning the tbllies of this admin-
an ill-conceived immoral invasion two times. He was elected once, istration and go along like good
of another country that had noth- and even that has some suspicion little Americans. This country
ing to do with 9/11 or weapons of surrounding it. To refresh Mr. was founded on dissent and ques-
mass destruction. There-wasn't Hrbacek's memory, let's revisit tioning or authority. Let me para-
phrase the words of a great Ameri-
can, President Theodore Roosevelt
, • • (a Republican, no less), when he
NO stolT on KlI:¢le$ was questioned by a reporter it"
/ /