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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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()ld school chums invited to reunion ,aLt new Hood Canal Three events are being rolled into one at Hood Canal School on the evening f Tuesday, Sep- tember 4. The new school will be dedi- cated during a ceremony from 7 to 7:30 p.m. From 7:30 to 8:30, there will be an open house as school officials, teachers and staff will show off the building to visitors. And between 6:30 and 8:30, the school will host its first all-school reunion for former students, teachers, staff and school board members. Cookies, cake, brownies, cof- fee and juice will be served all evening. "We are hoping folks who are either current students or for- mer students or parents of stu- dents will attend," said current Those planning the reuni(m are looking to replace the grad uating class pictures that were' once displayed in the hallways; of the old school. "We have son)' but we are missing more, e. pecially for the years t)etwet'u 1960 and 1988. We will have a scanner at the reunion so thai we can quickly copy the (wi4i nil. We will display the ph()to::: we have," Gray added. _U_ntimite H_ur, No Contracts! • Instant Messaging - Keep your buddy ,istl the Regulatory Services Division, Washington State Liquor Control Board, 3000 Pacific Avenue SE, P.O. Box 43098, Olympia, 98504- 3098. The phone is 664-1600. bUnty workers go Green  crews of county staff re- Caleb Dobey and Dick and doyce Ar- [:reen Start Pins from the nold. 4;0unty Commission on Tues- Public Works Director Charlie Butros also stood up to honor two Personnd, recognized for of his employees. He read notes of faraed unsolicited acknowl- thanks from clients commending t tbr their pertbrmance Rick Hirschberg, a project support 4gne Churchill, Carl Olson, service manager, and Chuck Gren- 'k"eSton, Ernie Pinon, Bill Ells, inger, who works in engineering t,00ili Forest Funeral 0 REST OR.E!o,. Home STORE & DELl SPE(:IALS AUG. 23-29 ",4 reputation built on service" When someone we love , passes away it can be fJicult to decide what to do. , Forest we take.great pride | z helpmg famdles choose best suits their needs. .making difficult times easier. |, Call on us today 360"427"8044 droad Avenue, Shelton, WA L zoning and better organization of the text. She also recommended the county apply for a grant to help streamline all the new information into this document. JIM HUNTER, also of the Skokomish Valley, disagreed with how the ordinance referred to avul- sion zones and shared the Skokom- ish Tribe's opinion. "What we really want to look at is make sure the commissioners support the work the Corps of En- gineers is doing," he said. He hopes the ordinance will help the valley someday become more livable, fish- friendly and better for agriculture. While he wanted to recommend that the county approve the ordi- nance as written, he said he would rather see the county delay a deci- sion for further clarification. "That's my recommendation: that you work with the Corps of Engi- neers to really clear up these prob- lems in the valley. Make it a more livable, fish-friendly community," Hunter said. Regarding a question Hunter had posed about how this ordinance will affect existing homeowners in the valley, Sheldon said: "It's kind of like nailing Jell-O to a wall. It's very difficult to get an answer." The choice of people who are particular about their cars! 2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467 Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner QUALITY COMPANIES AT THE PRICES YOU NEED! Amold & Smith Insurance Agency, Inc. 1535 Olympic Hwy N. Shelton, WA 985 84 Mutual ' umclaw.n (360) 426-3317 "Since 1970" Visit us at our Website have fishin supphes! Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) 19390 North US Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection of Hwy. I01 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino * 427-9099 Monster 2/53 or $1.9 $ can roll 16 oz.) Chew Grand Re-Opening September 7.8 (,omejointheFUN/ FREE 16 coffee with purchase of lO more gallons of gas $1.59/BAG Marlboro s34ss Complete :s SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page t I i up to 59,185 gallons of Per year tbr non-retail pur- tt 390o West Ch)quallum i¢. Langdon is [he applicant. 9 till grape make grade Cloquallum Road? BWner of Cloquallum Vine- Persons wishing to support or op- I.s applied tbr a license to pose his application should contact ]D,e oes :r I g .' for the decision to Diehl wasn't the only one unhap- te the requirement that the py with the proposals, either. At the ounty Department of Pub- hearing, Skokomish Valley resident hst petition states that the ( .in the county (:ode reinstate rl tion fiirmerly fimnd noncom- i and warns that this could ag a rush to the. window tiason County Department of a lrfity Development by people llt to get official blessing ibr astruction plans befi)re the  s board can act. !l asks whether the provi- ll0wing for reconstruction or tTent of homes in the flood- ', es in the thce of state law he "best availaMe science' ,d It Comes to flood management. Diehl said on Monday that a hearing on the petition filed by his group has been tentatively sched- uled for December 15. If that date is finalized, the petition asks the hear- ings board to address the question of whether the board should declare Mason County to be in noncompli- ance with the Growth Management Act and order the commission to bring its new Flood Damage and Protection Ordinance back into com- pliance within 180 days. A telephone conference about the proposed hear- ing date has been scheduled for Au- gust 30, Diehl said. Taking a breather teacher Kathy Gray. "We are .,o..,,,.,,.W.b,..,,, hoping that school board mem- . aee su,o from action, Shelton 12-year-old on the tournament that drew to the fields bers and staff members from • c=to., st.t ..- Nw, we..,, .,,,,, C..a Olivas (left) gets a visit from morn of Mason County young futbolers num- the past and present will come. C$,p to ,lft.$gl,'/ ) sa during a brief sideline stint at bering in excess of a thousand, turn to We would love to have anyone .... m-. .... , ................ F park last weekend. For more page 21. who has ever volunteered at s, oo,...l ,w.Lo¢,u.t¢o, ' Hood Canal School or is just cu-  __ c), To  s. rious to see the school that this  =^. 00minlSslon vote on flood com,,munity has Uuilt will come |'" 4':)'"  " ° too IR(diabh Intelnot Acce,s Since 1 I1 draws fire from Dlehl '" w. Center " " ! ci tinued from page 9.) lic Works inspect the dikes for flood Moirya Dehe also believed it was too :  ,$ , of petitions fi)r review, and safety once every two years and re- soon to approve the amendments.   . AUTOMOT]VE ; er of these have been at the port to the commission on their con- She suggested a list of changes,  t_., l The Professionals R(diable Intelnot Acces Since 1994: b ti0n of Diehl and his group, dition, including clarifications regarding ()ld school chums invited to reunion ,aLt new Hood Canal Three events are being rolled into one at Hood Canal School on the evening f Tuesday, Sep- tember 4. The new school will be dedi- cated during a ceremony from 7 to 7:30 p.m. From 7:30 to 8:30, there will be an open house as school officials, teachers and staff will show off the building to visitors. And between 6:30 and 8:30, the school will host its first all-school reunion for former students, teachers, staff and school board members. Cookies, cake, brownies, cof- fee and juice will be served all evening. "We are hoping folks who are either current students or for- mer students or parents of stu- dents will attend," said current Those planning the reuni(m are looking to replace the grad uating class pictures that were' once displayed in the hallways; of the old school. "We have son)' but we are missing more, e. pecially for the years t)etwet'u 1960 and 1988. We will have a scanner at the reunion so thai we can quickly copy the (wi4i nil. We will display the ph()to::: we have," Gray added. _U_ntimite H_ur. No Contracts! • Instant Messaging - Keep your buddy ,istl the Regulatory Services Division, Washington State Liquor Control Board, 3000 Pacific Avenue SE, P.O. Box 43098, Olympia, 98504- 3098. The phone is 664-1600. bUnty workers go Green  crews of county staff re- Caleb Dobey and Dick and doyce Ar- [:reen Start Pins from the nold. 4;0unty Commission on Tues- Public Works Director Charlie Butros also stood up to honor two Personnd, recognized for of his employees. He read notes of faraed unsolicited acknowl- thanks from clients commending t tbr their pertbrmance Rick Hirschberg, a project support 4gne Churchill, Carl Olson, service manager, and Chuck Gren- 'k"eSton, Ernie Pinon, Bill Ells, inger, who works in engineering t,00ili Forest Funeral 0 REST OR.E!o,. Home STORE & DELl SPE(:IALS AUG. 23-29 ",4 reputation built on service" When someone we love , passes away it can be fJicult to decide what to do. , Forest we take.great pride | z helpmg famdles choose best suits their needs. .making difficult times easier. |, Call on us today 360"427"8044 droad Avenue, Shelton, WA L zoning and better organization of the text. She also recommended the county apply for a grant to help streamline all the new information into this document. JIM HUNTER, also of the Skokomish Valley, disagreed with how the ordinance referred to avul- sion zones and shared the Skokom- ish Tribe's opinion. "What we really want to look at is make sure the commissioners support the work the Corps of En- gineers is doing," he said. He hopes the ordinance will help the valley someday become more livable, fish- friendly and better for agriculture. While he wanted to recommend that the county approve the ordi- nance as written, he said he would rather see the county delay a deci- sion for further clarification. "That's my recommendation: that you work with the Corps of Engi- neers to really clear up these prob- lems in the valley. Make it a more livable, fish-friendly community," Hunter said. Regarding a question Hunter had posed about how this ordinance will affect existing homeowners in the valley, Sheldon said: "It's kind of like nailing Jell-O to a wall. It's very difficult to get an answer." The choice of people who are particular about their cars! 2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467 Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner QUALITY COMPANIES AT THE PRICES YOU NEED! Amold & Smith Insurance Agency, Inc. 1535 Olympic Hwy N. Shelton, WA 985 84 Mutual ' umclaw.n (360) 426-3317 "Since 1970" Visit us at our Website have fishin supphes! Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises (S.I.T.E.) 19390 North US Hwy. I01 Skokomish Nation, WA 98584 At the intersection of Hwy. I01 & Hwy. 106 minutes north of Shelton on the Skokomish Indian Reservation Located next to the Lucky Dog Casino * 427-9099 Monster 2/53 or $1.9 $ can roll 16 oz.) Chew Grand Re-Opening September 7.8 (,omejointheFUN/ FREE 16 coffee with purchase of lO more gallons of gas $1.59/BAG Marlboro s34ss Complete :s SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page t I i up to 59,185 gallons of Per year tbr non-retail pur- tt 390o West Ch)quallum i¢. Langdon is [he applicant. 9 till grape make grade Cloquallum Road? BWner of Cloquallum Vine- Persons wishing to support or op- I.s applied tbr a license to pose his application should contact ]D,e oes :r I g .' for the decision to Diehl wasn't the only one unhap- te the requirement that the py with the proposals, either. At the ounty Department of Pub- hearing, Skokomish Valley resident hst petition states that the ( .in the county (:ode reinstate rl tion fiirmerly fimnd noncom- i and warns that this could ag a rush to the. window tiason County Department of a lrfity Development by people llt to get official blessing ibr astruction plans befi)re the  s board can act. !l asks whether the provi- ll0wing for reconstruction or tTent of homes in the flood- ', es in the thce of state law he "best availaMe science' ,d It Comes to flood management. Diehl said on Monday that a hearing on the petition filed by his group has been tentatively sched- uled for December 15. If that date is finalized, the petition asks the hear- ings board to address the question of whether the board should declare Mason County to be in noncompli- ance with the Growth Management Act and order the commission to bring its new Flood Damage and Protection Ordinance back into com- pliance within 180 days. A telephone conference about the proposed hear- ing date has been scheduled for Au- gust 30, Diehl said. Taking a breather teacher Kathy Gray. "We are .,o..,,,,,,,W.b,,,,,, hoping that school board mem- . aee c,,cal su,o from action, Shelton 12-year-old on the tournament that drew to the fields bers and staff members from • c=to., st.t ,,- Nw, we.,,, .,,,,, C.,a Olivas (left) gets a visit from morn of Mason County young futbolers num- the past and present will come. C$,p to ,lft,$gl,'/ ) sa during a brief sideline stint at bering in excess of a thousand, turn to We would love to have anyone .... m-. .... , ................ F park last weekend. For more page 21. who has ever volunteered at s, oo,,,.l ,w.Lo¢,u.t¢o, ' Hood Canal School or is just cu-  __ c), To  s. rious to see the school that this  =^. 00minlSslon vote on flood com,,munity has Uuilt will come |'" 4':)'"  " ° too IR(diabh Intelnot Acce,s Since 1 I1 draws fire from Dlehl '" w. Center " " ! ci tinued from page 9.) lic Works inspect the dikes for flood Moirya Dehe also believed it was too :  ,$ , of petitions fi)r review, and safety once every two years and re- soon to approve the amendments.   . AUTOMOT]VE ; er of these have been at the port to the commission on their con- She suggested a list of changes,  t_., l The Professionals R(diable Intelnot Acces Since 1994: b ti0n of Diehl and his group, dition, including clarifications regarding