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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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q 5 PRIZES APLENTY went to the winners of the salmon der- by staged on the shores of Hood Canal. Hood Canal West: Museum has passports to p of some landmarks in SheltGl The Mason:County Historical Society is oflbring an end-of-sum- mer activity to students and par- ents interested in visiting and learning about places of historical interest in downtown Shelton. Families can enroll at the Ma- son County Historical Museum in downtown Shelton, check out a "Passport to Historical Sites" and be on their way. Designed specifically for school- age children and their parents, the passport will take them to tbur historical sites within walk- ing distance of the museum, which is located at the comer of Fifth Street and Railroad Avenue. The passport includes questions about each site and may involve a little extra research. Museum staff will be happy to answer questions and give directions. This activity may take as long as needed and is designed to fit it into every family's schedule. After each site has been visite a!" passport questions passport can be museum where be rewarded with a claring them a tective." The museum at 427 road Avenue is open through Friday from 11 p.m. and on Saturda' to 4 p.m. For more call 426-1020. 100 Years Ago From the August: 23, 1907, Mason Cow nty Journah One of the autos which went to Olympia Sunday overland is said to have been towed back to Shelton the next day and the pedestrians have not all the woes. No new cases of smallpox have de- veloped in the Krise family and the patient in the County pest house will soon be ready for release. A number of people about town are nursing sore arms, the alter ef[bct of vaccination. mail-related crimes. The anchor from a log barge dam- aged an underwater telephone cable Tuesday morning in Oakland Bay, which knocked out service to 1,800 phone lines in an area that included Shorecrest, Agate and Harstine Is- land. 35 Years Ago From the August 24, 1972, Shelton. Mason County Journah A proposition on the November general election ballot to finance a new city library took another step for- Harpster's k"  lakes ward at the city commission meeting [ kfe Tuesday. The commission voted to put Most sizes crush red into $hel a proposition for a 10-year bond issue on the ballot. fishin00: derby One for $185. Special savings to outlying areas. prize at Spence L. Stewart, 26, of 405 East 25th, Vancouver, suffered a broken - ankle and numerous cuts and bruises on the back of his head at the Mason By DONNA C. MARTINSEN the Losers Raffle received great [ Plus tax Pr Vces sbiect to cha witho, n ti¢ County rodeo grounds parkinglot Sat- [ Last weekend Hood Canal prizes- everything except a big urday evening sholly before 10 p.m. was full of fishing boats with fish: poles with reels, smokers, I The state patrol, which investigated most of them striving to win maps and such electronics as the accident, said Stewart was sleep- the to rizes in the seventh fish finders and software for the P P .......... ' . . . ing in the tall grass in the parking annual South Sound Chapter ghbal posltmnmg sYstem, lot when a veh!cle driven by William Salmon Derby of" the Puget I he second- and third-larg- Sehroeder, 47, Shelton, ran over him. Sound Anglers est fish were caught by Allen CONSTRUCTION GRADE The winner of $1,()00 was Pod, who received $750 for -- ,-saVoarsao CRUSHED ROCK- "-55/119 Tim Harpster of" Sumner, with catding a 23.79-pound salmon, a 24.1-pound king salmon, but and Keith Deyo, who brought in From the August 21, 1997, Shelton- 3" Minus "frON there were no losers. Everyone a 23.34-pounder and won $500. Mason County Journal: .o.a. who purchased the $25 ticket The remaining seven winners A 10-year employee of the Shelton but did not catch a prize-win- received first choice of the many Post Office was identified in Mason Call for a,,eta' ning fish was entered in the Losers Raffle and the winners of Discover art of geocaching Local "geocachers" and those who would like to learn how to geocache are invited to Geocach- ing 101. This potluck event will run from noon to 4 p.m. on Satur- day, September 1, at Loop Field, located at 10th and Franklin streets in downtown Shelton. Any- one interested in learning more about geocaching, which involves the use of global positioning sys- tem receivers, is invited to come and bring their families. Partici- pants can play games and enjoy good food. More infbrmation about geocaching is available at: www, geocaehing.eom on-line. great prizes. This year more than 300 derby tickets sold. There were 79 fish weighed in, which is a huge jump over the 22 weighed in during last year's derby. There is a steering committee in our area looking at the feasi- bility of a Boys and Girls Club. We have two local experts who have extensive experience with the organization. Mike Bigley was raised in Seattle and has resided in Stetson Cove for over 42 years. Bill Braddock has maintained his home at Ayock Beach for the past 18 years. Both are familiar with the need to establish a program for our youth here on Hood Canal. Mr. Bigley will contact the vice president of the Pacific region of the organization and request support and guidance for the community onhow to proceed. THE LEATHER OPTION These days, leather upholstery is no longer considered to be a luxury option.Thirty percent of the cars now sold in North America have leather interiors, which is up from only 10% two decades ago. Interestingly, in the first automobiles, leather came standard.There was no cloth Upholstery, which was considered to be the luxury material.Then, in the early 1920s, as automo- biles at moderate prices became closed to the elements, mohair upholstery, which mimicked sofa upholstery, began to be offered. In limousines that were produced between the 1920s and 1970s, durable leather seats were largely reserved for the chauffeur com- partment. Cars such as Rolls-Royce retained leather throughout, and the material began to be associated with luxury. I I II Whether you own a luxury car with leather interior, or an economy car that just serves your transportation needs, we know that it is one of your most important possessions.That's why you should have it regularly serviced by the experts atTRANSMISSIONS PLUS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES.We inspect every system: brakes, electrical, A/C, transmission_everything! We'll keep it running in tip-top shape so you will always be able to get where you need to go. Call 360-426-9637, or visit the shop at 31 E. Vance Ct. "We like our will too!" HINT: In the 1980s, the comeback of leather upholstery can be attributed to new manufacturing methods that reduced its cost. ear are ware Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 23, 2007 Located on Highway 101 County Superior Court on Tuesday | between Shelton and Olympia /l A] after her arrest stemming from a con- I Year-round deliverv (360) 'Ji:z--'3t/ tinuing investigation of a rash of local for less than *2 °° per day! Install a Trane central air conditioner or heat pump in your home and be comfortable this year while INCREASING your home s resale value. .{tcd Q uall 8b, -- :" ,,,- - ,,:,o C, afl today for your FREE l i :  in-home estimate/ Ill , Comfort i I CAPITAL 360 491 7450 [ HEATING & COOLING ¢,,rvinn/IAenn I?.n, nh/oin,,,, .,,..,,o. -- Custom Sheet Metal-- uut m n,uou uuuHty o uu u q 5 PRIZES APLENTY went to the winners of the salmon der- by staged on the shores of Hood Canal. Hood Canal West: Museum has passports to p of some landmarks in SheltGl The Mason:County Historical Society is oflbring an end-of-sum- mer activity to students and par- ents interested in visiting and learning about places of historical interest in downtown Shelton. Families can enroll at the Ma- son County Historical Museum in downtown Shelton, check out a "Passport to Historical Sites" and be on their way. Designed specifically for school- age children and their parents, the passport will take them to tbur historical sites within walk- ing distance of the museum, which is located at the comer of Fifth Street and Railroad Avenue. The passport includes questions about each site and may involve a little extra research. Museum staff will be happy to answer questions and give directions. This activity may take as long as needed and is designed to fit it into every family's schedule. After each site has been visite a!" passport questions passport can be museum where be rewarded with a claring them a tective." The museum at 427 road Avenue is open through Friday from 11 p.m. and on Saturda' to 4 p.m. For more call 426-1020. 100 Years Ago From the August: 23, 1907, Mason Cow nty Journah One of the autos which went to Olympia Sunday overland is said to have been towed back to Shelton the next day and the pedestrians have not all the woes. No new cases of smallpox have de- veloped in the Krise family and the patient in the County pest house will soon be ready for release. A number of people about town are nursing sore arms, the alter ef[bct of vaccination. mail-related crimes. The anchor from a log barge dam- aged an underwater telephone cable Tuesday morning in Oakland Bay, which knocked out service to 1,800 phone lines in an area that included Shorecrest, Agate and Harstine Is- land. 35 Years Ago From the August 24, 1972, Shelton. Mason County Journah A proposition on the November general election ballot to finance a new city library took another step for- Harpster's k"  lakes ward at the city commission meeting [ kfe Tuesday. The commission voted to put Most sizes crush red into $hel a proposition for a 10-year bond issue on the ballot. fishin00: derby One for $185. Special savings to outlying areas. prize at Spence L. Stewart, 26, of 405 East 25th, Vancouver, suffered a broken - ankle and numerous cuts and bruises on the back of his head at the Mason By DONNA C. MARTINSEN th e Losers Raffle received great [ Plus tax Pr Vces sbiect to cha witho, n ti¢ County rodeo grounds parkinglot Sat- [ Last weekend Hood Canal prizes- everything except a big urday evening sholly before 10 p.m. was full of fishing boats with fish: poles with reels, smokers, I The state patrol, which investigated most of them striving to win maps and such electronics as the accident, said Stewart was sleep- the to rizes in the seventh fish finders and software for the P P .......... ' . . . ing in the tall grass in the parking annual South Sound Chapter ghbal posltmnmg sYstem, lot when a veh!cle driven by William Salmon Derby of" the Puget I he second- and third-larg- Sehroeder, 47, Shelton, ran over him. Sound Anglers est fish were caught by Allen CONSTRUCTION GRADE The winner of $1,()00 was Pod, who received $750 for -- ,-saVoarsao CRUSHED ROCK- "-55/119 Tim Harpster of" Sumner, with catding a 23.79-pound salmon, a 24.1-pound king salmon, but and Keith Deyo, who brought in From the August 21, 1997, Shelton- 3" Minus "frON there were no losers. Everyone a 23.34-pounder and won $500. Mason County Journal: .o.a. who purchased the $25 ticket The remaining seven winners A 10-year employee of the Shelton but did not catch a prize-win- received first choice of the many Post Office was identified in Mason Call for a,,eta' ning fish was entered in the Losers Raffle and the winners of Discover art of geocaching Local "geocachers" and those who would like to learn how to geocache are invited to Geocach- ing 101. This potluck event will run from noon to 4 p.m. on Satur- day, September 1, at Loop Field, located at 10th and Franklin streets in downtown Shelton. Any- one interested in learning more about geocaching, which involves the use of global positioning sys- tem receivers, is invited to come and bring their families. Partici- pants can play games and enjoy good food. More infbrmation about geocaching is available at: www, geocaehing.eom on-line. great prizes. This year more than 300 derby tickets sold. There were 79 fish weighed in, which is a huge jump over the 22 weighed in during last year's derby. There is a steering committee in our area looking at the feasi- bility of a Boys and Girls Club. We have two local experts who have extensive experience with the organization. Mike Bigley was raised in Seattle and has resided in Stetson Cove for over 42 years. Bill Braddock has maintained his home at Ayock Beach for the past 18 years. Both are familiar with the need to establish a program for our youth here on Hood Canal. Mr. Bigley will contact the vice president of the Pacific region of the organization and request support and guidance for the community onhow to proceed. THE LEATHER OPTION These days, leather upholstery is no longer considered to be a luxury option.Thirty percent of the cars now sold in North America have leather interiors, which is up from only 10% two decades ago. Interestingly, in the first automobiles, leather came standard.There was no cloth Upholstery, which was considered to be the luxury material.Then, in the early 1920s, as automo- biles at moderate prices became closed to the elements, mohair upholstery, which mimicked sofa upholstery, began to be offered. In limousines that were produced between the 1920s and 1970s, durable leather seats were largely reserved for the chauffeur com- partment. Cars such as Rolls-Royce retained leather throughout, and the material began to be associated with luxury. I I II Whether you own a luxury car with leather interior, or an economy car that just serves your transportation needs, we know that it is one of your most important possessions.That's why you should have it regularly serviced by the experts atTRANSMISSIONS PLUS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES.We inspect every system: brakes, electrical, A/C, transmission_everything! We'll keep it running in tip-top shape so you will always be able to get where you need to go. Call 360-426-9637, or visit the shop at 31 E. Vance Ct. "We like our will too!" HINT: In the 1980s, the comeback of leather upholstery can be attributed to new manufacturing methods that reduced its cost. ear are ware Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 23, 2007 Located on Highway 101 County Superior Court on Tuesday | between Shelton and Olympia /l A] after her arrest stemming from a con- I Year-round deliverv (360) 'Ji:z--'3t/ tinuing investigation of a rash of local for less than *2 °° per day! Install a Trane central air conditioner or heat pump in your home and be comfortable this year while INCREASING your home s resale value. .{tcd Q uall 8b, -- :" ,,,- - ,,:,o C, afl today for your FREE l i :  in-home estimate/ Ill , Comfort i I CAPITAL 360 491 7450 [ HEATING & COOLING ¢,,rvinn/IAenn I?.n, nh/oin,,,, .,,..,,o. -- Custom Sheet Metal-- uut m n,uou uuuHty o uu u